friday night live with huhnkie lee 165.3

  • 2 months ago
00:00:00Hello friends. Yeah, welcome to Friday Night Live's Hunky Lee episode 165.3. Okay. Yeah,
00:00:17let's see. Happy Saturday evening. Okay. Now, we did a lot of dancing lately, huh? Okay.
00:00:38Now, let's do martial arts. Okay? Uh, the DOS martial arts. Okay? Yeah.
00:01:08Okay. Okay. Five minutes break, please. Thank you. Yeah, DOS martial arts. Fantastic.
00:05:38Welcome, welcome. Oh, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello,
00:06:06hello. It's very hot today. Even all the way up to like 80s in Alaska. That's, well, it's
00:06:24summertime, so it's not much of a surprise, but still. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Cheers. Yeah.
00:06:42So, I went to Wasilla Lake. Nice park there. Okay. So, yeah. Wonderful families. Beautiful
00:06:54people and birds. Yeah, we have this mallard dog. Dogs and the gulls, lake gulls. It's
00:07:03not seagull. Whatever gull. Good birds. Yeah. After I went to Walmart. Okay. Yeah. Maybe
00:07:19I was there for like one hour. I don't think so. I don't think it was one hour. Maybe 30
00:07:23minutes. It was nice. Yeah. Yeah. Beautiful people and family. Children and very nice.
00:07:40Let's do mathematics just a little bit. Okay. So,
00:07:47because during the Instagram live, yeah, we had some discussion about like,
00:07:50greatest common divisor and stuff. Very inspiring. Yeah. I learned from my friends about mathematics
00:07:58too. Still, greatest common divisor. Well, we have this rather complex formula here, right?
00:08:11Maybe there's an easier way. Because greatest common divisor of six and some other number,
00:08:21it could be one, two, three, or six. There are four cases.
00:08:29It's nice formula. Yes. But maybe there's an easier way to do this.
00:08:36Okay. Our friends inspired me. Okay. So, maybe there's an easier way.
00:08:45It's nice formula. Yeah, it is. And it's correct. Okay. Yeah. Cheers.
00:09:05So, let's do Iverson bracket. Okay. Yeah.
00:09:22x comma six. Greatest common divisor between x and six. Okay.
00:09:41x is a multiple of two,
00:09:57and copy the program. Okay. Yeah. x is also multiple of three.
00:10:06Then, greatest common divisor. Yeah, six. Plus.
00:10:36Even at two by two table. Okay. Yeah.
00:10:44x is multiple of two.
00:10:53And, but x is not multiple of three.
00:10:58Then, greatest common divisor, two.
00:11:16Now, x is not a multiple of two,
00:11:24but x is multiple of three.
00:11:29Then, greatest common divisor. Yeah, three. Okay.
00:11:37Now, x is neither multiple of two nor multiple of three. Okay.
00:11:57Then, one. Okay. Yeah.
00:12:00It's, yeah, we can express this algebraically, too.
00:12:05Yeah, Iverson bracket is kind of like a computer programming. Okay.
00:12:10Let's say Feynman's bracket. Okay. Yeah. Okay.
00:12:16We are making great contributions to mathematics. Oh, yeah, absolutely. Okay.
00:12:19And also, we are having a lot of fun doing it. Okay. So, welcome to Humanology. Okay.
00:12:25Feynman's bracket. Okay. Thank you.
00:12:27Yep. Awesome.
00:12:36There we go. Thank you.
00:12:57Thank you.
00:15:55Let's see.
00:16:00I'm just throwing some ideas here. Okay. Like, brainstorming. So,
00:16:09because as I was driving, I was kind of thinking about this. Okay. So,
00:16:18let's define a function. Okay.
00:16:22So, last digit of multiple function. Okay. Yeah. It's a set function. Okay.
00:16:52So, last digit of multiple of one. Yeah, that's like,
00:17:14okay. Now, last digit of multiple of two.
00:17:29Last digit of multiple of three.
00:17:50Okay. Last digit of multiple of four.
00:17:56Okay. Last digit of multiple of five.
00:18:19Last digit of multiple of six.
00:18:34Last digit of multiple of seven.
00:19:03Last digit of multiple of eight.
00:20:03Last digit of multiple of nine.
00:20:35Multiplication table. Okay. So,
00:21:53last digit of multiple of zero.
00:21:55Okay. Okay. Good.
00:22:08Okay. Let's take five minutes, Greg, and then let's look at some pattern here. Okay. So,
00:22:13we're kind of brainstorming. Okay. Yeah. Number theory. Oh, my neck hurts.
00:22:30Having fun with mathematics. Yeah. Five minutes, Greg. Thank you.
00:22:39Okay. Very cool.
00:22:48There we go. Five minutes. Thank you.
00:24:02Thank you.
00:24:32Thank you.
00:25:02Thank you.
00:25:32Thank you.
00:26:02Thank you.
00:26:47Okay. We have come back. We are back.
00:26:56Okay. Yeah. So, let's look at this together.
00:27:08Last digit of multiple function. Okay. So, it's a set function because the output is
00:27:17function. Okay. Input just one digit. Zero to nine. Okay. Yeah.
00:27:26Five is interesting case, right? So, algorithmic complexity to determine whether this input number
00:27:36is a multiple of five or not, that's truly a constant time algorithm.
00:27:42Big O notation. Okay. Because we just need to look at the last digit.
00:27:49If it's zero or five, there's a multiple of five. Otherwise, it's not multiple of five. Okay.
00:27:55That's truest constant time algorithm. Okay.
00:28:06when it comes to two, four, six, eight, well, zero, it's constant time algorithm too.
00:28:14Okay. We just need to look at this input, whether this input number is multiple of two or not.
00:28:22We just need to look at the very last digit. It could be a very big number, but we don't care
00:28:27about how big that number is. We just need to look at the very last digit of that number, like
00:28:331001 or 1002. If the last digit is an even number, zero, two, four, six, eight,
00:28:42two, four, six, eight, then it's multiple of two. Okay. But
00:28:58when it comes to number four,
00:29:05it's more complicated. Just looking at the last digit, that's not enough.
00:29:1822 is not a multiple of four.
00:29:2312, that is multiple of four. Okay. Yeah. So looking at the last digit, it's not enough.
00:29:42How about three? Yeah. Obviously, looking at the last digit is not enough at all, right? Because
00:29:50it includes everything. Okay. Yeah. So, currently, the algorithm to find the,
00:30:00to determine whether this input number is multiple of three or not, that's log n algorithm.
00:30:07Because we have to add all the digits in that number. So it's log 10, base 10. Okay. Yeah.
00:30:20To determine whether this number is multiple of three or not. Okay. So that's not constant
00:30:25time algorithm. That's a log n algorithm. Okay. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Okay.
00:30:41Okay. So, this formula here,
00:30:53I mean, yeah, it's just one computation. So it's better than Euclidean algorithm. It is. Okay. But
00:31:00is it really constant time algorithm? It may not be. Okay. Because we have this low algebra here.
00:31:07They involve division. Okay. Yeah.
00:31:17It's better than Euclidean algorithm, for sure. It's simpler.
00:31:23But not exactly constant time algorithm though. Okay. It does involve division.
00:31:32Like divide by six. That was the remainder. Okay. Better than Euclidean algorithm.
00:31:41Because it's simpler. Easier to calculate. It is. But is it truly constant time algorithm? Not really.
00:31:49Okay. Because, let's say input number is one million.
00:31:57Now, one million divided by six was the remainder of that. Okay.
00:32:09So, it's not exactly constant time algorithm. Not exactly. Okay. Although better than Euclidean
00:32:15algorithm. Okay. It's simpler. Okay. I just wanted to point that out. Okay. Yeah. But that's fine.
00:32:23Okay. Yeah.
00:32:38Yeah. Cheers.
00:33:11Let's take five minutes break. Okay. Yeah. And then
00:33:18we'll look at this. Okay. Yeah. This is an interesting function.
00:33:23Less digit multiple function. Okay. Yeah. How interesting. Yeah.
00:33:46Right. Yeah. This is interesting. Absolutely. We are contributing to number theory in mathematics.
00:33:52Five minutes. Okay. Thank you. How cool is that?
00:34:04Five minutes. Thank you. Yep.
00:36:55I think it was Carl Friedrich Gauss who found the algorithm to determine a number whether this
00:37:01number is multiple seven or not. That one is a tricky one. That's the most difficult one. Okay.
00:37:07So, multiple of three. Yeah. Just add up all the digits. If it's multiple of three,
00:37:15then it's multiple of three. Okay. So, nine, same way. Okay. Yeah.
00:37:26Okay. I think we did enough mathematics for tonight. Okay. So,
00:37:30happy Saturday evening and let's put it aside. Time check. Okay. Bye.
00:37:37We'll get back to mathematics maybe tomorrow morning. Okay.
00:37:40Bye. Let's not overdo this, you know.
00:37:48It's been more than 30 minutes. Okay. Okay. All right. Let's put this behind us
00:37:57and put it inside the library. Yeah.
00:38:11Yeah. One can play, you know. Yeah.
00:38:40Good times. Yeah.
00:39:10Okay. Hello, friends. Yeah. Welcome to
00:39:21Friday Night Live Don't Kill Me, Instagram live edition. Yeah. Happy Saturday evening. Yeah.
00:39:32It's nice.
00:39:34Yeah. Welcome. Yeah. Welcome, friends. Yeah. Happy Saturday evening. Yeah. Cheers. Yeah.
00:39:51Welcome. Yeah.
00:39:55Yeah. Good times.
00:40:05Mm-hmm. Oh, thank you. Yeah. Thank you.
00:40:14Yeah. Happy Saturday. Yeah. Thank you.
00:40:23Oh, yeah.
00:40:26Happy Saturday.
00:40:27Yeah. Yeah. Cheers. Yeah.
00:40:37It's like 9.30 p.m. It's kind of late.
00:40:45Yeah, but I took a nap, so wide awake, and yeah.
00:40:58Okay. Okay. Okay. Yeah, I'm doing good. I went to a park, and
00:41:07Wasilla Lake Park in Alaska, and yeah, it was nice. Yeah.
00:41:17Beautiful people there.
00:41:27Hot summer day. Today in Alaska, it went all the way up to the 80s. Fair night. Celsius?
00:41:3625 Celsius. Yeah, so a lot of people swam in the lake. Yeah.
00:41:47Me? I did not swim. I just sat down and took some pictures. Yeah. Good birds.
00:41:57And they bring their dogs. Nice. Yeah. Yeah.
00:42:03Good people, good animals. Yeah.
00:42:09Like mallard ducks and gulls. Yeah. My favorite bird?
00:42:22I like
00:42:27woodpeckers. Woodpeckers. Yeah. I took a picture of lake, ducks, and gull, like seagull, lake gull,
00:42:52Gustad? Is it Dutch?
00:42:59It sounds very European to me. Okay. Okay.
00:43:11I guess stad means like state, country, maybe?
00:43:29I like duck, meat. What's your favorite bird?
00:43:39Oh, yeah. Of course, I love you. Yeah, that's a given. Yeah. Because without saying, okay.
00:43:47Bold eagle? Yeah. Oh, shoebill. Yeah, that's an interesting bird. Yeah.
00:43:54Shoebill. The bill looks like a shoe, right? Good choice. Yeah, it's a very interesting bird. Yeah,
00:44:02shoebill. Yeah, bold eagle. Yeah, we have a lot of them in Alaska. And
00:44:13one time, they actually, one bold eagle came to my yard, backyard. It was sitting on top of a tree.
00:44:23Yeah, they're beautiful. Yeah, yeah. Bold eagle. Yeah, yeah.
00:44:30Platypus? Yeah, it has this bill, right? Yeah, it does look like a bird, actually. Yeah,
00:44:35yeah. They live in Austria, I guess. Yeah, yeah.
00:44:43National animal? I guess it's bold eagle, America. Yeah, I think that's a good choice. Yeah,
00:44:51yeah. Bold eagle. It's a beautiful bird, right? Yeah, yeah. But if I want to change it to another
00:44:58animal, maybe grizzly. That's like animal of California, I guess. Grizzly bear, brown bear.
00:45:14Yeah, yeah.
00:45:28Welcome. Cheers, friends.
00:45:37Yeah. Now, let's take five minutes break, okay? I need some vocal rest.
00:45:40I'm 46. I'm old. I need some vocal rest, okay? Welcome, friends. Yeah,
00:45:44five minutes break. Okay, thank you. Yeah, welcome. Good evening. Yeah, yeah.
00:45:53Oh, people. Yeah, that's nice dog. Yeah, yeah. Okay, five minutes. Thank you. Very cool. Yeah.
00:48:16Nice evening, huh?
00:48:21Yes. Oh, wow. You do mathematics. Oh, nice.
00:48:37Very cool. Mighty proud. Mighty proud.
00:48:46Well, to multiply two matrix, it has to match, though. First matrix, it's
00:48:58number of columns, and then second matrix, number of rows. It has to match, right? Yeah,
00:49:04to do the matrix multiplication, right? Yeah, so, right? Yeah.
00:49:14And over there, you have a one by three matrix and another one by three matrix. Yeah, so the
00:49:21number of columns does not match the number of rows of the second matrix, okay? So,
00:49:26you cannot calculate that, okay? But you can define it. Brand new matrix multiplication.
00:49:32Yeah, you can define it. Yeah. And derivative, okay? 6x plus, oh, no, no, no. 6x squared plus
00:49:478x. Yeah, that would be the derivative of that. And integral of that would be
00:49:551 half times x to the fourth minus 5x. Yeah, that would be integral of that.
00:50:14How often do I go to thrift shop? Last time I went there was like a month ago.
00:50:24I bought some, oh, thank you. Yeah, thank you. The second-hand goods store, I went there about a
00:50:32month ago to buy some vase for flowers, a glass jar to use as a vase for flowers. Yeah, cheers, yeah.
00:50:46My favorite juice would be lemonade or limeade.
00:50:56Yeah. So, it's like when life gives you a lemon,
00:51:07when life gives you a lemon, yeah, make a lemonade. Okay.
00:51:12Yeah. Yeah. Limeade, lemonade, yeah, two of my favorite. Because it's just so healthy,
00:51:24vitamin C, you know? Yeah, cheers, yeah.
00:51:31Oh, yeah.
00:51:35I also like coconut juice.
00:51:37My favorite cocktail? I like vodka.
00:51:48Yeah, this Chaga mushroom vodka, okay? Chaga vodka that I picked in Alaska, okay? Park, yeah.
00:51:54Cheers, yeah.
00:51:59Who's my favorite hero?
00:52:01Um, it's not Albert Einstein, okay? Actually, it was Jean-Henri Favre. He's a French entomologist.
00:52:15Jean-Henri Favre, French entomologist. Entomology is study of insects.
00:52:25And I read his biography. I was so fascinated because I love insects, you know, as a child.
00:52:36In Alaska, yeah, we have vodka, whiskey, pretty much the same thing. But I put
00:52:42Alaskan Chaga in the vodka, okay? It's a good mushroom, very healthy. Yeah, cheers.
00:52:51What law do I practice? I practice civil law, like workers' compensation, personal injury,
00:52:58yeah, civil cases, okay? Very cool. Now, let's take five minutes break. I need some vocal rest,
00:53:04okay? I'm old, man. I'm 46. Okay, welcome. Five minutes break, please. Thank you. Good evening.
00:53:12Okay, five minutes break. Thank you. Yep. Yeah, thank you for the participation.
00:53:18Oh, yeah, yeah. Thank you for your interest. Yeah, I did disprove both special and general
00:53:29relativity theories of Einstein. Yeah, in Vixler, that all, yeah. Thank you. Now,
00:53:36five minutes break, okay? Thank you. Welcome. Yeah. Very cool.
00:56:10Okay, we are back. Welcome back. Yeah, so welcome, yeah? Okay. Oh, yeah.
00:56:32Yeah. Oh, thank you. Yeah, I love you, too. Yeah, yeah.
00:56:43Comic book characters, I like Superman. Yeah, yeah. Nice costume, by the way. Yeah.
00:56:51Mm-hmm. Yeah. I really like the Superman movie, like Mr. Director,
00:57:06John Williams. That guy's a genius, right?
00:57:27Oh, Superman movie, huge fan. Oh, Christopher Reeves, right? Handsome guy, yeah. Cheers.
00:57:41Christopher Reeves, yeah, Superman, right? He is actually, yeah, he's big muscle,
00:57:46But he also is a very smart man. He went to Cornell University, Ivy League, OK?
00:57:53Yeah, he's a smart guy, yeah.
00:57:58He's a handsome, Christopher Reeves, Superman, right?
00:58:02He's handsome, muscular, and also very smart.
00:58:06And a very good actor as well, yeah. Cheers, yeah.
00:58:09What's my favorite case?
00:58:22Helping out poor people, yeah.
00:58:26Like workers' compensation.
00:58:28Like people get injured in their job, right?
00:58:31Construction workers, OK?
00:58:33So helping them out, you know?
00:58:36Yeah, it's a very rewarding experience.
00:58:43Oh yeah, Christopher Reeves? Yeah, I agree with you.
00:58:50He's kind of a perfect human being, right?
00:58:53He's handsome, muscular, also smart.
00:59:00Yeah, Christopher Reeves, yeah.
00:59:03Keanu Reeves of The Matrix movie.
00:59:05Yeah, he's good too, yeah.
00:59:10Oh yeah, yeah. Cheers, yeah.
00:59:25OK, yeah, movie theater.
00:59:27Yeah, thank you for your service.
00:59:28Oh yeah.
00:59:29Oh, movie theater is fantastic, yeah.
00:59:34It's a very cool place.
00:59:39The last time I've been to a movie theater,
00:59:41it was like five months ago in Wasilla, Alaska, yeah.
00:59:53I had some hot dogs, yeah, and like nacho
01:00:00with this cheesy dip, yeah, yeah, yeah.
01:00:09Yeah, I came to Alaska back in 2015, nine years ago.
01:00:18I came here because I wanted to enjoy the wild nature,
01:00:24as I saw in the documentaries and TV shows.
01:00:27Before that, I was in Ann Arbor, Michigan, law school,
01:00:30so I was just fascinated by watching this TV show,
01:00:33Alaskan TV show and documentaries.
01:00:37I wanted to be part of that adventure in Alaska.
01:00:42That's why I came, yeah.
01:00:44The very first day I came, yeah, from Detroit, Michigan
01:00:49to Ann Arbor, Michigan airport, it was very quiet.
01:00:57Yeah, the last frontier, right?
01:01:02There's this sense of emptiness.
01:01:14It was a little bit unsettling feeling
01:01:17because I looked around and there's nobody.
01:01:23It's like back in the days,
01:01:27the TV show like, what was that?
01:01:44The Twilight Zone, it was like,
01:01:46there's just nobody here, okay, so, yeah.
01:01:51Yeah, Chris McAndless, yeah, yeah, yeah.
01:01:53I read his biography about him, yeah, yeah.
01:02:01Yeah, Chris McAndless, yeah, I read his biography, yeah.
01:02:08Yeah, The Twilight Zone, right?
01:02:09Yeah, it was bizarre.
01:02:13Favorite activity in Alaska?
01:02:15I like snowboarding, yeah, and skateboarding, yeah.
01:02:25Oh yeah, Fairbanks, yeah, yeah, yeah.
01:02:27Been there many times, great city, yeah.
01:02:32Yeah, so, it was a little bit scary.
01:02:39First time in Alaska, the very first day, okay.
01:02:41I just looked around and there's no people.
01:02:43It's like empty, but very well paved road, sidewalk, clean.
01:02:51I'm talking about Anchorage Airport, okay.
01:02:54But I looked around and there's no people.
01:02:58Yeah, I look at the mountain.
01:03:00It was late May, 2015.
01:03:06Yeah, it was quite chilly.
01:03:09The wind.
01:03:12And looking around, yeah, there's just no people, okay.
01:03:25Yeah, yeah, Twilight Zone, yeah.
01:03:34Right, yeah, thank you.
01:03:35Okay, thank you.
01:03:37Okay, let's take five minutes break, okay?
01:03:38And some vocalists, okay?
01:03:39Thank you, yeah.
01:03:40Good evening.
01:03:41Welcome, welcome, yeah.
01:03:43Yeah, thank you for your contribution, friends.
01:03:48Now, time to look.
01:03:51Okay, it's been more than one hour.
01:03:53Okay, I keep track of time, okay?
01:03:55Five minutes break, please.
01:03:56Thank you, yeah.
01:03:58Very cool.
01:04:03Yeah, welcome to Alaska, yeah.
01:04:13Yeah, in Alaska, some more like midnight sun, right?
01:04:17Yeah, broad daylight at like, what, 10 p.m.?
01:04:22Still like this, okay?
01:04:24Five minutes, thank you.
01:04:35Thank you.
01:05:05Thank you.
01:05:06Thank you.
01:05:07Thank you.
01:05:08Thank you.
01:05:09Thank you.
01:05:10Thank you.
01:05:11Thank you.
01:05:12Thank you.
01:05:13Thank you.
01:05:14Thank you.
01:05:15Thank you.
01:05:16Thank you.
01:05:17Thank you.
01:05:18Thank you.
01:05:19Thank you.
01:05:20Thank you.
01:05:21Thank you.
01:05:22Thank you.
01:05:23Thank you.
01:05:24Thank you.
01:05:25Thank you.
01:05:26Thank you.
01:05:27Thank you.
01:05:28Thank you.
01:05:29Thank you.
01:05:30Thank you.
01:05:31Thank you.
01:05:32Thank you.
01:05:33Thank you.
01:05:34Thank you.
01:05:35Thank you.
01:05:36Thank you.
01:05:37Thank you.
01:05:38Thank you.
01:05:39Thank you.
01:05:40Thank you.
01:05:41Thank you.
01:05:42Thank you.
01:05:43Thank you.
01:05:44Thank you.
01:05:45Thank you.
01:05:46Thank you.
01:05:47Thank you.
01:05:48Thank you.
01:05:49Thank you.
01:05:50Thank you.
01:05:51Thank you.
01:05:52Thank you.
01:05:53Thank you.
01:05:54Thank you.
01:05:55Thank you.
01:05:56Thank you.
01:05:57Thank you.
01:05:58Thank you.
01:05:59Thank you.
01:06:00Thank you.
01:06:01Thank you.
01:06:02Thank you.
01:06:03Thank you.
01:06:04Thank you.
01:06:05Thank you.
01:06:06Thank you.
01:06:07Thank you.
01:06:08Thank you.
01:06:09Thank you.
01:06:10Thank you.
01:06:11Thank you.
01:06:12Thank you.
01:06:13Thank you.
01:06:14Thank you.
01:06:15Thank you.
01:06:16Thank you.
01:06:17Thank you.
01:06:18Thank you.
01:06:19Thank you.
01:06:20Thank you.
01:06:21Thank you.
01:06:22Thank you.
01:06:23Thank you.
01:06:24Thank you.
01:06:25Thank you.
01:06:26Thank you.
01:06:27Thank you.
01:06:28Thank you.
01:06:29Thank you.
01:06:30Thank you.
01:06:31Thank you.
01:06:32Thank you.
01:06:33Thank you.
01:06:34Thank you.
01:06:35Thank you for your contribution, friends.
01:06:37Thank you.
01:06:39Well, it gets dark in the winter.
01:06:44You start to get dark during the autumn, fall season.
01:07:27What is my favorite song?
01:07:41My favorite song to sing.
01:07:43How about the Beatles?
01:07:45Do do do do do do shine
01:07:53Watch us fire
01:07:57Yeah, right, yeah the beatles yeah
01:08:00Because it's very natural, right? Yeah nature
01:08:05You sing better than I do. I know that
01:08:11Oh, yeah Beatles
01:08:13Yeah, the Rooftop concert, right, back in the days, yeah.
01:08:20Cheers, yeah.
01:08:24Oh, yeah.
01:08:26Thank you, yeah.
01:08:30Yeah, karaoke is very healthy, happy, yeah.
01:08:36Yeah, good choice.
01:08:38Karaoke is great, yeah.
01:08:40Cheers, yeah.
01:08:49Very cool, yeah.
01:08:59This is another chef mushroom in Alaska, which is edible.
01:09:04It's called artist's conch, or something like that, I guess.
01:09:10So, yeah, chef mushroom, edible.
01:09:16I just put vodka in there, yeah.
01:09:19Oh, sure, sure, yeah, sure, yeah.
01:09:26So, I'm in Wasilla, Alaska, but when I first came to Alaska back in, like, 2015, nine years ago,
01:09:35I lived in Anchorage, and I saw the moose for the very first time.
01:09:42It was like...
01:09:45Yeah, edible mushroom, yeah.
01:09:47Hmm? And vodka, yeah.
01:09:48Cheers, yeah.
01:09:54So, you live in Fairbanks, so you know what moose look like, right?
01:10:02It's halfway between, like, ox and horse.
01:10:06Big, big animal.
01:10:09I was like, wow.
01:10:15I'm in Wasilla, so they come to my yard sometimes, okay?
01:10:19Always welcome guests, okay, to moose.
01:10:22It's, like, big.
01:10:25I was like, wow.
01:10:27That's some big animal.
01:10:38It was Kincaid Park in, like, southwest Alaska.
01:10:47Yeah, Joe Lake.
01:10:49I live in an apartment there in Anchorage, okay?
01:10:59Okay, okay.
01:11:01Rocky Mountains, Canada.
01:11:06Oh, nice.
01:11:08Nice, nice.
01:11:10I love Canada, yeah, Rocky Mountains.
01:11:12Very cool, yeah.
01:11:22Yeah, yeah.
01:11:25I'm kind of local celebrity, okay?
01:11:29Sometimes our friends, yeah, we take selfies together, yeah.
01:11:35Some of them know that I am running for your president, yeah.
01:11:41I'm very grateful, yeah.
01:11:45Oh, yeah.
01:11:47Cheers, yeah.
01:12:04So, like, Kincaid Park in Anchorage, right?
01:12:09Kind of next to Joe Lake, maybe 10 minutes drive where I live.
01:12:15Yeah, moose.
01:12:17I was like, wow, this is a big animal.
01:12:25It was magical experience.
01:12:29They're out there in the wild.
01:12:34Not in a zoo, so there's no fence.
01:12:39Separating this big Alaska moose and me.
01:12:43So it was a little bit scary.
01:12:45It was, yeah, yeah.
01:12:55Yes, yes, yeah, moose, yeah, you're right.
01:12:58I agree with you.
01:13:00Like, they love salt.
01:13:02So they do lick the car.
01:13:06Because, like, in Alaska, a lot of snow during wintertime, right?
01:13:10So they put some salt on the road and moose lick the car, right?
01:13:14Yeah, yeah.
01:13:16Yeah, I agree with you.
01:13:18It's funny.
01:13:19Yep, yep.
01:13:26Oh, yeah.
01:13:27Yeah, moose can be bigger than some car, right?
01:13:30Yeah, I agree with you.
01:13:41Yeah, yeah.
01:13:43Now, let's take five minutes break, okay?
01:13:45I'm a vocalist.
01:13:46I'm old.
01:13:47I'm 46, okay?
01:13:48Five minutes break, please.
01:13:49Thank you.
01:13:50Thank you for your contribution.
01:13:51Thank you.
01:13:52Yeah, yeah.
01:13:54Five minutes break.
01:13:57Very cool.
01:14:26Thank you.
01:14:27Thank you.
01:14:28Thank you.
01:14:29Thank you.
01:14:30Thank you.
01:14:31Thank you.
01:14:32Thank you.
01:14:33Thank you.
01:14:34Thank you.
01:14:35Thank you.
01:14:36Thank you.
01:14:37Thank you.
01:14:38Thank you.
01:14:39Thank you.
01:14:40Thank you.
01:14:41Thank you.
01:14:42Thank you.
01:14:43Thank you.
01:14:44Thank you.
01:14:45Thank you.
01:14:46Thank you.
01:14:47Thank you.
01:14:48Thank you.
01:14:49Thank you.
01:14:50Thank you.
01:14:51Thank you.
01:14:52Thank you.
01:14:53Thank you.
01:14:54Thank you.
01:14:55Thank you.
01:14:56Thank you.
01:14:57Thank you.
01:14:58Thank you.
01:14:59Thank you.
01:15:00Thank you.
01:15:01Thank you.
01:15:02Thank you.
01:15:03Thank you.
01:15:04Thank you.
01:15:05Thank you.
01:15:06Thank you.
01:15:07Thank you.
01:15:08Thank you.
01:15:09Thank you.
01:15:10Thank you.
01:15:11Thank you.
01:15:12Thank you.
01:15:13Thank you.
01:15:14Thank you.
01:15:15Thank you.
01:15:16Thank you.
01:15:17Thank you.
01:15:18Thank you.
01:15:19Thank you.
01:15:20Thank you.
01:15:21Thank you.
01:15:22Thank you.
01:15:23Thank you.
01:15:24Thank you.
01:15:25Thank you.
01:15:26Thank you.
01:15:27Thank you.
01:15:28Thank you.
01:15:29Thank you.
01:15:30Thank you.
01:15:31Thank you.
01:15:32Thank you.
01:15:33Thank you.
01:15:34Thank you.
01:15:35Thank you.
01:15:36Thank you.
01:15:37Thank you.
01:15:38Thank you.
01:15:39Thank you.
01:15:40Thank you.
01:15:41Thank you.
01:15:42Thank you.
01:15:43Thank you.
01:15:44Thank you.
01:15:45Thank you.
01:15:46Thank you.
01:15:47Thank you.
01:15:48Thank you.
01:15:49Thank you.
01:15:50Thank you.
01:15:51Thank you.
01:15:52Thank you.
01:15:53Thank you.
01:15:54Thank you.
01:15:55Thank you.
01:15:56Thank you.
01:15:57Thank you.
01:15:58Thank you.
01:15:59Thank you.
01:16:00Thank you.
01:16:01Thank you.
01:16:02Thank you.
01:16:03Thank you.
01:16:04Thank you.
01:16:05Thank you.
01:16:06Thank you.
01:16:07Thank you.
01:16:08Thank you.
01:16:09Thank you.
01:16:10Thank you.
01:16:11Thank you.
01:16:12Thank you.
01:16:13Thank you.
01:16:14Thank you.
01:16:15Thank you.
01:16:16Thank you.
01:16:17Thank you.
01:16:18Thank you.
01:16:19Thank you.
01:16:20Thank you.
01:16:21Thank you.
01:16:22Thank you.
01:16:23Thank you.
01:16:24Thank you.
01:16:25Thank you.
01:16:26Thank you.
01:16:27Thank you.
01:16:28Thank you.
01:16:29Thank you.
01:16:30Thank you.
01:16:31Thank you.
01:16:32Thank you.
01:16:33Thank you.
01:16:34Thank you.
01:16:35Thank you.
01:16:36Thank you.
01:16:37Thank you.
01:16:38Thank you.
01:16:39Thank you.
01:16:40Thank you.
01:16:41Thank you.
01:16:42Thank you.
01:16:43Thank you.
01:16:44Thank you.
01:16:45Thank you.
01:16:46Thank you.
01:16:47Thank you.
01:16:48Thank you.
01:16:49Thank you.
01:16:50Thank you.
01:16:51Thank you.
01:16:52Thank you.
01:16:53Thank you.
01:16:54Thank you.
01:16:55Thank you.
01:16:56Thank you.
01:16:57Thank you.
01:16:58Thank you.
01:16:59Thank you.
01:17:00Thank you.
01:17:01Thank you.
01:17:02Thank you.
01:17:03Thank you.
01:17:04Thank you.
01:17:05Thank you.
01:17:06Thank you.
01:17:07Thank you.
01:17:08Thank you.
01:17:09Thank you.
01:17:10Thank you.
01:17:11Thank you.
01:17:12Thank you.
01:17:13Thank you.
01:17:14Thank you.
01:17:15Thank you.
01:17:16Thank you.
01:17:17Thank you.
01:17:18Thank you.
01:17:19Thank you.
01:17:20Thank you.
01:17:21Thank you.
01:17:22Thank you.
01:17:23Thank you.
01:17:24Thank you.
01:17:25Thank you.
01:17:26Thank you.
01:17:27Thank you.
01:17:28Thank you.
01:17:29Thank you.
01:17:30Thank you.
01:17:31Thank you.
01:17:32Thank you.
01:17:33Thank you.
01:17:34Thank you.
01:17:35Thank you.
01:17:36Thank you.
01:17:37Thank you.
01:17:38Thank you.
01:17:39Thank you.
01:17:40Thank you.
01:17:41Thank you.
01:17:42Thank you.
01:17:43Thank you.
01:17:44Thank you.
01:17:45Thank you.
01:17:46Thank you.
01:17:47Thank you.
01:17:48Thank you.
01:17:49Thank you.
01:17:50Thank you.
01:17:51Thank you.
01:17:52Thank you.
01:17:53Thank you.
01:17:54Thank you.
01:17:55Thank you.
01:17:56Thank you.
01:17:57Thank you.
01:17:58Thank you.
01:17:59Thank you.
01:18:00Thank you.
01:18:01Thank you.
01:18:02Thank you.
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01:18:04Thank you.
01:18:05Thank you.
01:18:06Thank you.
01:18:07Thank you.
01:18:08Thank you.
01:18:09Thank you.
01:18:10Thank you.
01:18:11Thank you.
01:18:12Thank you.
01:18:13Thank you.
01:18:14Thank you.
01:18:15Thank you.
01:18:16Thank you.
01:18:17Thank you.
01:18:18Thank you.
01:18:19Thank you.
01:18:20Thank you.
01:18:21Thank you.
01:18:22Thank you.
01:18:23Thank you.
01:18:24Thank you.
01:18:25Thank you.
01:18:26Thank you.
01:18:27Thank you.
01:18:28Thank you.
01:18:29Thank you.
01:18:30Thank you.
01:18:31Thank you.
01:18:32Thank you.
01:18:33Thank you.
01:18:34Thank you.
01:18:35Thank you.
01:18:36Thank you.
01:18:37Thank you.
01:18:38Thank you.
01:18:39Thank you.
01:18:40Thank you.
01:18:41Thank you.
01:18:42Thank you.
01:18:43Thank you.
01:18:44Thank you.
01:18:45Thank you.
01:18:46Thank you.
01:18:47Thank you.
01:18:48Thank you.
01:18:49Thank you.
01:18:50Thank you.
01:18:51Thank you.
01:18:52Thank you.
01:18:53Thank you.
01:18:54Thank you.
01:18:55Thank you.
01:18:56Thank you.
01:18:57Thank you.
01:18:58Thank you.
01:18:59Thank you.
01:19:00Thank you.
01:19:01Thank you.
01:19:02Thank you.
01:19:03Thank you.
01:19:04Thank you.
01:19:05Thank you.
01:19:06Thank you.
01:19:07Thank you.
01:19:08Thank you.
01:19:09Thank you.
01:19:10Thank you.
01:19:11Thank you.
01:19:12Thank you.
01:19:13Thank you.
01:19:14Thank you.
01:19:15Thank you.
01:19:16Thank you.
01:19:17Thank you.
01:19:18Thank you.
01:19:19Thank you.
01:19:20Thank you.
01:19:21Thank you.
01:19:22Thank you.
01:19:23Thank you.
01:19:24Thank you.
01:19:25Thank you.
01:19:26Thank you.
01:19:27Thank you.
01:19:28Thank you.
01:19:29Thank you.
01:19:30Thank you.
01:19:31Thank you.
01:19:32Thank you.
01:19:33Thank you.
01:19:34Thank you.
01:19:35Thank you.
01:19:36Thank you.
01:19:37Thank you.
01:19:38Thank you.
01:19:39Thank you.
01:19:40Thank you.
01:19:41Thank you.
01:19:42Thank you.
01:19:43Thank you.
01:19:44Thank you.
01:19:45Thank you.
01:19:46Thank you.
01:19:47Thank you.
01:19:48Thank you.
01:19:49Thank you.
01:19:50Thank you.
01:19:51Thank you.
01:19:52Thank you.
01:19:53Thank you.
01:19:54Thank you.
01:19:55Thank you.
01:19:56Thank you.
01:19:57Thank you.
01:19:58Thank you.
01:19:59Thank you.
01:20:00Thank you.
01:20:01Thank you.
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01:20:10Thank you.
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01:20:14Thank you.
01:20:15Thank you.
01:20:16Thank you.
01:20:17Thank you.
01:20:18Thank you.
01:20:19Thank you.
01:20:20Thank you.
01:20:21Thank you.
01:20:22Thank you.
01:20:23Thank you.
01:20:24Thank you.
01:20:25Thank you.
01:20:26Thank you.
01:20:27Thank you.
01:20:28Thank you.
01:20:29Thank you.
01:20:30Thank you.
01:20:31Thank you.
01:20:32Thank you.
01:20:33Thank you.
01:20:34Thank you.
01:20:35Thank you.
01:20:36Thank you.
01:20:37Thank you.
01:20:38Thank you.
01:20:39Thank you.
01:20:40Thank you.
01:20:41Thank you.
01:20:42Thank you.
01:20:43Thank you.
01:20:44Thank you.
01:20:45Thank you.
01:20:46Thank you.
01:20:47Thank you.
01:20:48Thank you.
01:20:49Thank you.
01:20:50Thank you.
01:20:51Thank you.
01:20:52Thank you.
01:20:53Thank you.
01:20:54Thank you.
01:20:55Thank you.
01:20:56Thank you.
01:20:57Thank you.
01:20:58Thank you.
01:20:59Thank you.
01:21:00Thank you.
01:21:01Thank you.
01:21:02Thank you.
01:21:03Thank you.
01:21:04Thank you.
01:21:05Thank you.
01:21:06Thank you.
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01:21:09Thank you.
01:21:10Thank you.
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01:21:12Thank you.
01:21:13Thank you.
01:21:14Thank you.
01:21:15Thank you.
01:21:16Thank you.
01:21:17Thank you.
01:21:18Thank you.
01:21:19Thank you.
01:21:20Thank you.
01:21:21Thank you.
01:21:22Thank you.
01:21:23Thank you.
01:21:24Thank you.
01:21:25Thank you.
01:21:26Thank you.
01:21:27Thank you.
01:21:28Thank you.
01:21:29Thank you.
01:21:30Thank you.
01:21:31Thank you.
01:21:32Thank you.
01:21:33Thank you.
01:21:34Thank you.
01:21:35Thank you.
01:21:36Thank you.
01:21:37Thank you.
01:21:38Thank you.
01:21:39Thank you.
01:21:40Thank you.
01:21:41Thank you.
01:21:42Thank you.
01:21:43Thank you.
01:21:44Thank you.
01:21:45Thank you.
01:21:46Thank you.
01:21:47Thank you.
01:21:48Thank you.
01:21:49Thank you.
01:21:50Thank you.
01:21:51Thank you.
01:21:52Thank you.
01:21:53Thank you.
01:21:54Thank you.
01:21:55Thank you.
01:21:56Thank you.
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01:22:00Thank you.
01:22:01Thank you.
01:22:02Thank you.
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01:22:04Thank you.
01:22:05Thank you.
01:22:06Thank you.
01:22:07Thank you.
01:22:08Thank you.
01:22:09Thank you.
01:22:10Thank you.
01:22:11Thank you.
01:22:12Thank you.
01:22:13Thank you.
01:22:14Thank you.
01:22:15Thank you.
01:22:16Thank you.
01:22:17Thank you.
01:22:18Thank you.
01:22:19Thank you.
01:22:20Thank you.
01:22:21Thank you.
01:22:22Thank you.
01:22:23Thank you.
01:22:24Thank you.
01:22:25Thank you.
01:22:26Thank you.
01:22:27Thank you.
01:22:28Thank you.
01:22:29Thank you.
01:22:30Thank you.
01:22:31Thank you.
01:22:32Thank you.
01:22:33Thank you.
01:22:34Thank you.
01:22:35Thank you.
01:22:36Thank you.
01:22:37Thank you.
01:22:38Thank you.
01:22:39Thank you.
01:22:40Thank you.
01:22:41Thank you.
01:22:42Thank you.
01:22:43Thank you.
01:22:44Thank you.
01:22:45Thank you.
01:22:46Thank you.
01:22:47Thank you.
01:22:48Thank you.
01:22:49Thank you.
01:22:50Thank you.
01:22:51Thank you.
01:22:52Thank you.
01:22:53Thank you.
01:22:54Thank you.
01:22:55Thank you.
01:22:56Thank you.
01:22:57Thank you.
01:22:58Thank you.
01:22:59Thank you.
01:23:00Thank you.
01:23:01Thank you.
01:23:02Thank you.
01:23:03Thank you.
01:23:04Thank you.
01:23:05Thank you.
01:23:06Thank you.
01:23:07Thank you.
01:23:08Thank you.
01:23:09Thank you.
01:23:10Thank you.
01:23:11Thank you.
01:23:12Thank you.
01:23:13Thank you.
01:23:14Thank you.
01:23:15Thank you.
01:23:16Thank you.
01:23:17Thank you.
01:23:18Thank you.
01:23:19Thank you.
01:23:20Thank you.
01:23:21Thank you.
01:23:22Thank you.
01:23:23Thank you.
01:23:24Thank you.
01:23:25Thank you.
01:23:26Thank you.
01:23:27Thank you.
01:23:28Thank you.
01:23:29Thank you.
01:23:30Thank you.
01:23:31Thank you.
01:23:32Thank you.
01:23:33Thank you.
01:23:34Thank you.
01:23:35Thank you.
01:23:36Thank you.
01:23:37Thank you.
01:23:38Thank you.
01:23:39Thank you.
01:23:40Thank you.
01:23:41Thank you.
01:23:42Thanks a lot.
01:23:43Thanks a lot.
01:23:44Thank you.
01:23:53Good and also some.
01:23:56Okay, conference.
01:24:00Some dads kind of magic
01:24:04So, yeah,
01:24:06Yeah, I like sushi, yeah.
01:24:12Sushi buffet, yeah, Alaska,
01:24:16we have a lot of Japanese restaurants, yeah, oh yeah.
01:24:23Oh yeah.
01:24:26You wanna join us?
01:24:27Sure, if the internet works, sure.
01:24:32Yeah, welcome, yeah, good evening.
01:24:47I cannot hear you.
01:24:54I cannot hear you.
01:25:00Yeah, there's no sound.
01:25:03I can see you, but I cannot hear you.
01:25:06Can you hear me?
01:25:10Yeah, it's internet connection issue, okay, so, but.
01:25:14Yeah, in Alaska, yeah, there are a lot of like,
01:25:17Japanese restaurants, right, yeah.
01:25:23Yeah, I like sushi, yeah.
01:25:38I cannot hear you.
01:25:40I'm sorry, internet connection issue, okay.
01:25:43Hey, why don't you rejoin and rejoin, okay?
01:25:47I'm in Alaska, so yeah,
01:25:48there's some internet connection issue here, okay?
01:25:51My apologies, okay?
01:25:53But keep on trying, okay, yeah.
01:25:57Yeah, we do have some internet issue, okay, yeah.
01:26:03Yeah, welcome, yeah.
01:26:07Oh, yeah, welcome, welcome, yeah.
01:26:09Hello, Honky.
01:26:12Yeah, yeah, yeah.
01:26:15I've followed you since 2020.
01:26:19Oh, thank you, yeah.
01:26:22Yeah, I look, hi, my friends.
01:26:26Oh, I have friends in here.
01:26:30So, Honky, what do you know about music?
01:26:37Well, you're a very handsome guy, okay?
01:26:40You kind of look like Michael Jackson.
01:26:43Oh, thank you.
01:26:44Yeah, I love Michael Jackson, yeah.
01:26:49Michael Jackson, hello.
01:27:00Teach me some karate moves, Honky.
01:27:03Martial arts?
01:27:06Yeah, martial arts.
01:27:09Okay, how about this?
01:27:11Like a
01:27:15eagle claw.
01:27:18Nice, very nice.
01:27:21Yeah, eagle claw, okay?
01:27:22So, push it back as far as possible, okay?
01:27:27Push it back.
01:27:34As far back as possible, okay?
01:27:37Far back.
01:27:39And then,
01:27:42do this.
01:27:45Oh, shit.
01:27:47You could start out like that.
01:27:52Oh, God, I never know.
01:27:53It's Chinese kung fu.
01:27:56It's Chinese kung fu.
01:27:59It's cool.
01:28:01It's like this, okay?
01:28:04And then, squeeze it in, squeeze it, okay?
01:28:07Like windpipe, okay?
01:28:11Oh, ow.
01:28:13Ah, it's very powerful, yeah.
01:28:18It is.
01:28:18It hurts, though.
01:28:19Yeah, yeah.
01:28:24Eagle claw, yo.
01:28:25Eagle claw.
01:28:26Yeah, Chinese kung fu, okay?
01:28:27Windpipe, like.
01:28:32And then, squeeze it in slowly or fast, okay?
01:28:39I'm gonna get out of your hair, honky.
01:28:41Okay, okay.
01:28:43Bye, thank you.
01:28:44Yeah, thank you.
01:28:45Yeah, yeah.
01:28:50Yeah, it is a very powerful technique
01:28:53in Chinese kung fu.
01:28:55Eagle claw, okay?
01:28:58All right?
01:29:05Oh, oh!
01:29:09I tap out, okay?
01:29:10Yeah, I tap out, okay?
01:29:11I'm kidding, I tap out.
01:29:12I got it, okay?
01:29:13Yeah, I'll be here, okay?
01:29:14I tap out, okay?
01:29:15Just release a bit, okay?
01:29:20There we go.
01:29:22Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
01:29:28Chinese kung fu, eagle claw, okay?
01:29:30Shoo, shoo, shoo.
01:29:39Oh, tap out, tap out, yeah.
01:29:43There we go, okay?
01:29:46Now, let's take five minutes break, okay?
01:29:47Thank you, yeah.
01:29:49It's martial arts, Chinese kung fu, okay?
01:29:52Eagle claw, okay?
01:29:54Five minutes break, thank you, yeah.
01:29:57Oh, yeah.
01:29:59Yeah, welcome to Humanology, yeah.
01:30:02We'll take five minutes break, okay?
01:30:03Thank you, yeah.
01:30:05Welcome, welcome, yeah.
01:30:15Very cool, yeah.
01:30:21There we go.
01:30:38There we go.
01:30:51There we go.
01:30:52There we go.
01:30:53There we go.
01:30:54There we go.
01:30:55There we go.
01:30:56There we go.
01:30:57There we go.
01:30:58There we go.
01:30:59There we go.
01:31:00There we go.
01:31:01There we go.
01:31:02There we go.
01:31:03There we go.
01:31:04There we go.
01:31:05There we go.
01:31:06There we go.
01:31:07There we go.
01:31:08There we go.
01:31:09There we go.
01:31:10There we go.
01:31:11There we go.
01:31:12There we go.
01:31:13There we go.
01:31:14There we go.
01:31:15There we go.
01:31:16There we go.
01:31:17There we go.
01:31:18There we go.
01:31:19There we go.
01:31:20There we go.
01:31:21There we go.
01:31:22There we go.
01:31:23There we go.
01:31:24There we go.
01:31:25There we go.
01:31:26There we go.
01:31:27There we go.
01:31:28There we go.
01:31:29There we go.
01:31:30There we go.
01:31:31There we go.
01:31:32There we go.
01:31:33There we go.
01:31:34There we go.
01:31:35There we go.
01:31:36There we go.
01:31:37There we go.
01:31:38There we go.
01:31:39There we go.
01:31:40There we go.
01:31:41There we go.
01:31:42There we go.
01:31:43There we go.
01:31:44There we go.
01:31:45There we go.
01:31:46There we go.
01:31:47There we go.
01:31:48There we go.
01:31:49There we go.
01:31:50There we go.
01:31:51There we go.
01:31:52There we go.
01:31:53There we go.
01:31:54There we go.
01:31:55There we go.
01:31:56There we go.
01:31:57There we go.
01:31:58There we go.
01:31:59There we go.
01:32:00There we go.
01:32:01There we go.
01:32:02There we go.
01:32:03There we go.
01:32:04There we go.
01:32:05There we go.
01:32:06There we go.
01:32:07There we go.
01:32:08There we go.
01:32:09There we go.
01:32:10There we go.
01:32:11There we go.
01:32:12There we go.
01:32:13There we go.
01:32:14There we go.
01:32:15There we go.
01:32:16There we go.
01:32:17There we go.
01:32:18There we go.
01:32:19There we go.
01:32:20There we go.
01:32:33Hey, friends.
01:32:36Welcome back.
01:32:42Yeah, hmm?
01:32:52Oh humanology, yeah, it's it's like, uh
01:32:57Humanology we study everything that is good like history foreign language
01:33:03science engineering
01:33:06Uh mathematics
01:33:08yeah, so
01:33:10As an independent thinkers, okay, so it's about
01:33:16freedom and independence and uh
01:33:23Because our job is to educate future generation
01:33:27Okay to make things better
01:33:31Evolution right in biology. Yeah, so and that's what human is about. Yeah
01:33:37Well, welcome to humanology, yeah
01:33:42Cheers, yeah
01:33:46Hmm, oh, yeah
01:33:53Uh, there are many different kinds of brands in humanology, uh, but
01:34:00This brand of humanology we heavily emphasize about
01:34:04Knowledge education, okay, so like martial arts
01:34:11dancing singing
01:34:15And uh
01:34:18Good stuff, right? Yeah mathematics economics
01:34:25Well, we study
01:34:29Everything that is good. Yeah. Cheers
01:34:34Hmm yeah
01:34:50Movie monster, okay. Uh jack nicholson
01:34:59Like the movie like shining that's like, uh
01:35:02Uh, what who's the writer of that movie shining right jack nicholson
01:35:08Or a few good man jack nicholson, yeah
01:35:14well batman
01:35:16the joker
01:35:19With like tim bessinger and
01:35:22Uh, michael kitten, right? Yeah, the original batman movie back in 1980s, right?
01:35:29Yeah, batman joker. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah
01:35:34It's jack nicholson, right? Yeah
01:35:41Oh, yeah, he won academy award, right? Yeah rightfully so yeah good actor
01:35:49Very charismatic kind of villain, right? Yeah
01:36:01Yeah, cheers, yep
01:36:16Oh, yeah
01:36:21Yeah, so
01:36:28Yeah, welcome good evening, yep, what a lovely evening this is right
01:36:44Cheers yep
01:37:02Uh, oh thank you, yeah in wikipedia, okay, okay
01:37:07Well, I used to be a christian yeah, uh
01:37:13Where's where's my bible
01:37:19Oh, there it is, okay. Yeah
01:37:26Is that us army bible, okay, so yeah, I I used to uh be a christian and uh
01:37:33But now i'm a humanologist. Okay, that's religion. I created. Okay, so
01:37:38But I appreciate christianity. I do. Okay. Yeah christian
01:37:43Religion is nice
01:37:46Although I disagree
01:37:48With some doctrines of christianity, okay, like they're against abortion, right?
01:37:54well as humanologists
01:37:57I'm all about women's right to abortion. Okay, so whatever
01:38:02Whatever reason
01:38:04I think women should have right to
01:38:08Abortion, okay
01:38:11So I disagree with some
01:38:14Christianity doctrine like abortion. Okay, so but I grew up as a christian. Yeah, I
01:38:22Used to be a christian, okay, I still respect christianity
01:38:33Golden harvest this classic in china, right? Yeah, chinese martial movies golden harvest
01:38:44Dun dun dun
01:38:51I remember classic from china. Okay. Now let's take five minutes break. Okay. I need some vocal rest
01:38:59Thank you friends for your great contribution, thank you. Yep amazing future leaders
01:39:07Yeah, be ambitious. Okay
01:39:10Yeah, okay five minutes break, please thank you
01:39:14Very cool. Welcome. Welcome. Yeah five minutes break. Yeah, fantastic. Yep
01:39:30Very cool. Yeah
01:39:57Thank you
01:41:55Okay, we're back welcome back and uh
01:42:00How much time do you have in like a daily motion
01:42:05Okay, uh
01:42:19Well, we have more than 10 minutes left, yeah, welcome. Yeah, so
01:42:27Yeah, also all your our friends are both have okay a great french philosopher and writer yeah
01:42:34Very smart people. Yeah. Yeah. Thank you for appreciating old school the golden harvest
01:42:42Voltaire yeah. Thank you. Cheers. Yeah salary. Yes
01:42:52What a lovely evening
01:42:57Thank you for your contribution
01:42:59highly intellectual people
01:43:07Oh, yeah
01:43:13So yeah, I love my charts, okay and
01:43:19Focus on education career development and um be the leader. Okay. Yeah. Yeah
01:43:26Yeah be ambitious, okay. Yeah
01:43:41That's pretty much what I have to say tonight, okay, yeah be ambitious and good hobbies
01:43:48Rest good sleep good nutrition exercise
01:43:57And uh
01:43:59My charts and uh
01:44:03Be the leader of the future, okay. Yeah
01:44:09Because this is leadership academy, okay humanology, okay, so you are the future leaders
01:44:14We have only handful of friends here all around the world. That's all you need
01:44:20You'll be the president
01:44:23Ceo chief executive officer governor
01:44:29President prime minister
01:44:32Yeah, yeah elites, yeah be the elite, okay, yeah
01:44:40We just need handful of people to lead the world in the next generation, right
01:44:49There is one prime minister one president, right? Yeah, there will be you
01:44:55Okay, you're the smartest people in the world so welcome to humanology, okay, you know leadership academy, okay
01:45:01So yeah, cheers, okay
01:45:07The royal jelly
01:45:09You'll be the queen bee
01:45:13Or king, okay. Yeah
01:45:15We just need handful of people
01:45:18Will be on top
01:45:20Right, there will be you. Okay. So welcome to humanology. Okay, it's leadership academy. Okay, so we
01:45:27Educate people to be leaders
01:45:31Okay, yeah
01:45:34Okay, yeah
01:45:36Fantastic mighty proud of you. Okay. Yeah, you're wonderful night. Okay. Thank you. I'll see you tomorrow someday. Okay
01:45:44Fantastic. Yeah. Thank you. Thank you
01:45:48Mighty proud
01:46:15Okay, so, uh
01:46:17we'll make transition to uh
01:46:20Facebook live. Okay, and we'll check out some movie clips tv shows maybe some documentaries, okay
01:46:27Making some commentaries sure
01:46:29Okay, thank you, yeah beat all the doors, okay. Yeah my proud. Yeah. Thank you
01:46:37Good night. Yeah. See you tomorrow