[Funny] Amnesia Scary Moments w- Facecam! EP 4

  • 2 months ago

Favoriting/Liking is MUCH appreciated and helps me out a lot! Thank you!
........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´
BROFIST ...........
00:00This is how it all started.
00:02Oh, no!
00:08Let's go here.
00:10Oh, fuck. I hate corridors.
00:12You can never trust them. Ever.
00:16Never trust them corridors.
00:24Oh, I don't want to be patient!
00:26I don't want to be patient!
00:28Are you fucking kidding me?!
00:30Be patient? Suck my dick!
00:32Fuck, so that's how you did it.
00:34Oh, fuck! He's still here!
00:38Oh, I don't trust you!
00:40Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!
00:42No! No! No! No!
00:44Oh! Oh!
00:46No! No! No!
00:48No! No!
00:50No! No! Get up!
00:52Get up! Get up!
00:54Get up!
00:56Don't fucking run away from me!
00:58You are a fucking piece of shit!
01:00I'm going to rape you!
01:02I'm going to rape you!
01:04Oh, we can go here, too.
01:06Oh! Oh, no!
01:08Look at this penis. Seriously, though.
01:10Look at that penis. Oh, okay.
01:12He's like, oh, you look at my penis.
01:14I will kill you. Okay.
01:16Let's not look at his penis.
01:18Oh, fuck.
01:20Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!
01:22Oh! Oh! Oh!
01:24Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!
01:26Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!
01:30Oh, man.
01:32Oh, fucking man.
01:34I saw his penis. It was freaking huge.
01:36Oh, come on.
01:38Be a bro, Stefano. Really.
01:44Just take it really nice
01:46and quiet.
01:48Don't make noises.
01:52Ah! Ah!
01:54He's drunk.
01:56Don't worry. He just drank too much.
01:58Look. He drank from those.
02:02The party don't start
02:04till I walk in.
02:06Ah! Ah! Sheriffs everywhere!
02:08Ah! I need Stefano!
02:10Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!
02:14I don't...
02:22What the fuck is going on?
02:28Oh, fuck. What I light that up for?
02:30Okay. This...
02:32No. No. No. Stefano.
02:36Share mode activated.
02:38Okay. Okay.
02:40Don't leave me like this.
02:42Don't leave...
02:44Who calls the dog?
02:46I don't know.
02:48I don't know.
02:50Don't leave...
02:52Who closed the door?
02:54Okay. Pull the lever.
02:56Pull the lever. You have a lot of time.
02:58You have a lot of time.
03:00Help me, Mr. Sheriff!
03:02Help me!
03:04I don't even know anymore!
03:06It's working! Run!
03:08I'm saving!
03:10Let's go here.
03:14Oh, hey, sexy.
03:16Oh, man.
03:18I'm in a game. Look at me.
03:20I'm in a game. Mom! Look!
03:22Look! Hey, look at this.
03:24That's not me. It's fine.
03:26It's fine. It's only that photo. Not that one.
03:32Let's go.
03:34Broken lock.
03:36Maybe this.
03:38Maybe this.
03:46Come on. Pull it.
03:50The crowbar is broken.
03:52How the fuck do I open the door?
03:54Are you kidding me?
03:58Are you kidding me?
04:06Why would they...
04:10I don't understand.
04:12No, my crowbar. Why?
04:14How can it break from wood?
04:16How can...
04:18No, I'm pissed.
04:20I was so happy.
04:30Oh, never mind.
04:32Why are you walking there? I need to go there.
04:40I'm just gonna go here.
04:42While you show your penis to those...
04:48Oh, man.
04:54Oh, fuck. I hit my leg.
04:58How's it going, my bros?
05:00My name is PewDiePie.
05:02I hope you enjoyed these moments.
05:04If you did, as always,
05:06please, guys, add them to your favorites
05:08and like it.
05:10If you're not a subscriber yet,
05:12then why not become a bro today
05:14and don't miss out on these moments.
05:16We had a great week this time.
05:18There was a lot of moments
05:20that I couldn't fit in this montage.
05:22Also, guys,
05:24I'm launching my second channel.
05:26I will not be uploading videos
05:28to this channel for a week
05:30because I'm going away to Italy
05:32to see my girlfriend.
05:34And then she is coming back
05:36to celebrate...
05:38Sorry, to move in with me.
05:40I'm going to Italy to celebrate my birthday,
05:42which is the 24th of October.
05:44My girlfriend's
05:46is at the 21st.
05:50click on the screen now if you want to go to my vlog channel
05:52and go over there and subscribe as well.
05:54I will be
05:56updating you guys
05:58on what's going on.
06:00I will keep doing vlogs this whole time.
06:02That's the plan, to have two channels running at the same time.
06:04If you're into that kind of stuff,
06:06then go over there and subscribe.
06:10I spent my entire
06:12night, it's 7 in the morning,
06:14editing this, so please guys,
06:16share this video everywhere.
06:18It would really, really help me out a lot.
06:20I would brofist
06:22and brohug all of you if you did.
06:24Anyway, that's pretty much it.
