Deen e Fitrat - Shaykh Mufti Tauqeer - 21 July 2024 - ARY Qtv

  • 3 months ago
00:00As-salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu, alhamdulillahi wa kafa wa salamun ala ibadihi
00:14ladheen astafa amma ba'ad, fa'udhu billahi minash shaitanir rajim, bismillahir rahmanir
00:20Allahumma salli ala sayyidina wa nabiyyina muhammad wa ala aali sayyidina wa habibina
00:23muhammad wa barik wa salim.
00:26We are in the month of Muharram and it is a very significant month for Muslims.
00:35First of all, Allah has declared four months as sacred and one of them is the month of
00:45This is the month which is sacred and Muharram in the eyes of Allah.
00:50In the time of Jahiliyyah, people did not fight, did not fight, did not fight and there
00:57was peace.
00:58There was such a peace contract signed that in these months, their tribal enmities, their
01:05fights, they did not fight in these months.
01:08So, according to Allah, these are very sacred months, these four months, one of them is the
01:15month of Muharram.
01:17And the second significance for all of us is that this is the first month of the Islamic
01:25The existence of the Islamic calendar came during the time of Sayyidina Umar.
01:30During the time of Sayyidina Umar, there were many conquests.
01:33Those who have read Islamic history know that when the conquests took place and the government
01:42went out of Hijaz, to run the government in an organized way, Sayyidina Umar thought
01:53that there should be a regular calendar.
01:56Like today, to run any organization in an organized way, timing is set, dates are highlighted,
02:09Similarly, to run a government at that time, it was necessary to have a calendar according
02:15to which all the affairs of the government should be run according to it.
02:23So, Sayyidina Umar advised according to the calendar.
02:28So, many suggestions came and one of the suggestions was that we should start our calendar
02:35with a very big landmark and that landmark was the landmark of the migration.
02:40And Sayyidina Umar approved this landmark and everyone agreed on it.
02:51And a very important thing is that all the companions and followers who were in that
02:57time who took part in this suggestion and eventually, when this event of migration was
03:05accepted as a landmark, it is known that in the eyes of those people, migration was such
03:11a big thing.
03:12So, the first century of migration, when Prophet Kareem and the companions of that time,
03:21who migrated from Makkah Mukarramah and came to Madinah Munawwarah, they gave so much
03:27significance to that incident that they said that we will set that year of migration as
03:32the first year of our calendar.
03:35So, there is a need for a little reflection on this.
03:38There is a need for a little contemplation on this.
03:42Why was it that migration was given so much significance that our calendar was started
03:50with it and it was called the first century of migration.
03:53And then of course, when the calendar was made, the first month in it was the month
03:59of Muharram.
04:00So, this month of Muharram is the first month of our Islamic calendar, our Hijri calendar
04:05in which we are right now.
04:08Look, for us to act upon our religion, the first thing is that it is a complete set-up.
04:18We are talking about the religion of nature and we have talked about it many times that
04:22religion is not just the name of worship.
04:25Religion is the name of a complete set-up.
04:28From our birth to our death, from our morning to our night, everything is called religion.
04:36How should I talk, how should I deal with you people, how should you deal with me,
04:41how should neighbours live with each other, how should husband and wife live in the house,
04:44how should parents and children live in the house, how should money be spent, how should
04:49it be earned, etc. etc.
04:52All of this is religion.
04:54It is a way of life.
04:56So, to act upon religion, it is very important that there is an environment.
05:03If the environment is not conducive, if the environment is not right, then it is very
05:08difficult for a person to act upon religion.
05:11This is another thing that when there are challenges, when a person faces challenges,
05:16then the reward for acting upon religion is of course greater.
05:20There is no doubt about it.
05:23But still, the goal that a person should have, the ideal environment, is that the environment
05:32around us should be conducive.
05:35So, as we understand, we know that Mecca was a very difficult environment.
05:42For the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, for the companions, there were
05:46so many injustices and oppression, there were so many difficulties.
05:49The companions were tortured, they were physically tortured, they were psychologically tortured.
05:57The Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, faced so many difficulties.
06:00He had to leave Makkah and go to Taif.
06:03There were so many difficulties in Taif.
06:05Then he came back.
06:06There was a whole political set-up in which he had to take political asylums, etc.
06:13So, it was a very difficult period, that 10-year period in Mecca.
06:18And at that time, Allah's doing was such that Madinah Munawwara, which is now Madinah Munawwara,
06:24at that time it was Yathrib.
06:26Some people came from there and they accepted Islam.
06:30Then the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, sent some companions with him,
06:34in whom some names are highlighted.
06:39They are the names of Sayyidina Musa bin Umair, may Allah be pleased with him,
06:42Sayyidina Abdullah ibn Umm Maktoum, may Allah be pleased with him, etc.
06:46They went and worked hard on them.
06:48And eventually, they invited the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, to come to Madinah Munawwara.
06:53And the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, ordered the companions to migrate from Makkah to Madinah Munawwara.
07:01And eventually, when Allah's command came, the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
07:04himself migrated to Madinah Munawwara.
07:07This was a very important event.
07:10This is why, as I have said before, an environment was created there.
07:17An environment where all the people could follow Allah's religion easily.
07:26Although, initially, it was not easy there either.
07:30Initially, there were many challenges there.
07:32There were many wars.
07:33There was the Battle of Badr, the Battle of Uhud, the Battle of Ahzab.
07:37There were many other events as well.
07:40There were many challenges.
07:43But, the goal was to create an environment.
07:48The companions considered this migration to be so important,
07:53that they agreed to make this year the first year of their Islamic calendar.
08:02So, we should also think about this.
08:06We should also worry about how to follow the religion.
08:12For this, we might have to migrate.
08:15We might have to change our environment.
08:18Because, the environment is very important to follow the religion.
08:22If our environment is not good,
08:24if the people around us are not good,
08:27if they don't let us follow the religion,
08:29then, to change our environment,
08:32we might have to settle in another country.
08:37We might have to settle in another city.
08:40Because, this program goes around the world.
08:43So, depending on your situation,
08:46you might have to migrate to another country.
08:51You might have to migrate to another city.
08:53You might have to change the circle of friends.
08:58Because, those friends are not helpful in following the religion.
09:03On the contrary, they have a negative influence.
09:07This incident of migration teaches us that
09:12our goal is to follow the religion.
09:15And, to follow the religion, we have to make sacrifices.
09:18And, this sacrifice was made by the Prophet of Allah and his companions.
09:22This was not a small thing.
09:24The city where you were born,
09:28where you grew up,
09:30where your ancestors lived,
09:32where your home was,
09:33where your tribe is,
09:34where your family is,
09:35where your relatives are.
09:37To leave all that and settle in a foreign city,
09:41was not easy.
09:43It was a very difficult task.
09:45So, this was one type of migration.
09:48But, there is another type of migration.
09:50It is the migration of the lifestyle of your life.
09:54That, I should change the lifestyle of my life
09:59and migrate from that life of sins
10:03to that lifestyle which is 100%
10:08the life of Allah's obedience.
10:11This is a very important thing.
10:13And, I am telling you this in the light of Hadith.
10:15So, this is a lesson for us in the month of Muharram.
10:18Because, this is the Hijri calendar.
10:20We have to learn a lot from the Hijri calendar.
10:22The second thing,
10:24when the Prophet of Allah came to Medina,
10:29after some time, he came to know that
10:32the Jews of Medina,
10:35they used to fast on the day of Das Muharram, which we also call Ashura.
10:42So, the Prophet of Allah came to know
10:45why they fast on the day of Ashura.
10:49So, he was told that Allah the Almighty
10:53saved the people of the tribe of Banu Israel
10:57from the Pharaoh on the day of Ashura.
11:02So, they fast on the day of Ashura to thank Allah.
11:06So, the Prophet of Allah said,
11:08that Moses is closer to us than they are to him.
11:13So, we will also fast on the day of Das Muharram from next year.
11:19But, the Prophet of Allah said that
11:22we will oppose the Jews.
11:25Because, this is their religion.
11:27So, we will say,
11:28لَكُمْ دِينُكُمْ وَلِيَ دِينُ
11:29For you, your religion.
11:30For us, our religion.
11:31So, our religion will not be like their religion.
11:35So, we will fast on the day of Das Muharram for one day.
11:39Or, we can fast on the day of Nau.
11:41Or, we can fast on the day of 11 Muharram.
11:43But, the Prophet of Allah
11:45wanted to fast on the day of Das Muharram.
11:48In fact, the meaning of a Hadith is
11:50that the one who fasts on the day of Das Muharram
11:54becomes an atonement for one year of sins.
11:57And, the jurists have explained in detail
12:00that it becomes an atonement for minor sins.
12:02Because, it is necessary to repent for major sins.
12:04For that, it is necessary to repent for major sins.
12:08And, to be determined not to do it again.
12:11And, to seek forgiveness from Allah.
12:13So, it becomes an atonement for minor sins
12:16to fast on the day of Das Muharram.
12:18And, because the Prophet of Allah
12:20wanted to fast on the day of Das Muharram,
12:23the jurists have said that
12:25if we fast on the day of Nau or on the day of 11 Muharram,
12:28we will follow the blessed words of the Prophet of Allah.
12:34So, on the day of Das Muharram,
12:36the Prophet of Allah asked Ashura
12:39to fast on the day of Das Muharram.
12:42And, this fast is as an atonement
12:44for the salvation of Moses
12:46and the people of Israel
12:48which Allah the Almighty had saved from Pharaoh.
12:51But, the day of Das Muharram
12:53is a day of great importance.
12:55And, what Allah did was that
12:57after many years,
12:59a very tragic incident took place on this day
13:02which is the incident of the martyrdom of
13:05Sayyidina Hussain, may Allah be pleased with him.
13:08Which took place on the day of Das Muharram.
13:11And, in the field of Karbala,
13:13the people of the house of the Prophet,
13:15peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
13:17were martyred without mercy.
13:19It was a very tragic incident
13:21which took place on this day.
13:23And, every Muslim feels saddened by this incident,
13:27after listening to it,
13:29after reading it, of course.
13:31And, we need to learn a lot of lessons from it
13:35that how Sayyidina Hussain, may Allah be pleased with him,
13:38stood on his principles,
13:41on his principles,
13:44and for that,
13:46he did not even care for his own life.
13:49And, all these lessons are for you and me.
13:52The incident of the migration,
13:54the incident of the martyrdom of
13:56Sayyidina Hussain, may Allah be pleased with him,
13:58the incident of the sacrifices of the people of the house of the Prophet,
14:01for Allah,
14:03to follow the religion of Allah,
14:05they did not hesitate to make any sacrifice.
14:08And, today, we are ready to leave our principles of religion
14:12for the smallest of things.
14:16We take bribes,
14:21earn money illegally,
14:24we cannot even make a small sacrifice of our sleep
14:27so that we wake up for Fajr,
14:29go to Fajr and pray in the mosque.
14:32We do not spend Ramadan as it should be.
14:36I am talking about the basics,
14:39the most fundamental things.
14:42We do not even do this much.
14:44We cannot stop lying.
14:45We cannot stop cheating.
14:48So, how can we make such a big sacrifice?
14:53in reality,
14:55the religion of Allah is the truth
14:58and we all have to go back to Allah.
15:01And, this world, this life that Allah has given us,
15:04He has given it to us so that
15:06we follow the religion of Allah 100%.
15:10And, this is the purpose of this program,
15:12to talk about the whole religion,
15:14how religion is the religion of nature,
15:15and what is religion.
15:17And, in all these episodes,
15:19we are only telling the definitions of religion.
15:21So, we should also be firm on this.
15:26We should be concerned about this.
15:28Because, at the end of the day,
15:30success depends on following the religion
15:33of this world and the hereafter.
15:35So, the month of Muharram has taught us a lot.
15:38So, InshaAllah, we have fasted for 10 Muharrams.
15:41But, the first thing to do is self-reflection.
15:44Where am I standing?
15:46How long am I going to follow this religion of Allah?
15:50How will I face Allah in the future?
15:52The question is going to be mine and yours.
15:54It is going to be in the grave and in the hereafter.
15:56I am also preparing for Namah Amal.
15:58Where am I standing?
16:00Will I really be successful?
16:02Or, God forbid, is it that my life is such
16:05that I am taking the reasons for the failure of the hereafter?
16:09Poot for thought.
16:10Let's take a short break, InshaAllah.
16:12After that, we will come back with your questions.
16:14Assalam-o-Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu
16:16Welcome back.
16:17We are back with your questions after the break.
16:20As of this month, there is a very common question
16:25that keeps circulating.
16:27People keep asking about it.
16:29And they talk about the Shia-Sunni differences
16:35and extremism in it.
16:39Especially, the youth of today
16:42who are very influenced by social media
16:45and they see what is happening.
16:49First of all, we are very thankful to Allah.
16:52It is a great blessing of Allah
16:54that the way extremism used to be in the past,
16:59there has been a lot of reduction in it.
17:02There has been a lot of tolerance.
17:04And this is a very important thing.
17:06This is the biggest thing.
17:08First of all, we need to understand
17:10that differences of opinion
17:14have always been and will always be there.
17:18Differences of opinion is a very common thing.
17:22Now, this Shia-Sunni difference
17:25goes back all the way to about 1400 years.
17:33So, I don't want to discuss
17:37what differences of opinion are.
17:39For that, you should study the history books.
17:43It is a very long topic.
17:46For that, it might take a couple of hours
17:49to talk about this topic.
17:51Why and how did differences of opinion occur?
17:54But, the thing that needs to be understood
17:58is that there are differences of opinion.
18:03There is no problem with differences of opinion.
18:06The problem is when differences of opinion
18:08are not respected.
18:10This is the problem.
18:12I have an opinion.
18:14And you have an opinion
18:16because you are also intelligent.
18:18So, you created an opinion.
18:20Maybe your opinion is completely wrong.
18:22In my opinion, your opinion is completely wrong.
18:25Because if your opinion was correct,
18:27I would have accepted it.
18:29If your opinion was correct in my view,
18:31I would have accepted it.
18:33Or, if my opinion was correct in your view,
18:35you would have accepted it.
18:37But, the fact that I have an opinion
18:39and it is based on my opinion
18:41and the fact that you have an opinion
18:43and you are based on your opinion
18:45and both of us have opinions
18:47and we are based on our opinions
18:49means that we are understanding
18:51that our opinion is correct
18:53and the other person's opinion is wrong
18:55This is a valid thing. There is no problem in this.
18:59The problem will be that I say that because my opinion is right and yours is wrong,
19:05I am against you. I will hurt you. I will physically hurt you or whatever.
19:15Or God forbid, you think about me. This is a problematic thing.
19:19So this disagreement has always been there. It can be a valid debate,
19:26it can be a human debate, it can be a respectful debate,
19:30and it can be that one party is convinced by the ideas of another party.
19:34But to make it violent, to make it extreme, to make it a means of beating,
19:43to exploit it, this is not acceptable at all.
19:49This is what I am saying as a principle.
19:52And those who are interested, as I said, they can read history.
19:56Because I am a Sunni, I will just say one thing,
20:03that there is a major point of the Ahlul Bayt.
20:10We love them very much.
20:13Faith is not complete until we love the Ahlul Bayt.
20:16They are our leaders, they are our leaders.
20:22If any of them is poor, if any of them is in need,
20:28then we don't even give them our zakat.
20:31Because we think that zakat is the cleanliness of our wealth,
20:38so why should we give our weak wealth to them?
20:41Other than zakat, we help them and consider it our happiness.
20:49So the Ahlul Bayt and their families love them very much,
20:54as I said, faith is not complete without them.
20:58But along with that, all the companions of the Prophet of Allah,
21:04all his companions, all the companions,
21:07they are also respectable for us.
21:13The wives of the Prophet of Allah,
21:17who are the mothers of the believers,
21:19and this is in the Quran.
21:21Allah Almighty said about the Prophet of Allah,
21:25that his wives are the mothers of the believers.
21:29They are our mothers.
21:31We give them the status of our mothers, higher than them.
21:34So this is respect for all of us,
21:38respect for them, respect for them,
21:41this is a part of our faith.
21:44So this thing is engraved in us,
21:50of the Sunnis, and as I said,
21:53the Shiites have some differences of opinion,
21:57regarding some things,
21:58but may Allah not make such differences,
22:03that it becomes a conflict.
22:05I repeat again, there will be differences of opinion,
22:08but as long as there is respect for differences of opinion,
22:12that's the key.
22:14That is the real thing.
22:16May Allah make it so that there is love, respect, and respect for each other among Muslims.
22:21And may the enemies of Islam,
22:24take advantage of these differences of opinion,
22:28and may they not create such a conflict among us,
22:31that it becomes a source of loss for us,
22:36which is unacceptable,
22:38and which we cannot correct.
22:43This is very important,
22:45especially in our country Pakistan,
22:47and in the subcontinent,
22:50because in the outside world,
22:53this conflict is not as severe,
22:56as we see it in the subcontinent,
22:59and may Allah make it correct.
23:03Inshallah, this is my prayer.
23:05And we should ask Allah for prayers.
23:08Those young children who are confused,
23:11who keep asking these questions,
23:14I tell them to study history,
23:16and study it unbiasedly,
23:18not biased.
23:20Use your intellect.
23:22Allah has made you intelligent.
23:25And after studying it unbiasedly,
23:30do some contemplation.
23:33And on the basis of this contemplation,
23:36those who ask for guidance from Allah,
23:39Inshallah, Allah will open their hearts.
23:42Allah will open their hearts.
23:44When you ask from Allah,
23:46with desire,
23:48with sincerity,
23:50then Allah will surely open their hearts.
23:53I tell this to non-Muslims as well.
23:56When someone is reading about Islam,
23:59and they are confused,
24:01whether Islam is the right religion or not,
24:03I tell them to read it unbiasedly,
24:05and at the same time,
24:07ask God for guidance.
24:10Everyone believes in God,
24:12so ask for guidance from God,
24:15ask for the truth from God,
24:17ask for guidance from God,
24:19and then,
24:21wait for the opening of your heart,
24:24and Inshallah,
24:26guidance will come from Allah.
24:28May Allah guide us all on the right path.
24:30May Allah enable us all to see the right thing.
24:35There is a prayer of a Prophet,
24:37Allahumma arinal haqqa haqqan,
24:39warzuqna tiba'a,
24:41warinal baatila baatilan, warzuqna ishtinaba.
24:43O Allah, show me the right thing,
24:45and enable me to walk on it.
24:47And show me the wrong thing,
24:49and enable me to avoid it.
24:51May Allah guide us all on the right path.
24:55May Allah give goodness and love to everyone.
25:00Inshallah, next week,
25:02we will be back with a new episode.
25:04Inshallah, keep sending your questions.
25:05Deen-e-Fitr at
25:09Remember me in your prayers.
25:11Wa akhiru da'awana anilhamdulillahi rabbil alameen.
25:14Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
