How Does the Development of Soul Take Place?

  • 2 months ago
In this world, where the stronger consumes the weaker and survives and weaker shall die becoming food for the stronger. Is this a norm? How does the development of the Soul take place in this process?
00:00Why all world is run by the law, survival of the fittest.
00:09This mean that bigger animal eat smaller, bigger fish eat smaller fish,
00:17that bird eat worm, and worm even don't know maybe what is a bird.
00:25This mean all world is created like this, that fittest stronger will survive,
00:35and weaker will die and be food for stronger and fittest.
00:42And we know in human history that was so many wars on this basis survival of the fittest.
00:50And this is happening now, in the present moment.
00:54Animals do not have ego or very small ego.
00:59Then why is this happening, why is this norm of the life on this planet? Thank you.
01:07See, stronger eats weaker.
01:12So when that weaker animal dies, but he is not blaming on stronger,
01:21but he gets, by naturally, he gets some strength of that eternal power of that stronger, naturally.
01:38Suppose human, we eat fruits, vegetables, so when we eat fruit or vegetable or grain,
01:48the grain is also a living thing.
01:51So when we eat grain, suppose we have eaten grain,
01:57so 5% of our merit karma is given to grain, so they will grow on higher stage.
02:06So from 1 cents they will go to 2 cents.
02:09And we are losing 5% of our merit karma, but that goes to grain.
02:16And we are human, so we can do some worship or some meditation or something, good work.
02:27So we will charge merit karma of 100.
02:30So out of 100, 5 will be given to that grain and that will go higher stage.
02:39And we are not losing much.
02:41And why we reached to this stage?
02:43So many long, long ago, we are on 1 cents.
02:50There we crush, eat by other animals and like that, we have also suffered so much.
02:58You do so much suffering, they will go to higher development.
03:03So from 1 cents they will go to 2 cents.
03:052 cents creature will go to 3 cents.
03:073 will go to 4 cents.
03:094 will go to 5 cents.
03:11Like that development takes place.
03:13But stronger, who is the food?
03:17When he eats weaker animal, that percentage of merit karma given to that weaker animal,
03:26so they will go to higher development.
03:29And this stronger animal is also due to some suffering in past.
03:36He has suffered so much, that's why from other animal, that merit karma,
03:43and he reached to higher, stronger, he becomes stronger.
03:46So like that worldly cycle is going on.
03:52Every stronger animal is, previously it was weaker.
03:56It is crushed by or eat by stronger animal.
03:59So that gives energy to that weaker.
04:03And weaker animal goes to higher development.
04:07The natural process is there.
04:09And without living things, cannot creature survive.
04:16We cannot eat non-living things.
04:20Non-living thing we cannot eat.
04:23So for energy, for this body, we have to eat living thing.
04:28And when we eat living thing, we are giving some of our merit karma,
04:38merit karma, punya to that living thing.
04:43So weaker animal, weaker plant or weaker creature.
04:47So that will get some energy and it will go higher development.
04:51This is natural process.
04:53This is nothing wrong.
04:56When higher development goes, then he doesn't hurt living creature.
05:03And after in religion, in higher development,
05:07then in human, he doesn't hurt others, then he goes to higher development.
05:12And when somebody hurt him and he doesn't blame, he doesn't get revenge,
05:17then also he will get higher development.
05:21Like that, slowly, slowly development of living creature goes on higher stage.
