Working on Korra Video 5:5

  • 2 months ago
00:00Right, he's got absolute immunity.
00:20Okay let's just...
00:24Okay Viconi is tanking.
00:25Can I put a protection spell on her of some kind?
00:36What do you need?
00:39This is a risk.
00:46Oh, you know what, actually, let's move everybody out of the range.
01:09He doesn't need a spell caster, and that's all he does.
01:16No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
01:22no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
01:23no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
01:24no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
01:25no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
01:44no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
02:08no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
02:37no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
03:07I feel so strange I felt weird but um this this place is this is most unusual I got this
03:20death overwhelmed me in combat and okay I wrote a thing for the hell trials which is it
04:00now hang on a second I gotta deal with something
04:37oh come on hurry up tumblr loads like oddly slow
05:19come on I don't know why it's so fucking slow
06:25okay here we go
06:32okay now I have to do the hell trials and get all the goodies
06:37hmm welcome to hell here's your gift basket I never imagined that we would be doing such
06:45great things don't worry about me so we meet again how fitting that our reunion should be in this
06:54place of retribution it is I or an echo perhaps my essence joined that of our dead father after
07:02you murdered me after all but in the end all the children of all end up here
07:11I'd attempt a heritage as I had attempted a pity you arrive in pieces weak and pathetic
07:16my death was far more final than yours and I can kill you again if need be Saravac
07:22I have one of the tears of ball handed over or die shade yes you feel it do you not the taint
07:39that surrounds your soul like a serpent squeezing it spreading its venom that taint that wrath
07:45taint that wrath exists in all the children of ball but few know how to use it
07:51Saravac stop talking about your sister's pain not the avatar of our dead father
07:57the blackest expression of very well you want my rat Saravac you have it summon your yes
08:04you are worthy enough to battle again the child of ball incarnate
08:09give it to me straight what you need
08:20tell me
08:40oh my
08:47what do you need
08:50tell me you want it you've got it and I got the tear of ball
09:01whoa whoa I've got this
09:07that's the wrath root
09:10so if you're just looking for objectively the best uh rewards and you don't care like if you
09:20if you take the evil root in anything your alignment will become neutral evil so if you
09:24don't actually give a shit about that the best thing to do are the evil root for the fear challenge
09:29the good root for the selfishness challenge the either root for good for greed
09:34uh depending on what class you are the good root for pride and the evil root for wrath
09:41good to know
09:51one of the tears does lie near this very place it is in the possession of another
10:00of another one with so much power so difficult to defeat it is but all things even the most
10:12powerful can be overcome yes you have defeated many whose claims of power for so hollow you tore
10:22them down from their throne ah always you have used the right to here it is it is for you to
10:31decide child of ball how to use the tool black razor we generate one hp every five seconds
10:38immunity to charm and fear with every hit a 50 chance of draining four levels from the target
10:42and yielding the wielder by 20 as well as hasting her for 20 seconds and increasing her strength by
10:46three points for 20 seconds this is unequivocally one of the best fucking weapons in the entire
10:52goddamn game noise now let's put chrome fair in your offhand 25 strength which means the
11:02strength bonus i get from the uh from the combat abilities are basically wasted
11:07but hey being hasted is pretty good okay let's give you
11:13oh right you don't have the strength for this
11:22you are lacking in strength nope there we go
11:28got it now oh right let's give you all your stuff back
11:55don't worry about me and of course it has a fucking
11:59that's a black flame effect i love that
12:05i see the ruler of this small plane has come to me
12:09perhaps come on
12:16i'll help however i can
12:25give it to me you wanted you've got it they shall be relieved by your death
12:34the good root involves literally just giving him black razor
12:39hmm black razor is the key to getting the tear so you could either kill him with black razor
12:46or you could just so you could either kill him with black razor
12:50or you could just give it to him and trade for the tear
13:10don't worry about me
13:12know you child that there is a tear of ball in this place before us
13:17yet there are two paths that lead to it two doors two paths yet both lead to your goal
13:25yes this is on the journey that was your life many paths have you taken and always they have
13:34had an effect on those around you even when that was not your intention
13:43such is the fate of those born with destiny the consequences of the actions they take
13:49ripple about them throughout all that is reality
13:54perhaps the fate of others concerns you little perhaps it consumes your soul
14:06that too is a choice an action taken a ripple set into the pond of reality
14:14what does this have to do with the tear then the path that you take to the tear will affect
14:18another this day another who is innocent of the action you take and yet affected by it just the
14:25same one of those who travels with you who orbits your destiny and yet is innocent of your taint
14:33will do nicely
14:40so you would do nicely indeed but even here your essence has power
14:44power enough to prevent one such as i from taking you against your will uh yeah so basically so how
14:50this works is he will randomly roll one of your party he will just roll a random number between
14:55one and five and pick one of your party members based on that uh the thing is though if you have
14:59imwen romance installed it he is uh literally he is uh this is modified so that he can't actually
15:05take imwen which is ironic because like character wise imwen is the only person tili would actually
15:14like not be willing to sacrifice huh only being the daughter of an evil god would ever keep someone
15:20out of trouble your other companion will place you in a dire situation child of all a choice
15:30must be made and you must live with the consequences of that choice
15:37go to my left and sacrifice for the innocent go to my right and save yourself what you want
15:47oh no don't that creature do hmm you know for a demon this guy isn't very smart what
15:53stops you from just raising the dead feels like you can do whatever you want here
15:57though well it's pretty mean to watch our friend die and all not the nice thing to do
16:00who do you take oh we took corgan oh shit
16:14god damn it i need that one
16:20a selfless act from one who willingly showed us the burden of destiny
16:26and its effect upon others your companion is returned to you child of ball the tear of ball
16:33is yours child what do you need
16:46oh no corgan not my dps guy
16:49oh nothing to say corgan
17:02you want it you've got it
17:30a tear of ball lies very close to here child of ball
17:34just beyond either of these two rooms before you
17:41you have encountered many times in your existence where you have been forced to swallow your fear
17:46no you have fought off terror that would overwhelm a lesser being and show courage instead
17:57pass through either of these rooms and your vaunted courage shall be challenged child of ball
18:08i have something i will offer however which will make it so much easier for your child
18:14you know such as this cloak for instance
18:18stitched together from the flayed skins of lovely nymphs
18:23where with this cloak you could easily gather the tear of ball magical cloak of course i'll take it
18:31it shall be as you say child this cloak is an evil thing albeit powerful
18:36made from reportedly stitching other skin of innocent nymphs this cloak grants the wearer
18:40immunity to fear and panic the cloak of baldurin
18:50cloak itself isn't really much honestly
19:01oh okay be quick with it
19:19i didn't even equip the damn thing we're mowing through them ready and willing
19:27okay now you've accepted an evil gift for nothing
19:35shall cost nothing for sure tell me don't worry about me there we go
19:56something up got it
20:05give it to me you want it you've got it
20:08nope you are encumbered how are you encumbered by some potions
20:16they're very heavy potions
20:21see how far we can get his reputation to sink
20:27you know you joke but actually that's not a bad idea
20:46do i have two cloaks of balder i don't know how i did that
20:53i'm sure balder balder and me had more than one cloak when
20:58before he became a mind flayer apparently
21:24ah so the child of ball comes to me finally for the last of the tears of ball
21:31you have come yes indeed you have
21:39your prey moves quickly but the tests you devise for yourself lead ever closer to him
21:43your power is strong here despite his resistance how did you find your soul child ball how do you
21:49find do you find it on a stroll no you must know yourself the depths of your passion the heights of
21:55your depravity you come to know what you're capable of okay what the fuck is
22:10oh it's my usb hub
22:14your power fights against the fights against the mage brings you closer to your goal
22:19soon you shall open the open the eyes with the tears of ball
22:26it is you are a wonder of destruction child of ball go then and defeat the creature that
22:35lies in the cavern crush it beneath your heel and claim another victory
22:41what manner of creature do you speak of it is a powerful creature child of ball
22:45one that only you can destroy i am confident in your ability to deal
22:51to such a creature as this and take the tear that is yours
22:58what wow how do you say ball without lips
23:06it is a creature that deserves death child of ball you are such a wondrous fighter i simply
23:13thought that you could defeat it where others failed why does it deserve death because because
23:18it exists it stands in your way they're not kill things just because they're in my way not
23:25then perhaps you consider carefully the place that your terrible power will focus upon
23:30consider the reason behind every blow i see that despite your great deeds you have no pride in you
23:36child of ball so be it humility serves well those who wield it well i like how when you resist these
23:45things the demons are amenable to all of this you have mastered your pride the tear of all is yours
23:53go well
24:01oh what's in here
24:08potion of invulnerability
24:15hmm you want it you got it
24:23okay time to jab these eyes out
24:30now well first i have to rest
24:38time to move
24:41what can i do
25:26you need something you need
25:31what do you want
25:43night singer give me power
26:02i'll help however i can
26:05the axe be bloody ready what do you need i've got this
26:15gain plus two to your constitution 10 magic resistance 15 to your hit point total
26:2320 resistance fire cold and electricity and plus two to strength my strength's already 25
26:34so we are to battle one last time no more hiding for either of us
26:54i've already defeated you once already irenicus you have no chance
27:08you're a fine one for words wizard but for all your pretty magics we've killed you once
27:16but for all your pretty magics we've killed you once and we'll be pleased to do so again
27:23i came to hell to help my friend who helps you irenicus demons you were going to die alone in
27:30hell and you know it the darkness has already taken you foolish one yet you refuse to close
27:36your eyes let us help you onwards to your final rest for sure this is the last stand here in hell
27:45we fall or we win
27:57okay what can i do airy you're going to cast improved haste on corgan
28:04ready and willing emeline you are going to oh fuck you're going to cast
28:10electrical oh there we go
28:14you're gonna go back here you're gonna drop a horrid wilting
28:23let's drop an improved taste on the teely corgan you're gonna enrage
28:28you're gonna breach oh bastard detective disability now you're gonna breach
28:44this is a lot you're gonna drop a remove magic
28:51be direct
28:53sir what are you casting
29:10a greater malice
29:16give it to me straight
29:31what do you need don't worry about me
29:35okay you're still tell me spellcaster let's drop a dispel magic right on your
29:40no no corgan now
29:50give it all you want it you've got it what do you need
30:01tell me i've got this
30:03ready and willing
30:15give it to me straight
30:22night singer
30:56i almost did not believe it when the priestesses told me that your body was
31:00showing signs of life once again we resurrected who we could but it seemed nothing would draw your
31:06spirit back but i'm hoping you began to stir this morning all right
31:15there we go that's shadows of arm finished now let's just throw the ball left those of you who
31:19have survived as you are as for you i imagine you are eager to resume your travels once again
31:27we wish you well no we look forward to your return in the future
31:31throwing a ball mostly just ties a little bow on the whole ball spawn thing
31:35whereas basically being a ball spawn is kind of tangential to everything else
31:45meanwhile in hell
31:56but meanwhile at the legion of doom
32:06to end like this
32:29it's a fitting end for john
32:57go ryan's ward has become too powerful we should have acted long before now
33:07there is no reason to be concerned the fate of this fool has been sealed
33:14but can we be so sure
33:16so this spawn of bob is doomed there is no escape
33:59all right that's shadows of arm done
34:02fucking hell um all right uh that's gonna be it for today's stream i will see you all next time