(8:17:24) Current Working on Korra Video 1:5

  • last month
00:06:27Hello everyone
00:06:36Already know what I'm gonna do after I'm done now work for the day is I'm going to play or I reach my break
00:06:40I'm gonna play Tales of Phantasia because I got an ask about it and now I got Tales of Phantasia on the fucking brain
00:07:07The tale series it had two good games and then nothing else moving it to season. All right
00:07:12Let's go. I did not turn on the display capture
00:07:19Moving it to season three. We actually have a very strong start harmonic convergence has changed the energy
00:07:36Now, let's see, how long is the segment 146 to
00:07:40159 so about 13 minutes. Okay, not bad
00:07:43The last one was a Civil War one 130
00:07:4816 minutes
00:07:54We are getting ever ever closer to the end
00:08:03TV movie suck. I'm here with my gal. Shake your hands kick around wear a suit
00:08:10Underwear that laces up all girls have a guy's haircut crank your car to make it start. You will die of measles
00:08:19This is the fastest I've ever made a video like this
00:08:21Which means the video on the forgotten LGBT rep should not take anywhere near as long. I
00:08:26I need to start streaming my workdays. I'll get the fucking videos out much faster
00:08:31The AMV I'm sobbing that's gonna be the credits by the way
00:08:41And honestly doing it like doing videos like this has actually just been way more fun I
00:08:47Had this in the preview in the last video like seven years ago
00:08:49And I was basically thinking I've got to figure out a way to work it back in as I realized the credits the credits
00:08:55It'd be it cuz people who watch the old video and remember that bit cuz it's the most memorable bit from it
00:09:01I'm gonna be like, oh man, I wish that would actually show up but like and then it does and it's just gonna be fucking great
00:09:27For those of you who haven't seen it though the intro is even better
00:09:30Or herself, I've right in starting with Cora herself
00:10:00VTuber Brian Griffin
00:10:09VTuber Brian Griffin
00:10:13So those who did miss it's like Cora's the writers hacky sack
00:10:171920s Garris Vicarion VTuber Brian Griffin sugar sister
00:10:22Abil airbender, I'd like to fuck pocket lint got the IKI
00:10:28animated James
00:10:30deus ex mama's girl
00:10:34Dilf chaser to co McCarthyism a greased weasel
00:10:39Team water rocket every weird dad with a gun mommy. Sorry mommy avatar one Kenobi
00:10:47Wait, hang on. Oh god. I got I have a better idea
00:10:54We are number one
00:10:56Dr. Devil, mr. Hydrate
00:10:59Jesus kite bread to bread tube also bread tube locomano hands world's hottest man
00:11:05Okay, kaboom er little Timmy's first OC fan and Katara
00:11:10Gil Fyoda what bright thinks of adoption and Fidel cast iron
00:11:26We are number one that's so much better
00:11:33Wow, we've gotten even goofier. Oh, yeah. Anytime I do a deep dive like this. I have to do a starring bit like that
00:11:50Jesus kite is the best IMO. I don't know. I don't know. I'm kind of proud of Gil Fyoda
00:12:03Although what break thinks of adoption is pretty good, too
00:12:11There aren't a lot of jokes in this one, but the ones that are there are pretty damn good
00:12:27Don't think the people who used to live here are as excited about
00:12:32President are you concerned that your approval ratings are now nearly as low as the avatars?
00:12:40And tell them I still
00:12:51Don't have to make Kuvira into Batard jr. Sister
00:13:02Moving it to see
00:13:09Moving into season 3 we actually have a very strong start harmonic convergence has changed the energy of the world and not only seated
00:13:14Spirit vines all over Republic's Cora. Do you regret the way you handled the unilock? You don't have my poll numbers
00:13:21What is it what's wrong
00:13:24Where's your father you are not gonna believe what just happened avatar not gonna believe what just happened. Where's your father?
00:13:33What is it what's wrong
00:13:35The most amazing wondrous fantastical thing just occurred. Okay, boom. You and I had a little fight
00:13:41So I was a little hurt for dinner everyone hilarious time for dick I can
00:13:49Yeah, wait seriously I was doing it yeah the perfectly cut scream TM the door breaking and another door breaking
00:14:00Fantastical were they asking
00:14:05You ever gonna clear away
00:14:14Virgins has changed the energy of the world and not only seated spirit vines
00:14:21Discord overlay only seated spirit vines all over Republic City bringing some green back to that asphalt desert, but it's also show bringing some green
00:14:30Lines all over Republic City bringing some green back to that asphalt desert
00:14:33But it's also showing that the Republic is a pack of jackasses as Ryko starts beefing with Cora over the fact that the cut
00:14:37We're connected with the spirits right? Oh, no growing right through my office. You think I'm not doing everything I can to get rid of it
00:14:48You regret the way you handled the unilock crisis why you forcing the integration of spirits in Republic City these vines, but I can't you
00:14:56Says are the vines here to step
00:15:02Like is a pack of jackasses as well
00:15:05You in a difficult position by fighting the Joe I'm sorry difficult position the Avatar has put us all in
00:15:15This is Ryko starts beefing with Cora over the fact that the consequences of saving the world are mildly inconvenient for people
00:15:20He's a pack of jackasses as Ryko starts beefing with Cora over the fact that the consequences of saving the world are mildly inconvenient
00:15:26for people however
00:15:28However, it's also seated new airbenders all over the world
00:15:30This leads to Cora having a heart-to-heart with a new airbender on top of I don't blame them
00:15:34Check this up put it upon mom crazy kids. Oh, this is great
00:15:38Where's and invited us to stay here since our apartment is a vine habitat now, but that I think the napkin moved
00:15:43You blew on it. Wait, maybe I can only do it when my life is in danger
00:15:48Bolin bend a giant boulder at me. Yeah, I don't think that's a good idea
00:15:52If you're gonna be bending giant boulders, you can do it outside. What is bending giant boulders?
00:16:08Actually an airbender wait until I tell mom she's gonna love this
00:16:17Uncle Boomy, I love that good idea
00:16:37It's also seated new airbenders all over the world
00:16:39This leads to Cora having a heart-to-heart with a new airbender on top of a bridge showing what I still consider to be Cora's
00:16:43Best moment as she gently and calmly talks someone off a ledge
00:16:47That's like oh, but but couldn't Cora make it stop with her energy minutes
00:16:52Just let let us have a let us have a nice thing. Oh, yeah, I need to add that bit
00:16:59Through okay, this leads Cora
00:17:02Showing what I still can
00:17:33Don't panic. I'm just here to talk. Please. I don't know what I'm doing and I don't want to hurt anyone
00:17:38Tell me about it
00:17:57This leads to Cora having a heart-to-heart with a new airbender on top of a bridge showing what I still consider to be
00:18:02Cora's best moment as she gently and calmly talks someone off a ledge, please
00:18:09One off a ledge, please. I don't know what I'm doing and I don't wanna
00:18:36But wait, that's not true she has energy bending she could totally
00:18:43Let us have something nice let's just have something nice in this show
00:19:02She could totally but wait, that's not true. She has energy bending. She could totally
00:19:11Let us have something nice let's just have something nice in this show
00:19:21She could totally
00:19:25Let us have something nice
00:19:28Let's just have something nice in this show
00:19:32Oh, I don't want to know GG I want to dot WAV
00:19:44Please ma'am. I can't handle the gayness your sexy voice freaks me. Hey, I'm recording lines sexualize my work
00:19:51Don't sexualize my work. I'm supposed to do that
00:20:11But wait, that's not true. Hey, that's not true. She has energy bending she could totally
00:20:19And they want to help big change and it's kind of my fault
00:20:22There are other airbenders and they want to help you. Actually, they're really excited to meet you
00:20:27There's and they actually they're really excited I don't want to be an airbender, please you're the avatar make it stop
00:20:34I'm sorry. I can't
00:20:47I don't want to be an airbender. Please. You're the avatar. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I can't
00:20:56Oh, but wait, that's not true. She has energy bending. She could totally
00:21:06Let us have let's just have something nice in this show
00:21:17Let's just have something nice in this show. Oh, but wait, that's not true. She has energy bending. She could totally
00:21:24Hey, that's not true she it
00:21:31Let's just
00:21:38Let's just have some
00:21:48She could totally
00:21:51Let let's just have something nice in this show
00:21:54But I promise you things will get better if you just give it a chance
00:21:57Let me take you over to air temple island and we can talk this through. Okay?
00:22:03This leads Cora not only getting banished from Republic City great job Ryko, but deciding she's going to help gather new airbenders
00:22:09There are new airbenders used to these changes and I'm sorry for that
00:22:12But you and everyone else are gonna have to learn to live with it. The vines and the spirits are here to stay
00:22:17Well, you know who's not here to stay you I owe you to leave this city you cause nothing but trouble since you arrived
00:22:25Don't worry I was already leaving I owe you today. Well, you know who's not here to stay you I owe you to leave this
00:22:38This leads Cora not only getting banished from Republic City great job Ryko, but the great
00:22:48Great job Ryko, but deciding she's going to help gather new airbenders and rebuild the air nation now if the season had just been about
00:23:07But deciding she's going to help gather new airbenders and rebuild the air nation now
00:23:11Don't think I'm not going with you. It's so exciting. Who knows who's out there right now
00:23:17But deciding she's going to help gather new airbenders and rebuild the air nation now if the season had just been about this because the airbenders
00:23:24End up being a catalyst for a conflict with the Earth Queen later on it would have been very interesting
00:23:27Season one had lowered the stakes from the last airbender season to raise the stakes so high the stakes burned up upon re-entry into the atmosphere
00:23:32But this is a great way to lower the stakes again with a more emotional
00:23:35The Avatar or something Cora. Oh, it is such an odd
00:23:39Season had just been about this because the airbenders end up being a catalyst for a conflict with the Earth Queen later on it would have been very interesting
00:23:45Season one had lowered the stakes from the last airbenders with the Earth Queen later on it would have been
00:23:49End up being a catalyst for out this because
00:23:58One of our neighbors to high is okay
00:24:00It's okay. It's okay. It's okay. It's okay. It's okay. It's okay. It's okay
00:24:05One of our neighbors to high is okay, it's hard you make me do your
00:24:16One of our neighbors started it so you can gather you if I could start meeting some of the
00:24:26Because the airbenders end up being a catalyst for a conflict with the Earth Queen later on it would have been
00:24:31For a conflict with the Earth Queen later on it would have been very interesting season one had lowered the stakes from the last
00:24:36Airbender season to raise the stakes so high the stakes burned up upon re-entry into the atmosphere
00:24:39But this is a great season one had lowered the stakes from the last airbender season to raise the stakes so high the stakes burned
00:24:44Up upon re-entry into the atmosphere
00:24:57We have reason to
00:25:17The list for a conflict with the Earth Queen later on it would have been very interesting season one had lowered the stakes from the
00:25:23last airbender season
00:25:41And to raise the stakes so high the stakes burned up upon re-entry into the atmosphere
00:25:44But this is a great way to lower the stakes again with a more emotional story. Unfortunately, the first
00:25:48atmosphere, but this is a great way to lower the stakes again with a more emotional story.
00:25:51Unfortunately, the first episode ends with some dangerous criminal getting airbending
00:26:16and declaring that the era of the Avatar is about to end for the second time.
00:26:46Lahima once wrote, instinct is a lie told by a fearful body hoping to be wrong.
00:26:52What's that supposed to mean?
00:26:53It means that when you base your expectations only on what you see,
00:26:57you blind yourself to the possibilities of a new reality.
00:27:06You wouldn't want to singe your friend, would you?
00:27:10Of a new reality.
00:27:26Unfortunately, the first episode ends with some dangerous criminal getting
00:27:28airbending and declaring that the era of the airbending and nature is
00:27:40it's the dawning of a new age the end of the white lotus and soon the end of the avatar
00:27:46hmm still getting airbending and declaring that the era of the
00:27:56still getting airbending and still getting airbending and declaring that
00:28:00the era of the avatar is about to end for the second time this is the here
00:28:07for the second time this is the here whose entire schtick is reading a
00:28:10manifesto written by a 17 year old school shooter for the next
00:28:32i have harmonic convergence to thank for that i was given a gift
00:28:35for busting me out where'd you pick up the new skills i have
00:28:39this is a here whose entire schtick is reading a manifesto written by a 17 year old school shooter
00:29:39i'm about to be so mean
00:30:05oh yay lily bullying fictional characters again oh yes please
00:30:43come on hurry up finish downloading
00:30:59the weak
00:31:08what the hell are you talking about
00:31:21have you played revengeance yeah not in a while
00:31:25i think i have it installed let me check
00:31:31no it's not here right i tried playing it again and found that
00:31:34you know platinum games combat fucking blows
00:31:41a destroyer elected in my new america people will die and kill for what they believe
00:31:52not for money not for oil
00:31:59i can't get this to work there's too many stomp sound effects
00:32:05the sun moves got really annoying yeah like platinum really only has like three
00:32:09gameplay mechanics it's like devil may cry but stun locked
00:32:23god you leave school
00:32:34okay i know i know what i'm gonna do here
00:32:40another maggot crawling in
00:32:51every man will be free to fight not for what they're told is right
00:32:55every man will every man will be free to fight his own wars okay i need that
00:33:18where every where every man is free to think to act for himself
00:33:35is not words a land of a true person in this nation will control their own destiny
00:33:51god this way
00:33:54what that's like my like
00:33:58armstrong does exactly what you expected to do and i was just like what
00:34:03the writing in this game is fucking funny
00:34:12land of the truly free damn it
00:34:20okay here we go
00:34:22i think that's everything truly free damn it where every man is truly free damn it
00:34:31where every man is free to think to act for himself
00:34:39every man will be free to fight his own wars
00:34:52yes and those he loves we will forge a world without kings and queens without borders or
00:35:13a land of a truly free damn it free damn it
00:35:22a land of a truly free damn it
00:35:35a land of a truly free damn it where
00:35:52where every man is free to think ah this doesn't work
00:36:04oh wait i know
00:36:08hi dean i can help to republic city i know that it's only been two fucking no
00:36:13oh no you don't understand
00:36:31you will be free to fight his own wars
00:36:35you will be free to fight his own wars
00:36:37damn it every man will be free to fight his own wars
00:37:04for the next few episodes the crew travels around the earth kingdom
00:37:09for the next few episodes the crew travels around the earth kingdom collecting new airbenders while
00:37:12zaheer runs around getting the gang back together by the time they reach basing say it turns out
00:37:16who's all over his body just like me fun becomes a map
00:37:24a few episodes the crew travels around the earth kingdom collecting new airbenders while
00:37:27zaheer runs around getting there's walsy there's walsy walsy here runs around getting the gang back
00:37:39i never thought i'd be so
00:37:45so here runs around getting the gang back together by the time they reach basing say
00:37:51it turns out the earth queen has captured every airbender in the city and locked them under lake
00:37:54laogai to train as a new air but the time they reach basing say it turns out the earth queen
00:37:57has captured every airbender in the city and locked them on
00:38:11gets the gang back together for a battle of the beds no stop that
00:38:18go to jail by the time they reach basing say it turns out the earth queen has captured every
00:38:22airbender in the city and locked them under lake laogai to train as a new airbending division of
00:38:25the military in fact the earth queen remarks directly to korra's face that the united republic
00:38:28is on stolen earth kingdom land so you might be thinking hang on this sounds like a really
00:38:31interesting conflict of the season with the future of the air nation being at odds with the
00:38:34earth queen and her bitterness over the earth king's stolen land so what the fuck is with the
00:38:37lincoln park bending squad i was just practicing i think i slipped a disc we don't want to steal
00:38:41this basing say airbenders in basing say where did you hear that fine i don't really have fine
00:38:51do you have these problems with your servants i don't really have servants city we got some
00:38:57towns south of here barbarians have stolen my past two shipments
00:39:02the empire the united republic is
00:39:10the republic is on stolen earth kingdom land so you might be thinking hang on this sounds
00:39:14like a really interesting con the earth queen remarks directly to korra's face that the united
00:39:19republic is on stolen earth kingdom land so you might be thinking hang on this sounds like a
00:39:22really interesting conflict for the season with the future of the air nation being at odds with
00:39:25the earth taking them will constitute an act of covered my elite army i see their loyalties
00:39:35shouldn't be used as well to choose their own these airbenders are earth kingdom citizens and
00:39:40i am their queen thinking hang on this sounds like a really interesting conflict for the season with
00:39:49the future of the air nation being at odds with the earth queen and her bitterness over the earth
00:39:51king stolen land so what the fuck
00:39:56furnace over the earth king stolen land so what the fuck is with the lincoln park bending squad
00:40:35lincoln park bending squad well in
00:40:43oh wait a minute
00:40:46oh i'm about to be more mean than i have ever been in my entire life
00:41:08land so what the fuck is with the lincoln park bending squad well in case you haven't
00:41:14ending squad well in case you haven't noticed korra likes to do this cheeky little thing where
00:41:18they lay down the greatest premise well in case you haven't noticed
00:41:26now that was it i just did it he is just a little step away
00:41:33sorry to disappoint you but we're taking the ball sorry to disappoint
00:41:36say oh we love gals with spirit suit yourself
00:41:58well in case you haven't noticed korra likes to do this cheeky little thing where they lay
00:42:01down the greatest premise you've ever seen and then bam slap a generic shonen
00:42:08we're seen and then bam slap a generic shonen anime on top of it so
00:42:25and fight me and the poison
00:42:45this premise you've ever seen and then bam slap a generic shonen anime on top of it so
00:42:48while they're searching so while they're searching for the airbenders lynn shows up and says time to
00:42:53be the babysitter again because apparently a fully realized avatar can't take on four mercs
00:42:57the obnoxious part is that they're property of the earth a queen again everyone come on
00:43:04i just got word from lords here we need to get
00:43:15so here you can't fight me and the shadow monsters car on 40 bed drills
00:43:22airbenders lynn shows up and says time to be the babysitter again because apparently
00:43:26a fully realized avatar can't take on four mercs the obnoxious part is that
00:43:29they're still talking past korra and we get our second retcon as who's the here
00:43:39but they're still talking past korra and we get our second retcon as to why korra was locked away
00:43:42in the compound the red lotus tried to capture her when she was away in the compound the red
00:43:45lotus tried to capture her when she was a kid but were stopped by tenzin tanraku zuko and saka
00:43:50her father lord zuko chief saka and i were there to stop them we apprehended the criminals and
00:43:54locked them away in prisons designed to impair their abilities so that's why you and my dad
00:43:58sheltered me away it was for your own safety why were they trying to kidnap korra we spent you
00:44:02don't understand no one knows what their motive was now we need
00:44:11to weigh in the compound the red lotus tried to capture her when she was a kid but were stopped
00:44:14by tenzin tanraku zuko and saka so lynn wants to get korra out but korra refuses to leave without
00:44:18the airbender so they break running korra you don't understand these criminals are like nothing
00:44:23you've ever faced before look i'm not a little kid anymore you don't need to protect me i came
00:44:28here for one thing to find airbenders and i'm not leaving without them
00:44:36without them fine let's get them and get out of here
00:44:40so lynn wants to get korra out but korra refuses to leave without the airbender so
00:44:43they break them out of prison and congratulations for paying a vendor so they
00:44:47you are no more safe
00:45:11come out of prison and congratulations for paying a vendor
00:45:13come out of prison and congratulations for paying attention this long because this is the last time
00:45:16the earth queen is relevant to the plot the story focuses primarily on the airbenders for the next
00:45:19few episodes now in the past i was down on the whole harmonic convergence creates new airbenders
00:45:23thing i feel it's weird took you to her sister not exactly we got a call about a new airbender
00:45:27and it turned out to be sue's daughter opal she'll be headed your way soon really that's
00:45:31wonderful she is wonderful and pretty will you tell island but he was a of his historic fast
00:45:38his historic fast on which i montang jiu completed
00:45:47this is primarily on the airbenders for the next few episodes now in the past i was down
00:45:50on the whole harmonic convergence creates new airbenders thing i feel it's weird to just
00:45:53magically undo genocide but further than that if you wanted to create new airbenders you
00:45:57already have the air acolytes and an avatar who just learned energy bending
00:46:22next generation of sweet those are the world's next generation of airbender airbenders no that
00:46:29gift is mine you don't even like to read yeah those are the words brighten up your room
00:46:36and you must good to see you again abbot shung is there anything you need
00:46:46you already have the air acolytes and an avatar who just learned energy bending
00:47:04acolytes and an avatar who just learned energy bending but honestly
00:47:07deep ending but honestly i can ending but honestly
00:47:12but honestly i can get over it considering how good tenzin is here
00:47:14tenzin is delighted to learn about new
00:47:40but honestly i can get over it considering how good tenzin is here
00:47:43tenzin is delighted to learn about new airbenders
00:47:49every hair on his head every single day it's the one
00:47:52the only guy with an arrow pointing to his nose
00:48:05tenzin is delighted to learn about
00:48:09tenzin is delighted to learn about new airbenders to the point he's brought to tears over getting
00:48:20change and not the appropriate time for shirtless tenzin
00:48:28did he tell you that we broke up yeah we all knew sorry that's pretty embarrassing actually
00:48:34i need to tell you something about that and i should have told you this sooner but
00:48:38while you were gone i kind of kissed him i'm sorry no wonder he's so nervous around us
00:48:46you're not mad no i mean i kissed mako when he was going out with you so
00:48:50you what i'm so sorry i thought you knew i'm just kidding i knew a long time ago
00:48:55whatever happened with mako i'm glad it hasn't come between us
00:48:58i've never had these two do not pass the bechtel test
00:49:10i know how to drive besides it's relaxing it's relaxing
00:49:15what what
00:49:21that's the break let's try again you ready
00:49:27how long do you think talking to mako is gonna be like pulling teeth well mako has never been
00:49:32the most in touch with his feelings guy but it'll get better eventually so when i was gone did he
00:49:38tell you that
00:49:54what the fuck is that
00:50:01we have enough for an army but we might have to get used to not being the only
00:50:07air but a new guy gets airbending does that make him our brother well in a way all airbenders are
00:50:12our family does that mean i have to share my room because i like my personal space
00:50:15of course not but we might have to get used to not being the only airbenders around anymore
00:50:20i hope we have enough for
00:50:27it is delighted to learn about new airbenders to the point he's brought to tears over getting
00:50:30to do new airbenders but maybe there will be enough to fill the temples again what's wrong daddy
00:50:41point he's brought to tears over getting to do something his father dreamed of it's a genuinely
00:50:45heartfelt moment for tenzin and i like that but doing it this way reveals cracks in the air
00:50:48nomad culture the air nomads were so in tune with their spiritual side that it's a genuinely
00:50:53heartfelt moment for tenzin and i like that but doing it this way reveals cracks in the air
00:50:56nomad culture the air nomads were so in tune with their spiritual side that every air nomad was an
00:51:00airbender you know what fuck it i'm using clip i'm using footage from the live action the stuff
00:51:12with the air nomads at the start is really good all eyes but ours
00:51:22and you wish you'd spent more time with your teachers
00:51:25up for the great comet festival before the
00:51:46he did a good and we should celebrate it yeah i would actually yeah you know i would uh let's see
00:51:50if you were to ask me to like rank pretty much everything in avatar i would go avatar it's like
00:51:56let's see the last airbender original uh legend of korra game uh the legend of korra series
00:52:12pretty much every other avatar game uh you know actually you know what no no no uh
00:52:26every other avatar game the comics the books uh not now we'll uh
00:52:32yeah we'll put the books right there there we go everything in avatar ranks
00:52:57i mean look the live action film wasn't good but it was not good in the same way a lot of films are
00:53:03not good the fact that the fandom treats it like it was some kind of war crime is really ridiculous
00:53:07and pretty fucking racist honestly i think m night Shyamalan's reputation now of like making
00:53:17terrible movies is just it precedes him to the point that when people when people uh watch a
00:53:23Shyamalan movie they're deliberately looking for shit to bitch about and so when his name is on
00:53:29something it's a fucking war crime the question but how was hating the movie uh movie racist
00:53:35it just kind of comes out m night Shyamalan is like one of the most well one of the most
00:53:40well-known indian directors and the way people treat his back because like when his movies are
00:53:44bad they're bad in the same way a lot of movies are bad and unremarkably so it's like here's a
00:53:49bad twist here's a weak uh here's a weak story hook uh the third act of this wasn't good but
00:53:56people act like it's this some kind of like harbinger people act like he's this harbinger
00:54:01of fucking uh of bad movie making and the thing is look people may not be openly racist but if
00:54:08you pay attention you will notice a lot of people tend to be really hypercritical when
00:54:12non-white directors do things that white directors could easily get away with
00:54:30just like how it's misogynistic to hate the lady ghostbusters no no it's not it's not
00:54:33misogynistic if you just think the movie wasn't very good but when you see the way people act
00:54:38about it they act like it murdered their fucking childhood they act like it was some uh they act
00:54:43like it was some desecration of an above average sex comedy from the 80s look at the way
00:54:50people get so performative about it they've turned their hatred of this thing into a performance
00:54:55piece that's what that's what it turns into
00:55:02and they're very careful not to bring up the fat not to bring up bigotry so that if you bring it
00:55:07up they'll be like oh my god you just can't stand something being criticized no they are so fucking
00:55:12hypercritical he can make good movies it's not like he's ua bowl or something oh yeah ua bowl
00:55:16doesn't get half ua bowl is one of the most hated filmmakers out there he doesn't get half the shit
00:55:21Shyamalan gets people like zach uh yeah people like zach snyder yeah zach snyder's made worse
00:55:32shit than Shyamalan and yet people act like he's gonna save the dc universe because he's a white
00:55:38guy he's allowed to get away with it a big part of bigotry especially media discourse is just the
00:55:43way that like white men and to a slightly lesser extent white women are just allowed to get away
00:55:48with things they'll do something they'll do something in a they'll make they'll make bad art
00:55:52and nobody fucking bats an eye and then a non-white person or like an lgbt person does it
00:55:57and it's a fucking war crime it's like the war crime to end all war crimes
00:56:03i mean come on look at the way weebs lost their fucking shit over high guardian spice
00:56:08high guardian spice isn't anything close to as bad
00:56:11as most of the anime weebs like but it was made by lgbt women
00:56:21i promise you if trigger wasn't involved with delicious and dungeon nobody cared about it
00:56:28because that comic had existed for years and nobody brought it up until the uh
00:56:32until until trigger the the pervy anime people decided they were going to make it
00:56:38and people acting like it crucified the concept of anime on their yard yeah
00:56:51who's the author of
00:57:01i can't remember who i can't remember who it was but like there's one anime producer
00:57:05out there who basically popularized the toddler face epidemic that anime has
00:57:09like there's somebody who murdered the concept of anime in their front yard
00:57:13even little witch was mildly pervy they just can't fucking help themselves yeah
00:57:19trigger plastered their name all over delicious and dungeon and i was like i know you made this
00:57:23twitter there's a bleeding screaming woman getting her tits out of course it's by you
00:57:48but there are now or no non-benders in the air nomads but there are now the air nomad culture
00:57:53the air nomads were so in tune with their spiritual side that every air nomad was an
00:57:56airbender there were no non-benders in the air nomads with more airbenders
00:58:04um that's sweet
00:58:09these flowers once sweet it can brighten up your room nonsense whatever you need is yours
00:58:15anything for the mother of the next generation of airbenders no that gift is mine you don't
00:58:20even like to read yeah those are the world's next generation of airbenders
00:58:25mommy daddy look i finally got a lemur i'm gonna name him pokey no thank you i'm
00:58:31the lion greens ah perhaps jung
00:58:36master tenzin
00:58:43there are now the air acolytes are non-benders who are part of the air nation but for some
00:58:46reason they're always weirdly discounted it's only the arrival of new airbenders that sparks
00:58:50the rebirth discounted it's only the arrival of new airbenders that sparks the rebirth of
00:58:55the air nation as opposed to a boon for a nation that already existed and was growing from the
00:58:58start of the show
00:59:08so meditated
00:59:14that is correct again now on day 98
00:59:19question besides otaku who already studied this in his acolyte training
00:59:26and is answering every question back to the spirit world people i come seeking
00:59:39the arrival of new airbenders that sparks the rebirth of the air nation as opposed to a boon
00:59:43for a nation that already existed and was growing from the start of the show granted this growing
00:59:47from the start of the show granted this was always the start of the show
00:59:51granted this was always a running undercurrent for the air nomads one of the reasons the air
00:59:54nomads traveled all over the world is to be of help to everyone which says something about how
00:59:58the air nomads viewed other cultures as needing their help in the first place in a world oriented
01:00:02around bending being the sole nation to have a hundred percent of its members be benders
01:00:05would certainly influence how they interact with the rest of the world the air nomads have always
01:00:08been kind of arrogant
01:00:15learning airbending due to their constant study and training up the sky vice will be so much more
01:00:18impactful by showing that ang's mission was a success yeah that'd be interesting like the more
01:00:22you immerse yourself in your spiritual side the more you start to unlock bending i kind of like
01:00:26the here's the thing here's something i like i like the idea that like everyone has the ability
01:00:31to bend it's just that non-benders it's not as they're like they're not born with their chi
01:00:35pathways open like a bender is and so if they were to like immerse themselves in their spiritual
01:00:39side enough then they would be able to bend the funny thing is you never see a non-bender
01:00:44meditate into into the spirit world despite the fact that they supposedly can
01:00:58more or less being a mutant from marvel yeah making bending genetic was a poor mistake
01:01:05thing about bending is your the ability to bend as a result of your chi pathways being open
01:01:09and non-benders are and the simple fact is a non-benders are closed
01:01:21tough learn from the badger moles zuko relearn from the dragons i really fucking love that idea
01:01:28you can use the force if you really try and train yeah i'm kind of thinking about the force like
01:01:32everyone in star wars has midichlorians in them
01:01:35for sensitive people just have a much higher concentration of midichlorians
01:01:54something you can learn from the world around you is so much better than what than what we have yeah
01:01:58i think they're non-benders i think the interesting part is you look at basic at
01:02:02like the difference between uh like the airbenders are all benders for a reason because they're so
01:02:07spiritual because they're so steeped in the spiritual spiritual aspect of their culture
01:02:11conversely the fire nation actually has the lowest ratio of benders to not
01:02:15has the lowest ratio of benders because they have been rapidly industrializing and moving away from
01:02:20that part
01:02:40is it as crackhead as i thought it was yeah supposedly there's something in the lore
01:02:44saying that energy bending can't grant a non-bender the ability to bend but that
01:02:47makes no fucking sense if you can energy bend if you can take someone's bending away
01:02:52and give someone's bending back you should be able to give someone bending i like the idea that an
01:02:57energy bender can only give someone one of the elements that they themselves know how to bend
01:03:00so the avatar could give anyone could give it to anyone all energy bending does is it forces
01:03:06open your qi pathways so i think for a non-bender to learn to bend it would actually it would be
01:03:21it would probably be a lot more difficult and take a lot longer and they would have
01:03:26to be interested in doing it in the first place
01:03:36hang on i'm gonna write this down
01:04:14i think it kind of works with the established aspect because like when when humans left the
01:04:19lion turtles when uh when the humans left the lion turtles in beginnings the lion turtles gave everyone
01:04:24the ability to bend
01:05:29Hang on crazy idea by doing this they unlock the ability to energy bend not necessarily one of the four elements
01:06:14Making the cosmology more obviously Abrahamic and Western Abrahamic theologies of many Western ones are soul
01:06:18Solid on how man can't achieve enlightenment or anything like divinity by himself
01:06:21There isn't a Buddha or someone like recorded mythologically like you know who excelled in their field or had knowledge
01:06:26knowledge or who became divine by merit
01:06:28Suggest they get all four but slowly they fall away over like a week or month or so and they're left with the one
01:06:32That they ended up using the most I think it could possibly depend on I like the idea of it being energy bending
01:06:39But I mean given that the spiritual aspect of each element is different they probably just get whichever one they stay they they focused on I
01:06:46I mean the spiritual side of air bending is different from water bending
01:06:56Yeah, that's better
01:07:04Not a fan of energy bending not as exciting as bringing a specific culture back to life with patience and practice
01:07:08I feel like energy bending is kind of like on not really eggs not really expanded upon so
01:07:13You could do a lot of things with it if you wanted
01:07:29If the air nomads one of the reasons the air nomads traveled all over the world is to be of help to everyone which says
01:07:33Something about how the air nomads viewed other cultures as needing their help in the first place in a world
01:07:50I've got the perfect clip for this
01:07:53It's got the scar to make sure he gang. Please put that down. It's ceremonial and very fragile
01:07:59Was it the other time you and ever?
01:08:02Is it true?
01:08:03Stude see motto. Nothing's cozy. Everything's here. Even the pelts. Yeah, nothing's cozier than dead animal skins
01:08:23Place everything's here even the pelts. Yeah
01:08:28No TV movies suck I'm here with my
01:08:32Stick around wear a suit to breakfast underwear that laces up
01:08:37Seven-eyes haircut right kick are to make it start in the pelts. Yeah
01:09:06Ain't just casually trash-talking another culture like it's no big deal. Oh, yeah. Nothing's cozier than dead animal skins
01:09:13He prunes help yourself I could eat a whole barrel of
01:09:19Bato is it true you and dad lassoed an arctic hippo. It was your one time. There's giant
01:09:24Yeah, who was it that came up with the great blubber fiasco, you know, but we're hilarious at the time
01:09:29But everything's bang. Please put that down. It's ceremonial and very fragile
01:09:36Bang please put that down. It's ceremonial and very fragile
01:09:39Bang please put that down. It's ceremonial and very fragile. Was it you or dad that put an octopus on your head and convinced Granger?
01:09:50Bang please put that down. It's ceremonial and very fragile
01:09:54Was it you or dad that put an octopus on your head and convinced very fragile?
01:09:59Was it you or dad that put?
01:10:02Was it you or dad that put an octopus on your head and convinced great and you were a water spirit
01:10:09And you were a water spirit
01:10:17In a world oriented around bending beat how the air nomads viewed other cultures as needing their help in the first place
01:10:22How the air nomads viewed other cultures as needing their help in the first place
01:10:26How the air nomads viewed other cultures as needing their help in the first place
01:10:29How the air nomads viewed other cultures as needing their help in the first place
01:10:32Everything's here. Even the pelts. Yeah, nothing's cozier than dead animal skins
01:10:37Please put that down. It's ceremonial and very fragile
01:10:41Was it you or dad that put an octopus on your head and convinced Granger and you were a water spirit in a world oriented?
01:10:45Around bending being the sole nation to have a hundred percent of its members be benders would certainly
01:10:51Thanks for following
01:10:54Around bending being the sole nation to have a hundred percent of its members be benders would certainly influence how they interact with the rest
01:10:59Of the world the air nomads have always been kind of arrogant in a world oriented around
01:11:07When he turned
01:11:10You and ang must be separated the avatar will be sent away to the Eastern air temple to complete his training
01:11:21Around bending being the sole nation to have a hundred percent of its members be benders would certainly influence how they interact with the
01:11:25rest of the world the air nomads have all
01:11:37There what that is a ludicrous suggestion the avatar needs to learn airbending it is not optional
01:11:49Been kind of arrogant viewing themselves as above the world and its problems
01:11:53It's all stuff that requires you to read between the lines
01:11:55I was hoping the core would address that but maybe there will be enough to fill the temples again
01:11:59The temples are full you were there just last season
01:12:02You saw the air nomads living there, but they aren't benders. So they just don't count. Excuse me a little help here
01:12:09Sorry, I thought you were the servants. We're Tenzin's brother and sister avatar
01:12:13Ang had other children the world is filled with more airbenders. We're not airbenders. Oh
01:12:18I'm so sorry despite giving their entire lives to the air nation
01:12:21They're just a lesser class of people if only we hadn't swept the whole benders
01:12:37I'm so sorry despite giving their entire lives to the air nation
01:12:40They're just a lesser class of people if only we hadn't swept the whole benders
01:12:48Yeah, those are yeah, those are the world's next generation of airbenders, yeah
01:13:02Despite giving their entire here's something interesting
01:13:05Pema's notoriety among the air nomads is just being the mother of the next generation of airbenders. She's been an air acolyte for years
01:13:23Water fluidity fluidity earth resilience fire determination air freedom all the bending forms have different spiritual cores, you know
01:13:29Here's the interesting part. None of those things are inherent goods or good are an inherent good or evil
01:13:40Entire lives to the air nation
01:13:42They're just a lesser class of people if only we hadn't swept the whole benders versus non benders thing under the rug
01:13:46Imagine that huh, you know just you know, just because these people can airbend. It doesn't automatically make them air nomad
01:14:24Imagine that huh, you know just because these people can airbend it doesn't automatically make them air nomads
01:14:30Tell me about it the part of the season where the air nation
01:14:32The part of the season where the air nation is actually training largely deals once again with Tenzin is inadequacies and being outclassed as an
01:14:37Airbender by his daughter Tenzin seems to be struggling with the fact that why I hear infiltrated the air temple. What is everyone?
01:14:45You know, you're an incredible airbender. Well, I've been
01:14:48The key is to maintain your heaven and earth connection
01:14:53Now you try back on the posts it's not hard if you concentrate
01:15:02Get back up what's the matter you can't handle it soldier
01:15:08Can't handle it soldier
01:15:10I can't handle it soldier
01:15:12I can't handle it soldier
01:15:14I can't handle it soldier
01:15:28The part of the season where the air nation is actually training largely deals once again with Tenzin is
01:15:32inadequacies and being outclassed as an airbender by his daughter Tenzin seems to be struggling with the
01:15:39The part of the season where the air nation is actually training largely deal tenzin seems to be struggling with the fact that while he
01:15:44Can be a great teacher. He's not the greatest airbender in the world something he had to deal with last season as well and tenzin
01:15:49is used
01:15:50Fine, then we can get right to our all right. Who's next? I'm, not sure. I want to shave my head. That's fine
01:15:55Shaving your head is a personal choice. Wait, what anyone else?
01:15:59Shaving your head is a personal choice
01:16:01Too hard. Maybe we should give them a break ginora. I have this under control
01:16:07You're pushing too
01:16:35Ever feel the stinging rash, Cactus?
01:17:03All have to run through the course again!
01:17:05You can do it, boss!
01:17:06If you don't make it over in the next 30 seconds, they'll all...
01:17:23There's moons like the wind!
01:17:39...to work hard at something, and want to be good at it right away.
01:17:41We're also introduced to Zaofu, a city devoted entirely to metalbending,
01:17:44led by Suyinbei Fong.
01:17:45This introduced the second act...
01:17:49Man, you can tell.
01:17:50When they got the job, it's like,
01:17:51okay, your job is to just shoot watermelons at everybody.
01:17:54Those two are like,
01:18:05Cultures trying to survive displacement really resonates with me,
01:18:08and the fact that Legend of Korra skips out on that makes me sad.
01:18:11Yeah, it makes me sad too!
01:18:12I mean, I'm a displaced indigenous person, so like...
01:18:28We're also introduced to Zaofu, a city devoted entirely to...
01:18:39...a city devoted entirely to metalbending, led by Suyinbei Fong.
01:18:42This introduced the second act B plot of Lin and Suyin's dysfunctional relationship.
01:18:45The one scene I'd like to highlight as especially...
01:18:47This introduces...
01:18:55I... I don't need to explain myself to you.
01:19:02This introduced the second act B plot of Lin and Suyin's dysfunctional relationship.
01:19:05The one scene I'd like to highlight as especially good is a very quiet scene where...
01:19:18...highlight as especially good is a very quiet scene where Korra gives Opalbei Fong introductory airbending lessons.
01:19:22Not only is it a show of how far Korra has come,
01:19:24a moment that is sadly rare in the series,
01:19:26but the gentle movements coupled with the flute music...
01:19:37If I had never seen this show, and you showed me this scene,
01:19:39and said they were setting up Korra and Opal,
01:19:41I'd believe you.
01:19:42But she actually shows attraction to Bolin, which is good.
01:19:44Opal has good...
01:19:51I'd believe you.
01:19:52But she actually shows attraction to Bolin, which is good.
01:19:53Opal has good taste.
01:20:05I'd believe you.
01:20:08Why are you acting weird?
01:20:13I just get really self-conscious when I know a girl likes me,
01:20:15and I end up acting stupid.
01:20:17Who said I liked you?
01:20:18Oh, no.
01:20:19But I thought...
01:20:20Mako said...
01:20:21Just kidding.
01:20:22But do me a favor and stop trying.
01:20:24Well, don't stop trying.
01:20:26Just stop trying so much.
01:20:28Just be yourself.
01:20:29Huh. Be myself.
01:20:31Do me a favor and...
01:20:36I will not be convinced otherwise.
01:20:41But she actually shows attraction to Bolin, which is good.
01:20:43Opal has good taste.
01:20:44Soufu at times feels like a hippie commune,
01:20:46and Suyin will accept fugitives from other nations,
01:20:48which means Beric is here.
01:20:49A whole group of them from the Earth.
01:20:52There is an expert on world affairs.
01:20:54What are you doing here?
01:21:35Oh, there we go.
01:21:37All right, I'm back.
01:22:05Ah, fucking...
01:22:06Must have figured it wouldn't work right away.
01:22:13I had this idea.
01:22:14A big part of my back pain comes from my poor posture,
01:22:16because for whatever reason,
01:22:17I just can't keep my feet planted firmly
01:22:19right on the fucking ground.
01:22:20I'm always, like, up on my toes.
01:22:21So I just thought, hang on.
01:22:22I have heeled boots.
01:22:23I'll put them on,
01:22:24and then my feet will be planted on the fucking ground,
01:22:26no matter how I bend my fucking feet.
01:22:36Soufu at times feels like a hippie commune,
01:22:38and Suyin will accept fugitives from other nations,
01:22:40which means Beric is here.
01:22:41A whole group of them from the Earth.
01:22:47Although, I should probably get some painkillers and...
01:23:30Fucking hell.
01:23:32Nothing like four extra strength of acetaminophen
01:23:34to kill that back pain.
01:23:36Which means Beric...
01:23:37Fugitives from other nations,
01:23:38which means Beric is here,
01:23:39hiding from the United Republic
01:23:40and trying to build a hyperloop.
01:23:41The reason Beric is here,
01:23:42hiding from the United Republic...
01:23:45Pitch through a few ideas,
01:23:46and BAM!
01:23:47We're in business together!
01:23:48Beric's setting up my new...
01:23:50I looked up my old...
01:23:55I looked up my old friend Suyin here,
01:23:56pitch through a few ideas,
01:23:57and BAM!
01:23:58We're in business together!
01:23:59Beric's setting up my new...
01:24:02I looked up my old friend Suyin here,
01:24:03hiding from the United Republic
01:24:04and trying to build a hyperloop.
01:24:05The reason she's in Zaofu at all
01:24:06is because as a child,
01:24:07she got arrested and Toph sent her away
01:24:08to keep her daughter from going to prison.
01:24:11This is our own...
01:24:12You thinking!
01:24:13You two have put me in...
01:24:14Ever since I heard about...
01:24:16Get back here!
01:24:26What are you going to do, officer?
01:24:27Arrest me?
01:24:32Never say that.
01:24:34The reason she's in Zaofu at all
01:24:35is because as a child,
01:24:36she got arrested and Toph sent her away
01:24:37to keep her daughter from going to prison.
01:24:40Getting away with no consequences
01:24:41and scarring Lin in the process
01:24:43has been the reason Lin
01:24:44has avoided her entire family.
01:24:47After 30 years,
01:24:48you're finally ready to talk...
01:24:5030 years, your...
01:24:53I'm sure you have a waiting list for some...
01:25:01Suying getting away with no consequences and scarring Lin in the process has been the reason
01:25:07Lin has avoided her entire family, and while in Zhaofu it starts eating away at her until
01:25:10she ends up in a physical altercation with her entire family, and while in Zhaofu it
01:25:17starts eating away at her until she ends up in a physical altercation with her entire
01:25:29Suying getting away with no consequences and scarring Lin in the process has been the reason
01:25:30Lin has avoided her entire family, and while in Zhaofu it starts eating away at her until
01:25:32she ends up in a physical altercation with her entire family, and while in Zhaofu it
01:25:33starts eating away at her until she ends up in a physical altercation with her entire
01:25:34family, and while in Zhaofu it starts eating away at her until she ends up in a physical
01:25:35altercation with her entire family, and while in Zhaofu it starts eating away at her until
01:25:36she ends up in a physical altercation with her entire family, and while in Zhaofu it
01:25:37starts eating away at her until she ends up in a physical altercation with her entire
01:25:38family, and while in Zhaofu it starts eating away at her until she ends up in a physical
01:25:39altercation with her entire family, and while in Zhaofu it starts eating away at her until
01:25:40she ends up in a physical altercation with her entire family, and while in Zhaofu it
01:26:09starts eating away at her until she ends up in a physical altercation with her entire
01:26:37family, and while in Zhaofu it starts eating away at her until she ends up in a physical
01:26:57altercation with her entire family, and while in Zhaofu it starts eating away at her until
01:26:58she ends up in a physical altercation with her entire family, and while in Zhaofu it
01:27:21starts eating away at her entire family, and while in Zhaofu it starts eating away
01:27:48at her entire family, and while in Zhaofu it starts eating away at her entire family,
01:28:17and while in Zhaofu it starts eating away at her entire family, and while in Zhaofu
01:28:43it starts eating away at her entire family, and while in Zhaofu it starts eating away
01:29:13at her entire family, and while in Zhaofu it starts eating away at her entire family,
01:29:20and while in Zhaofu it starts eating away at her entire family, and while in Zhaofu
01:29:24it starts eating away at her entire family, and while in Zhaofu it starts eating away
01:29:35at her entire family, and while in Zhaofu it starts eating away at her entire family,
01:29:58and while in Zhaofu it starts eating away at her entire family, and while in Zhaofu
01:30:22it starts eating away at her entire family, and while in Zhaofu it starts eating away
01:30:50at her entire family, and while in Zhaofu it starts eating away at her entire family,
01:31:18and while in Zhaofu it starts eating away at her entire family, and while in Zhaofu
01:31:28it starts eating away at her entire family, and while in Zhaofu it starts eating away
01:31:30and while in Zhaofu it starts eating away at her entire family, and while in Zhaofu it
01:31:56and while in Zhaofu it starts eating away at her entire family, and while in Zhaofu
01:32:22it starts eating away at her entire family, and while in Zhaofu it starts eating away
01:32:23at her entire family, and while in Zhaofu it starts eating away at her entire family,
01:32:24and while in Zhaofu it starts eating away at her entire family, and while in Zhaofu it
01:32:25starts eating away at her entire family, and while in Zhaofu it starts eating away at her
01:32:26entire family, and while in Zhaofu it starts eating away at her entire family, and while
01:32:27in Zhaofu it starts eating away at her entire family, and while in Zhaofu it starts eating
01:32:28away at her entire family, and while in Zhaofu it starts eating away at her entire family,
01:32:29and while in Zhaofu it starts eating away at her entire family, and while in Zhaofu it
01:32:30starts eating away at her entire family, and while in Zhaofu it starts eating away at her