Working on Korra Video V 3:3

  • 2 months ago


00:00people keep bringing her places while she's unconscious I mean look let's be
00:14honest you'd want to saw me to take you somewhere unconscious he wasn't with us
00:17that night he covered up his involvement afterwards so he betrayed you just like
00:22he betrayed me yes he allowed me and my friends to remain imprisoned while he
00:26pursued his own selfish goals Unalaq becoming a dark avatar was never part of
00:31our mission and what is your mission exactly I want what you want to restore
00:35balance to this world I don't think our ideas of balance are the same are you
00:39sure about that you kept the spirit portals open but why stop there bringing
00:44the spirits back should only be the beginning what do you mean the idea of
00:47having nations and governments is as foolish as keeping the human and spirit
00:51realms separate 1810 oh like oh you've had to deal with a moronic president in
01:01a tyrannical Queen don't you think the world would be better off if leaders
01:05like them were eliminated no I mean I don't really agree with what they've
01:09done but taking out world leaders isn't the answer it wasn't too long ago that
01:13the airbenders were nearly all wiped out thanks to the fire Lords desire for
01:16world dominance true freedom can only be achieved when oppressive governments are
01:20torn down but that won't bring balance and we'll throw the world into chaos
01:25exactly the natural order is disorder do you know who once said new growth cannot
01:32exist without first the destruction of the old no the wise guru Lahima an
01:50I can't beat this guy it's like I'm giving him ammo wanna trade
02:51you know being locked away for so many years I was beginning to lose hope but
02:58when I awoke with airbending I knew I would be the one to destroy the old
03:01world and plant seeds for a new world to flourish oh he's an anarchist he wants
03:06to be he wants to tear down he wants to tear down down old world governments
03:13plunge the world into Kate indicate chaos and true freedom freedom and
03:18return and return humanity to the spirits to the spirit and return you
03:22matter to the spirits you know I gotta say break I gotta say break after two
03:25years after two seasons where you basically where you take an interesting
03:29idea and interesting and where you take an interesting philosophy and water it
03:33down to something stupid down to something simple and stupid stupid it's
03:40nice to see the basic it's nice to see that to see you actually working with
03:43something on your level on your level for once
03:54and filler and philosophic and waxing philosophical but
04:13anarchism is the laughing stock is the laughing stock of the book is a lacking
04:18stock laughing stock of the philosophical world sophical world oh
04:22there's been put oh there have been plenty of in plenty of and plenty of no
04:26of noteworthy Anarchist noteworthy anarchist thinkers and noteworthy
04:30anarchist thinkers who have managed to achieve to collectively cheap to
04:34collectively achieve collectively achieve the to collectively achieve jack
04:41fucking and shit achieve jack fucking shit thinkers who have managed to
04:47collectively achieve a jack fucking shit fucking shit I mean communist I mean
04:51hell communism managed to basically establish itself in several nations in
04:56several in several nations nations granted you'll never granted you'll
04:59rarely ever meet you'll rarely ever meet an inner an anarchist thinker in real
05:04life an anarchist thinker in real life real life it's usually it's usually
05:08anarcho-capitalism syndicalism which is to
05:31which is anarchism what an illuminate what an aluminum Christmas tree is to a
05:37forest which is the anarchism what an aluminum Christmas tree is to a forest
05:48so here basically exists exists for well they here here does Janet does wax
05:53poetic about does wax poetic about poetic about freedom a lot freedom a lot
05:59but here but his is true I should put this on screens you can all see what I'm
06:02writing but it's true purpose purpose is pretty simple it's pretty it's pretty
06:07simple the Earth Queen has been has been established as a tyrant as a top
06:13as a tyrant and he exists exists for no other reason than no other reason than
06:17to mark the Earth Queen mark the Earth Queen the Earth the Earth Queen which
06:21kind of sucks which kind of sucks because sucks because I'm gonna be
06:25honest here because if you wanted someone to mark the Earth Queen because
06:28if you wanted because if you wanted someone someone impulsive and if you
06:32wanted someone who murk the Earth Queen there's basically there's already a
06:38character a character who is more than capable of doing that who is more than
06:42capable of capable of doing that doing that and who already and who already has
06:46had personal has had personal dealings with the Earth Queen to the point they
06:52will to the but to the point she's driving them crazy driving them driving
06:57them crazy it's a little unknown character it's a it's a little so it's a
07:00little side character most people most people don't quite remember right
07:05remember her name her name is avatar Cora her name is avatar Cora both
07:10capable and willing who's more than capable and capable of doing that doing
07:15that and who already has had personal dealings with the point she's driving
07:18them crazy so they're both capable so they're both capable both capable capable
07:22and willing willing that's a little side character most people don't quite
07:25remember her name is avatar Cora her name is avatar Cora they bombed banks
07:34and ATMs that are more on the and are more on the praxis side oh great
07:37anarchism got even dumber oh no Cora a character who has previously who has
07:46previously not been a not been opposed opposed to extra extra judicial murder
07:51murder Cora Cora and the judge been opposed to extrajudicial murder given
08:02how much of Cora's arc of Cora's arc as a character as a character is about it's
08:05about her impulsivity her impulsivity impulsivity how she often often acts
08:10without thinking without thinking and isn't prepared for the consequences
08:13prepared for the consequences consequences Cora murky Cora being the
08:17one to kill being the one to kill the Earth Queen and throw the Earth Kingdom
08:22into chaos chaos after thinking after thinking she was doing everyone a favor
08:27everyone a favor would be fucking beautiful beautiful beautiful it's a
08:33hell it even leave hell it even leave it even leads into into her self-imposed
08:36self-imposed self-imposed exile in the fourth in the final season hell it even
08:40leads into her most exile in the final season a hell of a lot better a hell of
08:46a lot better than the current cannon current cannon where she's a cannon
08:49where she was where she was off her groove groove after being turned it
08:55turned and blue ping-pong ball brown and blue pinball where she was off her
09:01groove after being turned into a brown and blue pinball even leads into her
09:09self-imposed exile in the final season a hell of a lot better than the current
09:11cannon where she was off her groove after being turned into a brown and blue
09:13pinball would actually give her a certain degree of agency in her story
09:17for the first fucking time hell we get into hell we get into season 4 season
09:224 4 and everyone's like everyone's like Cora you have to Cora you have to stop
09:27this evil tyrants stop the evil tyrants evil tyrants and she's like I already
09:30did that and she's like I already did that I already did that I made
09:33everything worse I already did that I made everything worse whose name is also
09:39name a show killing a high authority figure would be grounds for a ratings
09:41change and clearly Nickelodeon didn't have that budget yeah they already
09:44killed the character doesn't matter and she's like I already did that I made
09:50everything worse worse yeah this is why we put yeah that's why we put people on
09:55trial Cora yeah Cora that's why we put people on trial this is doubly the case
10:02this is double the case the case given that avatar is generally avatar has
10:06dealt with the avatars refusal to put a fucking refusal to stop stop a problem
10:13leader problem world leader before he happens refusal to stop a problem world
10:18leader before he happens
10:28and who ting is it like is it isn't like Ozai she does isn't like Ozai she
10:32doesn't have bending to take away she doesn't have bending to take away she
10:36doesn't have bending to take away her products like to take away her ability
10:39to hurt people to hurt people is systemic her ability to hurt people is
10:44systemic and as we've as we've seen and as we've seen seen the Dai Li the Dai
10:48Li is the real power in the Earth Kingdom and as we've seen the Dai Li is
10:53the real power in the Earth Kingdom the Queen doesn't really matter really
10:59doesn't really matter god damn man you know I fucking hate it when the show
11:02makes me write a better version of it on the spot I just came that I just came up
11:05with that came up with that on the spot okay but I know you're probably thinking
11:09Lily the hero's not supposed to kill people yeah okay let's have a story about
11:12why I know you're probably thinking I know you're probably thinking thinking
11:17Lily the hero's not supposed to kill people kill people yeah let's yeah let's
11:22tell a story about why about why dickhead
11:30stop here by pointing out that the core comics tackling the post-cuviera Earth
11:34Kingdom and with royalty back on the earth throne kingdom I think that's more
11:38than anything shows what bright thinks about changing the status quo yeah like
11:41King Wu's a bit like King Wu's democratic revolution just never really
11:45happened who would have seen that coming yeah let's tell a story about why
11:53dickhead yeah you can't just cut the head off of an entire state and expect
11:59everything everything will just work out
12:08yeah let's tell a story about why dickhead oh but no oh hang on oh but no
12:13we need to oh but no we need to we need to follow up we need we need to drag
12:16around it's a here about ha it's a here while he rants to his while he rants to
12:22his mother about mother about how he's not going to tidy not going to tidy his
12:37about how he's not going to tidy his room it's a it's interesting it's it's
12:41interesting just how just how superfluous superfluous is a here is
12:46here is a here is the fandom seems to think seems to think he's the greatest
12:50greatest antagonist the show the show had show had because he suffocated a
12:55woman suffocated a woman and I guess and I guess that's badass or something
13:05months ago and the main thing I thought was Mako and Wu would be kind of a kind
13:09of cute as a couple yeah a lot of people seem to think that I don't know I don't
13:11get it suffocated a woman and I guess that's
13:14badass or something badass or something but like but like see it but season one
13:22had multiple bloodbenders had multiple bloodbenders bloodbenders bloodbending
13:27outside of the full moon outside of the full outside of the full moon full moon
13:33and bloodbending is the most fucking and bloodbending is the coolest up is the
13:36coolest technique in the entire fucking show and bloodbending is the coolest
13:41technique of the entire show so like so like it's step your game up
13:44he pops up here holy shit you're seeing this that's fucking lava everyone's like
13:50oh so here's some give the earthling that this guy's bending fucking lava
13:53game up say here like you next to a lava bender a combustion bender and a water
13:57bender with no arms you're right next to you're right next to a lava next to a
14:02lava bender lava bender a combustion bender with the voice of Chris summer
14:13Chris summer and wait no meanwhile is that it's Chris I'm wait no no meanwhile
14:20is great allow
14:27voice of plea Christy woo who was Chris summer I don't know who she's played an
14:38avatar but she's played Chris summer
14:50okay next to a lava bender a combustion a lot of tender the world's like fire
15:03bender and a what and a master water bend water bender who water bends with
15:07no arms no arms and you are just there in a brown robe with your fucking head
15:13shaved fucking blowing hot air in more than more than one sense of the phrase
15:20and a water master water bender who water bends with no arms how is everyone
15:25cooler than you even even even unilock post even unilock post brainer post
15:38lobotomy even unilock post lobotomy lobotomy had more on-screen presence
15:43than you do you do even unilock post lobotomy had more on-screen presence
15:48than you do this was avatars own Craya and a man possessed by a furious kite
15:58possessed by an angry devil snake
16:06and a man possessed by Satan if he was a neopet
16:18by Satan if he was a pretty opium
16:29unilock post lobotomy had more on-screen presence than you do how are you the most
16:41post lobotomy had more on even unilock post lobotomy and Kuvira had more and
16:46Kuvira had more on-screen presence than you do how are you the most boring how
16:49are you the least interesting the least interesting person the least interesting
16:53person in a show where everything interesting gets set on fire
16:57oh wait more on-screen presence than you do then again then again all of those
17:07all of those characters all of those characters were good characters before
17:10before the story broke it snapped itself into two to four to force a
17:16villain to force a villain villain into existence existence while you are boring
17:20well you are boring right from the start so it's like so we don't even have a
17:27better so we don't even have a so we don't even have a better a better
17:30version of a version of Zaheer of Zaheer to to work with because a better
17:35because the better version of Zaheer version of Zaheer is Korra
17:44better version of Zaheer to work with because the better version of Zaheer is
17:47Korra I can see Korra still being a young avatar making a logical leap but
17:59Zaheer is spouting his doctrine only to realize that it wouldn't work
18:05forces again in the game where they were once again pawns of a bender fucking
18:09Kratos pre and post-duh clarity Zaheer please as an airbender you could help
18:13make a positive difference in the world instead of destroying it you're a very
18:16smart young woman girl but you must realize that once change begins it
18:20cannot be stopped even by the Avatar philosophical mumbo-jumbo I want to know
18:24one thing if you do capture me what are you gonna do with me you'll have that
18:28answer soon enough the Red Lotus should have you by now see you in the physical
18:41here you tricked me let me go Asami are you okay where's the rest of the Red
18:48Lotus what's the Red Lotus and Zaheer didn't capture us the Earth Queens
18:52forces did where are we I'm not sure some camp by the desert they're taking
18:56us back to Ba Sing Se the Earth Queen's army snatched up the Avatar before I
19:07load them in the truck we're taking a trip to Ba Sing Se
19:13Ba Sing Se oh don't do that
19:25that parts coming up that part isn't for a while master all four elements and
19:30bring balance fuck I think I've actually covered everything for season three
19:33ironically I don't really need to go fully in depth on anarchism like do we
19:40really care
19:53also I don't buy that notion it's like oh we can't have a you can't have a hero
19:58kill anyone when in this season we see Suyin fucking Mark Pauly
20:21do I have to be chained to the floor the whole way it's going to be so
20:25uncomfortable sorry ma'am I'm under orders can't you just chain me to that
20:29railing I mean where am I gonna go please well as long as you're chained up
20:35I guess it doesn't make a difference
20:38thank you sir can I have some water no water also not gonna bring you any rocks
20:44or fire so don't ask I guess there's air but there's nothing we can do about
20:48that we're not opening your compartment till we reach Ba Sing Se I hope Mako and
20:53Bolin would have shown up to save us by now I wonder if they're okay if you
21:00think holding us hostage I'll give you some leverage to use against the Avatar
21:02you're gonna be very disappointed can't we just enjoy our time together in
21:05silence and why did you need Cora alive back in Zalfu you had her paralyzed why
21:10didn't you just take her out when you had the chance look all you need to know
21:12is that the world is about to change for the better so you guys were like locked
21:16up for 15 years huh that must have been like crazy boring actually it was only
21:2013 years but it felt like 30 I mean what did you do with all that time did you
21:24sing songs work on crafts a lot of craft supplies in a volcanic prison cell and I
21:29must have renamed the constellations about a thousand times when it rained
21:32that was a big event I would have killed for some rain mostly I just made up
21:35stories about the guards who was having trouble with his girlfriend which one
21:38secretly wished he'd become a pastry chef okay that sounds like fun let me
21:41try that on you guys you were raised by an older sister your mustache grew in
21:45when you were 10 and I'm sensing just sensing an unspoken attraction between
21:49you two two out of three it's not bad bully okay that was cute sorry goes on
21:57gag those two we're almost there
22:05we have to find a way out of this prison before we get to the earth Queen
22:08don't worry I have a plan these airships that cabbage corpse sold to the earth
22:11kingdom are way cheaper than the ones future industries built
22:19now that's just shoddy workmanship there's no way I can get these locks off
22:26I need the keys
22:32give me five minutes then start yelling for help
22:39when is the Avatar scheduled for delivery the airship already left port
22:44Moscow and should be arriving in a few hours excellent bring it to me as soon
22:48as it lands yes your majesty but first there are some people here who captured
22:53two of the Avatars friends they would like to present them to you personally
22:56you know I don't eat with bounty hunters and of course I told them that but they
23:00say they have some information that might interest you about the location of
23:04your stolen airbenders really fine send them in ah yes I remember these two
23:11we'll find an acceptable home for you in prison with the rest of the dissidents
23:15now I'm told you have some information for me I hope this isn't just some ruse
23:21to try to increase your bounty we don't want any bounty your majesty you can
23:25consider these two a thank-you gift for simply taking the time to talk to us how
23:29very magnanimous so where are my airbenders I'd be happy to tell you
23:35once you hand the Avatar over to me who told you that we have the Avatar how I
23:39know is not important but if I found out others will too and that could put you
23:43in a difficult position is that so your majesty imprisoning the Avatar will
23:48cause the other nations to turn against you and demand her freedom before long
23:51you'll be in the midst of a sticky international incident but if you let me
23:54take her today no one need ever know she was here and you can get your
23:58airbenders back without interference we both win and what do you plan to do with
24:02the Avatar should I see fit to grant your request all I can say is that I
24:06have business with her but she won't be bothering you again I can assure you of
24:09that I find these terms agreeable gun escort them to the antechamber until the
24:19Avatars arrival send these two to the dungeon
24:26that's quite a drop
24:34where is she
24:43nice work now let's take control of this ship
24:49hello friend
25:20well they say any landing you can walk away from is a good landing but given
25:24our location I'm not so sure about that you're the engineer what do you think
25:28can we get it flying again it doesn't look good I mean even if you metal bend
25:31the propellers back into shape you'd have to dig this whole thing out of the
25:34sand is everyone all right like you care what the heck happened she said her
25:39friend needed help then they knocked me out I'm sorry but I couldn't let you
25:42take me to the Earth Queen as a captive there are dangerous forces at work that
25:45you don't know anything about more dangerous than being stranded in the
25:48desert don't worry calm I radioed bossing say before we went down we just
25:52need to sit tight someone will be here soon to rescue us I'm not waiting around
25:55for that we need to get out of here now if we all work together we might be able
25:58to get the ship up and running not likely I just tunneled out of the engine
26:01room it's like a sandbox in there this ship isn't going anywhere and neither
26:04are you you're our prisoners and it's our duty to transport you to the Earth
26:08Queen you realize that on the Avatar right you don't want to fight me I'm
26:11afraid you weren't giving us much of a choice we have our orders wait did that
26:16sand dune just move it was probably just a mirage the desert to play tricks on
26:20you that's no mirage look
26:26I heard this is all the warrants warrants from doing it by them all right so I
26:31guess that's my fault too do you want to help us get this ship up and running or
26:34do you want to wait around and meet that thing we want to fix the ship right cap
26:39let's get to work everybody stand back
26:47we have to find a way out of here before Zaheer gets his hands on Korra take me
26:56with you I haven't seen my wife and five kids in four years four years the first
27:00few months were great I could finally get some sleep but now I really miss
27:04them listen Bolin this is up to you I know you can metal bend you can metal
27:09bend no yes you can I believe in you I believe in you too Bolin I appreciate
27:16that Mako and fellow prisoner man but I've been trying and trying and trying
27:20and I've never been able to do it not even a little you've always had the
27:23ability deep down you just haven't had the right motivation but this is your
27:26time get us out of here to save Korra you can do it
27:31I'll put that pressure off my boy
27:45I can't metal bend oh hey you guys didn't have to bring any toilet paper
27:52did you
28:20first you scared a life out of me now you want to lick me
28:30here she won this and leave me alone you're off
28:34Tonrock you read me I found Korra's Jeep but the kids aren't here meet me at the
28:39misty palms oasis
28:48how's it looking in there I just air bent all the sand out of the engine room
28:51I think it's clean it hasn't been that clean since it floated off the showroom
28:54floor how's it going out here well she's still pretty banged up but I think
28:57she might be able to limp out of the desert Kong you want to see if you can
29:00get the engine started
29:12oh man and that's a punchline like in the Earth Kingdom gun like soldiers are
29:19just working with them I didn't like that notion
29:32another ship is on the way we just need to hold our position for a few hours we
29:36might not have a few hours how far are we from the edge of the desert too far
29:39to walk if that's what you're thinking we can't just wait around for that thing
29:42to pick us off one by one you'll do as you're told airmen now get a hold of
29:45yourself maybe we can still build something to get us all out of here you
29:49want to make some wings out of scrap metal and flap real hard no but we
29:52might have enough material to construct a makeshift sandsailor like the
29:55sandbenders used to get around all we need is a sail and some kind of sled to
29:59attach it to it's worth a try gather every piece of metal you can find
30:03we'll give that sandy beast a run for his money yet
30:07bully with a chalice he's love it wait here
30:20your majesty we received a distress signal from the airship carrying the
30:26prisoners we believe the ship crashed in the seawong desert and the avatar may
30:29have escaped this is outrageous send another airship to retreat
30:33ad break oh no this is it this is when we find your question student body math
30:45proficiency when we say it's good fair satisfactory like a percentage if you
30:49had to guess understood great student-teacher ratio
30:58we bring you the real in-depth school info what were you thinking I don't know
31:02I don't know
31:32hey you got pouched looking good no added sugar still feel like a real apple
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32:06Perry's favorites for just $6.99 each order now on the app from Papa John's
32:11where is that opener hmm just punch it bro your Idris Elba hey man let me get
32:17that for ya. Oh it's a twist off. It is a twist off
32:41we believe no journey is taken alone Toyota start your impossible
32:59Cinnamon Toast Crunch, blasted with cinna-dust.
33:03Oh wow. Again.
33:11Leave the Avatar immediately. It's already on its way, Your Majesty.
33:20What are we going to do now?
33:22There's no way we can track her down in the desert before the Queen gets to her.
33:25You really think they'll be lucky enough to capture her again?
33:27She'll be long gone by the time they arrive.
33:29It doesn't matter. We're through chasing her.
33:31It's time to make her come to us.
33:33What is this rip-rap doing in my throne room unannounced?
33:41Apologies, Your Majesty, but I couldn't help overhearing that the Avatar won't be joining us today.
33:46The Avatar is still in my custody. However, eavesdropping on royal conversations will land you in a cell right next to those boys you brought in.
33:55Now, if you value your freedom, you'll tell me where the airbenders are right now.
34:00That wasn't the deal.
34:02I will not bandy words with bounty hunters.
34:04Seize these hoodlums and throw them in prison until they decide to show proper respect for the crown.
34:24Gun! Get back here and lay down your life for your Queen, you coward!
34:33You wouldn't dare attack a Queen!
34:39Maybe I forgot to mention something to you. I don't believe in Queens.
34:47You can't be in here!
34:55Hey! You can't be in here!
34:57No need for alarm. I just need to make an announcement to the entire city. How do I do that?
35:01Who do you think you are?
35:03He's the man who just took down the Earth Queen. You want to be next?
35:06Ming Hua, please. We're here to help citizens like him, not hurt them. Now, can you help me?
35:19Attention, citizens of Ba Sing Se. I have an important announcement to make.
35:23Moments ago, the Earth Queen was brought down at the hands of revolutionaries, including myself.
35:28I'm not going to tell you my name, because my identity is not important.
35:31I'm not here to take over the Earth Kingdom.
35:33I think you've had enough of leaders telling you what to do.
35:36It's time for you to find your own path. No longer will you be oppressed by tyrants.
35:41From now on, you are free. I deliver Ba Sing Se back into the hands of the people.
35:59We have to get out of here, Bo Lin.
36:01Zaheer came here to take out the Earth Queen, and now Korra is next.
36:04You know that guy? He's my hero!
36:06Shut up! You have to metal-bend us out of here.
36:09Come on! I know you can do it! This is your time!
36:12You said before it was my time.
36:14I know I did, but I can't let you do this.
36:16I can't let you do this!
36:18I can't let you do this!
36:20I can't let you do this!
36:22I can't let you do this!
36:24I can't let you do this!
36:26I can't let you do this!
36:27You said before it was my time.
36:28I know I did, but now it's really your time!
36:30Do it!
36:31You're in a stone prison! Earth-bend yourself out!
36:38Did you see that? I did it!
36:40I mean, not for us, but I metal-bend all the other cells open!
36:43I don't think that was you.
36:48Listen to me. I'm going to set you free, but I want to talk to you first.
36:52I have a message that I need you to take to Korra.
36:58She's pretty, but I think she'll do the job.
37:00No time for a test run. Let's move!
37:28I think he's gone! We did it!
37:52I could do a Yakoma in the other outfit.
37:55Which one?
37:58Number six.
37:59You want to buy a slightly used Sandsailor?
38:03Thanks, Asami. You've got a good head on your shoulders.
38:05Those ones I gave you yesterday.
38:07Right, um...
38:08You know, whatever the conflict between you and the Queen is,
38:11I'm sure it's above my pay grade.
38:13You've got a tough job. Good luck, Avatar.
38:16Number six? Oh, yeah, okay.
38:17Captain, have we been in the desert too long, or is that...
38:19I'll do that in a bit.
38:21Ugh, let's go get a drink.
38:30Easy, girl.
38:31Did you think we weren't coming back for you?
38:38What are you all doing here?
38:39Korra, you're safe.
38:42Yeah, we made it out of the desert, thanks to Asami.
38:45Do you remember Lord Zuko?
38:46I met you when you were a very young girl.
38:48It's good to see you again, Avatar Korra.
38:50It's good to see you, Lord Zuko.
38:52Thanks for ditching me back at Zalfu.
38:54Yeah, sorry about that.
38:55But how did you all find us?
38:57I am a detective, you know.
38:59Did you find Mako and Bolin?
39:00Some people at the inn saw them get captured by Zaheer's crew.
39:03We don't know where they are.
39:04Did you hear about the Earth Queen?
39:05What about her?
39:06Once again, the Earth Queen's reign has come to an abrupt and violent end.
39:09Ba Sing Se has descended into chaos.
39:11Rioters and looters have overrun the palace.
39:14The Red Lotus.
39:15What's that?
39:16The name of the group that's been trying to capture me and just took out the Earth Queen.
39:19I'm afraid this is only the beginning, Dad.
39:24To be continued...
40:54Oh, right, I forgot.
40:55Mako fucking... fucking murked Menghua as well.
41:24Who gets electrocuted to death?
41:36May as well just be an episode of Death Battle.
41:40Oh, also.
41:41Also, Bolin learns Lava Bending.
41:45Oh, and Bolin learns Lava Bending.
41:46Learns Lava Bending.
41:47Lava Bending at the eleventh hour.
41:49Actually, no, we cover that when we talk about the characters.
41:52The crew gets their own section.
41:59Might as well just be an episode of Death Battle.
42:01God, you know, going back over season...
42:03You know, going back over season three...
42:05Over season three, like, it's probably the messiest.
42:09It's probably the messiest.
42:12It takes a very long time for the...
42:14Long time for the antagonists...
42:16For the main antagonists...
42:19To show their faces and do anything.
42:21Do anything.
42:22Once they do...
42:23Once they do, it's one speech about...
42:26It's one speech about,
42:27Get out of my room, Mom.
42:29Mom, and then...
42:31And then Regicide.
42:34Regicide, and basically...
42:35And about the only...
42:37And about the only thing season three really has...
42:39Really has...
42:41Mom, and then...
42:42And then Regicide.
42:43Regicide, and the...
42:44And the season basically...
42:45And the season keeps...
42:48Swapping out new plotlines.
42:49New plotlines every few...
42:51New plotlines every few episodes, and then has to...
42:54Has to very loosely tie them all together.
43:00Very loosely tie...
43:01And then has to very loosely tie them all together.
43:03It seems like...
43:05It seems like Bright thought...
43:06Bright thought, well...
43:08Well, nobody liked...
43:10Nobody liked our social revolution villains.
43:12Revolution villains, so we'll go back...
43:15So we'll, uh...
43:17To just bending fights.
43:18Bending fights.
43:19But the problem with the...
43:20But the...
43:21I keep forgetting to drag this into view, so you all can see it.
43:26But the problem with the first two seasons...
43:28Two seasons, is you had very interesting ideas...
43:30Very interesting ideas...
43:31And then threw them away...
43:32Threw them away...
43:33Away, so you could just...
43:35So you, uh...
43:37Could just get right to the...
43:38Right to the anime fighting.
43:39Anime fighting.
43:40And season three is...
43:41Just the anime fighting.
43:43And season three is...
43:44Just the anime fighting.
43:45Just the anime fighting.
43:48This isn't an improvement.
43:49The anime fighting is the problem.
43:51This isn't an improvement.
43:52An improvement.
43:53Like the...
43:57It's just the...
43:58It's just the boring latter...
43:59It's just the boring latter halves...
44:00Of the seasons...
44:01Seasons with actual promise.
44:04But this isn't an improvement.
44:05It's just the boring latter halves of the seasons with actual promise.
44:11I mean, take what I said.
44:12The whole season would have been better served if it was just about the air...
44:16I mean, take what I said.
44:17What I said.
44:18The whole season would be better...
44:20Better if it was just about...
44:23Just about the new Air Nation...
44:24Air Nation and their...
44:25And their...
44:27And them crossing paths with the Earth Queen.
44:31With the Earth Queen.
44:43With who...
44:44With Hu-Ting's bullshit and...
44:45With Hu-Ting's bullshit and...
44:46Bullshit and kill...
44:47And uh...
44:48Killing her herself.
44:49With Korra getting fed up with Hu-Ting's bullshit and killing her herself.
44:55Like, it's...
44:56It's astounding.
44:57Like, I kinda went in there here thinking,
44:58Okay, so the Red Lotus, like...
45:00I remember...
45:01I remember the Red Lotus...
45:03I remember the Red Lotus being more of a presence...
45:06More of a presence with plenty of...
45:08Plenty of weird, uh...
45:09Of weird...
45:10Of weird dipshit anarchist rants.
45:12Anarchist rants.
45:13No, it really is just the one.
45:15It's just like the one or two.
45:17Two, and that's about it.
45:18And that's about it.
45:19They are a non-presence.
45:21They are a non-presence.
45:23Presence throughout the season.
45:25Season, until it's time...
45:27Until it's time for a fight scene.
45:29Until it's time for a fight scene.
45:30They're like Team Ro...
45:31They're like Team Rocket in a Pokemon movie.
45:43Like, they're like...
45:48Like Team Rocket by way of Zack Snyder.
45:53Help that the other three have very few characterizations.
45:55The first movie...
46:06Like, they aren't characters, they aren't characters,
46:08They're just boss fights, they're just boss fights
46:10Ozai had more, had more, uh, had more character than this, had more character than the Red Lotus.
46:14Red Lotus? Hell, fucking Zhao had more character than the Red Lotus.
46:22It seems the Red Lotus' appeal, Lotus' appeal lies entirely, lies entirely in the fact that,
46:27the fact that Season 3 is the most violent season.
46:33It seems the Red Lotus' appeal among the fanbase, among the fanbase lies entirely in the fact that
46:38Season 3 is the most violent season.
46:43Characters, like, characters get suffocated to death.
46:49Korra's torture porn scenes are even...
46:55...torture, are even more torture porn than before.
46:57Ming-Hua dies, dies of electrocution, electrocution, a character commits, electrocution, a character commits suicide on screen.
47:14Korra's torture porn scenes...
47:15The lady blows her own mind.
47:19The lady blows her own mind.
47:21Someone's head gets exploded?
47:24Someone's head gets exploded?
47:28Korra gets beaten so badly, badly she ends, uh, she ends the, uh, ends the season in a fucking wheelchair.
47:43Wheelchair, like, this season was just a, this season was just a, just a fucking bloodbath.
47:49This season was just a fucking bloodbath.
47:51Bloodbath, which, which does, which does answer my question.
47:55Question, people tend to view, question, question, animation fandom, generally, animation fandom views mature in the same way, in the same way.
48:03When animation fandom basically, like, anima, when animation...
48:09...about things getting serious or mature, it's usually, it's usually some, it's usually getting closer to doom.
48:16To a, uh, to a level from doom.
48:33A level, getting closer to a level from doom in season three is for, season three, and season three basically is a level from doom.
48:39They're called the Harris levels.
48:43I, I didn't play enough doom for that joke.
48:46Oh, they were levels for doom made by, uh, made by the Columbine shooters.
48:50Season, it's like, season three is so approximating doom, approximating do, doom, it's those, it's those homebrew levels, levels the Columbine shooters made.
48:59Hm, nah, that's probably too much.
49:01Getting closer to a level from doom.
49:21Uh, I'm afraid I don't get it.
49:31I'm not smart enough to know if it's a coincidence or not.
49:33Yeah, I think that might be a coincidence.
49:35I, like, here's the thing, I don't think Break, I don't think Break is, uh, tuned in with enough, with enough current events for that.
49:41Like, I know this is gonna be hard for some people to accept, Gaza only became a household, a household term last year.
49:56Which, that in and of itself is depressing.
50:02Kazan caused a cave-in trying to kill the brothers, uh, killing himself in the process.
50:05No, no, he is, he did actually kill himself, he basically said, I'm not going back to prison.
50:10Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope.
50:58It's usually getting, uh, it's like, it's usually getting closer to a level from doom.
51:02Doom, you know, for pretty much the whole, you know, the whole...
51:06I think of that whole, that whole, the last wish, wish versus turning red thing debacle from a few years back.
51:13From a few years, from a few years back, where people acted, man.
51:35["A good villain does not talk much philosophy"]
51:38"-is the distillation of what fandom, of what Avatar fandom, fandom thinks a good villain is, a good villain is, villain is."
51:44Talks a lot of philosophy, a lot of philosophy, philosophy, but not in such a, but not in such a way
51:49that, a way that means, that means the main characters might, characters might not, characters might not want to anime fight their way out.
51:57Their way out of every..., uh, their way out of it.
52:00Characters might not want to anime fight their way out of it.
52:02but in such a way that means the main characters might not want to anime fight their way out
52:17of it
52:18Sure, Unalaq, written properly, would have probably, would have been, would have been
52:29one of the best, one of the best antagonists, Unalaq, written properly, would have been
52:34one of the best antagonists the franchise ever had, the franchise ever had, had, but
52:38he also would have been boring, would have been boring, but he also would have been boring.
52:43Boring in their eyes.
52:51They're boring in their eyes because when do thing go boom?
52:54When do thing go boom?
52:56Because when do thing go boom?
53:04All in all, Zaheer is just, Zaheer, Zaheer is just blowing a lot of hot air.
53:16All in all, Zaheer is just blowing a lot of hot air.
53:30Okay, yeah, we do not need to watch the rest.
53:34Because it is, it is just anime fighting from this point onward.
53:41Just one season to go.
53:44Oh lordy.
53:51Shonen fans are always looking for characters to power scale.
53:53Does it beat Goku?
53:54Oh yeah.
53:55Oh god.
53:56Well, hey, at least we're over the hump.
54:01Season four is not as bad as season three.
54:02I mean, it's still bad, but.
54:07Yeah, but like, it's manageable.
54:20I am going to order dinner.
54:23Hot diggity.
54:27How's the other Yakoma coming?
54:30I haven't started it yet, so I was gonna do it in a little while.
54:32Oh right, I'm sorry.
54:33Oh, it's okay.
54:36Oh my god.
54:38Like, here's the thing.
54:38Writing for season three is hard, because season three puts you to sleep.
54:42This is kind of what I mean when I say, like, you know, a bad show and a good show.
54:46A bad work and a good work are interesting to write about, but a boring work, it puts
54:49you to sleep.
54:57Oh my god.
55:01Always yes, because Goku is an idiot.
55:04It's pretty damning of its merits.
55:06Well, a good part of it is that I actually did see those.
55:08I actually did go through those episodes recently, so they are fresh in my mind.
55:17The villain, I'll go for the throne and slit.
55:21So Kuvira does have one thing over Amon and Zaheer, you know, because like Unalaq, at
55:26least Kuvira's hot.
55:29Oh my god, she is just.
55:31At least Kuvira's, you know, like Kuvira as a villain might be crap, and once again,
55:36once again, we have an interesting, an interesting idea being thrown aside in the favor of something
55:40simple, but you know what?
55:42At least she's interesting to look at.
55:44Oh yeah, but it's hard, junior.
55:46I don't know how, how you landed her, but god damn.
55:50There's a bit in Siege, if you have a M.O.N. forever installed in Siege of Dragonsphere,
55:53after you first meet Kalar, M.O.N. is basically going on about, it's like, wow, it's like,
55:57did you see the way her eyes were glowing?
55:59It was so beautiful, and it's like, oh, I'm glad to see your priorities in order.
56:01It's like, what?
56:02No, I just, there just wasn't anything worth, anything she was saying worth listening to.
56:06Her name is Kuvira Windrunner Tavira Gray.
56:14Stop that.
56:27You mean you gotta get N.U.B.A. material?
56:57With your buskin boots, bestie go, bestie go, better than mine arrow.
57:18And I really did give Zaheer just pumped up kicks as a theme, because that's really all
57:22he is.
57:28He's a manifesto.
57:29It's like, he's just, he's the, uh, he's the original character Do Not Steal for a school
57:35He is the Jeffrey Cuttle Trousers.
58:00It's so fucking wild how the Columbine shooters had so much myth-making surrounding them.
58:07People for years going, how could this happen?
58:09Nobody knows why they would decide to do this.
58:11Yeah, we do.
58:11Because they left journals telling people why they did it.
58:13They were misogynistic white supremacists.
58:15They predominantly targeted, uh, they predominantly targeted female and non-white classmates.
58:21Head out, gonna have a short art stream, have fun watching, too.
58:24See you, Zane.
58:25Buh-bye, dolls.
58:26Hope you had a good day.
58:29Baby's first interesting villain.
58:46All right, me and McKay are gonna take off.
58:48Thanks for joining us.
58:49We'll see you all tomorrow.
58:52See ya.