Working on Korra Video 3:5

  • 2 months ago


00:00:00This should be a pulse-pounding semi-final, folks!
00:00:07The buzzard wasps open with a flawlessly executed combo!
00:00:11All three ferrets take an early visit to Zone 2!
00:00:14And Margo's knocked all the way back into Zone 3!
00:00:17The fire ferrets have been struggling to stay alive since the opening bell.
00:00:20All three players are totally out of sync tonight!
00:00:23Ooh, that has got to sting!
00:00:31And Boling loses his noodles! Literally!
00:00:34Which reminds me, this match is brought to you by our sponsor, Flamio Instant Noodles!
00:00:39Noodley is the name of the United Republic!
00:00:47The buzzard wasps fly deeper into ferret territory!
00:00:54And Mako plunges into the pool!
00:00:57Can the fire ferrets hold on?
00:01:00The wasps have the ferrets backed up to the edge now.
00:01:03And the ferrets are bailed out by the bell!
00:01:06They had better pull themselves together, folks, for Round 2,
00:01:09otherwise they can kiss the finals goodbye!
00:01:21Hey! Watch it!
00:01:23The wasps take advantage of Mako's unforced error and bowl it in the pool!
00:01:30Ooh, and a blatant hold by the avatar!
00:01:33Unnecessary roughness! Move back one zone!
00:01:37I'll unnecessarily rough you up!
00:01:40And the avatar is slapped with the yellow fan!
00:01:43The ferrets are their own worst enemy right now.
00:01:46It's just sad to watch.
00:01:48With the buzzard wasps leading two rounds to zilch,
00:01:51the ferrets' only hope of winning is with a knockout.
00:01:53Well, I guess there's always next year.
00:01:55Come on, we still have a chance, even if it is a slim one.
00:01:58The way we're playing, we don't even deserve to be in the finals.
00:02:01Look, if we don't pull together and work as a team,
00:02:04we'll never forgive ourselves.
00:02:06Let's just get this over with. The sooner, the better.
00:02:20Bolin's knocked into Zone 2, followed quickly by his brother!
00:02:28And Bolin takes a zinger to the shoulder!
00:02:30Looks like it's a clean hit!
00:02:35Mako's in the drink and out of the match!
00:02:38And Bolin keeps playing with one good arm!
00:02:41I gotta hand it to him, this kid's got grit!
00:02:43But how long can he keep it up?
00:02:45Apparently, not very long.
00:02:47The ferret's dream of making it to the finals now rests in the avatar's hands.
00:02:51But with three on one, I don't like her arm.
00:02:58Are you okay? How's your shoulder?
00:03:01It's messed up pretty bad.
00:03:03But I think I'll be alright.
00:03:09Are we gonna be alright?
00:03:11Of course we are. We're brothers.
00:03:14We'll get through this mess.
00:03:16I'm sorry.
00:03:18Me too.
00:03:22What an unbelievable effort here by Korra!
00:03:25She's dodging every element the wasps can throw at her!
00:03:30The avatar finally gains some ground,
00:03:32but with only ten seconds remaining, it might be too little too late!
00:03:39It's the big kabob!
00:03:40Oh shit, okay!
00:03:45Yes! He did it! Yes!
00:03:48It didn't seem possible, folks, but the fire ferrets are headed to the finals!
00:03:54Shoulder, shoulder!
00:03:57That was pretty much the coolest thing I've ever seen.
00:04:01Thanks for not giving up on us.
00:04:03We never would have made it this far without you.
00:04:05I owe you. Big time.
00:04:08You're welcome.
00:04:09So, I know things are confusing right now,
00:04:13but I hope we can still be friends.
00:04:21At least apologize to Boliv.
00:04:25Oh, she has.
00:04:46What a comeback, Korra.
00:04:48I've never seen a hat trick like that.
00:04:51But if it hadn't been for you and your father,
00:04:53we wouldn't have had the chance to play.
00:04:55So, thank you.
00:04:56Uh, everyone's done with the little thank you party.
00:04:59Need some medical attention over here.
00:05:01Oh, let me help.
00:05:04Ah! Haven't you hurt me enough, woman?
00:05:06Relax, I'm a healer!
00:05:08I learned from Katara the best there is.
00:05:11No, no, no, no, no!
00:05:13That's the stuff.
00:05:15Boliv, I'm sorry I hurt your feelings.
00:05:19I didn't mean to let things get so out of hand.
00:05:22Ah, I'll be all right.
00:05:24But we had fun together, didn't we?
00:05:26I had a great time, honestly.
00:05:28You are one of a kind, Boliv.
00:05:31Please, go on. I enjoy a press.
00:05:34Your winner, the Wolfpacks!
00:05:38What? How's it over already?
00:05:40Let's get with a brutal round one knockout!
00:05:43The defending champs secure their spot in the finals!
00:05:46I hope the ferrets know a good doctor, because they're gonna need one!
00:06:13Unfortunately, this same episode starts the Korra-Asami-Mako love triangle that would persist for half the show.
00:06:35And the two of them are actually really good.
00:06:40The two of them are adorable together.
00:06:44There's an entire group of scenes of their date.
00:07:01And it's genuinely some of the most heartwarming material Avatar has ever produced.
00:07:18Unfortunately, this same episode starts the Korra-Asami-Mako love triangle that would persist for half the show.
00:07:24Both of them actually pull a huge dick move on Boliv when they kiss after the match.
00:07:34Between the three of them, it's three of them.
00:07:56Whether she intended it or not, Korra basically...
00:08:16And unfortunately...
00:08:23Unfortunately, Korra confirms that. It's uncharacteristically mean.
00:08:27Uncharacteristically mean for a character who is generally portrayed as very good-hearted up until this point.
00:08:45It only takes one more match for the two of them...
00:08:53Things out.
00:08:54Bolin's actually pretty good about it.
00:09:16Like that.
00:09:18So this arc between the two of them is short, but even when it gets mean-spirited, it's still very well-written.
00:09:33It's still rather well-written.
00:09:43I honestly think there was a missed opportunity to not explore this further.
00:09:53The love triangle was basically...
00:10:00Basically lasted for two seasons and pissed off the viewers.
00:10:06Pissed off the viewers so much that basically...
00:10:10...didn't touch it again until the 11th hour when they just decided...
00:10:59Keep streaming. I'm having fun.
00:11:10Good question.
00:11:19If we don't keep watching Korra, I'm down for more BG2.
00:11:43And I think I'm gonna try and get that fucking bracelet quest done.
00:11:48Okay, give me a second to go make lunch, and then we're gonna switch to BG2.
00:11:55I would... I gotta burn these points somehow.
00:11:59Yeah, I'm not gonna burn through all of season one right away, because like...
00:12:06Honestly, my critique gets like...
00:12:09There's a certain point where my patience starts to drift.
00:12:14I can't binge watch while trying to do analysis.
00:12:17It just doesn't work. My critique will just be worse.
00:12:23Yep, that's absolutely fair.
00:12:25Okay, so I'm going to make lunch, and then we'll swap to BG2.
00:12:29I shall entertain our guests.
00:12:39What's your... What's your and McKay's opinions on cats and dogs?
00:12:42I love them both for different reasons.
00:12:51Cats are low maintenance, but they're still quite affectionate.
00:12:55Dogs have...
00:12:57Dogs are highly affectionate. You just, you know, you have to be more careful with them.
00:13:17Plus, it's easier to tell what a dog's thinking because they got eyebrows.
00:13:22Hi, McKay.
00:13:23Hello, Krona Ursa.
00:13:27What are your favorite fruits?
00:13:28Oranges and cherries.
00:13:33I'd eat cherries more if they came pitless.
00:13:38But to my knowledge, there aren't any pitless cherries that are sold around, so...
00:13:47I tend to stick to oranges for the most part.
00:13:52If you get wife time, we are blessed with the wife's radiance.
00:13:56We are!
00:13:58Lily's awesome.
00:14:00So blessed to have her.
00:14:08Oh, how I wish you could join us in the vibe zone, Ren.
00:14:15You deserve to be more than just on the splash page.
00:14:19Have you or Lily played Hollow Knight?
00:14:21I played, like, ten minutes of Hollow Knight once, I just haven't gotten back to it.
00:14:26I will one day. Heart soon.
00:14:30Fingers crossed.
00:14:40How's Emerald N. should be going?
00:14:42She is formulating her character.
00:14:45How's Emerald N. should be going?
00:14:46She is formulating her schemes.
00:14:52She is plotting her capers.
00:14:54She is sitting on her henchwoman's face.
00:14:59You know how it is.
00:15:03I was actually, um, I was with my fo-
00:15:05I was with my family yesterday at the beach.
00:15:07And between, uh, you know, just catching up and taking pier walks,
00:15:11I was actually telling them about my henchwoman idea, and they are on board.
00:15:17My brother and- my brothers and, uh, my sister-in-law are invested.
00:15:27What is Vanessa's background?
00:15:28Um, she just started as a general thug and then realized that she was hitting harder and
00:15:36taking more damage than, uh, tanking more damage than your average henchwoman.
00:15:41So she made a- she made a lucrative career out of it.
00:15:49If you were to ask her how she came across the strength to, you know, sucker punch a
00:15:55sailor scout into Jupiter, she would just say,
00:15:58What are you, a cop?
00:15:59Fuck off.
00:16:01If you were to ask her how she came across the strength to, you know, sucker punch a
00:16:07sailor scout into Jupiter, she would just say,
00:16:10What are you, a cop?
00:16:11Fuck off.
00:16:22And then you would say,
00:16:23Well, I am a cop.
00:16:24And then she'd say,
00:16:25Oh, well, absolutely.
00:16:26Fuck off then.
00:16:27And then super sucker punch you to Pluto.
00:16:30So she would say,
00:16:31What are you, a cop?
00:16:32Fuck off.
00:16:33And then you would say,
00:16:34Well, absolutely.
00:16:35And then super sucker punch you to Pluto.
00:16:45She certainly has the experience to make it out, uh,
00:16:55I'm sorry.
00:16:59Oh, I'm sorry, Ren.
00:17:02I wish you had that too.
00:17:05Also, it was more with my siblings than my folks that I shared this idea.
00:17:12My father couldn't give less of a shit about my creative ideas.
00:17:18Speaking to my father is just, you know,
00:17:21either talking to him about his hyperfixations,
00:17:25or just talking about, like, you know, your experiences,
00:17:29and then him just waiting to find a way to, you know, loop it back around to him.
00:17:44I told him one time I, um, I received a death threat on Tumblr,
00:17:49and he just found a way to loop it back to a story he had.
00:17:55It's like, well, you know, it's like, you know, when I was, uh,
00:17:59it's like, when I was a young adult, we settled, uh,
00:18:02we settled our differences in the freaking parking lot,
00:18:05and that's how I met my best friend and so forth,
00:18:07and then just, like, just stayed on that trajectory, and I'm just like...
00:18:11...yeah, that's...
00:18:23...but buff...
00:18:28...grunt lady helping this cringe villainess succeed in this very unique, you know, story hook.
00:18:32Oh, yeah, yeah, I'm very proud of this idea, and I'm just...
00:18:37...I am looking for an opportunity to get it off the ground.
00:18:45Okay, he's your dad a narcissist, he's got something wrong with him, and...
00:18:52...he understands that he's fucked up, like, medically and psychologically, but...
00:19:00Oh, it is ad time, so some of you might not be hearing me,
00:19:06so I'm just gonna keep it sparse.
00:19:14I'm seeing a lot of ads for, like, gacha games as of late.
00:19:19From, like, the HoHoverse or whatever the fuck.
00:19:28The oyest of vays.
00:20:08Fucking hell, I was out in the sun for only four hours, and my natural color is back on my arms.
00:20:14Oh, nice.
00:20:17If I were to show you, if I were to roll up my sleeves, you would see a very clear and evident line...
00:20:23...between where, like, where the sun hit me and where my shirt had been blocking it.
00:20:29It's fucking, I mean, like, you saw it when I, like, you...
00:20:32One second, hang on, I gotta...
00:20:43Okay, so, like, you saw it when I, uh, it's like, when I was in, uh...
00:20:49You saw it when I was in, when we went to New York, right?
00:20:52Like, just a few days out and about in the city, and, like, I had a completely different skin tone.
00:20:59Oh, yeah.
00:21:03Even, like, fucking hell, even Carousel looked at me like, what the fuck?
00:21:12Did you always look like that? Oh, no, that's my tan. You tan that much?
00:21:20It's like, yeah, I'm indigenous.
00:21:27There's a photo of my, like, I have, there's a, uh, I think it's in my, I think it's in my document box, but, like...
00:21:33There's actually a photo my parents took when they went to Vegas.
00:21:36Like, you'd look at a photo of my mother and be like, oh...
00:21:41Oh, oh, when you said you were indigenous, you meant that.
00:21:47There's a girl, like, a HEXCO color gradient. Yeah.
00:21:52Some people only hear themselves and only sit in themselves. I'm so sorry, McKay.
00:21:57That's okay, Ryan. I'm used to it.
00:21:59What happened?
00:22:00Oh, we were just talking about, uh, how terrible it is to try to hold a conversation with my father.
00:22:08I was, I mentioned that one time I received a death threat on Tumblr, and I told him about that,
00:22:13and he just used that as an excuse to loop her back around to talk about himself.
00:22:21Oh, you meant indigenous-indigenous. Yeah.
00:22:25You know...
00:22:27Fuck it, hang on, I'm gonna go dig that, I'm gonna go dig that photo out, because it was like,
00:22:31it was taken, like, fuckin' 12 years ago or so?
00:22:35So, like, they don't look like...
00:22:37They've aged a lot, so nobody'd recognize them today.
00:22:41Okay, where the fuck are you? Oh, there you are, you're here.
00:23:25Eh, no, I'm not gonna do that.
00:23:54That's fair.
00:24:05Mm. Oh, yes.
00:24:12You can tell what time of year it was taken just by what color I am.
00:24:50Fair enough.
00:25:16Yeah, I should go, uh, touch grass after the stream.
00:25:18We'll probably be streaming for a while.
00:25:20What's the UV index today?
00:25:36UV will be high starting at 2 PM.
00:25:40Tomorrow's UV is also gonna be high.
00:25:42We'll probably just go out by the, uh, by the water's edge and just spend some time in the sun.
00:25:57Oh, no.
00:27:07How's that?
00:27:12Took me a second.
00:27:46Yes, I've seen enough of this place.
00:27:51Yet again, I don't know what to draw.
00:28:07Bring your reputation up by smooching everyone.
00:28:10I-I think that would actually do the opposite.
00:29:31Oh, dear.
00:29:33I will have to go through.
00:29:35I will have to go through.
00:29:37Let's not just, uh, try to suggest-
00:29:39Let's try to suggest something that would be absolutely in, uh,
00:29:42Breakdancing Princess Tutu.
00:29:44I gotta find that, then.
00:29:49I was gonna suggest Bonnie juggling Sophie and Tony.
00:30:09Now, So-Sophie has two younger brothers.
00:30:11She could definitely handle Bonnie.
00:30:21Okay, now.
00:30:23How do I do this bracelet bit?
00:30:30Mods, BG2, M.O.N. Romance.
00:30:34Mm, English Bracelet.
00:30:53I'll hang on a sec.
00:31:00Computer stop timer.
00:32:58Here we go.
00:33:00I have beef and barley soup.
00:33:04Oh, nice.
00:33:08No TV. Movie sucks.
00:33:10I'm gonna watch my girl.
00:33:40Refrigerator time!
00:34:00For we're traveling merchant at walkings promenade acquired is to be read as stolen
00:34:05its origins are unknown perhaps a family heirloom or an ancient artifact a
00:34:09A traveling merchant at Joaquin's promenade. Okay, so we're in Joaquin's promenade. We just got a look around
00:34:39You will find no better prices than ours. I guarantee it.
00:34:53Red bearskin mail
00:35:01This is clearly made for a barbarian
00:35:04Open locks fine traps silently melee damage resistance 5% 20% while enraged missile damage 25% 50% while enraged
00:35:14One hit point for two rounds
00:35:18Fallen raised the wearer moves to double their normal rate. Yeah, this is definitely for barbarians
00:35:21Well, we're just gonna have to explore Joaquin's promenade
00:35:32Well, we're just gonna have to explore Joaquin's promenade
00:35:39The bracelet is like the only part of this fucking mod
00:35:42I've not been able to get any footage up because I can never find it
00:35:59Traveling merchant
00:36:14Oh, here we go
00:36:19Must have her steal something you simply must ever she steals a bracelet from a fat old merchant who wants to charge outrageous some said
00:36:25Item is pretty powerful. That's not necessary. I just moved if I just love the fair use car name as a distraction to pocket the bracelet
00:36:41Wait, it happens. No, no, no, no, it doesn't happen in the romance. There's certain dialogue that changes
00:36:47So I just got to find the merchant
00:36:59There we go
00:37:06I'll figure it out. Those are some out there original suggestions or did you love you recent ish? I
00:37:12Know I know Ren draw yourself getting all getting the getting the affection and appreciation you deserve from me and McKay. Oh
00:37:20Yes, absolutely
00:37:43Anything you need I can likely provide I assure you
00:37:53Yeah, oh you too
00:38:03Maybe the merchants out here
00:38:18In Kalimshan the markets be big big and colorful silken dresses and stalls at every corner. I do miss the bazaars
00:38:26Okay, you're clearly part of a different quest
00:39:03To gold pieces to rub together
00:39:20This may be a little boring as I'm gonna look around for one NPC whose name I don't know
00:40:14Wait a minute
00:40:20You'll find no better prices in our person some of my high quality merchandise this afternoon, let's see what you have
00:40:27You don't have a whole lot of high quality merchandise. Do you have a look at my
00:40:33Satisfactory condition shower looks upon us with favor
00:40:40Nothing's worse than a cheating cobalt you dare to wrap yourself in your another loathsome elf walks boldly among us
00:40:47Excuse me. What have I done to deserve such judgment?
00:40:50You and your kin are all the same cunning and underhanded not to be trusted. You shall be cleansed from the world
00:40:54I swear it neither. I or my elven king have done
00:40:58Nothing I or my elven kin have done deserve such words of haste I shall leave you to your bitter pettiness
00:41:10Rode well, I mean you are a drought Healy
00:41:24Their mod to kick that guy in the dick, well, I mean hang on
00:41:37You don't need a mod to kick that guy in the
00:41:48Say dick promptly along with that
00:42:15I will find him
00:42:21Stand where I get where my time is quick. So be brief commoner
00:42:57Know the hell is that merchant? Oh, that's like, oh, yeah
00:43:14Never saw
00:43:33My time is quick. So be brief commoner
00:44:23Let's see
00:44:34I don't fuck. Are you?
00:44:48You can pick up a supposedly but not really
00:44:50Exclusive bracelet with the new content by trolling around at Katla if you've got the right variables achieved
00:44:55double speed ring of regeneration gives a plus one dexterity and plus two
00:45:00Casting speed bonus while on a mage thief while the road with them
00:45:02Which on a mace even the robo-victim means casting horde boltings as fast as everyone else's dropping magic missiles
00:45:08Not dropping times every other round
00:45:38To the promenade she steals that bracelet, although now the problem is that instead of Bob called sacrificial transfer
00:45:46Must be a dialogue TLK file
00:45:55Leave me mod get an update it got its last update in 2019. It's just that this is one part of it
00:46:00I've never been able to find and I am NOT leaving until I do find it
00:46:09We are committed
00:46:11Have a look at my wares I trust you'll find them all in satisfactory condition
00:46:36Maybe it's inside one of the stalls
00:46:42And go shop
00:46:44What's that in here?
00:46:46I've got this
00:46:48Kalimshites Tethyrians water devians. They all make their way here eventually to one they do
00:47:03Myth rest in spell store the den of the seven veils the temple of ill mater red wizard enclave
00:47:10Kataris weaponsmith CERN's former home
00:47:13The or merchant don't worry about me
00:47:19Greeting is good customer a pearl to you
00:47:25Tunnel out of the promenade a district exit district exit
00:47:32Myth rest in
00:47:35You want it you've got it
00:47:45Good business to you
00:48:01Know but I suspect that I can afford a room good for you. Don't let the bastards look down their crooked noses at you
00:48:23Song perhaps or a ballad
00:48:25My heart and words are at your pleasure
00:48:28Tonight's crowd seems to enjoy some of them are very bad ones
00:48:35That had a slur in it, oh dear I've got this
00:48:47Have a look at my rares, I trust you'll find them all in satisfactory condition
00:49:01Boy, when the internet said red lobsters going away boy flavor Flav said not today
00:49:08Crab fest is here boy, and they got two flavors just like me flavor
00:49:14We got roasted garlic and new Cajun butter getting the most bonafide come back yet the comeback you'll be coming back for
00:49:23It's crab fest and red lobster boy when you gotta have seafood. You gotta have red lobster
00:49:30At Papa John's we start with better
00:49:33Like our fresh never frozen dough made from six simple ingredients and our dough can save you dough
00:49:39Get two or more Papa Perry's favorites for just $6.99 each order now on the app from Papa John's
00:49:48The names um steak
00:49:51Steak get my bag
00:49:54Sweet creamy relief am I gonna be okay? I have no idea. I'm not a body doctor another day another drumstick
00:50:02Now at Kohl's freshen up your summer look and save on the latest styles for men and women during Kohl's exclusive cardholder event
00:50:10Take up to 30% off when you use your Kohl's card. No card. You still save 20% and earn Kohl's cash
00:50:18Not so fast the general's coming with you mom
00:50:21He gave us a break on our car insurance and he'll look after you too. Yep with flexible payment options, okay
00:50:26But why is Shaq coming to?
00:50:28To show you how it's done
00:50:31For a great low rate go with the general
00:50:40What do you want
00:50:42Here are Emily grabs yard gives you the very best puppy dog eyes and bounces up and down with excitement
00:50:47Can we go in can we go in please me, please?
00:50:53This circus sucks
00:51:06That was adorable oh
00:51:13God fucking love him on
00:51:18Doesn't love it boy. Show me somebody who doesn't love it boy, and I will show you a fucking loser
00:52:05Gotta be a fucking guy to like they basically say you find it by like trolling around like a cat or the promenade
00:52:11But come on
00:52:12Come on
00:52:16Everybody get it. There we go. Don't worry about me
00:52:36You want it you've got it
00:52:40All right, I'm gonna try opening near infinity
00:52:46Tools near infinity
00:52:57Text search Bob
00:53:25Okay, that's gonna take a while oh
00:53:33Searching through it is actually like causing the game to run slower. Oh
00:53:39That's impressive
00:53:42Let's cancel that search and let's search
00:53:58I'm gonna sister should aspire to be more like oh come on
00:54:05No Lord don't do that
00:54:45Let's see
00:55:42My god
00:55:45For the bg1 NPC project mo n has dialogue if you put on the girdle of masculinity femininity oh
00:55:54If you turn your character into a girl finally we can talk about girl stuff no anything, but that
00:55:59I'll put on your big girl panties and harden up
00:56:04Good I wear clothes my shirt doesn't fit and things feel a bit jiggly help yourself. Hope you like pink
00:56:15Does that mean I can finally get the lowdown on that mysterious incident with the frogs back at the keep
00:56:19That was mysterious to me also accidents happen to everyone gosh, we should
00:56:24back to adventuring
00:56:26Love them
00:56:35Okay, let's see
00:56:48I'm gonna go have a nap a little okay, Ren. Love you. Love you. Have a good nap
00:56:55see dreams I
00:56:57Hope you have nothing but pleasant dreams
00:57:02She deserves
00:57:36Let's see
00:57:59Hey here we go
00:58:16Glass case among God. There's a strange silvery bracelet myriad little carvings cover its surface. Oh here we go. Where is this?
00:58:28Selecting tree
00:58:48Toward a glass case among God there we go
00:58:52My name is Mara ever so please have your attention and welcome to this humble trading stand
00:58:57Okay, good, so I need to find Mara
00:59:01Wait a minute wasn't that that lady. No, that's Mira
00:59:32Global mr. Ring sell in one number global three
00:59:40Okay, how do I check a global BG to check global
00:59:59Get global
01:00:03Global mr. Ring
01:00:07Ring sell in one
01:00:38I never saw much of the cities from the circus
01:00:53My name is Mara, I'm ever so pleased to have your attention welcome to this humble trading, okay, so I gotta find Mara
01:01:02Always the always the end
01:01:04Always something we end up saying whenever Bonnie comes home having learned a new swear
01:01:39Boulders gate Mara
01:01:46We're having breakfast at the money's I hmm I mean these pancakes you're really poggers
01:02:01Mara the oh
01:02:04Mara the merchant
01:02:07Where the hell are you?
01:02:44Know it
01:03:04There is a Mira greetings good customer a pearl to you
01:03:56Sally is book of verse
01:03:59Mira's spring tonic prayers the potion of sisters who wish to pursue lively romantic pastimes that worry about either progeny or fatigue
01:04:11Wand of glitter dust that I picked that up
01:04:44All right, let's see Emily and romance bracelet
01:04:50Show results with bracelets more results in the bean dog forums
01:05:11Before it but it may I'm not sure the sword copy the save to clean and sell fleets
01:05:50Can I search this entire thread there's like a 30 page thread for this for this mod, oh goodness
01:06:29Come on
01:06:48Maybe I need to do something before it'll actually become traitor will become available. Hmm
01:07:12Let's head into the den I've got this
01:07:38Don't worry about me
01:07:43Ashes you please you have a mighty gall blood axe to walk in the open with your chin high
01:07:48Is it me old? No walk where I like you stunted excuse for a dwarf. Maybe nay a thing you can do about it
01:08:22For time we got to be
01:08:31Well, I got one of them
01:08:54Oh fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
01:09:16Tell me why aren't you attacking with your weapons give it to me straight. There we go
01:09:22whispers of silence
01:09:24control undead and unidentified dagger, which means
01:09:28cursed berserking sword
01:09:30Causes the wielder could to go berserk
01:09:36Be quick with it
01:10:04You want it you've got it
01:10:09Static dagger 50% chance of dealing 1d 3 electrical damage
01:10:16While hidden or invisible the wearer is non detectable by magical means such as a detective visibility and scrying. Oh, I'm gonna give you
01:10:23What are you wearing?
01:10:26Electrical resistance, I'm gonna give you that
01:10:40I've got this
01:10:52Don't worry about me
01:10:56You want it you've got it I've got this
01:11:09Let's see
01:11:11So we did find a mirror of the merchant. So let's search
01:11:17There we go creature Mira search. Oh
01:11:22There you are open
01:11:25Mira no flag set normal
01:11:34Now, where are you?
01:11:53You girl
01:11:55me I
01:11:56What are you doing here? I don't understand the question the ball spawns plot side is no place for a simpering child
01:12:04I'm I'm not a simpering child
01:12:07Spoken like a simpering child be gone. There's no place for you here. You don't order me around
01:12:11I'll go untilia says to go and I don't think she'll say that you have some spirit to you
01:12:15Maybe you're worthy of the ball spawns attention after all maybe Dorn. I swear if you keep bothering my party members
01:12:30Okay, here's Mira
01:12:32Now is there actually a location for you?
01:13:17Let's say BG to find creature on map
01:13:41Don't know where to find you
01:13:49Where'd you go
01:13:54It points straight to exterior that to do that go attack around all the usual stuff
01:14:03You doesn't tell me where the hell you are
01:14:16Shop oh one dot CRE. No, that's that wouldn't help me
01:14:50Bring it
01:15:22Banter still triggers even then I reload the game before the banter happens initially and then approach Mira it works as intended
01:15:27Okay, nobody mentions where the fuck Mira actually is
01:15:44Have been all over this fucking map, and I cannot find this woman for the life of me
01:15:51It's not time to matter isn't I don't think so you're supposed to be able to approach her manually
01:15:58At least a lot of people say that's what a lot of people are saying
01:16:02Jays nasty times are coming. I reckon
01:16:29So the thing is if I knew where she was I'd be able to find her anytime after this
01:16:47Mira the
01:16:52This is her thing you need I can likely provide I assure you was I looking for Mara
01:16:59Who was I looking for where's that yeah, Mara
01:17:06That's who I'm looking for I was looking for the wrong name
01:17:10Let's see
01:17:13Mara search
01:17:17Marley Marla Marla oh oh fuck hang on
01:17:22Mara the merchant there you are open where the fuck are you
01:17:29Fuck are you
01:17:38Well, that's what you look like
01:18:07So you are installed
01:18:51Gonna be here somewhere well now. I know what sprite. I'm looking for she does look similar to Mira
01:19:03Summertime that means summer of dash pass is back with door dashes biggest deals of the year on stuff like tacos
01:19:10Burgers meat that will soon be burgers cold drinks really cold drinks drinks are so cold
01:19:16They're no longer drinks toys for your dog toys for your son son hats and more all with zero dollar delivery fees
01:19:23order now
01:19:25Summer of dash pass your door to five weeks of deals
01:19:29Sign up now
01:19:31So how long have you lived here over 40 years, and how are the restaurants around here? Are they good bad man?
01:19:36What's the average household income is there a mall? I don't know a hair salon. Where do you get your hair done?
01:19:43You go move away
01:19:46Oh, I'm sorry. It's a lovely neighborhood Marcy. We've got to go
01:19:5217,000 more parts to visit
01:19:56We bring you the best neighborhood info
01:20:02Maybe she's somewhere else the city gates. Maybe don't worry about me
01:20:19Traveling stand and she's heading to trade me. Where are you?
01:20:28I'm sorry. This is the most boring way to spend a stream
01:21:57You think there'd be information in here as to where this fucking person supposed to be
01:22:09Infinity NPC location how to find when a creature is spawned using near infinity
01:22:19Mostly creatures that may appear in the corresponding area some of these creatures only appear if you meet certain requests
01:22:35Okay, let's head up to the ARE files let's pause the recording so you can all see what the hell I'm doing
01:22:50All right, I'm looking for Joaquin's promenade
01:22:59Here e code
01:23:18Recording is 55. I've spent 55 minutes looking for this fucking character
01:23:29What the
01:23:43Did my internet go out it did
01:24:01Mara is not here
01:24:28No, I'm back