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Erkenci Kus HD - Episode 35 (English Subtitles) EARLY BIRD
00:02:15I'm gonna cause I'm gonna wash yours
00:02:21It's business
00:02:26John B
00:02:29John B
00:02:32He's a potent young man. Yeah, Mr. D
00:02:35I know
00:02:41Arkadaşıyım ara vermiştim. Yani
00:02:45Solmuşum ısınmam lazım yoksa beni hayatta nakat edemez de patronun bu arada hani
00:02:50Arkadaşı şarkıda şeysiz arkadaşım aynı zamanda da
00:03:02Selamun aleyküm kahveli keyin kahvaltıları
00:03:06Selam hoş geldin İhsan eyvallah
00:03:08Hayırdır ya ha betiniz benzin soğumuş öyle vitaminsiz gibi bakıyorsunuz men men ne oldu evde yemek bile pişmiyor İhsan açtırma
00:03:15Bazımıza İhsan o ben uyandım
00:03:18Hanımlar bütün gün kitaphanede tabi değil mi?
00:03:21Demişlerin ana yerlerde eyvah eyvah ya ulan üzüldüm dur bir güzellik yapayım size rahmet herkese benden çay söyle yanına da çift kaşarlı tost
00:03:33Bir dakika Nihat abi medefun karışık bir ayvalık yapıyorsa onunki dublet çay olsun
00:03:37Yok yok ya İhsan gerek yok sağol
00:03:39Selamun aleyküm
00:03:41Selam Nihat
00:03:42Delikanlı göldü mü Nihat baba ya gözünü seveyim ölmedi
00:03:44Ooo ölmedi de can çekişiyor harbiden ya
00:03:47Abi bu halinizle ölü balık gibi bakıyorsunuz yemin ediyorum ya
00:03:50Ya burada serum olsa serum söyleyeceğim size tosta çay kesmez ama
00:03:53Valla ne yapayım
00:03:54Eyvah eyvah
00:03:55Eee ne zamana kadar sürecek peki babalar bu iş böyle ya
00:03:57Valla belki de kitaplar bitse rahat ederiz herhalde
00:04:01Kitapların bitmesini beklemeyin abi o kitapların bitmesini beklerseniz var ya
00:04:05Bitmesin sizi ölünüz çıkar buradan toplarlar aşçıktan şey abi duvardan duvara kitap var orada ya
00:04:10Zaten o kadar kitap okuyan kadın sizi ne yapsın gözünü seveyim kusura bakmayın be
00:04:14Eyvallah kardeşim çok sağol
00:04:16Valla Nihat abi kusura bakma da bu Mevkif ablamın yaptığı bu Güzel Başkanım yaptığı iş işte iş değil yani
00:04:21Şu adamların haline bak abi gömlekler muşambaya dönmüş ütüsüzlükten
00:04:25Pantolonlar zaten çift çizgi suratlar bitmiş
00:04:27Abi böyle hayat mı olur ya size ne var mı babaların bu hayatı
00:04:30Ya huzurluysanız bir şey demiyorum da
00:04:32Bu ne be abi
00:04:33Hayat değil abicim
00:04:34Kafası mı kitaphane be abi ya
00:04:36Hadi kalkalım
00:04:37Yürüyün babaya
00:04:41Durun ağalar beyler
00:04:46Kadınlar bizi muhtacız zannediyor
00:04:48Onların ayağına gidersek bizi aciz zannedecekler
00:04:52Görücekler haklısın
00:04:55Ya başka çarem mi var Nihat abi adamlar açlık sınırında tavla oynuyor görmüyor musun
00:04:59Kolları kalkmıyor abi zarata
00:05:01Ne var abi
00:05:02Gerekirse kendi yemeğimizi kendimiz yaparız
00:05:07Çamaşırımızı bulaşığımızı donumuzu kendimiz titreriz
00:05:13Onların kütüphanesi varsa bizim Fırat abimiz
00:05:18Orada topçayla olacaklarmış
00:05:20Biz burada ne yapıyoruz
00:05:22Abi Nihat abi
00:05:24Onlar bize gelecek
00:05:26Yemeğimizi yapacak
00:05:28Kahvemizi kimse elimizden alamaz
00:05:33Ne abi
00:05:34Benim söylediğim tüm tostlarını kendine Nihat abiye yaz
00:05:36Yaz Nihat
00:05:38Yaz bana
00:05:43Hatta çayın arkasından limonata
00:05:49Karnımız doydu ya
00:05:51Niye karnımız doydu bugün
00:05:54Limonataları iptal et sen
00:05:56İptal et
00:06:08Kadın resmen pirana gibi ya kan kokusuna değil can kokusuna geliyor resmen
00:06:12Bir de Can Bey'i tek alabilir miyim acaba
00:06:15Pardon ya
00:06:16Yemin ederim yanına da yapışmış bir de
00:06:19Bir şey diyeceğim
00:06:21Bunlar ikisi sevgili diye yazarlar ha
00:06:23Ayhan sen beni niye gaza getiriyorsun
00:06:25Gaz değil
00:06:26Can Bey
00:06:28Şöyle geçeyim ortasına
00:06:30Konuşmanın ortasına dalmış gibi oldum kusura bakmayın
00:06:34Sen de mi röportaja geldin
00:06:36Ben öyle bir denk geldik ki
00:06:38Spor için gelmiştim aslında tesadüfen
00:06:40Karşılaştık çünkü
00:06:42Ben şirkette çok yoğunum
00:06:44Şirketin bütün yükü omuzlarımda
00:06:46Ben şirkette bu arada kredit direktörüm
00:06:48O yüzden vücudum değil beynim çalışıyor
00:06:50Daha çok mesai harcıyorum yani
00:06:52Ama şimdi bir fırsatını buldum
00:06:54Geldim kişisel koçum Ayhan
00:06:58Aynen öyle bana öğrettiğin gibi Ayhan'cığım
00:07:01Ben hiç böyle miyim
00:07:05Sanem Hanım ajansımızın vazgeçilmezlerinden olur
00:07:09Kaldığımız yerden devam edelim
00:07:11Peki lafı dolandırmadan
00:07:13Direkt olarak soruyu soruyorum
00:07:15Hayatınızda biri var mı Can Bey
00:07:18Keşke biraz dolandırsaydınız ya
00:07:20Lafı bu çok direk olmadı mı fazla direk olmadı mı
00:07:22Ben bu konuları konuşmayı pek sevmem
00:07:24Geçsek mi soruyu
00:07:26Anladığım kadarıyla
00:07:28Ufuk'ta bir evlilik planı da yok
00:07:34Ya ben biraz
00:07:36Özgür ruhluyumdur
00:07:38Kendimi de ruhen
00:07:40Yılkaatlarına benzetirim biraz
00:07:42Hani yabani
00:07:44Dedesi de şey zaten
00:07:46Yani evlilik fikri
00:07:52Beni dizginleyecekmiş gibi hissettiriyor bana
00:07:56Karşınızdan nasıl biri çıkarsa
00:07:58Evlilik hakkındaki düşüncelerinizi değiştirebilir
00:08:02Ya illa
00:08:04Şu özellikleri arıyorum diyemem
00:08:06Doğru olmaz çünkü bilemezsiniz
00:08:08Dış görünüşten ziyade
00:08:10Enerjisi benim için
00:08:12Daha önemli
00:08:14Yıllardır cıvıl cıvıl
00:08:16Hala çocukluk heyecanlarını yitirmemiş
00:08:18Merhametli, düşünceli, anlayışlı
00:08:20Sağlam karakterli
00:08:22Ama bir ceylan kadar da zarif
00:08:24Ve koku
00:08:28Çok önemlidir benim için
00:08:30İçime çektiğim zaman
00:08:32Dalgalı hırçın denizlerde
00:08:34Uçsuz bucaksız bozkırlarda
00:08:36Ama yine de yuvamda gibi hissettiren
00:08:40Özel bir koku
00:08:42Çeker beni
00:08:44Belki de hiç durmadan dünyayı
00:08:46Gezip durma sebebim budur
00:08:48Hem bana ait hem
00:08:50Bende olmayana sahip olanı arıyorum
00:08:52Hala aradığına göre demek ki bulamamışsın
00:08:56Belki çok yakınındadır canım
00:08:58Belki de
00:09:00Siz geçseydiniz
00:09:02Bir bak bakayım sen
00:09:04Gel gel bir bak
00:09:06Biz arada derede yine farkında olmadan
00:09:08Bozuştuk mu? Darıldık mı?
00:09:10Nedir? Dargın mıyız?
00:09:12Yo, nereden çıkardın?
00:09:14Ben yanlış anladım o zaman
00:09:16Bir şey söyleyeceğim
00:09:18Sen böyle çıtırdan, ufak yani çok hafiften
00:09:20Kıskanma durumu
00:09:22Kıskanma durumu
00:09:24Kıskanma durumu
00:09:26Kıskanma durumu
00:09:28Çok hafiften kıskanma durumu olabilir mi?
00:09:30Neden kıskanayım ya?
00:09:32Ceyda'dan mı kıskanacağım?
00:09:34Sonuçta kıskanacak nesi var ki onun?
00:09:36Ne sıfatla kıskanacağım ben?
00:09:38Biz arkadaşız, aynı zamanda da iş arkadaşıyız
00:09:40Biz duble arkadaşız, insan arkadaşını kıskanır mı hiç?
00:09:44Evet, ben anladım, tamam
00:09:46Ayrıca istediğin insanla beraber olabilirsin
00:09:48Sonuçta bekarsın
00:09:52Benim işe dönmem lazım, kusura bakma
00:09:54Bu da sloganımız yanlış
00:09:56Bu da yanlış, hepsi çöt
00:09:58Ben öngörüsü yüksek bir insan olduğum için
00:10:00Hasarı minimize etmek adına
00:10:02İkinizi birlikte gönderdim matbaaya
00:10:04Ama ikiniz bir çalışan etmiyorsunuz
00:10:06Can, yetiş
00:10:08Mahvolduk, şu anda mahvolduk biz
00:10:10Bu da sloganımız oldu ha
00:10:12Ne oldu gene Deren?
00:10:14Göstereceğim şimdi size marifetinizi
00:10:22Size marifetinizi
00:10:28Bakar mısın?
00:10:30Bu kompleks için sipariş ettiğimiz billboard
00:10:32Nasıl? Çekmiş değil mi?
00:10:34Çünkü bu ikisi matbaaya hepsini poster boyutu sipariş etmiş
00:10:36Nasıl yani?
00:10:38İkisini birlikte gönderdim ben matbaaya
00:10:40Şu başımıza gelene bakar mısın?
00:10:42Nasıl yani? İkisi derken Ceycey?
00:10:44Ceycey ile Sanem
00:10:46Bu iş Sanem'in sorumluluğundaydı
00:10:48Ceycey ile alakası olmamız lazım
00:10:52Benim hatam
00:10:54Özür dilerim
00:10:56Tebrik ediyorum
00:10:58Bu alkış bravası değil
00:11:00Bu fecaat bravası bu
00:11:06Aslında ben başlıklarla görselleri eşleştirmiştim ama
00:11:10Ama ne demek ama?
00:11:12Ama ne kadar gereksiz bir kelime bizim işimizde
00:11:16Ülkenin dört bir yanında bunların
00:11:18Billboardlarının olması gerekiyor
00:11:20Biz mesela ne yapalım bunlardan?
00:11:22Hediye paketi mi yapalım biz bunlarla?
00:11:24Biz bunlarla
00:11:26Defter mi kaplayalım biz bunlarla?
00:11:28Ya da biz bunların hepsini
00:11:30Böyle vuruşturalım
00:11:32Ajansın canlarını mı silelim?
00:11:36Ben gerçekten ne diyeceğimi bilmiyorum
00:11:38Özür dilerim. Ben de onu söylüyorum zaten
00:11:40Daha ne diyeceğini bilmeyen bir insanın
00:11:42Bu kadar sorumluluk verilir mi?
00:11:44Yeter Deren
00:11:46Bana mı yeter?
00:11:48Şu an yani çözüme odaklı, faydalı
00:11:50Hiçbir şey çıkmıyor ağzından
00:11:52Çözüme odaklı olalım biraz
00:11:56Ne yapabileceğimizi düşünelim yani
00:12:00Şöyle yapacağız
00:12:02Sanem'e bir sorumluluk daha vereceğim şimdi ben
00:12:04Çok güzel! Hediye verelim, ödül verelim bunun üstüne biz
00:12:06Bir bitirmeme müsaade eder misin Deren?
00:12:08Biz aynı gemideyiz
00:12:10Batarsak hepimiz birlikte batarız, hepimiz birlikte boğuluruz
00:12:12Bir saniye
00:12:14Sabah alıyoruz arkadaşlar
00:12:16Atanı telafi etmen için ekip başısın
00:12:22Şöyle ben önemli bir kısmı yapacağım
00:12:24Matbaayı arayacağım, halledeceğim
00:12:26Sadece ufak kalan işler var, onları da
00:12:28Burada siz çok sıkıldınız
00:12:30Fark ediyorum aynı ortamda çalış çalış
00:12:32Kasvetli, daralmışsınızdır
00:12:34Ufak bir basmıştır size
00:12:36Tebdili mekanda fenalık vardır, toparlanın arkadaşlar
00:12:38Bana gidiyoruz, projeyle ilgili olanlar bana geliyor
00:12:40Tamam mı? Hadi bakalım
00:12:42Of Sanem ya
00:12:44Arkadaşlarla hapishane maçına gidecektik akşam
00:12:48Arkadaşlarının hayatlarından
00:12:50Aldığın zamanın hesabını
00:12:52Ver şimdi Sanem, buyrun
00:12:54Kızım çıt çıt çıtlayacağına gelip yardım etsene bana
00:12:56Ay vallahi gelemem Mevkube yani
00:12:58Ellerime dair manikür yaptım
00:13:00Tövbe estağfurullah
00:13:02Bana bak, bunu bırak da
00:13:04Senin kızlar nerede kaldılar ha?
00:13:06Hala gelmediler
00:13:08Kız bana bak
00:13:10Oğlanlarla mı beraberler bunlar?
00:13:12Kız bana bak
00:13:14Oğlanlarla mı beraberler bunlar?
00:13:16Kız bana bak
00:13:18Oğlanlarla mı beraberler bunlar?
00:13:20Kız bana bak
00:13:22Oğlanlarla mı beraberler bunlar?
00:13:24Allah Allah, tutturdu bu da
00:13:26Oğlanlar da oğlanlar, işe kalıyorlar
00:13:28İş usuyor, mesaiye kalıyorlar
00:13:30Oldu, kız sen inanıyor musun bu söylediğine?
00:13:32Allah Allah
00:13:34Sanki görmedik açılışta Sanem'ler Leyla'yı
00:13:38Sahilde yedi düvel olarak da duyduk maşallah
00:13:40Kız tövbe de
00:13:42Vallahi billahi ben bir şey söylemedim kimseye
00:13:44Aşk olsun
00:13:46Yalnız bir yüzük takmamışlardı
00:13:48Yüzük takmamışlardı
00:13:50Belki de taktılar
00:13:52Vallahi taktılar ama size söylemiyorlar
00:13:54Ayol Müşkan'ın kızını hatırlasana
00:13:56Hani iki senedir oğlanla evliymiştik gizli gizli
00:13:58Düğünde çıktı hepsi ortaya
00:14:00Kız hatırlasana
00:14:02Kızım kurt düşürmesene insanı için akşam akşam
00:14:04Ya tamam şeyi anladım şimdi
00:14:06Leyla'yla Emre daha yeni
00:14:08O belli böyle turfandı gibi duruyorlar da
00:14:10Bu Can Bey'li iş ha
00:14:12Böyle devamlı mahalleye gelip gitmeler
00:14:16Kız niçin olacak
00:14:18Çocuk size
00:14:20Yüzüne alıştırıyor damat olaraktan
00:14:22Yarın öbür gün çıkacaklar karşınıza böyle
00:14:24Anacığım babacığım
00:14:26Biz nişanı nikahı aramızda hallettik
00:14:28Oldu da bitti maşallah
00:14:30Zaten Çinlilerde
00:14:32Hep böyle kız gençler
00:14:34Ay hatırlasana bizim
00:14:36Ragıp'ın kızını geldiydi ya böyle
00:14:38Babasının karşısına dikildi babacığım ben evlendim diye
00:14:40Adamcağıza inme indi
00:14:42Şakkadanak adam gidecekti orada neredeyse
00:14:46Kız hazırlasana
00:14:48Tahta kaşık ısırttıydı ki adamcağız dilini yutmasın diye
00:14:50Şimdi bana inecek
00:14:52Şimdi bana inecek Melihat vallahi bak
00:14:54Ay ne var Mevkıbı'cığım
00:14:56Ay fena mı olur işte
00:14:58Kız sapasağlam damatlar
00:15:00Bana bak siz bakkalı da büyütürsünüz
00:15:02O niye
00:15:04Niye bakkalı büyütesiniz
00:15:06Niye bakkalı yani
00:15:08Süpermarket zinciri kurarsınız vallahi billahi
00:15:10Eh be Melihat eh be Melihat yemin ediyorum
00:15:12Ölürüm şişirdim
00:15:14Yok anacığım yok sen şişme
00:15:16Şimdi böyle çifte düğün yapacaksınız ya
00:15:18Elbise falan giyeceksin güzel güzel
00:15:20Şişman şişman işine sinir olursun
00:15:24Of be Melihat of be Melihat
00:15:26Kız of deme bak vallahi
00:15:28Ben buraya yazıyorum
00:15:30Bunlar şimdi beraber elbise
00:15:34Kız bana bak bu ne zaman başladı
00:15:36Allah seni kahretmesin
00:15:38Eee başka
00:15:40Ne oldu
00:15:42Kısa bir oldu zaten
00:15:44Olsun kısa mısa gene de roldü
00:15:46Artık kariyer başladı
00:15:48Gelsin altın portakal gitsin gümüş grey fırtı
00:15:50Abartma abi ya
00:15:52Ya zaten replik falan yoktu öyle bir korumayı oynadım
00:15:54Nasıl replik yoktu
00:15:56Boşluk varsa oraya ağzına geleni söyleyeceksin
00:15:58Yapıştıracaksın gideceksin oğlum
00:16:00Doğaçlama diye bir şey de mi duymadın
00:16:02Onu zaten masa da atarlar kırparlar kırparlar bir cümle kalır sana
00:16:04Keşke ben geleydim yemin ediyorum arkandan dublaj yapardım
00:16:06Mıdır mıdır konuşurdum arkanda
00:16:08Ya ne yapacaksın
00:16:10Adamlar düşünememiş
00:16:12Aman demek ki ufukları benim kadar geniş değilmiş
00:16:14Ama var ya yemin ediyorum
00:16:16Yarayı marayı var ya
00:16:18Nasıl gerçekçi yapmışlar var ya
00:16:22Acıyor mu gerçekten
00:16:24Vallahi role girmişsin helal olsun
00:16:26Ya da rol sana gelmiş artık başlasın oyunculuk
00:16:32Bu ne be böyle taytay mutfak robotu dedikleri bu mu
00:16:34Tut şunu
00:16:36Ne oldu kızım bir yerine bir şey mi oldu
00:16:40Her yerim spordan tutulmuş valla
00:16:42Allah Allah hangi spor yaptın acaba
00:16:44Gülle mi attın
00:16:48Kürek çektim var mı
00:16:50Git şuradan çaydanlığı getir
00:16:52Vallahi çayları doldur ben öldüm ya çok yoruldum
00:16:54Aman senden konuşacaktık zaten
00:16:56Biz burada abinle sinema konuşuyoruz
00:16:58O zaman ben gideyim çayı koyayım
00:17:00Sonra da enine boyuna darına sinema konuşalım
00:17:02Geliyor konuşalım lazım zaten
00:17:04Tepsiyi nereye götürüyorsun çayı getir dedik ya
00:17:06A var ya yemin ediyorum
00:17:10Benim tercih ettiklerimi kabul etmiyorsun Canberk
00:17:12Sen emniyetsiz iyi olsun
00:17:20Alo anne
00:17:24Ben gelirken yoğurt alıverin diye aradım
00:17:28Ay anne ya çok özür dilerim
00:17:30Ben sana haber vermeyi unuttum
00:17:32Yani sabahlayabilirim
00:17:34Sabahlamak mı
00:17:36Yani sabaha kadar sürmese bile
00:17:38Gece geç vakte kadar çalışacağız
00:17:40Geçen seferki gibi mi çocuk
00:17:44Daha beter
00:17:46İşler çok karışık Can Bey'in evinde çalışıyoruz
00:17:48Can Bey'in evinde mi
00:17:50Evet ablam da burada
00:17:52Yani çok büyük sıkıntılar oldu da
00:17:54Çok büyük bir karmaşa var
00:17:56Çalışacağız işlerimiz bitince
00:17:58Döneceğiz eve merak etme
00:18:00Çocuğum at bakayım sen ananın adresini bana
00:18:02Adresi mi adres ne yapacaksın
00:18:04Allah Allah ne yapacağım
00:18:06Bulunsun ananın babanın evinde adres değil mi
00:18:08Yani bir şey olur bir şey olur
00:18:10Allah her ihtimali karşı bulunsun yani
00:18:12At bakayım gönder bakayım yaz gönder
00:18:14Tamam anne tamam
00:18:20Can Bey'in evinde bir de
00:18:24Bana bak Meloş boşa konuşmuyor
00:18:26Yemin ediyorum boşa konuşmuyor
00:18:28Siz ananızı kandırdığınızı mı zannediyorsunuz
00:18:30Ben yer miyim yer miyim ben
00:18:34Yemem ben
00:18:54Şimdi görürsünüz siz anneyi kandırmak ne demekmiş
00:18:58Ben bakarım ben bakarım
00:19:02Canımı mı
00:19:06Canımı dedim
00:19:10Allah Allah ya
00:19:20Anne ne yapıyorsun ne işin var burada
00:19:22Terlik yok burada
00:19:24Anne ne yapıyorsun
00:19:26Terlik yok burada
00:19:28Ne terliği anne ne yapıyorsun sen burada
00:19:30Çalışıyorlarmış görürüz bakalım
00:19:32Anne ne diyor
00:19:34Gerçekten çalışıyor musun siz ya
00:19:36Merhaba hanım
00:19:38Kolay gelsin
00:19:40Hoş geldiniz
00:19:42Hoş bulduk Can
00:19:44Ben de şey Sanem geç saate kadar şey yapıyoruz çalışıyoruz deyince
00:19:48Siz ne zannetmiştiniz ki
00:19:50Ben bir şey zannetmedim
00:19:52Yani bu saatlere kadar çalışacağız deyince
00:19:54Biz evet
00:19:56Bir işi yetiştirmemiz gerekiyor da çok acil
00:19:58O yüzden bu şekilde böyle
00:20:00Evet maalesef ki Sanem yüzünden
00:20:02Biz artık sabaha kadar çalışmamız lazım
00:20:04Çünkü bizim bir takvimimiz var
00:20:06Allah zihin açıklığı versin
00:20:08Sanem yüzünden çalışıyorsunuz ya
00:20:10Bol bol şey olsun
00:20:12Ya ben de alsam mı bir tane yaprak sarması
00:20:14Benim böyle midem kazındı çalış çalış
00:20:16Vallahi süper
00:20:18Eee ben de hani bu kadar saat madem böyle sabahlara kadar çalışılacak
00:20:20Bir dolma yapayım mı dedim
00:20:22Dolmayı hani acıkmışsınızdır diyerekten
00:20:24Dolmayı yaptım
00:20:26Allah Allah
00:20:32Eee ne kadar zor olabilir mevki be
00:20:34Allah Allah
00:20:36Beyazlar içeri
00:20:38Renkler dışarı
00:20:42Beyazlar içeri
00:20:44Sen de ne kadar abarttın ya
00:20:46Çocuk oyuncağı 3 yaşında çocuk yapar bunu ya
00:20:52Bu ne ya
00:20:56Beyaz mı renkli mi şimdi bu
00:21:00O zaman
00:21:02Bunu kenara koyalım biz
00:21:12Annem geldi
00:21:14Ben de sesini bir duyuyor gibi olmuştum ama annem
00:21:16Ne işi var bana ya
00:21:18Eyvah sarma mı
00:21:20Ya Emre Bey annemde böyle ince bir insan işte
00:21:22Eee Can Beylerde çalışacağız dedik de biz
00:21:24Teftişe geldi kesin
00:21:28Oldu o zaman
00:21:30Siz şuna yeni limonata yaparsınız
00:21:32Hatta şu kalanını da koyayım ben
00:21:34Siz buna yeni limonata yaparsınız artık
00:21:36Ben de bunları içeri götüreyim
00:21:38Hadi bakalım limonatayı yapıyoruz buradan çıkmıyoruz
00:21:40Mümkün değil ki
00:21:44Afiyet olsun çocuğum afiyet olsun
00:21:46Can Bey dolmayı sevdiniz biraz
00:21:48Bayıldım yiyorum
00:21:52Senin ne işin var burada ya
00:21:54Niye zahmet ettin buralara kadar
00:21:56Acıkmışsınızdır dolma yaptım
00:21:58Allah Allah
00:22:00Size niye dert oluyor benim buraya gelmem
00:22:02Allah Allah
00:22:04Üstümüze iyilik sağ ol böyle bir şey olabilir mi
00:22:06Biz ofiste çalışıyorduk sıkıldık diye
00:22:08Can Bey evini açtı bize ne kadar duyarlı
00:22:10Ne kadar iyi yedik patron farkında mısın
00:22:12Emre Bey nerede
00:22:14Anneciğim bilmiyorum ki yani
00:22:16Kafamı işten kaldıramadım burada bir yerdedir herhalde
00:22:18Takip etmedim yani
00:22:20İyi aferin çocuğum aferin
00:22:22Aferin çalışın
00:22:24Siz hiç rahatsız olmayın ben böyle sizin çalışmasını
00:22:26Bir kenardan böyle bir kenara izlerim
00:22:28Rahat rahat çalışın siz
00:22:30Sen ne yapacaksın anne
00:22:32Ben rahatıma bakıyorum güzel şey yaparım
00:22:34Büyük sözü de lazım yani
00:22:36Büyük fikri de lazım olabilir
00:22:38Sevgi Hanım
00:22:40Hoş geldiniz
00:22:42Hoş bulduk
00:22:50Kolay gelsin
00:22:56Ne yapıyorsun sen çocuğum
00:22:58Ne güzel renkler bunlar
00:23:00Burada çeşitli renklerle renklendirme
00:23:02Sanatı yapıyorum kampanya için
00:23:04Sence hangisi
00:23:06Mevkube için bir fikrini alsam
00:23:08Hadi bakalım
00:23:10Kapağımızı kapatalım
00:23:12Deterjanımızı koyup çalıştıralım
00:23:16Burada 3 tane göz var ya
00:23:20O zaman
00:23:22İkisinden de koyalım
00:23:24Sağlama alalım böyle güzelce
00:23:30Bu ne
00:23:32Biraz da yumuşatıcı dökelim
00:23:34Mis gibi kokuyor
00:23:36Bu da yumuşatıcı herhalde
00:23:38O zaman birazcık bundan koyarız
00:23:46Yok ya ben biraz daha dökeyim şöyle
00:23:52Bunu da böyle 90 dereceye getirdik mi
00:23:56Hadi bakalım Mevkube
00:23:58Gelince çamaşır gör
00:24:00Mis gibi kokacak böyle mis
00:24:02Yani böyle sanki
00:24:04Ördek başı yeşili
00:24:06Ördek başı
00:24:08Böyle yeşil başlı göbeli ördek
00:24:10Böyle güzel bir
00:24:12Yeşil başlı ördek
00:24:14Hani böyle asma yaprağını böyle suya attığın zaman
00:24:16Daha kaynamadan ağırlaşmadan
00:24:18Güzel bir yeşil vardır
00:24:20Onu biraz koysun
00:24:24Şu gibi
00:24:26Yok çocuğum o olmadı
00:24:28Peynir küfü yeşil oldu
00:24:30Görmüyor musun
00:24:32Sen açsana bana şu yeşillerini bir açsana
00:24:34Bölüyorum ama anne benim işim
00:24:36Hadi gidelim artık annecim eve
00:24:38Bir dakika çocuğum hani böyle pazardan tombik tombik
00:24:40Yeşil köy biberi alırız ya
00:24:42Onun koyusunu düşün
00:24:44Köy biberi
00:24:52Bir dakika ama anne anne anne
00:24:54Burada bir iş yapıyoruz Leyla
00:24:56Güzel oldu diyorum bu cc
00:24:58Uydu gibi benim içmesin
00:25:00Çok hoş ben çok beğendim
00:25:02Ama aferin sana
00:25:04Hakikaten zor işin var
00:25:06Tık tık tık koluna kuvvet
00:25:08Bütün gün insanın içi sökülür be
00:25:10Evet çok güzel hadi bakalım
00:25:12Çok güzel bir şekilde işimiz bitti
00:25:14Artık bizim gitmemiz lazım annecim
00:25:16Yok yok benim rahatım iyi
00:25:18Ben sizinle beraber döneceğim iyiyim ben beklerim ben
00:25:20Anne zaten benim işim bitti
00:25:22Bak görüyorsun toparlanıyorlar
00:25:24Herkes gidecek buradan sen burada ne yapacaksın
00:25:26Tek başına hadi
00:25:28Sanem nerede sanem gelmiyor mu
00:25:32Hadi bakalım sanem biz gidiyoruz
00:25:34Sanem sen gelmiyor mu
00:25:36Hadi güle güle annecim yok yok gelmiyorum ben
00:25:38Ben son kontrolleri yapacağım çünkü
00:25:40Geçen seferki hatayı yapmak istemiyorum da
00:25:42Sonra da geleceğim
00:25:44Aferin çocuğum aferin dört elle sarıl işine de
00:25:46Böyle gece gece
00:25:48Yalnız tek başına nasıl olacak onu bilemedim de ben
00:25:50Mevkuba hanım ben daha ayaktayım
00:25:52Daha çalışacağım
00:25:54Sanemi ben bırakırım siz hiç merak etmeyin
00:25:56Ne kadar tatlı bir patron
00:25:58Ne kadar işinin başında bir patron benim
00:26:00Ne kadar duyarlı bir patronum var
00:26:02Farkında mısın
00:26:04Çok teşekkür ediyorum
00:26:06Gerçekten sizinle çalıştığım için
00:26:08Kendimi çok şanslı hissediyorum patronum
00:26:10Estağfurullah sanem rica ederim
00:26:12Asıl ben kendimi çok şanslı hissediyorum
00:26:14Senin gibi değerli bir çalışanım olduğu için
00:26:16Estağfurullah beni hep böyle şımartıyor
00:26:18İyi geceler o halde Mevkuba hanım
00:26:20İyi geceler can
00:26:22Afiyet olsun
00:26:24Hadi anneciğim
00:26:26Hadi bakalım
00:26:28Bana bak baş başa mı olacaksınız siz burada
00:26:30Anneciğim ne alakası var
00:26:32Ne alakası var ya Deren hanım burada
00:26:34Ceycey burada
00:26:36Lütfen anlatır mısın bizim şirket politikalarımızı
00:26:38Anne biz her zaman böyle çalışıyoruz
00:26:40Bu ne böyle yeni yeni huylar ya
00:26:42Allah cevap vermeyin bana
00:26:44Geç kalma
00:26:46Şey yapma
00:26:48Bana bak yıkayın kabın sonra getirir sizi
00:26:52Anne rezil ediyorsun bizi
00:26:58Ama ben seni doyurmadım mı
00:27:00Bak ihtiyacını giderdim
00:27:02En güzel deterjanlardan bolca koydum
00:27:04Renklerle beyazları ayırdım
00:27:06Kafam karışmasın istedim
00:27:08Yani bir yarım saat çekirdek araya televizyon izlemeye diye çıktım
00:27:10Ondan bana kızıyorsun
00:27:14Ne oldu burada böyle
00:27:22Şimdi şöyle oldu bak ben
00:27:24Çamaşırları ayırdım
00:27:26Beyazları makineye attım renkleri buraya attım
00:27:28Sonra da deterjanını koydum
00:27:30Bana mı kızdı da köpürdü bu
00:27:32Ah babacım ya
00:27:34Sen bunun deterjanını mı fazla koydun
00:27:36Acaba dur ben bir bakayım şuna
00:27:38Dur Leyla dur
00:27:40Madem erkekler kendi başlarının çaresine bakabiliyorlar
00:27:44Babam da baksın
00:27:46Allah Allah
00:27:48Makine değil mi bu
00:27:50Sonuçta bu makineyi de erkekler yapmıyor mu
00:27:52Bakarız canım ne olacak
00:27:56Demek bu makineyi de erkekler yaptı baba öyle mi
00:28:00İyi çok güzel
00:28:02Kolay gelsin o zaman sana
00:28:04Bizde gidelim yukarıya annemle misler gibi keyif yapalım
00:28:06Haydi bay bay
00:28:08Hadi güle güle
00:28:14Neden böyle bak hala
00:28:16İçin şey oluyor
00:28:18Pamuk kalıtıralım
00:28:20Ya çok rica ediyorum ama
00:28:24Mevki Bey
00:28:28Fond bu kenar boşlukları da tamam
00:28:30Nasıl geliyorum hemen
00:28:34Örnek baskıdaki renk konuları doğru girilmiş mi diye kontrol ediyorum
00:28:38Çok karışıksa ben ödemem istersen
00:28:50Yazıyor musun
00:28:52Evet yazıyorum
00:28:54Aşkın ağası
00:28:58Arkadaşlığın ağası
00:29:00Aşkın ağası
00:29:08Canımın c'si
00:29:10Canımın c'si
00:29:12Canımın c'si
00:29:16Evet yazdım
00:29:22Çok mu sıcak oldu
00:29:24Ben boğazlı kazak giydim diye mi
00:29:26Bence üstünde kalsın çıkar
00:29:38Nasıl bir üç
00:29:40Aşı boş bir üç
00:29:42Serseri bir üç
00:29:44Bir iki üç yani rakam
00:29:46Ben kodlamaya alıştım da
00:29:48Rakam üç tamam
00:29:54Bu da çok hızlı oldu
00:29:56O kadar mıydı
00:29:58Yoruldun mu
00:30:00Ben seninle hiç yorulmuyorum ki
00:30:04İyi o zaman biraz da
00:30:06Sunum için
00:30:08Çalışalım bence
00:30:10Lansmanında yapacağımız sunum
00:30:12Sen yapacaksın çünkü sunumu
00:30:18Nasıl yapacağım
00:30:20Ne söyleyeceğim ne diyeceğim ki ben
00:30:22Altından kalkamayacağın bir şey değil zaten
00:30:24Her detayına hakimsin
00:30:34Gelmeden seni eve götüreyim
00:30:36Bir sunum dosyası açarak
00:30:40Onu yapmayı biliyorum
00:30:42Ben yarın için gerçekten şu anda çok heyecanlıyım
00:30:44İnşallah her şey güzel geçer
00:30:46Merak etme
00:30:50Tamam o zaman bence bu gecelik
00:30:52Çalışmamızı bitirdik diye düşünüyorum
00:30:54CC kalk yerine yat
00:30:56Hadi Sanem
00:30:58Annem merak etmesin seni
00:31:14Ben kaçtım o zaman
00:31:16Eşyalarımı da unutuyordum
00:31:18Geliyorum zaten
00:31:20Bırakacak mısın
00:32:30Ne güzel olmuşsun
00:32:32Teşekkür ederim
00:32:38Çok güzel olmuşsun
00:32:42Teşekkür ederim
00:32:44Sen de çok yakışıklı görünüyorsun
00:33:06Kim gelmiş gördün mü
00:33:08Gördüm gördüm de
00:33:10Görmemeyi tercih edemedim
00:33:12Hala hangi yüzle buraya geliyor gerçekten çok merak ediyorum
00:33:14Şöyle anlatayım tatlım
00:33:16Ben senior fabriğin temsilcisi olarak buradayım
00:33:18Gerekli belgeleri patronuna vermiştim değil mi Can
00:33:24Hazırlıkları son bir tur kontrol edelim
00:33:26Tablo çek
00:33:28Tansız bir sürprizle karşılaşmayalım
00:33:30Tabi haklısınız
00:33:56I'm not using it right now, thank you.
00:33:59We need to move to a better place. I'm going to talk to you about motivation.
00:34:04It's necessary.
00:34:27By the way, thank you very much.
00:34:31I'm very happy that you invited me.
00:34:34What do you mean?
00:34:38What happened? Why are you looking at me like that?
00:34:41Am I bad?
00:34:42No, it's weird. You became a woman.
00:34:47When you say woman, what was I before? Was I a man before?
00:34:51No, I didn't mean that. You are beautiful. Well done.
00:34:56Thank you. You are very stylish.
00:34:59Am I?
00:35:01These are my designs. I sew them myself.
00:35:05This belt is very beautiful.
00:35:08The fabric of your jacket is very good. What kind is this?
00:35:16Ayhan, there are people who are very close to me.
00:35:22I dropped my belt.
00:35:24My head.
00:35:27Ayhan, I'm trying to be a gentleman here. Why are you bending?
00:35:32Were you being a gentleman to me?
00:35:36What happened?
00:35:38I'm locked.
00:35:40Are you locked?
00:35:41I'm locked.
00:35:42What can I do for you?
00:35:45I mean...
00:35:47Let me give it to you.
00:35:53Ceycey, you are so sweet.
00:35:55I'm really excited.
00:35:57I'm witnessing a very happy moment right now. I'm so happy.
00:36:02Ms. Deren, you got it wrong.
00:36:04No, you got it wrong. It's not like that.
00:36:07You don't have to be ashamed. Because my faith in love is eternal.
00:36:13The ring has officially captured me.
00:36:15I'm like Frodo. I'm like a hobbit right now.
00:36:18Now that you're bent like that, the ring is like an offer.
00:36:23You know, there's an offer, an offer.
00:36:28Ceycey, come on.
00:36:29What come on, Ms. Deren?
00:36:30Come on, you're going to make an offer. Come on, do it.
00:36:33Ms. Deren, I'm saying you got it wrong right now.
00:36:38A lady is not expected this much. Make that offer.
00:36:43Are you okay?
00:36:44I'm fine.
00:36:47Can you please dance for me?
00:36:53I just saw Muret.
00:36:55I'll leave you alone.
00:36:57I'm so happy.
00:36:59Which dance? There's no music or anything.
00:37:02Everyone dances to music.
00:37:09Are you aware of Ceycey?
00:37:11This is going to be our first dance.
00:37:33What happened?
00:37:34It's locked.
00:37:35Is it locked?
00:37:36Call Ms. Deren. I'll come to myself.
00:37:40Ms. Deren.
00:37:41Come on.
00:37:43Ms. Deren.
00:37:45Come on, call her.
00:37:47You look so pale.
00:37:48As if you're doing a choreography.
00:37:58So, what do you suggest for a bitter offer?
00:38:02First of all, trust yourself.
00:38:05So that your feet are firmly on the ground.
00:38:07Don't forget that you're the one who knows this job best.
00:38:11No one knows this job better than you.
00:38:16And everyone is ready to listen to what you have to say.
00:38:19I understand.
00:38:24John, let me introduce you to Mr. McKinnon.
00:38:27Hello, Mr. McKinnon.
00:38:28It's a pleasure to meet you.
00:38:29Nice to meet you.
00:38:30Oh, you speak Turkish.
00:38:32I've lived in Turkey for a long time.
00:38:34Me too.
00:38:35Ms. Sanem is the creative director of our campaign.
00:38:37Nice to meet you.
00:38:39Anyway, Mr. McKinnon is throwing a party after the launch.
00:38:43He wants us to be there, too.
00:38:45Is that so? Great. I'll try to join.
00:38:48No, you won't.
00:38:49We'll celebrate our success with this excuse.
00:38:51Okay, I'll come, of course.
00:38:52I'd love to.
00:38:53I'll come, too.
00:38:55But let me look at my offer first.
00:38:58John, my friend John entrusted me with the offer.
00:39:03John, I'm around here.
00:39:07Yes, Ms. Sanem.
00:39:25Okay, I'll call you.
00:39:32Halide, what are you doing?
00:39:33There's going to be a decision.
00:39:35Didn't I tell you to text me if there's anything important?
00:39:38Emre, I'm starting to get bored of this game.
00:39:41Although I'm not sure how much of a game it is.
00:39:44What game? What are you talking about?
00:39:46You know very well.
00:39:48I'm talking about Leyla, Emre.
00:39:50You think I don't see how you look at her.
00:39:52Halide, don't be ridiculous.
00:39:55You're going to ruin everything with empty jealousy.
00:39:57You realize that, don't you?
00:39:58Don't waste your breath.
00:40:00I know you.
00:40:01I know that look.
00:40:03There's no attention on Leyla.
00:40:05All my attention is on John and Sanem.
00:40:07To make our plan come true.
00:40:09Think about what you're going to do with me.
00:40:12Don't put us at risk anymore.
00:40:32Compass Designs
00:40:39Compass Designs...
00:40:41Actually, it's a return to nature...
00:40:43No, it's not like that.
00:40:45What was it?
00:40:47Compass Brands
00:40:49After people return to nature
00:40:51Pull like a magnet
00:40:53Pull like a magnet
00:40:55What happened? What are you doing here?
00:40:57I don't have a presentation.
00:40:59But I can't think of anything.
00:41:01What's going to happen?
00:41:03Won't they write what you said on the computer?
00:41:05Okay, they will.
00:41:07Why did you bother yourself?
00:41:09You can do it even if you don't write.
00:41:11Come in, it's fun.
00:41:13Come on, relax.
00:41:15I'll come, right?
00:41:17I'm so excited.
00:41:19Everything is in my head.
00:41:21I memorized everything.
00:41:23But I can't tell you how.
00:41:29Compass Brands
00:41:59Do you think you are so compatible with my brother?
00:42:05You are very open-minded, Emre.
00:42:07I'm just like that.
00:42:09My brother is a determined person.
00:42:11And he gets along with determined people.
00:42:13They set the target.
00:42:15And it happens.
00:42:21Like you.
00:42:23I focused.
00:42:27Come here.
00:42:29That girl...
00:42:31She's always with me.
00:42:33She doesn't leave me alone even for a minute.
00:42:35Don't worry.
00:42:37You're going to disappear soon.
00:42:57Dear guests...
00:42:59Can I ask you to pay attention?
00:43:03For this beautiful launch...
00:43:05Can we have a round of applause for...
00:43:07Sanem Aydın?
00:43:09She will inform us about the first campaign.
00:43:27First of all...
00:43:29Thank you all...
00:43:31For your participation in this beautiful launch.
00:43:43I want to tell you briefly...
00:43:45About the campaign process.
00:43:49The campaign process...
00:43:51It's a process...
00:43:53It's a process...
00:43:55It's a process...
00:44:21What happened?
00:44:23I'll be right back.
00:44:35There was supposed to be a file here.
00:44:37Where is it?
00:44:39We were supposed to find a computer.
00:44:41I don't think so.
00:44:43I checked the computer.
00:44:45I told you we were going to be disgraced.
00:44:47We are already being disgraced.
00:44:49No way.
00:44:51No way.
00:44:53No way.
00:45:17No way.
00:45:19These are the words we know.
00:45:23Maybe it sounds banal to you.
00:45:25I'm aware.
00:45:27But all of us...
00:45:29Rich, poor...
00:45:31Mid-income, educated, uneducated...
00:45:33Don't we say that?
00:45:37We do.
00:45:39That's what we're trying to catch...
00:45:41In this campaign.
00:45:43Because all of us...
00:45:45need sincerity,
00:45:53and real love.
00:45:57We set out on this journey...
00:45:59with these concepts.
00:46:01The Compass brand is a chance...
00:46:03for people to find their own essence...
00:46:05for people to find their own essence...
00:46:07between the vanity of nature...
00:46:09between the vanity of nature...
00:46:11He is trying to take a chance.
00:46:14And the campaign is going on here.
00:46:17Find yourself.
00:46:41Congratulations, Mr. Can.
00:47:00Frankly, you exceeded the bar by meeting our expectations.
00:47:04Thank you very much.
00:47:05Congratulations, Mr. Can.
00:47:06Thank you very much.
00:47:08Have fun.
00:47:09Thank you.
00:47:10These gifts are all for you.
00:47:12Thank you.
00:47:16Thank you.
00:47:20Well, congratulations on the launch.
00:47:24Thank you.
00:47:25Everyone loved it.
00:47:26I really congratulate you.
00:47:28You are very kind.
00:47:29Thank you very much.
00:47:30Well, let's go to the party place now.
00:47:34We'll go soon.
00:47:35Let everyone get together.
00:47:37We'll go.
00:47:39Okay, then we're waiting.
00:47:41We're here now.
00:47:48Mr. Can.
00:47:49Yes, what's up?
00:47:50There's something about today's presentation.
00:47:51Would you look at it?
00:47:53It's obviously very urgent.
00:47:55I'm coming.
00:47:56I'm coming.
00:48:02You're so brave.
00:48:04Can I tell you something?
00:48:05I couldn't cry because I didn't want my makeup to come off.
00:48:07Otherwise, I was very emotional.
00:48:09It was great.
00:48:11Yes, sister.
00:48:12It was great.
00:48:13I'm proud of you.
00:48:14I was very excited.
00:48:15I mean, there was nothing on the computer.
00:48:17I couldn't see the texts.
00:48:18All of a sudden, everything was decided for me.
00:48:20But then I lit it up.
00:48:26I said, Mr. Can will be on stage.
00:48:28He'll take the microphone.
00:48:29But you made such a beautiful speech.
00:48:31You saved the night.
00:48:33Well done, sister.
00:48:35Let's go to the party place.
00:48:37Come on.
00:48:38Let me get my bag.
00:48:46It doesn't matter.
00:48:47I'll take care of it.
00:48:49Okay, okay.
00:48:50It doesn't matter.
00:48:51I'll take care of it.
00:48:52It really doesn't matter.
00:48:54I'll go.
00:48:55Thank you.
00:48:57Oh, my God.
00:48:58Sanem, give me that bag.
00:48:59Come on.
00:49:00Okay, which way?
00:49:02I'm coming.
00:49:03Okay, honey.
00:49:05The girls were so surprised.
00:49:06It doesn't matter.
00:49:07It doesn't matter.
00:49:13Here you go.
00:49:14It's here.
00:49:22Of course, it's here.
00:49:27Oh, my God.
00:49:28I'm really sorry.
00:49:29No, it doesn't matter.
00:49:30I'm trying to find something to take you out.
00:49:32It doesn't matter.
00:49:33I'll take care of it.
00:49:35Thank you.
00:49:59Okay, okay.
00:50:02Thank you, honey.
00:50:08You made a very smart choice to take over the business, Can.
00:50:12The agency is without you.
00:50:13You are without the agency.
00:50:14It's impossible.
00:50:16Your father will be proud of you.
00:50:18Thank you, Mr. Hidayet.
00:50:19We are doing our best for the agency with Emre.
00:50:21Let me see Emre.
00:50:23See you.
00:50:24Mr. Hidayet.
00:50:26Can we go now?
00:50:28We can go.
00:50:29Let's wait for Sanem and go.
00:50:49I guess he won't come.
00:51:03Is anyone there?
00:51:08I'm in the bathroom.
00:51:09Is anyone there?
00:51:15Is anyone there?
00:51:23What am I going to do?
00:51:33Can, where is Sanem?
00:51:35Let's go now.
00:51:36She must be hanging out with her friends.
00:51:38Brother, let's go slowly.
00:51:42Let's do this.
00:51:43You go.
00:51:44I'll catch up.
00:51:47Where are you going?
00:51:51Ceyda, let's wait a little longer.
00:51:53What should we do?
00:51:54Didn't I tell you that she is very determined?
00:51:58Let's wait.
00:52:02Let's go.
00:52:16Mr. Can.
00:52:17Where is Sanem?
00:52:18She went to the bathroom.
00:52:19She spilled alcohol on her.
00:52:32Let's go.
00:52:51Sanem, you're so smart.
00:52:58I fell.
00:53:00I can't believe it.
00:53:03I'm so sorry.
00:53:04Do you know where the bathroom is?
00:53:06A little further.
00:53:08Thank you.
00:53:13I can't get out.
00:53:14I can't get in right now.
00:53:18How was it?
00:53:19Is anyone there?
00:53:20Is anyone there?
00:53:25I'm stuck here.
00:53:29Is anyone there?
00:53:31Is anyone there?
00:53:36What are you doing there?
00:53:41Can, what am I doing?
00:53:42I went to the bathroom.
00:53:43The door is locked.
00:53:44I don't understand how it happened.
00:53:46After that, I tried to get out, but I couldn't.
00:53:48I wanted to get out of the window.
00:53:50I'm stuck here right now.
00:53:51Well, I think you didn't have a good reason for not calling.
00:53:54My phone is in my bag.
00:53:56My bag is in my sister's bag.
00:53:57Otherwise, I know that I should call someone and ask for help.
00:54:00Are we going to do the interview like this?
00:54:02Are you running away from someone because you're stuck like this?
00:54:06No, I usually get stuck in the bathroom after a week.
00:54:09Okay, let's do this.
00:54:10I'll call someone to open the door.
00:54:12No way.
00:54:13No, how can I call someone?
00:54:14No one will see me here like this.
00:54:16I'm an acquaintance, after all.
00:54:17Don't tell anyone.
00:54:18I'll be embarrassed.
00:54:19When I say I'm an acquaintance, I'm famous.
00:54:22That's my psychology.
00:54:23I don't understand why you're surprised.
00:54:25I made a great presentation inside.
00:54:27I collected all the applause.
00:54:29I appreciate it.
00:54:30Everyone knows me right now.
00:54:32Yes, I can't pass without saying that.
00:54:34It was a great presentation.
00:54:37I want to ask the most curious question.
00:54:39Can't you get down here the same way you got up here?
00:54:42I can't get down.
00:54:43The thing I stepped on and got up here collapsed.
00:54:45I can't get support from below right now.
00:54:47I see.
00:54:49Then I'd better pull you.
00:54:53Can we do it?
00:54:54Okay, I don't think it's going to hurt.
00:54:55It's going to be easy.
00:54:57I trust us.
00:55:00Are you ready?
00:55:02I don't know.
00:55:06I'm getting embarrassed.
00:55:09How do we do it?
00:55:10Okay, one minute.
00:55:11Calm down.
00:55:12One second.
00:55:13I'm throwing my leg.
00:55:15Can I get out of here?
00:55:17I think you can.
00:55:22Let go of yourself.
00:55:23Let go.
00:55:24Okay, let go.
00:55:25Let go.
00:55:30I'm saved.
00:55:31It was easy.
00:55:32It didn't hurt.
00:55:33Don't worry.
00:55:34Yes, it was incredibly easy.
00:55:35Are you okay?
00:55:36My dress is ruined.
00:55:37It's torn.
00:55:38I spilled alcohol on me.
00:55:39There's nothing left for me to do.
00:55:40Okay, okay.
00:55:41What do you mean it's ruined?
00:55:42I think you look great.
00:55:43A little bit like this.
00:55:44I don't think it's that important.
00:55:46Let's go?
00:55:49You go in.
00:55:50I'll follow you.
00:55:52Why are we going separately?
00:55:54Let's go together.
00:55:56We're going.
00:55:57Let's go together.
00:56:00I mean.
00:56:01How can we go together?
00:56:04I can't be with you all the time.
00:56:05You're my boss.
00:56:06I'm your employee.
00:56:07How can I be with you?
00:56:15As a lover.
00:56:16As a lover.
00:56:22We're a couple.
00:56:27We're a couple.
00:56:28We're a couple.
00:56:29We are a couple.
00:56:30We are a couple.
00:56:31We are a couple.
00:56:32We are a couple.
00:56:34I'm more tired of this friendship game than it is.
00:56:41My lover.
00:56:42You are my lover.
00:56:56I think we should get out of here before it gets any worse.
00:57:17Can, it's really not possible.
00:57:20What? Not possible? Don't you want to be my girlfriend?
00:57:24No. We will be. We will be in love.
00:57:31And we will be beautiful.
00:57:32We will be very very beautiful, I think.
00:57:34Yes, we will be very beautiful.
00:57:36But it's not right for us to go in like this.
00:57:42Because for me, everything is new for us.
00:57:47I mean, it's not new for you to turn my head.
00:57:50I'm sorry.
00:57:53Can, it's really not possible.
00:57:55We can't go in together. We are very careful.
00:57:57I'm so ashamed.
00:57:58A lot of things have already been spilled on me.
00:58:00I don't feel good at all.
00:58:03Let's do this then.
00:58:05I'll go in.
00:58:07I'll say goodbye to everyone.
00:58:10Then we'll meet in the car, okay?
00:58:15Yes, deal.
00:58:46Don't be upset.
00:58:48It's time to go.
00:58:49Bad things have happened.
00:58:51Can, where are you?
00:58:54We could wait but the MacKinnon is very embarrassing.
00:58:59Look, he's coming.
00:59:00He's here.
00:59:01Where are you, bro?
00:59:02I'm sorry, I made you wait. I'm very sorry.
00:59:04It doesn't matter.
00:59:05Let's go now.
00:59:07No, I can't go.
00:59:09I have a very important job.
00:59:10I really can't come.
00:59:11I'm sorry for MacKinnon.
00:59:12Please let me know.
00:59:13I'll make it up to you.
00:59:14You're not coming?
00:59:15Can, what happened?
00:59:16I mean, let's come. Is there anything?
00:59:18There is. I mean, there is something important.
00:59:21Well, no, no, we'll talk about it. I can't say it right now.
00:59:24It's something for me, it's something for you. No, never. I'll take care of it.
00:59:27Have fun. Don't exaggerate, okay?
00:59:29I mean, really, people should have fun.
00:59:31Okay, see you.
00:59:32Have fun. Have fun for me, too. I'll really make it up to you.
00:59:35Emre, see you.
00:59:38Well, let's go then.
00:59:40No, I'm not in the mood. See you later.
00:59:43Okay, bye.
00:59:46Let's go, then.
00:59:48Let's go.
00:59:53I'm so cold.
01:00:01Thank you.
01:00:09Are you ready?
01:00:10I'm ready.
01:00:12Oh, I forgot my phone in my sister's.
01:00:14I have to tell them.
01:00:16Don't worry about it, call me. They're curious.
01:00:32Let me check this phone.
01:00:41Hello, sister.
01:00:43I went out with Can. I called you not to worry.
01:00:46I'm stuck in the bathroom.
01:00:48Are you stuck in the bathroom?
01:00:49I'm stuck in the window.
01:00:52I mean, I had a hard time.
01:00:54How did you get stuck in the window, Sanem?
01:00:56Should I come to you or send someone?
01:00:59No, no, we're going out with Can now.
01:01:02I called you not to worry.
01:01:05Okay, don't tell anyone that I'm with Can, okay?
01:01:07I'll tell you everything when I get home.
01:01:09Okay, okay, I won't.
01:01:11What should I do if I go back to Ayhan or something?
01:01:14Okay, deal. See you.
01:01:15See you.
01:01:25I'll tell you something, where's Can?
01:01:27He went out for a while.
01:01:31Sanem couldn't come from the bathroom.
01:01:33Sanem's head hurts a lot.
01:01:35That's why he went home.
01:01:36I'm going back to Ayhan now.
01:01:38Ayhan went to Cici.
01:01:40Cici's waist is stuck.
01:01:43Oh, I'll text him.
01:01:45Let me talk to him.
01:01:48I mean, I'm sorry, I'll tell you something.
01:01:50It's really interesting.
01:01:52Can is the boss.
01:01:54He can do whatever he wants.
01:01:55But Sanem is wandering around as my coordinator.
01:01:58If you're the coordinator, you can't go home without telling anyone
01:02:01that you have a headache.
01:02:03What's going to happen to all these people now?
01:02:05What's going to happen?
01:02:06It happened again.
01:02:08I'm sorry, Deren.
01:02:09It's your job.
01:02:16Mr. Emir.
01:02:17If you want, I'll drop you home.
01:02:19No, don't bother. I'll go by myself.
01:02:22You're right, it's going to be a hassle, right?
01:02:24Don't be ridiculous.
01:02:27I mean, let's listen to Eren.
01:02:29Let's hang out here for a while, then let's go.
01:02:31Okay, sure.
01:02:35Is everything okay?
01:02:37It's okay.
01:02:38Well, I wish Can hadn't told me he was dropping me home.
01:02:41Oh, wouldn't he want to?
01:02:44No, he'd just go somewhere else.
01:02:46Maybe that's why.
01:02:49Somewhere else?
01:02:50At this hour?
01:02:51Where, for example?
01:02:52For me, for example.
01:02:53I don't know.
01:02:55At this hour.
01:02:56What's up?
01:02:58I don't know.
01:02:59What are we going to do at this hour at home?
01:03:01I mean, we slept together.
01:03:06I'd kiss your hair until you fell asleep.
01:03:10Then I'd sneak up on you so you wouldn't wake up.
01:03:15But first, of course, I'd inhale that wonderful scent.
01:03:20So my dream would accompany me.
01:03:23Something like that.
01:03:28I thought we were going to watch a movie or something.
01:03:32They do that everywhere. You don't have to tell me.
01:03:37I see.
01:03:39Let's go.
01:03:42Okay, let's go.
01:03:53Wait, wait, wait.
01:04:15Excuse me.
01:04:17Can I have a glass of red wine, please?
01:04:23Thank you.
01:04:27On such an important day for our agency.
01:04:32Why are you sulking, Deren?
01:04:33What's it to you?
01:04:35Besides, don't just say our agency.
01:04:36You'll get used to it.
01:04:37You'll say it here and there.
01:04:38It's not your agency.
01:04:41Yes, of course, you're right.
01:04:43After what happened to you.
01:04:45What happened to me?
01:04:48You fell out of sight, baby.
01:04:50In my absence, the agency was left to you.
01:04:54But then he came, Sanem.
01:04:58The fun is over.
01:05:01What do you mean?
01:05:03I think Can's new coordinator, Sanem.
01:05:08It's coming day by day.
01:05:12So it's possible to find yourself at the door soon.
01:05:17I'm the creative director of Fikri Harika.
01:05:21Sanem is just a carrier and a new intern.
01:05:25That's it, that's it.
01:05:26Don't dream.
01:05:27And the coordinator.
01:05:29And the presenter.
01:05:32They love each other, Deren.
01:05:34Didn't you see?
01:05:36I thought you were a smart woman.
01:05:40I think this love crushes your career dreams like a cylinder.
01:05:46What are you talking about?
01:05:48Fikri Harika is not such an agency.
01:05:50Everywhere is such a place, Deren.
01:05:53Someone comes, someone goes.
01:05:55Someone comes, someone goes.
01:05:58That's the law of nature.
01:06:05That's the law of nature.
01:06:06There's a natural selection.
01:06:07We see it already.
01:06:10I never get fired from Fikri Harika.
01:06:12Don't get fired.
01:06:13I think you're hurting yourself.
01:06:16Besides, why are we chatting here?
01:06:18We're not friends.
01:06:19We're nothing to you.
01:06:21You love me.
01:06:23I don't love you, Aylin.
01:06:42I'll go now.
01:06:43No need.
01:06:45I think we're good like this.
01:06:50We're very good.
01:06:51I think we're pretty good.
01:06:55But I have to go now.
01:07:01Should we talk in the morning here?
01:07:04Then we'll go in the morning.
01:07:12Then we'll go to work together in the morning.
01:07:14I'll buy you tea and bread in the morning.
01:07:16How nice.
01:07:20I have to go home.
01:07:25Then I have a condition.
01:07:26If you want me to leave you.
01:07:29I'm going to take a deep breath from your neck.
01:07:32Because we don't need it.
01:07:33Until the morning.
01:07:34From my neck?
01:07:44Hey, what happened?
01:07:45We're in the neighborhood.
01:07:48Yes, like that.
01:07:49I brought you home last time.
01:07:50Don't you remember?
01:07:51Of course I remember.
01:07:52I don't forget.
01:07:53But we're in the neighborhood.
01:07:54In such a close car.
01:07:55Can't I kiss you?
01:07:56What is it?
01:07:57I really want to kiss you too.
01:07:59I want it too.
01:08:00But it's impossible for us to do such a thing in our neighborhood.
01:08:04Because we're in love.
01:08:08Then I'll pick you up in the morning.
01:08:11Let's go to work together.
01:08:14You're my girlfriend.
01:08:16Let's go together.
01:08:17Yes, I'm your girlfriend.
01:08:20But I go to work with my sister every morning.
01:08:22Do you have a routine?
01:08:23Routine, yes.
01:08:29Who is this?
01:08:37What is he doing at this hour?
01:08:39I don't want my mother to gossip about us in the neighborhood without knowing us.
01:08:43I'll tell my mother.
01:08:45I'll tell her to get used to it.
01:08:46Give me some time, okay?
01:08:49Then I'm going.
01:08:52Good night.
01:08:54Bye bye.
01:09:00Okay, slow down.
01:09:01I'm running.
01:09:05Oh, this is drunk.
01:09:08Oh, my God.
01:09:11I stepped on the skirt.
01:09:13Where's my key?
01:09:19I'm fine, I'm fine.
01:09:20This is the spare key.
01:09:36Does Mevko know about this?
01:09:39Oh, stop, Melahat.
01:09:40Oh, my God.
01:09:41Sanem is a smart girl.
01:09:42She knows what you're doing.
01:09:46I'm hungry now.
01:09:48I was hungry all night.
01:09:50My blood sugar dropped.
01:09:55The plan went very well, Mr. Emre.
01:09:57We really paid for our efforts.
01:09:59Yes, yes.
01:10:00Everything was beautiful.
01:10:02But the best...
01:10:06Thank you.
01:10:09I think Sanem did a great job, too.
01:10:11I mean, she did a great job.
01:10:13Yes, she did a great job.
01:10:16But isn't it weird to say I have a headache all of a sudden?
01:10:19Sanem didn't have a headache, actually.
01:10:21I couldn't say it to everyone there.
01:10:23Wine was poured on Sanem.
01:10:25He went to the bathroom to clean it.
01:10:27Then somehow he was locked in the bathroom.
01:10:29Come on.
01:10:31Then he was trying to get out of the window.
01:10:33He was stuck in the bathroom window.
01:10:35He was always upside down.
01:10:37He said, I don't want to go back to the guests like that.
01:10:40Mr. Can was going to take him home last.
01:10:44Mr. Emre.
01:10:46I'm sorry, Leyla.
01:10:47When it comes to my eyes...
01:10:49Isn't that ridiculous?
01:10:52It's really scary.
01:10:54How can a person get stuck in the window anyway?
01:10:57Sanem, think about it.
01:10:58You were stuck in the window, too.
01:11:01Oh, my God.
01:11:08This is it, Mr. Emre.
01:11:11Thank you so much, Mr. Emre.
01:11:13You're welcome.
01:11:16I won't say no.
01:11:19Okay, then.
01:11:20See you tomorrow.
01:11:22See you.
01:11:27See you.
01:11:38I'm so sorry.
01:11:40I couldn't control myself.
01:11:41No, it doesn't matter, Mr. Emre.
01:11:48It's like...
01:11:50A force is pulling me to you.
01:11:53I can't stop it.
01:11:55Believe me, I don't know what to do.
01:11:59I know I embarrassed you.
01:12:01I should have controlled myself.
01:12:03I should have checked.
01:12:05No, Mr. Emre.
01:12:08You don't have to control yourself.
01:12:10It's not a problem.
01:12:15Is that so?
01:12:17Okay, then.
01:12:18Let's control ourselves.
01:12:25What happened to these girls?
01:12:32They're all sleeping.
01:12:35Okay, then.
01:12:36See you.
01:12:37Good evening.
01:12:38See you.
01:12:50Good evening.
01:12:51Good evening.
01:12:55Good evening.
01:13:04What's wrong with these girls?
01:13:05Why do they wake up at night?
01:13:08My God.
01:13:25I'm sorry.
01:13:41You look beautiful.
01:13:42I'm bored with this friendship more than the game.
01:14:00You are my love.
01:14:02If I want to leave you, I have a condition.
01:14:15I will take a deep breath from your neck.
01:14:18Because I need it until morning.
01:14:20From my neck?
01:14:32Every day is a new hope.
01:14:44Forget yesterday for the dreams of the hold.
01:14:52As if hundreds of birds in my heart.
01:14:59Hug your dreams and fly away.
01:15:10The pigeon on the wire, the rag on the road.
01:15:14I have a fever when I get up, good morning to you.
01:15:18The sparrow in the song, my aunt in the glass.
01:15:22Sleepless love, good morning to you.
01:15:26The pigeon on the wire, the rag on the road.
01:15:30I have a fever when I get up, good morning to you.
01:15:34The sparrow in the song, my aunt in the glass.
01:15:38Sleepless love, good morning to you.
01:15:55The pigeon on the wire, the rag on the road.
01:16:25I have a fever when I get up, good morning to you.
01:16:31I have a fever when I get up, good morning to you.
01:16:36Sleepless love, good morning to you.
01:16:41The pigeon on the wire, the rag on the road.
01:16:46I have a fever when I get up, good morning to you.
01:16:51We'll talk now. I'm at the door. I can come home if you want.
01:17:01You got up quickly. I hope you don't get sick.
01:17:04I won't. I have a few things to do. I'll come to the company later.
01:17:07God bless you. You're at the beginning of the job.
01:17:10See you.
01:17:12Take the cookies.
01:17:14Enjoy your meal.
01:17:20Come on.
01:17:38I think your mother forgave me.
01:17:41Mr. Mevki.
01:17:43Come and sit down.
01:17:45I can't eat without you.
01:17:48Come and sit down.
01:17:50There was a big loaf of bread here.
01:17:54I'm glad you didn't swallow it. You ate it all.
01:17:59Everyone says eat it all.
01:18:01They don't say eat it all.
01:18:04They say slice it.
01:18:06You'll get 500 grams of sugar.
01:18:08Of course. I thought about you.
01:18:13Are you thinking about me?
01:18:16Did you forgive me?
01:18:17Look, I made you a loaf of bread with jam. Eat it.
01:18:21What is this, Nihat?
01:18:23I have a bag under my beak like a pelican.
01:18:26Don't say that.
01:18:28Girls, give me the report.
01:18:38Indian looks started again.
01:18:41What happened last night?
01:18:44What happened last night?
01:18:47My mother is asking you a question.
01:18:49She's asking you.
01:18:51Tell me what happened last night.
01:18:53You have to tell me.
01:18:55You're the one with the stories.
01:18:58You can't believe it.
01:19:00My sister is the speaker in this family.
01:19:03Tell me what happened.
01:19:06Don't drink. I'm thirsty.
01:19:09Okay, I'll tell you.
01:19:11Mr. Can.
01:19:13The jacket is great.
01:19:15Mr. Can.
01:19:17He made a presentation for Sanem.
01:19:25Mom, you can't believe it.
01:19:27He made a presentation for Sanem.
01:19:29How nice.
01:19:31He told a beautiful story.
01:19:34Everyone loved it. I was proud of my sister.
01:19:37I was proud of Sanem for the first time in all these years.
01:19:40I made you proud.
01:19:42Well done, my daughter.
01:19:44Whose daughter?
01:19:45My daughter.
01:19:47His mother's daughter.
01:19:49Thank God you didn't waste our efforts.
01:19:52You learned to stand on your own feet.
01:19:55You have the power.
01:19:57I hope you get the highest grades.
01:20:00No, I hope they don't get that high.
01:20:03Why do you say that, Nihat?
01:20:05Do you want them to be teachers?
01:20:08Do you say that a woman's place is home?
01:20:11Do you say that women shouldn't interfere with society?
01:20:13What do you say?
01:20:15I didn't say that, Mecnun.
01:20:18I said that it would be a big problem.
01:20:21For example, if you become the mayor of a neighborhood,
01:20:24the whole neighborhood will come to our house.
01:20:28Right, Mr. Mayor?
01:20:38I'm full.
01:20:40I'm full.
01:20:42I'll go to the grocery store, Mevkube.
01:20:46I'll make some bread.
01:20:48Mevkube, I'll get it.
01:20:50See you, Mevkube.
01:20:52See you, dad.
01:20:54You should have seen my presentation.
01:20:56Everyone applauded.
01:20:58Everyone was standing, but I felt that enthusiasm.
01:21:01Mom, you would have cried.
01:21:03It was so beautiful.
01:21:05Let's go to work then.
01:21:07Let's not be late.
01:21:08Let's go to work.
01:21:10Come on, mom.
01:21:12May God give you a clear mind.
01:21:14Come on, send us.
01:21:16Say, good luck.
01:21:18What are we doing?
01:21:20We are moving.
01:21:22Then I'll pick this up.
01:21:24I'll meet you from there.
01:21:26Let's go.
01:21:28Mom, don't do that.
01:21:30She can't speak.
01:21:32I'll make her speak.
01:21:34You got my dad used to it.
01:21:36He can't do it without you.
01:21:38Besides, why are you ungrateful to the cat?
01:21:40You are ungrateful to your father.
01:21:42Why do you always hold your father?
01:21:44Come on, we are late for work.
01:21:46Ms. President, don't do that.
01:21:48I won't.
01:21:50Come on, we are late for work.
01:21:52Come on, we are going to work.
01:21:56Come on, Ms. Melihat.
01:21:58Thank you, thank you.
01:22:00Girls, you are still here.
01:22:02What happened?
01:22:04No, Ms. Melihat.
01:22:06We are late for work.
01:22:12What service?
01:22:14See you.
01:22:16God bless you.
01:22:18God bless you.
01:22:20We are going by bus.
01:22:22Is that so?
01:22:24Do you have tea?
01:22:26Make me a cup of tea.
01:22:28I'll tell you what to do by bus.
01:22:30What's wrong with you?
01:22:32You are grumbling.
