• last year
Thomas & Friends is owned & copyright of HIT Entertainment Limited, Jam Filled Entertainment & Australian Broadcasting Company & I own nothing. No money has or will ever be made from this video.


00:04Every day is a busy day for the engines of the Thin Controllers Railway.
00:11They toot hello as they pass each other on the hills,
00:17puff and puff at the transfer yards,
00:23and push and pull trucks at the wharf.
00:29Early one morning, Thomas was at the wharf.
00:33He liked the wharf.
00:35It was busy and he met a lot of friends there.
00:39But today, Thomas was shunting trucks,
00:43and the trucks were being especially troublesome.
00:47It was taking all of Thomas's puff to keep them in order.
00:53Then, James arrived.
00:56I am to collect a truck of flour to make cakes and bread
01:00for the Children's Harvest Festival supper, tooted James.
01:04I wish the Fat Controller had given me that job, chuffed Thomas.
01:09It would be much more fun than shunting trucks.
01:13James was feeling very pleased with himself.
01:16First, I have to take on water, he whistled grandly.
01:20Please, shunt the flour truck over for me, Thomas.
01:24Thomas didn't want to shunt any more trucks.
01:27This meant his job would go on for even longer.
01:31Bossy boiler, he puffed.
01:35Thomas found a flour truck outside the warehouse.
01:39He wanted to move James's truck as quickly as he could,
01:43so Thomas wasn't taking care.
01:46He biffed the truck very hard, and the door came loose.
01:53But Thomas didn't see.
01:55An idea had flown into his funnel.
01:58I'll hide James's truck, then bossy boiler will have to find me.
02:04Thomas thought hide-and-seek was a grand idea.
02:10James came back from the water tower.
02:13He saw Thomas in the distance.
02:16And James saw that falling from the truck was a trail of flour.
02:22Stop, Thomas, whistled James.
02:25Flour is falling out of your truck.
02:29But Thomas was too far away to hear.
02:33Thomas puffed into the warehouse to find somewhere to hide.
02:38More and more flour fell from the truck.
02:43James chased after Thomas.
02:47Thomas heard him coming.
02:49How does he know where I am, thought Thomas.
02:54Thomas, the flour, whistled James.
02:58But Thomas couldn't hear him.
03:02James won't find me this time, he thought.
03:05Thomas was having fun.
03:09Thomas found another good place to hide.
03:12James will never find me here, he hooted happily.
03:16But then he heard James's whistle again.
03:20Bust my buffers, chuffed Thomas.
03:23He's found me again.
03:25So Thomas puffed off.
03:32Thomas had reversed behind some trucks.
03:36James will never find me here, he tooted cheerily.
03:42But just then he saw James come around the bend.
03:47Thomas, puffed James.
03:49He was very cross.
03:51You've left a trail of flour all over the wharf.
03:56Cinders and ashes, cried Thomas.
03:59I must have biffed the truck so hard that the door came loose.
04:04Thomas didn't feel cheery anymore.
04:07If I've lost all the flour, there'll be no cakes and bread
04:10for the Children's Harvest Festival supper, he whished sadly.
04:15I'm sorry, James, he chuffed.
04:18I'll get you another truck of flour.
04:21Then you won't be late for the children.
04:24Thomas raced away.
04:29Thomas puffed and he huffed.
04:32He whished and he whooshed.
04:35He had to get to the mill as fast as he could.
04:42Then there was trouble.
04:44When Thomas arrived at the mill it was closed.
04:48Thomas looked around.
04:51He could only see empty flour trucks.
04:55Thomas felt sadder than ever.
04:58Dusty Dave the miller came to see Thomas.
05:02He could see that Thomas was very upset.
05:05I'm going home for my tea now, he told Thomas.
05:09But there's one full flour truck right at the back.
05:14Thomas saw the flour truck.
05:17But there were lots of other trucks in the way.
05:21He needed help.
05:25Thomas whooshed back to the wharf.
05:29He would have to ask James to help him.
05:34James was waiting.
05:36He was still very cross.
05:39Thomas pulled up alongside him.
05:42James, I know you tried to tell me about the flour.
05:46And I know I was silly.
05:48But now I need your help.
05:50James knew that Thomas was sorry.
05:53And he knew Thomas needed his help.
05:56So they set off for the mill.
06:00James and Thomas worked hard.
06:05There were lots of trucks to shunt.
06:09But they worked well together.
06:12The flour truck was coupled up to James.
06:16And he raced off.
06:22Thomas felt proud of his friend.
06:26Later that evening the fat controller stood by a table of wonderful breads and cakes.
06:34The children were very excited.
06:39Thomas puffed by on his way home.
06:42Well done James, he tooted.
06:45And James tooted back.
06:48Thomas was pleased James was his friend again.
06:52And Thomas smiled all the way back to Tidmouth Sheds.