• last year
مسلسل المتوحش الحلقة 32 مترجمة HD
00:01:58We got the Sanjuk B
00:02:01Sanjuk B
00:02:03One of you should come back soon distance
00:02:06Kardeşimin intihar ettiği söylendi şimdi cinayet şüphesinden bahsediyorsunuz bana bir şey söylemeyecek misiniz neslihanım
00:02:13Benim size açıklamak zorunda olduğum konu
00:02:16Savcının izniyle kardeşinizin mezarının açılması ve otopsi yapılacak
00:02:21Maalesef başka bir şey söyleyemem
00:02:24Etmiyorum bakın mezar açılacak diyorsunuz ablası olarak benim bu bilgiye ihtiyacım var bir şey söyleyin lütfen
00:02:30Öyle değil mi güven bak
00:02:33Yani eğer kardeşim öldürüldüyse
00:02:37Ali'yi o kaçırmadı yani Ali'yi dayısı kaçırmadı
00:02:42Birisi onun üzerine suç attı
00:02:50Babam boşuna kahroldu
00:02:55Bakın Sancuk B
00:02:57Bana bir şey söylemek zorundasınız kim yapmış ne olmuş bir bilgi vermek zorundasınız bana
00:03:03Çok yakında tüm cevapları bizle birlikte sizde öğreneceksiniz iyi akşamlar
00:03:07Ben bakın ben yakında değil
00:03:09Neslihanım şu an Yaman Ali Bey arıyor
00:03:13Efendim oğlum
00:03:15Elif mi
00:03:19Tamam sakin ol
00:03:21Tamam geliyorum ben hemen tamam çocuğum
00:03:25Eee çantamı getirir misin canım
00:03:27Neslihan ne olmuş
00:03:28Elif'e bir şey olmuş hastaneye götürüyorlarmış
00:03:31Benimle gelin hemen atlayın arabaya sen geç ben bunları getireceğim
00:03:38Geçmek istemiyorum
00:03:50Ne yapıyoruz ya biz ya kızı resmen orada öylece bırakıp kaçtık biz ne yapıyoruz
00:03:56Allah'ın geri dön
00:03:58Allah'ın geri dön
00:04:02Ambulansı arıyorum ben
00:04:04Saçmalama bırak şunu ya
00:04:06Çağla ne yapıyorsun asıl sen saçmalama
00:04:08Ya kız öldü anladın mı yapacak bir şeyimiz yoktu
00:04:10Başlatma şimdi vicdanından ya
00:04:12Gerisinde katili düşünsün annen düşünsün
00:04:14Annem ne alaka Çağla
00:04:16Ya Elif'in ölmesini başka kim ister
00:04:18Tam da Neslihan Yaman'a her şeyi anlatacağı zaman
00:04:20Elif'le buluşacağımızdan haberi bile yoktu anne
00:04:22Elif'le buluşacağımızdan haberi bile yoktu annemin
00:04:24Evde miydi mesaj geldiğinde
00:04:26Evde ama
00:04:28Aması yok işte
00:04:30Mesajı gördü duydu bir şey oldu kızın peşine düştü
00:04:32Kim ister ya Elif'in ölmesini
00:04:34Baban Çağla
00:04:36Baban da Elif'in ölmesini çok isterdi
00:04:38Hala baban diyor ya
00:04:40Kızım delirtmesene beni adam yürüyemiyor bile
00:04:46İçinizde susun
00:04:48Kimin neyi
00:04:50Ne için yaptığını öğreneceğiz
00:04:54İzleşme zamanı
00:05:58Ne oluyor ya
00:06:00Gece gece hepiniz birlikte buradasınız ne oldu
00:06:06Ne olduğunu sen anlatacaksın Şebo
00:06:10Anlamadım o ne demek
00:06:12Kızı sen öldürdün demek
00:06:14Hangi kızı
00:06:18Ne oluyor
00:06:20Ya bilmiyormuşsun gibi yapma
00:06:22Geldin çarptın işte Elif'e
00:06:24Senin peşindeydi çünkü
00:06:26Yaman'a her şeyi anlatmasın diye yaptın
00:06:30Nasıl Elif öldü mü
00:06:32Rüya doğru mu bu
00:06:34Ya bir kes artık ya
00:06:36Cidden bir kes ya
00:06:38Duydun değil mi Elif'in attığı mesajı
00:06:40Bizim buluşacağımız yeri biliyordun yani
00:06:42Bu ne demek ne oluyor Rüya
00:06:44Açıkla bana ne oluyor
00:06:49Bu işte bir ilgim var mı
00:06:51Bu kadar ileri gitmiş olabilir misin gerçekten
00:06:57Yalnız bırakır mısın beni
00:07:13Aç kullanma dini dinle
00:07:15Önce son çıkışı
00:07:17Yaman'a her şeyi anlatacağım
00:07:29Ne mesajın ne buluşması
00:07:31Benim hiçbir şeyden haberim yok
00:07:33Siz ne arıyordunuz ya
00:07:35Gece gece o kızın yanında sizin ne işiniz vardı
00:07:39Soruya soruyla cevap verme kısmını bir geçsek mi artık
00:07:41Çünkü ben bu olaydan çok sıkıldım
00:07:43Ben de çok sıkıldım Alas
00:07:45Gerçekten bütün bu saçmalıklardan çok sıkıldım
00:07:47Ya kabul etmişsin işte Yaman'ı kaçırdığını
00:07:49İtiraf etmişsin her şeyi Rüya'ya
00:07:51Daha neyi saklıyorsun
00:07:57Ya ne Rüya ne Rüya
00:07:59Şu kızın haline bak Şebo
00:08:01Ya sen bu kızdan daha ne istiyorsun ya
00:08:05Yaman bu kızın sevgilisi
00:08:07Ve sen
00:08:09Sen Yaman'ı kaçırdın ya
00:08:12Ben kaçırmadım baban kaçırdı
00:08:14Ben sadece yardım ettim
00:08:16Bak sakın sakın daha fazla bu olaya babamı karıştırma
00:08:18Çünkü Feride abla mektupta senin ismini yazmış
00:08:20Senden şüphelenmiş yani
00:08:22Orada baban falan yazmıyor
00:08:24Ne mektubu
00:08:26Anneme mektup bırakıp kaçmış
00:08:28Artık nasıl korkuttuysan kadını
00:08:32Nesi biliyor mu artık
00:08:34Henüz değil
00:08:36Ama Yaman'ı kaçırdığını öğrenecek
00:08:38Hatta Elif'i öldürdüğünü yakında herkes öğrenecek
00:08:44Kimseyi öldürmedim Allah'ını seversen
00:08:48Ya bir kes artık ya yalan söylemeyi bir bırak ya
00:09:02Araba çarpmış
00:09:04Bilinç kapandı iç kanaması var
00:09:06Elif dayanın geçeceksin
00:09:08Önce tomograf sonra MR alıyoruz
00:09:10Neslihan hocayı arayın hemen
00:09:12Aradım ben annemi merak etmeyin
00:09:14Ameyata niye hazırlayayım
00:09:24Kendimi nasıl hissediyorum biliyor musun
00:09:26Beş yaşındaki Ali gibi
00:09:28Sanki yine kaybetmişim ailemi
00:09:32Sanki daha yeni kaybetmişim
00:09:36O yüzden sen söyle bana
00:09:40Ne saklıyorlar benden
00:09:42Neyin peşindesin sen
00:10:00Bilinç kapandı ne oluyor
00:10:02Bir şey dedi duydunuz mu bir şey dedi
00:10:04Mektup mektubu bulsun dedi
00:10:20Asi daha iyi misin
00:10:30Ne oldu karıştırmışsınız gene ortalığı kızım ya
00:10:32Ne yaptı bu alası yarı sana
00:10:34Yok bir şey Cesur sen karışma
00:10:36Vallahi hak etti diyebilirim
00:10:38Sormadık ama dimi Tolga
00:10:42Ben sordum ya kızım bir sakin ya
00:10:46Neyse sen geldiğine göre ben gidebilirim artık
00:10:48Tolga tamam
00:10:50Kusura bakma
00:10:52Kusur mu Asi ben sende bir kusur görmüyorum ki kusuruna bakayım
00:10:54Kusurlu olan Alas sen bakmıyorsun
00:10:56Israrla şu çocuğun kusurlarına bakmıyorsun sen ya
00:10:58Sen bunu hak etmiyorsun
00:11:00Asi sen bunu hak etmiyorsun Alas da seni hiç hak etmiyor
00:11:02Ve ben çok sıkıldım
00:11:05Ben sana böyle hissettirmesinden nefret ediyorum
00:11:07Senin de buna izin vermenden daha da nefret ediyorum
00:11:09Tamam oğlum tamam
00:11:11Bir sakinle bağırıyorsun
00:11:13Kusura bakmayın
00:11:18Benimde bir kusurum bu olsun
00:11:32Bu da durdu durdu volkan gibi patladı
00:11:34Ne vardı kız şuna aşık olsaydın
00:11:36Pamuk gibi çocuk işte
00:11:40Tamam gel buraya gel
00:11:44Ne yaptı bu babasının oğlu sana gene söyle bakalım
00:11:46Ne yapacaksın kızım soy dur çeker dur kokar
00:11:48Seninki de o hesap işte
00:11:54Yaman arıyor
00:11:56Sakın hiçbir şey söyleme
00:11:58Çekebicem yani
00:12:00Sanki laf dinliyorsun da
00:12:02Efendim birader
00:12:04Ne diyorsun oğlum
00:12:08Tamam kapat kapat geliyoruz
00:12:10Ne diyor
00:12:12Elif'i hastaneye kaldırmışlar
00:12:14Yürü hadi
00:12:16Ne diyor ya
00:12:18Cesur ne olur
00:12:28Canım buradayım
00:12:31Tamam merak etme elimden geleni yapacağım
00:12:35Bana güven
00:12:37Ben ameliyata giriyorum
00:12:39Sen de
00:12:43Bak annenin elinden geleni yapacak
00:12:45İyi düşünelim iyi olsun tamam
00:12:49Sen gelsene benimle bir
00:12:51Güzelim hayırdır
00:12:53Bir bir müsaade eder misiniz bize lütfen
00:12:55Tamam baba sıkıntı yok
00:13:23Neyin peşindeydiniz Elif'le
00:13:25Nasıl oldu bu kaza
00:13:29Bir şey bilmiyorum ki anlatayım amirim
00:13:31Sen söyleyeceksin bana
00:13:33Elif'in söylemediği ne varsa
00:13:35Sen söyleyeceksin
00:13:37Elif sana bir şey anlatmadı yani
00:13:43Konum attı bana
00:13:49Geldiğinde kendini görürsün dedi
00:13:53Gittim ben de
00:13:56Ne gördüm biliyor musun
00:14:02Allah *** yerde
00:14:06Elif yerde kanlar içinde yatıyordu
00:14:10Kim yaptı neden yaptı bilmiyorum
00:14:14Ama neden bilmiyorum biliyor musun
00:14:16Çünkü ne polis
00:14:20Ne benim sevgilim
00:14:22Ne de kardeşlerim
00:14:24Bana hiçbir şey söylemiyor
00:14:26Herkes bir şey saklıyor benden
00:14:30Bak oğlum
00:14:32Az kaldı
00:14:34Kimseye güvenmeyebilirsin
00:14:36Ama polise güven
00:14:48Değersiz bir şey gibi
00:14:50Bırakıp gitmişler kızı
00:14:54Resmen ölümü terk etmişler amirim
00:14:58Dikkatini çeken herhangi bir şey oldu mu
00:15:00İyi düşün
00:15:04Küçük bir ipucu
00:15:10Ne oluyor lan
00:15:16Yeşil bir ekmek
00:15:20Ben Elif'in yanına giderken hızlıca geçti gitti yanımda
00:15:30Tüm birimlerinin dikkatine
00:15:32Yeşil ekmek bir araba arıyoruz
00:15:36Ömerli yolu
00:15:38Ömerli yolu üzerindeki bütün mobeseler incelensin
00:15:46Tamam dur
00:15:51Tamam dayan
00:15:53Çok acıyor
00:15:59Dayan dayan
00:16:01Hemen hastaneye gidiyoruz dayan
00:16:07Sen geç
00:16:13Tamam hadi
00:16:39O arabayı bulun bana
00:16:41Her yere bakılsın tamam
00:16:43Anlaşıldı amirim
00:16:45Ne oluyor
00:16:47Nasıl bir şey yok oğlum
00:16:49Derdi ne seninde anlatsana
00:16:51Bir şey yok baba
00:16:55Tamam dayan
00:16:57Dayan geldik
00:16:59Yardım edin cd getirin
00:17:01Çocuklar ne oldu
00:17:03Güven abi kanaması var
00:17:05Hemen cd getirin cd getirin hemen
00:17:13Güven abi
00:17:21Bebeğe bir şey olmasın
00:17:23Ne bebeği
00:17:25Kardeşim olacak
00:17:33Yine benden saklanan bir gerçek daha
00:17:35Allah tebrik eder insanı
00:17:43Senin burada ne işin var gece gece
00:17:47Ne olmuş herife
00:17:49Arabayla çarpıp kaçmışlar
00:17:55Ameliyat alındı
00:17:57İyi mi peki yaşıyor mu şu anda
00:18:03Yaşayacak da
00:18:10Neyin peşinde olduğunu da
00:18:13Onu arabayla kimin çarpıp kaçtığını da bana anlatacak
00:18:23Hiç bir gerçeksizlik kalmaz dimi amirim
00:18:27İz üstündeyiz
00:18:31Ben bir anneme bakayım
00:18:43Kafana ne oldu Selim
00:18:53Şu an durumu en ciddi olmayan hasta benim
00:18:59Hepinize geçmiş olsun
00:19:01Babanız nereye
00:19:05Ben de bir babama bakayım
00:19:15Neydi bu şimdi
00:19:19Bu Elif'in başına gelenlerle
00:19:21Bunların bir alakası mı var
00:19:23Ben bilmiyorum amirim
00:19:25Sen biliyorsunuz belki
00:19:29Tamam tamam çekil
00:19:44Birazdan uyuşma başlar
00:19:51Uyuşmaya başladı bile
00:19:55Daha ne kadar dayanacağım bu işkenceye
00:19:59Alo oğlum
00:20:01Konuşmamız lazım yalnız
00:20:09Kafana ne oldu Selim
00:20:11Sen mi yaptın
00:20:15Elif'i sen mi çarptın
00:20:17Elif kim oğlum
00:20:19Elif kim
00:20:21Yaman'ın polis arkadaşı
00:20:23Hani sizin şu peşinizde olan
00:20:25Bu gece her şeyi Yaman'a anlatacaktı
00:20:27Adamın biri kıza çarpıp kaçıyor
00:20:29Kim acaba
00:20:33Ben olmadığım kesin sanki Halas
00:20:37Bir telefonuna bakar
00:20:43Benim ahsabımı bozma
00:20:47Kimin başına bir şey gelse beni suçluyorsun
00:20:51Şamar olamayayım lan ben
00:20:53Babanım senin baban
00:20:56Ağzından çıkanı kulağın duysun
00:20:58Sebo ben yapmadım diyor
00:21:00Ne yapıyorsunuz ya sesiniz dışarı kadar geliyor
00:21:02Delirdiniz mi
00:21:04Çağla al şu halazı
00:21:06Götür buradan
00:21:08Yoksa bir polis katili ilan edilmediğim kalmıştı
00:21:10O da olacak
00:21:14Keşke sana inanabilsem ya
00:21:20Şu haldeyken bile
00:21:22Benim babam yapmaz yapmamıştır diyemiyorum
00:21:24Nasıl yaptı kime yaptırdı diyorum
00:21:30Ben babama artık güvenemiyorum ya
00:21:38O adam
00:21:42Dedemin katili diye içeri attıklarında
00:21:44Yaman'ı izledim
00:21:48Bak bir kere
00:21:50Bir kere bile tereddüt etmedi
00:21:53Dedem evinde
00:21:55Ölü bulunmuş
00:21:57Adamın elinde silah
00:21:59Ya insan demez mi
00:22:05Ama Yaman
00:22:09Yaman bir kere bile tereddüt etmedi
00:22:16Demek ki Yaman
00:22:20Senden daha iyi bir evlat
00:22:23Öyle mi diyelim Balaz
00:22:37O zaman güvende senden daha iyi bir baba diyebilir miyiz
00:23:00Eğer o beyzbol sopası ile arkadaşını komoya sokan Yaman olsaydı
00:23:04Güven onu korumaya kalkmaz tuttuğu gibi kullanandan gider polise teslim ederdi
00:23:11Arabayı üzerinize sürüp
00:23:13Seninle kız arkadaşını öldürmeye kalkan Yaman olsaydı
00:23:18Güven onu bir kelime ile siler atardı gözünün yaşına bile bakmazdı
00:23:27Ben senin arkanda durduğum için mi
00:23:31Kötü baba oluyorum Balaz
00:23:43Ne olursa olsun
00:23:49Oğlumdan vazgeçmediğim için mi ben
00:23:51Kötü oluyorum Balaz
00:23:59Şebnem size yalan söylüyor
00:24:07Bunu size ispat ettiğim gün
00:24:09Özür dileyeceksin benden
00:24:13Şimdi yıkıl karşımdan
00:24:15Çık dışarı
00:24:21Çık dışarı
00:24:41Çağla sen kal kızım
00:24:45Sen bekle
00:25:01O zaman acı haberi size ben vereyim arkadaşlar
00:25:05Hiç bir insan değişmez neyse koyusun
00:25:07O çok güvendiğin sevgilin var ya
00:25:09Annesiyle bir işler çeviriyor yani
00:25:11Melek bir şey biliyor bir şey var Yaman
00:25:13Mektup mektubu bulsun dedi
00:25:21İyi misin
00:25:31Melek bir şeyler biliyormuş
00:25:33Elif öyle söyledi
00:25:35Rüya ile annesi bu yüzden peşindeymiş
00:25:39Elif söylememesi gerektiği şeyleri
00:25:41Ulu orta söylediği için
00:25:43Şu an bu durumda
00:25:45Bakın amirim
00:25:47Melek bana güvenir
00:25:49Yaman yeter
00:25:51Kimse sana bir şey anlatmak zorunda değil
00:25:53Ama senin bildiğin bir şey varsa
00:25:55Bize polise anlatmak zorundasın
00:26:00Sana tekrar soruyorum
00:26:02O alazlara yaptığın gösterinin sebebi neydi
00:26:06Neyi kovalıyorsun oğlum
00:26:08Boş kovalıyorum amirim
00:26:10Boş kovalıyorum dolu tutuyorum
00:26:16İyi misin Elif
00:26:26İyi olacak
00:26:28Bebeğin durumu iyi
00:26:30Kanamayı durdurduk
00:26:32Sancıların da kesildi dimi
00:26:36Neden kanaması olmuş peki
00:26:38Yaşıyor mu
00:26:40Yaşıyor mu
00:26:42Yaşıyor mu
00:26:44Yaşıyor mu
00:26:46Yaşıyor mu
00:26:48Yaşıyor mu
00:26:50Yaşıyor mu
00:26:52Yaşıyor mu
00:26:54Yaşıyor mu
00:26:56Ne olmuş peki
00:26:58Ya yine tekrar ederse
00:27:00Strese bağlı olabilir
00:27:02Tekrar edip etmeyeceğini bilemeyiz
00:27:04Ama şimdilik herhangi bir riskli durum yok
00:27:06Oğlunuz gayet sağlıklı Şebnem
00:27:12Erkek mi
00:27:16Bakın ayakları
00:27:18Elini gördünüz mü
00:27:29Şuna bak
00:27:41Şebnem bu arada beklediğin DNA sonucu çıktı
00:27:45Kızını yanımda vermek istemedim
00:27:47Bak biz yakın arkadaşız
00:27:49Ama bu son anlattığım durum beni sarstı
00:27:51Taşınması zor bir sır bu
00:27:55Çünkü maalesef pozitif
00:27:59Babası Serhan Beymiş
00:28:25Bu kayıtları değiştirmek zorundasın
00:28:27Bak sadece
00:28:29Rüya kaldı
00:28:31Onu da kaybedemem
00:28:49Ne oldu oraya
00:28:55Hazır hastanedeyiz bir baktır istersen
00:28:57Gerek yok
00:29:01Ne yapılırız
00:29:05Neymiş birader ne yapıyormuş
00:29:07Bir başına orada peki
00:29:09Bilsem cesur
00:29:11Bilsem kardeşim
00:29:13Vur kaç nedir ya
00:29:15Bu bildiğin cinayete teşebbüs değil mi be
00:29:17Ha prenses
00:29:23Ne oldu bir haber var mı
00:29:25Yok bekliyoruz işte
00:29:31Nasıl durumu
00:29:35Elimizden geleni yaptık
00:29:37Şimdi yol bakımı aldık
00:29:39Bizi uyutacağız tamam mı
00:29:41Hadi sizde eve gidin
00:29:43Kardeşlerini de al
00:29:46Biraz dinlenin çok beklediniz hadi
00:29:48Ben hiç bir yere gitmiyorum
00:29:50Yok bende gidemem
00:29:52Şu an bende
00:29:54Mümkün değil
00:29:58Alas biz gidelim bari
00:30:00Çok bile kaldınız zaten
00:30:08Sana ne oldu Alas
00:30:10Ne o yine kafandaki ne yaptın
00:30:12Kim yaptı bunu
00:30:16Kim yaptı
00:30:18Ben yaptım Neslihan teyze
00:30:22Sen mi yaptın
00:30:24Çocuğum bu nedir böyle ya
00:30:26Böyle sevilmez ki
00:30:28Böyle sevgi olmaz ki
00:30:30Sevdirmiyor ki zaten insana kendini
00:30:32Sevme o zaman
00:30:34İnsan değilim ya
00:30:38Neyse uzatmayın hadi
00:30:40Hadi yürü şuna bir bakayım
00:30:42Yürü dedim yürü
00:30:44Sende gel benimle hadi konuşacağız
00:30:48Asi konuşacağım seninle de gel
00:30:58Sende arkana bile bakmadan kaçıyorsun abicim
00:31:00Nereye niye kaçayım ya
00:31:02Deli midir nedir
00:31:04Rüyanın yanına gideceğim
00:31:06Hani senin kız arkadaşın acilde annesinin yanında ya
00:31:08Gerçi senin pek umurunda değilim sanki
00:31:12Yaman ne oluyor birader
00:31:14Ben hiç bir şey anlamadım
00:31:16Ne dönüyor burdan
00:31:30Durmadan yeni yaralar açıyorsunuz birbirinize
00:31:32Dikilince bitiremedik yaralarınızı
00:31:34Hayır şunu anlamayın
00:31:36Nedir derdiniz
00:31:38Üstelik sizin ikinizin konuşanlarınız
00:31:41Sizin ikinizin konuşarak çözemeyecek hiçbir şey yok
00:31:45Neler yaşadınız siz farkında mısınız
00:31:47Nedir hala meseleniz
00:31:49Hala yaralar açıyorsunuz birbirinize
00:31:51Onun yaraları iyileşebiliyor en azından
00:31:57Benim yaralarımın bir tedavisi yok onu ne yapacağız
00:31:59Uzak durabilirsin o zaman
00:32:01Yeni yaralar istemiyorsan
00:32:03Duruyordum zaten
00:32:05Zerre değişmediğini bilsem yaklaşır mıydım sanıyorsun
00:32:07Çok haklısın Asiye kız
00:32:09Değişmiş gibi yaptım
00:32:11İyiymişim gibi yaptım
00:32:13Sevmiş gibi yaptım
00:32:19Ama hiçbiri olmadı
00:32:23Çünkü ben buyum
00:32:31Kızısına derbi aldı ya ondan saçmalıyor kızım
00:32:33Yok yok Neslihan teyze
00:32:36O değil ben saçmaladım
00:32:38Beni sevdiğine inandığım
00:32:40Değiştiğine inandığım için
00:32:42Aslında ben saçmaladım
00:32:44Gerçeğe inanmak istemedim yani
00:32:48Ama neyse ki
00:32:50Gözümün önünde İlayda denen o kızı
00:32:52Öptüğü için
00:32:54Artık saçmalamaktan vazgeçtim
00:33:02Yaptın mı bunu gerçekten
00:33:06Oğlun bu
00:33:08Bu kadar yani anne
00:33:10Tıpkı babası gibi
00:33:16Bunu ısrarla unutuyorsun ama
00:33:18Sen benimde oğlumsun
00:33:22Ve ben senin bu kadar olmadığını biliyorum
00:33:24Böyle olmadığını da biliyorum
00:33:26Allah sen baban değilsin
00:33:28Ve olmayacaksın
00:33:30Sen benimde oğlumsun
00:33:32Ve ben senin bu kadar olmadığını biliyorum
00:33:34Allah sen baban değilsin
00:33:36Ve olmayacaksın
00:33:40Seni seven insanlara cezalandırmayı bırak lütfen
00:34:24Sana bir sır vereyim mi
00:34:28Benim oğlum
00:34:30Allah'a ısmarla
00:34:34Biraz yani malas
00:34:38Gerçekten söylüyorum
00:34:40Tam bir malas
00:34:42Hani onun böyle çok
00:34:46Zeki böyle karşıma çıkan
00:34:48Lafı yapıştırırım oturturum hallerinde
00:34:50Falan aldın mı sen
00:34:52Bunların hepsi hava cıva
00:34:54Onun hayattaki en büyük şansı
00:34:56Sensin biliyor musun
00:34:58Sizden sonra
00:35:01Yok değil
00:35:03Bak ben yıllardır değiştirmeyi başaramadım
00:35:05Sen geldin
00:35:07Onu değiştirdin
00:35:09Değişmediğini söyledi ama
00:35:14Niye böyle söylüyor
00:35:16Niye böyle davranıyor
00:35:20Ya da yok aslında biliyorum
00:35:22Hepsi benim suçum
00:35:26Ben oğlumu babasından koruyamadım
00:35:31Babasının gerçek yüzünü görmek istemiyor
00:35:35Ama görüyor
00:35:37Sırtını dönmek istiyor
00:35:39Kendini suçlu hissediyor
00:35:41Benim elimi bırakmak istemiyor
00:35:43Serhan bir yerden çekiştiriyor
00:35:45Ben bir yerden çekiştiriyorum
00:35:47İkimizin de elini tutmak istiyor
00:35:49Ama bu mümkün olmuyor onun için
00:35:51Bu bir çocuk için çok yorucu ve çok zor bir şey biliyor musun
00:35:57Her ne yaşıyorsa yaşasın
00:35:59Sana bunu hissettirme hakkını sahip değil
00:36:05Onun annesi benim
00:36:07Onun iyileştirme görevi de bana ait
00:36:09Senin böyle bir görevin yok
00:36:15Sen onun hayatındaki en kıymetli doğrusun şu anda
00:36:19Eğer bir aptallık edip de sana sırtını dönerse
00:36:21Saçma sapan davranırsa
00:36:25Kaybedene olacak sen değil
00:36:33Sen benim kızımsın
00:36:35Sana bir şey söyleyeyim mi
00:36:37Bu hayatta
00:36:39Kendimizden daha değerli bir şey yok
00:36:41En değerli sensin
00:36:45O yüzden de oğlumu savunmayacağım sana
00:36:49Gel bakayım gel
00:36:52Dedim ya
00:36:58Sen benim kızım gibisin
00:37:00Eğer böyle bir şey Çağla'nın başına gelse
00:37:02Ne hissediyorsam
00:37:04Senin içinde aynı şekilde hissediyorum
00:37:06Karşındaki oğlum bile olsa
00:37:10Şimdi sen ne yapacaksın biliyor musun
00:37:12Bir kere kendini bir an önce toparlayacaksın
00:37:16İyi olacaksın
00:37:20Acı çekmek istiyorsan
00:37:22Bırak çeksin debelansın istediği kadar
00:37:26Kıymetli olan sensin
00:37:30Gel bakayım
00:37:34Teşekkür ederim
00:37:40Şunları bir silelim bakalım
00:37:44Biraz fazla alalım
00:37:50Bir şey var mı Suriye?
00:37:54Daha iyi doktor gidebilirsiniz
00:37:56Hadi eve götüreceğim şimdi
00:37:58Zaten hiç burada kalmak istemiyorum şu anda
00:38:00Bence de
00:38:02Abisi atmaca gibi dolanıyor etrafta
00:38:20Elif nasılmış?
00:38:22Yoğun bakımda uyutuyorlarmış hala
00:38:24Bunu ben size uyandırayım
00:38:26Elif uyanmadan gözlerinin açtığında
00:38:28Yaman'a her şeyi anlatacak
00:38:30Yani ne anneni ne de babanı daha fazla
00:38:43Gel anne daha iyi misin?
00:38:45Geçmiş olsun
00:38:47Sağ ol
00:38:50Geçmiş olsun
00:38:52Daha iyi misiniz?
00:38:56Eve götüreceğim şimdi
00:38:58Tamam ben bırakayım sizi
00:39:00Yok gerek yok
00:39:04Elif'in durumu daha kritik şu anda
00:39:06Aklım burada kalmaz
00:39:16Amos, Çağla
00:39:18Bir konuşalım hadi
00:39:37Niyet bir şey söyleyemiyor musunuz?
00:39:41Elif ne zaman uyanır?
00:39:43Şu an için bunu bilmemiz pek mümkün değil
00:39:47Ama yakinen ilgileniyoruz
00:39:49Gözetim imzalı altında merak etmeyin
00:39:53O uyanmadan ne olduğunu öğrenemeyeceğiz
00:39:57Selçuk Bey konuşuyorduk
00:39:59Yarım kalmıştı
00:40:01Devam edebilir miyiz acaba?
00:40:05Kardeşimin cinayete kurban gitmiş olabileceğini söylemiştiniz
00:40:11Bu konuda bir açıklama yapamaz mısınız bana?
00:40:13Ne olur
00:40:20Yanınızda çalışan Feride Hanım
00:40:24Bu davada tanıklık ediyor
00:40:32Siz Feride'nin nerede olduğunu biliyor musunuz?
00:40:34Ocadan kayboldu o kadar merak ediyorum ki onu
00:40:36Bizim himayemizde
00:40:38Bir dakika bir dakika
00:40:40Hayati bir tehlike mi var?
00:40:42Niye sizin himayenizde?
00:40:44Ferit ile bir kere konuşabilir miyim?
00:40:46Maalesef konuşamazsınız
00:40:48Neden konuşamam?
00:40:50Böyle olması gerekir çünkü
00:40:54Feride Hanım rahmetli babanızla birlikte
00:40:56Zamanında bu meselenin üstünde durmuş
00:40:58Ama bir şey çıkmamış
00:41:00Sonra şüphelerini
00:41:02Ve bildiklerini bize anlattı
00:41:04Ne anlattı size?
00:41:06Yada daha doğrusu
00:41:08Bana niye hiç anlatmadı?
00:41:10He didn't tell me anything.
00:41:14Look, we're almost there.
00:41:16Trust us and lean on your back.
00:41:18From now on, it's us.
00:41:40What's going on?
00:41:44I'm starting to be afraid.
00:41:46Don't be afraid.
00:41:48Don't be afraid.
00:41:50What is this?
00:41:52Don't be afraid.
00:41:56I saw that your dream met you.
00:41:58He lied to me.
00:42:00He said I need to rest at home.
00:42:02Then he came to you.
00:42:04He came to you.
00:42:08What are you up to?
00:42:10What are you hiding from me?
00:42:16What is the dream hiding?
00:42:28Are you going to shut up like this?
00:42:34Aren't you going to say anything?
00:42:52We're done.
00:42:54We're done.
00:42:58Are you ready?
00:43:00Because I'm tired of covering up
00:43:02what you're hiding from me.
00:43:10Talk, brother.
00:43:12It's about Rüya's mother.
00:43:22With the cabinets he turned.
00:43:24Go on.
00:43:28It's hard to say this, but...
00:43:30What is it, Çağla?
00:43:36Şeblem set up a company.
00:43:44For years.
00:43:46Hospital, foundation, whatever.
00:43:50We just found out.
00:43:52We're worried about what to do.
00:43:58Why are you looking at me like that?
00:44:02How much more were we going to hide from Yaman?
00:44:04Why did you hide this from me?
00:44:08Tell me.
00:44:12You're so eager to tell me.
00:44:14Why didn't we tell Yaman?
00:44:16Why? Because of Rüya?
00:44:20I think anyone who was Şeblem's child would be ashamed of this.
00:44:28One of the foundations is the Street Children's Foundation.
00:44:30So it's the subject you're most sensitive to.
00:44:34How did you find out?
00:44:38Çağla explained it very well.
00:44:40Her brother.
00:44:42And she was so eager.
00:44:44Tell me.
00:44:46Because I'm tired of the whole thing.
00:44:48Tell me.
00:44:52Rüya noticed.
00:44:54She pushed her mother into the room.
00:44:56But she couldn't.
00:44:58Because she's pregnant.
00:45:00She's confused.
00:45:02That's why Elif was after Rüya.
00:45:06I see.
00:45:10That's all from me.
00:45:12The rest is your problem with your lover.
00:45:14By the way, we didn't tell anyone.
00:45:18You can do whatever you want.
00:45:26Just pretend I'm with you.
00:45:30Why do you have to do that?
00:45:32Because it's over.
00:45:34And I feel you.
00:45:36Yeah, you do.
00:45:38I'm sick of you.
00:45:40I'm tired of you.
00:45:42I'm sick of you.
00:45:44I have to go.
00:45:46I have to tell you.
00:45:48I have to...
00:45:50I have to tell you.
00:45:52I have to tell you.
00:45:54How many lies can you tell on stage?
00:45:55Does your father give you this right?
00:45:57Don't yell. The police are here.
00:45:59Besides, I don't need anyone's advice, okay?
00:46:02If you use your head a little, you'll understand that it's a slander.
00:46:05My father thought Yaman was a real kid.
00:46:07When he found out the truth, he went crazy.
00:46:09Do you think he'd kidnap his own son?
00:46:12He made all this to get money from my grandfather.
00:46:14That's enough.
00:46:15Am I the only one who believes my father here?
00:46:21Bravo. Like a son.
00:46:23But I have bad news for you, both of you.
00:46:25Our father is not our father.
00:46:27Yaman deceived us. Let's see how he deceives us.
00:46:30Alas, please wait.
00:46:31Alas, wait. Wait, I said.
00:46:33Look, please.
00:46:34Don't get on my nerves and hurt my father, okay?
00:46:37From now on, don't touch me for anyone.
00:46:40That's all from me.
00:46:41Pray that no one asks me anything.
00:46:54Oh, no.
00:47:04Can you slow down a little, I think I'm sick.
00:47:08Are you okay?
00:47:09Yaman, they won't say anything to us now.
00:47:12Maybe your mother told you.
00:47:13You'll get rid of Elif, right?
00:47:15Our brother won't die, right?
00:47:17God forbid, son.
00:47:18Why would Elif do this?
00:47:25I'll tell you something, but...
00:47:27I don't know.
00:47:28I don't know.
00:47:29I don't know.
00:47:31I don't know.
00:47:32I don't know.
00:47:33I don't know.
00:47:34I don't know.
00:47:36I don't know.
00:47:37I don't know.
00:47:38I'll tell you something, but...
00:47:40But don't get worked up, okay?
00:47:42Like what?
00:47:49and Rüya.
00:47:51They're up to something.
00:47:53And Elif knew what they were up to.
00:47:57What does that mean, son?
00:47:58What do you mean?
00:48:00What's this to Elif?
00:48:02I mean,
00:48:04Elif wasn't after them for nothing.
00:48:07She knew something.
00:48:08Yaman, my dear brother,
00:48:10don't be ridiculous.
00:48:12It's not that big of a deal.
00:48:13It's not a murder attempt.
00:48:15I don't know what's going on,
00:48:17but I'm sure of Çağla and Rüya.
00:48:19Of course.
00:48:20Rüzgar died with his own death, didn't he?
00:48:22That's a different story, girl.
00:48:24He deserved it.
00:48:25Are you on the same side as Rüzgar and Elif?
00:48:28What do you mean?
00:48:29Okay, don't be ridiculous.
00:48:32Okay, let's not be ridiculous.
00:48:33Since you're sure of something,
00:48:35they're hiding something.
00:48:36Let's go and ask.
00:48:38She asked.
00:48:42Çağla made something up.
00:48:44He threw the ball at her and ran away.
00:48:46Oh, my God.
00:48:47What are we going to do?
00:48:48What are we going to do?
00:48:49What are we going to do?
00:48:51We have one last letter left.
00:48:54Elif told me to find the letter while she was in the ambulance.
00:48:57What letter?
00:48:59I don't know what letter it is.
00:49:01We'll find out when we find it.
00:49:06Yalnız, sizin de bana yardım etmeniz lazım yani.
00:49:12Emret, birader.
00:49:13Tamam, okey.
00:49:40Honey, you're so tired.
00:49:43Go and get some rest. Take a shower.
00:49:49Thank you so much.
00:49:52For being with me despite everything.
00:49:55Mom, I can't take another lie.
00:49:59So, please tell me.
00:50:01Do you know what happened to Elif?
00:50:04I swear I don't know.
00:50:07Rüya, I didn't do anything.
00:50:16Good night.
00:50:21Good night.
00:50:30Good night.
00:51:08Yes, Çağla.
00:51:11What did you say to Yaman?
00:51:13Çağla, are you kidding me?
00:51:15What should I have done?
00:51:16Yaman saw us.
00:51:17I had to lie. I had no other choice.
00:51:19I'm keeping quiet to protect my mom.
00:51:21How could you reveal my mom?
00:51:23At least you didn't say he kidnapped Yaman and tried to kill Elif.
00:51:26Be thankful for that.
00:51:27My mom kidnapped Yaman with your dad, Çağla.
00:51:29I'm not trying to kill Elif.
00:51:31I'm not trying to kill Elif.
00:51:32I'm shutting you down.
00:51:33You can believe whatever you want to believe.
00:52:18Cid, is Elif getting better since yesterday?
00:52:26I understand.
00:52:27I understand. Thank you.
00:52:30See you.
00:52:32How is she?
00:52:36She says she's as good as new.
00:52:42I hope she saw who attacked her.
00:52:49And I hope she wakes up.
00:52:51Definitely Serhan.
00:52:53I'm sure of his name.
00:52:57But he's not going to stop.
00:52:59He's going to try to destroy me.
00:53:03But I'm not going to let him.
00:53:06I'm not going to let him.
00:53:08Valazlar asked his father if you were involved in this.
00:53:13Of course, he denied it.
00:53:19Of course.
00:53:21Are we surprised? No.
00:53:24But I promised you, honey.
00:53:28I'm not going to go to jail alone.
00:53:33That devil Serhan is going to come after me.
00:53:42Who's phone is ringing?
00:53:53Yes, Chief Selçuk.
00:53:54Yaman, did you take Elif's phone last night?
00:53:57We can't get a signal. There's no phone.
00:54:00No, Chief. I didn't see the phone.
00:54:04Look at me. Don't get yourself involved.
00:54:06If you learn anything...
00:54:15Yaman, what are you doing here?
00:54:18I came to see you.
00:54:20I came to see you. I was going to quietly enter the window.
00:54:24There's a door in this house. Are you aware?
00:54:28Like a thief. What is this?
00:54:30This is called trespassing.
00:54:33Whenever I don't want to see you, I enter through the window.
00:54:36Mom, will you let us in?
00:54:38Look, that window is my window.
00:54:42And she's my daughter.
00:54:44Are you aware?
00:54:47The biggest misfortune of that girl in this life...
00:54:49...is that she has a mother like you.
00:54:51Mom, please.
00:54:56Okay, honey.
00:55:07I'm sorry.
00:55:08When it comes to your mother, I...
00:55:09You're turning into a sweet person, like last night.
00:55:13Did you get over your anxiety?
00:55:18I don't get over my anxiety until Elif gets better.
00:55:22But I'm sorry if I made you nervous.
00:55:26Did you come here to tell me that?
00:55:34Why would I enter through the window?
00:55:41Because I missed you.
00:55:48Yaman, I have to get ready.
00:55:55I'll wait for you there.
00:55:57And if I wait here, I won't get bored.
00:56:01Yaman, come on.
00:56:02If you're going to wait, wait downstairs.
00:56:06Come on.
00:56:10Come on.
00:56:35Hi, Cagla. Is Alize home?
00:56:37She's home.
00:56:38I mean, if you didn't come to bother me this time, I'd say so.
00:56:41You can do it, though. I'm not surprised.
00:56:43Usually, I don't get us either. It's normal.
00:56:45So, let it be.
00:56:46I mean, I don't have the brain to get you together.
00:56:49I have to go anyway.
00:56:51By the way, Alize is sleeping.
00:56:52Okay, no problem. I'll wake her up. Thanks.
00:56:54I'll say one more thing.
00:56:56The sharp knives are in the second drawer in the kitchen.
00:56:59The axe is in the wood.
00:57:01Samuray's sword is in Grandpa's room.
00:57:03The house is yours. Have fun.
00:57:38I'm sorry.
00:57:41I'm sorry.
00:58:08I'm sorry.
00:58:38I'm sorry.
00:58:52What's the situation?
00:59:04I'm still looking. I'm on it.
00:59:38I'm on it.
01:00:08I'm on it.
01:00:38I'm on it.
01:01:26What was that?
01:01:30Is that your real gun?
01:01:32Since everyone acts the way they want to, I say this is who I am.
01:01:40That's it for today. We'll see tomorrow.
01:02:01Did something happen?
01:02:03No, I thought something happened to the tire, so I went down to check, but there was nothing.
01:02:08Come on.
01:02:32Why don't you go to the hospital?
01:02:38They don't let me see Elif.
01:02:41And my mom is in the hospital.
01:02:45I have to spend time with you.
01:02:50If we don't get busy...
01:02:53I don't want to be like I'm doing the wrong thing.
01:02:57You can't do the wrong thing.
01:02:59First of all, you're a corporate boss.
01:03:02And Cesur is working for all of you, don't worry.
01:03:13Are you really here for what you want?
01:03:19And after what happened yesterday.
01:03:22I can't live something I don't know, Alas.
01:03:25I told you.
01:03:26I told you.
01:03:28You're going to be the old Alas again.
01:03:31You're going to be afraid again.
01:03:33But you said I wouldn't be, I wouldn't be afraid.
01:03:36But look.
01:03:38We're back to square one again.
01:03:41I'm back.
01:03:45From now on.
01:03:49Only when you want to be with you.
01:03:52Pulling when you don't want to.
01:03:53I'm going to be the girl who makes you a dog.
01:04:14Yes, Ece.
01:04:16Brother, I can't find my homework. Where is it?
01:04:19How do I know where your homework is?
01:04:23I don't know.
01:04:37Bingo, surprise.
01:04:42I was fooled.
01:04:49What are you after?
01:04:51I'm sure I'm not after you.
01:04:53And are you the kind of guy to think about yourself?
01:04:56I'm not the kind of person to think about myself.
01:04:59I'm not the kind of person to be loved.
01:05:01We've been working on this all night.
01:05:04I'm not the kind of person.
01:05:06We got it.
01:05:08But what are you after?
01:05:10Tell me.
01:05:13Tell me.
01:05:15Where is the letter?
01:05:17Now you're talking.
01:05:19What letter?
01:05:24I said don't make it long.
01:05:26Where is the letter? Tell me.
01:05:32It's really old.
01:05:34It was a very quick turn, Asiye.
01:05:39Elif was saying it was a letter. Where is it?
01:05:48You're not going to talk?
01:05:57It doesn't matter what you think.
01:06:03But I saw a completely different person in you.
01:06:08You made a choice.
01:06:10You chose to be a good person.
01:06:14Even enough to sacrifice your life for me.
01:06:18I don't know what happened next.
01:06:21I don't know what changed.
01:06:25I don't know why you're protecting someone.
01:06:32But you have to surrender to that darkness again.
01:06:37Don't choose the wrong one among all the right ones.
01:06:41Don't choose the wrong one among all the right ones.
01:06:50Because we were too close.
01:07:01She called.
01:07:04She called for the letter.
01:07:07Don't ask any more questions.
01:07:10Don't ask any more questions.
01:07:40Don't ask any more questions.
01:07:52Yes, dad. I'm here.
01:07:54I have little work now.
01:07:56Then I'll go straight to the hospital.
01:07:58Ok, ok. Bye.
01:08:07Hello? Is Cesur with Çağla?
01:08:10No, he's not here yet.
01:08:13He's here, he's here. Hang up.
01:08:14Oh, hi. Okay, okay. Don't let him hang up. The letter is with Çağla.
01:08:18Okay, I understand you, my brother. I understand, but I mean, every day I get a museum for a product.
01:08:23Okay, send it. Send two packages. Don't be late.
01:08:27Welcome, princess.
01:08:28Thank you.
01:08:30Have a seat. What can I offer you?
01:08:33No, I don't have much time. I'm going to go to my father.
01:08:35What were you going to talk about, uncle?
01:08:37The subject we're going to talk about is clear. Yakup...
01:08:40Oh, Cesur.
01:08:42There's no Cesur. It's not a subject to talk about. Please, have a seat.
01:08:541600, 1800...
01:09:02Take it.
01:09:04What? It's 2000 a week.
01:09:07Brother, that's not enough for anything. Why don't you do a little more?
01:09:09Girl, I give you as much money as a pensioner. People spend 3-5 people with this money.
01:09:13Brother, I guess you don't know about the prices in our school canteen.
01:09:16Do you know how much a Danut and a Yulaf milk sugar tea cost?
01:09:20What's that, girl? Simit ayran is not enough for you?
01:09:22I'm studying at a private school with a scholarship. Should I go and drink ayran like a donkey?
01:09:26Shut up, shut up. As if you're a smartass.
01:09:28The scholarship he got is 25 percent.
01:09:2925 percent.
01:09:31And if you hang out with those rich guys, it won't be enough.
01:09:35They're my friends. And they're all from school.
01:09:38Is Çağla your friend?
01:09:41Yes. She's a very close friend of mine.
01:09:44Girl, if you're going around like this, I'll hang out with your friends.
01:09:49The place is full of people.
01:09:52I see. We'll see.
01:09:55So, are you going to do this scholarship?
01:10:24You don't have to hide from me anymore.
01:10:29About Simit.
01:10:31Çağla told me everything.
01:10:40Why did you hide it from me, Rüya?
01:10:44Why didn't you come and tell me?
01:10:47Because if you had told me...
01:10:51...I wouldn't have been able to eat what this girl has been hiding from me all this time.
01:10:55How many more times are we going to go through this?
01:10:59How many more times are we going to be in this class?
01:11:04We promised each other.
01:11:09We weren't going to carry the burden of our parents on our backs.
01:11:14We weren't going to burden ourselves.
01:11:22I wish I had told you.
01:11:24I wish we hadn't experienced this.
01:11:27In vain.
01:11:29You ate yourself there.
01:11:33I'm here.
01:11:40Now that we know everything...
01:11:44...tell me.
01:11:47What's the big deal?
01:11:53Yaman, I don't want to talk.
01:11:55I don't want to talk.
01:11:58Please don't come at me. I can't even look at your face.
01:12:04Çağla told you everything.
01:12:09That's all.
01:12:17As you wish.
01:12:25Go wash your hands and face.
01:12:56You're forgetting this, but...
01:12:58...you're my son, too.
01:13:00And I know you're not like this. I know you're not like this.
01:13:03God, you're not your father.
01:13:05And you won't be.
01:13:06But I saw a completely different person in you.
01:13:09I don't know what changed.
01:13:11I don't know who you're protecting and why.
01:13:16I'm sorry.
01:13:18I'm sorry.
01:13:20I'm sorry.
01:13:22I'm sorry.
01:13:24But you shouldn't surrender to that darkness again.
01:13:27Don't choose the wrong one among all the right ones.
01:13:32Because we were too close.
01:13:43What's up, Rüyaya? What's up?
01:13:48The police are looking for Elif's phone.
01:13:53Come on, son.
01:13:55Come on.
01:14:03No problem. I destroyed the phone.
01:14:05That's all from me.
01:14:06I won't lie to anyone from now on, Rüyaya.
01:14:08If this goes down, you'll go down.
01:14:10I won't.
01:14:58Are you feeling better?
01:15:04Let's go then.
01:15:06Did you hear anything from the hospital?
01:15:16But Elif will get better.
01:15:17She's a strong girl, so she'll find out who did this to her, and then she'll ask for her account, and I'll ask for it, you know.
01:15:40I'll leave you, come on.
01:15:43I'll go by myself.
01:15:46I'll call you later.
01:16:08Well, I'll ask you one last time, my dear.
01:16:15Is there anything you want to tell me?
01:16:18Is there a burden you want to get rid of?
01:16:23My son, you're in good health.
01:16:26Look at your legs.
01:16:28Did you see my hand?
01:16:35I have nothing to say.
01:17:18I'll send you a location, let's meet there in an hour, okay?
01:17:24Thank you.
01:17:32Princess, didn't I just tell you that this guy is not my friend? Why are you getting in his car again?
01:17:39Cesur, don't exaggerate, everyone's looking at us.
01:17:42I'm sorry.
01:17:44Or if you're looking, look. Everyone should know who this guy is.
01:17:47This guy is more of a snake than the snake you hug when you fall into the sea.
01:17:51He's a street thug.
01:17:52What are you, Cesur? Don't make me talk now.
01:17:55But you're being rude, princess.
01:17:57Okay, I came from the street, but we're improving ourselves. You're breaking my heart.
01:18:01I'm being rude, yes. Because you're breaking my heart, too.
01:18:04My son didn't touch me in a bad way, I was in a difficult situation, he just helped me.
01:18:08If you hadn't slept, you should have picked up the phone, then.
01:18:10No one would have had to take me home.
01:18:12Come on, it's like we slept out of pleasure.
01:18:15Bossing is hard work, you know that, too.
01:18:17We work day and night.
01:18:19Okay, you're the boss here.
01:18:21No, okay, okay.
01:18:22Okay, sit down.
01:18:23We're still talking.
01:18:27Send us two cold iced teas.
01:18:29Our blood sugar will sit down, and it will be cold, it will be good, it will warm us up.
01:18:32He doesn't want it.
01:18:33I'm already cold when you do this.
01:18:35By the way, I can't come to such accounts, just so you know.
01:18:39Oh my God, I'm your girlfriend, girl.
01:18:42Be brave.
01:18:43Then act like you're my girlfriend, not my boss.
01:18:46Okay, okay.
01:18:48Get up.
01:18:49What are you doing?
01:18:51I'm acting like your girlfriend.
01:18:52Don't you say I'm going to my father like your girlfriend?
01:18:54I'll take you to your father.
01:18:55Okay, I'll give it to you.
01:18:56I'll carry your bag, too.
01:18:58Here you go, princess.
01:18:59What are you trying to do?
01:19:00Are you trying to take my heart?
01:19:04You have to work hard for him.
01:19:07Damn it, princess.
01:19:08Damn it, princess.
01:19:09I really found the time to be stubborn.
01:19:18Fiko, where are you?
01:19:21Okay, okay, you're close to me.
01:19:24I'm coming to pick you up, we have an emergency now.
01:19:27Okay, wait for me there.
01:19:36The patient is going to be fine.
01:19:38Look, the doctor said he'd make it.
01:19:45Ms. Çağla.
01:19:47If you're waiting for a taxi, you're going to have a hard time.
01:19:49These are changing hours.
01:19:51If you want, let's do it this way.
01:19:52I'll drop you off where you're going.
01:19:54You saw it last time.
01:19:55We don't eat people.
01:19:59Come on, hop in.
01:20:00There's a bus stop over there.
01:20:01Come on.
01:20:02Okay, bro.
01:20:05What do you mean?
01:20:06My brother?
01:20:07Yes, ma'am.
01:20:08Let me introduce you to him.
01:20:09He'll be my brother.
01:20:10Anyway, hop in.
01:20:12No, I'll go by myself.
01:20:13Thank you.
01:20:14It's okay.
01:20:15He's not a stranger.
01:20:16He's my brother.
01:20:17I just got off.
01:20:18Hop in.
01:20:50Okay, I got it.
01:20:51Okay, then I'll wait for your call.
01:20:56Okay, thank you.
01:20:57Good luck.
01:21:06Thank you, honey.
01:21:07You're welcome.
01:21:09How's it going?
01:21:10Any progress?
01:21:11Well, they opened the grave.
01:21:14In the autopsy report,
01:21:15they say it will be revealed today.
01:21:19I don't know what I'm going to think.
01:21:21I don't know how I'm going to think.
01:21:22I'm about to go crazy.
01:21:23I mean, does Şebnem have anything to do with this?
01:21:25Does her brother have anything to do with this?
01:21:27I don't know.
01:21:28I don't know what to think.
01:21:29I don't know how I'm going to think.
01:21:30I'm about to go crazy.
01:21:31I mean, does Şebnem have anything to do with this?
01:21:33Does her brother have anything to do with this?
01:21:35Is it to protect her brother?
01:21:36Or is it because of her brother?
01:21:38I mean, I'm thinking of a thousand things.
01:21:40And somehow...
01:21:41Calm down.
01:21:42Calm down.
01:21:44We're all going to find out eventually.
01:21:54You didn't tell Serhan anything, did you?
01:22:03When it comes to Serhan, he's in control today.
01:22:08Mr. Okan said that if there's nothing wrong,
01:22:11he can call the police.
01:22:13I'm going to take him home.
01:22:20I really can't stand it.
01:22:23I really, really can't stand it.
01:22:25I mean, the idea that you and Serhan
01:22:28are living under the same roof is driving me crazy.
01:22:31I mean...
01:22:32I can't find the words to describe how I feel.
01:22:36Please don't.
01:22:38I mean, the only thing I can share with Serhan
01:22:41is the same roof.
01:22:44And that's for my kids.
01:22:47I can't be a doctor without seeing Serhan.
01:22:51What does that mean?
01:22:53I mean, as a doctor, I have to see him.
01:22:55You already promised.
01:22:57I did.
01:22:58I did.
01:22:59I won't forget. Don't worry.
01:23:00When I get married to the woman I love,
01:23:0320 years from now,
01:23:04I promise I won't come and take her away from me
01:23:07and throw her to the man who proposed to me.
01:23:09I promise.
01:23:12Look, it's like...
01:23:13Look, it's like a stone heart.
01:23:15Güven, please.
01:23:17I promise.
01:23:18I promise.
01:23:20I promise.
01:23:21I promise I won't throw her out of the window.
01:23:23You can't open any windows here anyway.
01:23:25I promise.
01:23:28For this smile,
01:23:31I can stand Serhan.
01:23:32I can stand everything.
01:23:48Ms. Şevdem.
01:23:49One minute.
01:23:50Ms. Şevdem.
01:24:21I mean, because I was wrongfully accused.
01:24:25I was at home all night yesterday.
01:24:28You already know the rest.
01:24:31You stay around here.
01:24:33We can apply for your statement.
01:24:36Good luck.
01:24:51Come on.
01:24:52Well done.
01:24:53Well done, Şevdem.
01:24:56How stupid is it to crush a cop by a car?
01:25:00Or is this what happens when you don't listen to me?
01:25:03I didn't do anything, Serhan.
01:25:09I'm sorry.
01:25:11I'm sorry.
01:25:12I'm sorry.
01:25:13I'm sorry.
01:25:16I'm sorry.
01:25:17I'm sorry.
01:25:20Kim yaptı o zaman tam da zamanında sana sormalı kim yaptı acaba tam da zamanında
01:25:29Bana bak ben katil değilim kendini benimle karıştırma çek elime çek
01:25:39O kıza ben çakmadım tamam mı bunu sende çok iyi biliyorsun kim yaptı o zaman kim
01:25:49Benim asabım daha fazla bozma çık dışarı çık odamdan hadi benimle böyle üstten üstten konuşamazsın tamam mı
01:25:56Ben senin yüzünden girdim bu işe sen beni ortak ettin buna yabanı kaçırmak senin fikrinde
01:26:07Beni sen sürükledin bu bataklığa ben senin yüzünden bütün hayatımı senin aklın yüzünden mahvettim
01:26:15Evet ama bugüne kadar hiç şikayet ettiğini hatırlamıyorum Ne oldu Şebnem korku dağları
01:26:22sardı da pişman mı oldun ne oldu ha bana bak sana şu kadarını söyleyeyim işler o noktaya gelirse
01:26:33dediğin hiçbir şeyi ispatlayamazsın demek öyle bu kadar kolay yani
01:26:44inan bu kadar kolay
01:26:48Her şeyi inkar ederim elinde hiçbir delil yok
01:26:56Yandığında kalırsın şöyle
01:27:00Bu kadar kolay değil Serhan taklacı biz bu işten ya beraber yırtarız ya da beraber yanarız
01:27:13Boş dediklerinden dolaşıyorum
01:27:21Göreceğiz bakalım boş dediklerinden beni hasese alma sıkıştığım zaman neler yapabildiğimi
01:27:32sen bilirsin hadi bakalım hadi bakalım
01:27:37Aklıma bir tane şey geliyor acaba şebnem o işte bilgisi var mıydı acaba kardeşi yüzünden bu işi
01:27:46bulaştı çöner sıkıntılı bir oğlandı ama kötü biri değildi o yalnız bu ailemiz için
01:27:53bu asas bir mesele yorum yaptı ya sadece yapılmasın canım yorum
01:27:59haber iyi misin her şey yolunda mı şahane daha iyi olamazdım
01:28:30salamı gidiniz ziyaret için istemiyorum seni çıktı şöyle ölebilir mi hiç öğrettim
01:28:43lutfen şimdi Belle bu hastanenin en kıdemli gioère olarak hastanemizin müdürünü bizzat
01:28:49If I do it without permission, it won't look good.
01:28:53I have a doctor, Dr. Güven. Where is Dr. Okan?
01:28:57I don't know. Maybe he's on leave today.
01:29:01Tomorrow... If you want, I can wait another day.
01:29:05I'll go see Dr. Okan. If you want.
01:29:10I want to go to my home and family as soon as possible.
01:29:14My home is next to my family.
01:29:17Neslihan and I will go to your home together today.
01:29:23Then let's be sure that you are completely recovered.
01:29:29Nurse, I want Mr. Serhan's electromyography from you.
01:29:34Okay, sir.
01:29:36Let's take all the body MRI.
01:29:39Of course, sir.
01:29:40And I'm telling you to be sure.
01:29:43And let's take the BTC, Mr. Serhan.
01:29:45But let's do it very quickly.
01:29:47Because Mr. Serhan wants to get out of here as soon as possible.
01:30:14Hasi, what did you do with the letter?
01:30:16Yaman, the letter was for Çağla.
01:30:18I told Cesur, he's trying to get it now.
01:30:20Believe me, I don't know if we need to get the letter anymore.
01:30:25Maybe someone will spill it today.
01:30:28I don't think so, but...
01:30:31Anyway, we'll talk later.
01:30:47Yaman, you did such a great job, son.
01:30:50The other two mountains are going to collapse.
01:30:54Let it collapse, father.
01:30:56Whatever it is, let it collapse after this minute.
01:31:00You say the trouble is big, huh?
01:31:03The trouble is big, father.
01:31:06But as my father said...
01:31:09This is the dining table.
01:31:13No matter how locked the door is today, let it open, father.
01:31:18It's up to you.
01:31:22So you hit me, huh?
01:31:24Look, that's what a brother does.
01:31:26I don't think your brother can be this big, brother.
01:31:29That's enough.
01:31:32Let me kiss you.
01:31:34I kissed you, yes.
01:31:36Would you like me to kiss you, too?
01:31:39Let's kiss.
01:31:49Come on.
01:31:52Come on.
01:31:56Come on.
01:32:08I say he left a voice message.
01:32:10That cop girl is going to Rüya.
01:32:12He's been holding her down for a week already.
01:32:15Look, we'll finish.
01:32:17He's going to tell Yaman.
01:32:19You have to find a way, Serhan.
01:32:21What can I do, Sevna?
01:32:24I can only go back to the corner until they meet.
01:32:28What can I do?
01:32:29You don't get your hands dirty anyway.
01:32:33I'm telling you to find a way.
01:32:43I'm out of ways, Sevna.
01:32:46I see only one way for you.
01:32:54I'll take care of it myself.
01:32:59God damn you.
01:33:09I'm doing exactly what you said, Mr. Serhan.
01:33:13I'll take care of it myself.
01:33:24I'll take care of it myself.
01:33:30I'll take care of it myself.
01:33:52Sevna, do you need anything?
01:33:55No, I was looking at a record, but I couldn't find it.
01:33:59Thank you, I won't keep you busy.
01:34:02Have a good day.
01:34:15Have a good day, brother.
01:34:17Thank you.
01:34:18Ms. Şeblem is here. What did she want?
01:34:21I was looking at her, too.
01:34:23She made a call, but...
01:34:24What call?
01:34:25It was called at 1.30 pm.
01:34:29What happened?
01:34:40The file was deleted.
01:34:44She said she deleted it by mistake.
01:34:46She must have deleted it by mistake.
01:34:50Can we save her?
01:34:51It will take some time, but I'll try.
01:34:54Don't worry.
01:34:55I'm the only one who can save her.
01:34:59Let's go.
01:35:24What's up?
01:35:40What's up, brother?
01:35:44You didn't have to go through all this trouble.
01:35:49Whatever it is, tell me.
01:35:52Let's not force it.
01:35:55Let's force it.
01:35:59Let's force it today.
01:36:04Sit down.
01:36:18You want to play brotherhood.
01:36:24On the contrary.
01:36:29Let's sit down and talk like strangers today.
01:36:39As if we don't have a mother, a father, a brotherhood.
01:36:49Away from everything we've been through.
01:36:54Away from all our anger.
01:37:00But not with blood.
01:37:06Listen to me with life.
01:37:19Maybe if we sit like two strangers.
01:37:27You'll understand me better.
01:37:34Maybe you'll see better.
01:37:48Maybe you'll see better.
01:38:19Maybe you'll see better.
01:38:26Maybe you'll see better.
01:38:38Thanks so much.
01:38:39Can I get a minute?
01:38:40One second.
01:38:41One second.
01:38:42Is it a long wait?
01:38:45I mean, I can wait until the morning, if you say so.
01:38:48What do you say? Should I wait?
01:38:50No, there's no need. Thank you.
01:38:52I mean, as far as I know, you don't even work as a taxi driver.
01:38:55So, should we leave me out of this?
01:38:58I mean, thank you very much, of course, but there's no need.
01:39:03Come here!
01:39:04Help me! Help me!
01:39:10God damn it!
01:39:16God damn it!
01:39:20Come here, you bastard!
01:39:32You'll pay for this!
01:39:34You'll pay for this!
01:39:37God damn it!
01:39:46God damn it!
01:39:48Let go! Let go!
01:39:50God damn it!
01:39:51You'll pay for this, you hear me?
01:39:53Or they'll beat him up like this.
01:40:02He's crazy.
01:40:12Brother, I couldn't get it. Yakup cut my hand.
01:40:14Yakup? What does that have to do with anything, Yakup?
01:40:17I don't know, brother.
01:40:21God damn you, Yakup.
01:40:24I'm going to skin you alive at the end of the day.
01:40:27What did they do to you, to my beloved?
01:40:35Do you know which were the times I loved the most for years?
01:40:40The times I spent in front of the Minister of the Sea's houses...
01:40:44...when I was collecting paper.
01:40:51Because their curtains would be open.
01:40:58You know, their problem is seeing the sea.
01:41:02Mine is them.
01:41:09Their family dinners...
01:41:11...their balcony parties...
01:41:15...their family gatherings.
01:41:20I'd be so sad.
01:41:25I wish I had a world like that.
01:41:33Or I'd be there with my family.
01:41:39Like this.
01:41:45I'd sit down.
01:41:48I'd turn my face to the sea.
01:41:52Because you found your family.
01:41:56It's your turn to watch the scenery.
01:42:02Even if the family you found isn't like the one you found...
01:42:06...the scenery is beautiful, isn't it?
01:42:12I don't want to die for my family, but...
01:42:15...we're just a dream, aren't we?
01:42:28Except for my mother.
01:42:36When I die...
01:42:41...if I get closer to you...
01:42:44...if I say, this time it happened...
01:42:47...it happened, I mean...
01:42:49...if I say, we're a family, we're brothers...
01:42:54...you'd break my heart, son.
01:42:59You'd throw me into the ice.
01:43:06I'd cry.
01:43:21Leucogenic genes.
01:43:27Just one of a bunch...
01:43:30...of super-talents from the army.
01:43:35I'm so tired of running away, son.
01:43:43Aren't you tired of running away?
01:43:48You know, sometimes you run like this.
01:43:53You're out of breath.
01:43:55Your lungs aren't enough anymore.
01:44:02the two of us,
01:44:04from this table,
01:44:07will either remain as brothers,
01:44:10or as strangers.
01:44:27I'm still willing to be your brother, Yalan.
01:44:35Are you happy to be my brother?
01:44:44My choice is yours.
01:44:46Yalansız, domansız.
01:45:17I was just getting out of my friend's car,
01:45:19and someone grabbed my bag.
01:45:22It's okay, dear.
01:45:24It's okay, calm down.
01:45:26Nothing happened to you.
01:45:28It doesn't matter.
01:45:29God damn it.
01:45:31I'm so sorry, dad.
01:45:32I'm really sorry.
01:45:33Çağla, okay.
01:45:40My bag.
01:45:42I can't believe it, Yakup.
01:45:43Thank you so much.
01:45:45Get well soon, by the way.
01:45:46We heard, we're so sorry.
01:45:47They say, the one who gives trouble, gives the remedy.
01:45:50Stay back, stay back.
01:45:52He's explaining the infection.
01:45:53He says he had an operation.
01:45:57When you say operation,
01:45:59if you see fit,
01:46:00I can take Ms. Çağla to the station
01:46:01and file a complaint with the police.
01:46:07Dad, my friend, Yakup.
01:46:11Yakup is my father, Serhan.
01:46:14I'm his brother.
01:46:18Get well soon.
01:46:20Have a good day.
01:46:27Here it is.
01:46:35this Yakup friend,
01:46:37what kind of friend, dear?
01:46:38You said, he's not brave enough for you.
01:46:40Did you find someone worse?
01:46:42No, dad.
01:46:43It's not like that.
01:46:44I mean,
01:46:45it's like we know each other.
01:46:46He just helped me when I couldn't find a taxi.
01:46:51You still be careful.
01:46:54Leave this guy alone,
01:46:55he can't be your friend,
01:46:56he can't even be your driver.
01:46:59Are you really going to give the letter to the police?
01:47:06I mean,
01:47:07now that you have it,
01:47:08I don't think he can keep slandering around.
01:47:11He will, my daughter, he will.
01:47:12He will try everything to separate me from your mother.
01:47:17What does that mean?
01:47:19He's been after me for years.
01:47:21He's obsessed with me.
01:47:22I didn't tell your mother, of course.
01:47:24I mean,
01:47:26people don't talk about such things with their daughters.
01:47:29Anyway, that's how it is.
01:47:30Okay, dad, okay.
01:47:31I got it.
01:47:32Give the police the punishment.
01:47:34No, I mean,
01:47:35how can we keep this woman?
01:47:36We have her.
01:47:39That's right, my girl, that's right.
01:47:43Don't be upset,
01:47:44she's just a little girl.
01:47:46Don't worry.
01:47:49I got into this business because of you.
01:47:52You forced me into it.
01:47:58Come on, honey.
01:47:59Come on, listen with your own ears.
01:48:03I got into this business because of you.
01:48:07You made me a partner in this.
01:48:09It was your idea to kidnap Yaman.
01:48:12You dragged me into this mess.
01:48:14I ruined my whole life because of you,
01:48:16because of your mind.
01:48:20but I don't remember you complaining this much.
01:48:23What happened, Şebnem?
01:48:24Did you get scared,
01:48:25did you cry,
01:48:26did you regret it?
01:48:27What happened?
01:48:28Look at me,
01:48:29let me tell you this much.
01:48:32If things get to that point,
01:48:35you can't prove anything you say.
01:48:38So that's how it is.
01:48:40It's that easy.
01:48:42Believe me, it's that easy.
01:48:44I deny everything.
01:48:46You have no proof.
01:48:49You'll burn, Şebnem.
01:48:54That's it.
01:48:57That djinn won't be able to burn me alone anymore.
01:49:03Let it stay with you.
01:49:07If things get out of hand,
01:49:09let it be a warning.
01:49:19Look, there's also this.
01:49:21Come here.
01:49:27It's 12 o'clock here.
01:49:41Someone's been here for a quarter of an hour.
01:49:44I mean,
01:49:45he's been out for an hour.
01:49:48Those are the exact hours when Elif hit the car, right?
01:49:52Yes, those are the exact hours.
01:49:57Let me tell you something.
01:50:00I'm even suspicious that Serhan is an imposter.
01:50:04He's lying about everything.
01:50:07I'll give you a copy of this later.
01:50:12My dear,
01:50:15I'll be punished.
01:50:17I promised you.
01:50:20I'll be alone.
01:50:25That's all, right?
01:50:28You won't have another crime afterwards.
01:50:40until your brother is born,
01:50:43I won't be able to control myself.
01:50:49What if Elif wakes up?
01:50:53If she wakes up,
01:50:56I'll disappear for a while.
01:51:06what if she wakes up?
01:51:15Don't record this.
01:51:16Okay, Esmeralda.
01:51:18Don't call her either.
01:51:20Because Elif will be listening.
01:51:37Elif will be listening.
01:51:48if the results are as we want,
01:51:50we can wake her up one by one.
01:51:53The laboratory will give the results in a few hours.
01:51:56Let them come, then we'll try.
01:52:07What's going on?
01:52:11What are you thinking?
01:52:15my wife is a fox.
01:52:20I'll ask you a question.
01:52:22Go ahead.
01:52:24Do you think Serhan knew
01:52:27Yaman wasn't his real father
01:52:30from the beginning?
01:52:33It's impossible.
01:52:36No, it's definitely impossible.
01:52:38How do you know that?
01:52:40Let's say,
01:52:43Caner was really killed before he committed suicide.
01:52:47In this case,
01:52:48the ones who killed Caner are the ones who kidnapped Yaman.
01:52:51Whoever kidnapped him,
01:52:53and since İlker injured Gülhan Serhan and ran away,
01:53:00You're saying Şebnem killed him?
01:53:03I'm saying Serhan is involved in this.
01:53:08No, it's impossible.
01:53:11Are you crazy?
01:53:13What are you saying?
01:53:30I'll ask you something, be honest.
01:53:33Would you be surprised if you saw or learned something like this?
01:53:43Commissar Selçuk
01:53:45is accusing his brother of his death.
01:53:48Now, İlker is
01:53:50accusing his brother of his death.
01:53:53Now, İlker is
01:53:55accusing his brother of his death.
01:53:59What if he looked at the same file about Yaman's kidnapping?
01:54:07That's why Elif is like this.
01:54:11I think something's going on here.
01:54:13Şebnem is running around like a chicken.
01:54:18She deleted the security cameras from her records last night.
01:54:23Then they fought with Serhan.
01:54:26A fight.
01:54:28What do you think?
01:54:54Riya, are you okay? What happened?
01:54:57Enough, Çağla. It's over.
01:54:59It's over. I won't look you in the eye anymore.
01:55:02What's over? What happened? Did something happen?
01:55:05I'll go to the police and tell them everything.
01:55:08I mean, you know.
01:55:11But I'm really sorry for your mother.
01:55:13I mean, but she has to pay for what she deserves.
01:55:16Exactly, Çağla.
01:55:17Your father is with my mother.
01:55:19She still says your father.
01:55:21My father has nothing to do with this. Why don't you understand?
01:55:23I have your father's voice record.
01:55:25He confessed everything.
01:55:28Don't be ridiculous.
01:55:31Çağla, look.
01:55:33I'm really sorry.
01:55:35I understand what you feel and what you're going through.
01:55:37But don't you see?
01:55:39They're playing with us like dolls.
01:55:41They're using us.
01:55:42We have to do this.
01:55:44We're even too late.
01:55:47Wait, I'll come with you.
01:56:17I'm sorry.
01:56:48I'm ready.
01:56:54So you've made your decision.
01:56:59First, ask the people in your mind.
01:57:02We'll make the decision together.
01:57:08Didn't you call me here for this, Abis?
01:57:15Who hit Elif?
01:57:23What are you three up to?
01:57:28What is Rüya hiding from me?
01:57:41I don't know.
01:57:52Then let's start from the beginning, Abis.
01:58:00The letter you're after...
01:58:06Feride left my mother before she left.
01:58:09My mother didn't have a chance to read it.
01:58:16What did Feride say in the letter?
01:58:31What are you doing, Şebnem?
01:58:34What are you doing?
01:58:36If you have a hand in my brother's murder...
01:58:39Wait a minute.
01:58:41What's going on?
01:58:45They opened the grave.
01:58:48The autopsy was done.
01:58:51Celal didn't commit suicide.
01:58:55The police say it's a murder.
01:59:02And that report will be released tomorrow.
01:59:05So you'd better talk.
01:59:08Wait a minute.
01:59:11Did Celal open his grave?
01:59:14Why? Who did they suspect?
01:59:17Could it be you?
01:59:20Don't be ridiculous.
01:59:23Could you have gone that far?
01:59:26Could it be your finger in my son's kidnapping, Serhan?
01:59:29Of course not.
01:59:32I thought you were my own son.
01:59:35Are you going to kidnap my own son?
01:59:38You'd do anything for money.
01:59:41Okay, Nisya.
01:59:44Get your hands off my wife.
01:59:47I'm not your wife.
01:59:50Forget it, Nisya.
01:59:53The police will solve the case soon.
01:59:56And Şebnem will live what she deserves.
01:59:59I knew it.
02:00:02You were after the truth.
02:00:05Here, Ferit will tell you the truth.
02:00:18Here are the facts.
02:00:23Ferit wrote it all down.
02:00:29Let's go.
02:00:44Talk, Halas.
02:00:47Tell me about what Ferit told me in the letter.
02:00:50Don't say that.
02:00:53You need to reach me.
02:00:56Are you okay?
02:00:58I'm ready, son.
02:01:02Come on, tell me.
02:01:08Tell me, son. What did Feride tell you?
02:01:13She told me who kidnapped you.
02:01:26What are you saying, son?
02:01:44What do you mean, she didn't kidnap me?
02:01:46It's over.
02:01:53It's over.
02:01:57She kidnapped Ilker and my uncle.
02:02:03Right there.
02:02:08She didn't say a word.
02:02:22What are you talking about?
02:02:24It's over, son.
02:02:26What's the problem?
02:02:28Tell me, son.
02:02:35Tell me, son.
02:02:47According to the letter...
02:02:54...the person who kidnapped you...
02:03:20...my wife.
02:03:24It's over, son.
02:03:30It's over, son.
02:03:37It's over, son.
02:03:43It's over, son.
02:03:49It's over, son.
02:03:54It's over, son.
02:04:06I got into this business because of you.
02:04:09You made me a partner in this.
02:04:12Kidnapping Yaman was your idea.
02:04:15You dragged me into this mess.
02:04:17I ruined my life because of you.
02:04:19Because of your mind.
02:04:23But I don't remember you complaining.
02:04:26What happened, Şevne?
02:04:28You got scared, you cried, you regretted it.
02:04:30What happened?
02:04:32Look at me.
02:04:33Let me tell you this much.
02:04:35If things get to that point...
02:04:38...you can't prove anything you say.
02:04:41So that's it.
02:04:43It's that easy.
02:04:45Believe me, it's that easy.
02:04:47I deny everything.
02:04:49You have no proof.
02:04:51You have no proof.
02:04:53You're done for, Şevne.
02:04:55You heard it.
02:04:57You heard everything with your own ears.
02:04:59Your father kidnapped Yaman with my mother.
02:05:01I'll tell the police everything.
02:05:03Your father hit Elif, I know.
02:05:05Don't be ridiculous.
02:05:07Okay, Çağla, my mother hit her.
02:05:09What does it matter? They're both criminals.
02:05:11They're both guilty.
02:05:13This recording proves everything.
02:05:21I'm sorry.
02:05:43How long has Rüya been keeping quiet?
02:05:47When we found the letter...
02:05:49...we went to Rüya.
02:05:55Rüya knew.
02:06:01I mean...
02:06:03...she had just found out.
02:06:07You know that little girl, Melek?
02:06:11She heard Şebu talking.
02:06:15Rüya was devastated.
02:06:17She was devastated.
02:06:21I'm not mad at you, okay?
02:06:23I'm just telling you not to take it out on her.
02:06:27Fiko told me...
02:06:29...that you were looking for me. Is something wrong?
02:06:33Elif, are you crazy? Where are we going?
02:06:35To his girlfriend's house.
02:06:39They locked Melek up.
02:06:41The girl is crying.
02:06:43You know that girl you trust so much?
02:06:45She's having an affair with her family.
02:06:51Is Melek here?
02:06:53Melek, don't go.
02:06:55Melek might have brought you here.
02:06:57Look at me.
02:06:59Yaman, look at me.
02:07:15Elif was right.
02:07:21That's why they kept the girl quiet.
02:07:29I understand that you're angry.
02:07:33I'm going to tell you to look at Rüya's side...
02:07:37...it's impossible for me to see.
02:07:39Her mother is pregnant.
02:07:41She's on one side and you're on the other.
02:07:45It's a double-edged sword.
02:07:51When it comes to our family...
02:07:55...whatever they do...
02:07:59...we have to protect them.
02:08:01We have to protect them.
02:08:31Come on, brother.
02:08:35It's a long story.
02:08:39We just started.
02:09:01I'm here.
02:09:23You said it was urgent.
02:09:25Give me the letter.
02:09:31Something happened to our children.
02:09:33They must have been surprised.
02:09:35Rüya and her friends...
02:09:37...were kidnapped by Şebnem.
02:09:45You didn't seem surprised.
02:09:49You knew Şebnem was behind it, didn't you?
02:09:51Ms. Feride...
02:09:53...shared this with us before.
02:09:55That's why...
02:09:57...we found your brother's file.
02:10:03...we're getting closer.
02:10:27Ms. Şebnem.
02:10:29What is it?
02:10:31You told me to let you know if anything happened.
02:10:33Ms. Elif woke up.
02:10:35The Seljuk inspector asked about you.
02:10:37Okay, thanks.
02:10:59We're narrowing the circle.
02:11:01Don't let Ms. Şebnem find out anything.
02:12:05We're starting.
02:12:07Okay, Mr. Serhan.
02:12:25Okay, put the card as you want, Mr. Serhan.
02:12:27Good job.
02:12:31...inform the police where the car is.
02:12:33Then all you have to do is...
02:12:35...pack the video...
02:12:37I have to pack up the video and send it to the police.
02:12:43It's been a difficult 24 hours, but we're coming to an end.
02:12:49Come on, let's go.
02:12:51The roads are closed, Şerife.
02:13:04I see only one way for you.
02:13:11Take care of yourself.
02:13:14God damn you.
02:13:21I'm sorry.
02:13:24I'm sorry.
02:13:27I'm sorry.
02:13:30I'm sorry.
02:13:33I'm sorry.
02:13:36I'm sorry.
02:13:39I'm sorry.
02:13:42I'm sorry.
02:13:45I'm sorry.
02:13:47I'm sorry.
02:14:07Go a little further.
02:14:12We're at the blind spot.
02:14:18Which one?
02:14:20The green car, sir.
02:14:27There's no record, is there?
02:14:29No, no, no problem.
02:14:31There's no record on the car anyway.
02:14:33You can relax.
02:14:35You stay here.
02:15:17Goodbye, Şebnem.
02:15:36You made me do this.
02:15:47I made you.
02:15:58I saw this coming.
02:16:01I said I trust you the most in this life.
02:16:04Tell me if there's anything I should know.
02:16:07I've been through a lot.
02:16:09Nothing can wash me away.
02:16:11But the only lie you'll ever tell...
02:16:14...will blow me away.
02:16:17I gave you a chance.
02:16:21I asked you if there was anything you were burdened with.
02:16:25She said there was nothing you had to look into my eyes.
02:16:28I'm sorry.
02:16:44Yaman, listen to me.
02:16:46What do you want me to listen to?
02:16:48The girl I'm in love with...
02:16:51...covered up her mother's filth.
02:16:53She lied to me.
02:16:55What do you want me to listen to?
02:16:58I'm sorry.
02:17:15It's not over yet.
02:17:19I still have my father.
02:17:28I still have my father.
02:17:34I think we can still find a way out.
02:17:36I mean, we can save both of them.
02:17:38Çağla, that's enough.
02:17:39Don't you understand? I don't want my father to go to jail like this.
02:17:42He will, but I'm sorry.
02:17:44Stop that car.
02:17:46We're almost at the station.
02:17:48I said stop it!
02:17:50Çağla, what are you doing?
02:17:52Are you going to stop me like this?
02:17:57Çağla, stop! Don't be ridiculous!
02:18:03Çağla, where are you going? Give it to me! Stop!
02:18:07Çağla, stop!
02:18:09Çağla, don't do it! Stop!
02:18:11Don't give it to me!
02:18:13Give it to me!
02:18:15Okay, don't do it.
02:18:17But I'm going to do the right thing.
02:18:19This is wrong.
02:18:21Çağla, none of us can get away with this.
02:18:25This is our fault, Çağla.
02:18:27Why are you doing this to me?
02:18:29I'm not doing it!
02:18:31They're doing it!
02:18:33Your parents are doing it!
02:18:35You're going to blame me, you're going to blame them!
02:18:37We can save them, but you're just going to shut up.
02:18:39What difference does it make if I shut up?
02:18:41If I shut up, Melek knows, Elif knows.
02:18:43We'll find a way.
02:18:45We'll figure out a way, my parents and I.
02:18:47Their lives will end, don't you understand?
02:18:52Çağla, look.
02:18:54They killed your uncle.
02:19:00Believe me, even if we had a family,
02:19:02those people wouldn't be worth protecting.
02:19:20Pick up the phone.
02:19:22Pick it up.
02:19:34Pick it up.
02:19:46I found out everything.
02:19:51Look, I'm going to tell you one thing.
02:19:55One thing.
02:19:59If you had come to me,
02:20:01if you had told me the truth,
02:20:04why wouldn't I turn my back on you?
02:20:07If you had told me that
02:20:09my mother had kidnapped you,
02:20:14I wouldn't have let you go,
02:20:16I wouldn't have given up on you.
02:20:19I'm sorry.
02:20:23The biggest disaster that could happen to me
02:20:28was falling in love with you.
02:20:34You didn't care about your mother.
02:20:39It's over.
02:20:45You lost me until you died.
02:21:04I'm sorry.
02:21:35It's over.
02:21:40Yaman found out about my mother.
02:21:42My father?
02:21:44It's over, Çağla, it's over.
02:21:46It's over, give it up.
02:21:48It's over for you, Şura.
02:21:50It's over for your mother,
02:21:52but I can still remember my father.
02:21:54Please give it to me.
02:21:56Çağla, those who make us go through this,
02:21:58will be punished.
02:22:00Give it to me.
02:22:02Give it to me.
02:22:04Give it to me.
02:22:08Give it to me.
02:22:32All units, attention.
02:22:34Send a team to Şebnem Sualpin's house.
02:22:36Check the airfields and roads.
02:22:38Arrest her where you see her.
02:22:40Is there an entry?
02:22:42Yes, sir.
02:22:44We found the car that hit Elif.
02:22:48Something belonging to Mrs. Şebnem was also found.
02:23:02So it was Şebnem who hit her.
02:23:04That's what it looks like.
02:23:06But more importantly,
02:23:08it's the confession video
02:23:10that Mrs. Şebnem's brother
02:23:12sent to İlkel Sualpin.
02:23:16She says that Yaman's kidnapper
02:23:18and the one who killed Caner
02:23:20is her sister.
02:23:34My dear Yusuf.
02:23:42I'm really sorry, Neslihan.
02:23:46Me and the kids are with you.
02:23:48We will...
02:23:50get through this together.
02:23:54It's over now.
02:23:56It's over now.
02:23:58If I get caught,
02:24:00I'll burn you too.
02:24:02I have the confession video.
02:24:14Don't worry.
02:24:16We'll find Mrs. Şebnem.
02:24:22Yes, 14-14.
02:24:24Are you here?
02:24:28They filmed Mrs. Şebnem being erased.
02:24:30Thank you, brother.
02:24:40It's over now.
02:24:56It's over now.
02:24:58It's over now.
02:25:24It's over now.
02:25:28It's over now.
02:25:30Everything I believed in is over.
02:25:34Then let me tell you
02:25:36what's left.
02:25:44What's left?
02:25:58What's left?
02:26:10One second.
02:26:18Call me later.
02:26:20Don't hang up.
02:26:22I said later.
02:26:24I killed Rüya.
02:26:28Well, I suppose.
02:26:30Are you kidding me?
02:26:38I know.
02:26:44We know.
02:26:46We know now.
02:26:48So it's over?
02:26:50It's over now.
02:26:54It's over now.
02:26:56I tried to hold it, but it fell.
02:27:03I tried to hold it, but I couldn't, but then it died.
02:27:12But it died, it died.
02:27:16But then it died.
02:27:20But it died, it died.
02:27:30God forbid, son. What's going on?
02:27:35What's left?
02:27:55Shia al-Nusra.
02:28:16Shia al-Nusra.
02:28:18Shia al-Nusra.
02:28:20Shia al-Nusra.
02:28:22Shia al-Nusra.
02:28:24Shia al-Nusra.
02:28:26Shia al-Nusra.
02:28:28Shia al-Nusra.
02:28:30Shia al-Nusra.
02:28:32Shia al-Nusra.
02:28:34Shia al-Nusra.
02:28:36Shia al-Nusra.
02:28:38Shia al-Nusra.
02:28:40Shia al-Nusra.
02:28:42Shia al-Nusra.
02:28:44Shia al-Nusra.
02:28:46Shia al-Nusra.
02:28:48Shia al-Nusra.
02:28:50Shia al-Nusra.
02:28:52Shia al-Nusra.
02:28:54Shia al-Nusra.
02:28:56Shia al-Nusra.
02:28:58Shia al-Nusra.
02:29:00Shia al-Nusra.
02:29:02Shia al-Nusra.
02:29:04Shia al-Nusra.
02:29:06Shia al-Nusra.
02:29:08Shia al-Nusra.
02:29:10Shia al-Nusra.
02:29:12Shia al-Nusra.
02:29:14Shia al-Nusra.
02:29:16Shia al-Nusra.
02:29:18Shia al-Nusra.
02:29:20Shia al-Nusra.
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