How to Help a Disabled Person?

  • 2 months ago
As a parent of mentally disabled person, how can we get rid of the worry about the future of the child after our dismissal? In what way can taking Knowledge of the Self help the family member as well as person suffering from mental illness?
00:00I'm a carer and my wife is a carer,
00:03supporting my daughter with learning disability.
00:06We've been supporting her for last 30 years.
00:09I had a very good job and I was neglecting
00:12my responsibility of actually giving more support to her
00:15because I had a very responsible job.
00:20But then there came a time about 15 years ago that,
00:24look, I have to leave this job because a very highly paid job.
00:29But I thought, no, my priority is now to support my daughter.
00:32She needs my support.
00:34And after two years, I started an organisation
00:37called Asiana for children and young adults
00:40with learning disability.
00:42And after two years, I also got a job
00:47supporting families of people suffering
00:51from mental health illnesses.
00:53I see so many carers, you know, a week to day-to-day basis,
00:57these are the families.
00:58And they ask me, Arvind Bhai, we have this problem.
01:03What's going to happen?
01:04Who's going to look after them after we have gone?
01:07We don't want to pass this burden onto our children.
01:11So I just wanted to, and then as I was writing that,
01:15I saw a video and I thought gyan would give me some help,
01:21And I really will benefit from that gyan.
01:25And I could also ask my fellow colleagues as well
01:29to get that gyan.
01:31Whenever we are alive, we can fulfil up to our full life
01:37that any disabled person.
01:41And in future, after our passing away,
01:45then we will pray for that.
01:47Any circumstantial evidence comes,
01:52such evidence helps for this person.
01:55So from your side, you have to just pray for that.
02:00Don't worry.
02:01And by law of nature, somebody will come
02:06and that help to that person will continue.
02:12So from our side, positive evidence will,
02:15our intention is for positive evidence.
02:18Positive prayer and that will help full positive evidence
02:22and that person will get help in future.
02:26So, and one more thing.
02:29If, suppose, if any family doing some help to their children
02:38or any their family member, if they take this gyan,
02:44then for them, that mental strength or say,
02:50there will not be any suffering or stress
02:52or any inner problem, they can solve by this gyan.
02:58So if you can guide them, you can give some small books.
03:04Then if they have interest, then tell them to take this gyan.
03:10And after gyan, the disabled person,
03:14if he is able to speak Dada Bhagwana, Sim Je Je Kar Ho,
03:19or whichever three mantras or something, something of Dada's knowledge,
03:24and that will help that mental strength definitely gets improved.
03:30So that is also one of the helping evidence.
03:34And we have observed that mental stage is very weak,
03:40but they improved after Dada's worshipping or praying to Dada.
03:47And the family of that person also see that weak person as a pure soul
03:52and they also pray to that person, means inside pure soul,
03:56give him that mental strength and he can be normal life,
04:00he can live normal life.
04:02Like that, inner pure soul, they can also pray.
04:05So otherwise, oh he is very disabled, he is very weak,
04:08he is mentally disabled, like that we are always doing negative thoughts for that person.
04:15And after Jnanavidhi, we can see he is a pure soul inside
04:18and we can pray inside, inner pure soul,
04:21that he should get mental strength and he should come and live normal life.
04:26So that is also biggest positive evidence for improvement of that person
04:32and from our side, we have some whatever stress or some suffering,
04:37we can reduce or we can dissolve all suffering.
