tsuki ga michibiku isekai douchuu 2nd season dub episode 6

  • 2 months ago
00:00I've been a teacher for two weeks now, and what's more, our new shop branch has opened.
00:06The Kuzunoha Trading Company is now operating in Rohtsgard.
00:11You're fired.
00:12Wait, what?
00:14Young master, how can you be so cruel?
00:17Forgive the inconvenience.
00:19I fear the others are all preoccupied at the shop in Sige.
00:22You can't do this!
00:23Do you have any idea what Tomoe and Miho will do to us when they find out?
00:30Fine, you win.
00:33The healing salves are over there.
00:35Then the antidotes and the antipyretic analgesics.
00:38And those are the energy drinks.
00:40Take notes.
00:41Why should I take notes?
00:42I'd like to spread the word about our pharmacy-slash-general's store.
00:46Our angle will be that it's open late.
00:48My current plan is for us to operate until midnight.
00:51Well, that's exploitation.
00:54It goes without saying that you'll alternate shifts and have plenty of breaks.
00:58Would you provide a meal allowance?
01:00I like breaks.
01:01I like meals.
01:02You won't have a manager nagging you.
01:04Since we just opened, you shouldn't be too busy.
01:07From where I stand, that sounds much easier than working at the shop in Sige.
01:11Easier than Sige?
01:12Food and breaks?
01:14You can count on us!
01:17The grand opening, and now I'm losing my mind.
01:20Worry reigns supreme.
01:58I'll hide my face.
02:00My heart is filled with loneliness.
02:02Where will it go?
02:06If only I could hold everything and laugh.
02:11No matter how childish the words are,
02:14I want to love.
02:16This isn't a zoo,
02:18so I can't leave anything behind.
02:21I can't help but think about it.
02:23I yearn for the future.
02:26Before my eyes are filled with sadness,
02:30if only I could say just one word,
02:34is this our love goal?
02:38Please, answer me.
02:40This isn't a zoo,
02:41so I can't leave anything behind.
02:44Before my eyes are filled with sadness,
02:56How did I end up like this?
02:58Oh, Kuzunoha!
03:00Please take me as your lawful wife!
03:02After you've married two other women, that is!
03:05To be completely honest,
03:07I was not expecting this world to be fiercely polygamous.
03:11They don't really care about me.
03:13They hope to become my third or subsequent wife and dodge marital duties.
03:18Is that what marriage is like here?
03:20It's so not what I'm used to.
03:22It's a lot less...
03:24Pardon me, but who are those people?
03:27Well, let's just say they're a married couple to whom I owe a great deal.
03:32The two of them were very close.
03:34I guess that's why I find the students' view of marriage rather alien and unromantic.
03:39I believe I understand.
03:41Many of our girls are the daughters of nobles or merchants,
03:44so it would make sense that they do not view marriage as an act of romantic love.
03:48I understand viewing marriage as political,
03:51but it's hard to believe teens already think that way.
03:54It's hard to believe you're so naive.
03:57Oh dear, you're just so pure.
04:01Knowing they're not in it for the money,
04:03those two are suddenly a lot more appealing.
04:07How did it go?
04:08Your investigation of the Sea of Trees?
04:11Well, seems someone fought Laika the Waterfall,
04:14and sometime before the Battle of Fort Stella.
04:17I see.
04:18If you want my opinion,
04:20it was Sofia Bolga, the Dragonslayer.
04:24What about you?
04:25Any luck digging up leads on that ring that can suppress the goddess's power?
04:29No, I have yet to discover a thing about it.
04:32Though I think I know who was responsible for creating Star Lake.
04:36Yeah, it could only have been him.
04:38Who else but the boss would have been able to-
04:40Silence now.
04:41You were followed here.
04:46Who is it?
04:48We are travelers, good sir.
04:50We came because we heard tell of someone here who possesses an unusual weapon.
04:56So it's this they're after then.
04:59You may enter.
05:01Please pardon the intrusion.
05:06Samurai? You some kind of cosplayer?
05:10My name is Tomoe. This is Lime.
05:13We're guards for the Kuzunoha Trading Company on the frontier.
05:17Is that a fact?
05:18So that's how you got such majestic weapons.
05:22You've got an old-fashioned way of speaking.
05:24Gives off full badass vibes.
05:26How old are you?
05:28I have no idea what you're babbling about.
05:31What I do know is that it's poor form to ask a woman her age.
05:35I don't even know your name.
05:37Fair point.
05:38Tamaki Iwahashi and Lady in Waiting Moral.
05:42And you may call me Lily.
05:44The second princess of Gratonia?
05:47That must mean this guy's their hero.
05:50You have an air of nobility or knighthood about you.
05:53What brings you to this place?
05:55It's simple.
05:56We came to study the lake that's under-
05:58Hey! That's a katana you've got there, right?
06:00Let me see.
06:02If you insist.
06:03The design of this blade is quite-
06:05Yeah, sorry. I'm not at all interested in that.
06:08This thing is stuck.
06:10The hell?
06:11I'm sorry.
06:12What I was trying to tell you before is that only I can unsheathe it.
06:16No, that's impossible.
06:17There's not supposed to be a weapon in this whole world that I can't wield!
06:21This blade is my comrade-in-arms.
06:24So please be gentle with it.
06:26Now I shall satisfy your curiosity.
06:30Its name is Shiratsuji.
06:31Behold true splendor.
06:34Oh, wow.
06:35That sword.
06:36It's stunning.
06:38Are you appeased?
06:39We've business to attend to.
06:41I insist that you leave at once.
06:43That's quite a weapon.
06:45I wonder if you'd be willing to part with it.
06:48Just name your price and it shall be done.
06:50If you'd paid attention, you'd know that only I can wield it.
06:55I had hoped to keep this a secret, but you leave me no choice.
06:58You're speaking with Princess Lily of Gratonia.
07:02This young man is Tomoki.
07:04He is our hero, granted to us by the grace of the goddess.
07:07For all humans, rather.
07:09For the very future of this entire world.
07:12Will you consent to help us?
07:14Oh, I'm shaking over here.
07:16It's clear now.
07:18You have ulterior motives for wanting this extraordinary blade.
07:22Perhaps you intend to use it to develop your own weapons.
07:27Surely you jest.
07:28There is no amount you could offer that would tempt me.
07:31My blade will never be yours.
07:38Say, boss.
07:39These folks are the hero's party, after all.
07:41And helping them would only benefit the trading company.
07:44I'm sure this guy would make good use of my katana.
07:47I say we go ahead and-
07:48Keep your pathetic mouth shut.
07:51This man has clearly lost his mind.
07:55Keep your dumb katana.
07:56Are you sure?
07:57I am the hero.
08:00I'll defeat the demons and restore the peace.
08:02There isn't a thing that can stop me.
08:05Listen up, Tomoe.
08:07I'd like to request your assistance.
08:09I want you to serve me and my cause.
08:14Is that right?
08:17I have a request.
08:18Stop gazing at me in such a lecherous manner.
08:22You've got it wrong.
08:24I'd heard the hero hailed from another world.
08:26But who knew he would be such a disappointment?
08:29First he insults me, then he has the audacity to look at me with lust in his eyes?
08:34He could learn a great deal from the young master.
08:39That said, I'm still waiting for your response to my kind invitation.
08:43Must I spell it out for you?
08:45My body and mind belong to another, and so are not mine to give.
08:50Why isn't my magician charm working on her?
08:52You're a dragon, aren't you, Tomoe?
08:55You're no ordinary dragon, either.
08:57You're a powerful one, with great presence and incredible strength.
09:02The most powerful dragon in this territory is Laika the Waterfall.
09:07I am not Laika the Waterfall.
09:10Did she... she read my thoughts?
09:12Tomoe, I command you to join me in serving my brother's noble cause!
09:17I see. So you possess the ability to command dragons.
09:20That can only mean you fancy yourself a dragon summoner.
09:26Please, Tomoe. I didn't mean to.
09:29Keep your meaningless thoughts out of my head, girl!
09:36Huh? What just happened to me?
09:39Did she dispel the effect of my magic eye?
09:41I don't understand why I was trying to give my weapon to this loser!
09:45Oh, I'm a loser? How dare you!
09:48You're a nobody!
09:53My goodness. You're acting like a spoiled child throwing a tantrum.
09:57Shut up! I'm the chosen hero!
10:00Oh, hero of the Empire.
10:02You're nothing but a hopeless piece of trash thrashing about in the wind.
10:07You'd better stop looking at me like that!
10:11Princess Lily, know that I will pretend we never met.
10:16If you fail to grasp my meaning and dare to act so foolishly ever again,
10:21I swear the Empire's chosen hero will vanish into the void.
10:28If you dare to act so foolishly ever again,
10:30I swear the Empire's chosen hero will vanish into the void.
10:36A mind-reading dragon who uses mists and illusions.
10:40Tomoe, you're a rare ascent character.
10:45Mine. You will be mine!
10:51What was I thinking?
10:52I almost... I almost allowed that fool to take a hold of it.
10:57The precious sword you gave to me.
11:00That's enough. Will you consent to become my clansman?
11:04Of course.
11:05That was quick, don't you think?
11:07It's been a real pleasure pushing myself and getting stronger all the time.
11:12But I was powerless when it really mattered.
11:14That can't ever happen again. I won't let it!
11:18In that case, let us begin.
11:21Don't worry, this won't hurt. It'll be over soon.
11:27So these are seaweed scraps.
11:29But I can't tell which one is which.
11:34It's absolutely delicious!
11:36The dried bits have real umami and they're soft enough for humans to chew.
11:40They're not poisonous either.
11:42Wait! Not right there!
11:45Oh dear, who's making such a racket?
11:54My beautiful kimono is now wet and dirty.
12:00Mangy beast, time to die.
12:09So you're the creature's owner?
12:11You may die at your servant's side.
12:13Are you alright? How can I help?
12:17I understand why you're upset.
12:19He shouldn't have jumped on you. I'm sorry for the trouble.
12:23This human is more concerned about my well-being than her own life and her dark hair.
12:28I'll take full responsibility and make him reflect on his actions.
12:34Go away, horn! Go back inside!
12:39What do you know? It's a type of spirit.
12:41Guess so. He's some kind of guardian beast.
12:44I actually don't have any idea what all that means.
12:47Something about her distinctly reminds me of the young master.
12:52My name is Hibiki. I'll see to it that your injuries are healed and your clothes are mended.
12:56I'm Mio. And I have no injuries.
12:59The beast merely left a few marks on my clothes.
13:02Even still, how can I atone?
13:04If you insist, I know.
13:07Will you select the best pieces from that pile of seagrass for me?
13:10Are you referring to that seaweed and kelp over there?
13:14Seaweed?! You're a seaweed expert?!
13:16Wait! No, I'm just Hibiki!
13:18Yes, you already said that!
13:19Tell me, can you distinguish between seaweed and kelp?
13:22Um, I believe so?
13:24I think this one is kelp, and so that one must be seaweed.
13:29So this is seaweed? I thought it was a more vivid green.
13:32When you boil seaweed, it becomes a lovely shade of green.
13:35It's great in miso. I mean, it's delicious in soup.
13:39Did you say miso soup?
13:41You know how to prepare that dish, don't you?
13:43This is marvelous!
13:45I must thank the young master for this fateful encounter!
13:49Stop it! You're so rude!
13:52Mio, let go of me!
13:56So you were on your way to Seigei in order to acquire weapons, is that so?
14:01That's right. Certain circumstances demanded it.
14:04No matter. It's truly none of my business.
14:06More importantly, tell me about that dish that involves cooking the potlid.
14:10I'm guessing you're talking about a thing called a droplid.
14:13It's an item used when boiling food.
14:15Hibiki. She acts tough, but her emotional scars run deeper than anyone can imagine.
14:21She's been hiding her identity in her travels, hoping in vain it will lift her spirits.
14:29I have a question for you.
14:31Are you strong enough to rise to the coming challenge?
14:36Well, I suppose it could be said that I'm a decent enough fighter.
14:39Good. Right then.
14:41Handle the rare creature that's headed our way.
14:44An easy task for someone like you.
14:47If you don't do it, then I will.
14:49What is that?
14:51The wind has become fierce.
14:58Hurry, Tia! Defensive barrier! Use your support magic, Woody!
15:01Got it!
15:04I'll handle this!
15:06Not bad, but still, poor things. They're not properly equipped for this.
15:13Why'd we have to encounter this thing before getting our new equipment?
15:18I must be as brave as Nabal. I must... I must fight for Hibiki!
15:23Idiot! Get out of there!
15:32Verda, no!
15:36We must regroup. Hibiki, what do we do?
15:46Please, Mio! You have to help us!
15:51Shame on you, for being so ignorant of your own strength. How disappointing.
15:58You may die now.
16:02It's finished.
16:06Is your little friend going to be all right?
16:08Oh, yes. He's not mortally wounded.
16:11Then he doesn't require assistance.
16:13I'd like to harvest this monster's materials if you'll help me.
16:16Mio, behind you!
16:18It looks good on you, though.
16:23You must have praised how I looked at this kimono.
16:26You ruined it!
16:40I'm sorry, Mio.
16:41I'm sorry, too.
16:42I'm sorry, too.
16:43I'm sorry, too.
16:44I'm sorry, too.
16:45I'm sorry, too.
16:47I'm sorry, too.
16:51I wonder if this can be mended.
16:56This awful distraction used up all of our precious time.
17:00We had no choice but to hurry.
17:12Hello again.
17:13It has become apparent that we have crossed paths before today.
17:16That's why you bit me when we met back there.
17:19You must try to understand that I'm very different now.
17:22Your master.
17:23It must count for something that I rescued her.
17:26I swear I won't cause you harm.
17:28In exchange, you'd better not tell them what I truly am, you big filthy mongrel.
17:33There, look who's a good boy.
17:49I brought you and your friends to Sige.
17:51Seek out the Kuzunoha Trading Company.
17:55The Kuzunoha?
18:00I knew you would come.
18:02We wanted to thank you for your help.
18:04Were you able to salvage it?
18:05Your torn kimono?
18:07I shall have it restored soon.
18:09The young master wouldn't grant me even a single look while I was wearing this sad replacement.
18:14I know why you invited us here.
18:17To discuss the incident with the monster.
18:20The truth is, I selfishly turned to you for help.
18:23I deserve whatever criticism you have for me.
18:25Why would I waste my time criticizing you?
18:28You managed not to die.
18:29Isn't that what's important?
18:31If that's how you feel, then why am I here?
18:34To cook, of course!
18:36You can repay your debt to me simply by sharing your time and skill in the kitchen.
18:40You still haven't told me the secret of extracting broth from the seagrass.
18:44Broth? That's it? That's all you want?
18:46Indeed, that should do it.
18:48Mio, we can't.
18:49We came to Sige for new equipment.
18:51Once we acquire it, we must go and train in the Wasteland.
18:55There's no time to lose.
18:56A party that struggled against that monster we faced has no business in the Wasteland.
19:01It's a death sentence.
19:03You would be nothing more than monster fodder.
19:05But, we must go.
19:07Even if you speak the truth, we have to try and get stronger.
19:12I'm not sure what your strange circumstances are, but this won't do.
19:16Seems to me we can easily solve everyone's problems.
19:19How's this sound?
19:20We'll forge some equipment you can use to survive in the Wasteland.
19:24You can pay us back for it later.
19:26During the three days it'll take to craft that equipment and the nights while you're training,
19:30you can teach Mio to cook that blasted broth of yours.
19:34Now Baron, you know new equipment won't guarantee their survival, right?
19:38Mio, wow.
19:40Do you really think I can learn to cook the perfect broth in just three measly days?
19:45So it's the broth she's worried about.
19:47Good point.
19:48If you're that concerned, then why not have Toa and her companions accompany them on their travels?
19:53I love it!
19:54That protects their lives and my broth lessons.
19:57What a fantastic idea!
19:59Thank you for the praise.
20:02So then, I trust we've all come to an agreement on this matter?
20:07Yes, we'd be honored to accept your offer.
20:15She's gotten better at evaluating ingredients.
20:18And her knife skills aren't half bad either.
20:21But when it comes to applying force in other ways...
20:24Here I go.
20:25Why me?
20:27Don't worry, a 33% success rate is nothing to be ashamed of.
20:32Um, are these here for dessert?
20:35I'd better try one.
20:36They're delicious with a subtle spiciness.
20:43Also, this broth tastes better not boiled.
20:45Are you sure it's necessary to ruin it by applying heat?
20:50I've come to realize something about your sense of taste, Mio.
20:53It's so clear.
20:55You've developed a tolerance for disgusting food,
20:57but you're somehow very sensitive to the delight of tasty food.
21:00Thank you!
21:01That means I have a knack for cooking, doesn't it?
21:03You must learn the difference between the two extremes of taste.
21:06That's the key to success, and also your only hope.
21:09I won't rest until you've mastered that lesson.
21:12Let's begin!
21:14A chance encounter unbeknownst to her master.
21:17The follower and the hero form a friendship.
21:21Meanwhile, we return once again to Roadsguard.
21:26Kamui did?
21:28She requested that we return to the dummy plane.
21:31It seems she has quite a bit to report.
21:34We have only been communicating telepathically,
21:36and I haven't been back at all.
21:39I've made the arrangements.
21:40The forest ogres will look after the shop in Roadsguard.
21:44That's pretty worrisome.
21:45But if you're sure, then okay.
21:49I trust you.
21:59What the heck?
22:01What's going on?
22:25Omoigake suteta kotoba
22:28Iiwake mitai na love
22:33Sora motto kaze no iro
22:36Guchan guchan ni natteru
22:40Kangaesugite ienaku naru yo
22:44Fureru hodo kubyou ni naru
22:48Nanoni naze ka
22:50Shiranai kao de warau
22:52Yoru ga
22:54Asa ga
22:55Kimi no iro nanda
22:59Me to me ga atte
23:01Ugoki hajimeta
23:03Koi wa haru no you ni
23:07Kono mama nante
23:09Iwanai kedo sa
23:11Mada samenaide
23:13Mada samenaide
23:15Mou kocchitsuketai
23:18Subete no imushi wa kimi janai
23:23Ai ni kocchitsuketai
23:26Unmei no wakai hito wo tadore
23:30My Factor
