tsuki ga michibiku isekai douchuu 2nd season dub episode 12

  • 2 months ago
00:00The Demiplane, a world created by a mighty dragon with input from me, Makoto Misumi.
00:07That's why it's populated with Japanese flora and fauna, as well as savage beasts.
00:15We shall forgive this trespass if you swear to leave these woods at once.
00:20You've been warned. Be gone.
00:23They're letting me off the hook?
00:30If only I could smile...
00:53I let go of your hand so you wouldn't notice
00:58Words from someone who doesn't know anything
01:02Because I'm hiding my weakness
01:05Loneliness is building up
01:07With an open heart, I'll go anywhere
01:11If only I could smile and embrace everything
01:16No matter how childish the words are, I want to tell you
01:21This isn't a paradise
01:23Nothing, nothing can be achieved
01:26I can't help but think about the future I yearn for
01:30Before my red-red eyes turn sad, sad
01:35If I could say just one word
01:39This is our love call
01:42Please reach me
01:44This isn't a paradise
01:46Nothing, nothing can be achieved
01:49Before my red-red eyes turn sad, sad
01:57A bear and a wolf, huh?
02:00They injured the orcs clearing the woods and issued a dire warning to stay away.
02:04Sheiky has returned to the Academy, so Emma is treating their wounds.
02:09That's good. Tell me, where did all this take place?
02:12In the woods north of here.
02:14So close. I wonder if it's related to the demiplane's unpredictable weather.
02:19I need to make a mist gate in the right spot, yeah? And that should stabilize the weather?
02:25Correct. We shall know more soon. Perhaps we should handle these beasts first.
02:30Is it true that bear flesh is a delicacy?
02:33Yeah, especially their right paws.
02:35Wait a minute! In some parts of Japan, bears are revered as divine creatures!
02:40And the majestic wolf is well known as the king of the forest!
02:45Anyway, we do know they can talk, so I'll try to reason with them first.
02:50Someone has a high opinion of these beasts.
02:53To me, they're special and not just dumb monsters.
02:56It's similar to the dragons of fantasy worlds. I can't help but admire them.
03:00If you have a thing for dragons, you've got one ready and waiting right here.
03:05One you wouldn't be embarrassed to show off all around town, you like?
03:09Yeah, yeah.
03:11Young master, even the spiders?
03:14Sure. Spiders are special in their own way, too. After all, they eat harmful pests.
03:20Stop that, Tomoe!
03:32I hope they show themselves sooner rather than later.
03:38They're close.
03:43That's a bear, all right.
03:46I'll start by improving my mobility.
03:53This bear is so velvety and soft! Is it because it's a demiplane bear?
04:00That won't work.
04:06The wolf's nearby. I can feel it.
04:09My name's Makoto Misumi. I just want to talk to you.
04:16Cool. I'd expect no less from a wolf.
04:22Huh? There's a whole pack now?
04:25The other day, we sensed an extraordinary output of mana. That was you, was it not?
04:31Uh, probably so.
04:33You seem to be the king of this land. As such, your presence must be dealt with.
04:39I have no interest in ruling over you and your kind.
04:42I just came to apologize, seeing as how we're neighbors and all.
04:47In the future, we won't enter your woods without permission.
04:51And if you ever need anything, know that you can count on us.
04:55Despite your overwhelming strength, you'll deign to share your territory and even help protect us?
05:01Not protect. Coexist.
05:04I want you to keep defending these woods, just as you always have.
05:08I don't understand your aim.
05:10How could such an arrangement possibly benefit you?
05:14Benefit? Who cares? I just want us to be friends.
05:18Friends? With us?
05:20That's what I said. And with these woods. And that fluffy bear, too.
05:25Even you must see the humor in his words, eh, Wolf?
05:29He's a freakin' giant!
05:31I apologize for the interruption. You've impressed me today, tiny creature.
05:37I will introduce myself. You may call me Brownie.
05:40Brownie the brown bear.
05:42I am the king of this land.
05:44I have no interest in ruling over you and your kind.
05:48I just came to apologize, seeing as how we're neighbors and all.
05:53Brownie the brown bear. Kay?
05:55Very well, Makoto Misumi. We accept your kind offer of friendship.
06:01We will rule over these woods, free from your control.
06:06Are we agreed?
06:07Yes, you have a deal.
06:09He's an interesting creature, yet I'm not sure the one in the sky will accept this.
06:14No need for concern. If he wishes to get involved, he will show himself as he always does.
06:20Hmm. I suppose you're right.
06:22Then it is settled.
06:24We look forward to working in harmony.
06:28As do I.
06:30And just like that, a new sanctuary known as the Wolf's Woods was established in the demiplane.
06:37I know you can't help how much you love them, but you can't keep picking every single one that you see.
06:43We beg for your forgiveness.
06:45In Japan, we have something called tree-tending persimmons.
06:48Instead of picking a tree clean, you leave a few behind as a prayer, in hopes of a bountiful harvest,
06:53and so other creatures will have a chance to enjoy them as well.
06:57Stop right there!
06:58You cannot be so cruel when it's obvious that this one is especially sweet and delectable!
07:02Master, look!
07:04Wow! It's enormous!
07:07It's most impressive.
07:09Even so, anyone who dares blot out the young master's sky deserves death!
07:14Stay your hand!
07:16I came here to introduce myself to your king.
07:19The wolves told me all that transpired.
07:21Oh, so you know those guys.
07:24I will be down shortly.
07:28Then it's a fantastical creature after all.
07:31There's no telling what else could be lurking in the depths of the demiplane.
07:35Your world is amazing!
07:37Thanks, but this is your world as well.
07:40And there aren't creatures like that in Japan.
07:42I think.
07:44Then it's ours. A child born from our union.
07:48That makes the demiplane Komoe's big sister.
07:51I didn't know the demiplane was my sibling.
07:54It's not. Don't take her seriously.
07:58May I interrupt family time?
08:00It's tiny!
08:01I shall henceforth speak to you in my present form.
08:04Pleased to meet you. My name is Makoto Misumi.
08:08I am known as the Boulder Bird.
08:10Ruler of the vast skies and towering mountains.
08:13It's a pleasure to meet you.
08:14The Boulder Bird. Understood.
08:16I've heard of the Rock Bird before, but this is getting silly.
08:20Moving forward, I have decided to patrol the skies on your behalf.
08:24If you need something, simply ask.
08:27Thanks for the thought.
08:28Though I'm personally happy for you to just continue doing what you always have.
08:32Much appreciated.
08:33I do have one request to ask of you.
08:36Could I perhaps assume that rock name you mentioned?
08:40I took a strange liking at once.
08:42It has a nice ring to it.
08:44Um, sure. Knock yourself out.
08:46Thank you.
08:47From now on, I shall be known to all as the Rock Bird.
08:55It seems I've gained some powerful new followers.
08:58One cannot be called a follower if they have not formed a contract with you.
09:02It would be more appropriate to call them your subjects.
09:06I know what this is. You're feeling jealous.
09:10Still, that was thoughtless of me to say.
09:13My followers. Tomoe, Mio, and last of all, Shiki.
09:19Good. I'm glad you understand now.
09:23Should we head back?
09:24Tomoe, give me half the baskets.
09:26No way! I can get them myself!
09:29Don't touch me, bad bird! Who's the boss around here?
09:33Looks like walking baskets.
09:38With the setting sun, summer winds down as fall approaches.
09:44Sorry to keep you waiting.
09:46It's fine. I just got here.
09:48But I'm surprised.
09:50You really want to go out for drinks together.
09:52Well, sounded fun.
09:54What? Shiki really took you out for a drink?
09:58I can't breathe. I'm so jealous at the moment.
10:01So, that must mean you've learned what Shiki's type is.
10:04Of course that's what you'd want to know.
10:06He's the type of guy to order all kinds of different drinks.
10:09That's not what I meant.
10:11What's the drink of choice for his preferred type of woman?
10:14Calm down.
10:16It occurs to me that we've never really had the chance to speak like this before, you know?
10:20It occurs to me that we've never really had the chance to speak like this before, you know?
10:24I suppose we've both kept rather busy.
10:27It's our scholarships.
10:29We're out of our grades fall.
10:31That's made us more like rivals than friends.
10:36The truth is...
10:39It's okay. You go first.
10:41There's something I must do before summer break ends.
10:46Beat him.
10:47That demidragon.
10:49If it were a hopeless cause, I could easily admit defeat.
10:52But it's not.
10:54We could have won that battle.
10:57So you agree.
10:59I'm certain the others feel the same.
11:01Well then, we know how to finish out the break.
11:04It's decided.
11:06I feel so much better now.
11:10Say, what brought you here?
11:12To the academy, I mean.
11:14Were you scouted?
11:15I was. Same for you?
11:17That's correct.
11:18But to be honest, I wasn't getting anywhere until I met Kuzunoha.
11:23I'd be lying if I said different.
11:26So do you have any plans to go back home?
11:29I don't really have one to go back to.
11:32Back in the day, it was just me and my mom.
11:34But then I lost her during the epidemic.
11:38I haven't seen you planning any trips home either.
11:41Why is that?
11:43It's complicated.
11:46In the village where I was born, there was someone much stronger than me.
11:53She was an orphan who was forced to fight monsters,
11:56and do other tough jobs no one else wanted.
11:59She kept fighting, as though she was conquering that injustice.
12:03Fighting with all her heart.
12:05Are you saying Miranda was your master?
12:11She was my first love.
12:16You fell for her?
12:18Eventually, I started helping her with her battles.
12:21But then, the village issued an order for us to investigate the Forbidden Forest.
12:27What's the point?
12:29It's not as though we're really going to develop these creepy old woods, right?
12:36You're not very sociable, are you?
12:40Whoa. I think this is a mages' workshop.
12:46Look at this!
12:48Look at this!
13:09Miranda! Run!
13:40You monster.
13:44That was the last time I ever saw her.
13:50I couldn't forgive the village I grew up in, or my own weakness in that moment.
13:55So I honed my skills, and accepted when I was scouted.
14:00One day, I'd like to find Miranda and apologize.
14:04I want to become as strong as her, and tell her I'm sorry.
14:08That I was a fool.
14:11That's one hell of a good reason.
14:14And that explains it. The Demidragon is the first real obstacle for you to rise above here.
14:19Yeah, something like that.
14:22Huh? They want a rematch?
14:25Yes. Gene and his little friends are planning to take down the Demidragon.
14:29All behind your back.
14:31I see. Do you suppose they'd be terribly upset if they knew I'd found out?
14:36Kids need to test their boundaries.
14:38But it's no use, because the Rembrandt sisters went home, isn't that right?
14:42We received a report from Lime on that front.
14:45Lime report?
14:46Yes. He was watching over the sisters in Sige, and ensuring their well-being.
14:52He gave them a place to train, too.
14:54How did I not know that?
14:56They've returned to Roatsguard, and are working on the rematch plan with the other students.
15:02At their current level, it is doubtful they would lose to a Demidragon.
15:06Then we'll leave them be. No need to have Aeris watch over them this time.
15:10You sure about that? By the water, a pack of Demidragons has gathered.
15:15A pack? But I thought seeing just one was a rare occurrence.
15:19I can't imagine it's a coincidence.
15:21If you will allow it, I would like to go and investigate the area.
15:25Right. Please go ahead.
15:27As for the students...
15:29The kids will look for the Demidragon at the same spot where they last found it.
15:33And so?
15:34We should make sure they find one.
15:36I can handle the pack.
15:38I'll test my mana matter.
15:40You intend to go alone?
15:42Rest in peace, Demidragons.
15:48This ritual...
15:50Perhaps a sacred treasure?
15:53The sacred treasure of Elysium.
15:55The Scepter of Dragons.
15:58I thought it was lost forever when the nation was destroyed.
16:02Young Master, do you have a moment?
16:04Did you find something?
16:06Have you come across any strange altars or large bloodstains yet?
16:10I'm afraid so. I take it you have as well?
16:13Yes. Someone seems to have conducted a ritual to activate a sacred treasure.
16:18That would mean the Demidragons were summoned to this forest.
16:21This seems like an undertaking the demons would attempt.
16:24Please continue with your investigation. I'll take care of the pack of Demidragons.
16:33Here we go.
16:34I'll start by removing one for the students' rematch.
16:38That one should do the trick.
16:42There. Battle time.
16:45Even though I can't use wind magic, this move allows me to travel through the air with ease.
17:00Huh. Their breath attacks are ineffective.
17:03Mana matter is even stronger than I expected.
17:06I want you to know I don't have anything against your kind.
17:10Forgive me.
17:13Merely weak resistance fighters.
17:15It was my understanding that the Demon Lord was a great leader.
17:19So I didn't expect to find those who oppose him.
17:23That's not good.
17:25So I didn't expect to find those who oppose him.
17:28That's exactly why we hate him.
17:31That's how it goes.
17:33Great kings must fall.
17:37They already fled with the sacred treasure, and I'm no closer to understanding.
17:42The information I've acquired is still hazy.
17:45I can't report it to the young master quite yet.
17:48Not until I have uncovered the full picture.
17:52It's done. I just need some demidragon meat for Mio.
17:57Finally, I've got the hang of mana matter.
17:59All that's left is my student's big rematch.
18:03I found it. There's only one present.
18:06It wasn't there a moment ago. Where'd it come from?
18:09It doesn't matter. Now's our chance.
18:11Everyone, battle formation!
18:13I'll go ahead and block its roar. I'll be the vanguard.
18:16Mithra, we're up front.
18:18Stay mobile, Dinah.
18:19Go all out, but stay calm.
18:21Sure thing. Let's do this.
18:27Folding Spear, go!
18:29Triad Muse, go!
18:30I'll start by boosting defense and mobility, and then...
18:34Get ready for a real fight!
18:36Use Scaly, Kern!
18:38Hey, turn to the side! Get in there!
18:41I've got this!
18:48It's breath.
18:49Stay back, K!
18:56Not enough.
18:58I'll make a barrier, too.
18:59Don't worry, I'm on it.
19:01Grant us a moment's respite.
19:09That enhancement skill absorbs breath attacks?
19:11Well done! My turn now!
19:15Now flames, please grant me strength.
19:17Water, grant me wisdom.
19:19Fierce wind, become my path.
19:21Earth, become my clothes!
19:25It boosts everything. Mobility, defense, and attack.
19:28I call it...
19:30Mega Super Enhance!
19:33Dumb name, but that's incredible.
19:35Mithra, stop its movements!
19:37Dunk, Osa, Ribeirno, Ariel!
19:47I am so over hearing that awful guard!
19:53Everyone, please stand back!
19:56This is a combo of spirit and elemental magic.
19:59Of all the spells in my arsenal, it's the strongest of all!
20:03We can't let it evade her spell!
20:05Right, I'll lock it in place.
20:11I'll do it!
20:36We did it.
20:37But I'm still not strong enough.
20:39I'll continue down this path and find her... someday.
20:46Heroes, demons, and endless wars.
20:50The world continues to move down its restless path.
20:53True, but in your current state, even Kuzunoha is nothing compared to you.
20:59It'd be a problem if that weren't so.
21:01In any case, what brings you to this place?
21:04Nothing really. Nostalgia, perhaps.
21:07It was here that I once slew a creepy chimera,
21:10with human arms sprouting from its hideous back.
21:13Is that so?
21:14That's one of the strongest monsters that used to defend a mage's workshops.
21:18I know.
21:19This workshop belonged to Banshoku, otherwise known as Luto.
21:24It was right here that I learned my true name.
21:28On that day, I was reborn.
21:32Luto of myriad colors.
21:35The dragon who created me.
21:37My parent, in a sense.
21:44I wonder... if he's still...
21:48Who cares?
21:49I'm not Miranda anymore.
21:54You don't know what's coming, Luto.
21:56Before long, I'll have killed every last greater dragon.
22:00And then, I'll consume you.
22:30I'm not Miranda anymore.
22:32Before long, I'll have killed every last greater dragon.
22:35And then, I'll consume you.
22:37Before long, I'll have killed every last greater dragon.
22:40And then, I'll consume you.
22:42Before long, I'll have killed every last greater dragon.
22:45And then, I'll consume you.
22:47Before long, I'll have killed every last greater dragon.
22:50And then, I'll consume you.
22:52Before long, I'll have killed every last greater dragon.
22:55And then, I'll consume you.
22:57Before long, I'll have killed every last greater dragon.
23:00And then, I'll consume you.
23:02Before long, I'll have killed every last greater dragon.
23:05And then, I'll consume you.
23:07Before long, I'll have killed every last greater dragon.
23:10And then, I'll consume you.
23:12Before long, I'll have killed every last greater dragon.
23:15And then, I'll consume you.
23:17Before long, I'll have killed every last greater dragon.
23:20And then, I'll consume you.
23:22Before long, I'll have killed every last greater dragon.
23:25And then, I'll consume you.
23:27Before long, I'll have killed every last greater dragon.
23:30And then, I'll consume you.
