Hazrat shamoon ka waqiya Islamic Urdu stories

  • 2 months ago
Hazrat shamoon ka waqiya Islamic Urdu stories like share and subscribe follow my channel
00:00In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful.
00:02Respected viewers, peace be upon you.
00:05Two people were appointed to preach in Antioch, Rome, by Jesus Christ.
00:13In some books, their names are mentioned as Johanna and Shemon.
00:18These two people were not familiar with the correct way of preaching.
00:22Therefore, it did not take long for people to not only turn to them,
00:29but also to distance themselves from them.
00:32By the command of the king, they were arrested and imprisoned in a dungeon in Buthkada.
00:39When Jesus Christ was informed that the preaching of these two people was in vain,
00:45and the king had imprisoned them,
00:48he sent his personal assistant, Shemon of Sapphira, who was an experienced missionary,
00:55to invite the people of Antioch and Antioch to the path of righteousness
01:00and to preach the distance from the idols.
01:03He entered the city with great seriousness, contemplation, and curiosity,
01:09and announced in the beginning,
01:12I am a traveler in this city.
01:14I have decided to worship the God of the king.
01:18I am in agreement with the king in this process, and I am his companion.
01:23He made the same announcement to me that he was allowed to go to the king.
01:28The king welcomed him more than the limit and was pleased with his behavior
01:34and ordered him to be returned to Buthkada with great respect.
01:39Mr. Shemon entered Buthkada to see the idols in the public places of that city.
01:45During his tour, he saw his two companions in the dungeon.
01:50He wanted to express his friendship with Shemon,
01:54but he told him through a sign that he should not express any kind of friendship and friendship with me.
02:03Shemon continued to worship the idols in Buthkada for a year.
02:10During this period, he based his friendship with the king.
02:14Due to his foresight and his special and interesting behavior,
02:18he achieved a special and glorious position near the king.
02:23After a while, one day he said to the king of Rome in a private session,
02:30Since my arrival in Buthkada, I have been seeing two people in prison there.
02:36Now I would like to ask your permission as to why they have been imprisoned.
02:42The king said,
02:43Those two people had spread disorder and disorder in this city.
02:48It is the claim of those people that God is someone other than these idols that create the world.
02:54So, to be safe from this disorder and disorder, I have imprisoned them.
03:00Shemon said,
03:02How have they claimed to be gods other than the idols?
03:06What is their argument on this?
03:09If you understand better, then order them to come.
03:13I really want to talk to those people.
03:17The king said,
03:18Very good, because you are aware of their behavior.
03:23I order them to come.
03:26So, with the permission and order of the king of Rome, the two prisoners were brought in.
03:31Shemon began his conversation with them in the presence of the king.
03:37It is very surprising.
03:39Is there any other god other than the gods in Buthkada in the world?
03:43The prisoners said,
03:45Yes, we are devotees of the God of heaven and earth.
03:48He is the God who makes the deserts green and lush in the spring season,
03:53and also takes away this greenness and lushness in the desert.
03:57He is such a God who has created the sun of the world and the stars of the sky.
04:03Intelligent people never accept a claim without evidence.
04:08Therefore, Shemon expressed this while asking for evidence from them.
04:13Keep your conversation aside.
04:16A claim without evidence is like hitting a stone.
04:21Do you have any evidence for your claim?
04:24The prisoners said,
04:25Yes, if we want from our God, He gives the born blind.
04:31And He makes the handicapped healthy and healthy.
04:35Shemon said to the king,
04:37You order the blind to be brought.
04:40By the king's order, the mother was brought there.
04:45Then Shemon said to them,
04:47If you are true in your claim, then tell your God to give these blind people eyes.
04:53The two men immediately fell in prostration
04:56and prayed to God Almighty to give blindness to the blind.
05:01Shemon himself said Amen in his heart.
05:04The prayer was not yet over that the blind had eyes.
05:08And God gave the blind two eyes.
05:12Shemon said,
05:14This is not surprising.
05:16If you have done such a big job,
05:19then our God can also heal the blind.
05:23The king said to Shemon,
05:26Our God cannot harm anyone.
05:30He is not capable of healing the blind.
05:34A blind man was brought by Shemon's order.
05:37Shemon prayed,
05:39The blind man was healed.
05:41Then he turned to both of them and said,
05:44Evidence without evidence is like hitting a stone.
05:48Your God has healed the blind,
05:51and our God has done the same.
05:54The prisoners said,
05:55Our God heals the disabled.
05:59A disabled man was brought.
06:01He was healed by their prayers.
06:04Another disabled man was brought by Shemon's order.
06:08Shemon prayed,
06:09He was also healed.
06:11The prisoners said,
06:13We ask God to revive the dead.
06:16Shemon said,
06:17If you really revive the dead,
06:20then by the king's permission,
06:22I will believe in your God.
06:25The king also said,
06:27If they revive the dead,
06:29then I will also believe in their God.
06:33seven days before this conversation,
06:35the king's young son died.
06:38Shemon said,
06:39Reviving the dead is beyond our and our God's power.
06:44If your God is able to revive the dead son of the king,
06:49then I and the king will be believers in your God.
06:53Both of them were ready to worship.
06:56They went in prostration and with a sincere heart,
06:59prayed to God to revive the dead young man.
07:03Shemon asked God for help with a sincere heart.
07:08After a few moments,
07:10they raised their heads in prostration and said,
07:13Send someone to the graveyard to bring some news from there.
07:17The prisoners sent by the king went to the graveyard.
07:20They saw that the king's son was coming out of the grave and spilling mud from his body.
07:26They brought him to the king.
07:28When the king's eyes fell on his young son,
07:31he got up and went to Galil and said,
07:34O my son, tell me the details of this incident.
07:38The son said,
07:39Baba Jaan,
07:40When death took me, I was caught in a severe torment.
07:44Today I saw two people who went in prostration and prayed to God to revive me.
07:51God revived me with their prayers.
07:54The king said,
07:56If you see these two people, will you recognize them?
08:00The son said,
08:01Yes, I will recognize them.
08:04The king said,
08:05All people go to the desert and pass in front of this living young man
08:10so that it can be known whether the king's son can recognize those two people or not.
08:16All people started passing in front of the prince.
08:19When those two people passed in front of him,
08:22he pointed out that these were the people.
08:25The king at that time with a sincere heart
08:27brought faith in the God of those two who are the creator of the whole universe.
08:33Shamoon and all other people also believed in the true God.
08:38Thus, in this way, the wise and intelligent representative of Jesus Christ
08:44led the king and all the people of that country to the religion of Jesus Christ.
08:53I hope you liked today's video.
08:57If you liked our video, then like the video.
09:01See you in the next video.
