Jutro ce promeniti sve S1E11

  • 2 months ago
Jutro ce promeniti sve S1E11
01:51You're early. Do we have any work to do?
01:54No, I'm going to see Saša and Anžela. Do you want me to help you?
01:56No, it's okay.
01:59Borka told me that Ines is in the cultural department.
02:07She had an exhibition in some gallery.
02:10Did you know about that?
02:13I didn't know she was so successful.
02:16Yes, I did.
02:18Did you see her?
02:19Did you see her?
02:22So? How is she?
02:25I have to see her.
02:26Come on, take a look. She's pretty.
02:28She's a pretty girl.
02:30I love you.
03:20Cock-a-doodle-do, cock-a-doodle-do, cock-a-doodle-do.
03:24Every cock always knows. Cock-a-doodle-doo.
03:37It's okay, Stepan. She can go.
03:40It's not a big deal.
03:41It's just that there's a smell of sausage.
03:45It's not that bad.
03:47So, it's not a prank?
03:50I would say so.
03:52Tell me.
03:55It's a prank.
03:57I can't wait for the money.
03:59They didn't say it would be on YouTube.
04:01They said it would only be on TV.
04:03You can sue them for that.
04:04Did you read the contract?
04:05What does it say?
04:06What contract?
04:07I flew in a minute and a half.
04:10Let me kiss you one more time.
04:11No, no, no.
04:13I'm going back to Kevin's now.
04:15I'm going to tell him.
04:17Wait, wait, wait.
04:19Be careful.
04:20You already have over a thousand views in half an hour.
04:24That's great.
04:26Can I share this on Facebook?
04:28No, no, no.
04:30No, we're going to do something now.
04:32We're going to clean up.
04:33I don't know.
04:35Are you going to clean up YouTube?
04:39Stop it.
04:40You can't see their faces.
04:41You can't see their faces.
04:42I think it's for the best.
04:49No, they're jokers.
04:52It's not bad at all, what she's doing.
04:58Who is this guy?
05:01Who is he?
05:02He has a motorcycle, remember?
05:03He has it on every other car.
05:07Let me see.
05:14No, he's not that kind of guy.
05:16Maybe he's a Machu Picchu, as far as I'm concerned.
05:19Ines has finally found Sugar Daddy and she's been looking for him.
05:22You've always been a big fan of hers.
05:25She finished where she was supposed to.
05:27In some Tokyo, in some Kokolina pate.
05:30What is it now?
05:31I'm playing.
05:34Who wants to go with me to Super Mario Boris Night?
05:36What's that, Boris Night?
05:38That's when Boris comes back from a trip,
05:40then they make a party,
05:41and then I go there to...
05:43pull the strings.
05:48I have a fax.
05:52Come on, play, man.
05:54You're such a pussy, man.
05:57Sala always doesn't like her partner,
05:59and when I need a partner, no one cares.
06:01I'm going to go.
06:02Come with me.
06:03Are you serious?
06:04Yes, I am.
06:05There will always be good guys.
06:07Let's see what's going on in Syria.
06:10You're a tsar, Kicil.
06:14I'm not.
06:29Hey, where are you?
06:30Hi, Professor.
06:33Are we going together?
06:34No, no, we're going alone.
06:36Viktor is afraid of blood.
06:38Do we have to go now?
06:40Yes, we have to go.
06:47See you later at the gig.
06:51I don't know yet.
06:52I'll see.
06:54Okay, whenever you want.
06:56Let's go.
07:02Come on.
07:05Bye, bye.
07:18Hi, you're waiting for Max?
07:20Yes, we have an appointment at six.
07:22I know, but they're still in there.
07:24It's been forever.
07:25It's been crazy.
07:26I can bring you a cup of coffee or tea.
07:29Coffee is great, thanks.
07:30Okay, coming right up.
08:06I always work like that.
08:09I think we sold everything, yeah?
08:11Yeah, so long as we just iron out those few little glitches,
08:14I think it'll be great.
08:15Yeah, yeah, I think that's all.
08:16So, see you guys on Monday.
08:18Sorry to have kept you so long.
08:20Oh, no, don't worry.
08:21Don't worry.
08:22Everything will be okay.
08:23Okay, thank you guys very much.
08:24See you on Monday.
08:25Have a great weekend.
08:26You too, Max.
08:27See you guys, bye.
08:35Bro, I'm sorry, please.
08:36I'm sorry.
08:37There are four glitches, bro.
08:38They're stuck inside.
08:39I don't know where my head is, bro.
08:40My brain is dead.
08:42Okay, okay.
08:43Let's make an app called Fun and Booze, bro.
08:45What will kids, tourists drink?
08:46I don't care, bro.
08:47Who listens to this music?
08:48It doesn't matter.
08:49Come on, come on.
08:50Get inside.
08:51They're stuck inside.
08:53Literally stuck inside.
08:54Okay, okay, come on.
09:04Is he here?
09:16That's it.
09:19That's it?
09:21Only these things left.
09:25What things?
09:27The ones you confiscated in the gym where I work.
09:32What did we confiscate?
09:34The cream.
09:36You know...
09:38I don't know what you're talking about.
09:42Do you know what I'm talking about?
09:44Do you know what I'm talking about?
09:46Do you know what I'm talking about?
09:48I don't know.
09:51You're free.
09:54I think I told you you're free.
10:15Does it hurt?
10:46I can't believe it.
10:49I found a tattoo I wanted to get when I went to the gym.
10:53Let me see.
10:54You stink.
10:55I'm sorry.
10:57Maybe you can get a tattoo now.
11:00Luka, do you have half an hour or something?
11:02It's short.
11:03I'm in a hurry.
11:04I have half an hour.
11:05That's fine.
11:06No, no, no.
11:07I'm not getting a tattoo.
11:09I'm not getting a tattoo.
11:11I'm not getting a tattoo.
11:13I'm not getting a tattoo.
11:14I'm not getting a tattoo.
11:28Just leave a message.
11:30Read it.
11:31And make a successful offer.
11:33I know I live in Serbia.
11:35Most likely, not everyone has a smartphone.
11:38I understand that in a few years every woman will have an iPhone.
11:41Yes, of course.
11:43I was thinking about names.
11:46I don't know.
11:48Or document.
11:50I don't know.
11:51While I was thinking, I thought of Schalter.
11:54Yes, Schalter is funny.
11:56Yes, yes.
11:58Great idea.
12:00I mean, listen.
12:01I wouldn't give a shit if something like that existed.
12:04A few days ago, I waited three hours in line to get a passport.
12:07That's what I'm talking about.
12:08A few days ago, I waited three hours to get a driver's license.
12:11A few days ago.
12:12A few days ago?
12:15Bro, this wouldn't have happened in Serbia.
12:19I mean, are you aware of where you've come from?
12:25I'm not aware of where I've come from, but...
12:29I don't know what it costs us to try.
12:31It costs us.
12:34You know, it will cost you your life.
12:36You really shouldn't...
12:38You're a smart guy.
12:39Do something you can live off of.
12:42You know what they say?
12:44Things small act big.
12:49Things small act big.
12:50Yes, yes.
12:51But believe me, in the end, it all boils down to that.
12:59Let's go get a beer.
13:01Come on, really.
13:02I've been sitting here all day.
13:04I really can't anymore.
13:05Come on.
13:06We've been thinking about this app.
13:08Give me some advice.
13:10Okay, okay.
13:11I'll just sit here.
13:12Wait for me in the bar.
13:30Where have you been?
13:36You're here.
13:49Fuck it.
13:50We'll be back.
13:51I guarantee it.
13:53That's my phase.
13:56But I wouldn't survive it alone, so...
13:58Thank you.
14:06Hey, how are you?
14:08You're going to Kevin's tonight?
14:10And I'm off.
14:11Oh, then you're great.
14:14Come on in.
14:19Good evening.
14:20Good evening.
14:21Come on in.
14:23Oh, good evening.
14:24People, meet, if you don't know, this is my Alexandra.
14:28Nice to meet you.
14:29Hi, little one.
14:30Hi, Boris.
14:31Hi, Boris.
14:32I'm here to open a great cabernet.
14:37The only commercial winery in Syria.
14:41Saška is my most loyal partner in making wine.
14:46Excuse me, this is Filip.
14:48Come on, introduce yourself, Filip.
14:51Filip comes from America and works in a very successful IT company.
14:59Good evening.
15:02I'm Cikudlaja.
15:04Sit down, sit down.
15:05Come on.
15:06Sit down.
15:26Hey, wait.
15:27I was eating salad, so I didn't drink.
15:30Come on, mom.
15:31I'll do it.
15:32I'll do it now.
15:33Just enjoy.
15:35No, just sit down.
15:36I can do it.
15:52I can't take it anymore.
15:53Thank you.
15:56I can't finish it.
15:59Thank you.
16:09Thank you.
16:11You're welcome.
16:13You saved me.
16:15I'm glad.
16:25I have more work to do.
16:30I don't know how to thank you for this new portal.
16:34I think it's the most important thing that's happened lately.
16:39Thank you, thank you.
16:40But Boris, you have to be our guest on the podcast.
16:43Of course.
16:44It's ideal.
16:45Of course, you have to hear what's going on there.
16:47You have to think about these things.
16:49Of course.
16:50A man only in these situations understands how huge cultural differences are.
16:54Cultures are completely irreconcilable.
16:56Systems are completely different.
16:59We have to work on opening people's eyes.
17:02People are unaware.
17:04That's the best thing.
17:06But we don't have a critical mind anymore.
17:09I can't do it alone.
17:10We need to help people.
17:11We're here to help.
17:22Wine is really...
17:25I didn't understand.
17:26You're already making wine.
17:30It's not a commercial.
17:43I brought you tea.
17:44Thank you, put it here.
17:51Can you sleep with me tonight on the couch?
17:58If you don't mind.
18:05I don't mind.
18:10You have a bed and a closet.
18:13I'm going to bed.
18:21This cycle of photos was literally created a few kilometers from Damascus.
18:28We're going to use it all for the story.
18:30Did you go alone or...?
18:33In a group, of course.
18:35We were in a pretty limited maneuvering space.
18:38But at one point we all ran away because it would be boring otherwise.
18:43These photos are really, really great.
18:46Tell me, which camera did you use?
18:49Some old-fashioned one, do you believe me?
18:51I took it out of the basement.
18:54And this here, I assume, is the US headquarters?
18:59There are different conditions and systems under which you can access a certain area.
19:05And here, we're already at the house of Aleppo.
19:10The situation is already a bit tense.
19:13Excuse me, Boris.
19:16Where are the people in the photos?
19:19In areas like this, it's hard to find ordinary people.
19:25Have you noticed how, lately, people are starting to avoid reporting refugees?
19:33A month ago, we had a performance.
19:35That was great.
19:36We read the refugees' letters.
19:38It was great.
19:39I think we saw about 200-300 of them.
19:41Further on, here.
19:43This is Pechurka.
19:44This is the US military base.
19:47They literally disbanded it two days before we arrived.
19:52I think the Russians got involved.
19:55Excuse me, Boris.
19:57Who pays you, Boris?
20:00Who do you work for?
20:03Mostly for myself.
20:04I'm an independent journalist.
20:06So, you consider yourself an independent journalist?
20:11That's great.
20:12I mean, it's hard to be independent if someone pays you.
20:17Do you consider yourself independent, since you're so smart?
20:22I'm 100% dependent on my parents.
20:26At least I know who pays me.
20:31Excuse me, I have to go.
20:37Okay, let's go.
20:50Sorry if I bothered you.
20:56It was worth it.
21:01Let's go get a drink.
21:03I'm already drunk.
21:07Let's go get a drink.
21:36I'm sorry.
21:37I'm sorry.
21:38I'm sorry.
21:39I'm sorry.
21:40I'm sorry.
21:41I'm sorry.
21:42I'm sorry.
21:43I'm sorry.
21:44I'm sorry.
21:45I'm sorry.
21:46I'm sorry.
21:47I'm sorry.
21:48I'm sorry.
21:49I'm sorry.
21:50I'm sorry.
21:51I'm sorry.
21:52I'm sorry.
21:53I'm sorry.
21:54I'm sorry.
21:55I'm sorry.
21:56I'm sorry.
21:57I'm sorry.
21:58I'm sorry.
21:59I'm sorry.
22:00I'm sorry.
22:01I'm sorry.
22:02I'm sorry.
22:03I'm sorry.
22:04I'm sorry.
22:05I'm sorry.
22:06I'm sorry.
22:07I'm sorry.
22:08I'm sorry.
22:09I'm sorry.
22:10I'm sorry.
22:11I'm sorry.
22:12I'm sorry.
22:13I'm sorry.
22:14I'm sorry.
22:15I'm sorry.
22:16I'm sorry.
22:17I'm sorry.
22:18I'm sorry.
22:19I'm sorry.
22:20I'm sorry.
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22:22I'm sorry.
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24:42I'm sorry.
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24:45I'm sorry.
24:46I'm sorry.
24:47I'm sorry.
24:48I'm sorry.
24:49I'm sorry.
24:50I'm sorry.
24:51I'm sorry.
24:52I'm sorry.
24:53I'm sorry.
24:54I'm sorry.
24:55I'm sorry.
24:56I'm sorry.
24:57I'm sorry.
24:58I'm sorry.