Jerry Jones on the state of the Cowboys... "I'm all in"

  • 3 months ago
Jerry Jones pulls a Mike McDaniel while discussing the state of the Cowboys... "I'm all in." The Cowboys owner tries to calm fans while admitting how rough of a spot he's in contractually. What will Jerry do with Dak Prescott?
00:00You see this, Jerry Jones?
00:03Us, dude, Mike, you think behind closed doors,
00:10they're like, oh crap, we in trouble.
00:11Jerry, say something.
00:15I don't know.
00:16I mean, I don't know what this was.
00:18Cause he has three players who are gonna get paid
00:24top five in their position.
00:26That's not counting the other two
00:27they just assume is leaving.
00:29Yep, yep, yep, yep.
00:30And he has no answer for it.
00:36Oh, he's got, he has an answer.
00:38I mean, he does.
00:39It ain't a good one.
00:40It's a long winded answer.
00:44Here was Jerry Jones yesterday
00:47discussing the state of the Cowboys.
00:51I'm all in.
00:54I'm all in.
00:56Sometimes being all in means you narrow,
01:02you remove the months out here that are in the future
01:10and you narrow it down to where all we're talking about
01:13is right now and the next playoff season.
01:16And that's it for everybody.
01:19We're all in.
01:21We're all in.
01:22It's all right there.
01:24That's okay.
01:27We all got some things out here in the future.
01:30And other two of their years on contracts,
01:32all that stuff.
01:33Let's all get in here.
01:34Zero right now in this.
01:38Dak's got his year contract.
01:41Let's focus right here.
01:42We all got a lot on the line for that playoff game.
01:48A lot of it.
01:49So you got to understand a weird way of looking at it
01:52a little bit with that time.
01:55Now, having said that, I want to say this to our fans.
02:01I know that I have had a lot of mistakes in these years,
02:08but the same guys making this decision
02:12that has the Cowboys and really got there
02:18by the skin of my teeth.
02:20And it was a miracle that I was able to pull it off.
02:26A miracle.
02:28But the same imagination, the same risk taking,
02:34the same taking risks, but being pragmatic,
02:40being inconsistent, sometimes looking like
02:42you're a Mississippi Riverboat gambler.
02:45And then sometimes looking like you're trying
02:47to guard the national ball.
02:50Those inconsistencies are how we got here.
02:54Now, that is what you're seeing going on right now.
02:58And I don't know for sure if it's going to work,
03:02but I am giving it everything I've got,
03:04and I'm all in to have it everything I've got.
03:07As sensitive as our fans are,
03:11they got a full time me.
03:15I'm all in.
03:17Thank you.
03:19All right, Calvin.
03:21Can I just say, can I just break that down for you?
03:27All right, Calvin.
03:28Please give it your best shot.
03:31Dak, CD, Micah, y'all ain't getting nothing.
03:42Let's just concentrate on this year,
03:44and then we'll revisit this next year,
03:48even though we're going to be
03:48in a worse situation next year, right?
03:52Because think about it.
03:55If you get to where you want to go,
04:02say they get to the NFC Championship game.
04:07Dak, CD, and Micah.
04:11Now you really can't afford them all.
04:14Yeah, for sure.
04:15But here's the problem.
04:20They gave up 48 points to Green Bay.
04:26I don't think a defensive player
04:28should be coming asking me for more money, right?
04:33Yeah, I mean, it's his first time getting paid.
04:36Of course he's going to ask for more money, you know?
04:38He can ask, but see, here's what I like to do.
04:43I like to take the reasons why it didn't work
04:48and compare them to what we think of tour, right?
04:55Some quarterbacks, they will always give that benefit to.
05:00For example, Aaron Rodgers,
05:03as long as he's been in Green Bay, no running game,
05:06no playmakers, no defense, right?
05:10That's all we heard with Aaron Rodgers.
05:13Even though they go 13-3, 14-2, 12-4 every year, right?
05:20Some quarterbacks, no matter what is going on around them,
05:25it's on them.
05:26Dak's one of those guys.
05:29Like you can say what you want about Dak.
05:31Dak didn't give up 48 points.
05:32He didn't play a lick of defense.
05:3548 points to Green Bay.
05:39Y'all gave up so many points against Green Bay,
05:41they quarterback-holed them out.
05:43That's true.
05:46And they scored 32.
05:48It wasn't a blowout.
05:50Like as a riverboat gambler,
05:52whatever the hell he's called,
05:52does he know what all-in means?
05:54Because it kind of feels like he's calling.
05:55I don't think he is all-in.
05:57I don't think he understands.
05:58That's not what that means, dude.
05:59As a riverboat gambler, all-in means
06:02that you put all your chips on the table and sign everybody.
06:05It kind of is like, no, you guys are all-in.
06:09I'm going to sit this one out.
06:11I get where he is.
06:12He's in a bad spot.
06:14And he's trying to explain being in a bad spot
06:18while still keeping the enthusiasm of his fans.
06:22And at some point, you just got to be aware that,
06:26man, and it's his own doing,
06:29because at any point in time,
06:30he could have resigned some of these guys earlier
06:31and kind of created some more space for the future.
06:35But he's the only guy that now has,
06:41he's going to have five guys
06:42that's going to get paid in the top five of their position.
06:47And you can't withstand that.
06:51I mean, like, you can.
06:52I mean, first of all, dude, this cap keeps going up.
06:56Not five guys, not five guys.
06:57Every year, every year.
06:58You can have one or two, maybe three guys.
07:00You cannot have five guys getting paid top five money.
07:03Yeah, but the only guy,
07:04the only guy that you really could look at
07:06if you're the Dallas Cowboys,
07:07I'm obvious, you want to like give it one last hurrah.
07:10Like I can understand them saying,
07:11hey, Dak Prescott, let's give it one last hurrah.
07:14You have paid Dak Prescott once.
07:16Yeah, but here's the problem.
07:19If you do this, you can't franchise it.
07:26And athletes are petty too.
07:29Dak could go somewhere just because.
07:31He could, but like the odds are though,
07:33if they do end up giving him the contract that he wants,
07:36he's probably not going to go anywhere.
07:38He's probably not.
07:40Would you be willing to bet your franchise on that?
07:44Am I betting my franchise on Dak Prescott?
07:47If you're an owner and say Dak does well this year
07:52and get you to a NFC championship game,
07:56are you willing to hope with the games
07:59that you've played with Dak,
08:00not only this contract, but the last contract,
08:02that he just says, you know what, I'm done?
08:05Then what?
08:07I don't know.
08:08I feel like if you get to that point,
08:10you're gonna, they're gonna back up the Brink's truck for him.
08:13But then what about the other two guys?
08:15And the other-
08:16Those are the two guys though that I would take care of.
08:18Like I would take care of guys who are young stars like that
08:21and they're on their last deal.
08:22Like I wouldn't play games with that.
08:24Like this is the same thing that we have.
08:26Dak's only 30.
08:27Yeah, but Dak's had a big contract before.
08:29It is different.
08:30It is different between being on your first contract
08:33and Dak Prescott who's already been paid a gazillion dollars.
08:38It is different.
08:39It's not, it's like, it is, it's a little slightly different
08:42and usually quarterbacks, that shelf life
08:44is a little longer.
08:45Like even if Dak Prescott, God forbid,
08:49had a torn ACL this year.
08:51He did.
08:52He got paid when he got hurt last time.
08:53He did, he did.
08:54But I'm just saying like, God forbid that happened.
08:57He still probably would get, I mean,
08:59we just saw how much did Kirk Cousins
09:00get off a torn Achilles?
09:02Someone's gonna pay Dak Prescott.
09:04Right, that's what I'm saying.
09:05That's what I'm saying.
09:07But here, if you own the team,
09:10that's the most important position, right?
09:15Why are we playing games with that position
09:17if you have acknowledged that that's the best,
09:20that's the most important position?
09:21It kind of sounds like though, he said,
09:23like when you say you're all in,
09:24and it sounded like if it flames out this year,
09:27like are they gonna tank?
09:29Can't picture the Cowboys tanking.
09:30Like I remember the last time they've done that.
09:32They've had a pretty, you know, charmed quarterback life.
09:36Like they really have, you know,
09:37they've gone from Romo to Dak Prescott pretty seamlessly.
09:41They haven't had a lot of gaps there
09:42outside of the injuries.
09:45And I can't, I mean, Jerry being the age that he's at,
09:47like, is he really gonna tank?
09:49Like, would he really do that?
09:52I just, I just, I just like,
09:57first of all, I'm a big believer
09:59in keeping the guys you drafted.
10:03I think that's very important
10:05because that is a reflection of your organization,
10:09not the guys you bring in and pay a bunch of money.
10:13I'm all in.
10:15No, he's not.
10:16It sounds like, it sounds like you put your left foot in,
10:20you take your left foot out,
10:21you put your left foot in and you shake it all about.
10:25It don't sound like he all in.
10:26It's the JoJo's hokey pokey.
10:29Put it this way.
10:30I've never met somebody that was all in
10:31that didn't spend no money.
10:33Schmieden says,
10:34Jerry Jones is only two years older than Pat Riley.
10:36Yeah, but come on, look at him.
10:37Pat Riley's handsome, dude.
10:39Yeah, Pat Riley ain't walking around with a bottle of blue.
10:44No, well, he did say he was sipping tequila
10:46at the end of the season, right?
10:48Well, sipping, sipping.
10:50He ain't got, wait, wait.
10:52Nobody don't know what Pat Riley's drink of choice is
10:55because he always drinking it.
10:56Pat Riley, he was drinking the Matthew McConaughey tequila
10:59watching game five, which is just such a sad experience.
11:02It's sad.
11:05He's just like, oh, there's so much Patty Mills.
11:09And then they go on to win.
11:11I don't know how to handle those two situations.
11:17When you look at what Jerry Jones has to deal with,
11:20this two-way situation don't seem that bad.
11:25Cause there's only one guy.
11:28I mean, I guess if you want to throw Tyreek
11:29in there too.
11:30Yeah, but no, there's a difference.
