• 3 months ago
Suddenly Dead, Got the Shot?


00:00:00I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry
00:00:30U.S. life insurance companies have reported an overwhelming and unexplainable increase
00:00:38in all-cause deaths among 18 to 49-year-olds.
00:00:42Along with that, there's also been an increase in certain medical diagnoses such as miscarriages
00:00:46and Bell's palsy.
00:00:49Well, when I first started seeing these strange anomalies in the blood, it's just there's
00:00:55something different about the blood.
00:00:57All of these people that are dying, it doesn't matter what they died of, they were having
00:01:02this unique, there's this unique change in the blood.
00:01:07I feel as though I am seeing something that could be causing their death.
00:01:13No one will see what I see.
00:01:17So in the very beginning, I'm thinking, okay, so COVID could have caused this possibly,
00:01:22but now I'm seeing these in people that supposedly never had COVID.
00:01:26And then you find out they were vaccinated.
00:01:29And so it's like, okay, so it's the vaccine might be causing this.
00:01:34I want people to understand that we're in a fifth-generation warfare.
00:02:05They now seek the news openly to manipulate and deceive the American population.
00:02:29Weapons of mass destruction.
00:02:35Look, you don't believe in any conspiracy theories.
00:02:38Jane, what more can you tell us about the Salomon Brothers building that's collapsed?
00:02:47A leaf of salt.
00:02:48And we're injecting them in little kids' arms.
00:02:51A 19-year-old health worker has developed blood clots.
00:02:54A controversial piece of literature.
00:02:56Just days after getting their second COVID-19 vaccine, two teenage boys died in their sleep.
00:03:03Oh, my God.
00:03:04A nine-year-old went to sleep in Eagle Mountain and never woke up.
00:03:08A school cheerleader who died suddenly.
00:03:10Who knows?
00:03:11Young people are dying.
00:03:12It's this.
00:03:13You know, Matt and I are constantly talking about Malthusian theory.
00:03:15Malthusian theory.
00:03:16I know.
00:03:17I'm sure you are.
00:03:18It says it on one of the coffee cups I was given.
00:03:20You know, when I graduated, when I was at junior college, Chabot Junior College, we finished a history course.
00:03:25And the professor wrote up, you need to learn this word.
00:03:28He wrote up the word triage, which represented, I was told, the concept that eventually the world will have too many people in it in order to subsist on its own.
00:03:37And that stuck with me for a long time.
00:03:39And that's what Inferno is about.
00:03:41The quantum physics of overpopulation.
00:03:44In an instant, there could be too many people on the planet Earth.
00:03:48And actually, the math does add up.
00:03:50Just gave us a 20-second definition of Malthusian theory, which is amazing.
00:03:54Well, that's what I'm built for.
00:03:56I, Thomas Robert Malthus, have merely done you the service of stating the obvious, that the demographics of our situation equal death.
00:04:09Reverend Thomas Robert Malthus was a British demographer of the late 1700s and was the first to popularize the idea that there's simply too many people using up too much resources.
00:04:25How many cars, stereos, fancy bars?
00:04:28How many people could the world support?
00:04:30Well, it depends.
00:04:32It's a sliding scale.
00:04:33Malthusian ideology is often summarized in the following graph.
00:04:38Very simple graphs which project what's going to happen to the planet over the next 150 years if we don't do something drastic to stop it.
00:04:46It's an ideology, an eschatology.
00:04:49Here we can see a chart that looks at the total world population over the last several hundred years.
00:04:58And at first glance, this is a bit scary.
00:05:01And it spawned a new genre of fear that lasted for generations.
00:05:06The fear of overpopulation.
00:05:10You have to get the death rate and birth rate in balance, and there's only two ways to do it.
00:05:15One is to bring the birth rate down, the other is to push the death rate up.
00:05:18If we do not by humane means limit our numbers, then numbers are going to be limited by more famines and shortages.
00:05:25It's reaching plague proportion.
00:05:28No intelligent, patriotic American family ought to have more than two children, preferably one.
00:05:34Maybe anybody who's thinking of having a third child ought to go hungry a week.
00:05:37So should we have policies that penalize people for having extra kids in the developed world?
00:05:43So I do think that we should at least consider it.
00:05:46And this is where people start getting nervous talking about overpopulation and population issues
00:05:50because they're scared that I'm going to take away their rights to have children.
00:05:55It's the belief in a coming apocalypse and that it is you and I who are ushering it in.
00:06:01We're even running out of sand, which may not seem important,
00:06:04but without it you can't make concrete or glass, like for windows,
00:06:08so you can look outside and see the world ending.
00:06:11The world today has 6.8 billion people. That's headed up to about 9 billion.
00:06:16Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services,
00:06:23we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.
00:06:27Well, common sense would tell you if you have a man standing in front of you
00:06:32saying he's going to reduce the world's population by 10 or 15 percent using vaccines,
00:06:38what does that mean to you?
00:06:41It means somebody's going to die because you put a vaccine in them.
00:06:45It doesn't mean you're going to save people.
00:06:48That's pretty much common sense in my brain.
00:06:52But yet I saw him say it. He said it.
00:06:56And here we are. I don't know. I'm just, here we are.
00:07:01I'm now an anti-vaxxer. I wasn't before.
00:07:05From what I've learned here with this and seeing what I've seen,
00:07:09not just in the funeral home but what everybody else has had an opportunity to see,
00:07:16I don't want to take any vaccine because I don't trust the pharmaceutical industry.
00:07:21I mean, I just buried someone recently who died suddenly.
00:07:26It was a sick person in their 60s but otherwise was not sick.
00:07:33And I met with the family and that was my first question was, what happened to him?
00:07:41Somebody mentioned to go onto Google and then type in died suddenly
00:07:45and find the news articles that would pop up.
00:07:58And lo and behold, here's a whole listing of people, of articles,
00:08:03of people within that last week who died suddenly.
00:08:06Younger people, older people, but a lot of younger people throughout around the world.
00:08:16Famous people.
00:08:21Athletes have just dropped dead without explanation.
00:08:29And it's like it's no big deal. It's like we just don't know.
00:08:33It happens. But no, it's not happened. It's never happened like this until now.
00:08:42My phone goes off. I'm trying to make sure I don't miss something.
00:08:45I'm hoping that we can get one of those important calls.
00:08:53See, this is both from carotid and veins.
00:08:56I got to pick that thing.
00:08:57Looks like the alien.
00:08:59Very similar.
00:09:01Apparently, I've got some of that's from a carotid artery and also some veins.
00:09:11Back around November of last year, of 2021, people were asking me,
00:09:17well, how many people are having these strange clots?
00:09:21And I didn't have a very good answer for it.
00:09:24And starting in November, I started making notations of whether or not the person was clotted or not or vaccinated.
00:09:34My green is people that have been verified or vaccinated.
00:09:38Yellow typically is somebody that has smaller clots.
00:09:42And the orange is somebody that had more significant clots, the clots that are really kind of concerning to me.
00:09:49I have it dated for the quarter, I mean, numbered by the quarter.
00:09:52So the entire quarter, I had about 130.
00:09:56Yeah, only almost 14% had no significant clotting.
00:10:01A lot of the substances that I'm seeing are stuff that looks pretty much, it's this white fibrous stuff.
00:10:13Now, instead of calling them blood clots, I try to refer to them as white fibrous clots or white fibrous structures.
00:10:22How come all of a sudden these things are happening in so many people?
00:10:31When I first started seeing these strange clots,
00:10:38in the beginning, I thought, you know, this is kind of weird, it's kind of crazy.
00:10:42I don't understand.
00:10:45As I started gathering more and more photographs, I'm able to share it amongst other people that I work with.
00:10:51I talk to other embalmers that have 30, 40, even 50 years of experience.
00:10:56I'm a licensed funeral director, national board funeral director and certified embalmer.
00:11:00I've been in the death care industry since 1982.
00:11:05I've been embalming, been in the embalming process with well over a thousand bodies.
00:11:10And I had actually noticed some of the differences in the clots as well in some of the bodies I had been embalming.
00:11:17And that had started recently.
00:11:19First time I saw it first hand, pulled out of a deceased, my end, was about three months ago.
00:11:26Been struggling to embalm people for around about 18 months.
00:11:31My embalmer was complaining that he was having trouble getting fluid through people.
00:11:35And the way they do that is they cut into the carotid artery and they pump it around the body via a pump.
00:11:42He was struggling to get it through.
00:11:44And we kind of thought, well, maybe the pump wasn't servicing and I'd look at it.
00:11:48Pulled this out and he kind of grabbed the end of the tweezers.
00:11:51And this comes out in one piece, one elastic piece.
00:11:54It looks like calamari.
00:11:57Longest one that I have on video is probably almost three foot long.
00:12:01Which is incredible to come out of the, you know, the juggler up here.
00:12:06It's just, it's incredible.
00:12:10That is not normal.
00:12:15I talked to other embalmers that have 30, 40, even 50 years of experience.
00:12:20Said, hey, you know, have you guys ever seen this stuff before?
00:12:25And the answer was always, I haven't seen clots like these.
00:12:29These long, white, fibrous, different, not blood clots.
00:12:35But they're clotting the blood so therefore you have to call it a clot.
00:12:39I have been in this profession actually for approximately 12 years
00:12:44and approximately two to 250 bodies per year.
00:12:47And I have never seen anything like this until the vaccination.
00:12:52Now I've been an embalmer for 41 years.
00:12:5541 years I've been an embalmer and I've never seen clots like these.
00:12:59Here's a guy, messaged me the other day.
00:13:03He even sent me a picture.
00:13:05A fellow embalmer?
00:13:07This is not mine. This is his. Same stuff.
00:13:10You see that?
00:13:11You know, we know something's going on.
00:13:14I deal with a lot of funeral directors and embalmers.
00:13:17I attend national conventions, state conventions.
00:13:21I'm very involved.
00:13:22And, you know, we know something different is going on.
00:13:25We don't know exactly what's going on.
00:13:27But the timing of it is just hand in hand.
00:13:31We're connecting dots here.
00:13:34And it certainly appears that there's some relationship to the vaccine
00:13:37and these obstructions that we're seeing.
00:13:40I was in Ohio last week or the week before last,
00:13:43and there were 100 embalmers at the Ohio Embalmers Association in my lecture.
00:13:48And I posed these photos up where people could see them.
00:13:52And nearly all of the embalmers out of 100 in this room
00:13:57raised their hands that they had seen clots
00:14:01and white fibrin structures of that kind of size.
00:14:05And when I ask again, when did they start seeing them?
00:14:09Again, it's that 16 to 18-month period.
00:14:13This is different.
00:14:15And they need to figure out what it is.
00:14:17That's the problem is they need to figure out.
00:14:20That's why we're talking to you, is that we're concerned for humanity.
00:14:26Once I knew what was happening, I'm a man of principle.
00:14:30You know, your family is just as important as mine.
00:14:33And if I don't speak out, we're all finished anyway.
00:14:37As a Canadian embalmer, I have found that everybody I embalmed for over a year
00:14:45had fibrous mass clots.
00:14:51The fiber mass clots had been fed by blood clots at the ends
00:14:58that were integrated into the fiber mass clots.
00:15:01The fiber mass clots themselves were not blood clots.
00:15:05On average, I would embalm a body every day or two.
00:15:10Every single body had them, and they were massive.
00:15:14When I was talking to Dr. Ken Thorpe,
00:15:17he was more concerned about the real tiny clots that he called microclots.
00:15:23And when I asked him about microclots, I was like,
00:15:26let me explain.
00:15:28Sometimes when I'm seeing the blood, it looks like the blood is dirty.
00:15:36Almost like it has little fine grains of sand
00:15:39or almost like fine grains of coffee grounds.
00:15:45The reason why he's more concerned about those is because they will go undetected
00:15:51and they can get lodged up in capillaries
00:15:54and end up slowly starving organs of the oxygen that it needs.
00:16:01So what I did is I captured some blood that looked dirty.
00:16:08It's clouding it up, but see, I wanted you to see the specks that are floating around.
00:16:12There we go.
00:16:13It looks like rust.
00:16:14It does.
00:16:20You can almost see they're like stringy looking.
00:16:27The first time I seen something that I would describe as a different type of blood
00:16:32than I had ever seen consistency of blood was on a younger lady that was in a car accident.
00:16:38And I noticed onto the table as we were getting a little bit of drainage from her
00:16:44that her blood looked as if it was, the only way to describe it is blood on beach sand.
00:16:49It was sticking to the table.
00:16:51I began noticing strange things with the blood looking like it had coffee grinds or sand in it
00:16:59to complete separation like a clear orangish fluid
00:17:07and then clots coming later like the blood had almost separated.
00:17:17And of course then there are the fibrin structures that we get
00:17:23and it doesn't matter if it's a young or old person.
00:17:34I'd like you to kind of feel.
00:17:44Kind of hold on to it.
00:17:45It's like a rubber band almost.
00:17:46Yeah, like a rubber band or like calamari.
00:17:48So of course that explains people stroking out.
00:17:52And that was my concern in the very beginning of all this.
00:17:57The whole thing was as I'm seeing all of these strange clots,
00:18:03I'm hearing stories of blood clots and embolisms and sudden heart attacks.
00:18:11Scientists say there has been an increased rise, a sharp rise in unexplained deaths
00:18:16during the pandemic, deaths that are not listed as COVID-related.
00:18:34I would just like to find answers because so many people,
00:18:38young people are just dropping dead.
00:18:40There were two in the local paper today out of Lafayette, Indiana,
00:18:44and I questioned how did they die?
00:18:46Autopsies are not being done and performed as often and as frequent
00:18:51as they had been done in the past.
00:18:53There's no way that that type of obstruction would not cause stroke,
00:18:59heart failure, some type of pulmonary embolism that would certainly take someone out.
00:19:04Now most of the people are not autopsied.
00:19:09Therefore, no one will see what I see.
00:19:13And that's why what we see back there, people need to know.
00:19:19Nobody will know unless we tell them what we're seeing because it happens
00:19:27and then you have a visitation and a burial and it's over.
00:19:31I feel as though I am seeing something that could be causing their death.
00:19:37And the dead can't speak for themselves.
00:19:40So therefore, the only way to bring this forward is like I have to speak for them.
00:19:53Since the vaccine, this rubbery stuff, this stuff here is absolutely...
00:20:02Hold on, I don't know who this is.
00:20:18I'll be there as soon as I can.
00:20:22I'll be there as soon as I can.
00:20:24I'll give you a call shortly.
00:20:25All right.
00:20:30Well, it looks like I got to go to work.
00:20:33So maybe you guys can come with me and we can talk along the way.
00:20:42I've been trying to warm people up to the idea of doing it.
00:20:47So maybe we just go ahead and try to go up there
00:20:51and I'll give them a call as we're on our way and see what they say.
00:21:04Good morning.
00:21:05My name is Lieutenant Colonel Theresa Long
00:21:08and I've been invited here today to testify to the truth
00:21:11before the legislators of Idaho.
00:21:14The information I'm presenting is made as a protected communication
00:21:18under Title X USC 1034 as a whistleblower.
00:21:22My opinions are my own and do not reflect that of the United States Army,
00:21:26the DOD, or any entity thereof.
00:21:29Insurance companies figure that if there was something catastrophic
00:21:32that happened to the United States,
00:21:35they would see a 10% increase in all-cause morbidity and mortality.
00:21:4010%, just like an unprecedented, catastrophic, you know,
00:21:45natural event or something that happened in the United States.
00:21:48U.S. life insurance companies have reported an overwhelming
00:21:51and unexplainable increase in all-cause deaths among 18 to 49-year-olds.
00:21:5640% is, no one's even, no one's even calculated that.
00:22:05I mean, that's never been factored into what things would look like.
00:22:10It's apocalyptic.
00:22:13In my 15 years as a doctor taking care of soldiers,
00:22:17I have never seen this litany of debilitating
00:22:21and potentially deadly medical malpractice.
00:22:24Debilitating and potentially deadly medical conditions in soldiers.
00:22:29These conditions included strokes, transit ischemic attacks,
00:22:33pericarditis, myocarditis, erratic heart rates, arrhythmias,
00:22:37rapid onset and progression of various cancers to include
00:22:40testicular cancer, esophageal cancer, brain tumors, neuroendocrine tumors,
00:22:45spinal tumors, thyroid dysfunction, multiple sclerosis,
00:22:48cognitive impairment, persistent severe insomnia,
00:22:52suppression of the immune system, unprovoked blood clots
00:22:55in the splenic and portal vein, avascular necrosis,
00:22:58liver dysfunction, menstrual irregularities, and miscarriages.
00:23:02Well, I think if you look at the 5.3.6 post-marketing analysis report,
00:23:07the 1,291 adverse events, I don't think those came as diagnostic tests.
00:23:13I think they came as confirmatory tests.
00:23:17You ordered a product, you wanted the product to kill people.
00:23:21Hey, stockholders, we got exactly what you ordered.
00:23:25Fourth shot, Borla, the CEO of Pfizer.
00:23:27Good for CVS, good for Walmart, good for your health.
00:23:29When I reached out to Army Public Health Command
00:23:32and numerous senior medical and operational leaders
00:23:35about my safety concerns, I was ignored.
00:23:38Threats against my career were made, but no appropriate actions
00:23:42were taken to fully investigate the number and scope
00:23:45of adverse medical events after COVID vaccines.
00:23:49What I was here today to speak about truly was
00:23:52the weaponization of public health.
00:23:54Oh, I forgot to mention, I'm also a whistleblower.
00:23:57That's my...
00:23:59That person right there called me one day.
00:24:02I called her, I can't remember, it was an email.
00:24:05And she said, have you seen the DMED system?
00:24:07Have you seen what it's up?
00:24:09And I'm like, I'm working on the border.
00:24:11I'm trying to stop 12,000 people from coming across this border a week.
00:24:14And she said, well, take a look at it.
00:24:17Seeing the DMED data...
00:24:21I have significant concerns that we won't have a standing Army
00:24:26in five years.
00:24:28Case 1-01, United States Air Force A-10 instructor pilot,
00:24:32mid-30-year-old male, hospitalized 12 hours after vaccination.
00:24:36Diagnosed with pericarditis anaphylaxis,
00:24:38removed from flight status for six months,
00:24:40thus negatively impacting unit mission readiness.
00:24:43I have never felt so abandoned by the military.
00:24:45I have been forced to take something that brought me close to my death.
00:24:49I was mocked, discredited, unsupported.
00:24:52Our squad and morale was ripped to shreds.
00:24:54All these things were completely unnecessary.
00:24:56We were truly less ready on multiple levels.
00:24:59I had to talk to a wife of a soldier that had a stroke
00:25:03which required speech rehab for several months
00:25:06and talk to her while he was in the ICU
00:25:09and say to her, he's going to be OK
00:25:12and he'll be able to serve again because it's what he loved to do.
00:25:15Back in September 2021, I submitted an affidavit
00:25:18in the Robert V. Austin case
00:25:20in which I outlined how the DOD
00:25:22was violating its own risk management process
00:25:25in their push to mandate the vaccine of every member
00:25:28of the armed forces with an experimental vaccine.
00:25:32After my testimony was made public,
00:25:34the DOD made no effort to investigate my safety concerns.
00:25:39I got contacted by Attorney Tom Renz over the weekend
00:25:43who represents some whistleblowers within the Department of Defense.
00:25:47I have declarations from all three.
00:25:49This is under penalty of perjury.
00:25:52We intend to submit this to the courts.
00:25:54We have substantial data showing that we saw, for example,
00:26:00miscarriages increased by 300% over the five-year average, almost.
00:26:06We saw almost 300% increase in cancer over the five-year average.
00:26:12Cancer is not being talked about except for by Dr. Ryan Cole.
00:26:15Thank you, doctor.
00:26:17I was the first pathologist in the world to say,
00:26:19guys, we're seeing an uptick in cancers.
00:26:22That toxic spike protein has so many mechanisms
00:26:25that allow cancers to wake up
00:26:27and certain cancer genes that it binds to and promotes mechanisms.
00:26:31Everywhere I go, radiologists, interventional radiologists,
00:26:34oncologists, cancer surgeons like I met today,
00:26:37cancer, cancer, cancer, 30-year-olds, 20-year-olds, 40-year-olds,
00:26:41reactivated or second shot, third shot, month later,
00:26:46breast cancer stage 4 everywhere.
00:26:48We saw, this one's amazing, neurological.
00:26:52So neurological issues which would affect our pilots,
00:26:56over 1,000% increase, 1,000.
00:26:59Ten times, that's ten times rate and obviously that...
00:27:0283,000, 82,000 per year to 863,000 in one year.
00:27:08Our soldiers are being experimented on, injured,
00:27:12and sometimes possibly killed.
00:27:14Senator Johnson looked in the camera and said...
00:27:17The Department of Defense, the Biden administration is on notice.
00:27:21They must preserve these records, and this must be investigated.
00:27:26And within 24 hours, that system that is run
00:27:29by the Defense Health Agency was shut down.
00:27:34This is the bottom line up front.
00:27:36This is the weaponization of our health care system.
00:27:39These are done in acts by legislators.
00:27:42These all started a long time ago.
00:27:45Some could say in biblical times with good and evil.
00:27:47If we think that there are not nefarious actors in the world,
00:27:49people that work for principalities and dark places,
00:27:52if we think that, we're fooling ourselves, right?
00:27:55Because that's where we're at.
00:27:57In 1974, Henry Kissinger put out a paper
00:28:00that said we need to decrease the world population.
00:28:03And that's when the globalists kicked in.
00:28:05We've got to stabilize the population.
00:28:08When I was born...
00:28:09So what's wrong with the population?
00:28:11There were too many people.
00:28:12That's why we have global warming.
00:28:14We have global warming because too many people are using too much stuff.
00:28:18Our book, Limits to Growth, was the first concrete effort
00:28:22using a computer to look at trends that unfold over decades,
00:28:27even a century.
00:28:30We were trying to understand long-term physical demands on the planet.
00:28:36And in the 70s, we were thinking that probably in the period 2010 to 2030
00:28:41was when the planet would start to encounter limits.
00:28:44Here is what Dr. Meadows' computer shows.
00:28:47Since the year 1900, the Earth's resources,
00:28:50there at the top of the chart, have been steadily used up
00:28:53as population, food consumption, and production of goods have soared.
00:28:58Ahead of us, sometime after the year 2000,
00:29:01this computer study foresees calamity.
00:29:04Resources drop more steeply, and food and production follow suit.
00:29:08Population continues to expand for perhaps one more generation,
00:29:12then collapses calamitously as deprivation takes hold.
00:29:18Now, 11 billion people is still a lot,
00:29:20but the good news is that the faster we improve health,
00:29:24the faster family size goes down.
00:29:27The World Economic Forum.
00:29:29You have Klaus Schwab and George Soros and Bill Gates.
00:29:34They talk about depopulation.
00:29:36They talk about all of these kind of utopic ideas that they have.
00:29:40The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
00:29:43are 17 targets we must meet by 2030
00:29:46to ensure decent lives for all on a healthy planet.
00:29:50Right now, it's expected we will fail.
00:29:53One reason for that is the growth in our global population.
00:29:57We have a golden opportunity to seize something good from this crisis.
00:30:03COVID-19 also helped legitimize instruments of control.
00:30:10It's a deep systemic and structural restructuring of our world.
00:30:17Therefore, we have a unique but rapidly shrinking window of opportunity
00:30:21to learn lessons and reset ourselves on a more sustainable path.
00:30:25This pandemic has provided an opportunity for a reset.
00:30:29This is our chance to accelerate our pre-pandemic efforts
00:30:32to reimagine economic systems that actually address global challenges
00:30:36like extreme poverty, inequality, and climate change.
00:30:40Also be clear, the future is not just happening.
00:30:44The future is built by us.
00:30:48Those people definitely have had tremendous influence
00:30:51and sway in this whole thing.
00:30:53And that is why they seemingly know how to hold these events
00:30:56and almost perfectly predict what's going to happen.
00:31:00The Event 201 scenario is fictional,
00:31:04but it's based on public health principles, epidemiologic modeling,
00:31:08and assessment of past outbreaks.
00:31:10An outbreak that circles the globe and affects people everywhere.
00:31:15In other words, we've created a pandemic that could realistically occur.
00:31:19I know we would all agree that if we had a vaccine in hand for caps,
00:31:23it'd be a game changer.
00:31:25A majority of Americans expect a vaccine to be available within two months.
00:31:29And 65% of those polled are eager to take the vaccine,
00:31:33even if it's experimental.
00:31:35Vaccinate, vaccinate, make an appointment.
00:31:39Vaccinate, vaccinate, make an appointment.
00:31:43I've got the vaccine up inside my body.
00:31:46Got the vaccine up inside my life.
00:31:50Got the vaccine up inside my life.
00:31:53Will we get our dose? Just please hurry.
00:31:56I got nothing.
00:31:57And come on, vaccine.
00:31:59Trust in your health care.
00:32:01Shot, shot, shot, shot.
00:32:04Stayin' alive, stayin' alive.
00:32:06It's time for us to trust and not debate.
00:32:08The vaccine, believe it's safe to take.
00:32:10And we will shoot 500 vials.
00:32:14And we will spit 500 more.
00:32:17We have a good time when you're the vaccine.
00:32:20Stick it in me.
00:32:25And because you are in a war, because this is a fifth-generation warfare for your hearts and your minds,
00:32:30it's done mostly by digits, right, through the computer and those kind of things.
00:32:34But it's also done with adjunct weaponry.
00:32:37And this adjunct weaponry in this case is a COVID jab.
00:32:40They don't want you to know that your body is now their property and playground.
00:32:46And they will do with you what they feel like doing to you.
00:32:49And they will destroy your life if you don't take a lethal needle in your arm.
00:32:57And it is. It's the new bullet. It's the new missile.
00:33:00It's the new form of warfare.
00:33:02You don't need to fire a bullet and win a war.
00:33:04I wanted people to understand that we're in a fifth-generation warfare.
00:33:08Fifth generation is for the heart and the mind.
00:33:12The United States government has been engaged in psychological operations on its own citizens for over 60 years.
00:33:19MKUltra and Operation Mockingbird are just two of the declassified programs designed to manipulate the minds of Americans and the world.
00:33:30The majority of these operations occur in plain sight,
00:33:34with the purpose of gaslighting and undermining those who seek the truth and pose a threat to the agenda of the global elite.
00:33:44Just kidding, you conspiracy theorists.
00:33:46The government would never lie to you.
00:33:48Read. My. Lips.
00:34:05OK. Because we got a call regarding you coming over here multiple times and it seems like they don't want to talk to you.
00:34:16Well, now it seems that way because she called the police on me.
00:34:20You should always be suspicious if the people in charge of safety don't want to see the safety data.
00:34:30That should be a red flag.
00:34:32I couldn't understand why people aren't looking at this data.
00:34:37Even the clinical trial for the Pfizer vaccine showed that the vaccine killed more people than the placebo group.
00:34:47It's supposed to be the other way around.
00:34:51So what's your name?
00:34:53My name is Steve Kirsch.
00:34:55Steve Kirsch?
00:34:57Where do you work?
00:34:58I'm a journalist for Substack.
00:35:01Yeah. I have about close to a million followers on Substack.
00:35:05So I've been called an anti-vaxxer. I've been called a misinformation spreader.
00:35:12MIT has labeled me a misinformation super spreader.
00:35:17And in fact, if you go Google, you type in misinformation super spreader, I'm the top hit in the entire world.
00:35:26Why am I labeled a misinformation super spreader?
00:35:30I have no history at all of being a conspiracy theorist.
00:35:37How do I go from being, hey, you should get vaccinated?
00:35:40Waving the flag to I love Tony Fauci to saying, wow, we've been lied to.
00:35:47How did that happen?
00:35:50I was vaccinated in March of 2021.
00:35:54My wife was vaccinated and all my kids were vaccinated.
00:35:57So you couldn't call me an anti-vaxxer.
00:36:01I've always gotten all these vaccines that the government has recommended.
00:36:04I've always trusted the government.
00:36:06And then I started hearing stories from my friends.
00:36:10So one person said that she asked me if the vaccines were safe.
00:36:16And I said, of course, they're safe.
00:36:17And I said, why are you asking me this question?
00:36:19I mean, like, you know, have you not turned on the news?
00:36:22Like, where have you been?
00:36:23She said, well, three of my relatives were vaccinated and they died a week later.
00:36:30And they were all perfectly healthy before they got the vaccine.
00:36:36And I said, well, that's impossible.
00:36:39That must be wrong.
00:36:40And like, and then she replied, yeah, but they're dead.
00:36:47Is it really safe?
00:36:50And is it really effective?
00:36:52These vaccines are safe.
00:36:54They are incredibly effective.
00:36:56Vaccines are safe and effective.
00:36:59Getting a booster different from your original vaccination is likely safe and effective.
00:37:04But if there's one message that needs to cut through all this, the vaccines are safe.
00:37:10I promise you they are safe and effective.
00:37:14Researchers have confirmed that the Oxford AstraZeneca COVID vaccine is safe and effective.
00:37:21This is what you don't see.
00:37:41Surprisingly, most people don't want to know what's in the vaccines.
00:37:48In fact, nobody wants to know what's in the vaccines because nobody in Congress is asking to analyze the vials.
00:37:55Nobody in the mainstream media has ever asked what's in the vials.
00:38:02And the public doesn't want to know either because the public's not asking what's in these vaccines.
00:38:07If people understood what was in the vaccine, they'd go apeshit.
00:38:10The first one is a typical package insert that we see with any vaccine.
00:38:15When you open the box next to the vial, you find a package insert that has information about what the product contains.
00:38:23And this is a typical vaccine insert from a vaccine that helps protect against meningitis.
00:38:32It's a more traditional childhood vaccine.
00:38:35And the other label that I'm going to show you, or the other package insert, came from a box of mRNA product.
00:38:44So vaccine that was brought to the clinic for the purpose of giving that to children.
00:38:49And this should look the same as the other package insert that I showed you.
00:38:54But yet when we open it almost two years into this, we find that it still says intentionally blank.
00:39:01And I mean, they're allowed to, under emergency authorization, put anything in them they want.
00:39:05And the FDA isn't inspecting any of these facilities.
00:39:09The European Medicine Agency allowed the purity to go from 100% requirement down to 50%.
00:39:17And then all of a sudden in the middle of the shot rollouts, you hear, oh, OK, we don't have to worry about this cold chain.
00:39:23So now you've got degrading products, which probably benefited some people in the sense that they broke down so fast that they got basically some mushy fat and sludge and dodged the bullet.
00:39:34But the ones who got the proper dose at the proper temperature are probably the ones that got harmed the most.
00:39:38I mean, how much liquor are they making? Billions?
00:39:41mRNA was the technology, but we had less experience, only two years working on this.
00:39:46And actually, mRNA was a technology that never delivered a single product until that day.
00:39:53Not vaccine, not any other medicine.
00:39:56So it was very counterintuitive.
00:39:59And I was surprised when they suggested to me that this is the way to go.
00:40:03Now, Steve Kearse, by the way, has a great offer out there for your listeners.
00:40:06I don't know if you know about this. No.
00:40:08His offer is anybody from any major academic medical center or any government agency who will come to the table and have a fair discussion on vaccine safety and efficacy.
00:40:19He'll pay him two million dollars.
00:40:22Anybody? I offered a million dollars, not not to win the debate, just to come to the table.
00:40:28A million dollars. And when they refused the million dollars.
00:40:33I said, OK, name your price is five million, 10 million, 100 million.
00:40:41What will it take for us to have a civil discussion on the record?
00:40:47On the record, on recorded, where we can go through the evidence in the various system and other pieces of data so that we can have an open discussion about this.
00:40:58So the VAERS is a voluntary reporting system.
00:41:01And it was created this way because the drug companies negotiated with the government to say the government said we will give you liability protection for your vaccines.
00:41:14But the quid pro quo is that we're going to establish this vaccine adverse event reporting system, which, of course, they could have done anyway.
00:41:21We have a VAERS system in the United States system in Israel was even worse in March.
00:41:28These researchers came to the Israeli Ministry of Health and said, hey, we got a problem here.
00:41:33Basically, they're told that the vaccines are killing and hurting people and you're withholding that information from the Israeli people.
00:41:43So the latest Israeli vaccination studies are out.
00:41:46And Steve Kirsch says the results prove that the government was lying all along about the frequency of adverse events from covid shots.
00:41:53Shocker. I sent an email to over 200, close to 300 people at the CDC asking if any of them wanted to see the data.
00:42:02OK, almost 300 people, not a single person wanted to see the data at the CDC.
00:42:10Stu, I have the personal cell phone for Grace Lee, who is the chair of the ACIP committee, which is the outside committee of the CDC.
00:42:23I asked if she wanted to see the data. She ignored me.
00:42:27Did they explicitly tell, you know, or did they just ignore you?
00:42:31No, they just ignore me.
00:42:34I have. Yeah. Yeah.
00:42:37It's a letter to contact her because she's not reachable.
00:42:41She's not reachable in her office. She doesn't answer her cell phone.
00:42:45So her assistant doesn't answer, doesn't answer her email.
00:42:49That committee is responsible for approving and being the outside independent source for approving these vaccines.
00:43:00How did ACIP recently come to the decision to recommend covid-19 shots for this latest group of young kids?
00:43:06And what kinds of things were you looking for in the data?
00:43:09We got a call regarding you coming over here multiple times and it seems like they don't want to talk to you.
00:43:16Well, now it seems that way because she called the police on me.
00:43:20You know, I think we need to recognize that covid-19 is here to stay, that vaccines make for a safer and more reliable way to develop immunity against infection.
00:43:29But now it's very clear that she's actively avoiding the question of whether she wants to see the Israeli data that shows the vaccines are not safe.
00:43:38That's pretty serious.
00:43:40Well, it seems like she's not interested.
00:43:43How in the world could anyone, especially the top person in the world responsible for safety, not want to see the safety data that shows that the vaccines are not safe?
00:43:59They don't want to be confronted with even the question, do you want to see the data?
00:44:06They want to have plausible deniability.
00:44:09Because the Pfizer covid vaccine tested on stopping the transmission of the virus before it entered the market.
00:44:19Did we know about stopping humanization before it's entered the market?
00:44:24Pfizer vaccine not only stops people from getting sick, but also stops them from spreading the virus to other people.
00:44:30One vaccine could curb virus transmission from just a single dose.
00:44:35They're stopping people also from transmitting the disease.
00:44:38And the chances are very likely that you'll not be able to transmit it to other people.
00:44:43Yes, it will protect you, but honestly, it's not for you.
00:44:46It's so you don't kill other people.
00:44:48It's so you don't spread it to other people.
00:44:51114 million Americans, nearly half the adult population in this country has had a vaccine shot already.
00:44:57114 million of us have had it.
00:45:00The number of people who have died from getting the shot is zero.
00:45:03There are about 14,000 Americans who have reported deaths.
00:45:11Now, that's probably underreported by a factor of 100.
00:45:17So you take the 14,000 deaths that are reported in the virus, you multiply it by 100, you get 1.4 million.
00:45:24But the deaths that happened five months later, and that's the bulk of them, are not going to get reported in the VAERS system.
00:45:55An elderly woman has died in what's believed to be South Australia's first case of fatal blood clotting caused by the AstraZeneca COVID vaccine.
00:46:10Investigation is underway tonight over whether a local man suffered blood clots as a result of getting the Pfizer vaccine.
00:46:25Two teachers who were at Soames Elementary School for more than 20 years and passed away suddenly this school year.
00:46:44He's got a lot of blood.
00:46:47He's got a lot of blood.
00:46:51He's got a lot of blood.
00:47:06Therapeutic Goods Administration is calling for calm following the deaths of two people in our state who received the COVID vaccine.
00:47:20Woodgrove High School student-athlete Colette Bain passed away unexpectedly after a medical emergency.
00:47:50A 20-year-old nursing student died of cardiac arrest one day after getting the mandatory.
00:48:03The 16-year-old had a cardiac arrhythmia.
00:48:06A high school cheerleader who died suddenly.
00:48:08Conclusions over the death of a woman from blood clots after receiving the COVID vaccine.
00:48:12A Queensland man is in intensive care tonight suffering a blood clot after receiving his AstraZeneca vaccine.
00:48:17A local man suffered blood clots as a result to a blockage in an artery.
00:48:21With medical experts confirming the death of a Central Coast woman is likely linked to the jab.
00:48:33I said, we're just going to have to get used to this.
00:48:36And he says, the shots.
00:48:37And I said, yeah, we're just going to have to get used to this.
00:48:39This is the way it is.
00:48:41If people keep doing this, then this is going to keep happening.
00:48:44The vaccine can kill you two different ways.
00:48:46It can kill you in the short term.
00:48:48Now, there's a longer term effect.
00:48:50And this takes five months to kill you.
00:48:53And this is when your veins are basically clogged up with this protein material, this amyloid protein material that's not blood clots.
00:49:05Now, the timing of when the embalmers first started seeing these blood clots, mid-2021.
00:49:13So many miles on my car, you know.
00:49:16You know, it seems like half of my time is driving from one funeral home to another.
00:49:25The busiest I ever was, to be honest, was January of 2021.
00:49:32Now, I didn't even think about it being related to the vaccine at all at the time.
00:49:38Looking back, I say, no wonder they died of a heart attack or a stroke or some kind of a pulmonary embolism.
00:49:46Because you can't live with this stuff in you.
00:49:50Probably do about 160 funerals a year.
00:49:52So I've been waiting for a young person that died suddenly, who'd also had a postmortem.
00:49:58And then the family had asked me to embalm.
00:50:01So there are three planets that needed to align.
00:50:04And this poor guy, he was full of it.
00:50:07It was hanging out of him like spaghetti.
00:50:09This one here came out of the aorta from the heart.
00:50:14They take the shape of the vessels that they're growing in totally.
00:50:20And they gradually fill the vessels as they grow.
00:50:24And these, obviously, that's what's killed him.
00:50:29Hey, I just want to let you know I'm pulling into the funeral home here.
00:50:36And I've got some guys that are with me.
00:50:39Are you fine with me bringing them in?
00:50:58This is the iliac artery.
00:51:08And this clot coming out of the iliac.
00:51:18Normally we don't see clots in the iliac in an artery.
00:51:24Usually they're in veins.
00:51:26And I'm probably not going to be able to get it all.
00:51:39This is not one of them.
00:51:47This side of this one.
00:51:49The big one came out of the vein.
00:51:53The small one came out of the iliac artery.
00:52:09As the months passed by, the clots became worse.
00:52:13And each person, the quantity of them was much larger.
00:52:18And they were getting larger.
00:52:22We were doing an injection and drainage into the comicarotid artery.
00:52:28And we were getting fluid in.
00:52:31And then all of a sudden it just stopped.
00:52:33We could not get any more fluid.
00:52:34We were not getting any drainage of any type.
00:52:37Look at that.
00:52:39Watch out.
00:52:41That's a monster.
00:52:44Holy Jesus.
00:52:46Come on.
00:52:49I believe the only way that a medical doctor could see this in the body
00:52:56is if they actually went internally into the body.
00:53:00So this is coming out of a beating heart, right?
00:53:08Look at this. Tell me if it looks the same way.
00:53:19It's so good for you to come in today.
00:53:21It's good to see you.
00:53:22Thank you, Doc.
00:53:23So I'm excited to get this thermal imaging scan.
00:53:26But before we do that, I want to learn a little bit more about your medical history.
00:53:30Tell me when this all started, these symptoms that you had.
00:53:33Early August of this year, my leg started swelling.
00:53:37I was getting a lot of pain from the crotch area.
00:53:41I was getting a lot of pain from the crotch area.
00:53:44My leg started swelling.
00:53:45I was getting a lot of pain from the crotch area all the way down to the ankle.
00:53:51They did a Doppler on it, and I had several clots in my leg.
00:53:54Oh, wow.
00:53:55So I was transported to the hospital, and they confirmed that,
00:54:00and also that I had a clot in my lungs.
00:54:03So you went into the hospital.
00:54:04They put you on a blood thinner, presumably.
00:54:07Yes, I got put on Eliquis when I was being released.
00:54:11And come to find out, the Eliquis did not work for me.
00:54:16And did they let you know that that is extremely rare?
00:54:20Every doctor I saw said it was extremely rare.
00:54:25Which side did you get the shot in?
00:54:27Which arm?
00:54:28I think it was both.
00:54:30Do you think it could have been the left for both of them?
00:54:32Because you got two, right?
00:54:33Yeah, it could have been the left.
00:54:35Because the left arm definitely looked much higher thermal signal than the right.
00:54:40Yeah, so we can see the left side of his face has a much stronger thermal image,
00:54:44and then the white is also extremely hot.
00:54:47And this is in the area of the pre- and post-auricular lymphadenopathy chain.
00:54:52And then the tonsillar is also very well lit up, submandibular, submental.
00:54:57The left side was the one where he has confirmed clots.
00:55:00The right side here is showing significant issues with the vascular system.
00:55:06I would recommend referring for an ultrasound of the lower extremities bilaterally
00:55:10to rule out any kind of new clotting or venous obstructions.
00:55:23Hi, Michelle. This is Nick and Matthew. How are you?
00:55:26I'm good.
00:55:28Before the vaccines came out, there were one to two fetal demises every two or three months.
00:55:36You would see one.
00:55:46I finally had enough when I got this email the other day.
00:55:50It said that there was a record number of fetal demises
00:55:54and that there were 22 of them in one month.
00:55:58And in this email, it said that it's projected to increase each month.
00:56:03The fetal demise in gestational mothers in that 22 to 26-week period,
00:56:10I had a run of that at my funeral home,
00:56:13and five of the six were vaccinated.
00:56:17The other had remdesivir, and they all lost their infants.
00:56:22We've just seen a fridge full of babies, but we're not actually doing the funeral.
00:56:26So that's a mystery to me as to where these babies are going.
00:56:32So are you saying there's more fetuses in the refrigerators now than there was prior to 2021?
00:56:38Yeah, I'm saying there's more fetuses now in the refrigerator than I've seen ever before.
00:56:44I've been doing high-risk obstetrics for 43 years.
00:56:47I see a vast number of patients a year.
00:56:52I don't know of any other maternal fetal medicine physician in this country
00:56:57that sees as many patients as I do by ultrasound.
00:57:01At one point in time this year, I was on track to see 9,000 high-risk OB ultrasounds.
00:57:07So I know what's going on.
00:57:09And I've seen death and destruction like I've never seen before.
00:57:14The stillbirth rate is measured in terms of live births per thousand.
00:57:19And really it's come down in my career from about 10 to about almost 5.8 or 6.
00:57:25Now let's go to 2021 and look at the stillbirth rate for Michelle's.
00:57:32This is horrifying, but if you take this death figure and you look at that rate at 29.3,
00:57:39that sigma that you're looking at is 40 plus sigma, standard deviation.
00:57:51Let that sink in.
00:57:55This is from Waterloo, Canada.
00:57:5783 stillbirths, about 4,000 deliveries.
00:58:02It's that exact same thing you saw with Michelle's.
00:58:12If that weren't bad enough, you'd be surprised at how many stillbirths there are.
00:58:19If that weren't bad enough, look at this.
00:58:25I couldn't even put it.
00:58:27There were 13 dead fetuses in one 24-hour period.
00:58:32One 24-hour period.
00:58:351,200-fold increases in menstrual abnormalities.
00:58:42And then when we get into pregnancy, we're looking at a substantial increase in miscarriages and birth defects.
00:58:50A substantial risk of fetal cardiac arrhythmia, fetal cardiac malformations.
00:58:55Significant fetal growth slowing.
00:58:57Significant reduction in amniotic fluid.
00:59:00Fetal cardiac arrest.
00:59:06The vaccine causes a significant inflammatory effect.
00:59:11Three different safety monitoring systems.
00:59:13Again, they found no significant safety signals for the mother or for the fetus.
00:59:19Because we have to remember, in obstetrics, we're dealing with two patients.
00:59:21So no increased risks to be vaccinated while pregnant.
00:59:25Anything that causes inflammation in my business, in my area of expertise, causes damage, injury, death, and destruction in pregnancy.
00:59:38We've known that for half a century.
00:59:42On March 1st, the FDA released the first round of thousands of pages of data submitted by Pfizer for review of their COVID-19 vaccine.
00:59:51It's the 5.3.6 post-marketing analysis of the adverse events in which they outlined that 83% of all pregnant women who got vaccinated ended up with a dead baby.
01:00:05They had 270 pregnancies.
01:00:07They could not account for what happened to 238 of those pregnancies.
01:00:12And the remaining pregnancies resulted in a dead baby.
01:00:16And they only had one normal outcome.
01:00:19And originally, the documents were going to take 55 years to be released.
01:00:22But because of a court order, we'll get all of the documents by year's end.
01:00:29Thank you for the floor, Mr. President.
01:00:31Honorable National Assembly.
01:00:33In January this year, something happened that has not happened for decades.
01:00:37The birth rate fell by 20% compared to the same period last year.
01:00:42Csaba Géthout, researcher at the KRTK Institute of Economics, points out that this drastic decline came just nine months after the COVID mass vaccinations began in Hungary.
01:00:55Now, I will say, a friend of mine, she just told me this the other day.
01:00:58Her mother had volunteered at the hospital prior to COVID.
01:01:01So they called her and said, hey, would you come back in and volunteer?
01:01:06And she volunteered obstetrics, right, babies.
01:01:09So she said, yeah, all right.
01:01:11So they retrained her.
01:01:12And then they called her back and said, I guess there's no point in you coming in.
01:01:16We're not having any babies born.
01:01:19I never pass up an opportunity when I see a newborn baby.
01:01:23I stop and I drink it in.
01:01:28Because my heart aches to think that seeing a newborn baby may become one of the rarest things.
01:01:36And I want to be wrong.
01:01:38I hope I'm wrong.
01:01:41But so many people have taken this.
01:01:51There's nothing as close to seeing the face of God as seeing a newborn.
01:01:58And you have just evil that is destroying them.
01:02:07And my heart hurts for God.
01:02:11Like, you could give people all of this.
01:02:15And they would use their time, energy and talents to try and destroy it.
01:02:22What the last two years has taught me, it's taught me that there is a pure evil in this world.
01:02:29A pure evil that has no respect for any of us.
01:02:34Where I can tell you, we are regarded as the worst people in the world.
01:02:41Where I can tell you, we are regarded in much the same way as livestock.
01:02:47We were trained that the one thing that prevented adversaries from deploying bioweapons
01:02:52was that in order for them to have a strategic impact,
01:02:55our enemy would have to have a delivery mechanism that would allow them
01:02:59to expose a large enough population of people in a short enough period of time
01:03:05before the people knew they were being attacked.
01:03:07Dispersion in the air would be cumbersome and ineffective,
01:03:10given UV light, dispersion, wind patterns,
01:03:12and that there are generally not significantly large enough numbers of people
01:03:16outside concentrated in a small area.
01:03:19Likewise, attempting to put them in water would have limited effectiveness
01:03:23because of dilution, degradation from chloride, etc.
01:03:28But what if?
01:03:30What if hundreds of millions of people would willingly,
01:03:34or under the duress of fear,
01:03:36allow themselves to be injected with a bioweapon?
01:03:40What if global mass vaccination could be accomplished in a short period of time
01:03:45by applying relentless coercion tactics
01:03:48and psychological operations to demoralize people into submission?
01:03:54It's my professional medical opinion that this is a bioweapon
01:03:58and that this was a bioweapon unleashed against humanity.
01:04:04With the intent to depopulate and control the population of the world.
01:04:12Basically, it's achieving its goal.
01:04:14If the goal was to reduce the world's population, it's working.
01:04:17This has been well planned.
01:04:19This is Agenda 2030.
01:04:21This is the Great Reset.
01:04:23This is what it's all about.
01:04:25One of the hardest things, knowing what I know,
01:04:29was accepting that people are going to die
01:04:32because they're just not going to believe it.
01:04:34We have to be the plan.
01:04:40And that means that each person in this room,
01:04:43viewing this broadcast, replaying this broadcast,
01:04:48each one of you has a purpose.
01:04:53Each one of you has a critical, God-given role.
01:04:59And so if you are quiet or apathetic or complacent,
01:05:06you have to stand before God and you have to answer for that.
01:05:12I can put out a warning to all the people that are in the military right now,
01:05:15officers who are responsible for everything that happens
01:05:18or fails to happen with their troops.
01:05:20If you don't stand in the gap, you're complicit in this crime.
01:05:24The only way we're going to save our lives is by together,
01:05:28clubbing together to do it.
01:05:30That's our strength.
01:05:32And this is probably the most biblical world event
01:05:36that anyone could ever imagine.
01:05:38It's World War III.
01:05:39This is a spiritual war of good against evil.
01:05:42And I just hope that there's enough good in the world
01:05:45that we can rally together to defeat it.
01:05:47Because if we don't, these monsters will destroy humanity.
01:05:53Dance, baby, dance like the world is ending.
01:05:55Dance, baby, dance like the world is ending.
01:05:57Dance, baby, dance because the world is ending.
01:06:02Dance, baby, dance like the world is ending.
01:06:04Dance, baby, dance like the world is ending.
01:06:07Dance, baby, dance because the world is ending.
01:06:11Get vaccinated.
01:06:13It's incredibly effective.
01:06:15But the truth is, not enough people are getting it.
01:06:19We've got to change that
01:06:21so we can all have a safe and healthy holiday season.
01:06:24Dance, baby, dance like the world is ending.
01:06:26Dance, baby, dance because the world is ending.
01:06:40Let me hear you if you've got the Pfizer vaccine.
01:06:44Let me hear you for Moderna.
01:07:19The people who are not getting vaccines,
01:07:21who are believing the lies on the internet instead of science,
01:07:24it's time to start shaming them.
01:07:26If you refuse to be vaccinated,
01:07:28you shouldn't get the same rights as people who've been vaccinated.
01:07:37If you're willing to walk among us unvaccinated,
01:07:40you are an enemy.
01:07:50You bet.
01:07:51That choice doesn't seem so tough to me.
01:07:53Vaccinated person having a heart attack?
01:07:55Yes, come right on in. We'll take care of you.
01:07:57Unvaccinated guy who gobbled horse goo?
01:08:00Rest in peace, Wheezy.
01:08:13When are we going to stop putting up with the idiots in this country
01:08:16Just say, you know, it's mandatory to get vaccinated.
01:08:19F**k them, f**k their freedom. I want my freedom to live.
01:08:28Vaccine, vaccine, vaccine, vaccine.
01:08:31I'm begging of you, please don't hesitate.
01:08:34Vaccine, vaccine, vaccine, vaccine.
01:08:38Because once you're dead, then that's a bit too late.
01:08:46As God is my witness, I will never be censored again.
01:08:49As God is my witness, I will never be censored again.
01:08:52As God is my witness, I will never be censored again.
01:08:55As God is my witness, I will never be censored again.
01:08:58As God is my witness, I will never be censored again.
01:09:01As God is my witness, I will never be censored again.
01:09:16I made it through without being censored.
01:09:18Thanks to Tell-Eyes, I never have to worry about censored media again.
01:09:22Tell-Eyes tells it like it is.
01:09:24Tell-Eyes advocates for free, uncensored content.
01:09:27Check it out for yourself.
01:09:29Uncensor yourself.