• 4 days ago
Israeli Soldiers SICKENING War Crimes EXPOSED
00:26is the film you will not see on the BBC or CNN or any other Western media.
00:31Over the last year we have witnessed what is the greatest crime of the 21st century.
00:36Perversely, it's a crime that has been meticulously documented and presented to us by the people
00:41who are carrying it out.
00:43We at Al Jazeera have collated all that evidence, packaged it.
00:46What it reveals is truly shocking.
00:48We focus on the town of Hebron, which is a small town of about 13,000 people.
00:53The Israeli army enters this town just after Christmas.
00:56It's emptied of people and they simply destroy it.
00:58And they record themselves doing it.
01:00They post before and after videos and the town is entirely flattened.
01:05There is no precedent for this in the whole history of the Israeli army.
01:09We have become addicted to explosions.
01:12The willful destruction of civilian property for punitive reasons or even perhaps to create
01:18a buffer strip is illegal.
01:20You can't do that.
01:21It's against international law.
01:23And they're doing it and they're recording it and they're putting it on Facebook.
01:26And we know the names of the soldiers and the commanders who did it.
01:29They go in to the homes of Palestinians and they're often clearly staying there.
01:34And they just smash them up and they film themselves smashing them up.
01:37They also delight in going through women's underwear drawers.
01:41And this is a sort of recurring obsession.
01:44You have to see Israeli soldier videos in the context of the broader output of Israeli
01:51If you gave me a button to just erase Gaza, every single living being in Gaza would no
01:58longer be living tomorrow.
01:59I would press it in a second.
02:01I would press it right now.
02:03Give me that button and press it right now.
02:05There you go.
02:07And I think most Israelis would.
02:09There's an Israeli song called This Was My Home.
02:11What they would do is dress up as caricatures of obviously what they perceive Palestinians
02:15to be being sung mockingly to people who no longer have homes.
02:19We're not looking at some sort of obscure subculture within Israeli society.
02:25This is mainstream Israeli society.
02:33When people tell you who they are, believe them.
02:35It's an entire nation out there that is responsible.
02:40And we will fight until we break their backbone.
02:43972 Magazine carried a story about how the Israelis were using AI, artificial intelligence,
02:50for targeting.
02:51Essentially, they had a problem.
02:53They wanted a rate of strikes in the Gaza Strip, which human computation couldn't keep
02:59up with.
03:00They needed to use AI to identify these targets.
03:03They're using people's phones and their social media.
03:05Any information at all, they can scrape about them.
03:08And then they track them through their phones.
03:10So who are they talking to on their phone?
03:11Who are they simply near as they're carrying their phones around?
03:13And they have a little league table.
03:15And if you accumulate enough points, you can be killed.
03:18The terrifying thing is how do you kill them?
03:19Where do you kill them?
03:20And they reached the calculation that it's much easier to kill people when they're at
03:24home, which is where the second bit of software kicks in, which is called Where's Daddy?
03:30The naming is indicative of a fairly dark sense of humor.
03:34They track you.
03:36Once daddy is home, they can kill you.
03:38And of course, along with anyone else who is in the house as well.
03:41It's astonishing what Israeli soldiers do put on film.
03:45But that raises the question of what they don't put on film.
03:49You very rarely see them actually fighting.
03:51Every now and then you'll see them all firing their guns, but usually pretty clear there's
03:55no incoming.
03:56On the other hand, what you see a great deal of is them dressing up in women's underwear.
04:00Has Israel managed to destroy Hamas?
04:03I would point to a really simple common sense thing.
04:07Israeli soldiers have posted thousands of videos online.
04:11The IDF, the Israeli army, repeatedly posts videos online, scour those videos for the
04:18bodies of dead fighters.
04:21And there's remarkably few.
04:22I remember 20 years ago in Afghanistan when the Taliban fell before the age of social
04:26media and I remember making films about that, footage with piles of corpses.
04:30It's extraordinary how few dead Hamas fighters we are seeing.
04:34Another extraordinary facet of this conflict is the repeated attacks on hospitals.
04:41They have assaulted every single one of the 36 hospitals in the Gaza Strip.
04:47We have the films of Mohammed al-Hallou, a remarkable young journalist who really chronicled
04:52the whole story of the Nasser Hospital.
04:54The Israelis are very keen to drive people taking refuge in the hospital out to force
04:59them further south.
05:00They send a messenger in to the hospital to order the people there to leave and they
05:06use a detainee and they've made it quite clear to him they know who his mother is, where
05:11she is, and that she will be killed if he does not return.
05:14So he does return.
05:15They send him back because the people still aren't leaving.
05:17People aren't leaving because they don't trust the Israelis.
05:19One of the few people who does leave is his mother.
05:22She follows him out with a small group of other people and he's killed in front of her
05:27Having used him as a messenger, as a human shield effectively, they simply shoot him.
05:31They shoot him three times in front of her eyes and kill him.
05:33What is extraordinary about so many of the soldiers' videos is the sense of impunity
05:37they have.
05:38One particular video is the 202nd paratroopers.
05:41When they left Gaza, individuals within that unit put together a video.
05:45It's like a commemorative video and it's edited and it's set to music and so on.
05:49It's been up on YouTube now for six months.
05:51It includes three men, separate incidents, men who were shot by snipers.
05:56They are putting up the killing of people who are clearly unarmed.
06:01And for soldiers to post this in their own names shows a sense that they simply don't
06:08have to account for their actions at all.
06:10Deaths by snipers are very common in the Gaza Strip and it's not just adult men.
06:18There's a particular shot of a child, a young boy, who was shot at the gates of the Nasser
06:23It's then too dangerous to collect the body.
06:25If you're a sniper, you know who you're shooting.
06:27You've got very good sights and you know perfectly well what you're looking at.
06:31Mohammed al-Hallou, he is almost killed numerous times.
06:35One of the occasions is he's shot, he's wearing a flak jacket.
06:38They've actually managed to hit the thing that says press.
06:41One of the dreadful things about working as a journalist and as a human rights worker
06:45during this conflict, not only do you not have sort of immunity, as it were, you are
06:50positively a target.
06:52As Western journalists, you know, we sometimes work in very hairy situations and we face
06:56danger and so on.
06:58What we don't generally wrestle with is the perpetual fear that they're going to murder
07:02our children.
07:03And in fact, on a number of occasions, they have murdered the families of Al Jazeera journalists.
07:08It's shameful that the international journalistic community has not stood up more, not just
07:14for Al Jazeera, but for all those other journalists who have been killed in the Gaza Strip.
07:18Well over 10% of all journalists in Gaza have lost their lives since this conflict
07:24The usual mortality rates expected of infantry soldiers is less than 5%.
07:28So we're talking about absolutely shocking levels of loss of life.
07:34Detainees are clearly abused when they are first taken prisoner.
07:37We've all seen the images of them stripped to their underwear.
07:39It's clearly designed to humiliate.
07:42We gathered accounts in the Gaza Strip of people being beaten.
07:46We have a picture of one man who had a Star of David carved into his back.
07:49In a way, for many, this is just a prelude to when they're taken into Israel to these
07:53detention centers.
07:55In our film, we have one grotesque eyewitness account of a dog being used to rape someone.
08:16The UN report at the end of June identified 53 individuals who have been killed in Israeli
08:29There's a report on Israel's Channel 13 broadcasting to the world, advertising the fact, celebrating
08:35the fact, that these men spent 24 hours in complete darkness with a single hole for a
08:39toilet in handcuffs, chained together with leg cuffs.
08:43The whole focus of the report is clearly the Israeli public, and what they're trying
08:46to stress is how badly these people are being treated, because clearly the political issue
08:52within Israel is whether they're not being treated badly enough.
09:13No one can hide here, no one can pretend they didn't know what was happening, because the
09:29Israelis were shouting it in our faces.
09:32Human shields are an enormously important topic, and it's an absolute indictment of
09:38Western media, the way this is covered.
09:40The idea that Hamas, the Kassam Brigades, and so on, use the civilian population as
09:46human shields.
09:47There is no evidence that they are positively using them as human shields, in the sense
09:51that they're hiding behind them, not allowing them to leave, or not telling them that they're
09:56A second part about that as well, what is there about Israeli behavior over the last
09:59year that would lead anyone for a moment to think that the presence of civilians would
10:04lead them to hold their fire?
10:06There's absolutely nothing to suggest that they would respect the fact that there are
10:12civilians in the way, and therefore not shoot, which means that it would be utterly pointless
10:17for Hamas.
10:18I've looked at the Kassam Brigades' own combat videos, which are a stark contrast to the
10:23videos that the Israeli soldiers put online.
10:26There's over 300 of them, and they very often show successful attacks on tanks and other
10:31armored vehicles.
10:32These attacks all take place in desolate, abandoned landscapes.
10:37I have not seen a single civilian.
10:39Now, then there is the secondary point.
10:41The UN, international, and Israeli human rights organizations have found the Israelis to be
10:47guilty of using human shields.
10:49In the film, we have footage of this.
10:51You can see it.
10:52There they are, hiding behind people, resting their guns on their shoulder.
10:55They've got a man, and he's being forced to go and inspect empty buildings, open the doors,
11:00and so on, so that if they're booby-trapped or if there's an ambush, he will get it.
11:04It's clearly absolutely systematic.
11:06Now, the fact that the entirety of Western media and the Western political class continues
11:12to trot out this mantra about it being Hamas that hides behind human shields, when all
11:18of the abundant evidence suggests precisely the opposite.
11:22The Israelis today are saying that Hamas use Palestinians as human shields.
11:27Do they?
11:29Then blaming the victims for killing themselves.
11:32I mean, what is this logic?
11:34Palestinian groups take their own people hostage.
11:37This is racism.
11:39This is sickness.
11:40The appalling caliber of the journalism is just absolutely shocking.
11:45Israeli behavior is dependent on the indulgence of the West.
11:50We use some of Matt Kennard's reporting in Declassified UK.
11:54Matt has done an awful lot of work exposing the role of RAF Akrotiri, a place most British
11:59people probably haven't heard of, but we still own a chunk of Cyprus, not it.
12:03We have a bloody great Air Force base.
12:04And it is clearly playing a vital role in this conflict.
12:08Right from the beginning of the conflict, you had huge military transport planes flying
12:12to Israel, numerous surveillance flights in the air for six hours at a time, sent from
12:18RAF Akrotiri in Cyprus over the Gaza Strip.
12:21And the suspicion would be that they are providing targeting information to the Israelis.
12:26Already by March, they'd accumulated 1,000 hours of surveillance footage over the Gaza Strip.
12:32The government is not providing a satisfactory explanation of what all this footage is being used for.
12:39Will you also explain what role, legally or otherwise, Britain has played in overflying
12:45Gaza with surveillance aircraft and the use of RAF Akrotiri as a staging point for aircraft
12:51going to Israel, which many people believe are carrying weapons that are used to bomb Gaza?
12:56I am very comfortable with the support that we give to Israel and I won't comment on operational issues.
13:04The double standards of Western media, of Western politicians, are just breathtaking.
13:09You just have to look at David Lammy and Keir Starmer's response to the Iranian attack
13:15on Israel, which didn't actually kill anyone.
13:17I utterly condemn this attempt by the Iranian regime to harm innocent Israelis.
13:24And they were straight to the lectern condemning it in a way that they have not condemned the
13:28Israelis who have killed over 40,000 people.
13:32It's quite clear that the lives of one group of people are worth more than the lives of
13:37another group of people.
13:38If Israel is attacked, the Western media and Western politicians are full of rhetoric about
13:43Israel has a right to defend themselves.
13:45Israel has a right to defend itself.
13:47Israel has a right to defend itself.
13:49Israel has a right to self-defense.
13:53We stand with Israel and we recognize her right to self-defense.
13:58If Israel attacks people, then the whole media narrative is about fears of escalation.
14:04In other words, the great danger that the other side might fight back.
14:07The double standards are just breathtaking.
14:09One way in which we're sort of liberated at Al Jazeera is we don't have to buy into this
14:14bogus two-side system.
14:17This bogus sort of equivalence.
14:19There is no equivalence between, on the one hand, an all-powerful occupying power building
14:27illegal settlements on Palestinian land, and on the other side, a prostrate, helpless,
14:32powerless people.
14:33There's no moral, political, or military equivalence there.
14:36But also, on October 7th, two babies are killed, okay, which is dreadful.
14:40It's appalling.
14:41At the end of August, when the Gazan Health Ministry published detailed figures, the first
14:4614 pages, 701 names were taken out with children under the age of one.
14:53And that doesn't include 7,000 people for whom there was no documentation.
14:56It doesn't include the large numbers of people who are still under the rubble or who have
14:59died because of lack of access to healthcare.
15:02It's very, very likely that in the end, the total number of dead and injured in the Gaza
15:07Strip will be more than a quarter of a million people.
15:11There is just no comparison between the two.
15:15Now, if, as, for example, the BBC often does, you achieve balance by having two stories
15:19in your evening news report, on the one hand, reporting the very real anguish and trauma
15:24of a family who still have a son or a daughter in captivity in Gaza, and on the other hand,
15:29an airstrike which has killed 40 people, 15 of them, whatever, who are perhaps children.
15:34If you are treating that as equivalent, you are buying into a fundamentally racist arithmetic.
15:40There was no balance in what was going on.
15:44Israeli spokespeople, who we did have on, were given a lot of free reign to say whatever
15:48they wanted, with very little pushback.
15:50Babies were set on fire, babies were shot in the head.
15:56Whereas any Palestinian guest was asked to condemn Hamas.
16:01I want to ask you specifically about Hamas's actions today. Do you support them?
16:06Israel has a right to defend itself. That was the editorial line that was drilled into
16:11us, into all of our coverage, to a guest talking about, you know, Israeli airstrikes
16:18killing Palestinians in Gaza. That would be the response from our presenters.
16:23Denying access to food is collective punishment, and that, we should all be clear in saying
16:28Israel will argue, obviously, that it has a right to defend itself.
16:31People were terrified of using the word genocide in coverage. They still are. You will very
16:37rarely see it in any BBC coverage.
16:40And if an interviewee says the word genocide?
16:42This is a genocide happening in front of our eyes.
16:46That word is, as you know, incredibly emotive, and the Israelis, as you know, will be saying
16:51that they are targeting Hamas only.
17:03No one can say they didn't know. The Israelis could not have made it clearer to us what
17:07they were doing in their rhetoric, social media they were posting, and what their own
17:11media was saying, that this was an exercise in ethnic cleansing, quite possibly an exercise
17:17in genocide.
17:18They were making it abundantly clear to us. And if we are ignorant, we are willfully ignorant.
17:24When people tell you who they are, believe them. And the Israelis have certainly told
17:29us who they are over the last year.
17:32The experience of the last year is testimony to the inadequacy of traditional media in
17:37the West, which seems simply to be unable to tell this story as it really is. And it
17:44highlights more than ever the need for independent media outlets like Double Down News. And I
17:50would urge you to support Double Down News on Patreon.
17:55As God is my witness, I will never be censored again.
17:58As God is my witness, I will never be censored again.
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