• 3 weeks ago
00:00:38Why do you believe what you believe
00:00:43at some point in your life you trusted the information that somebody was giving you and
00:00:49That someone you trusted told you that a car was a car tree was a tree
00:00:55Bird was a bird the blue stuff above you is the sky and that's the way that we began to determine
00:01:02What we believe to be a fact
00:01:07Most of the things that we believe to be a fact in our lives
00:01:11Are told to us through our stories or the news that we hear
00:01:17So my question would be if they were deceiving you
00:01:22With the stories they tell you
00:01:24Would you be able to recognize that?
00:01:31So we've all heard the term conspiracy theory personally for me
00:01:34I've never really had time to get into any of that because frankly
00:01:37I I'm working all the time, and I don't have the time to look into Bigfoot or aliens or
00:01:43flat earth or
00:01:449-11 conspiracy or the JFK
00:01:48assassination, it's just
00:01:51It's not anything that I really have any
00:01:53Backstory on but the one thing that I do have a lot of backstory on the one thing. I do know a lot about
00:02:03When you think about the entertainment industry what comes to mind movies
00:02:08TV music, right
00:02:12Let's talk about this entertainment
00:02:15What if this entertainment was more than just entertain
00:02:21When you're driving home from work, what are you listening to you when you come home after a long day and turn on the TV?
00:02:27What do you see?
00:02:32Think about all the content you've seen throughout your whole life a
00:02:37Lot of it has actually made us who we are today, so you don't know what's really going on
00:02:42If you ever stop for just a second though and question the content
00:02:51The only thing we consume more than content is air, but we actually think about the quality of the air we breathe
00:03:00Maybe it's time to take a closer look at our content
00:03:07Our government's always controlled our content a fight for freedom. We've just never paid attention freedom of speech
00:03:16Message received the police occupy our community to work with the CIA to destabilize foreign countries
00:03:24This media that we're consuming at such a rapid rate
00:03:27We need to slow down and think about what we're consuming
00:03:31What if the people in charge didn't have our best interests in mind?
00:03:36Now we have to ask ourselves who's influencing our content
00:03:40Is the CIA involved in Hollywood, yes
00:04:31For the past 28 years, I've probably had one of the coolest jobs in the world. I was a professional stunt performer
00:04:38I've worked with some of the biggest stars
00:04:42I've got to be Batman. I've got to be James Bond. I've won World Stunt Awards. I
00:04:48Am in this Screen Actors Guild. I'm in the DGA. I'm in the WGA and last year I got into
00:04:55the Academy the Oscars
00:05:00Worked my way up from being a stuntman
00:05:03To being a fight coordinator even a stunt coordinator being a second year director
00:05:12First big job I get I'm on Batman forever and I'm walking around set. I'm pinching myself. I'm looking over there's Tommy Lee Jones
00:05:19There's Jim Carrey. There's Val Kilmer. There's Drew Barrymore. There's Nicole Kidman and I'm like
00:05:27How did I get here
00:05:39Didn't really say I'm gonna go be a stuntman
00:05:41I wanted to go make movies, but being a stuntman was the easiest way for me to get into the business. I
00:05:53Didn't want to be an actor because
00:05:55Pretending to be a character. Well being a stuntman. I was that character
00:06:00I was the guy behind the illusion creating it for the guy who's on the screen. I
00:06:06Jumped out of that helicopter. I was in that fireball. I did whatever was being asked of the job
00:06:24I've had an amazing career and I've had an amazing life
00:06:35In the system that exists today
00:06:37As I get up the ladder, I realized it's not what people think it is
00:06:43It's an illusion
00:06:45It is a complete illusion
00:06:542014 I was working on a television show up in Portland and I had a catastrophic injury
00:07:02I've done this stunt probably variation. There were 20 times over my career
00:07:06It was nothing. It was a small fall down into a stairwell. I did the first take fine the second take
00:07:12I knew I could do it better
00:07:14I went up and I fell over the rail and I landed on the pipe down below and I burst fractured my L2
00:07:20Vertebrae and I was paralyzed from the waist down when you are injured when you are
00:07:25Catastrophically injured it changes who you are. I knew from that day. I would never be the athlete that I once was
00:07:33And I always told people as a stuntman the worst possible injury you can get is a lower back injury
00:07:39You can break your legs your arms, whatever
00:07:40But if you injure your lower back or your hips your pelvic region
00:07:44You're done
00:07:46there was two years that I I
00:07:51Didn't think I would ever live without pain
00:07:54One of the issues I was dealing with at that time was I had lost the feeling and I still have numbness in my thighs
00:08:01and on this half of my pelvic region I
00:08:05Was going to physical therapy and the lady looks at me and she goes this isn't really helping you
00:08:09You're you're way more advanced than this stuff. I go. Yeah, I do this every morning. She goes. Well, what's the real issue?
00:08:15I said really she's my pelvic region. And so she said, okay
00:08:19Well, there's a woman who works here and she is a pelvic floor therapist
00:08:24So how I met Mike I met him his spine was broken and he had partial
00:08:30Paralyzation of his pelvic floor area
00:08:34We help people
00:08:35When they have problems with the most important functions in your life bowel bladder and sexual function
00:08:42So one day we're in the middle of therapy and she stops me and she says Mike you have I feel like you have really
00:08:48dark spirits
00:08:50Over you. Can I can I pray for you? And I was like pray for me. Yeah, sure pray for me
00:08:56I'll you know, I don't really believe in that stuff anymore. But yeah, go ahead pray for me
00:09:00So she prays for me and I was kind of thinking while she's doing it, okay, this is weird, but okay, whatever
00:09:07So for the next two or three months, I would go and then every now and then she would stop me and she's a can
00:09:11I can I pray I was kind of a little bit disgusted with his personality because he was all about himself and money
00:09:17And I think the Lord had a lot of work to do in terms of humility with him
00:09:22he made it very clear that I he thought I was crazy and
00:09:27But he let me after she stopped one day and I said
00:09:32You are either
00:09:34100% batshit crazy or you think all this is real in the spirit world
00:09:40And she looked at me and she said Michael. I am one of the only pelvic floor therapists in Southern, California at the time
00:09:50when these
00:09:52satanic people in these evil people
00:09:55Do their rituals to little girls and women and boys who do you think puts them back together?
00:10:02I do it's completely real and you need to look into it
00:10:08My awakening it didn't happen at church the way that some people find God
00:10:14I just pretty much had given up my faith and I'd given up where I was at and I was just kind of at the
00:10:20Point where I was like, okay. Well
00:10:23I'm gonna have the best time I can here and when I die, I die. That's it. I
00:10:29Still wasn't sure if I if it wasn't 100% crazy or not
00:10:33but I was reading these articles and looking at these things and I was like
00:10:37You know
00:10:38I've seen things at parties. I've seen artwork. I've seen
00:10:44Statues I've seen things in some people's houses that just
00:10:49Seem to be mimicking a cult stuff. I'm reading about so I was like, maybe there is something to this
00:10:56I'm just gonna say this. I didn't find God
00:11:00because I
00:11:04Went to church I found God because I
00:11:07realized that the Luciferian and the other side the occult world was real and that I had been fooled for
00:11:15all these years and
00:11:17I I didn't got really scared. I
00:11:24Got really scared because
00:11:27This was the first time in my life that I was
00:11:30Having to question my own reality physically. I was crushed. I wasn't gonna be who I was and
00:11:37spiritually, I
00:11:38Mean if I'm being honest, I wasn't I didn't know anything about being a Christian. I mean really and
00:11:45then professionally
00:11:46Everything that I knew about my career. I was starting to look at in a different way
00:11:51I was starting to question my my career in
00:11:54Hollywood from a different perspective
00:11:57So I first I got off of social media and I made an anonymous account. I started reading blogs looking at articles
00:12:04I started reading books. I started watching videos online
00:12:07I just started searching for the truth and I was finding accounts that were searching for the truth themselves
00:12:13They weren't mainstream accounts these were accounts online that I felt like we're like me they were just looking for what the truth was I
00:12:22Didn't believe I was getting the truth from CNN MSNBC Fox. I don't believe in shaping up
00:12:28I just wanted to read it and absorb it and digest it and trust what my gut told me I was reading
00:12:37They did my research. I began to understand there's a very small group of people that
00:12:43Influence all the companies that we watch
00:12:46So they used to call them the big six
00:12:48But Disney just bought Fox and Disney controls Marvel and Disney owns Lucas Studios
00:12:55So look at that giant audience right here
00:12:59Say a small group of people
00:13:01Control the narratives and the content that we all see on all the channels. It makes you feel like oh, I have lots of choices
00:13:08But you don't
00:13:10Who's telling them what to put on those channels?
00:13:13Where does that lead?
00:13:14Tonight the FBI is on the case and they are warning big companies in America to protect their data
00:13:20After a big Hollywood studio got hit by hackers and several blockbuster movies ended up online
00:13:27This is the first time the United States has accused a foreign government of a cyber attack against an American corporation
00:13:33And this interested me because I worked over at Sony quite a bit
00:13:38during my career and I
00:13:40Actually had to get lifelocked during the Sony hack. So I was you know, I was curious. I was like, what was this really about?
00:13:47Well, the narrative put out in the public was Seth Rogen and James Franco made a movie about North Korea
00:13:53And so they were mad and so they decided to hack Sony to
00:13:58Teach them a lesson. That was a public narrative that went out and that's what I was like
00:14:02well, that makes sense, you know, I know Seth and I know James and
00:14:06they're definitely pushed the envelope of comedy and they
00:14:09Their sense of humor is definitely their own and I thought to myself, okay, that makes sense
00:14:14And now private emails are going public. It's a public relations disaster
00:14:20But what I found really interesting is I examined the WikiLeaks documents
00:14:25was it showed that the
00:14:27Heads of one of our biggest movie studios in America was in direct communication
00:14:34With very important people in our government
00:14:38It didn't surprise me. I was like, okay. Well either they're friends or there's something more to it
00:14:43So I never really thought about
00:14:46the government
00:14:48Influencing our content or our stories
00:14:50Could they be influencing our story and our content like it?
00:14:55These were real questions that I never had asked myself. I just did the jobs. I went to work. I did my job
00:15:00I did whatever was asked and went home
00:15:03Never thought about this stuff
00:15:06So I was like, I don't really know anybody can answer these questions and I reached out to this guy
00:15:12Who I'd been watching online. His name was Kevin ship
00:15:16And for those of you who don't know who Kevin ship is he's a CI whistleblower
00:15:21He worked in counterintelligence and he served in many capacities in his tenure at the CIA
00:15:32This is the big picture an official television report to the nation from the United States Army
00:15:39Was an OSS memo the precursor of the CIA
00:15:42Where they were doing a study of the use of motion pictures in America as a means of psychological warfare
00:15:48So it goes all the way back to pre 1947 when a US intelligence was that was using motion pictures
00:15:56To alter the thinking of Americans in the United States
00:16:01The morale of our troops is high
00:16:03The morale of our troops is high
00:16:06the laughter
00:16:08music and general entertainment
00:16:11Which comes out of a single small package like this one have helped to build that morale
00:16:20The CIA is funneling information in to Hollywood Hollywood is putting out out in the movies and the population believes it
00:16:33Taxes to bury the axis
00:16:47This document right here is a FOIA document anybody in America anybody can request this Freedom Information Act
00:16:53And in the 40s, they were telling you they controlled the radio stations
00:16:58They controlled most of the mainstream media
00:17:00They're telling you right here that motion pictures are used as psychological warfare
00:17:06Why would they stop doing it?
00:17:09And no time as the CIA engaged in any
00:17:14political activity or any intelligence activity
00:17:18It was not approved at the highest level
00:17:22Alan Dulles groomed and recruited Ian Fleming and
00:17:26Dulles and the CIA actually helped Fleming write his books and paint the CIA in a favorable light
00:17:33And they also with Dulles helped produce
00:17:36Thunderball to make the CIA and agents look like honorable, you know cool people
00:17:41The CIA actually helped him write the books and write the script for that movie and then the president of MPAA
00:17:47Was actually providing intelligence to the CIA as an operative in in the movie
00:17:53As an operative in in that position in Hollywood, mr. Fleming in your books, there's a great amount of detail
00:18:01Is this detail based on personal experience?
00:18:05Do you make it up?
00:18:07Where does it come from? Well, I can say it's 90% from personal experience
00:18:13Really, of course, I if I started sticking too close to the espionage to espionage work of today. I
00:18:21Should be in trouble with the Official Secrets Act in England even supposing I had access to information
00:18:46There's no question about the fact that Mockingbird is real
00:18:49It started out paying journalists in major media's Pulitzer Prize winning journalists to print
00:18:56Fake stories that the CIA wanted in the press and fake interviews, and this was revealed in the church committee
00:19:02Do you have any people being paid?
00:19:09the CIA
00:19:11Who are contributing?
00:19:14to a major circulation
00:19:16American journal, we do have people who submit pieces to other to American journals
00:19:22And of course then the CIA destroyed the rest of the files, which is what they do
00:19:27George HW Bush came out and finally made the statement about Mockingbird
00:19:31Well, we're gonna officially stop the Mockingbird program
00:19:33The CIA will no longer pay journalists to write stories from now on the program is voluntary, which means Mockingbird continues today
00:19:42When's the last time you've seen a mainstream media outlet do a serious investigative report on the actions of the CIA?
00:19:50There's a reason for that. This would mean that
00:19:54The CIA could manipulate the news in the United States by channeling it through some foreign country
00:20:01And we're looking at that very carefully
00:20:04Well, I yeah, I would think probably for a reporter if we continue today
00:20:09But because of all of the revelations of the period of the 1970s
00:20:14It seems to me that a reporter has got to be much more
00:20:17Circumspect in doing it now or he runs the risk of at least being looked at with considerable disfavor by the public
00:20:23I think you've got to be much more careful about it
00:20:31Exactly what people say and this is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy
00:20:38This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy
00:20:45This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy
00:20:57Is something about the way the CIA has been functioning that is casting a shadow on our historic position of freedom and
00:21:05I feel we need to correct it
00:21:12Senator Moynihan proposed a bill to dismantle the CIA
00:21:21Introduced it twice the second time was 1995
00:21:26Ironically one year later in 1996 the CIA established the entertainment liaison office
00:21:32Which was specifically penetrated into Hollywood and chase Brandon was actually co-wrote scripts
00:21:38For example the recruit for high horsepower high energy
00:21:43Very competitive people who are driven by patriotism and a sense of wanting to serve a greater cause
00:21:48I am recruiting you what I have to kill anyone
00:21:51Would you like to?
00:21:54So the CIA's was and is in Hollywood was and is contributing to Hollywood productions and that manipulation
00:22:01the recruit
00:22:05As I started to wake up I
00:22:07Never actually considered that the CIA had an office in Hollywood and I'm like well I see this
00:22:12I see that and I started putting feelers out like is anybody else see this stuff and
00:22:19Not many people were awake
00:22:20but the one person that I reached out to was an old colleague of mine a friend of mine named Brad Martin and
00:22:27Brad and I had similar careers. We worked our way up through the business together and
00:22:32He I'm like, hey Brad. Do you see you've seen this you've seen that he's a gap for sure
00:22:36And so that gave me strength that gave me like, okay. Well, I'm not alone in this deal
00:22:42And I'm gonna keep looking
00:22:45Let me just say this Brad's one of the greatest stuntmen I've ever met
00:22:50Probably the best
00:22:52I'm a very physically creative person
00:22:57I've been doing action for movies for
00:22:5926 27 years
00:23:01I excelled that the action aspect of it at the physical aspects of doing the fights and doing the
00:23:07Gymnastics and doing the Falls and doing the driving. I trained really hard and became one of the top stuntmen in the business. I
00:23:16Started becoming a fight coordinator and then a stunt coordinator and then an action director
00:23:22Very few people have ever gotten to where I've gotten to and I'm super proud of what I did
00:23:35Mean I had a very idealistic view of the movie business and I've been disillusioned a few times
00:23:43It feels very much like there's an agenda in every movie. I
00:23:48realized that it was more of a machine and it was more of
00:23:52They just needed content to put out there for the masses. I stopped really watching TV
00:23:57I stopped really watching movies and one of the reasons why I stopped watching movies is I got into
00:24:02my research and what's going on in the world right now and
00:24:06all the corruptness and all of the plot twists of reality and
00:24:13I started realizing that reality is
00:24:1820 times more interesting than Hollywood
00:24:21I mean, I was Hollywood buff. I loved all of those movies
00:24:25but now they're just they're meaningless because I know what's going on right now actually has purpose and has a meaning and there are
00:24:32consequences and
00:24:34once this story is told on what's happening in the world right now and
00:24:39And all of the powers that be battling each other
00:24:44It will be the greatest story ever told
00:24:47It's like for instance, I saw something on History Channel talking about how the CIA
00:24:52Helped Disney buy all the swampland in Florida
00:24:56Well, why on earth would they do that?
00:24:58His lawyers in charge of purchasing the parcels had served in military intelligence during World War two
00:25:02They knew how to keep a secret and they use several different companies
00:25:05None with Disney's name to acquire the properties now
00:25:08I go down this rabbit hole of what does the CIA have to do with Hollywood or at least with Disney?
00:25:14Washington DC is definitely in Hollywood. I
00:25:17have seen documents of
00:25:20the DOD and the CIA
00:25:23Writing to the studio heads guiding them in certain fashion
00:25:28There's a lot of things that people would talk about that are conspiracy theory
00:25:31But there's some things that ring true with me. It's like oh wow that makes a lot of sense
00:25:37Another program developed by the CIA after World War two was the
00:25:41Operation Paperclip. It's been depicted in many movies, including Disney's Marvel series
00:25:47It's an operation paperclip after World War two shield recruited German scientists with strategic value
00:25:58Operation Paperclip and this is something people need to know because it has been so covered up and mocked and berated and claimed to be a
00:26:04Conspiracy theory and by the way, the term labeling people as conspiracy theorists is not true
00:26:09The term labeling people as conspiracy theorists was invented by the CIA to deflect any attention over the JFK assassination
00:26:16They invented that word as as a way to shut down any scrutiny or this critical critical
00:26:23Investigation of what they were doing. So they started that whole ball rolling in terms of Operation Paperclip. There's apps. It is documented
00:26:30There's absolutely no question about it
00:26:33Alan Dulles CI director was
00:26:36Associate of Heinrich Himmler of the Third Reich
00:26:39So what Dulles proceeded to do when the Third Reich was brought down?
00:26:44Was he secretly brought all of the top Nazi scientists into the US?
00:26:49He falsified their files that he gave to Harry Truman making them look like there were no war crimes
00:26:58They brought these Nazi scientists into the CIA to work for the CIA and that includes the human experiments
00:27:05They conducted on Jewish men women and children and the psychological studies that these Nazi scientists had done
00:27:11The CIA was using their expertise for these programs
00:27:15Through Operation Paperclip and this was not see much of it a cult beliefs that the CIA
00:27:20Adopted and actually put these people on their payroll
00:27:24One of the programs that came out of Operation Paperclip was MK ultra
00:27:28now MK ultra was a very complex program that dealt with human experiments and
00:27:34mind manipulation as this
00:27:361952 CIA memo says the aim is
00:27:40controlling an individual to the point where he will do our bidding against his will and
00:27:45even against such fundamental laws of nature as
00:27:52In the church committee MK ultra came out as an actual program of mind control using mental
00:27:59physical and sexual abuse and
00:28:01psychotropic drugs
00:28:04Glyceric acid diethylamide
00:28:08it was one of the first times that anybody had run into a
00:28:14powerful drug
00:28:16That was different
00:28:18Anything else that they knew anything about a decision was made at the highest levels of the CIA to do testing on unwitting Americans
00:28:27At Ravenscrag
00:28:29Dr. Cameron went further with drugs and electric shock treatments than any researchers in the MK ultra project dared
00:28:36His aim was to wipe the mind clean
00:28:39Then he would implant new messages by forcing the patient to listen to a hypnotic repetition as many as a quarter of a million
00:28:48This was called psychic driving
00:28:51He would give the patient intensive
00:28:54Electric treatment he would attempt to implant new ideas
00:29:00in the mind of a patient now to a layman it would appear that dr
00:29:06Cameron was trying to take the slate and wipe it clean the slate being the mind in other words
00:29:13Brainwashing exactly. That's a very good comparison brainwashing. Yes
00:29:23You're doing fine. Just try to describe it. Oh, yes, you don't know you
00:29:33How do you feel inside
00:29:43Nobody explained it to me. Nobody explained it to me. Nobody explained it to me
00:29:48Nobody explained it to me. Nobody ever asked me if I was willing to do it or anything
00:29:54They put me on sleep treatment
00:29:57And now they kept you asleep for 23 days
00:30:02And while I was asleep they were shocking the heck out of me with electric shocks and playing tapes
00:30:18It was
00:30:21Really like a concentration camp
00:30:24Well, I took a few letters
00:30:27And when I find them this way you look that way there's nothing for you to watch here
00:30:31But you're gonna talk to me as we go along
00:30:33They couldn't go any further because CI director Richard Helms destroyed all the CI's MKUltra documents and they had to rely on coached
00:30:41Witnesses so they were never able to dig even deeper what they got was bad enough
00:30:47It was never terminated. There's no evidence that was it was ever terminated
00:30:50No documents, no nothing and not even an admission by the CIA that it's been terminated
00:30:55How do you feel
00:30:58Feeling better. Are you sleeping well?
00:31:02Yes, I'm sleeping better now
00:31:07Disable the whole city by putting a very small amount on a water supply
00:31:11After all of these years of us
00:31:14Those of us who involved in looking for this secret drug
00:31:19This was the only thing that began to look for the first time like it might be something like that
00:31:24So MKUltra was one of the hardest programs for me to wrap my head around because it's it's it's a lot of subset programs
00:31:31And I was really surprised that Brad Martin knew about MKUltra
00:31:36People think that research people are crazy for talking about MKUltra
00:31:41Mind control even if they acknowledge that that existed they go. Oh, well that that ended in the 70s
00:31:47That's a crock of shit
00:31:49And perhaps the world's only hope of stopping a sinister assassination plot
00:31:54The movie that I did involving that topic
00:31:56The fashion industry has been behind every major political assassination over the last 200 years
00:32:01I mean at the time I was making a comedy and I had no idea what I was involved with
00:32:06But now looking back on the movie, I'm blown away at just the propaganda
00:32:11Doesn't anyone notice this? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills
00:32:16In a movie like Zoolander when they're showing you that they're controlling you
00:32:20Derek Zoolander's mind through mind control. You realize that they're trying to desensitize you
00:32:26And to make you think that what you're watching is fiction because it's in a comedy
00:32:33Like a mass MKUltra, their purpose is to capture the minds of the people and feed them false history
00:32:40The CIA is funneling information into the minds of the people
00:32:43Their purpose is to capture the minds of the people and feed them false history
00:32:49The CIA is funneling information into Hollywood
00:32:52Hollywood is putting it out in the movies and the population believes it
00:32:56All right, so look, here's the deal
00:32:59They have been desensitizing us since we were born
00:33:02And I'll give you some examples. Let's start with the big one
00:33:05Let's start with words we hear all the time and never even think about
00:33:09Let's start with the word entertainment
00:33:10To entertain. What does that mean? To bind or hold. To bind or hold what?
00:33:15An audience's attention
00:33:17Okay, now let's take the word Hollywood. Where does that come from?
00:33:21Well, Hollywood comes from the holly tree
00:33:24And the ancient druids back in the day used to take the holly tree
00:33:28Make wands to weave spells, cast spells, or channel spells
00:33:33And when they needed help they would consult the magis or the mediums of the day
00:33:38To help channel their spells to the population
00:33:42We'll cut to today
00:33:44What do we have in our houses?
00:33:46We have these black boxes. What are they called?
00:33:51But if you stop and you say the word tell a vision
00:33:57And when you turn on that television, what do you get?
00:34:01What's the first thing that pops up?
00:34:03A list of channels
00:34:05And when you turn on those channels, what's on those channels?
00:34:13They are programming you
00:34:15They've been programming your whole life
00:34:17You don't even know it
00:34:19They do it with your music, they do it with your TV, they do it with your movies, they do it with your games
00:34:24They have been programming us and programming you since you were little
00:34:29And you don't even know it because you don't even question it
00:34:35What do we have in our houses?
00:34:37We have these black boxes. What do we have in our houses?
00:34:40We have these black boxes. What do we have in our houses?
00:34:43We have these black boxes. What do we have in our houses?
00:34:46Starting in 1900, we entered a previously unimaginable time of modern technology
00:34:52Advances that allowed the rulers of this world to construct and direct our stories in ways we previously never imagined
00:34:59As a result, new techniques to control the population were realized
00:35:02These are the people from the companies that we have trusted to deliver us our news and tell our stories
00:35:08This has always been about controlling what we as the population think and hear
00:35:13They help create our culture and influence our society
00:35:17We as citizens only trust them because as a society, we think that the gatekeepers have our best interests in mind
00:35:26The dangerous, you know, edges here are that he's trying to undermine the media
00:35:30Trying to make up his own facts
00:35:33And it could be that while unemployment and the economy worsens
00:35:39He could have undermined the messaging so much that he can actually control exactly what people think
00:35:46And that is our job
00:35:52As I was researching, I found that most of the early communication companies were developed for shipping or aviation
00:36:00And a lot of the men that started these companies were commissioned by the military during World War I and World War II
00:36:06Many of these men worked for the Army and Navy Intelligence Services along with the OSS, which we know became the CIA
00:36:14There were many examples of these men becoming the heads or founders of some of the biggest motion picture and media companies
00:36:21Before and after their government or military service
00:36:25I wanted to know how many of the media companies in today's world connected back to Washington
00:36:31So I started looking
00:36:33It was like a family tree, the connections between our government personnel and the media corporations was unbelievable
00:36:40Google, Amazon, Netflix, Twitter, CNN, ABC
00:36:45So what would happen if all these companies had the same political ideology or agenda?
00:36:51We as this population like to hear people confirm our confirmation biases
00:36:57We like to hear people tell us that we're right, we don't like to be wrong
00:37:02And we believe that the people on the media and the people that we're listening to have our best interests in mind
00:37:08The problem is, what if they don't?
00:37:11So if you stop and think about it, they can place any agenda on the population that they choose
00:37:17I think that Hollywood is teaching bad morals to the youth of this country as well as adults
00:37:23Desensitizing of violence to the masses, you can't deny that
00:37:29My kids have seen so many people get killed in very violent ways
00:37:34Three times as much gun violence now
00:37:37And the sex that's in PG-13 movies
00:37:41Every Disney movie, there's a major character, usually a parent, that gets killed
00:37:48Trauma to the child, why?
00:37:51It's so horrible, what a bad story
00:37:53Why do you need to start a story with a parent dying, always?
00:37:57It's so sad
00:37:59Under MKUltra, they experimented on children
00:38:03We were even taught this in psychophysiology program
00:38:05That if you get to a child between ages 1 and 6 or 1 or 8, especially with sexual abuse or sexual trauma
00:38:12You will split their personality and they will be imprinted the rest of their life
00:38:17And many times that results in split personalities and disassociative behavior and other things
00:38:23These occult topics are being introduced to our kids and most parents aren't even aware of it
00:38:35So the biggest surge with this occult type material took place in the late 60s and early 70s
00:38:42With movies like The Exorcist, Amityville Horror, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Halloween
00:38:48And Roman Polanski's Rosemary's Baby
00:38:51And coincidentally, this same time period, it parallels the rise of the Church of Satan in Los Angeles
00:39:00And it was founded by a guy named Anton LaVey
00:39:06The Church of Satan
00:39:10So it has gotten
00:39:13When I was a police officer, we had cases of satanic cults right in Arlington, Virginia
00:39:18Those have been around for decades, they are in the high schools, they are in the colleges, they are in the government and they are in Hollywood
00:39:24I got to meet people like Sammy Davis and that kind of shit
00:39:29Sammy told me he worshipped the devil
00:39:31Sammy was like, you know, Satan is as powerful as God
00:39:35And I was like, what the fuck are you talking about?
00:39:38He said, why do you think there is so much anger in the world and killing and murder
00:39:43And he saw my reaction to it and he kind of lightened up on it
00:39:47And he was like, the antenna is dark and the candle is on the table and Sammy's face over the candle
00:39:53You know, Satan is as powerful as God
00:39:55The Church of Satan
00:40:03From our point of view, it really makes no difference whether you pray to a father God or to a mother goddess
00:40:09Or to an entire gaggle of gods and goddesses
00:40:12Michael Aquino was a high level officer in the National Security Agency
00:40:16He was and is, you will see him today, a practicing Satanist
00:40:21He created the satanic temple of Set, which he still runs
00:40:25He's a high level NSA officer, he's a member of the association
00:40:29I used to be in the association of former intelligence officers, AFIO
00:40:33He's a member of that, he's plugged in big time to the intelligence community
00:40:37And he wrote a paper called Mind War
00:40:40And Mind War was about psychological operations against populations
00:40:44Including the American, the domestic population, using Satanist techniques and tools
00:40:50Aquino was first involved in NK Ultra operations during the Vietnam War
00:40:55As part of the Phoenix program
00:40:58First, I've been involved in intelligence and psychological operations for about 40 years
00:41:04In all levels of it and across the intelligence community
00:41:08You are a lieutenant colonel in the United States Army
00:41:13And how does the army feel about you being head of the temple of Set?
00:41:16The army has known about my religion for the entire span of my army career
00:41:22Which began in 1968
00:41:25The army has paid very little attention to it
00:41:28The same as it would to anybody who was a follower of Hinduism
00:41:33Or of Buddhism or any other slightly unusual religion today
00:41:38He was occupied a position at the Presidio
00:41:42Which was a training facility for the US government
00:41:46And it was uncovered that he was running a pedophile ring
00:41:49I think 50 kids came out and fingered him as the guy
00:41:53That had done sexual acts on them as children
00:41:56It went to trial
00:41:58He walked from the trial successfully because he had a good attorney
00:42:03Despite the fact that there were multiple witnesses that said Aquino
00:42:06Through satanic rituals had abused them as children
00:42:09There's no question that he's a practicing Satanist
00:42:11Just watch any one of his interviews
00:42:12On this altar is one of a number of daggers
00:42:17Which we may use in our rituals
00:42:20This one happened to belong to the commanding general
00:42:23Of the most elite unit of Germany's infamous SS
00:42:28Which was concerned with black magic and occultism research in general
00:42:32Anything that it could find that had to do with the origins of the human race
00:42:37Destiny of humanity
00:42:39The perverted view of the occult held by Heinrich Himmler
00:42:43Was of an evil magic that could help create a new master race
00:42:47Wavelsburg Castle is where he performed his ceremonies
00:42:51I have been to the Wavelsburg
00:42:53Which still preserves Heinrich Himmler's ritual chambers to this day
00:42:58And have conducted a black magical ritual
00:43:02In the so-called Hall of the Dead beneath the Wavelsburg
00:43:05This particular dagger is inscribed to our comrade
00:43:09In the Liebstenarte Theodor Wisch
00:43:12Brigadefuhrer, a major general in the Waffen-SS
00:43:16And on its blade it bears the inscription
00:43:21Mein Ehrer heiss Troy
00:43:24Or my honor shall be known by my faithfulness
00:43:29Aquino's thesis stated that enemy populations could be subdued
00:43:32By inflicting a state of psychological terror and feelings of imminent destruction
00:43:37He discusses the use of psychotronic weapons
00:43:40And electromagnetic weapons that influence the mind
00:43:46By extremely low frequency signals
00:43:49Piggybacked on broadcasts of radio, TV or microwave communications
00:43:54In order to influence and manipulate the thoughts and feelings of the target population
00:43:58These ongoing MK-Ultra operations
00:44:02Are functioning as a counterinsurgency and infiltration operation
00:44:07Aimed at destabilizing the United States and other industrialized nations
00:44:13I give the CIA a total credit
00:44:16For sponsoring and initiating the entire consciousness movement
00:44:21Counterculture events of the 1960s
00:44:24History will judge the role of the CIA and other intelligence agencies
00:44:28In unwittingly contributing to the counterculture of the 60s
00:44:32Through their intense interest in LSD and other hallucinogenics
00:44:37But for the moment at least
00:44:40The argument can be made that the CIA helped usher in
00:44:44The age of Aquarius
00:44:55Laurel Canyon was the epitome of the Summer of Love
00:44:59I mean, we saw the possibility of the way we could live
00:45:03It's odd because in Laurel Canyon
00:45:05So many of the soon-to-be stars there
00:45:08Their parents were in either the military-industrial complex
00:45:11Or intelligence, or the Pentagon
00:45:14In Frank Zappa's case
00:45:16His dad was working at Edgewood Arsenal
00:45:19Where they were doing biochem studies, psychotropic
00:45:21Exposing U.S. troops to VX nerve gas and other things
00:45:25The family kept gas masks in their house
00:45:28He grew up with that in case there was an accident
00:45:31And Edgewood Arsenal was doing very similar
00:45:34Related MK Ultra projects on U.S. troops
00:45:39The Gulf of Tonkin is another prime example
00:45:42The commander of the Gulf fleet in the Gulf of Tonkin
00:45:46His son was Jim Morris
00:45:48They claimed the USS Maddox was attacked by Vietnamese vessels
00:45:54It was never attacked
00:45:56As a matter of fact, they put ghost ships on the radar
00:45:59To make it look like they were Vietnamese ships
00:46:02The Maddox was never attacked
00:46:04It was an actual literal false flag
00:46:06To enable the U.S. to declare war on Vietnam
00:46:11So Jim Morrison's dad was involved
00:46:14In the false flag of the Gulf of Tonkin
00:46:18After talking to Kevin, I started looking into Laurel Canyon
00:46:23I drove down Laurel Canyon to Hollywood almost daily
00:46:27When I first moved out there
00:46:29And I never knew that there was an old Air Force base
00:46:32Called Lookout Mountain U.S. Air Force Base
00:46:35At the top of Laurel Canyon
00:46:37And what's funny is, if you do the history of it
00:46:41It's owned today by a guy named Jared Leto
00:46:45Another tactic developed out of the MKUltra project
00:46:48Was the use of compromise control via honeypots
00:46:52The decision was made to do testing on unwitting victims
00:46:56It was decided they should be on the fringes of society
00:46:59Because they were most vulnerable
00:47:01We did quite a study of prostitutes and their behavior
00:47:04How do you take a woman who is willing to use her body
00:47:07To get money out of a guy
00:47:09To get him to talk about things which are much more important
00:47:11Like state secrets
00:47:15We learned a lot about human nature in the bedroom
00:47:18We started to pick up knowledge that could be used in operations
00:47:23There would be victims in all of this
00:47:26As one agency memo says
00:47:28We have no answer to the moral question
00:47:31That's one of the CIA's favorite tactics
00:47:34Are honeypots
00:47:36And I work with CIA psychologists
00:47:38And they're dirty
00:47:40I always felt that every house should have its own secret panel
00:47:43I see you lift this up
00:47:45This is a trap door
00:47:47It opens up and looks into the cave
00:47:49Or what at the time was called the Wu Grotto
00:47:51Oh boy
00:47:53They're running blackmail operations
00:47:55Where they're getting very well known
00:47:57Government and private industry elite people
00:48:00In compromising positions
00:48:02At the Playboy Mansion
00:48:04On Epstein's plane on Orgy Island
00:48:06And they're photographing them
00:48:08And after that it's like congressman so-and-so
00:48:10Or CEO so-and-so
00:48:12I wouldn't bring that up if I was you
00:48:14Because we got photographs of you
00:48:16With a 14-year-old girl on Epstein's plane for example
00:48:20And you talk about shutting somebody up permanently
00:48:23That's how they do it
00:48:25What happens in the grotto stays in the grotto
00:48:29It's pretty simple if you think about it
00:48:31To control the population
00:48:33You have to control
00:48:35The people messaging the population
00:48:38Some of these stars have 20, 30 million followers
00:48:40That's more followers than CNN
00:48:42Fox, ABC, NBC
00:48:45These people have to be controlled
00:48:47They can't just go off message
00:48:49And start saying whatever they want to say
00:48:51They have to be somewhat reined in
00:48:55They have to be controlled
00:48:57Or they do not get the platform
00:48:59To have the voice that they have
00:49:02Forget the politicians
00:49:04The politicians are put there to give you the idea
00:49:06That you have freedom of choice
00:49:08You don't
00:49:10You have no choice
00:49:12You have owners
00:49:14They own you
00:49:16They own everything
00:49:18They own all the important land
00:49:20They own and control the corporations
00:49:22They've long since bought and paid for the Senate
00:49:24The Congress, the State Houses, the City Halls
00:49:26They got the judges in their back pockets
00:49:28And they own all the big media companies
00:49:30So they control just about all the news
00:49:32And information you get to hear
00:49:34They got you by the balls
00:49:36It's a big club
00:49:38And you ain't in it
00:49:40It's the same big club
00:49:42They used to beat you over the head with all day long
00:49:44When they tell you what to believe
00:49:46All day long, beating you over the head in their media
00:49:48Telling you what to believe, what to think, and what to buy
00:49:50The table is tilted, folks
00:49:52The game is rigged
00:49:54And nobody seems to notice
00:49:56Nobody seems to care
00:49:58Good, honest, hardworking people
00:50:00White collar, blue collar, doesn't matter what color shirt you have on
00:50:02Good, honest, hardworking people continue
00:50:04These are people of modest means
00:50:06Continue to elect these rich cocksuckers
00:50:08Who don't give a fuck about them
00:50:10They don't care about the truth
00:50:12At all, at all, at all
00:50:16You know
00:50:18And nobody seems to notice
00:50:20Nobody seems to care
00:50:22That's what the owners count on
00:50:24The fact that Americans will probably remain
00:50:26Willfully ignorant
00:50:28Because the owners of this country know the truth
00:50:30It's called the American dream
00:50:32Because you have to be asleep to believe it
00:50:34If you stop for a second
00:50:36And you just look at the bigger picture
00:50:38And you check out for a minute
00:50:40And you compare the ancient times to today
00:50:42Well back then they had like what
00:50:44Demigods and gods
00:50:46They were like Achilles, Hercules
00:50:48Apollo, Mercury
00:50:50All these were demigods
00:50:52And that's who the people in those days looked up to
00:50:54Well today we have all these people like
00:50:56Jay-Z, Rihanna, Beyonce
00:50:59Lady Gaga, Katy Perry
00:51:01In film we have Brad Pitt
00:51:03Will Smith
00:51:05We have all these big stars
00:51:07And the way they prop them up
00:51:08And they put them up on stage
00:51:10Is like they're gods or demigods
00:51:13In this room
00:51:15Are some of the most important
00:51:17TV and film executives in the world
00:51:19People from every background
00:51:21But they all have one thing in common
00:51:23They're all terrified of Ronan Farrow
00:51:26He's coming for you
00:51:28He's coming for you
00:51:30Look, talking of all you perverts
00:51:32It was a big year
00:51:34It was a big year for pedophile movies
00:51:36Surviving R. Kelly
00:51:38Leaving Neverland
00:51:40Two popes
00:51:42Shut up, shut up
00:51:44I don't care, I don't care
00:51:46Most people don't want to cross
00:51:48The psychological line
00:51:50That this stuff is going on
00:51:52And we all have a mental defense mechanism
00:51:54It's like finally admitting
00:51:56There's an elite pedophile ring
00:51:58I mean most people just don't want to go there
00:52:00And the same is here
00:52:02Psychologically you lose your safety
00:52:04Your security
00:52:06Your innocence you have
00:52:08When you realize that this stuff
00:52:10Is really going on
00:52:12And it's a chore to cross over that barrier
00:52:14And realize oh my gosh
00:52:16This stuff is really happening
00:52:18And that's why it takes critical thinking
00:52:20That people have got to look at this stuff critically
00:52:22And see what they're being fed
00:52:24So they can cross that psychological line
00:52:26That they just refuse to see it
00:52:28When it's right in front of them
00:52:30When Kevin said there's an elite pedophile ring
00:52:32Well I'm thinking to myself
00:52:34This is a hard thing for me
00:52:36It made me start thinking about conversations
00:52:38And things I'd heard
00:52:40But I'd never saw it
00:52:42It's not out in the open
00:52:44And to me I was like
00:52:48No one could do that
00:52:50Because I mean if I saw someone hurting a kid
00:52:52I would kill them
00:52:54I would literally kill them
00:52:56I would never allow someone
00:52:58To hurt a child in front of me
00:53:00Things Kevin was saying
00:53:02Were things that were hard for me to cross the barrier
00:53:04I did not want to believe it
00:53:06And to me I forced myself
00:53:08To go consider
00:53:10What if this is real
00:53:12And the only person
00:53:14That was talking about this stuff
00:53:16Was a girl named Liz Crokin
00:53:18And the media had declared her
00:53:20Completely out of her mind
00:53:22But as I started researching
00:53:24Some of the things she was reporting on
00:53:26I was like there's truth
00:53:28To what she's saying
00:53:30So I want to talk to her
00:53:32I started working in journalism
00:53:34At a very young age
00:53:36I got my first job
00:53:38Working for Fox Chicago
00:53:40At about the age of 17 years old
00:53:42At the University of Iowa
00:53:44I studied political science
00:53:46And journalism
00:53:48One semester I interned
00:53:50For Bill O'Reilly
00:53:52At Fox News Channel
00:53:54My last year in college
00:53:56I interned for the State Department's
00:53:58White House reporter
00:53:59And that placed me
00:54:01Reporting in the White House
00:54:03Every single day
00:54:05For a few months
00:54:07I went on to work
00:54:09For the Chicago Tribune
00:54:11And my first boss there
00:54:13Told me that everything
00:54:15That I should get
00:54:17Should be checked over
00:54:19And over and over again
00:54:21And verified to death
00:54:23That's how I was trained
00:54:25And that's what a true
00:54:27Honest journalist does
00:54:29I started covering
00:54:31Local politics
00:54:33And local hard news
00:54:35And then eventually
00:54:37I got my own column
00:54:39For seven years
00:54:41Where I interviewed
00:54:43Tons of celebrities
00:54:45And politicians
00:54:47And musicians
00:54:49And worked at Us Weekly
00:54:51And then at one point
00:54:53I worked at In Touch Weekly Magazine
00:54:55But then in 2015
00:54:57I felt the need
00:54:59For Town Hall
00:55:01And then eventually
00:55:03I started working for
00:55:05The New York Observer
00:55:07And broke a lot of
00:55:09Election related stories
00:55:11I worked in media
00:55:13For over two decades
00:55:15And I never had any issues
00:55:17I was very well respected
00:55:19I basically was embraced
00:55:21By the mainstream media
00:55:23Until I started reporting
00:55:25On Pizzagate
00:55:27Now when Pizzagate
00:55:29Came out
00:55:31The media tried to turn
00:55:33Pizzagate into something
00:55:35That wasn't
00:55:37Surprises of the presidential
00:55:39Campaign was the explosion
00:55:41Of fake news on the internet
00:55:4328 year old Edgar Welch
00:55:45Was arrested in Washington
00:55:47Sunday afternoon
00:55:49Outside Comet Ping Pong
00:55:51A popular family pizza parlor
00:55:53DC police say Welch
00:55:54Was running around
00:55:56Into the restaurant floor
00:55:58With an AR-15 rifle
00:56:00Like this one
00:56:02On his Facebook page
00:56:04No one was injured
00:56:06Someone on Twitter
00:56:08Whose name remains unverified
00:56:10But has several thousand followers
00:56:12Posted that new emails
00:56:14Found on Anthony Weiner's computer
00:56:16Confirmed that Hillary Clinton
00:56:18Was involved in a pedophilia ring
00:56:20The rumors spread
00:56:22Inspiring some new found
00:56:24The implication of the so-called
00:56:26Sex ring
00:56:28In those emails
00:56:30They are absolutely littered
00:56:32With code words
00:56:34And many of these code words
00:56:36Are food words
00:56:38Such as pizza
00:56:40Somebody said to me
00:56:42Hey Dave, search for pizza
00:56:44In Podesta's emails
00:56:46And once you go down
00:56:48That rabbit hole
00:56:50You never really emerge
00:56:52The same person
00:56:54That you used in
00:56:56Did not make sense
00:56:58To be clear
00:57:00Not one single email
00:57:02In the Podesta emails
00:57:04Discusses child sex trafficking
00:57:06Or pedophilia
00:57:08That is a fact
00:57:10But there are dozens
00:57:12Of what seem to be
00:57:14Strangely worded emails
00:57:16Dealing with pizza
00:57:18And handkerchiefs
00:57:20Investigators say
00:57:22That those words in the emails
00:57:24Are two phrases
00:57:26That who blocks out
00:57:28An hour of time
00:57:30To eat a slice of pizza
00:57:32You can get a service
00:57:34For half an hour
00:57:36You can get a massage
00:57:38For half an hour
00:57:40But you can't get food
00:57:42For half an hour
00:57:44It just absolutely makes no sense
00:57:46There's other ones like
00:57:48The realtor found a handkerchief
00:57:50I think it has a map
00:57:52That seems pizza related
00:57:54Pizza is a well-known
00:57:56Pedophile code word
00:57:58That actually has been used
00:58:00By law enforcement
00:58:02To arrest online
00:58:04Sexual predators of children
00:58:06And there's been multiple arrests
00:58:08That have been made
00:58:10By law enforcement
00:58:12Of pedophiles
00:58:14Trying to solicit children
00:58:16By using the pedophile
00:58:18Code word pizza
00:58:22Unclassified FBI document
00:58:24By pedophiles
00:58:26To express their preference in children
00:58:28Notice this one on the end
00:58:30The triangle
00:58:32That image signifies
00:58:34Something called boy love
00:58:36The pizza place next door
00:58:38To comment ping pong pizza
00:58:40Best of pizza
00:58:42Well this was their logo
00:58:44Until only a few weeks ago
00:58:46People don't know that
00:58:48Because the mainstream media
00:58:50Refuses to cover it
00:58:52The entire mainstream media
00:58:54People like Megyn Kelly
00:58:56Come in
00:58:58Interview James Elephantus
00:59:00Didn't ask him any
00:59:02Challenging questions
00:59:04A conspiracy theory
00:59:06That even the DC police
00:59:08Say has no basis in fact
00:59:10She didn't ask him any questions
00:59:12About the pictures of children
00:59:14On his Instagram page
00:59:16Looking abused
00:59:18Being sexualized
00:59:20She didn't ask him about
00:59:22The pedophile talk
00:59:24Because that was something
00:59:26That wasn't true
00:59:28But just his Instagram page alone
00:59:30Should have been enough
00:59:32For authorities to look into him
00:59:34Investigators have already proven
00:59:36There's nothing to this story, right?
00:59:38Well actually no
00:59:40And that's what you need to know
00:59:42For all that is here
00:59:44There has not been one single
00:59:46Public investigation of any of this
00:59:48Not from local police
00:59:50Not from the FBI
00:59:52No one
00:59:54Not even the parlor owners
00:59:56But for law enforcement
00:59:58Based on what may be
01:00:00Or may not be here
01:00:02The big question is
01:00:04Why hasn't any investigation
01:00:06Taken place?
01:00:08This is insane
01:00:10So many people in the
01:00:12Mainstream media have said
01:00:14Pizzagate is a conspiracy theory
01:00:16Pizzagate has been debunked
01:00:18It has not been debunked
01:00:20If it's been debunked
01:00:22Explain the code words
01:00:24For the pedophiles
01:00:26Hey John Podesta
01:00:28Can you please explain
01:00:30Why you have children
01:00:32Rented for entertainment
01:00:34For your adult hot tub parties
01:00:36No one has ever explained
01:00:38Why John Podesta has
01:00:40Literal pedophile and cannibalism
01:00:42Paintings all over his office
01:00:44And his home
01:00:46Tony Podesta too
01:00:48And then you look into
01:00:50The spirit cooking dinners
01:00:52And you look at Marina Abramovic
01:00:55Why are they going to
01:00:57Spirit cooking dinners?
01:00:59Why are they sacrificing
01:01:01Chicken samola in their backyard?
01:01:03This isn't my words
01:01:05This is their words
01:01:07This is in their emails
01:01:09I'd be willing to debate
01:01:11Anyone who thinks
01:01:13That Pizzagate has been debunked
01:01:15You asked me when
01:01:17When did
01:01:19Am I getting additional briefings?
01:01:21That was the first and last time
01:01:22October 9th is the last time
01:01:24You've heard from the FBI at all
01:01:28You have not gotten an update
01:01:30On the investigation
01:01:32Of your personal email
01:01:34That is correct
01:01:36So not only did the mainstream media
01:01:38Lie to you about Pizzagate
01:01:40They actually told you
01:01:42That it was illegal
01:01:44To read John Podesta's emails
01:01:46On WikiLeaks
01:01:48Chris Cuomo with a straight face
01:01:50On CNN
01:01:52What's interesting is
01:01:54Remember it's illegal
01:01:56To possess these stolen documents
01:01:58It's different for the media
01:02:00So everything you learn about this
01:02:02You're learning from us
01:02:04That's how scared they are
01:02:06Of those emails
01:02:08And that's how explosive
01:02:10The content in those emails are
01:02:12That they felt the need
01:02:14That they had to tell you
01:02:16You could not read those emails
01:02:18And if you do
01:02:20You might get arrested
01:02:23People that blow the whistle
01:02:25On elite pedophiles
01:02:27Tend to have accidents
01:02:29And a lot of those people
01:02:31Have died mysteriously
01:02:34NBC News has learned
01:02:36That disgraced financier
01:02:38Jeffrey Epstein is dead
01:02:40Epstein took his own life
01:02:42While he was behind bars
01:02:44There's absolutely no excuse for this
01:02:46What happened here to me
01:02:48Is mind-boggling
01:02:50The guy was a high-risk prisoner
01:02:5250 very important people
01:02:54That have a motive to kill him
01:02:56We don't even know who they are
01:02:58It's true, but we know
01:03:00There are some people
01:03:02That are in a lot of trouble
01:03:04Because of Epstein
01:03:06They know who they are
01:03:08His flight logs contain names
01:03:10Of some of the biggest
01:03:12Most famous and most powerful
01:03:14People on the planet
01:03:16Members of the royal family
01:03:18Prince Andrew
01:03:20Models like Naomi Campbell
01:03:22Have been on his flight logs
01:03:24Over 25 times
01:03:26Hillary Clinton
01:03:28She's also been to the islands
01:03:30So the bigger question is
01:03:32How many people
01:03:34That went on his private jet
01:03:36That went to his private island
01:03:38That went to his massive ranch
01:03:40In New Mexico
01:03:42Were also involved in the rape
01:03:44Torture and trafficking of children
01:03:46It hides in plain sight
01:03:48Epstein was hiding in plain sight
01:03:50We all knew about him
01:03:52There was no legal aspect
01:03:54That would go after him
01:03:56They were afraid of him
01:03:58For whatever reason
01:04:00They were afraid of him
01:04:02And the amazing thing
01:04:04About Cindy McCain
01:04:06Is that her husband was a senator
01:04:08She was on a board
01:04:10With the governor of Texas
01:04:12She knew about Jeffrey Epstein
01:04:14She did nothing
01:04:16And her organization
01:04:18The role of her organization
01:04:20Is supposed to be
01:04:22You're all friends with Jeffrey Epstein
01:04:24He wasn't lying
01:04:26So in the end
01:04:28He obviously didn't kill himself
01:04:30Just like Jeffrey Epstein
01:04:32Shut up
01:04:34I know he's your friend
01:04:36But I don't care
01:04:39You had to make your own way
01:04:41And your own plan didn't you
01:04:43And how many of those elites
01:04:45Have been to his islands
01:04:47Not only is the mainstream media
01:04:50I would argue
01:04:52That there are accessories
01:04:54In the crimes against children
01:04:56She told me everything
01:04:58She had pictures
01:05:00She had everything
01:05:02She was in hiding for 12 years
01:05:04We convinced her to come out
01:05:06We convinced her to talk to us
01:05:08It was unbelievable
01:05:10What we had Clinton
01:05:12We had everything
01:05:14I tried for three years
01:05:16To get it on to no avail
01:05:18And now it's all coming out
01:05:20I'm so pissed right now
01:05:22Every day I get more and more pissed
01:05:24Because I'm just like
01:05:26Oh my god
01:05:28What we had was unreal
01:05:30Brad Edwards the attorney
01:05:32Three years ago saying
01:05:34There will come a day
01:05:36But we will realize
01:05:38Jeffrey Epstein was the most prolific
01:05:40Pedophile this country has ever known
01:05:42I had it all three years ago
01:05:44Then what happened in early 2018
01:05:47Keith Raniere
01:05:49Who ran the NXIVM
01:05:51Child sex trafficking cult
01:05:53Was arrested
01:05:55Who else was arrested
01:05:57Allison Mack
01:05:59She's a famous celebrity
01:06:01Who was on Smallville
01:06:03She was also arrested
01:06:05For being a member
01:06:07Of this cult
01:06:09That was involved
01:06:11In trafficking children
01:06:13Not only trafficking children
01:06:15They were running preschools
01:06:17Down in Mexico
01:06:19And NXIVM is another example
01:06:21Of how these elite pedophile rings
01:06:25Because this was a massive organization
01:06:27This was funded by
01:06:29Really wealthy people
01:06:31Including the Seagram Heiresses
01:06:33Nancy Salzman
01:06:35And Claire Bronfman
01:06:37So obviously they were using
01:06:39Those preschools to traffic children
01:06:41And the cult
01:06:43Was also engaged in
01:06:45Human torture experiments
01:06:47On some of their members
01:06:49And there actually was
01:06:51A civil lawsuit
01:06:53That was filed
01:06:55By 90 of their victims
01:06:57Just the other day
01:06:59So I imagine we are going to hear more
01:07:01About the human experiments
01:07:03The torturing
01:07:05The sexual abuse
01:07:07And the child sex trafficking
01:07:09In this civil lawsuit
01:07:11And a lot of the techniques
01:07:13Are very similar to the techniques
01:07:15That our government used
01:07:17In the MKUltra program
01:07:19These are branding women
01:07:21With case initials
01:07:23And they were like
01:07:25Well what's the bad thing
01:07:27Exactly about that
01:07:29Everyone in the outside world
01:07:31A.k.a. the real world
01:07:33Is like they're branding women
01:07:35So I left
01:07:37I went to the executive board
01:07:39And I said I want my photos back
01:07:41I want my videos back
01:07:43I want my business back
01:07:45I want my line control
01:07:47And you'll be destroyed
01:07:49If you cross
01:07:51Get into the upper elites
01:07:53And if you get to that point
01:07:55If you start revealing anything
01:07:57They have the same system
01:07:59To completely destroy you
01:08:01Destroy your career
01:08:03Blackmail you like Epstein
01:08:05Catch you, film you
01:08:07In compromising positions
01:08:09And this goes both
01:08:11Within Hollywood and celebrities
01:08:13they're done.
01:08:14A lot of people here tonight feel like they lost.
01:08:15You know why?
01:08:16Because y'all been lied to.
01:08:17Google lied to you.
01:08:18Facebook lied to you.
01:08:19Radio lied to you.
01:08:20The powerful people that meet, whether it's the music industry or the movie industry,
01:08:41you are only allowed a certain level of success if you are willing to join their club, if
01:08:50you're willing to be part of their secret society, or if you're compromised.
01:08:57They will not let someone obtain a lot of fame and power if they can't control you.
01:09:06A classic example, at least for me, is Katy Perry.
01:09:09Katy Perry was a gospel singer, very talented, but she was going nowhere.
01:09:15And she got up to Hollywood, and basically they said, you want to be a success?
01:09:19You play by our rules.
01:09:20You step into the occult, and you start putting that in your videos.
01:09:23And now she's doing videos with her in hell, with satanic themes, and she's what?
01:09:28Highly successful.
01:09:29You see that over with Lady Gaga, who came out and actually said she was so tired of
01:09:34being handled and manipulated, she had to take a break.
01:09:40This is this young, outrageous girl, wears strange clothes.
01:09:45She's into extremes.
01:09:47She's experimental.
01:09:49She has 43 million people on Twitter following her, whatever she does, little monsters.
01:09:57And she came really very humble to my house and asked me if I could teach her.
01:10:03We made this workshop in the woods, and she was such a good student.
01:10:08She never cheats.
01:10:09She really went much farther than I asked her for.
01:10:14She is a limitless human being.
01:10:17As myself, a self-proclaimed pop performance artist, want to go home and slit my wrists,
01:10:23and I am nothing, I have achieved no sense of art.
01:10:27She is so boundless.
01:10:30When I heard about the performance because of Lady Gaga, all of a sudden I was interested
01:10:35in my work.
01:10:36So I went from that, I mean, a little bit of culture to mass culture, which is beautiful.
01:10:41Marina Bramovic, of course, is in the Podesta emails, and she's the one that conducts the
01:10:45spirit cooking dinners.
01:10:49She said that Marina did an exercise with her where she stripped her completely naked
01:10:56and left her in the middle of the woods to fend for herself and find her way back.
01:11:01Those are the kinds of things that people who are behind MKUltra programs do to children
01:11:08that they're mind controlling.
01:11:10We know Marina Bramovic is a Satanist.
01:11:13You Google Marina Bramovic's name in spirit cooking, and you will find hundreds of pictures
01:11:18of Marina Bramovic's events where they will have, for example, a cake that looks like
01:11:22a human being, and they'll depict human cannibalism, and they claim they're not engaging in cannibalism.
01:11:30And you will find A-list actors and famous politicians and other very famous and successful,
01:11:37powerful business people at her events.
01:11:40They literally have food that look like human beings on dinner tables.
01:11:50She's Italian and Greek, I mean, you know.
01:11:53And a very good cook.
01:11:54And a very good cook.
01:11:56And I'm sure there's something very nefarious about that risotto recipe.
01:12:00So after I started researching the cult, I learned that Satanists believe that they have
01:12:10to reveal who they are in some way, shape, or form.
01:12:14So that is why we see a lot of these occult members in Hollywood constantly flaunting symbolism.
01:12:23We see the pyramid, the Illuminati pyramid a lot.
01:12:26We see the evil one eye constantly.
01:12:29It's always on the cover of magazines.
01:12:32We see these are supposed to be the 666 devil symbols.
01:12:35We constantly see those symbols.
01:12:37We also see pedophile symbols, the swirl or the triangle within a triangle.
01:12:45And we also see a lot of these members of the cult go on their social media and they
01:12:51talk about raping children.
01:12:53They talk about worshiping Satan.
01:12:57And people write it off as a joke, but they're not joking.
01:13:03I don't care if you're a major comedian.
01:13:06You can't tell me that's funny.
01:13:10Because there is no joke about raping children that's funny.
01:13:14You don't know what that is.
01:13:16I have no idea.
01:13:17You don't know.
01:13:18Jimmy Fallon doesn't know.
01:13:19David Letterman doesn't know.
01:13:20We don't know.
01:13:21All the comics and show business don't know what this is.
01:13:24It takes guts to put out a film that does this because no one's done it up until now.
01:13:33When that's done and people see these facts and they say, my gosh, I didn't know that.
01:13:37I didn't know that about the Gulf of Tonkin.
01:13:38I didn't know that about the Vietnam War.
01:13:42My gosh.
01:13:43And they go in, they check it out.
01:13:44It's all true.
01:13:45And now they're seeing the dots.
01:13:48And a good film will teach them how to practice critical thinking, to analyze what you're
01:13:55If we can get people to analyze what they're watching, we've crossed a huge hurdle.
01:13:59Because once they start analyzing it, they're going to see the dots.
01:14:02And typically the dots will connect themselves.
01:14:05Liz Crokan put herself so far out in front that she was mocked.
01:14:10She was laughed at.
01:14:12She was called crazy.
01:14:13Well, let me ask you a question.
01:14:15For all those people that did that to Liz, does she seem so crazy now?
01:14:19When you put all of those facts together and you use critical thinking, you realize this
01:14:26stuff is real.
01:14:28There's not one smoking gun.
01:14:31There's many small smoking guns that you have to piece together and you have to use
01:14:36critical thinking to understand this stuff is real.
01:14:41So again, the bigger question is, now that Jeffrey Epstein's been exposed and he's allegedly
01:14:47dead, how many of his friends that were frequent visitors on his sex trafficking islands were
01:14:54also involved in the rape, torture, and trafficking of children?
01:15:00And that's what Pizzagate is.
01:15:11I guess what I'm asking you all to do is just disconnect for a second, stand back, look
01:15:17at the lyrics of your songs, look at the agendas of the movies, look at the messages of the
01:15:21media that you're absorbing.
01:15:24Because it's impossible to say that all of it's bad, like all of Hollywood's bad.
01:15:30That's not true.
01:15:31It's like saying all the CIA's bad.
01:15:33There's a lot of good people that work in both industries that aren't bad people.
01:15:39But if the people that control the narratives and the agendas are not good people and they
01:15:46have different agendas, they can put that on you and you won't even notice it unless
01:15:53you stand back and look at things objectively.
01:15:57I can't compromise anymore.
01:16:00For me that's not what life's about.
01:16:01I want to send a good message to my kids and I want them to know that at the end of the
01:16:06day their dad did what was right and their dad fought for the good things in life.
01:16:13If I could ever get the opportunity to make movies that send out good messages and then
01:16:18people start realizing that they can be good and that they can jump on the bandwagon of
01:16:25good, that's the next phase.
01:16:30People start believing it.
01:16:31It's the same thing with desensitizing with the violence.
01:16:33People start believing that it's okay to kill somebody or watching somebody die isn't a
01:16:38big deal.
01:16:40When people aren't helping other people in need on the streets, there's a problem in
01:16:43this world.
01:16:44But this could all be changed right now.
01:16:48The reason why I'm doing this documentary is because I want to be one of the first people
01:16:52to come out and say, hey, it doesn't have to be like this.
01:16:55We are good people.
01:16:56Humans are good and we can make the world a better place because the money and the technology
01:17:03to make this world a better place is there.
01:17:06It's just been covered up and controlled for so long that it's time for it all to come
01:17:12out and maybe I'm the catalyst for something better.
01:17:16What does the media look like in the future?
01:17:18Well, to me, what I would hope is that it's not filtered.
01:17:24I would love to build a platform or build some sort of system where artists could connect
01:17:31directly to their audience.
01:17:34I want to make products and tell stories that bring humanity together, that bring compassion,
01:17:42that bring love, that bring forgiveness, that bring inspiration and courage back to the
01:17:48audience without having the influence of violence or gratuitous sex or gratuitous death or gratuitous
01:17:57horror because those are things and images that get stored in our psyche and our soul
01:18:02and I don't think that's the way that this earth was intended to be.
01:18:11I don't think that's the way that this earth was intended to be.
01:18:37As God is my witness, I will never be censored again.
01:18:40As God is my witness, I will never be censored again.
01:18:43As God is my witness, I will never be censored again.
01:18:46As God is my witness, I will never be censored again.
01:18:48Wow, I made it through without being censored.
01:18:52Thanks to TellEyes, I never have to worry about censored media again.
01:18:57TellEyes tells it like it is.
01:18:59TellEyes advocates for free, uncensored content.
01:19:02Check it out for yourself.
01:19:04Uncensor yourself.