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00:28Hello, I
00:30Would like to read for you a prophecy that was given
00:34to a man called Emanuel Minos, which is an
00:41Evangelist it was given to him by a 90 year old lady in
00:49So this is a really old prophecy. It's in four parts and
00:54It's about today
00:58I'll read it to you and
01:01Think about it
01:03part one
01:05It was as if a map was rolled out before me
01:08I saw it with my own eyes on the map all continents were presents
01:14I noticed Europe, Scandinavia and Norway
01:18what I was shown were
01:20Occurrences concerning the time before Jesus returned and the third world war breaks out
01:26Part two
01:30Before Jesus returned and the third world war breaks out. There is a release of tension between the world's superpowers
01:38And please remember this prophecy was from 1968 when the tension between the east and west was at its peak
01:46People will make long-term plans in our country. There will be a disarmament and we will once again be unprepared
01:54Like we were at the 9th of April 1940
01:58This is this is the date where the Germans
02:01Occupied or came to Norway during in the beginning of the Second World War
02:08Third world war will start in a way that no one had expected and from an unexpected place
02:16There will be an apostasy like never before from true and real Christianity and a great
02:23Coldness grips the hearts of the believers
02:26They will no longer be open for messages of correction
02:30People will not want to hear about sin, grace, commandments, gospel and repentance
02:37Instead a new kind of preaching takes over the pulpits
02:42preaching about happiness, prosperity and a high standard of living
02:47A kind of prosperity preaching spreads out
02:51Churches almost empty. Same happens to independent churches gathering in small congregations and groups
02:59The believers will not follow Jesus on the narrow road
03:03Entertainment, art and cultural activities will more and more replace revival and repentance
03:11Part 3
03:14There will be a moral decline never before imaginable
03:18People living like married without being married. That's partnerships
03:23There will be fornication before marriage and much infidelity within marriage
03:28Yes, even in Christian marriages, there will be infidelity and broken marriages
03:34Perverse sins will abound and it will even be accepted within the Christian community
03:40The TV will play a big role
03:43There will be many TV stations and the TV will be full of violence. The violence will become entertainment for everybody at this time
03:52And the violence that people see on TV will eventually spread to society
03:57There will also be shown the most intimate scenes between a man and a woman
04:02The most intimate things that pertains to marriage will be shown on the TV
04:07And at this point
04:09The man Emanuel Minos who are recording this or receiving this prophecy
04:16Comments to to the old lady that there are rules that prohibits
04:22Things but she says with a loud voice when the time comes they won't even care about that
04:31And part 4
04:33People from poor countries will flood the rich ones
04:37they will come to Europe to Scandinavia and also to Norway they will be many and
04:42People will start to dislike them and treat them harshly and with tears she said
04:49They will be more and more treated like the Jews during the war and at that point the cup of our sins is full
04:58The war breaks out first as a small conflict an unsignificant conflict
05:05But it doesn't stop and it creases and grows
05:09Finally it develops into a full-scale war at the end of the great war
05:14Horrible weapons are used amongst them nuclear weapons
05:19Air soil and water gets poisoned and destroyed
05:23People from the industrialized world America, Europe, Australia, Japan and similar areas must flee
05:31They can't live there any longer
05:34They try to to get to the poor countries that have avoided the most the worst effects of the war
05:40But they won't be willing to receive them
05:44That's the end of the prophecy
05:47Now, please keep in mind that this prophecy was given in
05:501968 where we when we barely had a TV here in Norway and everything was it was black and white TV
05:57It was one channel and
05:59This lady was shown all these things
06:04Also the
06:07Cold war between East and West was at its peak and
06:14Still she she foresaw this quite well
06:21Time is late. Jesus is coming back real soon. We must repent from sin and get right with him
06:29So, yeah, Jesus bless you
06:35As God is my witness I will never be censored again as
06:41God is my witness. I will never be censored again as God's my witness. I'll never be censored again
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