Forbidden Love Season 1 Episode 2

  • 2 months ago
Forbidden Love S1 Episode 2 - Love Stinks


00:00Previously on Forbidden Love...
00:01-♪ Kalkainu b'tzor Adekha. ♪
00:04-♪ K'vayim. ♪
00:05-♪ K'vurahu. ♪
00:07Hi, honey.
00:08Sometimes in life,
00:09an orthodox Jewish boy falls in love
00:11with an Italian Catholic girl.
00:13You read that?
00:14Bimo meem.
00:15Bimo meem?
00:17But the only way the relationship's gonna work,
00:19long-term, marriage, kids, all this stuff,
00:21is if Laurie converts.
00:23What does that mean?
00:27Is that hallelujah?
00:29Whoa, whoa, whoa.
00:34I'm from Jefferson City, Missouri.
00:35It's white, conservative, and Catholic.
00:36So you can imagine the shock
00:37when I announce that I'm married.
00:38A man...
00:39and he's Muslim.
00:40The religion is so different.
00:41Do you really know
00:42what you're getting yourself into?
00:43I cannot see you
00:44being quiet and submissive.
00:45What do you think
00:46the Irish people are gonna think?
00:47Look, there's already
00:48one turn in this video.
00:49Yeah, they're all turning around.
00:50It's because my parents
00:51don't like me.
00:52They don't like me.
00:53They don't like me.
00:54They don't like me.
00:55They don't like me.
00:56They don't like me.
00:57They don't like me.
00:58They don't like me.
00:59They don't like me.
01:00They don't like me.
01:01We're all turning around.
01:02It's because my shirt.
01:03I look like a disco ball.
01:04I was a good little Amish boy
01:05until I met this
01:06sexy little model here.
01:07Have you been looking up porn?
01:11They found porn
01:12on Elmer's phone again.
01:13Porn has been an issue
01:15since before we got married,
01:16but I thought
01:17we were done with that.
01:18So I am livid.
01:20I'm not doing this
01:21for the rest of my life.
01:22I am okay with being
01:23a single mother
01:24if I have to.
01:27My sister, her birthday is coming up.
01:30I told her that we're going to come to Missouri.
01:34I promise Allah, I will never, ever
01:37step one foot in Missouri.
01:40Ashley, sister Jennifer, come with us.
01:43If we don't bridge this gap between our families,
01:46we're not going to be successful.
01:48I have the clothes I was going to donate,
02:15so if you want to go through it.
02:18And then these pots and pans, because they're not kosher,
02:22so I can't have them.
02:25That's so sad.
02:27Why is that sad?
02:28I get all new stuff.
02:29Eli's going to buy me all new stuff.
02:31Angela is my ride or die.
02:33She is my best friend for life.
02:36We are the two youngest siblings of the family.
02:40We're two years apart, and I feel like she
02:44knows me more than anyone.
02:47Wait, but why can't you use them?
02:49They're not kosher.
02:51Oh, like you've cooked non-kosher food.
02:53Yeah, so I cook non-kosher meat and cheese in it.
02:57There's a lot of rules in keeping kosher.
03:01You can't mix meat and milk because it's
03:03like cooking the animal in its mother's milk,
03:06and they can't even touch.
03:08So I can't put cheese on my meatballs
03:11anymore because it's considered a sin.
03:16So I need to have two sinks, one meat, one dairy.
03:20You need to have two different sponges,
03:21and you have to have two different strainers,
03:23two different plates, two different everything.
03:26It's just crazy.
03:31What's the clothes?
03:34Oh, that's my old bathing suit.
03:37What does this cover?
03:39It covers like the top or the bottom.
03:41Some of these outfits, I can't even defend.
03:44Oh, I love that.
03:46I wish I could keep that.
03:48Until converting to Judaism, I always
03:51looked like a hoochie mama.
03:52Booty shorts, half shirts, where my boobs were like hanging out.
04:00How does this even?
04:03I mean, I look good.
04:05But ever since meeting Rabi, I've
04:08But ever since meeting Rabi Bloch,
04:11I just need to get rid of these outfits
04:12and be like that modest, modern, sexy Jew.
04:19Did you ever think that you would be where you are,
04:22like converting?
04:25For love?
04:27Well, I mean, not just for that, but.
04:29Well, what else for?
04:31Well, at first it was for love, but I mean,
04:33now I feel like it's for me, too, you know?
04:40What are you getting out of it?
04:42A place for my spirituality.
04:46You're doing it for something, but you wouldn't
04:49be doing it without him.
04:54I really like Eli, but if it wasn't for her relationship,
04:58she wouldn't be converting.
04:59She wouldn't be dressing differently,
05:01changing the way she eats.
05:04If she wants these things, I'm happy for her,
05:07but I just hope she's not feeling pressured to convert.
05:12Do you feel like you're cut out for this new life,
05:15this Orthodox Jewish life?
05:20I mean, let me tell you, it's not going to happen overnight.
05:23It's a lot of changes.
05:25I mean, there's a lot of things that I'm like, ooh, you know?
05:27Like, Orthodox women, they wear sheitels.
05:30It's a wig.
05:33You have to wear a wig?
05:36Yeah, I mean, you have to hide your, like, not hide your hair,
05:39but like, not show your hair, because it's
05:42like, for your husband.
05:43Only for your husband.
05:45I don't know where I heard this.
05:46Something about, like, having sex
05:49with a sheet between you.
05:51Is that a thing?
05:54Like, there's like a hole involved.
05:56Sex between the sheets?
06:00So Eli's not going to, like, come out with a sheet?
06:02You think he's going to show me in a sheet?
06:06Well, that's a relief.
06:08I don't know if the hole in the sheet, it's a myth,
06:10but one of the sex things that he, we talked about rabbi,
06:15the man's supposed to be on top.
06:18So you're not supposed to do, like, you know,
06:20doggie style or anything like that.
06:23It's not permitted.
06:28You look very guilty.
06:32There's a lot of things that are different that, like,
06:35make you Laurie, like, the Laurie that I
06:38know and grew up with, you know?
06:40And now it's like, you're so conservative.
06:47The Laurie I used to know is definitely
06:51gone in a lot of ways.
06:54Laurie has always been a very free spirit.
06:57So this is pretty intense.
06:59I don't know how much your life's going to change, you know?
07:02And I just want to make sure that you're
07:04always the same person.
07:06Of course.
07:10I do get a little worried because I have
07:13no idea how far this goes or if it becomes more strict.
07:19And I'm just hoping that her life doesn't stray too far.
07:23I just don't want to lose my sister, you know?
07:49Thank you.
08:05My name is Chris.
08:06I'm 37.
08:08And I'm a Pentecostal preacher's son.
08:20The Pentecostal church is nothing like you've probably
08:24witnessed or seen before.
08:27We believe in the Holy Ghost or the Holy Spirit.
08:34It's like a direct channel that's
08:35being opened up with God.
08:40People start convulsing, screaming, crying out,
08:45Some people's waving their hands around,
08:48You know, some people may have a seizure.
08:51You know, it's a really incredible experience.
08:53And that's just a feeling that you
08:55want to try to hold on to as long as possible.
09:01I've witnessed my father speak in tongue numerous times.
09:12You're talking directly to God.
09:18It could probably scare you, honestly,
09:20because you don't know what language
09:21or if this person is possessed.
09:24As a kid, sometimes I would just sit back and laugh.
09:33I've heard some Pentecostal churches
09:35will use snakes just to test your faith in the Lord.
09:39But I've never seen that.
09:42That shit is just crazy to me.
09:43Like, that's just crazy.
09:47That's not a black church that's doing this.
09:59My father, he was a pastor for 45 years.
10:02Even though he's technically retired,
10:03he still preaches from time to time
10:04whenever the Spirit hits him.
10:08My father is somebody that I consider a hero.
10:18There's been times in my life where I may
10:20have went down the wrong track.
10:22I've had gambling spills in my life, sports betting.
10:26And, you know, I've lost lots of money.
10:28But I've always had my father to steer me back on the right track
10:33and bring me closer to God.
10:37Being the preacher's son, my father,
10:41he's always expected me to pretty much just
10:43follow in his footsteps and marry someone
10:46that's in the church, start a family,
10:48and repeat the cycle that they've laid down.
10:52So it's been a shock to my family
10:56that I fell in love with a woman.
10:59And she's Muslim.
11:16Oh, wow.
11:17This is, like, a real authentic.
11:20Ooh, I'm so excited.
11:22I'm going to get myself a tea set.
11:25Oh, my God.
11:26Look at this.
11:28As-salamu alaykum.
11:28Wa-alaykum as-salam.
11:30Thank you, thank you.
11:32My name is Lensa.
11:33I am 32 years old.
11:35I live in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
11:37And I am a Muslim.
11:40Are you Ethiopian or Muslim?
11:42I'm Muslim.
11:43I'm Muslim.
11:44I'm Muslim.
11:45Are you Ethiopian or are you Somali?
11:47I'm from Kenya.
11:48You're Kenya.
11:48OK, OK.
11:51My family's Ethiopian, and I grew up in a Muslim household.
11:56For me, and I would say for a lot of Muslim families,
11:59it's really strict.
12:01My father, raising four girls, he was really on us.
12:07We couldn't talk on the phone.
12:09Obviously, no dating.
12:11It wasn't even worth sneaking around for,
12:14because my parents would absolutely kill me.
12:16It's terrifying.
12:17You like this one better?
12:19That kind of reminds me of traditional Ethiopian clothes.
12:23At the age of 18, my parents arranged a marriage for me
12:27with someone who came from the same religion
12:29and also same culture.
12:30And I got pregnant right away.
12:33He was only 23.
12:34Looking back now, like neither one of us
12:36had any business getting married.
12:37And the marriage didn't last much longer
12:40after my son was born.
12:43This is so beautiful.
12:44Look at the sleeves.
12:46I know.
12:47The gold belts.
12:47It wasn't like this when I was growing up.
12:50When I was about 31 years old, my parents
12:53wanted me to get married again.
12:54So they arranged a second marriage for me.
12:57He wasn't even Ethiopian.
12:58He was from Saudi Arabia.
13:00And I just didn't like the way he spoke to me, I'll be honest.
13:02Couldn't be with a man like that.
13:04I'd been in America way too long.
13:06So that marriage didn't work either,
13:08and things ended very quickly.
13:10My parents were obviously disappointed.
13:13They were just like, you are done.
13:15Two divorces under your belt.
13:17You're still young.
13:18Just focus on yourself.
13:20And I wanted to take a break too.
13:22A man wasn't what I was thinking about anyways.
13:26But then I met Chris.
13:29When Chris first reached out to me on our online work group
13:33chat, I was just like, mm-mm.
13:38I could just tell, like, he was going to be trouble.
13:43I told him I couldn't date him because he wasn't Muslim.
13:46My parents didn't choose him.
13:48And he didn't even live in the same state as me.
13:51But Christopher was very persistent.
13:54I thought she was gorgeous.
13:56She's very smart.
13:57She's very successful in her career.
14:01Really, she's like the holy grail of women.
14:04Dude, you look good.
14:06Thank you.
14:08I didn't believe him when he was
14:09saying he would come visit me.
14:11And then one weekend, he drove five, almost six hours
14:14to take me to dinner.
14:16We go to dinner, and he was such a gentleman.
14:19Very chivalrous, opening doors.
14:21And we just talked for hours.
14:23After that, I gave her a hug.
14:25And she went home.
14:27And I left the next morning.
14:29I didn't force anything.
14:30I didn't try to get her to come back to my room
14:32or anything like that.
14:33Just being a gentleman.
14:35I really started to fall for him after that.
14:37I saw him in a different light.
14:39And that's when I started to think about how great
14:42we would be as a couple.
14:45I never expected to fall for a non-Muslim man.
14:49But I made an exception for Chris
14:51because I wanted to try something different.
14:53Obviously, the things that I've been doing thus far
14:55wasn't working for me.
14:57You must be in love with him.
14:59I do love him.
15:00And I'll even love him more if he, you know,
15:04if he converts to Islam, girl,
15:06I'm going to fall so deeply in love with him.
15:08Oh my God, this is so cute.
15:09It's really cute.
15:11I haven't told my parents about Chris
15:14because he's a non-Muslim.
15:16No one has married a non-Muslim in my family.
15:18And then on top of that,
15:20this is the first time where I've actually dated someone
15:23that I've chosen for myself.
15:25But I do love Chris.
15:27And I'm ready to move to the next phase
15:30and get engaged and get married.
15:32So I know you're on a mission to convert Chris, but-
15:36Have you guys talked about a timeline or anything yet?
15:39Not really.
15:41We have to figure out what we do as far as religion,
15:45for sure.
15:46I have told Christopher I want him to convert,
15:50but I do feel like he's a little fearful
15:52of disappointing his parents.
15:54I mean, his father is a pastor.
15:56He doesn't get more devout than that.
15:59But if we can't agree to one religion,
16:03there's no point to continue this relationship.
16:07I feel like we're gonna work.
16:09I really do.
16:15Do you think it would be awkward
16:17to have Mohammed there at your birthday party?
16:20I don't know.
16:21I feel like if Jennifer would take accountability
16:24and say, you know what, I up,
16:25then we could move forward.
16:27I don't feel like I have anything to apologize to him for
16:30because I didn't say anything directly to him.
16:32Yeah, you just called out terrorist.
16:48Wanna go get balloons?
16:52We'll go get some.
16:55So I'm back home in Missouri now.
16:57My sister Jen's birthday party is this weekend.
17:00So I'm gonna go meet with my sisters
17:02to pick up supplies for the party.
17:05Hi, where are we being?
17:07Kelly and I are pretty similar in our views.
17:10I feel like Jennifer has always been the mean one.
17:12She has a bit of a temper,
17:14and that definitely makes me nervous
17:15about the call to prayer.
17:17I feel like I'm not the mean one.
17:18I feel like I'm not the mean one.
17:20It definitely makes me nervous
17:21about the conversations that we have to have.
17:24Hi, Charlie.
17:25Oh, she's excited.
17:27Oh, where's Muhammad?
17:30He said he's still looking for like a ticket.
17:34Do you believe him?
17:35Yeah, I believe him.
17:36Of course I believe him.
17:38There's a lot of bad feelings
17:39between Muhammad and my family.
17:42Sometimes my family is like really rude
17:43and disrespectful to him.
17:46My sister called my husband a terrorist,
17:48and I feel like that's the worst thing
17:50that you can say to a Muslim person.
17:53I didn't talk to Jennifer
17:54for almost two full years after that.
17:57So at first, when I asked Muhammad to come to Missouri
17:59to reconcile with my family, he refused.
18:02But then we came to a compromise.
18:04I will come, but only if you agree
18:07to fix things with my brother.
18:11I appreciate it.
18:14Do you think it would be awkward
18:16to have Muhammad there at your birthday party?
18:20Like, I don't, I don't know.
18:24I don't like the way that he talks sometimes.
18:26Like how he talks to you and like demands things from you
18:31and is really like-
18:33Yeah, controlling.
18:35I feel like the marriage you're in
18:36is just completely different to how we were raised.
18:43I do not like Muhammad.
18:45He wants to be the man of the household
18:47and control everything.
18:48And like, that's not how we were raised.
18:50She told me that he uses words like obey.
18:54Like, you did not obey me.
18:56If somebody told me to obey them,
18:57like I would tell them to get f***ed.
19:01He grew up a very like traditional way
19:04and it's hard for him to kind of get out of that.
19:07Well, I feel like he picked the wrong wife.
19:13He really struggled in the beginning
19:14because he really felt like people were coming for him
19:17just based on things that he can't control,
19:19where he's from, the culture that he grew up in.
19:23Like, he's Muslim, he's Arab.
19:28You did make that comment that day.
19:33There was a comment about a terrorist maid,
19:35but I did not call him a terrorist.
19:37I did not specifically say I thought he was a terrorist.
19:41You kept saying that the reason why I had a problem with him
19:45was because he was Muslim.
19:46I said, it's not like I'm sitting here
19:48calling him a terrorist or anything like that.
19:51That was the comment that was made.
19:54No, you walked out.
19:55You came back in and I was talking to him
19:56and you just said it like...
19:57Yeah, you just called out terrorist.
19:59No, I didn't.
20:02Kelly and I both, we heard it.
20:06I was visiting my family in Missouri
20:08and I was on the phone with Kelly.
20:10And I was on the phone with him.
20:12And then she like walked in and like,
20:15she said, effing terrorist.
20:18And then she tried to say that she wasn't talking about him.
20:21She was just talking about something else,
20:24which sounds stupid even as I say it.
20:28I don't know how to reconcile in my mind,
20:29like, oh, you throw out the word terrorist
20:32and we're talking about him being a Middle Eastern person
20:34and a Muslim person.
20:35You have to understand from his mind,
20:37like that is triggering for him.
20:40It shocked me when she said that.
20:42I wasn't expecting that to come out of her mouth.
20:45It was a big ordeal, sadly.
20:49And it's taken a long time for us
20:51to like get to the point where we are now.
20:57He like still feels hurt by that.
21:01I feel like you talking to him and saying like, I'm sorry.
21:04I think that will like make him feel a lot better.
21:10I don't feel like I have anything to apologize to him for
21:13because I didn't say anything directly to him.
21:16But you called him a name.
21:23I think it's very f***ed up.
21:25I guess I was hoping that she would realize
21:27how important this is to me and my marriage.
21:31It's okay to say like, that wasn't my intention,
21:34but I'm sorry if I hurt you.
21:35And like, I don't think it's difficult
21:37and I don't know why she won't just say that.
21:40I feel very nervous that going into this birthday party,
21:42it's all just going to turn into a complete f***ing show.
21:52Go ahead and touch them.
21:53Eli's mom invited me to go wig shopping
21:56because once you get married, you cover your hair.
22:00You look so different.
22:01So pretty.
22:03I don't want to be disrespectful,
22:04but I feel a little bit uncomfortable.
22:08Covering your hair is not a choice.
22:11You're going to be the mother of my grandchildren.
22:14You have to wear a wig.
22:30Hey, Lori.
22:31How are you?
22:31Good, good. Thanks for coming.
22:42This is the place I told you.
22:44Eli's mom invited me to go wig shopping
22:48because once you're an Orthodox Jew and you get married,
22:51you cover your hair.
22:52His mom, you know, she's, she's tough cookie.
22:56So I'm hoping...
22:58Watch it, dude.
22:59She's a tough cookie.
23:00Watch it, dude.
23:01When me and Eli started dating,
23:03his parents did not take our relationship seriously
23:07because I'm not Jewish.
23:08But now that I've been going through the conversion process,
23:12I want to impress her.
23:13I want to impress her.
23:14I want her to like me.
23:15She loves you, hon.
23:17My mom, my sister do cover their hair
23:19and it's actually convenient.
23:21Just throw your wig on and boom, you're ready.
23:23Are you trying to sell me on this?
23:24I'm selling, look, I'm a salesman.
23:27This is Mona.
23:28Hi, Mona.
23:29This is the owner.
23:30Hi, Mona.
23:31How are you?
23:32Nice to meet you.
23:33Have you been to a wig salon before?
23:36Oh, come on in.
23:38Working with wigs, I meet many, many women
23:42that are covering their hair once they get married.
23:45It's a big bite to take because they're always worried that,
23:48what am I taking on, you know?
23:50And it seems scarier than it is.
23:53A lot of times they walk in with a fear.
23:54So for me, being able to like calm them,
23:57make them feel nice, it's extremely rewarding for me.
24:01So this is what you'll do, God willing,
24:04after the conversion goes through and you'll get married.
24:07By Jewish law, you cover your hair when you get married
24:11because it's the private part of your body
24:15between you and your husband.
24:17He's allowed to see your hair and no one else.
24:23I would have to wear it like all the time.
24:27For me, I won't go in public places without a wig.
24:30I will at my own home, like around my kids wear it,
24:33but I won't go into the streets without a wig.
24:37All right, so then I have to do this.
24:43A woman's hair is the most important thing.
24:45I feel everybody's like, you know,
24:48does my hair look good, you know?
24:49And I feel like, you know, every time I look,
24:51it has to look good, you know?
24:54Right now I do have my fears.
24:56It is a huge step and it's something
24:58that is completely out of my comfort zone.
25:01And ultimately it would be hard for me
25:03to want to cover my hair, you know?
25:05Because it's like, you know, it's me.
25:08This is who I am.
25:11Go ahead and touch them.
25:12All the hair she uses is all human hair.
25:16It could be blonde one day, it could be brunette one day,
25:20brown one day.
25:22I mean, with long hair like mine,
25:23can I wear a wig over this?
25:25Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
25:27You have beautiful hair, but it's not thick, you know?
25:30It look nicer wearing a wig.
25:34Um, are you ready to have some fun?
25:37Yeah, I guess so.
25:38Let's, uh, yeah, I guess we can try some wigs on.
25:42Have a seat here for me.
25:45So I'm going to put your hair back in a ponytail,
25:47so you're going to do this.
25:49Normally I would sew the headband like this inside the wig.
25:53This is a little bit darker than your hair.
25:59It's so funny how pale I look with this dark hair.
26:02It's so funny how pale I look with this dark wig.
26:10Seeing me in these wigs and trying them on,
26:13it's just, it gives me, like, Halloween vibes.
26:17I feel like I'm dressing up for a part, Morticia Addams.
26:21Like, I look whitey-tighty.
26:24Like, wow.
26:26Okay, but you look at me.
26:28Does it look like I have one on?
26:29I feel like you can tell, no?
26:31There are several wigs that we could keep trying on.
26:33You might find one that even makes you feel
26:35even better than the way you naturally look.
26:39I don't know.
26:40It's just so weird.
26:42It's so weird.
26:44You look so different.
26:46So pretty.
26:49How do you feel?
26:50Do you think you could see yourself wearing a wig?
26:55It would be hard to come to terms with wearing a wig.
27:02Hair is like a person's identity.
27:05It's a lot to take in.
27:06Yeah, yeah.
27:07But it will bring you so many blessings in life.
27:12Covering your hair is not a choice.
27:16If you're Orthodox, Jewish, married woman,
27:21you're obligated.
27:23So I think for Lori, it's important to get familiarized
27:26with the next step of what she's going to be doing
27:29so she doesn't have any doubts in her mind
27:31when she gets married.
27:33You're going to be the mother of my grandchildren.
27:36So the more you show them you're being a Jew,
27:40the happier I am.
27:44I don't want to be disrespectful,
27:46but I feel a little bit uncomfortable.
27:52But if you ask Rabbi Block,
27:54he would say you have to wear a wig when you get married.
27:59Yeah, yeah. He said that.
28:04It's really thinking in how much of a change this is going to be.
28:10I know it's just hair,
28:12but sometimes I feel like, you know,
28:14I'm going to become somebody else.
28:16After getting sober, after, you know, partying,
28:19drinking and drugging, I lost my identity.
28:22And it really took me a long time
28:25to really, like, figure out who I was.
28:28So looking in the mirror with all these wigs on,
28:32I don't know who this person is,
28:34and it gets me really nervous.
28:36I don't know if I can do this.
28:44Is it possible for a couple to have two different religions?
28:48Yeah, it's possible. That don't make it right.
28:51I preach for one reason, keep people out of hell.
28:55And you have to receive the word of God.
28:58Hallelujah. Thank you, Jesus. Praise God.
29:01The only way we're going to have fellowship with God
29:04is through Jesus Christ.
29:05One religion, all the way across the board.
29:08A house divided will not stand.
29:26Testimony service open to each and everyone
29:30to sing to the glory of God.
29:33Jesus on the main line, telling what you want
29:39Jesus on the main line, telling what you want
29:45You just call him up and tell him what you want
29:53Being a Pentecostal Christian and, you know,
29:56raised by a pastor, it's different in my household.
29:59Some families, you know, play board games,
30:02you know, may watch football.
30:04We like to worship, you know, the Lord together.
30:07Okay, now.
30:10Just to remind y'all,
30:12so Lindsay's coming into town tomorrow.
30:15So I'm just giving y'all a heads up that she'll be here
30:19So she coming back?
30:24First time that Lindsay met my parents,
30:26it was really a challenging meeting.
30:29My father had stated that there's no way to heaven
30:33unless she accepts Jesus as our Lord and Savior.
30:37So Lindsay felt like she was being disrespected.
30:39Like, how can you tell me I'm going to hell?
30:42Like, you don't even know me.
30:45For how long is she going to be here?
30:47She'll be here for two weeks.
30:50I think she's a very nice person. I really do.
30:53Whether she accepts Christianity or not,
30:56I still think she's a nice person.
30:58But I feel within my heart, by her being a Muslim,
31:02I don't think that acting was her choice.
31:05I think that was forced upon her by her parents
31:09because of their beliefs.
31:12So you're saying that, like, she didn't have a choice
31:15because that's what she was born into.
31:16I honestly, God, believe that.
31:18But when you say your kids was born into Christianity?
31:22They were, yeah.
31:23Okay, so what are you talking about?
31:24What I'm talking about this.
31:26Have you ever felt the presence of the Lord?
31:28Yeah, absolutely.
31:29I felt the presence of God several times.
31:33You will never feel the presence of God
31:36except Jesus ordained that.
31:40The Holy Bible, it's not going to change.
31:43It ain't going to change for me.
31:44It ain't going to change for nobody.
31:47God sent Jesus down here to die for us.
31:51The only way we're going to have fellowship with God
31:53is through Jesus Christ.
31:55That's the bottom line.
31:58I'm a preacher.
31:59I preach for one reason, keep people out of hell.
32:02Hell is real.
32:04And you have to receive the word of God from Jesus Christ.
32:08It's like a transformation.
32:10It's a feeling that you don't want to leave you.
32:15Thank you, Jesus.
32:16Praise God.
32:18Thank you.
32:22Woo, I felt something.
32:26You know, I think it lends us everything that I want in a woman.
32:31Loving, caring.
32:33And, you know, my plans is, you know, I want to get married.
32:38You know, I want to get married to her.
32:44So is it possible for a couple to have two different religions and be married?
32:53Yeah, it's possible.
32:55But it don't make it right.
33:00My daughter-in-law is my daughter-in-law.
33:03But for their religion, no.
33:06I couldn't accept that.
33:09I believe I can get her to understand what Christianity is.
33:12I will tell her the scripture and convert her over to Christianity.
33:17Yes, I will do that.
33:21When two people get married, they should be together on that.
33:25One religion all the way across the board.
33:28A house divided will not stand.
33:34She's believing one way and she's believing another.
33:36That house is divided.
33:38And it will not stand.
33:42The Pentecostal church is a huge part of my identity.
33:45And it means a lot to not only me but my family.
33:48But Linza has strongly expressed that she wants me to really consider converting over to Islam.
33:55I'm open to learning more about, like, Linza's world.
33:59But if I was to convert to Islam, it would cause separation between my family, my friends.
34:06Just my whole world, you know, here in Cincinnati.
34:09So, I'm torn between the woman that I love and my family.
34:13You know, it's hard. Like, it's really hard.
34:23You're going to wear a sob.
34:25Yeah. I'm going to wear it.
34:27You're just a bastard. I don't really care.
34:29He comes to my all-white town of Jefferson City with my family who already called him a terrorist.
34:35And now you want to look like a traditional Arab man?
34:38This is a bad idea.
34:59I don't like this.
35:03How's everything?
35:05I hate driving in places like this. It stresses me out.
35:09I'm so relieved that Mohammed kept his promise and showed up to meet with my family.
35:15But I'm also relieved that I'm not alone.
35:19I'm so relieved that Mohammed kept his promise and showed up to meet with my family.
35:24But I feel very nervous that going into this birthday party, him and my sister are going to just, like, start going at each other.
35:31And it's all just going to turn into a complete disaster.
35:36Look what you're wearing. Oh my gosh, Ashley.
35:41That's beyond.
35:43That's beyond?
35:46That's too much.
35:49That's a dress you should wear at home. Me and you. That's it.
35:54Like, now other people, like, can see, like, showing, like, your shoulder, your chest, from your knee until your legs.
36:01Like, if you want to be a part of my religion, I got to tell you that's wrong.
36:06I'm that serious. Like, I do not like it.
36:08It's just a dress.
36:09It's just clothing.
36:12Oh my God, your thighs are showing.
36:15You are supposed to have from your navel to your knees.
36:18I'm a man.
36:19You're a man from your navel to your knees.
36:21I'm a man. Like, who's going to look at me?
36:23Some woman's going to see those thighs and just really be turned on.
36:34Mohammed's very, very focused on, like, how women dress, but men also are required to cover certain parts.
36:40And he doesn't always observe that.
36:42When we go to the beach, like, he'll have his shirt off.
36:45And, like, when he goes to the gym, like, his shorts aren't technically as long as they're supposed to be.
36:50It feels like it's really, like, him saying, like, do what I say, not what I do, which is totally hypocritical.
37:08Show Daddy.
37:09Show him your dress.
37:10Look at how it's gay.
37:15You look beautiful.
37:21So, I bought me something. You want to see?
37:24Close your eyes.
37:29Can I open?
37:31Yes, now.
37:35You're going to wear a soap.
37:38Every day, I wear soap in Saudi Arabia.
37:41That's my culture, what I dress, what I wear.
37:45Well, isn't it nice?
37:47Yeah, of course, it's nice.
37:48Like, for the mosque or, like...
37:52I can wear it, like, I'm going to wear it.
37:54You're just a birthday. I don't really care.
37:59I'm speechless right now because in Rochester, I've asked him before, like, wear your soap, wear your head wrap
38:06and he'll be like, no, no, no, I don't want to stand out.
38:08So, then he comes to my all-white town of Jefferson City with my family, who already called him a terrorist,
38:15and now you want to look like a traditional Arab man?
38:19It kind of feels like a f*** you to my family.
38:23I brought you something, too.
38:25Oh, yeah?
38:26What is it?
38:27I'll show you right now.
38:33You want me to wear an abaya today?
38:37But, like, look what I want you to wear.
38:40This is kind of like, you know, we are bringing all my husband culture, like, da-da-da-da-da, like...
38:48I'm proud of my culture. I'm proud of my religion. I'm proud of where I'm coming from.
38:52It's a little bit tight. I'm getting, like, a little bit chubby, but it's fine.
38:56So, I hope, like, you know, when her family see us styling together, wearing traditional clothes,
39:03that means, like, oh, Ashley loves Mohammed.
39:05They will appreciate we are united. We are together.
39:10Beautiful, right?
39:12High five.
39:15What are yours?
39:16I don't know.
39:17Put this on. Put this on.
39:20Put this on. Let me see.
39:24I don't think Mohammed thought this all the way through.
39:26My family's concerns are that he's, like, kind of in control of how I act and dress.
39:31So, I don't think that's, like, the right image to give.
39:34Like, I get what he's trying to do, but I think this is actually the opposite of what we should do.
39:40What if I wear an abaya, but I do my hair and makeup?
39:44And a scarf, too.
39:46No. No scarf.
39:48What's the point?
39:49Modest clothes. Step by step.
39:55All right. That's fine.
39:57For the record, I still think this is a bad idea.
40:00But I feel like I understand how much Mohammed never wanted to be in this situation, like, with my family.
40:09So, if me wearing an abaya while he wears a thobe will make him feel confident, I'm willing to do it.
40:18My focus is I want him to feel comfortable so that he can be open to discuss everything with my family.
40:25I swear to Allah, if her family rude to me, disrespect me, I'll walk out.
40:32They will never see my wife. I will never let them see my daughter or see myself.
40:38That's it.
40:39Next time on Forbidden Love.
41:10Let's be honest. Sometimes when they're singing, I just kind of, like, lip sync.
41:15Being Jewish is not easy. We are not going to take this seriously.
41:19I don't want Eli to waste his time.
41:25Hey, hey, hey, hey.
41:26Oh, my gosh!
41:29We pray that you bless the food we're about to eat. Amen.
41:34You don't include Jesus in that.
41:39I haven't even taken two bites of my food yet, and they're already questioning me about Islam.
41:44It's just disrespectful.
41:46The Lord has saved you.
41:49Thank you, Jesus.
41:52He's been looking at porn behind my back and hiding it and lying about it.
41:56He was doing the same thing.
41:58With ex-Amish boys, it's going to take a lot more patience.
42:02We are seriously going to put parental controls and those porn blockers, whatever we have to,
42:06because I am seriously done with this.
42:10It's a whole different thing to get with an ex-Amish.
42:16Do you have something to say?
42:17You don't like me. That's what I think.
42:19Because you call me, like, terrorist.
42:25I was really hoping that my family was going to work on everything,
42:28but I kind of feel like it's turned into a complete s*** show.
42:32I'm waiting for apologize, like, to apologize to them.
