Signora Volpe S2 Episode 2 - A Deadly Net

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Signora Volpe Season 2 Episode 2


00:02:05Race against me you'll see you'll see but all the way to a solo perverse a million pesos says you won't make it
00:02:13Oh says who mr. Universe, huh?
00:02:19Give you no, no, no, you're wet you're wet
00:02:22Your husband thinks I'm too old to swim to a solo perverse
00:02:30Ricardo don't be stupid. You know, Papa can't resist the challenge. Ricardo's just jealous because he's not as fit as your dad
00:02:43What would you like to drink miss Hamilton and Paris soda, thanks Christy you can call me Zoe of course
00:02:50The usual for everyone else, yes, please
00:02:55Good evening, mr. Priest Kirsty gin and tonic. Yes, please. Good evening everyone
00:03:08You have a good day
00:03:10Yes, I've seen one frisker. You've seen them all. No, no, I was going to say it was a very long drive
00:03:16Tranquilla, no pasa nada. It was good that you went
00:03:20Back in Aroca
00:03:22You may be the king of the tennis ball
00:03:25But I was a swim champion. Yes when you were 16
00:03:41Show you all
00:03:48What's the joke I'm a swimming race across the lake you are friendly sure as long as I could do it in the boat
00:03:57Zoe darling, I should have been here to welcome you, but I promised Michael and Luciana that I take him to Sansa books
00:04:04Don't worry Lee, you know, this place is a second home to me
00:04:09Mrs. Hamilton. Oh, thanks on
00:04:12You've met Kirsty my new PA
00:04:15Yeah, did you have a good journey? Miss Hamilton must have been fun coming by helicopter
00:04:21It was a freebie. I'm doing a piece for the Los Angeles reporter
00:04:26Sounds exciting
00:04:28Excuse me
00:04:39Did you get everything
00:04:41Yes, the cigar case for senior McGreen or is on your desk and the roses will be delivered tomorrow in time for brunch. Wonderful
00:04:48I just need everything perfect for Hector
00:04:52Maybe we should delay dinner by about half an hour. Give this woman's time to change. I've already spoken to Chiara
00:04:58Oh, you're Marvel Kirsty
00:05:51Even in Sylvia, what's Hector been up to? Stayed home with his son-in-law while Lee took his daughter sightseeing
00:05:57I've been running errands, but the housekeeper says there were no visitors today
00:06:01Is he still planning a trip to Rome tomorrow after the birthday brunch? Lee's throwing for him vehicle
00:06:06The car's coming at two. I'll put a tracker on it
00:06:10How about your end? Nothing new but the Americans still think there's a military coup brewing in Iraq
00:06:14Oh, sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry
00:06:18But the Americans still think there's a military coup brewing in a rocker, so
00:06:22We need you to hang on in there for a while. Sorry. At least this job is close to home
00:06:37Why do you need so much that's not your business
00:06:41Well, it is if you're asking me to bankroll you
00:06:44Are you in debt again? No
00:07:00Your last in and rehab it cost a fortune dad was always there for me
00:07:05If I needed help, I know you loved your father's sweetie
00:07:10so did I he was a wonderful man, but
00:07:14Awful with money I
00:07:17Might as well tell you now. I
00:07:20Have to sell this place
00:07:23No, well, I can't afford to keep two houses going. We'll sell the one in DC. My life is in the States. I
00:07:30Love it here as much as you know, you have no idea what Villarosa means to me
00:07:36What it meant to my mom
00:07:40You're right, I'm sorry
00:07:43But I just don't have a choice about this
00:07:47I'm hoping Hector will buy it
00:07:56I won't let you do this
00:08:44Morning honey, so sweet of you to get Hector a gift. What is it? You'll see when he opens it
00:08:57Papa is sending his room
00:08:59We told him 1230 and he has to leave for Roma too
00:09:03Don't worry. I'm more
00:09:05We'll be here soon
00:09:10Don't worry
00:09:33Kirstie Papa don't discuss por que no contestas. Yeah, mommy, por favor
00:09:43Love a solid note a pre-cook is carita. They'll be having a simple explication
00:09:49See sure, okay. Don't stop it. Yeah, we don't know. It's time
00:09:54Shall I search the grounds the lakeshore?
00:09:57Maybe he went for a stroll and had a fall
00:09:59Now Hector doesn't his strolls
00:10:02But yes, thank you, Kirstie
00:10:05We have to do something. I'm worried about him. Of course you are
00:11:42Any sign of it, no, no, we need to call the police
00:11:54I need to report a missing person
00:12:11Capitano venga, I'm a spectator
00:12:29Thanks for coming so quickly
00:12:31Senor Hamilton, yes
00:12:34Understand that one of your guests is missing. That's right
00:12:38Hector Magrino
00:12:40This is his daughter Luciana and her husband Ricardo Garcia
00:12:47This morning a fisherman from the body in the lake a close to Isola Pulveza
00:12:53Will you please take a look at his picture mom?
00:13:05It's Hector
00:13:16That's him
00:13:18You tell anyone I was going to swim no, it's too far I wouldn't have let him go alone
00:13:26It's too cool, but to a second I got rid of
00:13:30You know, I'm the boss. Yeah, I come back
00:13:33What does she mean?
00:13:35last night
00:13:37Ricardo challenged Hector to a race
00:13:40Over to the island
00:13:42It was a joke
00:13:45We all knew that
00:13:48Hector liked to win
00:13:50Do you think he went out to practice?
00:13:56How did he die
00:13:58We'll know more after the post-mortem
00:14:01Can you tell me more about senior margarita?
00:14:04Hector was from
00:14:05Roca in South America
00:14:08He was a finance minister there until recently I'll need this passport to inform the relevant authorities
00:14:14Surely that's this family's job
00:14:18Or mine can be complicated when a foreigner dies in Italy the American ambassador will help if necessary
00:14:24My late husband held a senior position in the US State Department. Thank you signora, but I can't handle this
00:14:31We need to see signora margarita's room. Chiara
00:14:34Show them mr. McGreen's room. Prego da questa parte
00:15:36Questa è la camera del signor Hector. Grazie signora
00:16:03Can't know cuz I said Sylvia, that's Chiara gone
00:16:11You can come out now
00:16:16But what I
00:16:55What are you doing here? I told you I had some more freelance work
00:16:59Yes, but I thought in another country like last time you assumed that I never said so
00:17:07Sylvia if there was a threat to senior margarita have the right to know let's walk
00:17:18These late husband was Merritt Hamilton a State Department heavyweight
00:17:24No, she mentioned it. Did she also mention he worked for the CIA?
00:17:29When Merritt was alive, this place was a bolthole for politicians and spooks. He's been trying to keep that tradition going
00:17:38And what does my green have it in old friend of the Hamiltons
00:17:43And former finance minister of a local yes
00:17:50Did he resigned or was he pushed
00:17:53It's not entirely clear
00:17:55The press in a rocker is accusing him of embezzling government funds
00:18:03Is that why you're here
00:18:07You can blame me for asking I'm keeping an eye on things that's all I
00:18:13Know you have to wait for the postmortem. But what do you think happened? I
00:18:19Don't know but a guy called the Piero Costa found a body caught up in his fishing net near the island
00:18:28The Senora Hamilton mentioned something about a race across the lake
00:18:33There was a lot of talk about it
00:18:35Riccardo made some kind of challenge to his father-in-law
00:18:39It was a joke, but it felt
00:18:44What overdone
00:18:51Better get back before I missed Sylvia
00:18:56What or what can I see you
00:19:00I'm not Sylvia. Remember I'm Kirstie Kirstie Scott the perfect PA
00:19:23What's up Hector Magrino is dead
00:19:28Looks like a swimming accident
00:19:31You think it was maybe the carabinieri are keeping an open mind
00:19:36Were you expecting something like this to happen? No, but Magrino had a lot of enemies and if there's a coup brewing in a rocker
00:19:43Maybe somebody thought killing Hector would put a stop to it
00:19:46Are you okay to stick around for a while? Sure. Good. I'll be Felicity
00:20:07God awful day. I'm so sorry
00:20:11Was he a very old friend
00:20:13He was really a pal of my late husband's but I've known the family for a long time
00:20:18It was good of you to invite him here for his birthday then. No, I kind of invited himself
00:20:24And you didn't say no to Hector I can imagine
00:20:29Are you still going out for dinner? It's Chiara's night off. No cancel the reservation, please
00:20:36Could use a whiskey on the rocks
00:20:47Can rustle up a simple supper if you like
00:20:50No need
00:20:52Ricardo's gone to Perugia to identify the body Zoe insisted on driving him Luciana's gone to bed
00:21:01Where's mr. Priest
00:21:04Taking himself off somewhere for the evening. Is there anything else I can do to help
00:21:09Thanks Kirstie, you might as well take the rest of the email
00:21:52Would like to take a trip out on the lake somebody said Piero Costa might take me I
00:21:59Don't think you want to do that. Why not?
00:22:05John doesn't matter today. That's awful. Yes
00:22:11Get off on the body
00:22:33Yeah, that's him
00:22:45Thank You copy that let's go is everything okay
00:23:09Wouldn't Sarah the way Piero Costa yes, I'm la grazie
00:23:24Ciao to kiss a sign senora Kirsten
00:23:32Hello Chiara
00:23:35What are you doing here I
00:23:39Came to find my son
00:23:42My uncle found a body maybe 40 years ago and this
00:23:48It brought him bad luck for the rest of his life
00:23:53Did you ever meet Hector Magrina when he was alive
00:24:00Why are you asking all these questions
00:24:04Mrs. Hamilton feels terrible about what's happened
00:24:08She asked me to find out what I can for the family's sake don't tell her that Piero is my son, please
00:24:20Think you're on the walk asa. Buona sera signora Kirsten. I will see you tomorrow
00:24:28Jenna fight and yeah, and yeah, what is our and yeah, I
00:24:37Think you had too much a drink fine listen, we'll be all right
00:24:46Hey, hey
00:24:49Do you need anything food a nightcap? No, thanks. Yeah, we're right. Yeah, come on
00:24:56We had something to eat in Perugia
00:25:04Buona sera. Oh, I hope you found somewhere nice for dinner. Mr. Priest. We're in Italy Kirsty. Of course I did
00:25:11Do you want a hand with the bike? I'm okay. Thank you. Mr. Priest
00:25:50Thought it was your favorite it is
00:26:03But I need the money
00:26:07So he's never seen it. So she won't demand a share of it. I had to tell her I was planning on selling Bella Rosa
00:26:15Now she hates me more than ever
00:26:20Will you put the house on the open market I
00:26:25Don't have much choice
00:26:35We can't take the risk right now, I mean not with everything that's going on
00:31:09Don't know signora kiss each other
00:31:13Don't prepare a cola signora Garcia
00:31:15Christopher and Indigene palomino
00:31:18Hey Elijah, I need to check on some IDs. I've just sent you the images same picture, but two different passports
00:31:26Michael George priest and William Thurston Brown
00:31:30Find out if either of them have spent time in South America
00:31:35Thanks, anything else check police records and service networks to
00:32:01The postmortem results came in signora
00:32:05The father was drowned
00:32:08There are signs around his wrists ankles and some bruising on his neck
00:32:17They take him up and and push him under the water
00:32:22It looks the way
00:32:25I'm sorry
00:32:34Thought he would be safe here
00:32:45Please let me know if there's anything else you need kept on now
00:32:53Need to speak to everyone in the house, I'll tell you everything I found out so far, but I need to be quick
00:33:03Luciana Magrina Garcia is Hector Magrina's only child went to Harvard Business School
00:33:09She and her husband have a successful sports promotions company, but she's the driving force
00:33:20Seen it up. Can you tell us about your parents divorce?
00:33:24Papa had an affair
00:33:27Not the first one, but this time mama didn't forgive him
00:33:31Have you spoken to your mother since your father's body was found, of course?
00:33:37She's upset they were married 30 years
00:33:41What is the relationship like after the divorce
00:33:50He gave her everything she wanted all the houses the cars a lot of money
00:33:57She deserved it
00:34:00Do you know what is in his will
00:34:07You think I kill him for his money we don't think anything at the moment that's in your
00:34:16Find out who did this to him
00:34:25Riccardo Garcia tries to act like he was born into money, but he was Luciana's tennis coach
00:34:32That's a brag and I don't think she or her father ever let him forget it
00:34:43Close were you to senior marina? He was like a father. Well, he talked about everything
00:34:49He must have had the enemies right most politicians do I guess
00:34:57They try to kill him twice in a Roka
00:35:00Did anyone come here to the villa to see him not that I know of it was planning a trip to Rome yesterday
00:35:07Do you know why yeah, he had a business meeting do you know who with
00:35:13No, I'm sorry
00:35:16So not that close
00:35:28Zoe Hamilton is Lee's stepdaughter
00:35:31Lee was hoping to sell Villa Rossa to Hector. So he was furious because she loves the place
00:35:38But they don't know I know that
00:35:41Will this take long
00:35:44Hope not
00:35:46How long have you been staying here at the Villa Rossa, I'm not staying at the Villa Rossa
00:35:52My parents bought this place when I was a kid. It's just as much my home as it is lease. Oh
00:35:57My apologies, so when did you arrive here at the villa?
00:36:02day before yesterday
00:36:04You came from United States
00:36:06from Sardinia
00:36:09Now how well did you know her to Magrina
00:36:13He was one of my dad's friends
00:36:16But my dad had a lot of friends
00:36:23Priest is an art historian
00:36:26Charming, but there's something off about him. It's like he's playing a part
00:36:32Mr. Priest
00:36:36Who is it? That's a good question
00:36:38Lee's husband thought it was a portrait of Francis of Assisi by Luca Signorelli
00:36:44It's actually a rather obscure saint called Amato Ronconi
00:36:51Painted by God knows who
00:36:53How can you tell?
00:36:55Pigmentation iconography
00:36:58And the beards wrong
00:37:00But it's an easy mistake to make
00:37:03To the untrained eye one medieval saint looks much like another
00:37:10The Capitano is ready in the greenhouse. Ah
00:37:18The morning is your Magrina's body was found you weren't swimming in the lake at what time
00:37:24630 maybe
00:37:26Did you see Hector Magrina or anyone else no one at all?
00:37:32You're biasing senior Hamilton on a heart collection informally singing for my supper you might say
00:37:40Is she intending to sell any of her paintings
00:37:44You'd better ask her that did you think?
00:37:49What does this have to do with Hector's murder Lee is tough and smart but struggling since her husband died for money and status
00:37:56Michael priest is the only guess is not a member of Hector Magrina's family or of yours Michael and Hector got on well
00:38:04Is that's why they were here together. No
00:38:07Hector's visit was arranged ages ago
00:38:10Michael was supposed to come next month
00:38:14He called from Florence last weekend saying if it could come sooner, I mean, he's an old friend Hector didn't mind
00:38:23How long is a senora Scott work for you? She started ten days ago
00:38:30Kosti's references are fantastic. I mean if that's what you're worried about she used to wait for the British ambassador in Rome
00:38:39And what about your cook
00:38:42Chiara Lombardi was hired by Merit's first wife
00:38:46Piero the fisherman who found Hector is her son
00:38:49Lee doesn't know that
00:38:52It's okay. No, it's a lot. It's a prima
00:38:54No, man, I think yes. Oh, what's a new wave? I got a senora Hamilton's coprice. I guess we'll feel in criminal
00:39:01I saw the rubato an auto
00:39:05Do out of my estado tanto tempo fa
00:39:10Or a piano bravo ragazzo see Louie Louie me dovete credere sta. Lontano de guaiura, but
00:39:18So lo dice lei
00:39:25This is a murder investigation senora Scott, please tell us what you know
00:39:43Political situation in a rocker is unstable
00:39:46The military might be planning a coup and it's possible. They were planning to use Hector as a figurehead
00:39:52Despite the accusations of fraud the press would have been silenced
00:39:57If a rival got to him and this was a political killing
00:40:02Intelligence guys around will take over. I don't know what the motive was
00:40:07But I have a gut feeling that someone here was involved
00:41:59Keep quiet
00:42:07Come with me
00:42:26You were lying in wait for me, weren't you?
00:42:29Why lucky for you? I was
00:42:32The safe in Lee's study is alarmed to within an inch of its life. I can cope with alarms
00:42:38Who are you
00:42:40An old friend of the family who happened to turn up just before a man was murdered
00:42:46Why would I want to kill Hector Magriner? I'm an artist story Michael priest is supposedly
00:42:54Who's William Brown
00:43:00William Brown is precaution
00:43:02You haven't told that carabinieri you're so friendly with her me he knows I don't trust you so if anything happens to me
00:43:14You're the last person on earth I'd ever heard Sylvia
00:43:18My name is Kirstie, it's Sylvia
00:43:22After your grandmother
00:43:36My real name is Henry Fox and I'm your father
00:43:45I could show you my passport if you like, but it could be just another fake
00:43:55You know, I'm telling the truth though, don't you
00:44:01Does Lee know who I am good God now know who I am. How did you know I was here? Well, I didn't
00:44:08Almost had a heart attack when I saw you
00:44:13You look just like your mother and I knew that you were living in Umbria Isabel lives here, too
00:44:23Yes, are you planning to come see us or check us out from a distance see if we were worth the effort
00:44:40I'm going to bed. We'll talk more tomorrow
00:44:49Said I'm the last person you'd ever want to hurt you've been hurting Isabella me our whole lives
00:45:00It is behind the Baluchi by the way the same but I wouldn't not tonight anyway
00:45:48Know you've reached Isabelle. I can't get to the phone right now. Leave me a message
00:46:05Cynthia Giovanni
00:46:09I'm sorry to call so late
00:46:12But I think it might be important
00:46:34Elijah I've done those background checks on Michael priest and William Brown
00:46:45Oh, mrs. Hamilton said he wanted to speak to me. Mr. Priest. I
00:46:52Want to go to Spello to see the Balioni Chapel I
00:46:56Wondered if you might like to drive me
00:46:59Yeah, I'm something of a coward when it comes to Italian roads
00:47:03Sorry, but I've got work to do here Lee says it's fine
00:47:08Lunch will be on me, of course
00:47:11That's a good offer
00:47:15Sorry, excuse me
00:47:34It'll give us a chance to talk properly
00:47:37What should we talk about?
00:47:39The tour company one of your aliases ran in Chile in a rocker between 1982 and 1990
00:47:48What does that got to do with anything did you get to know Hector Magrina then
00:47:52Well, shall we talk about your time in the service? I
00:47:56Thought so
00:47:58He's still in touch with Felicity. No, did she tell you that I was here Sylvia, please?
00:48:02We shouldn't be having this conversation here come to spell. Oh, even if you are my father, it doesn't make you incapable of murder
00:48:14One Jordan, what's your
00:48:17Sierra Scott, I need you to come with me to a quarter, please
00:48:21We have some more questions. I suggested the Brigadier interview here Kirstie, but she says you have to go to Perugia
00:48:29You better go. Yes, mrs. Hamilton
00:48:32Sorry, Michael. I'll just grab my bag and meet you out front. Thank you, senora
00:48:59Didn't want to say in front of your boss, but Capitano told me to bring you to the mortuary. Yes, I know
00:49:04Hmm what's funny? Yes, mrs. Hamilton
00:49:22You'll see if you can get fish for tomorrow, okay, maybe make a light appetizer and you're not Chiara
00:49:36How well do you know this new PA of yours why what is she done nothing
00:49:44Just something about her
00:49:47She's very
00:49:50Sure of herself
00:51:03What is a Sylvia
00:51:06That's not Hector Magrina
00:51:08Are you sure? Yes, he's a similar age and belt, but the nose is different
00:51:15Magrina had a little scar here
00:51:22Did the Ricardo Garcia Lee Hamilton both make a mistake or did they lie? That's the crucial question
00:51:30What are you going to do?
00:51:35Nothing just let them carry on thinking that the food does until we find out more
00:51:43So who's the poor man on the slab I
00:51:46will check with missing person and Interpol, but
00:51:49You should go back to the villa
00:51:53Can be dangerous
00:51:57How by the way did you find out more about Michael Priest
00:52:32Like it okay, there's been a development
00:52:52Everything okay fine. Thanks
00:52:56What are the carabinieri one? Oh, they just run through my statement again
00:53:01Why yours in particular who knows how their minds work?
00:53:05Which Jelen?
00:53:08Exactly what I told them when they interviewed me here
00:53:13Is there anything you need
00:53:15Not right now, thanks
00:53:30Looks like hard work. Sorry. Do you want one of these?
00:53:39How's Senora Luciana
00:53:42Pretty bad
00:53:44This must be terrible for her
00:53:46and for both of you
00:53:49Yeah, I just don't know what to do to help her
00:53:52I'm not sure there is anything
00:53:54You can't bring senior Hector back to life. Can you Carlo?
00:54:00I'm gonna go for a spin on the lake
00:54:06Come on I'll keep your mind off things
00:54:13Push off for us. Come on. Let's go
00:54:44Good evening, mr. Priest
00:54:59Don't expect you to start calling me daddy, but need we be quite so formal under the circumstances. Yes
00:55:07At least tell me what are the carabinieri want with you
00:55:11Gin and tonic, mr. Priest. Yeah. Yes, please Kirstie me
00:55:17Good evening. What can I get you mrs. Hamilton whiskey on the rocks?
00:55:22Then ask Chiara to prepare a tray for Luciana. She doesn't want to come down. So, how have you been fine? How are you?
00:55:35Come in
00:55:45Guess yes, but I'm not hungry. You'll feel better if you eat something Chiara made especially
00:55:57I'm sorry for your loss
00:56:05Didn't mean to upset you
00:56:19The most important person in my life
00:56:23He taught me so much
00:56:26Supported me give me confidence
00:56:31Help me become who I am
00:56:33It sounds like you had a very special relationship with your father
00:56:41Yeah, is there anything else I can do for you
00:58:03Have the carabinieri been bothering your son. Oh, no. No, they know he was with his girlfriend in Perugia that night
00:58:12But there is something else do you want to tell me yes a
00:58:24Few days before senor Magrino died Piero my son
00:58:29Took senor Ricardo and senora Luciana in his boat and showed them his nets and pots
00:58:36The ones near Isola Polveze where senor Magrino was found. Yes and
00:58:41In the Lake Trasimeno, there are two sort of crayfish the Italian one tastes much better
00:58:48But it's not allowed to catch them
00:58:51Senor Ricardo offers Piero a lot of money to catch some of the Italian one for his party
00:58:59Piero agreed and now he's scared the carabinieri will find out
00:59:05I shouldn't worry the carabinieri won't care about illegal fishing. This is a murder case. Are you sure?
00:59:13Kirstie I
00:59:14Want to speak with you?
00:59:27I wanted to collect your personal belongings and go go where wherever you like
00:59:35I'll pay you until the end of the month
00:59:37But I want you to leave immediately
00:59:39You're firing me
00:59:42I've done a good job, haven't I?
00:59:44frankly, I
00:59:46Don't know what you've been doing or who you are. I don't know what you mean
00:59:52Let's just say I
00:59:56Think you're bad news
00:59:59Leave a uniform in the room. There'll be a cab waiting
01:01:46Took your advice and quit really
01:01:51He fired me
01:01:53Why said I was bad news
01:01:58She has a point
01:02:31Wait, what's wrong?
01:02:35Chiara said Riccardo paid her son a lot of money to catch crayfish for Magrina's birthday party
01:02:42So Piero took Riccardo and Luciana out on his boat
01:02:47They knew Piero sank his pots near Isola Polvese
01:02:53They needed the body to be found as soon as possible
01:02:57We already thought Riccardo must be in on it
01:03:01But Luciana was there too
01:03:13Does anyone live on that side of the island
01:03:17No, it's only accessible by boat
01:03:21We need to go and take a look
01:03:26Now okay
01:03:48Mean it just pity queen. That's it
01:04:09The body was caught in the net just there not too far from those spots
01:04:15Quando ultima volta es barcato qui mezza
01:04:31Hector smoked cigars
01:05:03What is this place
01:05:23Should assume
01:05:57This hasn't been here long, it's the same brand as they drink at Villa Rossa
01:06:21Look at this
01:06:29Could this be our man in the morgue I
01:06:34Can't find out if anybody but that Nana was reported missing in Italy or a rocker
01:06:40Try the prisons see if they let anybody called Sona rat unexpectedly in the last couple of weeks
01:06:48Didn't just wonder the streets looking from a greenest doppelganger
01:06:53This was planned
01:06:56That's a good idea
01:07:17What is this looks like an helicopter landed here
01:07:22So we Hamilton arrived at Villa Rossa by helicopter
01:07:26The day before Hector disappeared from Sardinia or so. She said you think she made an extra stop along the way
01:07:42Zini trovi pilota de l'elicottero a portato zoe hamilton dalla sardegna l'umbria
01:08:00That's it
01:08:08The helicopter pilot at this more is on holiday. He's not due back for a month and his phone is turned off
01:08:15Paid to disappear
01:08:17Mm-hmm. Let's go
01:08:40Senora Kirstie
01:08:43Hello Chiara, I'm here to see mrs. Hamilton. They're having lunch on the terrace, but I don't think thanks. I'll go through
01:08:53Cabernet have no right to keep any of us here
01:08:56I think we should just leave
01:09:01Hello Lee
01:09:06What are you doing here, don't worry, I'm not staying for lunch I
01:09:11Wouldn't say no to a glass of wine
01:09:14Is this some kind of joke?
01:09:20No, you need to leave I think you'd better let her speak Lee
01:09:25Don't you think?
01:09:27Hector's death never felt quite right because it wasn't right
01:09:32It's a murder Lee
01:09:34Correct, but I forgot to ask the most important question
01:09:38Who benefited from it? What are you talking about?
01:09:43Are you accusing me no, I think you've been the victim of a very cruel trick
01:09:50The person who really needed Hector dead
01:09:53was Hector
01:09:54Who sent you here?
01:09:57While he was finance minister
01:10:00He'd been taking money from the Iraq and Treasury a false accusation once Hector was out of government
01:10:06There was a good chance that he'd end up in jail
01:10:08That's crazy. And he was under pressure to give his support to a military coup that was almost certainly going to fail. What?
01:10:16Are you saying that?
01:10:18Hector faked his own death to disappear. That's exactly what I'm saying
01:10:23That's impossible I saw the body. Yeah. Yes you did didn't you?
01:10:51Capitano buongiorno
01:10:52Di là. Oddio che succede? Veloce sulla terrazza. Dove andate?
01:10:57Last week a petty criminal called Bruno Serna got an early release from jail in a rocker City
01:11:03The poor man didn't realize that he was chosen for his resemblance to Hector Magrino. No
01:11:09My father wouldn't do that. Serna was snatched off the street and flown by private jet to Sardinia
01:11:16Shortly after he was taken by helicopter to Isola Polvese
01:11:20The following night he was murdered and his body left tangled in a fishing net for Piero Costa to find
01:11:29Who are you?
01:11:30Someone who believes in fair play
01:11:33That's crazy. Even if you're right, we know nothing about it. Yeah, at least two of you here were involved and
01:11:40We can prove it
01:11:42That's not possible. You think?
01:11:46We found the helicopter pilots
01:11:48Efes Moura, he's been very helpful
01:11:53You told me you're taking care of him
01:11:54Shut up. Captain Moura has confirmed that there was another passenger who had to be helped on board and who slept through the journey
01:12:02The helicopter landed on Isola Polvese where two men were waiting to take Serna away
01:12:09Ricardo Garcia and John Hamilton. I'm arresting you on suspicion of kidnapping and murder
01:12:19No, I'm just helping your father
01:12:21Look at me, I'm just helping your father
01:12:23I'm doing this for you, I swear
01:12:31I was just helping your father
01:12:33Zoe, come back
01:12:35I didn't do anything, look at me
01:12:37Luciana, look at me
01:12:41Zoe, come back
01:12:49It's not my fault
01:12:51Stop Zoe
01:12:53Talk to me
01:12:55I didn't do it
01:13:03There is no place to go
01:13:05Stay away from me
01:13:07Get out of my way
01:13:11I don't want to sleep
01:13:15Stay away
01:13:29Come on, come on
01:13:31Talk to me, Zoe
01:13:33Come on
01:13:49Dios Santo
01:13:51What are you going to do now?
01:13:59No, come on
01:14:01Don't do this to me
01:14:36It wasn't my fault
01:14:38Let go, come on
01:14:40She arranged everything
01:14:42You're pathetic
01:14:44All I did was ride in a helicopter
01:14:46Hector arranged it
01:14:48To bring me and a friend of his here from Sardinia
01:14:50You didn't think it was strange
01:14:52That the other passenger was barely conscious
01:14:54Or that you dropped him off on an island
01:14:56In the middle of the lake
01:14:58I thought it was some sort of political meeting
01:15:02How much did my father pay you?
01:15:05Tell me about the night of the murder
01:15:07I wasn't there
01:15:09I didn't know anyone was going to be killed
01:15:11What did you think was going to happen?
01:15:13I told you, I didn't know
01:15:15Serna was drugged
01:15:17And Hector just put his head in the water
01:15:19I can't believe it
01:15:21Honey, I swear I did it to help you
01:15:23Your father gave me help
01:15:25I did it for you
01:15:27I don't want to see you again
01:15:29I never want to see you again
01:15:31Luciana, please don't leave me
01:15:33Luciana, please come back
01:15:35Luciana, please don't leave me
01:15:39Luciana, Luciana
01:15:41Look at me
01:15:45You're hurting me
01:15:47You can walk
01:15:57Do you have any idea where your father might be?
01:16:00If I did, what would I tell you?
01:16:04I get that you still want to protect your father
01:16:06Even though he hasn't protected you
01:16:10But it would help convince the Carabinieri
01:16:12That you weren't involved
01:16:18Papa has a house in the Philippines
01:16:20That no one knows about
01:16:22A place called Barceló
01:16:24Outside Manila
01:16:26Thank you
01:16:32The dead man
01:16:34Who did you say his name was?
01:16:36Bruno Serna
01:16:40Tell them I will pay for his funeral
01:17:00Whatever your name is
01:17:08Who sent you here?
01:17:10Your secret service, I suppose
01:17:16I've met many spies in my time
01:17:18But I've never met you
01:17:22I'm sorry
01:17:25I've met many spies in my time
01:17:27You're all the same
01:17:29Not quite human
01:17:37Did Hector ask you to get his daughter out of the way?
01:17:39The day they brought Bruno Serna to the island
01:17:43He had some business to take care of
01:17:45Asked if I could look after Luciana
01:17:47So I did
01:17:51Always the perfect hostess
01:17:55Thank you
01:18:13Italy has no extradition treaty
01:18:15With the Philippines
01:18:21Tell me you're not going after Magrino
01:18:24Personally, no
01:18:26But I don't think he'll remain a free man for long
01:18:30Do you need a ride to Penicale?
01:18:36No thanks
01:18:38But I'll see you soon
01:18:46Signora Volpe
01:19:02You drained the petrol tank, I suppose
01:19:08Well done you
01:19:12I hope you weren't planning a quick getaway
01:19:20Let's go to Perugia
01:19:22We'll have dinner
01:19:26Don't you think Isabel deserves to be part of this?
01:19:30Have you told her I'm here?
01:19:32Not yet
01:19:36We probably shouldn't be seen leaving together
01:19:42There's a lay-by about half a kilometre down the road
01:19:44I'll wait for you there
01:20:06Excellent work, Silvia
01:20:10I don't think there's any need to share the intel
01:20:12About Magrino's location with the Italians
01:20:14I imagine Felicity will agree with you
01:20:16Magrino's no danger now
01:20:18And I think we can persuade him
01:20:21I expect you can
01:20:25Tell Felicity that Henry says hello
01:20:29Will do
01:20:51You thought I'd do a runner
01:20:55Not for a moment
01:21:45They've got company
01:21:48Let's go
01:21:52Welcome home
01:22:24I'm so sorry I didn't know you were having a party
01:22:26No, no, it's ok
01:22:28Please join us
01:22:36It is your sister
01:22:40Hello, Isabel
01:22:44I thought you'd turn up again sooner or later
01:22:56I'd bring a drink to Silvia, Isabella and Silvia's friend
01:22:58No, no
01:23:02I don't understand how you recognised him
01:23:04It's been more than 40 years
01:23:14I seemed you knew
01:23:16I came to see
01:23:19Your mother
01:23:21While Isabel was looking after
01:23:23Just before the end
01:23:25Why didn't you tell me
01:23:27What was there to tell
01:23:29He showed up unannounced, stayed for a few hours
01:23:31And then disappeared again
01:23:33Just like he always did
01:23:35Just like you always did
01:23:37How did you even know that she was ill
01:23:39I didn't
01:23:41Your mother and I
01:23:43Kept in touch over the years
01:23:45More fool her
01:23:58There are things
01:24:00You don't understand
01:24:04Why don't you share them with us
01:24:10It was a mistake coming here
01:24:14Mama insisted
01:24:18He's right
01:24:20I'm sorry for spoiling your evening
01:24:28Come out this way
01:24:40Be careful Silvia
01:25:08It was a shock for Isabel
01:25:10It's good to have met you
01:25:14I'll see you soon
01:25:18Stay better
01:25:58What a lovely house
01:26:10I should probably be on my way
01:26:14No you don't
01:26:16We have a lot of catching up to do
01:26:20Bring your bag