They don't want this to be known || Acharya Prashant (2020)

  • 3 months ago
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Video Information: 15.11.2020, Mulakat Samagam, Advait Bodhsthal, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India

~ Is eating animals same as eating plants?
~ Do animals have more value than plants?
~ What is that one reason that makes me take plants over animals?
~ Is seems directly that how we contributing to the animal cruelty, why not it seems to the rest of the world?
~ Why the people are so resistance?

Music Credits: Milind Date
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00:00And when I see how the meat is produced, how the vaccines are produced with the horses,
00:14how wool is produced, how silk is produced, it seems so obvious that I am contributing
00:24to that by consuming those things.
00:31But it seems that the rest of the world does not see that.
00:36It seems like there's a crazy world out there where people are pretending to be righteous
00:43and good and peaceful.
00:45It's like there was an elephant that was shot by a hunter in Africa.
00:50And everyone, I remember I was with people who were actually eating meat at the time
00:56and they were saying how silly it is and how cruel it was to shoot that elephant.
01:01And then when I pointed out that what's on your plate, they got very angry and it became
01:06this discussion about I need it for my health and blah, blah, blah.
01:10So it seems so obvious, but it seems that there's something that stops people from believing
01:19When they see how the animal is killed, they change their mind, but not very often.
01:23But all that is hidden.
01:26And it's hidden.
01:27I don't even know what my question is.
01:33My question is, it seems so obvious.
01:35Why does it continue, I guess?
01:37Why are people so resistant to...
01:40See propaganda has to be met with publicity.
01:47You know the foundation had a TikTok account.
01:51It got banned because we were posting videos opposing meat consumption.
01:59Now I am told that when my videos pertaining to carnism and animal cruelty are posted on
02:13YouTube and Facebook and we seek to promote them, the respective companies, apps do not
02:23allow them to be promoted.
02:26So it's a matter of publicity.
02:29We need to shout into people's ears.
02:35We need to bring this to their notice.
02:37Our friend here wouldn't have asked this question had the thing not happened in front of his
02:43So the matter has to be brought right in front of people's senses.
02:49That's the thing.
02:50Otherwise, we are so occupied with our mundane universe that we just have neither the intention
02:58nor the opportunity, to be fair to us, not even the opportunity to look at these things.
03:04Somebody has to really shout aloud, we are trying.
03:11See there is no other way.
03:23By hook or by crook, even without taking the other's consent, that video has to be pushed
03:32to the other's eyes.
03:36If you do not like the video, block me.
03:39But till you do not block me, I'll keep pushing it to you.
03:43That probably is the only way.
03:50Even something like vaccines that seems so ingrained in our society is produced using
03:56a lot of cruelty and horse's blood.
04:03And I agree that it's just making people aware.
04:05And a lot of those vaccines are totally unnecessary.
04:09And populations who are subjected to the maximum to those vaccines are the populations who
04:16have shown themselves to be most vulnerable to this virus, the current one.
04:22Don't you see?
04:23Look at the mortality rate in all the developed societies.
04:28And those are the societies whose immune systems have been heavily compromised because of excessive
04:33use of vaccines.
04:37Look at the third world, the mortality rates are almost acceptable.
04:47Look at Pakistan, look at Bangladesh, look at Africa, even India.
04:53Compared to the population of India, the mortalities are nowhere near the level of
05:03the US or UK or France.
05:08This brings me to another question and maybe I'm being righteous but one of the things
05:14I noticed was this mortality per thousand rate that you were talking about and part
05:19of me says, well, they deserve it, a little bit of gloating and I noticed.
05:24You don't have to feel guilty on feeling this way.
05:28There is somebody called Karmphal and it does not depend on whether we want it or not.
05:36It will come to us, like your credit card bill.
05:41It will come to you.
05:45You make use of vaccines for no reason at all and your immunity will become so dependent
05:51on vaccination that when the next virus strikes, you will again die in your millions.
06:02But then that's what all the pharma companies want, right?
06:05More and more vaccines and this and that, oh, a new virus has come, don't you want to
06:10protect your kid?
06:12Come, vaccinate him quickly and then parents, my God, my little Johnny, he needs to be protected.
06:19So first of all, Johnny has to be produced and then Johnny has to be protected.
06:24I guess another way that I've seen that works in convincing people to reduce flesh consumption
06:29is showing them the medical reports and even how dangerous milk is and then they stop.
06:35But that doesn't stop the other cruelty towards animals in terms of clothes, vaccines, inputs
06:42for industrial goods.
06:43But if you can somehow disrupt one part of this entire consumption chain, all the other
06:53articles would feel the pinch.
06:57For example, if you can convince someone not to use leather, I mean if you can convince
07:03a sizable number of people to not use leather, that would have an impact on the prices of
07:09Or if you can convince people not to use milk and milk products, that would adversely impact
07:16the prices of leather and fur and everything else, meat.
07:23So once the prices rise, the consumption has to go down.
07:28You can even have a purely economic approach to the entire thing.
07:32You could say, let's figure out the actual cost of meat consumption or leather consumption
07:38or vaccination.
07:40Actual cost, which includes all the environmental damage, including all the future environmental
07:46damage that slaughtering an animal causes.
07:49And you take in the entire cost and then you price the animal product accordingly.
07:57And the price would be so overwhelmingly unaffordable.
08:03So even pure economics would do the trick.
08:09Yeah, that's the same thing that people say about environmental, add in the externalities,
08:15the external cost.
08:17I guess my question is, so it seems easier to convince people to stop because of health
08:24And there's a part of me that's saying, but am I, so yes, it definitely has an impact.
08:29But is that, am I giving up the bigger cause or am I settling for something that's not
08:35the full?
08:36No, but then, see, you cannot wait for someone to be spiritually realized before he gives
08:42up flesh.
08:45That would be too long a wait and too harsh on the animal.
08:50And there are several people who do not even intend to be realized.
08:55So that's probably the only way to take with them.
08:58Convince them that their body is suffering because of milk or meat.
09:02Convince them that probably even leather is carcinogenic when it comes in contact with
09:08human skin.
09:10Such things.
09:11Because if you take the high route, the route of compassion, the route of understanding,
09:21maybe they'll never walk that route, never prefer it.
09:29I see that with my father, so I convinced him to stop because of the health reasons.
09:34But he says, and then maybe this goes back to day one, he says things like, I didn't
09:38do it for the animals, I did it for myself, and that I can sense my attachment to wanting
09:44him to have done it for himself and for the spiritual reason.
09:50Maybe that can come next.
09:52Maybe once you have given up meat for purely personal and selfish reason, the higher reason,
09:59the more sublime cause, can follow next.
10:15When you come up with the right reasons, for most people it is just high-sounding rhetoric.
10:22They don't want to be preached.
10:25They don't want lessons in compassion.
10:30So tell them where it matters to them.
10:36Hit them where it hurts them.
10:42I guess for me, I go back to the hypocrisy of it, so you said they don't want lessons
10:46in compassion and that's been my experience.
10:48But then they profess to be so compassionate.
10:51So that can be called out.
10:52They don't like it when it's called out.
10:54You don't have to worry about it.
10:57If they don't like it, why are you worried about that?
10:59I guess I am worried because I won't be able to influence them to change as effectively.
11:03Once they have disliked you, they have created a permanent position of your influence in
11:08their consciousness.
11:09Don't you see that?
11:13You can probably forget someone you like, but it's very difficult to forget someone
11:17you dislike.
11:19So it lives in and it grows within.
11:27They may counter you or contradict you very energetically.
11:35But what you would say, that would stay in their minds for long.
11:41It's just that you'll have to pay the price in terms of being personally disliked, which
11:48is I think a price we all must be prepared to pay.
11:51I don't care about that.
11:52I guess I was more worried about turning them off the whole thing completely so the mind
11:57just stops thinking about it.
11:58That's what I was worried about.
11:59No, no.
12:00They will be turned off towards you as a person, but they will remain sensitive, conscious
12:09towards the issue.
12:13Even if they engage with the issue in negative ways, even if they engage with the issue just
12:22to belittle the issue or to oppose the issue, but at least the issue would stay in their
12:32It's no more something that they can be oblivious of.
12:40And we have to run that risk.
12:43We cannot keep wanting to be popular among friends or acceptable among relatives.
12:56We'll have to run the risk of being unpopular, disliked, uninvited.
13:08I've noticed people, sometimes I think they'll react when I say I'm not going to go for a
13:16meal if there's animal products.
13:19I think they'll say, no, I don't want to go, but oftentimes they say, sure, let's try that.
13:24So I guess I'm seeing that the way I think about it is not always how it's playing out
13:31as well.
13:33Plus let me assure you, I mean just to incentivize you and others a little, they may talk of
13:48you as an oddity.
13:53They may contradict you or they may even probably go to the extent of ostracizing you.
14:02But somewhere deep within, they will respect you.
14:07So stand for the right thing.
14:18When we receive very harsh, very negative, abusive comments on all our social media,
14:27we take it as a success.
14:33Somebody has been hit just at the right place.
14:45On and off we get death threats as well.
14:49And that is taken as a jackpot.
15:07No question, but I want to say, whenever I watch your videos, the one thing that I'm
15:13most inspired by is the fierceness to stand for what is right, regardless of what anyone
15:20else says, thinks or does, and just because everyone else is crazy doesn't mean I have
15:25to be crazy.
15:26There's no other way to live.
15:27So thank you for that inspiration.
15:28There's just no other way to live.
15:31Don't have an option.
15:35Probably had there been an option, we might have found it lucrative, even compelling.
15:42But there is just no option.
