Back From The Dead (1957)

  • 2 months ago
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00:04:15She's been gone a long time.
00:04:18I think I'd better go find her.
00:04:21Oh, why don't you sit down, Kate?
00:04:23Your sister's a big girl now.
00:04:25I know, but lately...
00:04:28All right.
00:04:30I'll clean up the mess.
00:04:32When you find her, you tell her we'd better be getting back to town.
00:04:35Fogg will be coming in soon.
00:04:46I was worried about you.
00:04:49I'm sorry.
00:04:51How do you feel?
00:04:53Don't worry.
00:04:55Pregnant women are supposed to walk.
00:04:58Why do you keep doing that?
00:05:04You're so jumpy.
00:05:06Something's upsetting you.
00:05:08Surely you can tell me.
00:05:11All right.
00:05:15But you won't believe me.
00:05:23I think something's trying to...
00:05:26To get at me.
00:05:29What do you mean?
00:05:32It happened first out here about a month ago.
00:05:36All of a sudden, something...
00:05:39Or somebody said something.
00:05:42Almost as if it were inside my head.
00:05:45And then...
00:05:48After that, it...
00:05:51It happened other places.
00:05:54That's why I wanted to walk by myself just now.
00:05:58This is where it started.
00:06:01And I thought if I faced up to it, it would go away.
00:06:05But it won't.
00:06:07Oh, Kate, I'm frightened.
00:06:09I'm so glad you're here.
00:06:12Have you spoken to the doctor about this?
00:06:15He just smiled.
00:06:17And told me I imagined it.
00:06:25What does Dick say?
00:06:28He won't believe me either.
00:06:35You gals certainly took your time.
00:06:38You don't know what this place is like when the fog starts rolling in.
00:06:41What you need is a good hot cup of coffee and a fire.
00:06:44Come on. Careful of the rocks.
00:06:50Come here, Copper.
00:07:05Feel better now, Mandy?
00:07:07I feel fine.
00:07:10That's good.
00:07:15Oh, yeah. Here it is.
00:07:18You're not going to play that again, are you, Dick?
00:07:21Oh, no. Come on. We're not going to go through all that nonsense again, are we?
00:07:25You used to like it.
00:07:28I'm sorry, Dick. Go ahead and play it.
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00:08:48Mandy, what's the matter?
00:08:51Katie, stay with her. I'll call the doctor.
00:09:08She's going to be all right.
00:09:11I'm sorry about the baby.
00:09:14Well, you did your best, Doctor.
00:09:17Has she ever had an epileptic seizure before?
00:09:20Never. I can't understand it.
00:09:23It'll be a shock to her, losing the baby.
00:09:26You'll have to make allowances if she's not herself for a few days.
00:09:30Poor kid.
00:09:33I'll look in on her again tomorrow.
00:09:36Thank you, Doctor.
00:09:39Try to get some rest.
00:09:55The sedative's wearing off, Mr. Anthony.
00:10:39Honey, it's Kate.
00:10:58You're going to be just fine.
00:11:07I've come back to you, Dickon.
00:11:10Felicia's come back.
00:11:13Mandy, darling.
00:11:16I don't want you.
00:11:19Go away.
00:11:22Mandy, it's Kate.
00:11:26Not Mandy.
00:11:32Make her go away, Dickon.
00:11:49It can't be.
00:11:52I never mentioned it.
00:11:55Dickon, come back.
00:11:58And that nickname. She always called me that.
00:12:04You heard her. She called herself Felicia.
00:12:10Come back.
00:12:13Go away, Dick.
00:12:22The doctor warned us she might be irrational.
00:12:25Come back, Dickon.
00:12:28Don't leave me.
00:12:31Don't leave me.
00:12:37She's hysterical.
00:12:40You ought to be in there.
00:12:46There, now, now.
00:12:49You'll feel better in a little while.
00:12:57Here's your husband. He'll sit beside you until you go to sleep.
00:13:01Dickon, I've come back to you.
00:13:05I've come back.
00:13:13What does she mean, Felicia?
00:13:16I don't understand.
00:13:19She couldn't have known. I never even mentioned Felicia's name.
00:13:25I don't know why we came back here.
00:13:28It's almost as though I've got no one of my own.
00:13:31Like that music today.
00:13:34That was Felicia's favorite music, especially that part I played.
00:13:37Since I've been back here, I've felt compelled to play it...
00:13:40even though Mandy began to hate it.
00:13:43It's the same compulsion that made me come back to this house...
00:13:47whether I wanted to or not.
00:13:50It's not that I don't love Mandy.
00:13:52Dick, who is Felicia?
00:13:55My first wife.
00:13:58She died here six years ago.
00:14:04Mandy did not even know of my first marriage.
00:14:08If that's true, was that wise?
00:14:11Well, it is true.
00:14:15Did this first marriage end in a divorce?
00:14:20She was drowned six years ago.
00:14:24Nobody knows how or even where.
00:14:27The body was never found.
00:14:30Quite a while later, a fisherman came up with a ring.
00:14:33I identified it.
00:14:37It was found in the belly of a shark.
00:14:40But there must be some explanation...
00:14:43for Mrs. Anthony's knowing about your former wife.
00:14:47Are there any old photograph albums, letters, mementos?
00:14:51No, no, nothing. I got rid of everything.
00:14:55When we came here, my wife and I...
00:14:58we even avoided seeing my old friends.
00:15:01We didn't feel that we needed them.
00:15:05May I make a suggestion?
00:15:07Certainly, Doctor.
00:15:09No matter how hard it is...
00:15:12you must try to be as understanding as you can.
00:15:15When your wife feels better...
00:15:18I think you should discuss psychiatric treatment with her.
00:15:22But not now.
00:15:24Now you must give her the security of your devotion.
00:15:28Both of you.
00:15:31Don't oppose her in any way.
00:15:34We'll do our best, Doctor. Thank you very much.
00:15:45Thank you, Doctor.
00:15:51The doctor here supports our children.
00:15:59I'm ready for my ride.
00:16:01Oh, darling, it's so good to see you up and around at last.
00:16:06Take time to get used to this house.
00:16:12Maitre Renaud would never approve.
00:16:15Who wouldn't approve?
00:16:17I suppose we should try to be friends.
00:16:20But we are, Mandy.
00:16:22It's unfortunate you came here at this time.
00:16:26As long as you're feeling well again, nothing else matters.
00:16:30Where's Dickon?
00:16:32Oh, he's bringing the car around.
00:16:35I took Copper for a walk.
00:16:40The dog, darling.
00:16:42You want me to bring him in for a moment?
00:16:44No. I don't want him in here.
00:16:49There's Dickon.
00:17:13Where's Kate?
00:17:15She doesn't want to go.
00:17:17She was all ready.
00:17:21Why does she have to be with us?
00:17:23Won't you be nice to her?
00:17:25For me?
00:17:27I'll get her.
00:17:56I'm terribly sorry I haven't been to see you,
00:17:58but I just got back from San Francisco last night.
00:18:00How are you?
00:18:02I've been ill.
00:18:03I know. I hope you aren't angry.
00:18:06I only heard about it this morning.
00:18:08I'm awfully sorry to hear about what happened.
00:18:13Oh, you mean the baby?
00:18:15But of course.
00:18:18Hi, Molly.
00:18:20Glad to see you back. Joe come with you?
00:18:22Oh, he'll have to stay up there another couple of weeks.
00:18:24Molly, I'd like you to meet Mandy's sister, Kate Hazleton.
00:18:27Kate, Molly Prentiss.
00:18:28Hello. I've heard so much about you.
00:18:30Mandy and I knew Molly and Joe down in L.A.
00:18:35Well, I don't want to keep you.
00:18:38Molly, why don't you come back tomorrow for cocktails?
00:18:41All right.
00:18:42Please do.
00:18:44I'll try.
00:18:45Nice meeting you.
00:18:47Goodbye, Mandy.
00:19:02Why did you have to be so rude to her?
00:19:06I suppose you didn't intend to be.
00:19:08Hop in, Kate.
00:19:15Go to the post office.
00:19:22Thank you.
00:19:48Oh, I'm sorry.
00:19:51You old son of a gun. How are you?
00:19:55How long has it been?
00:19:57Must be about six years.
00:19:58Gee, I thought you moved to New York.
00:20:00I'm back here to try and sell my house.
00:20:02Say, somebody told me you married again.
00:20:03Yeah. Yeah, about a year ago.
00:20:05Are you still unattached?
00:20:08What are you doing right now?
00:20:10Just going in the post office.
00:20:11No, no. There's somebody I want you to meet.
00:20:13My sister-in-law is visiting us.
00:20:15Now, wait a minute.
00:20:16No, no. Come on. You'll like this.
00:20:21Andy, I'd like you to meet an old friend of mine.
00:20:22John Mitchell.
00:20:24John, this is my wife.
00:20:26Hello, John.
00:20:28It's nice to meet you, Mrs. Anthony.
00:20:30This is Kate Hazleton.
00:20:34John Mitchell, the world's best architect.
00:20:36Second best.
00:20:37Mr. Mitchell, I think I've seen your name in house and garden.
00:20:40Thank you.
00:20:43I think we'd better be running along.
00:20:44Why don't you drop by the house for a drink tomorrow?
00:20:47I'd like that very much.
00:20:48So would I.
00:20:50See you tomorrow, then.
00:21:03There's an old army buddy of mine.
00:21:05I know.
00:21:08What do you mean, you know?
00:21:11Oh, I probably mentioned him at some time.
00:21:15Where would you like to go?
00:21:16I'd like to go to my...
00:21:19I'd like to pay a call on the Bradleys.
00:21:22The Bradleys?
00:21:25All right.
00:21:49All right.
00:22:13Mandy's never mentioned any Bradleys.
00:22:15For a very good reason.
00:22:17Mandy's never met them or ever heard of them.
00:22:20Dick, who is Mitchell Renault?
00:22:24Where did you hear that name?
00:22:26Well, Mandy said that he wouldn't approve of something.
00:22:29Who is he?
00:22:30Somebody I never want to hear you mention again.
00:22:32Let alone know.
00:22:33But, Dick, he might have...
00:22:34That's all, Kate.
00:22:35That's all.
00:22:50Where's Mildred?
00:22:54Mildred's been gone three years, ma'am.
00:22:57Who do you wish to see?
00:22:59I'm Mr. and Mrs. Bradley at home.
00:23:02Mrs. Bradley's in her study.
00:23:03Mr. Bradley's not feeling well.
00:23:06Who shall I see is calling?
00:23:08Mr. Bradley.
00:23:09Mr. Bradley.
00:23:11Mr. Bradley.
00:23:13Mr. Bradley.
00:23:14Mr. Bradley.
00:23:15Mr. Bradley.
00:23:16Mr. Bradley.
00:23:17Mr. Bradley.
00:23:18Mr. and Mrs. Dick Anthony.
00:23:20And Mrs. Anthony's sister.
00:23:23I'll tell Mrs. Bradley you're here.
00:23:25Mandy, you mustn't handle other people's things.
00:23:56Still there.
00:23:58Just as I left it.
00:24:21Mandy's never touched me.
00:24:22I know.
00:24:41Good afternoon, Dickon.
00:24:43I heard you were in town with your new wife.
00:24:54What do you mean, calling me that?
00:24:57Aunt Felicia.
00:24:58Please, Mandy.
00:25:00You worked so hard to help me so long.
00:25:04Don't turn away from me now.
00:25:06Is this some kind of a cruel joke, Dickon?
00:25:09Unfortunately, no.
00:25:11And who are you?
00:25:14Dick's wife is my sister, Mrs. Bradley.
00:25:17She's had an attack of epilepsy.
00:25:19And ever since, she's had the delusion that she's Felicia, your daughter.
00:25:26They won't believe me, Mother.
00:25:29But you will.
00:25:31You must.
00:25:33Your voice is like hers.
00:25:36And your eyes.
00:25:42You think you could make me believe that you and she are the same?
00:25:50Father and I were in London when that was painted.
00:25:54I was 14.
00:25:56Why did you play that selection?
00:25:59I always played that.
00:26:01I saw you looking in the cabinet.
00:26:03What was it you wanted?
00:26:05A little lion, dear.
00:26:07The one that Ralph gave me when we went to Green Lake.
00:26:10And who was Ralph?
00:26:12The little boy whose father took care of the boats.
00:26:14I suppose you remember the time we went to visit your cousins in Boston.
00:26:18The summer that you were 13.
00:26:21No, it wasn't Boston.
00:26:23It was Salem, and I was...
00:26:25You see, I was 11, not 13.
00:26:30Don't you remember, Mother?
00:26:33Please say that you remember.
00:26:44You shouldn't be here.
00:26:54That music.
00:26:57Who was playing it?
00:26:59I was.
00:27:02Do you remember those days in India?
00:27:05The Grove and Benares, and we walked together, and...
00:27:08And I said,
00:27:09Father, I'll never leave you.
00:27:11Yes, I remember.
00:27:14My daughter said that.
00:27:17But my daughter's dead.
00:27:19I am your daughter.
00:27:28I'd come back to you.
00:27:30Just as I said I would.
00:27:32No. No.
00:27:34It's true. I tested her.
00:27:36At last. At last.
00:27:47This isn't my doing.
00:27:49I know.
00:27:59Will you please leave?
00:28:03Mandy, we're leaving now.
00:28:05I'm not Mandy.
00:28:07There's nothing you can do to bring her back.
00:28:10Why don't you go?
00:28:12Kate, I want to talk to you.
00:28:14I won't leave her here.
00:28:16I must talk to you now.
00:28:18Take this woman away, Dickon.
00:28:20There's nothing to be gained by her staying here.
00:28:22Nothing to be gained?
00:28:29I can't leave her here.
00:28:31Come outside.
00:28:38We must get her away from this place.
00:28:40Look, we've got to face it.
00:28:42Felicia has taken possession of Mandy's body.
00:28:45You can't believe that.
00:28:47You heard. You saw.
00:28:49You actually believe that this creature,
00:28:52a spirit or whatever you call it,
00:28:54has driven my sister out of her own body?
00:28:57Mrs. Bradley's help.
00:28:59What could she do?
00:29:01I don't know.
00:29:03But she's a strange, evil woman.
00:29:04Felicia was too.
00:29:07I couldn't face up to it then.
00:29:09I was a fool.
00:29:12Then we must fight them.
00:29:14Do you realize what you're fighting?
00:29:18Let me think. Let me think.
00:29:22Let them go.
00:29:24No, not Dickon.
00:29:26He can't leave with her.
00:29:28He can't give up.
00:29:30That's what they want.
00:29:32You think I wouldn't do something if something could be done?
00:29:34We'll all be together again.
00:29:36Just as soon as we get rid of the sister.
00:29:46At the moment, we're at their mercy.
00:29:48Not forever.
00:29:50Not if we are strong enough.
00:29:53We can try.
00:30:01He's not leaving without me.
00:30:04I knew he wouldn't.
00:30:11Are you ready to go home, Felicia?
00:30:29I beg of you, Ada.
00:30:31Stop while there's still time.
00:30:32She'll come back.
00:30:35She has to.
00:30:37In order to remain.
00:30:39When she does, we'll leave you.
00:30:41God will punish you for this, Ada.
00:30:44You believe in your God.
00:30:46I'll believe in mine.
00:30:48I'll believe in mine.
00:31:02Sit down for five seconds.
00:31:04You don't have to be the perfect host.
00:31:06I know, I know.
00:31:10If I keep this up, I'll be the perfectly plastered host.
00:31:17Sit down, Dick.
00:31:18I know, I know.
00:31:26I wonder what's keeping Mandy.
00:31:29Here I am, darling.
00:31:42I'm so sorry to have kept you waiting.
00:31:45How are you tonight, John?
00:31:48I'm fine, Mrs. Anthony.
00:31:50That's quite an outfit.
00:31:52I'm glad you like it.
00:31:54It was with the things I had sent over this morning.
00:31:58I wore it specially for you.
00:32:06I know who the devil that can be.
00:32:15Oh, hi, Molly.
00:32:16Come on in.
00:32:20Why, Mandy.
00:32:27How wonderful your hair is like that.
00:32:30Was it your idea, Kate?
00:32:32No, it wasn't.
00:32:35Oh, Mrs. Prentiss, I'd like you to meet
00:32:37my very dear friend, John Mitchell.
00:32:39The architect?
00:32:40That's right.
00:32:41My husband and I are two of your greatest fans.
00:32:44Someday, we hope we can afford you.
00:32:45Thank you.
00:32:47I know how you dote on this color, Mandy.
00:32:52Thank you.
00:32:55I also brought a little something for Copper.
00:32:59Where is he?
00:33:01Oh, he's out in the yard.
00:33:04I thought he never left Mandy's side.
00:33:07Mind if I give it to him?
00:33:09No, no, of course not.
00:33:12Be right back.
00:33:19Here, come on, boy.
00:33:21Come on.
00:33:24Go away.
00:33:26Go away!
00:33:27Get him out of here!
00:33:30Come on, boy.
00:33:33I'm terribly sorry.
00:33:34What made him do that?
00:33:35Molly, it's not your fault.
00:33:37I should have warned you not to bring him in.
00:33:39But he loves Mandy.
00:33:40Come on outside.
00:33:41I want to talk to him.
00:33:46Come on.
00:33:59I don't know how to explain, Mr. Mitchell.
00:34:02My sister's never been like this before.
00:34:05Some people are deathly afraid of animals.
00:34:07But she's never been afraid of anything.
00:34:10Before we go any further,
00:34:12how about calling me John?
00:34:14All right.
00:34:16I hope this won't keep you away.
00:34:19Dick's very fond of you.
00:34:24Did you know him when he was married before?
00:34:29Yes, I knew him then.
00:34:32Would you say my sister is anything like Felicia?
00:34:40Not in appearance.
00:34:44It's so hard for me to understand
00:34:46how a man who loves my sister
00:34:48could have loved a woman like Felicia.
00:34:52I mean the way she must have been.
00:34:55I can never blame Dick for that.
00:34:58Felicia was a woman of great charm
00:35:02when she wished to use it.
00:35:06Unfortunately, she'd stop at nothing
00:35:08to get what she wanted.
00:35:11But like most charming people,
00:35:13it was hard to remember her faults
00:35:15when you were with her.
00:35:18I didn't come here to talk about Felicia.
00:35:21I came here strictly because of you.
00:35:25How about going for a drive with me tomorrow?
00:35:27I'd like to, but I can't.
00:35:30Come on, Kate.
00:35:32You're too healthy a woman
00:35:34to stay cooped up playing nursemaid.
00:35:36Well, I'll have to discuss it with Dick.
00:35:40You're over 21.
00:35:41Come on, Kate.
00:35:43Is it a date?
00:35:45All right, it's a date.
00:35:49Now forget about your troubles.
00:35:51Get a good night's sleep.
00:35:53That's easier said than done.
00:35:56Have you got anything to make you sleep?
00:35:58I've got some pills.
00:36:00I seldom use them, though.
00:36:02Well, use them tonight.
00:36:04Sleep's the best medicine for nerves.
00:36:06All right.
00:36:08I'll give them a try.
00:36:09Good girl.
00:36:39Good girl.
00:37:10What a coward you are, Dickens.
00:37:13That's why you keep the sister here.
00:37:16You're afraid to be alone with me.
00:37:21You know it's true.
00:37:25Send her away.
00:37:29Do I have another question?
00:37:31I'm going downstairs.
00:37:33Try to get some sleep.
00:37:35I'll be back.
00:37:39Yes, darling?
00:38:09I'll be back.
00:38:39I'll be back.
00:39:09I'll be back.
00:41:21Wake up.
00:41:25Wake up.
00:42:53It's a lucky thing you woke up.
00:42:55But I turned off that heater.
00:42:57And I opened the window. I know I did.
00:42:59Nobody could ever prove she did it.
00:43:06I had a dream.
00:43:09I was in a lonely place.
00:43:12Mandy was calling me.
00:43:14A long way off.
00:43:16I remember I tried to answer her.
00:43:19She did call me.
00:43:21She knew my danger.
00:43:24Mandy isn't lost to us after all.
00:43:26Felicia can't stay here, Kate.
00:43:28We can't antagonize her.
00:43:31She might do something to herself.
00:43:33And she'd be doing it to Mandy.
00:43:35I won't let you risk your life.
00:43:37I'll be on my guard from now on.
00:43:39No. We've got to stick to our plan.
00:43:42All right.
00:43:44But I'll never let her stay in this house alone.
00:43:47Ever again.
00:44:08I never tire of looking at it.
00:44:15How can you bear to sell this place?
00:44:18I've been away three years.
00:44:21A house doesn't mean much to a man who has no roots.
00:44:26Well, what time is it?
00:44:31Can't you forget about your sister for a few hours?
00:44:34I shouldn't have come away.
00:44:36She's Dick's wife.
00:44:37Let him do some of the worrying, huh?
00:44:40It's not as simple as that.
00:44:42Last night, she...
00:44:45I can't tell you.
00:44:47It makes me sick to think about it.
00:44:50But it's not Mandy's doing.
00:45:08I heard you were back.
00:45:10You didn't mind my coming over to say hello.
00:45:13I'm glad you did.
00:45:14We were just leaving, but sit down.
00:45:17Miss Hazleton, Mrs. Cordell.
00:45:21No, thanks.
00:45:22John used to be my closest neighbor.
00:45:26A good deal of that was my estate.
00:45:29Well, isn't it still?
00:45:31I sold everything except the guest house not long after you left.
00:45:35Well, that has happened.
00:45:38Someone told me Dick Anthony is in town.
00:45:40Is it possible?
00:45:41It's quite possible.
00:45:42I'm visiting him.
00:45:43I'm his sister-in-law.
00:45:46I used to know him quite well.
00:45:48I hate to break this up, but we'd better be going.
00:45:53It must be the real estate agent.
00:45:54Be right back.
00:46:00How is Dickon?
00:46:02He's fine.
00:46:03But my sister and I don't call him Dickon.
00:46:07No, I imagine not.
00:46:10Frankly, I'm surprised he came back here.
00:46:13Because of his smell?
00:46:14Frankly, I'm surprised he came back here.
00:46:17Because of his first wife's death, you mean?
00:46:21You know about that.
00:46:22Were you a friend of hers?
00:46:24No woman was a friend of Felicia's.
00:46:27Dick met her at my house.
00:46:30Well, then perhaps you know the Bradleys.
00:46:33I used to.
00:46:34She attended some meetings of a group I belonged to.
00:46:38What kind of a group?
00:46:40We're interested in many different things.
00:46:44Some people might call them occult, but...
00:46:47it goes deeper than that, much deeper.
00:46:50Our leader's a very remarkable man.
00:46:53Maitre Renault.
00:46:56From the way you said that, I'm curious to meet him.
00:47:00Do you think you could introduce us?
00:47:04He's not interested in those who are merely curious.
00:47:06I think he might be able to help me.
00:47:10In what way?
00:47:13Well, you see...
00:47:16I'm a widow.
00:47:18My husband left me well off, but...
00:47:21still there's a great emptiness in my life.
00:47:26To be accepted by him, one must have imagination and daring.
00:47:32But Maitre will judge you for that.
00:47:35But Maitre will judge you for himself. I'll take you there tomorrow.
00:47:38You're very kind.
00:47:39Oh, no, not at all.
00:47:41I must run. I know John is anxious to leave.
00:47:44Call me in the morning. I'm in the book.
00:47:47Better not tell John.
00:48:04Where's Nancy?
00:48:06She had to leave.
00:48:12Don't get involved with her.
00:48:14Oh? Why not?
00:48:17She used to be a nice woman.
00:48:19Since her husband died, she's gone kind of berserk.
00:48:23In what way?
00:48:25She's mixed up with a charlatan named Renault.
00:48:27Claims to have founded a new religion.
00:48:30So keep away from Nancy.
00:48:32She can only do you harm.
00:48:34I won't.
00:49:05Electric eye? Magic?
00:49:08I opened it.
00:49:35I'm sorry.
00:49:52Miss Hazelton?
00:49:56Sit down.
00:50:01Do you mind, Miss Coradel, for a few minutes?
00:50:04I know when people need me, but you were afraid, as sometimes people are, of the unknown.
00:50:25I'm not afraid any longer, Maitre.
00:50:27At the moment, you still doubt.
00:50:32It takes months for some people to throw off the shackles of beliefs taught them from childhood.
00:50:39Once you have accomplished this, then you will soar, become one of the earth, the moon.
00:50:50Are you of a deeply religious nature?
00:50:53I believe in God.
00:50:54Of course one believes in God, otherwise one couldn't believe in the devil.
00:51:00Oh, I'm sure he exists.
00:51:02You must not smile.
00:51:03The devil is a proud spirit and doesn't like to be mocked.
00:51:09I intended no mockery.
00:51:15Why did you want to see me?
00:51:18Mrs. Coradel must have told you.
00:51:23You think me a fool?
00:51:25I know a great deal about you.
00:51:27You are not a lonely widow.
00:51:29You came to visit your sister because she's ill.
00:51:34Why are you so curious about the former Felicia Bradley?
00:51:38Because Mrs. Bradley has brought Felicia back in the body of my sister, Mandy.
00:51:44She did work without me.
00:51:47I need your help to fight Mrs. Bradley and bring my sister back.
00:51:53If I agree to help you, you must place yourself in my hands, think only through my thoughts,
00:51:59and believe only what I believe.
00:52:00Do you understand what that means?
00:52:08Once you have accepted the possibility of everything, and that everything is possible,
00:52:13the barriers are gone, then you'll bring your sister back, you and I together.
00:52:20I understand.
00:52:22But once you have crossed the barrier, there is no turning back.
00:52:28When you have decided, come back to me with your answer.
00:52:43I will be back.
00:52:58You have returned, Felicia.
00:53:00I will never let you go again.
00:53:18This is Miss Hazelton.
00:53:20Well, who is it, please?
00:53:24Mr. Bradley?
00:53:28All right.
00:53:30Yes, I'll be right there.
00:53:43Miss Hazelton, sir.
00:53:45I won't need you anymore, Agnes.
00:53:47Yes, sir.
00:53:48Excuse me for not getting up, Miss Hazelton.
00:53:52Sit near me, if you don't mind.
00:53:55I voice tires easily.
00:54:01I wouldn't have asked you to come if there had been any immediate danger.
00:54:04I'm on your side.
00:54:06I felt that you were.
00:54:08You're a good person.
00:54:10I feel it.
00:54:12I was good myself once.
00:54:14That's why I want to help you.
00:54:16If I'd only been stronger.
00:54:18I fathered a beautiful, talented girl and watched her become a monster.
00:54:25It can't have been your fault.
00:54:27When she was younger, I tried to control her, but she had an indomitable will.
00:54:34It was Felicia who first became interested in the black arts.
00:54:38She drew her mother with her.
00:54:40When I first began to suspect, I refused to believe it.
00:54:44But eventually I knew.
00:54:46By then, it was too late.
00:54:50My wife was a fine woman when I married her.
00:54:53But if you look upon the face of evil long enough, it no longer appears ugly.
00:54:57You're in great danger from them.
00:55:00You don't know what they're capable of.
00:55:02I'm trying to find out.
00:55:04Today, I went to see a man who calls himself Maitre Renault.
00:55:08French for master.
00:55:10Don't go near him again.
00:55:12I will do anything to bring my sister back.
00:55:14You mustn't do anything his way or you'll be lost.
00:55:17That man is strong, as evil often is.
00:55:21No, you must fight him with courage and faith.
00:55:24More than you've ever called on before.
00:55:26The only thing they fear is a strength greater than their own.
00:55:30I'll do my best.
00:55:32Good. Then I'll help you bring your sister back.
00:55:35You? Against your own daughter?
00:55:38I love my daughter in spite of the evil in her.
00:55:41But she's been dead for six years.
00:55:43I don't want her back.
00:55:45Not this way.
00:55:47And my wife...
00:55:51She's come back.
00:55:53Go quickly.
00:55:55Remember, I will help you.
00:55:59Thank you.
00:56:01Thank you.
00:56:18Did my husband ask you to come here?
00:56:20I came here.
00:56:22Not that it matters.
00:56:24He can be of no use to you.
00:56:26Why don't you stop meddling in things you know nothing about?
00:56:30I'm learning more all the time.
00:56:32If you want to go on living a useful, happy life,
00:56:35I'm warning you to go away and do not come back.
00:56:38I'm not afraid of you.
00:56:40You may soon have reason to be.
00:56:42If any harm comes to me, Dick will hold you responsible.
00:56:45There are secret ways of causing pain.
00:56:48Pain that ends in death.
00:56:51How could anyone prove that I was responsible?
00:56:54I will not go away.
00:56:56And you will not win.
00:57:27You won't win.
00:57:32You won't win.
00:57:50I saw your car.
00:58:03They won't win.
00:58:31How long have you been here like this?
00:58:33Not long.
00:58:35I was ill.
00:58:38I'm all right now.
00:58:41I knew...
00:58:43I knew I mustn't get into them.
00:58:45But if I let them win out, that...
00:58:49Let who win?
00:58:51I'd better call the doctor.
00:58:53Oh, no. No, it's no use.
00:58:55It's no use.
00:58:57It's no use.
00:58:59Oh, it's no use.
00:59:01They wouldn't find anything wrong.
00:59:05I tell you, I'm all right now.
00:59:10You don't look all right.
00:59:13Where's Dick and your sister?
00:59:15Oh, he...
00:59:17He took her out for the day.
00:59:19She can't be left alone.
00:59:23I know I have no right to interfere with your life.
00:59:26But I must speak out.
00:59:29I know what you think.
00:59:31You believe what the doctor suggested.
00:59:33That Felicia's still alive.
00:59:35That all these people are...
00:59:37are accomplices
00:59:39trying to frighten Mandy and me away.
00:59:43I don't believe that Felicia's alive.
00:59:46I know that Felicia's dead because I saw her die.
00:59:49I was responsible.
00:59:53You killed her?
00:59:59I met her after she was married to Dick.
01:00:04From the first, she set out to fascinate all men.
01:00:08Including me.
01:00:10I'll admit, I was attracted.
01:00:13But I could see what she'd done to others.
01:00:16To Dick.
01:00:18The night it happened, we were all at a big party at the Cordell's.
01:00:22And I...
01:00:26We were all at a big party at the Cordell's.
01:00:30She and Dick had a fight over some man that she'd made up to,
01:00:33and Dick left.
01:00:37Then she started to make a play for me.
01:00:41But I'd been leery of her for a long time.
01:00:47All of a sudden, she'd gone.
01:00:49Nobody saw her leave.
01:00:53Frankly, I was glad she'd gone.
01:00:57Eventually, the party broke up.
01:01:02It was...
01:01:04quite late by the time I hit the coast road.
01:01:08Suddenly, I heard her laugh.
01:01:10No other person ever laughed like Felicia.
01:01:13I stopped the car.
01:01:15She was in the back, hidden under a blanket.
01:01:18I ordered her to get into the front seat and stop acting like an idiot.
01:01:26I said every brutal thing I could think of.
01:01:31She got hysterical.
01:01:33Thought she'd kill herself.
01:01:36I was so sorry I told her to go ahead. This was a great spot for it.
01:01:50Then I came to my senses.
01:01:57I could see she was getting too close to the cliff without knowing it.
01:02:01I tried to talk her into coming back, but she backed away.
01:02:08She lost her footing.
01:02:10Fell back.
01:02:18I'll never forget her scream as long as I live.
01:02:40Somehow, I got home.
01:02:43I was in a state of shock.
01:02:46All I could think was, if I called the police, they'd think I did it.
01:02:51Nobody knew she was in my car.
01:02:55It was better to leave it alone.
01:03:03It's something I have to live with.
01:03:16The only reason I've told you is this.
01:03:19Regardless of what you've gone through...
01:03:22or what people have tried to make you believe, the dead do not come back.
01:03:38Kate, what's with the car? Do you always park that way?
01:03:42It's a good thing I came by. Kate was...
01:03:44I was ill. I'm fine now.
01:03:46What happened?
01:03:48It doesn't matter. It's over now.
01:03:51I'll call you in the morning.
01:03:54I'm going to go out and straighten out the landscape.
01:04:02Phyllis, I'm not afraid of you.
01:04:08I'm stronger than you are now.
01:04:28Yes, Agnes.
01:04:33Well, we'll be right over.
01:04:38Where is he?
01:04:40Mr. Bradley made.
01:04:42It doesn't make any sense, but...
01:04:44I think we'd better go over there right away.
01:04:51All right.
01:05:21It's open. It's open. Come in. Come in.
01:05:29I can't stay up there another minute. There's something awful up there.
01:05:33I'll go up. You stay here. Calm her down.
01:05:36You don't have to be frightened now, Agnes. Tell us what happened.
01:05:40I heard them upstairs.
01:05:43It sounded like he was praying and she was screaming at him.
01:05:46And then he stopped.
01:05:48When I came up, his door was open.
01:05:51And there he was, lying on his bed.
01:05:54It gave me an awful turn because she was still talking to him.
01:05:58I knew he was dead the minute I saw him.
01:06:01Oh, mother of God.
01:06:13Renault. I'll go to Renault.
01:06:19I must go to Renault.
01:06:35He's dead.
01:06:42No, let me go! Let me go!
01:06:45Agnes, please.
01:06:54Kate, let me out.
01:06:58Kate, let me out.
01:07:01Let me out, Kate.
01:07:16Kate, let me out.
01:07:18Let me out, Kate.
01:07:27Dick, let me out.
01:07:29I'm here.
01:07:31Why am I locked in here?
01:07:34Dick didn't want you to leave the room. He wants you to rest.
01:07:38Where is Dick?
01:07:40He's making arrangements about Mr. and Mrs. Bradley.
01:07:44Who are they?
01:07:50Is it you?
01:07:52Who else could it be?
01:07:55Please open the door.
01:07:57Just a minute.
01:08:22I knew you would come to me, Felicia.
01:08:52Come in.
01:09:12I saw her come in.
01:09:15She's Felicia.
01:09:17I remember those eyes.
01:09:20Her mouth.
01:09:22What right have you to question me?
01:09:24What right?
01:09:28I've given you all my money.
01:09:30I've brought others to you.
01:09:32What you did, you did on your own free will.
01:09:36That's why you were so interested in the Hazleton woman.
01:09:43Felicia won't help you.
01:09:46Don't take her back.
01:09:50You'll regret it if you take her back.
01:09:53What can you possibly do to me?
01:09:57Get out.
01:10:14You must help me.
01:10:16There's so little time.
01:10:18I'm growing so tired and weak.
01:10:20What of your husband?
01:10:22You're finished with him?
01:10:24Yes, I'll never leave you again.
01:10:26I swear it.
01:10:27I'm sure you won't.
01:10:28Nor that you have no one else.
01:10:30But we must hurry.
01:10:32Have no fear.
01:10:33Once we have done what we must do,
01:10:35we'll go away, far away.
01:10:38Is there some friend of this Mandy?
01:10:41Someone who would suspect nothing?
01:10:44I'm Marley Prentiss.
01:10:46My husband is away.
01:10:48It's dangerous, but we must risk it.
01:10:51Can you play this Mandy?
01:10:54Even the sister thought I was Mandy.
01:10:57Now you must call this Marley Prentiss.
01:11:14Come on.
01:11:39She must be around somewhere.
01:11:45She wouldn't have gone out.
01:11:54I must see Miss Hazleton.
01:11:56What do you want?
01:11:57They've gone.
01:11:58They've got that girl with them.
01:12:00Who? What girl?
01:12:01Felicia and Renal.
01:12:02They've got Marley Prentiss.
01:12:05But they couldn't.
01:12:06I've got my wife locked in upstairs.
01:12:09The key is gone.
01:12:30Come on.
01:12:38She tricked me.
01:12:39She'd been calling.
01:12:40I thought it was Mandy.
01:12:42She's with Renal.
01:12:43They have some girl with them.
01:12:45I'll take you there.
01:12:48He told me to get out.
01:12:49Don't believe her, Kate.
01:12:50I saw it all.
01:12:51I know why they took that girl.
01:12:54It's terrible what they mean to do.
01:12:55They must drain every ounce of her blood.
01:12:59I followed them.
01:13:01To Renal's house where there's no one to see and hear.
01:13:04But he forgets I know how to get in.
01:13:07He's taking a risk, but he'll do anything for Felicia.
01:13:10Will you take us there?
01:13:14We must hurry.
01:13:15You can't go like this.
01:13:16I'm going.
01:14:38Let him go.
01:14:57No, don't.
01:14:58You'll never get your Mandy back.
01:15:03Oh, Mandy.
01:15:07Just like the last time.
01:15:32Inform the police.
01:15:59I'll just stay here.
01:16:00I'll just stay here with him.
01:16:24We should lie down, Kate.
01:16:26We're going on sheer nerve.
01:16:31She moved.
01:16:40How's Molly?
01:16:42She's all right.
01:16:44I called her husband. She's in the hospital.
01:16:46That's where you ought to be.
01:16:48I won't leave her.
01:16:50Not until I know.
01:17:07I've been having the most awful dream.
01:17:10I was all alone in a cold, dark place.
01:17:18I fell asleep on the couch.
01:17:22I didn't know what to do.
01:17:26I fell asleep on the couch.
01:17:32Why am I here?
01:17:36Mandy, honey...
01:17:42I lost the baby, didn't I?
01:17:51I guess I've been under sedation.
01:17:54That's why everything seems so fuzzy.
01:17:58Far away.
01:18:11It's all right, honey.
01:18:14Just as long as we're together.
01:18:18She must never know the truth about what happened to her.
01:18:22Will anyone ever know?