Top Coat Cash

  • 3 months ago
Action, Crime, Drama,

After losing a major fight, a professional MMA fighter returns home from Vegas, where he reunites with various individuals from his past - including a father/son duo who recruit him to engage in their daring bank heists.

David Tittone
David Tittone, David Torre
David Tittone, Jason Jessepe, Rich Zvosec
00:00:00Ladies and gentlemen, it is now time for the main event of the evening!
00:00:27And the reigning BFC champion, Johnny Gustafson!
00:00:57Johnny Gustafson!
00:01:19Hey, there's gonna be a drama here!
00:01:28He's got land on the lead!
00:01:31This place has come off the moon here!
00:01:57He's got a gun!
00:02:24Hurry up!
00:02:26Shut the fuck up!
00:02:28Hurry up!
00:02:30Hurry the fuck up!
00:02:33Who the fuck do you think you're looking at?
00:02:35Take your hands in the air!
00:02:37Sit the fuck down!
00:02:40Hurry this shit up!
00:02:45Hurry up!
00:02:47What's the time?
00:02:48We ain't got time for that!
00:02:50We ain't got time for that!
00:02:52Come on! Come on!
00:02:53Get the fuck over here!
00:02:55Hurry up somebody!
00:02:56Get the fucking hell up!
00:02:57Move it! Move it!
00:03:05What's the time?
00:03:06Hurry up! Hurry up!
00:03:07Get in!
00:03:08Hurry up!
00:03:09Go! Go!
00:03:10Get in!
00:03:11Get down! Get down!
00:03:15Lay on the ground!
00:03:16On the fucking...
00:03:19Keep your hands spread!
00:03:21And it won't be any trouble!
00:03:27Take robbery in progress!
00:03:28Arm out!
00:03:32Yo! How we doing?
00:03:34We'll be right back!
00:03:35Let's go!
00:03:36Let's go!
00:03:48Let's go!
00:04:19The problem is not your jobs.
00:04:21It's your credit.
00:04:23It says here your home was foreclosed back in...
00:04:27Let me see here.
00:04:32And on top of that, Emily...
00:04:34It is Emily, right?
00:04:35Yes, Emily.
00:04:37Okay. Anyway.
00:04:39You recently got back to the workforce.
00:04:41You've got a job.
00:04:42You've got a job.
00:04:43You've got a job.
00:04:44You've got a job.
00:04:45You've got a job.
00:04:46You recently got back to the workforce,
00:04:48and it says here that you've been having trouble
00:04:50making payments on your student loans.
00:04:52The only reason being I was unemployed.
00:04:59I understand.
00:05:01We know it's not your fault.
00:05:03You brought up with a credit score of 415.
00:05:06There's just nothing I can do for you at this time.
00:05:12Have a nice day.
00:05:17I'm sorry.
00:05:25We're going to CSI in the lab.
00:05:27We've got to make this priority one.
00:05:29Nobody shoots one of our cops and gets away with it.
00:05:31We're going to find this guy.
00:05:32We're going to mess him up bad.
00:05:34Detective Lee.
00:05:36How's your wounded officer?
00:05:38He's going to be just fine, Miller,
00:05:40now that he knows the FBI is on the case.
00:05:42The last three robberies, they hit the tellers.
00:05:44This time, they hit the vault.
00:05:46They're getting bolder, and they're breaking their own rules.
00:05:48Who's the dead civilian?
00:05:50He was armed.
00:05:51He tried to take on the two bad guys.
00:05:53Bad guy number two got out the door
00:05:55and engaged our officer there in the parking lot,
00:05:57wounded the officer before he got away.
00:05:59Our civilian here is the reason why
00:06:01dead bad guy number one is a DRT.
00:06:04It's a high price.
00:06:06What do you have on the suspect?
00:06:08No ID, nothing on him yet, but we'll have something soon.
00:06:11Get as much as you can as soon as you can.
00:06:13He's got a criminal background, work history, affiliations.
00:06:16The sooner we get a positive ID,
00:06:18the sooner we can catch his partner
00:06:20before he pulls another job.
00:06:25Johnny Thompson.
00:06:27Just back into town.
00:06:29Figured, hey, why not stop by
00:06:31and have a chat with the old trainer?
00:06:33Well, come in, dammit.
00:06:35What's up?
00:06:37What's up?
00:06:39What's up?
00:06:41What's up?
00:06:43What's up?
00:06:45What's up?
00:06:47What's up?
00:06:49What's up?
00:06:52It's close to my bedtime.
00:06:59Want something to drink?
00:07:01You got a beer?
00:07:04I'm an old, single black man,
00:07:06and you ask if I have a beer?
00:07:14You still training?
00:07:16Until I die. Mostly boxing, though.
00:07:19You see my last fight?
00:07:21I sure did.
00:07:23Live in Vegas.
00:07:25Couldn't miss it.
00:07:32Came to ask you a favor.
00:07:36I need you to train me again.
00:07:38I've got a fight coming up.
00:07:40A big one.
00:07:42And the payout's huge.
00:07:50What happened to your trainer in Vegas?
00:07:52I dropped him.
00:07:57Because of your last fight?
00:07:59In part.
00:08:01Jesus, Johnny.
00:08:03You have no one to blame but yourself for that fight.
00:08:06I mean, you moved slow, your jabs were inconsistent,
00:08:09and you're looking like an amateur with that grappling.
00:08:15Yeah, well,
00:08:17that's why I'm here.
00:08:21That picture was taken right before his death.
00:08:25You know,
00:08:27you're the closest I had to a real father.
00:08:31Your father was a good man, Johnny.
00:08:33He just couldn't handle temptation.
00:08:36Bank robbery is a dangerous business.
00:08:41So was fighting.
00:08:44So was fighting.
00:08:50Be at the gym first thing in the morning.
00:08:537 a.m.?
00:08:56Thanks for the beer.
00:09:06Don't make me regret this.
00:09:13Don't make me regret this.
00:09:30Our deal was you provide the girls
00:09:32and receive 40% of what we bring in.
00:09:37You're not listening.
00:09:39That's not what I said.
00:09:41We've got overhead.
00:09:43And who do you think checks on the girls
00:09:45to ensure they're turning a profit?
00:09:48You point your fingers and someone else takes the risk.
00:09:51But I'm on the front line, so don't give me that
00:09:53I'm-taking-all-the-risk bullshit.
00:09:56I got some other business to attend to.
00:09:59Do yourself a favor.
00:10:01Be by the phone when I call back.
00:10:05Fucking prick.
00:10:08What the hell happened to you?
00:10:10You two guys are all over the fucking news.
00:10:13Took too long.
00:10:15Brett improvised and decided to hit the vault.
00:10:18Some cowboy with a pistol shot him.
00:10:26Looks like you got the whole take.
00:10:28I know it all went to shit today.
00:10:31Maybe we should hit the vaults every time.
00:10:36But it's gonna take more than two guys to pull it off.
00:10:39How many guys do you think we need to do the job?
00:10:42At least three.
00:10:44Two on the inside.
00:10:46One on the outside as a driver.
00:10:48Four would be better.
00:10:55I got somebody for the inside.
00:10:57Johnny Thompson.
00:10:59Johnny Thompson's back.
00:11:01Back from Vegas. He's training here again.
00:11:05I'll be damned.
00:11:07Think he'd be interested?
00:11:09It's in his blood, but I don't know.
00:11:12Make a great partner, you know?
00:11:15He's smart. He's tough.
00:11:17He's got no fear.
00:11:19All right, I'll reach out to Johnny, but it's still only two.
00:11:22We need a wheel man.
00:11:24How about that young kid?
00:11:26He's done some jobs for us in the past.
00:11:28You know, the one who works with his father at the body shop.
00:11:32Ah, Brennan.
00:11:34Yeah, that kid's got some skills.
00:11:36He's an adrenaline junkie.
00:11:39Hell, he's so crazy, he just might do it.
00:11:42All right, that's three.
00:11:44Let's keep it at that for right now.
00:11:49So let's say we hit the bolts and increase our take.
00:11:53We can't clean that kind of volume through the salon.
00:11:56You're talking maybe three, four times our current take.
00:12:01Now, Eric, he's done okay laundering the cash, but...
00:12:06I don't think he can handle this kind of volume.
00:12:10All right.
00:12:12We continue to funnel the money from the girls on the street
00:12:15through the nail salon.
00:12:17We use the bank money to get into the real estate business.
00:12:20We hit the banks.
00:12:22You falsify the loan applications for the properties we buy.
00:12:26We launder the money through the mortgages.
00:12:31I like it.
00:12:37You can't do that.
00:12:39Come on. Come on, Johnny. Turn it up.
00:12:42Keep the pressure on him. Good.
00:12:49There you go. Good take down.
00:12:51Get in there.
00:13:01What are you smiling for?
00:13:03The guy's only been training for two weeks.
00:13:06Your jab's a week, and your footwork is sloppy.
00:13:09Go get the heavy bag.
00:13:33My father heard you were back in town.
00:13:36Told him I had to see it with my own eyes before I believe it.
00:13:40Whatever you're offering, I'm not interested.
00:13:44Just came by to say hi.
00:13:46Thought maybe we could catch up, have a drink.
00:13:52I'm straight now, Jason.
00:13:54The upcoming fight and my kid are all I care about now.
00:13:59I saw your fight in Vegas.
00:14:01Man, you took a beating, didn't you?
00:14:04What do you want, Jason? What are you doing here?
00:14:07My father and I have a job offer for you.
00:14:10If you change your mind and you're interested,
00:14:13the time and the place is on the card.
00:14:20Not gonna forget what you did on the inside, Johnny.
00:14:23You need anything, you call me.
00:14:38So, who are we going out with tonight?
00:14:42Just Eric and my father.
00:14:45You think Eric is ever going to get a girl and settle down?
00:14:49I hope not. He's my last ray of hope.
00:14:57You ready to go?
00:14:59I'm ready to go have a good time.
00:15:08Baby, you like this song, don't you?
00:15:11You know I do. What do you think?
00:15:14I think you need to go out there, get warmed up.
00:15:17We're going to talk business for a few minutes,
00:15:19and I'll come give you what you want.
00:15:23Yeah, like you know what I want.
00:15:31I'm sorry.
00:15:34I think you pissed her off.
00:15:38She'll get over it.
00:15:40Business is great.
00:15:42We're going to increase our cash flow.
00:15:45Think you can handle the extra volume?
00:15:47I don't know. Maybe.
00:15:49Don't you have a mind?
00:15:51Real estate. We'll buy property, flip it, take our profits.
00:15:55We won't hold on to any of it.
00:15:57We're going to make a lot of money.
00:16:00Flip it, take our profits.
00:16:02We won't hold on to any inventory.
00:16:04We won't keep any property.
00:16:07What kind of real estate are we talking about?
00:16:09Anything that will turn a profit.
00:16:11Commercial, residential, vacation, it doesn't matter.
00:16:15As long as it will close quickly, it's marketable.
00:16:19Closing takes 30 to 60 days.
00:16:21What, with appraisals, background checks, etc.?
00:16:24Harry, we've worked long enough together
00:16:27for me to know if you enjoy the good life, right?
00:16:32So tell me, Harry, how much is enough?
00:16:37I can never have enough.
00:16:39Help us with this and it's an extra 100 grand a month.
00:16:44Keep talking.
00:16:46Jason's a licensed real estate agent.
00:16:48They'll do the paperwork. You close the deal.
00:16:52Give me your hand.
00:16:57Consider that your first month's advance.
00:17:02Oh, yeah. I can handle it.
00:17:06All right. Let's have a toast, gentlemen.
00:17:16Well, I've got to take a break.
00:17:24We're silent.
00:17:28All right. Bye.
00:17:35You guys done?
00:17:37Just about.
00:17:39I have a lot more business to discuss.
00:17:45You still pissed?
00:17:52You have no idea.
00:17:57I'll be right up.
00:18:07I don't know about you,
00:18:09but the heat and the alcohol make me swell like a pig.
00:18:12Yeah. I have the same problem.
00:18:19I'll be right up.
00:18:27I'll be right up.
00:18:48Hey, Caleb. How you doing, buddy?
00:18:51Fine. Do you want me to see my mom?
00:18:54No. I'm here to see you.
00:18:57Do you know who I am?
00:19:04I'm your father, Caleb.
00:19:06I've been gone for a bit,
00:19:08but now I'm back.
00:19:10I'm here to see you.
00:19:12My mom said my dad was dead.
00:19:20She said he died of cancer when I was only two.
00:19:26Caleb, what the hell is the door doing open?
00:19:32Who the hell is this?
00:19:34Caleb's father. Who are you?
00:19:39Jenny, is some guy over here claiming to be your ex?
00:19:44Where'd you say you were from?
00:19:46I didn't.
00:19:53Johnny fucking Thompson.
00:19:56I'll be damned.
00:19:59You know,
00:20:01never thought you'd walk again after that last fight.
00:20:04Oh, shit.
00:20:06Dude, that was you, man.
00:20:08You got the fuck beat out of you.
00:20:11Why don't you go back inside the house?
00:20:13I need to speak with Jennifer in private.
00:20:16What in the hell are you doing here?
00:20:18I came to see my boy.
00:20:20Mom, I thought you said my dad was...
00:20:22Caleb, go inside.
00:20:24I say go inside!
00:20:26I have a right to see him, Jennifer.
00:20:31No, you don't.
00:20:33You know what? You lost that right a long time ago.
00:20:36How long has it been since you've seen your son?
00:20:39Huh? Huh? Maybe, I don't know, six or seven years?
00:20:42Huh, Mr. Big Shot Fighter?
00:20:44Good for his own flesh and blood.
00:20:46And his wife.
00:20:50What about child support, huh?
00:20:52Forget about that, too? How fucking convenient.
00:20:58I'm sorry about all that.
00:21:00I was in a different place than I am now.
00:21:02I want to make it up to him.
00:21:07No, Johnny.
00:21:10It's too late for that.
00:21:13Yeah, I think it's time you fucking left, yeah?
00:21:16And I think it's about time you shut your fucking mouth and get back inside the house.
00:21:20This doesn't concern you.
00:21:27You know what?
00:21:28I have a court order that says that Caleb is mine!
00:21:33And if I see you here ever again,
00:21:36I will call the fucking cops, do you hear me?
00:21:40Now leave.
00:21:42I said get the fuck out of here!
00:21:45Fucking piece of shit.
00:22:02What's the asking price?
00:22:062.5 million.
00:22:08Let's see if anybody's home.
00:22:23Hi, are you here to see the house?
00:22:25Yes, we are.
00:22:26Thanks, come on in.
00:22:27How you doing?
00:22:29Nice to meet you.
00:22:31It's a beautiful place.
00:23:04Hope you guys haven't been waiting long.
00:23:08It costs us a lot of money, Johnny.
00:23:11The next time you borrow money to bet on yourself,
00:23:14make sure you can win the fight.
00:23:17Yeah, well, about that,
00:23:19I'm not really sure what happened.
00:23:21I'll tell you what happened, motherfucker.
00:23:24You let your ass get kicked by some 22-year-old no-name underdog bitch from the streets.
00:23:31And what's strange to me is how fast you went down.
00:23:36I've watched your previous fights.
00:23:38That's why I agreed to this bet.
00:23:41So I must say I'm very disappointed in your performance.
00:23:49Did you know I used to be a boxer, Johnny?
00:23:52That's why I'm doing what I do today.
00:23:55Did you know I used to be a boxer, Johnny?
00:23:57That's why I'm doing what I do today.
00:24:01I'm still pretty good with my hands,
00:24:03so I figure, why not make money with them?
00:24:08The deal was simple.
00:24:10We loan you the money,
00:24:12we set the odds,
00:24:14and you win the fight.
00:24:16Now with your record, that should have been a cakewalk.
00:24:20But I'm beginning to think that maybe you were double-dipping.
00:24:24Maybe you had a bet on the side for more money,
00:24:27and that's why your ass went down.
00:24:30So you leave Vegas,
00:24:35and you come, and you're living here in this shithole apartment in this shithole town.
00:24:42And obviously you don't have any cash stashed around here,
00:24:46so I guess what really happened is,
00:24:51how can I say it, you bitched out.
00:24:56The problem is, Johnny,
00:24:59I loaned you 150 plus the big,
00:25:04which was pretty steep in your case.
00:25:08But now I'd say you owe me a million.
00:25:12I've got another fight coming up.
00:25:14And with the earnings, I can pay you what I owe you.
00:25:18You get the money that you lent me, plus the big,
00:25:21and we call it even.
00:25:23That's not how it works, Johnny.
00:25:26You see, some of the money you lost belongs to people that I don't even want to fuck with.
00:25:33So the problem is,
00:25:36I owe money as well.
00:25:40I owe money as well.
00:25:57Now you might be thinking,
00:26:00what does being good with your hands have to do with being a bookie?
00:26:09Cut the bullshit, Joe.
00:26:11Just get it over with.
00:26:22Pain doesn't scare you, does it, Johnny?
00:26:25Well, I got something that will.
00:26:28You've got till the end of the fight to bring me a million dollars.
00:26:33Well, we're going to take your son, and I'm going to practice my trade on him.
00:26:39Let me tell you something, Johnny.
00:26:41I'm not very good with kids,
00:26:44so I imagine I'll really fuck this up.
00:26:52That's enough.
00:26:54He's got to win his next fight, doesn't he?
00:27:04Oh, yeah.
00:27:06While I'm thinking about it,
00:27:09put that in your wallet.
00:27:12You remember how you felt when you lost your dad?
00:27:16That's nothing compared to the pain you'll feel when you lose your son.
00:27:38What are you doing here?
00:27:40I'm just here to meet some old friends.
00:27:42No, I mean home. What are you doing at home?
00:27:45Are you just visiting?
00:27:49There's a boy now chatting up the waitress.
00:27:52Oh, I see.
00:27:54I'm sorry.
00:27:56I'm sorry.
00:27:58I'm sorry.
00:28:01There's a boy now chatting up the waitress.
00:28:06For how long?
00:28:08To be honest, I'm not quite sure.
00:28:11It's been a while.
00:28:13Yeah. It was nice running into you.
00:28:16Yeah, you too.
00:28:19Come see me before you leave.
00:28:25Johnny Thompson.
00:28:28In town less than a minute.
00:28:29Already hitting up on the redhead.
00:28:31It's been a long time, Johnny. Good to see you.
00:28:33You too. Have a seat.
00:28:38Well, let's get right to it.
00:28:40We've got a lot of jobs lined up.
00:28:42And we need a man with your skills to make it happen.
00:28:50What kind of skill set are we talking about?
00:28:53What kind of skills are we talking about?
00:28:56We're talking about armed robbery, banks.
00:29:00I need a partner.
00:29:02If you come in with us, you get 15% of the net take.
00:29:11When do we start?
00:29:17Meet the driver at this location.
00:29:27Hey, hey!
00:29:30You didn't come see me before you left.
00:29:34Sorry. My mind's just been all over the place right now.
00:29:38Well, my shift is over. You want to go grab some coffee or something?
00:29:43Sure. Why not?
00:29:45I'll drive.
00:29:51So, what made you finally come back?
00:29:56Mostly to get my son. I need to get him away from my ex.
00:30:01And how exactly do you plan on doing that?
00:30:04Money. Buys everything, doesn't it?
00:30:11You know, I've missed you.
00:30:16I know we were having some problems and everything, but you just took off.
00:30:22Didn't even warn me.
00:30:26Did you see my last fight?
00:30:29Yeah, I watched it.
00:30:34You know what the funny thing is?
00:30:37It took a five year stint behind bars to finally gain the skills necessary to fight professionally.
00:30:44I mean, I grew up around it.
00:30:47But I never really cared for it until I got away from it.
00:30:52Come on. Let's go back to my place. I've got something to show you.
00:30:57Come on. You'll see.
00:31:12Here. Why don't you pour us some wine?
00:31:18And I will be right back.
00:31:51What are you looking at?
00:31:54Have a seat.
00:31:59I made this for you, but you left before I had a chance to give it to you.
00:32:11How did you do this?
00:32:13I'm a photographer. It was easy.
00:32:16Yeah, but all the pictures of my father? I mean, how did you get them?
00:32:21Connections. I know people, Johnny.
00:32:25Do you like it?
00:32:27It's great.
00:32:31Thank you for doing this.
00:32:46I love you.
00:33:16I love you too.
00:33:47It's easy.
00:33:53So how do you know this kid?
00:33:55Him and his father run a body shop. He's pulled a couple of jobs for us in the past.
00:33:59He's a hell of a driver.
00:34:01You trust him?
00:34:03With my life.
00:34:07Brendan. I'd like you to meet your new teammate, Johnny.
00:34:11My pleasure. I've seen you on TV.
00:34:15You've got some stones, man.
00:34:17Getting on that with some of those animals?
00:34:19I like the rush.
00:34:21Ah. You like the combat.
00:34:24I like the chase.
00:34:26I think that's why this is gonna work out.
00:34:29Well, you ready?
00:34:31Let's do it.
00:34:33You guys go over to the side. Have a sense of look.
00:34:46Not bad.
00:34:49That's our wheel, man.
00:34:51Let's go.
00:34:59That's the bank.
00:35:01They open at 9 o'clock.
00:35:03We go in at 9.30.
00:35:05Brendan's gonna jack the car, and we're gonna pull up front.
00:35:09I'm gonna pull up front.
00:35:12Brendan's gonna jack the car, and we're gonna pull up front.
00:35:16I go in. Exactly 30 seconds later, you go in.
00:35:20I'll be crowd control.
00:35:22You take out the guard and head for the vault.
00:35:25That's why we have to do this in three minutes.
00:35:27We want that vault money.
00:35:30If anybody becomes a problem, take them out.
00:35:34I don't got any problem with that.
00:35:42More wine?
00:35:49To us.
00:36:02You know, I was thinking,
00:36:04maybe after work dies down,
00:36:06we should go out of town, get out of the country.
00:36:10Well, where did you have in mind?
00:36:13Someplace hot and exotic.
00:36:30How you doing, man?
00:36:32Good. Just checking out the scenery.
00:36:34You here alone?
00:36:36No. No, I'm here with a friend from Vegas.
00:36:38Why don't you guys come over and join us?
00:36:41Good idea. Joe!
00:36:43Come over here.
00:36:46This is my friend Jason.
00:36:48Jason, Joe.
00:36:52Pleasure meeting you both.
00:37:02So Eric says you're in town from Vegas.
00:37:05What do you do?
00:37:07I'm an investor.
00:37:09How about yourself?
00:37:11I run a nail salon with my father.
00:37:15I also dabble a little bit in real estate.
00:37:19I think you're the first white guy I've ever heard
00:37:22that owns a nail salon.
00:37:25Very interesting.
00:37:27You dabble in real estate?
00:37:29Buying or selling?
00:37:33Well, I have some property in Vegas
00:37:36and I may be interested.
00:37:38If you are, give me a call.
00:37:42So how long are you in town, Joe?
00:37:44Two weeks. Maybe less.
00:37:48I like your suit.
00:37:52It's nice of you.
00:37:59I have to use the ladies' room.
00:38:03I shall return, so don't go.
00:38:11You have a very beautiful wife.
00:38:15She keeps me on my toes.
00:38:20Oh, excuse me, gentlemen.
00:38:23I need to make a phone call.
00:38:33What are you looking at?
00:38:35Oh, I think you know.
00:38:45Call me.
00:38:47When you're ready to get together again.
00:38:53You know, last time I thought it just might have been the alcohol.
00:38:57It was.
00:39:27Thank you.
00:39:57Oh, shit.
00:40:27Oh, shit.
00:40:57Oh, shit.
00:41:28Hey, hey, hey, you, sir.
00:41:30You need to remove your hat.
00:41:32Everybody down on the ground!
00:41:34You, you, you!
00:41:36You don't fucking talk now!
00:41:38Move, move! Hurry up!
00:41:40Show that man faster! Hurry the fuck up!
00:41:42Move it! Move it! Move it!
00:41:44Get your face down on the set!
00:41:48Feel it! Feel it!
00:41:50I've got my eye on you!
00:41:52Hurry up! Move!
00:41:54Get your face down on the set!
00:41:56Everybody get up!
00:41:58Hurry the fuck up! Faster! Faster! Faster!
00:42:00Move it!
00:42:02You need to die faster! You've got to go home to your wife and kids!
00:42:04Show the man up!
00:42:06You have 30 seconds! Move it!
00:42:08Hurry the fuck up!
00:42:10Move it! Move it! Move it!
00:42:12Everybody hurry up!
00:42:16On the set! On the set!
00:42:18I will fucking hit you!
00:42:20Are you looking at me?
00:42:22Get up! Hurry the fuck up!
00:42:24Move towards me!
00:42:26Move towards me!
00:42:54Shut up!
00:42:58Shut up!
00:43:02Shut up!
00:43:06You want your mommy?
00:43:08I'll get her.
00:43:10Get out of the car!
00:43:14Get the hell out of the car!
00:43:18Yeah? You want some more?
00:43:20You want me to tie you up in a little shit?
00:43:24Piece of shit!
00:43:26Why don't you try hitting somebody who hits back, motherfucker?
00:43:30Mom! Mom! Mom!
00:43:32I'll fucking kill you!
00:43:34Mom! Mom!
00:43:38Just hurry up and get here!
00:43:40Johnny! Johnny! You're killing him!
00:43:44I'm gonna kill you!
00:43:48Stay the fuck down!
00:43:50I'm gonna get you out of here, Taylor.
00:43:52You're going back to prison!
00:43:56No! No!
00:43:58Get off my back, Johnny!
00:44:00Get off my back!
00:44:08Don't do anything!
00:44:12Put the kid down!
00:44:14Put the kid down!
00:44:16Hands on your head! Turn around!
00:44:18Get on the ground!
00:44:20Get on your knees!
00:44:22I hate you!
00:44:24I hate you!
00:44:28I hate you!
00:44:30I hate you!
00:44:32Let's go.
00:44:34I'm sorry.
00:44:36You guys okay?
00:44:38I hate you!
00:44:40You better run, hell jack!
00:44:44I hate you!
00:44:48I hate you!
00:44:58Johnny Thompson? 10-4.
00:45:00Thompson, it's me and B.
00:45:10Hey, it's your lucky day. You made bail.
00:45:12Come on.
00:45:18Come on.
00:45:26Wish I could say I was surprised to see you.
00:45:28Your debts just went up
00:45:30from one million to two million.
00:45:34What's so funny, Johnny?
00:45:36I won in on the heists.
00:45:38We haven't taken in anywhere near
00:45:40that kind of money.
00:45:42And the cut's already split four ways.
00:45:44Well, that's no problem.
00:45:46We can renegotiate the cuts
00:45:48or start hitting more banks.
00:45:54Now, you go tell your friends
00:45:56you have a new partner
00:45:58and that I'll be stopping in
00:46:00to pay them a visit.
00:46:08Here we go.
00:46:12The Santachi brothers, huh?
00:46:16I see the resemblance.
00:46:18I'm adopted.
00:46:32That's for not telling me
00:46:34about the heists.
00:46:56Agent Pate, I want you to make a list
00:46:58of every boxer, every MMA fighter
00:47:00in the Kansas City metropolitan area,
00:47:02professional and amateur with a criminal record.
00:47:06I'll get it to you as soon as I can.
00:47:08Thank you.
00:47:16My God.
00:47:20You look like shit.
00:47:22What the hell happened to you?
00:47:24You want the long version
00:47:26or the short?
00:47:28It's time of night, and I only have patience
00:47:30for the short.
00:47:32Broke a guy's nose.
00:47:34Went to jail.
00:47:36Got bailed out.
00:47:38And then I had the pleasure
00:47:40of getting my ass kicked
00:47:42by a very large man.
00:47:44And I thought my customers were bad.
00:47:46What are you doing here?
00:47:48I figure, hey, since my car's impounded,
00:47:50why not stop by
00:47:52and see if you want to grab a bite to eat?
00:47:54Of course you do.
00:48:04Get in.
00:48:14Step into it.
00:48:18Keep your right up.
00:48:22Throw your hooks.
00:48:24Throw your hooks.
00:48:26Work your body.
00:48:30There you go.
00:48:32Okay, more jabs, more jabs, Johnny.
00:48:34Step into your jab.
00:48:38Hooks, hooks.
00:48:40Hooks to the body.
00:48:42Hooks, hooks to the body.
00:48:46Get in close. Go to the body.
00:48:52Okay, use your hooks.
00:48:56Which one's Johnny?
00:48:58You don't look like
00:49:00someone who follows the sport.
00:49:02What do you want to know?
00:49:04Well, I don't follow the sport. I'm an attorney.
00:49:06And I have a client that follows MMA.
00:49:08And he wants me to set up a fight with Johnny.
00:49:10So, again,
00:49:12which one's Johnny?
00:49:14He's in the black shorts.
00:49:16Great tank top.
00:49:18Thank you, sir.
00:49:20He's looking too weak.
00:49:28Fit in the fucking bucket.
00:49:40Thank you, sir.
00:49:54See the guy leading?
00:49:58Says he's an attorney.
00:50:00Has an interest in you for a fight.
00:50:02You ever seen him before?
00:50:24I'm gonna go meet some girlfriends.
00:50:26What are your plans?
00:50:28Stay out as long as you like.
00:50:30Got a business meeting.
00:50:32It's gonna take a little bit of time.
00:50:36If you change your mind, be sure and call me.
00:50:42I'm already clean.
00:50:44I don't want to clean up again.
00:50:46I'll take care of you later.
00:50:56I want to hit bigger banks.
00:50:5815% of the cut's not enough.
00:51:02Either we renegotiate the terms
00:51:04or we start hitting bigger scores.
00:51:06You just get back in the game.
00:51:08You hit one bank and you think you're in a position
00:51:10to start negotiating terms?
00:51:12This last job was a breeze.
00:51:14So why don't we go after bigger fish
00:51:16and make it worth the risk?
00:51:18What are you thinking?
00:51:20Bigger banks.
00:51:22Bigger vaults.
00:51:24Or two in one day.
00:51:26We do that,
00:51:28we're definitely gonna need another guy.
00:51:30What do you say, wheel man?
00:51:32You up for the action?
00:51:34I've got no problem with that.
00:51:36But we're taking on more risk.
00:51:40I need to exit before you and Johnny
00:51:42to get the car running.
00:51:44Or we'll need another guy.
00:51:46No, no, no.
00:51:48Keep the crew as it is.
00:51:50We just work faster.
00:51:52But can you handle it?
00:51:56Look, man.
00:51:58I love the chase.
00:52:00And the high just got that much better.
00:52:02So like I said,
00:52:04no problem.
00:52:08Case out some banks.
00:52:10Then we'll talk.
00:52:34Come on.
00:52:56Come on.
00:52:58What's taking you so long?
00:53:04Come on.
00:53:18You gotta be kidding me.
00:53:20Just wait a second.
00:53:22Maybe they'll go away.
00:53:28Son of a bitch.
00:53:30Maybe we should ignore it.
00:53:32It's too late to be like a weirdo
00:53:34or something.
00:53:36Fair as cheese.
00:53:46Sir, you left your card at the front desk.
00:53:52This is it.
00:53:54We have to be quick.
00:53:56We all go inside and we're methodical.
00:53:58Brennan, you hit the registers.
00:54:00As soon as the last bag is close to full,
00:54:02you grab it and you get the car.
00:54:04Johnny, you grab the bank manager
00:54:06and get the vault.
00:54:08We have two minutes to fill four bags.
00:54:10Any questions?
00:54:12I think we got it.
00:54:14Got it.
00:54:18Tell my dad we're on.
00:54:30Good morning.
00:54:32Good morning.
00:54:46Are you in love with me?
00:54:52I think you are.
00:54:54What makes you so sure?
00:55:00last night
00:55:04you did that thing I like.
00:55:06So pleasure equals love?
00:55:10they're the same thing, aren't they?
00:55:20I've got to get to the gym.
00:55:24You know, I could give you a much better
00:55:26workout than you're ever
00:55:28going to get at the gym.
00:55:46You know me and my background, right?
00:55:48I mean,
00:55:52I haven't always hung around model citizens.
00:55:56so you're not a priest.
00:55:58If you were,
00:56:00you wouldn't be able to do that thing you like.
00:56:06because of the fighting I do,
00:56:08I run into guys that
00:56:10might try to get at me by hurting those around me.
00:56:16Just be careful and keep your eyes open,
00:56:20Do I look like a valley girl to you?
00:56:24I'm serious.
00:56:26Promise me you'll keep your eyes open.
00:56:28Yeah, I'll keep my eyes open.
00:56:36When am I going to see you again?
00:56:40Soon. I'll call you.
00:56:48by the way,
00:56:50I do love you.
00:56:58I'll see you.
00:57:20Can I help you, sir?
00:57:24Come on!
00:57:36Let's go!
00:57:38Let's go!
00:57:40Let's go!
00:57:46Put the money in the bag, okay?
00:57:48Put the money in the bag, all right?
00:57:50Let's go!
00:57:52Come on, put the money in the bag!
00:57:54Get the fuck up and let's go!
00:57:58Sixty seconds!
00:58:02Get the fuck down!
00:58:04Go, go, go!
00:58:12Thirty seconds!
00:58:18Go, go, go!
00:58:26Don't you fucking move!
00:58:28Get the fuck down!
00:58:30Thank you very much!
00:58:32The bank is closed!
00:58:48The bank is closed!
00:59:16Went smooth, I take it?
00:59:18Jason and I will get the money ready to move it.
00:59:20We got to turn this quickly.
00:59:26Son of a bitch.
00:59:28There's a die pack in this one.
00:59:32Half this money is marked as no good.
00:59:34Close it, burn it.
00:59:36Take the three good bags,
00:59:38we'll count the money later.
00:59:50We're health inspectors.
00:59:52There's been an emergency.
00:59:54We need everyone out of here right now.
00:59:58I said everyone out now!
01:00:00You heard the boss!
01:00:02Let's go!
01:00:04Everybody out, now!
01:00:08Let's go!
01:00:10You too, outside!
01:00:12Let's go!
01:00:18What the hell's going on?
01:00:20I don't think we need to do anything rash.
01:00:26Very impressed.
01:00:28You're very talented, Johnny.
01:00:30Looks like you've found a profession
01:00:34where you can make all of us a good living.
01:00:38What are you talking about?
01:00:42We're all businessmen here.
01:00:44Just like you.
01:00:46Let's put the guns down.
01:00:54Johnny here owes us money,
01:00:56and we're here to collect it.
01:01:00Money's in the back.
01:01:02It's no good.
01:01:04It's marked. Die pack.
01:01:08Well, that's too bad.
01:01:10That means you two have a new problem.
01:01:12Your partner here owes us a lot of money.
01:01:14Two million dollars to be exact.
01:01:18And I'm beginning to believe
01:01:20he's not going to be able to cover it.
01:01:24And since he works with you two,
01:01:26that makes it your problem
01:01:28and your debt as well.
01:01:30Now we can take care of this
01:01:32in a civilized manner,
01:01:34or we can take care of it
01:01:36the way my two associates
01:01:38would like to take care of it,
01:01:40which involves breaking things
01:01:42and hurting family members
01:01:44and informing the FBI
01:01:46that maybe they should be
01:01:48arresting certain people.
01:01:52Or we can do it my way,
01:01:56which is working something out
01:01:58where we can get the money into my hands
01:02:00by the end of this week.
01:02:02Now hold on a second.
01:02:04You said I had until my next fight.
01:02:06Change of plans.
01:02:08I'm ready to get out of this
01:02:10shithole town.
01:02:12Everybody just calm down.
01:02:16Now today was a trial run.
01:02:20Next week we're pulling off a score
01:02:22where we can all retire in style.
01:02:24Do you want to pass that up?
01:02:28Go on.
01:02:30We'll contact you at a location
01:02:32and we'll bring you
01:02:34two million in cash, unmarked.
01:02:36Then Johnny's debt is cleared.
01:02:40We know where you live.
01:02:42We know your wife.
01:02:46Johnny, we know your girlfriend
01:02:48and your son.
01:02:50And I don't think any of them
01:02:52want you to fuck this up.
01:03:06What's going on?
01:03:08Joe McCray's a bookie
01:03:10from Vegas.
01:03:12I borrowed money from him
01:03:14before my last fight
01:03:16so I could bet on myself.
01:03:20Eric and the bookie are friends.
01:03:22Maybe Eric's been talking.
01:03:24Who's Eric?
01:03:28Five robberies.
01:03:30Six weeks.
01:03:32Five robberies.
01:03:34Six weeks.
01:03:36And no fucking leads.
01:03:38Nobody's that good.
01:03:42I've got a friend in the NYPD.
01:03:44A few years ago he had a case
01:03:46that was similar to this one.
01:03:48Three black males
01:03:50dressed as white NYPD detectives
01:03:52rob a bank.
01:03:54Case goes on for weeks, then months.
01:03:56No leads. Nothing.
01:03:58So how'd they get them?
01:04:00Miller writes a letter
01:04:02to the mask company.
01:04:04He thanks them for making
01:04:06such great masks.
01:04:10For a thousand bucks
01:04:12you can have your identity
01:04:14changed completely.
01:04:16Well, their M.O.
01:04:18is that they're only robbing
01:04:20the Kansas City banks
01:04:22that have branches
01:04:24that are close to the interstate.
01:04:26This one was in like
01:04:28What about the fighter?
01:04:30The fighter? Who's that?
01:04:32It's Johnny Thompson.
01:04:34He's from this area.
01:04:36He's been training in Vegas
01:04:38for several months.
01:04:40Just had a fight in Vegas.
01:04:42Big fight. Got his ass kicked.
01:04:44Came back home.
01:04:46Got busted for domestic violence.
01:04:48Posted bail.
01:04:50Out in the streets within hours.
01:04:52Does he have a record?
01:04:54Oh, hell yeah.
01:04:56His two partners robbed a convenience store.
01:04:58They didn't know the clerk had a gun.
01:05:00One of his partners turned his back
01:05:02on his way out, a guy named Steve Winston.
01:05:04The clerk shot him in the back,
01:05:06put him in a wheelchair.
01:05:08Johnny and this Winston guy
01:05:10never ratted on the other guy,
01:05:12so he's still out there.
01:05:14Ironically, his dad was also a fighter
01:05:16and a bank robber.
01:05:18Got killed in the bank heist
01:05:20back in the 80s.
01:05:22After Thompson got out of jail,
01:05:24trained, eventually turned pro.
01:05:28Miller, we can put a tail on Johnny.
01:05:30We follow him,
01:05:32find out who he's running with,
01:05:34we'll ID his whole crew
01:05:36and every player in it.
01:05:38Where you been?
01:05:40Oh, you know,
01:05:42out with the girls,
01:05:44a little shopping.
01:05:46Saw a movie.
01:05:48What movie did you see?
01:05:50Some comedy,
01:05:52but it wasn't very funny.
01:05:54Who was in it?
01:05:56I don't know.
01:05:58I don't know.
01:06:00I don't know.
01:06:02I don't know.
01:06:04I don't know.
01:06:06I don't know.
01:06:08It wasn't very funny.
01:06:10Who was in it?
01:06:12Ben Stiller.
01:06:16That's strange.
01:06:18I didn't realize he had a movie out right now.
01:06:20What are you doing, Jason?
01:06:22Just trying to have a conversation with my wife.
01:06:28So, uh,
01:06:30where'd you really go?
01:06:32I'll tell you what.
01:06:34so you can see where I go and what I do every day.
01:06:40Where did you go, Kristen?
01:06:42Fuck off, Jason.
01:06:45Is he the first or is he just one in a long line?
01:06:49I think the fumes at a nail salon
01:06:50are starting to fuck with your brain a little.
01:06:53You know what?
01:06:55You're a whore.
01:06:57You know better than the whores we have
01:06:58working in the salon.
01:06:59We have an opening, no interview required for you.
01:07:03He's not a faggot.
01:07:06The fuck did you say to me?
01:07:08I said, you are a faggot.
01:07:11You and your dad running a nail salon?
01:07:15You're a fucking joke.
01:07:18You fucking bitch!
01:07:19Let go of me!
01:07:21I'll go to the FBI, I swear to God!
01:07:22Go, get out, get out!
01:07:24You hear that?
01:07:27Stop it!
01:07:28Let go of me!
01:07:29I want you to get out!
01:07:31You hear me?
01:07:31I want you to get out!
01:07:35Get your shit and get out of here.
01:07:41If anyone's leaving, it's you.
01:07:48What are you gonna do, shoot me?
01:07:50You're goddamn right I will.
01:07:54Your ass is gonna be in prison
01:07:55once I tell them what's been going on in that salon.
01:08:02You think Eric is a saint?
01:08:03What the fuck do you think
01:08:04we've been conducting business for?
01:08:21Eric, Joe McCray.
01:08:23Hey, Joe.
01:08:25Good seeing you the other night.
01:08:27I thought you said you wouldn't be caught dead here.
01:08:29Why are you here anyway?
01:08:33You gotta go where the money is.
01:08:37Like there's a lot for you here in Kansas City.
01:08:40Listen, I'm gonna be coming into quite a bit of money
01:08:44here in the next few days,
01:08:45and I could use your help deciding what to do with it.
01:08:50Yeah, sure.
01:08:51I don't wanna talk about this over the phone,
01:08:53so I'm out here in the parking lot.
01:08:56I'm wondering if I could come in and talk a while.
01:09:00Sure, whatever I can do to help.
01:09:03I'll see you in a minute.
01:09:16May I help you?
01:09:18Yes, I'm Joe McCray.
01:09:20Here to see Eric Hoffman.
01:09:23Okay, just a moment, please.
01:09:28Joe McCray is here to see you.
01:09:31Sure, I'll send him back.
01:09:33You can go on in.
01:09:34Thank you.
01:09:39Nice tattoo.
01:09:43Joe McCray.
01:09:47Good to see you.
01:09:47Good to see you.
01:09:48Come on in, come on in.
01:09:54So, how can I help you, Joe?
01:09:58Oh, the usual.
01:10:00I need some money to clean up.
01:10:03How much we talking?
01:10:05Two million.
01:10:06Two million?
01:10:08Let me guess, investments?
01:10:13We're gonna help you.
01:10:14I need to speak to Eric Hoffman.
01:10:15Okay, do you have an appointment?
01:10:17I didn't think I needed one.
01:10:19We've got a real nice piece of property
01:10:23we'd like to buy in Vegas.
01:10:25Well, I'm sorry, but if you don't have an appointment.
01:10:27Just pick up the fucking phone
01:10:29and I'll be at your distance here.
01:10:35Just a minute.
01:10:44Tell her to give me just a minute.
01:10:46Sure, all right.
01:10:51He said he'll be right with you.
01:10:56Would you like to have a seat?
01:10:57No, I'm fine.
01:10:59Is there somebody robbing the bank or what?
01:11:04Hey, hey.
01:11:05Isn't that that wife of that guy
01:11:07that owns the nail salon?
01:11:11Yeah, it is.
01:11:15You son of a bitch.
01:11:16You're nailing that, aren't you?
01:11:19You know, I was in the nail salon a couple days ago.
01:11:23Nice place.
01:11:25What are you doing at his nail salon?
01:11:29What'd you get?
01:11:30A pedicure or a sucky fucky?
01:11:33Well, you know, I figure I'm in Kansas City.
01:11:36I might as well look good and feel good at the same time.
01:11:41That's kind of weird, don't you think?
01:11:43Not as weird as you fucking the wife
01:11:46of one of your customers.
01:11:48Well, she's a customer too.
01:11:52That's even more fucked up.
01:11:54Not really.
01:11:58Oh, mercy.
01:11:59You know what?
01:11:59I'm starting to like Kansas City.
01:12:03Well, you should.
01:12:04Just a minute.
01:12:12Stop her.
01:12:17You want me to get that?
01:12:23How long are you gonna make me wait?
01:12:25Jesus Christ.
01:12:26I'm in a meeting, Kristen.
01:12:30Can we have some privacy, please?
01:12:32Uh, I was just leaving.
01:12:35I'll call you on that later on.
01:12:39And good luck.
01:12:42He knows.
01:12:44Who knows what?
01:12:45Jason, about us.
01:12:48He knows about us.
01:12:50You're just being paranoid.
01:12:51He doesn't know shit.
01:12:53Trust me, he knows.
01:12:54Have a good day.
01:12:57But I found out something you might be interested in.
01:13:01What's that?
01:13:14I think I know how they're buying all this real estate.
01:13:17And I have an idea how we can leave Kansas City
01:13:22and be set for life.
01:13:27Wait a second.
01:13:29I recognize that guy.
01:13:32He was at the gym the other day
01:13:33claiming to be an attorney.
01:13:35He's obviously not an attorney.
01:13:38Son of a bitch.
01:13:40Did Eric fucking rat us out?
01:13:42Listen, pretty lady.
01:13:47I have no complaints.
01:13:51And I've got no reason to leave.
01:14:11Excuse me.
01:14:17I'm sorry.
01:14:18I'm sorry.
01:14:19I'm sorry.
01:14:20I'm sorry.
01:14:21What the hell is she doing here?
01:14:24I'm Ryan Miller, special agent, FBI.
01:14:26Working up on Eric Hoffman.
01:14:28Let me see if he's available.
01:14:30Just pull me towards his office.
01:14:32Do you want me to follow her?
01:14:37I'll deal with her later.
01:14:41Eric Hoffman?
01:14:43Yes, how may I help you?
01:14:45My name is Ryan Miller.
01:14:47I'm a special agent with the FBI.
01:14:49We're here to conduct an internal audit.
01:14:51Are you the person we need to speak to?
01:14:56Yes, I am.
01:14:58Yes, I am.
01:15:15This is Eric.
01:15:16The FBI wishes to conduct an internal audit.
01:15:19We're gonna figure out something quick
01:15:21because our ass is on the line.
01:15:23I don't know who this is.
01:15:24But don't ever call here again.
01:15:26All right?
01:15:38All right, work your way inside, Johnny.
01:15:40Come on, Johnny.
01:15:41You have to get inside.
01:15:43More work, Johnny.
01:15:45Work your way inside, Johnny.
01:15:56What's up with you, man?
01:16:02Your head ain't here, man.
01:16:03You look like shit.
01:16:04Get the fuck out of my gym, man.
01:16:05You got to fight rising in the corner, you look like shit.
01:16:16You see that car over there?
01:16:22The Hummer?
01:16:23What about it?
01:16:25It's been sitting there as long as we have.
01:16:28I'll run the tag.
01:16:30Any more of your guys out here?
01:16:35Airport rental, it's not a local.
01:16:48What's going on, Johnny?
01:16:51You've been late to most of your training sessions,
01:16:53and when you are here, it's like your mind is somewhere else.
01:16:57A cop was in here today asking about you.
01:16:59He wanted to know your training schedule,
01:17:01if I knew where you were on certain days and times.
01:17:04Nothing I can't handle.
01:17:06God, Johnny, what have you gotten yourself into this time?
01:17:12I gotta get my son out of here, Ernest.
01:17:14You can appreciate that more than anybody.
01:17:17What did I tell you when you came to me for help?
01:17:20Do you remember? I said, don't let me down.
01:17:23And what have you done? You've let me down.
01:17:27We're done here, Johnny.
01:17:29I'd hoped you'd turn out different than your father.
01:17:33We're done.
01:17:35You're on your own.
01:17:37I borrowed money from a crooked bookie in Vegas,
01:17:40and I bet that I would win the fight.
01:17:44And we both know how that turned out.
01:17:47So how do you plan on paying him the money?
01:17:50I was planning on paying him back after this next fight.
01:17:54But he increased my debt.
01:17:56How much do you owe?
01:17:58Two million.
01:18:00Well, don't look at me.
01:18:02I'm poor, and I'm black.
01:18:04And even if I did have the money,
01:18:06I wouldn't give it to a crazy-ass cracker like you anyway.
01:18:11He's been here for a couple of weeks with me.
01:18:15He's been here for a couple of weeks with his two goons.
01:18:18They're waiting for me outside in the parking lot
01:18:20so they can follow me when I leave.
01:18:22If I don't get him the money in the next couple weeks,
01:18:25he's gonna kill my son.
01:18:27And I'm not gonna let that happen.
01:18:30How in the hell are you gonna come up with $2 million?
01:18:34I've got a plan.
01:18:36But I need your help getting out of here.
01:18:39I can't have them follow me.
01:18:43Here he comes.
01:18:45Hello, Johnny.
01:18:51I just wanted to let you guys know,
01:18:53your front tire, it's flat.
01:18:59Whoa, what the hell is this?
01:19:03Easy, not yet, not yet.
01:19:05Let's see what happens.
01:19:07What the fuck do you think you're doing?
01:19:10You wouldn't harm the hand that feeds you now, would you?
01:19:13It's your choice.
01:19:15You can choose to be all over YouTube within seconds,
01:19:18or you can get back in the car and wait for a tow truck.
01:19:22If you run, I will find you.
01:19:26Before I find you, I'll do everything I said I'd do
01:19:30if I don't get my money.
01:19:32Just remember that.
01:19:34Don't forget the wave.
01:19:36You're streaming live.
01:19:38Don't forget the wave.
01:19:40You're streaming live.
01:20:05Is there a problem?
01:20:07I'm with the FBI.
01:20:12I'm with the FBI.
01:20:22Gentlemen, can I get anything else for you tonight?
01:20:24No, we're good. Thank you.
01:20:26Thank you.
01:20:34The FBI is closing in.
01:20:36We need to disappear like ghosts.
01:20:39We can't go home.
01:20:41Tonight, we can't be seen in public
01:20:43till we finish this next job.
01:20:45Then we leave this city for good.
01:20:48You guys got somewhere to go?
01:20:50How long is it going to take for the FBI
01:20:52to track the money back to us?
01:20:54I don't have a clue.
01:20:56Johnny, have you heard from the Las Vegas bookie?
01:20:59Yeah. They're kind of stuck at the moment.
01:21:02What do you mean?
01:21:04They're waiting for me outside my gym,
01:21:06so I slashed their tire.
01:21:11We're going to have to find a way to deal with them.
01:21:14Even if they take their cut,
01:21:16they're always going to be hanging over us.
01:21:19Brennan, you sure you got a place to lie low?
01:21:24I'll be all right.
01:21:26Focus on the job first.
01:21:29Then we'll decide how we're going to handle it.
01:21:32Anything else?
01:21:35Nah, that's it.
01:21:38All right. You guys know what to do.
01:21:41I'll see you when it's over.
01:21:46Johnny and I are going to stick around for a minute
01:21:49and talk some business.
01:21:58Joe's never going to let us be
01:22:01until he has everything.
01:22:04Well, we all have our problems, don't we?
01:22:08You have Joe,
01:22:10and I have an unfaithful wife.
01:22:26You're going to hold me over an unregistered firearm?
01:22:31We're not in Vegas anymore, Toto.
01:22:34Joseph McRae, a bookie from Vegas.
01:22:37You've lived a pretty colorful lifestyle.
01:22:40Arrested in 95 for assault.
01:22:4296 for attempted murder.
01:22:44Served two years in the state pen.
01:22:46Out on parole.
01:22:48Dallas, 2000.
01:22:50Bust again for fraud and embezzlement.
01:22:53Your parents must be proud.
01:22:56My father told me
01:22:59you do what you gotta do
01:23:02to support the lifestyle you deserve.
01:23:08What are you doing in Kansas City?
01:23:10I hear they got some crazy little women here,
01:23:13and I'm going to get me one.
01:23:15No, no, no. Let's do this again.
01:23:17What the fuck are you doing in Kansas City?
01:23:19They tell me ugly motherfuckers like you
01:23:22can get laid around here. Is that true?
01:23:25Go fuck yourself.
01:23:27So you think Thompson's got money,
01:23:29and you and the Frankenstein brothers are going to collect.
01:23:32How do you plan on doing that?
01:23:36We found three unregistered guns in the trunk of your car.
01:23:39Even for an ex-con like you, pal, that's a felony.
01:23:43That's 15 years, Joe.
01:23:45A mandatory minimum of 15 years.
01:23:47Federal time.
01:23:49That means no parole, and you'll do every single day.
01:23:51I'm running out of time.
01:23:53I'm tired of fucking with lowlifes like you.
01:23:56So here's what we're going to do.
01:23:58You help me catch Johnny Thompson and his crew,
01:24:02and I'll tell the ATF to back off.
01:24:05Otherwise, I'm going to watch you squirm
01:24:07like the little cockroach you are
01:24:09while the full extent of the law comes down on you
01:24:11like a ton of bricks.
01:24:14Can I come in?
01:24:23Where have you been?
01:24:25The last time I talked to you,
01:24:27you told me that you might be in some sort of trouble,
01:24:29and that I should watch my back,
01:24:31and that I don't hear from you.
01:24:33I don't hear from you.
01:24:35I don't hear from you.
01:24:37I don't hear from you.
01:24:39I don't hear from you.
01:24:41And that I should watch my back,
01:24:43and that I don't hear from you until now.
01:24:52I'm sorry.
01:24:54Will you hear me out?
01:24:56Does it look like I'm going anywhere?
01:24:59I'm going to tell you everything that's happened
01:25:01since I left Vegas,
01:25:03and what I'm about to do.
01:25:05But I need you to promise me
01:25:07that you'll think very hard
01:25:09before you agree or disagree
01:25:11with what I'm about to ask you.
01:25:13If you agree,
01:25:15you can never come back to Kansas City.
01:25:18You can never come back to Kansas City.
01:25:20You can never come back to Kansas City.
01:25:22You can never come back to Kansas City.
01:25:24You can never come back to Kansas City.
01:25:26You can never come back to Kansas City.
01:25:28And you have to leave this apartment tonight.
01:25:33But I promise you, Rachel,
01:25:35I can and I will
01:25:37take care of you for the rest of our lives.
01:25:44You need to listen to me.
01:25:46Do you know why I chased you down in that parking lot?
01:25:49It wasn't because I wanted to rekindle
01:25:51whatever this shit is that we have,
01:25:53this fucked up relationship.
01:25:57It's because I needed closure.
01:26:05I waited for you while you were in prison.
01:26:09And then you up and leave,
01:26:11cut me out of your life to start a new one in Vegas.
01:26:14You can't just do that.
01:26:16You can't just walk into people's lives
01:26:18at your own convenience.
01:26:20It doesn't work that way.
01:26:22And then,
01:26:24like an idiot,
01:26:26I took you into my home.
01:26:29Realized how much I missed you
01:26:31and how lonely I've been.
01:26:34And I fucking sleep with you.
01:26:42When I was in high school,
01:26:44I used to sneak out of my mom's apartment all night.
01:26:48And I'd go,
01:26:51and I'd go and sit on the sidewalk facing the street.
01:26:56I would stare at the cars passing
01:26:58and just hope to catch a glimpse of my dad's beautiful pickup truck.
01:27:04You see, by then you think I would have been old enough
01:27:06to realize that he was probably never coming back.
01:27:11But it didn't stop me from waiting.
01:27:13Just like it didn't stop me from running to the mailbox
01:27:15every birthday and every Christmas
01:27:17for a card or a letter
01:27:19or some slight indication that he gave a shit about us.
01:27:23Despite all that,
01:27:25disappointment after disappointment,
01:27:30I never stopped loving him.
01:27:35Does that remind you of anyone?
01:27:43If I listen to whatever scheme
01:27:45you've gotten yourself into this time,
01:27:48if I change my entire life for you,
01:27:52I can't be the only one that changes.
01:27:55I love you, Johnny.
01:27:57But I'll be damned before I spend one more day
01:27:59waiting on someone who doesn't make me a priority.
01:28:05Never again.
01:28:17Never again.
01:28:32About the truck.
01:28:48I'll be here in a minute.
01:29:10Let's do it.
01:29:18Let's do it.
01:29:30Well, four million in the vault
01:29:32and we retire in style.
01:29:44Hi, how may I help you?
01:29:46Let me guess, you're here to see Eric Hoffman?
01:29:49He's in the vaults back there.
01:29:57Hey, babe.
01:29:59Guess what I'm looking at?
01:30:01My future.
01:30:09Meet me at the house in two hours.
01:30:11I'll explain later.
01:30:19Going somewhere?
01:30:20Look, I already told you guys everything you need to know
01:30:22about quitting the names of the guys and helping with the loans.
01:30:24What more do you want?
01:30:29You know, Hoffman, I can understand you wanting to fuck my wife.
01:30:34I can understand you wanting to get greedy,
01:30:37take money, retire.
01:30:41One thing I can't stand
01:30:44is a snitch.
01:30:51In the flesh.
01:30:58Let's dance.
01:31:00No, no, no.
01:31:03Get the fuck off.
01:31:11I'll snap your neck, you piece of shit.
01:31:13I'll get you coming to my back.
01:31:15You push me around.
01:31:19You're not going anywhere, you piece of shit.
01:31:23You won't get away with this.
01:31:32You okay?
01:31:34You okay, you piece of shit?
01:31:37All right.
01:31:41I'll see you on two.
01:31:43Be quick.
01:31:50You're wasting your time.
01:31:54As soon as you leave,
01:31:56the bank employees will come in and untie me.
01:32:00What are you going to do with that?
01:32:03Before I do this,
01:32:05I want you to know how much pleasure I'm going to get from it.
01:32:09Fuck you.
01:32:11No, fuck you.
01:32:13You fucked our crew.
01:32:16Now it's your turn.
01:32:18I don't give a fuck about your crew.
01:32:21No, no, no, no.
01:32:38Stay with me, stay with me.
01:32:40There's more coming.
01:32:42No, no, no.
01:32:45No, no, no.
01:32:48No, no.
01:32:50Stop, stop.
01:32:58I feel like I need to catch your breath.
01:33:01No more.
01:33:03Just wait a minute.
01:33:08You're a business man, right?
01:33:12You don't act out of emotion.
01:33:14You're smart.
01:33:17You're about dollars and cents.
01:33:23I have five million dollars in an offshore account.
01:33:28It's yours.
01:33:30You can have it.
01:33:32Five million.
01:33:34I'll give it to your father.
01:33:36The trouble I caused you
01:33:38and put you and your crew through.
01:33:40Huh? What do you say? Huh?
01:33:44I'm gonna have to think about it.
01:33:46No, no, no.
01:33:55Oh, yeah.
01:34:04Goddamn, I love this.
01:34:24It's time for the grand finale.
01:34:32No, no.
01:34:44We've got a bit of a mess back there.
01:34:45We're gonna send a cleanup crew.
01:34:47Eric's working on cleaning it up.
01:34:48He'll be back there for a while.
01:34:50All right.
01:34:51Have a good day.
01:35:14Back up.
01:35:18Who the fuck are you? Johnny sent you?
01:35:20Where's Caleb?
01:35:22Who the hell sent you?
01:35:23Chad, we've got company.
01:35:24Both of you, on the ground now.
01:35:26Who the fuck are you?
01:35:27On the ground.
01:35:28I don't know who the fuck this is.
01:35:29Fucking came in here.
01:35:30On the ground.
01:35:33Look at that.
01:35:34Why don't you get that out of my face, bitch?
01:35:35Get on your stomach.
01:35:36Hey, sweetheart.
01:35:37Tie up your dumbass boyfriend.
01:35:38Yeah, you put that gun down.
01:35:39I'll kick your ass.
01:35:40Did I stutter?
01:35:41Go faster.
01:35:42Shut up.
01:35:43In the feet.
01:35:45Turn around.
01:35:47Hands behind your back.
01:35:51Put that gun down.
01:35:52I'll kick your ass.
01:35:54Cross them.
01:35:55You know you can't take my son away.
01:35:56You know that, right?
01:35:57I did.
01:35:58Is that what Johnny told you to do?
01:35:59You know you can't take him.
01:36:00What's your mother of the fucking year now?
01:36:02Either of you move or try to get up.
01:36:04I will shoot you.
01:36:05Do you understand me?
01:36:12Oh, my God.
01:36:14Caleb, I'm going to get you out of here.
01:36:17Who are you?
01:36:20I'm a friend of your father's.
01:36:24Is he here?
01:36:31But I'm going to take you to see him.
01:36:34Do you think you have the strength to walk?
01:36:36I think so.
01:36:38I'm just hungry and dizzy.
01:36:42How long have I been in here?
01:36:51All right.
01:36:53Listen to me.
01:36:55I am going to get you out of here.
01:36:57But I need you to do something for me first, okay?
01:37:00I just want to see my dad.
01:37:03You will.
01:37:05I promise.
01:37:06First, I need you...
01:37:12to hold my hand and close your eyes.
01:37:15Do you think you can do that?
01:37:24Bet you're not going to get away from this, you fucking whore!
01:37:50Good to see you guys.
01:38:03Well, I guess this is where we say our goodbyes.
01:38:07It was nice working with you guys.
01:38:09Great working with you, Johnny.
01:38:11I'm not one for tears.
01:38:13Live the good life, brother.
01:38:14You do the same.
01:38:16Well, that's my kind of car.
01:38:20It was good working with you guys.
01:38:23Safe travels, son.
01:38:29Are you ready to go?
01:39:15Hi, baby.
01:39:25Oh, hi.
01:39:27Are you the, uh, cleanup crew?
01:39:29Excuse me?
01:39:31The cleanup crew.
01:39:33The other agent came through here and said that he was sending a cleanup crew to clean up the vault.
01:39:37Where's Hoffman?
01:39:39Back in the vault. That way.
01:39:41Thank you.
01:39:47Mr. McRae, it's Jason.
01:39:49Look, I've had to change the location of the drop.
01:39:52I'm going to text you the address.
01:39:54When you get there, look in the trunk in the garage.
01:39:57There you'll find your two million in unmarked bills.
01:40:00After that, I want you to get the fuck out of town.
01:40:04Because we're all even now.
01:40:06Well, you better be a man of your word.
01:40:15Damn lights are out.
01:40:17Let's get the cash and get the fuck out of here.
01:40:20I'd like to see the look on the feds' face when they realize that Casey's dead.
01:40:25Oh, shit!
01:40:30You mother fucker.
01:40:32I'm sorry.
01:40:34I'm sorry.
01:40:36I'm sorry.
01:40:38I'm sorry.
01:40:40I'm sorry.
01:40:42I'm sorry.
01:40:44You mother fucker.
01:41:14I'm sorry.
01:41:16I'm sorry.
01:41:18I'm sorry.
01:41:20I'm sorry.
01:41:22I'm sorry.
01:41:24I'm sorry.
01:41:26I'm sorry.
01:41:28I'm sorry.
01:41:30I'm sorry.
01:41:32I'm sorry.
01:41:34I'm sorry.
01:41:36I'm sorry.
01:41:38I'm sorry.
01:41:40I'm sorry.
01:41:42I'm sorry.
01:41:44I'm sorry.
01:41:46I'm sorry.
01:41:48I'm sorry.
01:41:50I'm sorry.
01:41:52I'm sorry.
01:41:54I'm sorry.
01:41:56I'm sorry.
01:41:58I'm sorry.
01:42:00I'm sorry.
01:42:02I'm sorry.
01:42:04I'm sorry.
01:42:06I'm sorry.
01:42:08I'm sorry.
01:42:10I'm sorry.
01:42:12I'm sorry.
01:42:14I'm sorry.
01:42:16I'm sorry.
01:42:18I'm sorry.
01:42:20I'm sorry.
01:42:44I'm sorry.
01:42:46I'm sorry.
01:42:48I'm sorry.
01:42:50I'm sorry.
01:42:52I'm sorry.
01:42:54I'm sorry.
01:42:56I'm sorry.
01:42:58I'm sorry.
01:43:00I'm sorry.
01:43:02I'm sorry.
01:43:04I'm sorry.
01:43:06I'm sorry.
01:43:08I'm sorry.
01:43:10I'm sorry.
01:43:12I'm sorry.
01:43:14I'm sorry.
01:43:16I'm sorry.
01:43:18I'm sorry.
01:43:20I'm sorry.