Unwritten Obsession

  • last month

After her fiance's suicide, struggling writer Skye mentors Lifetime Psycho Holly by stealing her work--unaware that Holly knows a lot more about her and has a devious plan.

David Martín Porras
Marcy Holland
Shawn Christian, Haley Webb, Mary Pat Gleason

00:00:00I never want to be the one to pull the trigger on the gun when it's time I'm really good
00:00:18at holding on even when I know it's wrong at least it's my island I always seem to get
00:00:29out of track picking up all the slack I know it doesn't set me
00:00:38bittersweet distraction making you standing to my
00:00:51harmful chain reaction I'm beating myself out all the time
00:01:09Maya sat on the edge of the dock her bright blue eyes searching the night sky
00:01:15she wondered if a purpose was something you were born with a calling that tugged
00:01:20at you from deep inside or if it was simply the name you gave to whatever it
00:01:24was you ultimately fell into to lend it an importance it might not deserve she
00:01:30hoped it was the former she liked to believe she was meant for more
00:01:34I'm right here free jacket hello sky I read that publishers had turned away
00:01:47your books for five years before you finally wrote Maya's ball I'm a writer or
00:01:51at least I'm trying to be I was wondering if you talk for a little bit about how
00:01:55you keep going in the face of rejection prove them wrong make it happen by any
00:02:01means necessary and then forward them your sales numbers anonymously okay next
00:02:08question you hi hello when are you gonna write the sequel there are no plans for
00:02:17a sequel but I have a new book it's called so dark the waves I just finished
00:02:23it I really hope you'll give it a shot it is the best thing I've ever done so
00:02:28it just ends there you're really going to leave Maya like that she didn't even
00:02:33make it to Albuquerque we grow attached to these characters and their lives and
00:02:39sometimes it's hard to say goodbye to people you love let's see ah I'm sorry
00:02:46we're all out of time thank you all for coming and let's hear it again for our
00:02:50guests tonight author sky chased I usually get paid as soon as the event
00:03:02ends I'm sorry we don't cut the checks here they go out from the main office but
00:03:07you'll have it in five to ten business can't you make an exception I'm sorry it's
00:03:12store policy but please help yourself to anything that's on the table
00:04:36I was barely here eight hours ma'am we don't do hourly rates we're not that
00:04:45type of establishment
00:04:57I am done with the tourist Chelsea I barely break even so dark the waves let's
00:05:03just set up a virtual session they're passing what do you mean they didn't like
00:05:16Maya's fall made them a lot of money I know they won't even put an editor onto
00:05:21it pretentious convoluted nonsense written by a sociopath oh my god that one
00:05:35was off the record just ignore that last one
00:05:41can we just take it somewhere else that was three different publishers look it's
00:05:48a sophomore slump it happens to the best I spent two years on that you can't take
00:05:53it personally I'd pledge for that book everything on those pages is me how am I
00:05:57not supposed to take this personally look there's one recipe for continued success
00:06:02repetition when you find something that works you need to give them more of the
00:06:06same you mean a sequel or better yet a trilogy Maya's return Maya's revenge send
00:06:12the kids to the moon for all I care Jesus Christ can you deliver a love interest it's
00:06:18like you don't know your readers at all the guy should be brooding but give him a
00:06:25puppy how about I just make him perpetually shirtless now you think Chelsea
00:06:33I am dead broke I don't know how much longer I can get by you need money get me
00:06:41something that will sell simple as that
00:06:57sorry I didn't mean to scare you
00:07:03do you need something I thought maybe you'd recognize me
00:07:08can't say that I do I was at the reading last night at the bookmark
00:07:14did you follow me here no no I was just walking and I saw you I'm a really big
00:07:21fan I wanted to say hello last night but I chickened out I'm not great with crowds
00:07:28don't beat yourself up over it it's just I traveled a really long way to see you
00:07:32and I have a million questions you maybe have a little time to talk I just spent
00:07:38two weeks in ten different cities I am tired and hungry and I just want to get
00:07:42home there's an address on my website you can send any questions you have there
00:07:46and a selfless dress stamped envelope if you're hungry I could buy you breakfast
00:07:51Holly is that with a why how else would you spell it there was a woman in Duluth
00:08:04who spelled Catherine with a Q now I always ask
00:08:07main difference between a cat and a lie is that the cat has only nine lives truly
00:08:19yours sky chase and let how Mark Twain signed his books yeah but he's dead now
00:08:29so I figure you know he's not using it
00:08:32I'm sorry did you want one no that's okay
00:08:41oh I didn't realize they were selling those oh I um I had it made
00:08:47the biggest there's something else I wanted to ask you yeah we're on your dime
00:08:53ask away I'm a writer well not like you but I'm a writer yeah I've been writing
00:08:59for about three years I've been writing for a couple of years I've been writing
00:09:04for a couple of years I've been writing for a couple of years I'm a writer I'm
00:09:08you yeah we're on your dime ask away I'm a writer well not like you but I feel
00:09:18like there's a story I need to tell and I was hoping you could help me I have a
00:09:25book it's almost done but I'm having trouble writing an ending I'm not
00:09:32really sure what I can do for you you can mentor me give me notes your
00:09:38author's buyer said used to run writers workshops I don't do that anymore
00:09:43plus once you start publishing your own stuff you just open yourself up to all
00:09:46kinds of lawsuits give notes on some terrible script next thing you know
00:09:50you're being sued because yours takes place on the same planet so no thanks
00:09:55but I can I can recommend someone I think I have a number I don't want their
00:10:00opinion I want yours I could pay you
00:10:09it's gonna take a lot more than lunch I have money from what your paper route
00:10:15I've saved $2,000 but you're currently in possession of $2,000
00:10:30okay kid but I do not copy-edit okay my grammar is trash thank you so much
00:10:38really this means the world to me
00:10:44all right I'm gonna go to the bathroom you settle up the check
00:11:01all right we'll go to my place I'll read your book I'll give you my notes you
00:11:07pay me then leave deal yeah you okay to drive I am inviting you into my home
00:11:20this is an exercise in trust for all involved
00:12:31coming yeah guess I just can't believe I'm actually here
00:12:41I'm gonna go unpack and scrub off ten cities worth of filth but you can start
00:12:47here go ahead and print off the draft and we'll take a look at it when I'm
00:13:27all done
00:14:11what are you doing oh I was looking for my paper it's not up here
00:14:20papers under the desk downstairs
00:14:46if you're gonna be here we need to establish some ground rules the first
00:14:49being don't touch my stuff the second being don't touch my stuff
00:14:53who was that in all those pictures Paul how do you know that name from the
00:15:02dedication in the front of the book for a paw wash with blood right what
00:15:08happened to him that's none of your business bring it out when it's ready
00:15:19I'm really sorry I didn't mean to upset you it's I'm sorry I didn't mean to
00:15:42I'm really sorry I didn't mean to upset you it's sometimes I'm too curious for
00:15:51my own good and I just I have a problem with boundaries but knowing that I upset
00:15:56you it makes me feel really bad okay
00:16:00I think we could all use a little timeout I haven't dusted these off in
00:16:19forever don't get too many visitors out here middle of nowhere is great for
00:16:28writing but terrible for company and no one can hear you scream yeah let's let's
00:16:37not do that
00:16:42so what do they do for fun and um where are you from again Alaska your family
00:16:53was okay with you coming all this way just to get a book signed I don't really
00:16:58have a family I've been on my own for a while now it's been a hard couple of
00:17:04years my mom died and my dad died shortly after
00:17:09damn finding the book it helped me get through them when I looked at my I saw
00:17:20myself it was like things finally made sense for me you've just had such a
00:17:28profound impact on my life and even if it meant selling everything I owned and
00:17:33leaving everything else behind I knew I had to meet you
00:18:00Paul is my fiance
00:18:04we met at a writing retreat I was running he proposed to me over there
00:18:14under that tree
00:18:20six months later he walked into our living room a gun and put a bullet in
00:18:29his head
00:18:35so I packed up every piece of him and put it in the attic
00:18:42you guys screw him right no title I haven't thought of one okay fantasy ya
00:18:58sort of a mystery I guess how far along are you there's three chapters left to
00:19:05write and you're stuck I don't have a resolution if it's a mystery you really
00:19:13need to have the end of mine from the start oh yes I thought I could just wait
00:19:18and see how it all turned out it's a bold strategy title no ending
00:19:25are all my damn pens I'm doing everything wrong aren't I your first
00:19:38novel is supposed to be bad you need to just get it out of your system next one
00:19:43will be good no you have a really beautiful house thanks these are cool
00:19:59where'd you get them oh they belong to the previous owner he was pretentious so
00:20:09why'd you keep them up I am also pretentious how long have you lived here
00:20:17a few years was it hard to stay after Paul killed himself sharing time is over
00:20:26that subject is officially off-limits what's your book about the new one that
00:20:39you mentioned at the reading soda the waves and so dark the waves about guilt
00:20:49lost the intrinsic dishonesty of the human condition well what's that mean
00:20:59I'm trying something different is there a reason you don't want to write another
00:21:05Maya book there are a lot of reasons do you not have any ideas I have a great
00:21:12idea how about we stop talking about this sorry I'm just a little nervous
00:21:19all right Holly with a why let's see what you got
00:22:42what do you think it's pretty rough
00:23:03but it's not unsolvable I think with a lot of work we can put this thing into
00:23:09shape yeah it's getting pretty late I I should find a motel sorry it's just yeah
00:23:38it is getting late so why don't you just stay here for a few days and we can roll
00:23:45up our sleeves and really whip this thing into shape I only have the 2000 we
00:23:54can figure something out that's very generous of you the guest bedroom is
00:24:03upstairs the first door on the right any questions for me before I go to bed
00:24:09like where the clean towels are or great because I don't think I have any clean
00:24:14towels so actually could I stay down here for a while and listen to some of
00:24:22those yeah knock yourself out the turntables on the piano
00:24:54Chelsea I'm working on something new
00:25:54just pick another one okay did I do something wrong
00:26:40I'm waiting, I'm screaming, I'm waiting for you to let me go
00:27:10Making use
00:27:12Tending to my
00:27:14Harmful chain reaction
00:27:20I'm cleaning myself out all the time
00:27:34I know
00:28:04I know
00:28:06I know
00:28:08I know
00:28:10morning hey can you oh sorry it's fine how'd you sleep like a log glad to hear
00:28:40it are we okay I feel like I keep making these mistakes it's over forget
00:28:48it I have you're out of coffee and eggs needs to eat right I found this in the
00:28:57back of the cabinet I left you some but there wasn't much left I have business
00:29:04in town I can hit the grocery store before I get home so any requests no
00:29:09thank you how long will you be gone most of the day but this should keep you
00:29:22busy take a look we can talk when I get back it's a good start you really think
00:29:31so wouldn't say it if I didn't mean it
00:29:37fingers you're not a love interest gotta know your audience you trust me right of
00:29:46course has anyone else given you any input on the draft oh no you're the
00:29:53first person I've shown it to perfect let's just keep it between the two of us
00:30:00for now so it's done before I forget the money you mentioned yeah I have it
00:30:15oh yeah right of course
00:30:49this is all I have on me but I can get more this is fine now do me a favor
00:30:59email me your file I need to reformat it reformat the margins are too wide the
00:31:08font is too big it's throwing off the page count it's just the first draft you
00:31:15want to do this correctly right I mean I thought you said you wanted to be a
00:31:18writer I do well this is what writers do you're paying me a lot of money Holly
00:31:25but if you'd rather I just mail it in no of course not I'll I'll send it right
00:31:31away great leave off the title page for now until we can think of something
00:31:41catchy well I actually I had some ideas I wanted to run by you like disappear
00:31:47anchor maybe fangirl good start keep thinking
00:32:07Chelsea did you have a minute I never have a minute I have a new book for you
00:32:13I've been working on it a while I didn't want to jinx it by telling you you know
00:32:17I hate surprises you'll like this one I think it's really something special no
00:32:23offense but that was the pitch for your last book and we all know how that
00:32:27turned out look I'm sending it to you now drop whatever you're doing and read
00:32:32it okay
00:33:23should be all of it I really appreciate you grabbing this farm all water
00:33:27neighbors for you might want to read the one from the electric company it's
00:33:31towards the bottom I did not go through your mail it's just the envelope is very
00:33:38bright orange I think it's a final notice I'll do that thanks again I owe
00:33:47you one Oh since you offered we're having a big
00:33:51fundraiser at the end of the month to send the high school football team off
00:33:55to state go back anyway maybe we could get a few of your autographed books to
00:34:02auction off I'll pay for them sure okay Oh wonderful Oh you should look at the
00:34:16gas bill too it's just very bright
00:35:46hey I need a breakthrough in chapter 21 what are those pictures doing out oh I
00:36:06put them there thought it might help what right do you have to meddle in my
00:36:10personal life I'm sorry you're here to fix your book you're not here to fix me
00:36:16I didn't mean to upset you it's not good to hold on to pain locking memories
00:36:28of him in the attic isn't going to help you heal I'll never be able to move past
00:36:33what happened until you face it how maybe you wouldn't have to try as much I
00:36:38drink because I like it seems like you need it
00:36:46are you to say that to me you've known me two days I've learned a lot about you
00:36:51I totally get it now no wonder you don't have any family they probably can get
00:36:56away from you fast enough how could you say that yeah not so fun is it when
00:37:03people make assumptions another valuable life lesson free of charge
00:37:07nothing like I thought we'll never meet your idols kid
00:37:16so diffuse no it's what happens when you don't pay the electric bill
00:38:34Brady's Thanks
00:38:41Just remember to blow them out before you go to bed.
00:38:44Of course.
00:38:49I'll call the electric company in the morning. Work something out.
00:38:53I have a few more hours left on my computer.
00:38:56I'll just write by the candlelight like the pioneers used to do.
00:39:01You do that.
00:39:12Have you read it yet?
00:39:17Yes, I realize it doesn't have a title.
00:39:19Just, um, I was thinking maybe Fangirl?
00:39:26Yeah, just, just read it, okay?
00:39:28It's going to be the book that turns my career around.
00:40:06How's it going, Captain?
00:40:08I'm having a bit of trouble here.
00:40:11You're not even building it in a bottle.
00:40:14I don't think you can do better.
00:40:16I know I can.
00:40:19Just need to have patience.
00:40:24Okay, see that right there? It's not helping my concentration.
00:40:32I think we did it, though.
00:40:34What would you do without me?
00:40:36I don't want to find out.
00:41:06Hey, knock it off!
00:41:28Is everything all right?
00:41:32You tell me.
00:41:36Everything's fine.
00:41:40Okay, well, I'm going to need you to stop whatever it is you're doing in there, then.
00:41:45What I'm doing?
00:41:48The banging. What is with the banging?
00:41:52Huh? I'm not banging anything.
00:41:55Okay, well, then if you're not, then who is? It's not me.
00:42:00I didn't hear anything.
00:42:04Are you serious?
00:42:06What did it sound like?
00:42:09Like banging, loud banging on the wall.
00:42:14Honestly, I haven't been banging anything, and I haven't heard any banging.
00:42:24No, don't even.
00:42:28Maybe it was the wind, or some tree branches.
00:42:33Are you messing with me?
00:42:36What is this?
00:42:38No, no, I'm not doing that.
00:42:45I'm not really sure what you want me to say.
00:42:50Never mind.
00:42:52Just go back to bed.
00:43:41Love in the Western world.
00:43:44Demonstrate yourself.
00:45:36It's how much?
00:45:39Can't I make a partial payment or get on some kind of plan?
00:45:44Can I speak with the manager?
00:46:22Who is this girl?
00:48:52I see you finally got your act together.
00:48:55The book.
00:48:58So you like it?
00:49:00Oh, I love it.
00:49:02No, it's way better than that other crap you were trying to peddle.
00:49:06Okay, let's not go crazy.
00:49:08No, no, seriously.
00:49:10It's really great.
00:49:11Really inspired stuff.
00:49:14It's not a sequel, but there's a market for this.
00:49:17Is it something you can sell?
00:49:19Are you kidding?
00:49:20I already sent the first few chapters to the publishers.
00:49:23They're all eating crows.
00:49:26We officially have a bidding war.
00:49:28And based on the success of your last book,
00:49:31we're talking six figures, maybe higher.
00:49:35Can you make it conditional?
00:49:38On what?
00:49:41That they publish So Dark the Waves.
00:49:44It's gotta be both.
00:49:45All right, I will run it by them.
00:49:48How soon before you finish this one?
00:49:58Have you read it yet?
00:50:02Yes, I realize it doesn't have a title.
00:50:04I was thinking maybe...
00:50:12It's just a couple days.
00:50:15There's a few things I need to do first.
00:50:27He's offering.
00:50:28I'm only 18.
00:50:30I don't tell.
00:50:31Did you ever figure out what that noise was?
00:50:34Yeah, you know, I think you're right.
00:50:36I think it was just a branch.
00:50:39Still pretty windy.
00:50:44Are you going low-tech?
00:50:46Oh, I...
00:50:48My computer's almost dead.
00:50:50I found this in your office.
00:50:52I hope it's okay.
00:50:56The power should be back soon.
00:51:00It's really beautiful out here.
00:51:03I can see why you'd be inspired.
00:51:06It's easy to write when it's the only thing to do, so...
00:51:13Look, I've had a rough couple of days.
00:51:15I didn't mean to take it out on you.
00:51:18It's okay.
00:51:19I understand.
00:51:22I can be pushy.
00:51:24I know that about myself.
00:51:29And you know a lot about me, too.
00:51:32But I feel like I hardly know anything about you.
00:51:37There's not much to tell.
00:51:39I'm sure that's not true.
00:51:43You have a boyfriend.
00:51:46Some strapping young moose hunter
00:51:49who is breathlessly awaiting your return.
00:51:52I had a boyfriend in high school, but we broke up...
00:51:55when his family moved away.
00:51:57Oh, man.
00:51:59That's too bad.
00:52:03Well, you know.
00:52:05Happy love has no history and all that.
00:52:11Next day, there's smoke.
00:52:13Love in the Western world.
00:52:17I've read it.
00:52:25what do you do for work?
00:52:29I used to work at a convenience store,
00:52:31but I quit before I came out here.
00:52:36I don't know.
00:52:38There was a couple of reasons.
00:52:40I was ready to move on, anyway.
00:52:44And I saw you were going on your book tour.
00:52:47I took it as a sign.
00:52:50Maybe it was time for a fresh start.
00:52:54So you just left?
00:53:01That must have been hard.
00:53:07It must have been hard.
00:53:11Leaving the place that you grew up.
00:53:14Leaving all of your friends.
00:53:17I don't have any friends.
00:53:19Oh, come on. Everybody has friends.
00:53:23You've always been kind of a loner, I guess.
00:53:26There must be someone.
00:53:30Someone who misses you.
00:53:34Not really.
00:53:37Not really.
00:53:51I was wondering if you could maybe drive me into town?
00:53:54But you're hitting your stride.
00:53:56You don't want to lose your rhythm.
00:54:00It's just I wasn't really planning to be here so long.
00:54:02I feel bad eating your food.
00:54:05You're my guest.
00:54:08If I go into town, I can take out the rest of the money I owe you.
00:54:12I know you're good for it.
00:54:15You're so close to the end. Why stop now?
00:54:21Power's back.
00:54:55I made you some lunch.
00:55:02Is this the last chapter?
00:55:08Most of it.
00:55:11Home stretch?
00:55:17Well, keep going until you're done, okay?
00:55:20I don't want to have to tie you to that chair.
00:57:00Damn it.
00:58:34Can I help you?
00:58:36I brought the books.
00:58:40Oh, you have something on you.
00:58:43Happens to me all the time when I garden.
00:58:46You know, right now's not a really good time.
00:58:48Oh, I'm sorry.
00:58:50Do you have company?
00:58:52No, no, no. It's just me. I'm in the middle of something.
00:58:55It'll only take a minute.
00:58:57I was just so excited that you agreed to help out with the auction
00:59:00that I bought off the store.
00:59:02I thought we could get them signed in right up on the website.
00:59:05Okay. Sure. Yeah, let me see them.
00:59:08Here you go. You're an angel.
00:59:10Okay. Do you have a pen?
00:59:15I don't.
00:59:19Okay. Come. Let me help this way.
00:59:38I really do appreciate this.
00:59:40Sure, sure.
00:59:42Oh, could you make that last one out for my daughter, Emily?
00:59:45That's with two E's and two M's.
00:59:48What a beautiful name.
00:59:50You know, you really should come into town more often.
00:59:52We'd love to have you at the event.
00:59:54We're getting a band from San Dimas.
00:59:56Thanks. I will try to do that.
00:59:58All alone out here by yourself every day?
01:00:01I think I'd go a little stir-crazy.
01:00:06You need help with that?
01:00:08No, no. I'm good.
01:00:26Who was that?
01:00:28No one.
01:00:30I'm going to go home and clean up.
01:00:53I have something for you to look at.
01:00:56This is great.
01:00:59I was a little reluctant about the love interest suggestion,
01:01:02but I think it worked.
01:01:04It's a crowd pleaser.
01:01:07The puppy was a fun addition.
01:01:09I named him Boots.
01:01:11Why Boots?
01:01:13When I was little, we had a dog named Boots.
01:01:17Well, write what you know, I guess.
01:01:21I'm glad you decided to keep those up.
01:01:27I realized you had a point.
01:01:44It's a litman oar.
01:01:47It's a litman oar.
01:01:50Who knows?
01:01:52Who cares?
01:01:55I think you do.
01:01:58You act like it doesn't affect you,
01:02:00but I think it matters to you what people think.
01:02:05You've got me all figured out.
01:02:10Seems like you resent it.
01:02:12Might as well.
01:02:14It was supposed to open the door and not define my career.
01:02:19Is it really so bad if it does?
01:02:22I mean, it's touched so many people.
01:02:26No one wants to be a one-hit wonder.
01:02:36Can I?
01:02:51Do you want to hear a story?
01:02:56It's been a while. I might mix up some of the details.
01:02:59I'll keep that in mind.
01:03:03Around 1200 A.D.,
01:03:06in a small Chinese village,
01:03:09this man was found dead in a wheat field.
01:03:14He had deep, deep slashes...
01:03:22and here.
01:03:27He bled out in the field.
01:03:31Makes sense.
01:03:33They determined the murder weapon was most likely a handsickle,
01:03:36but in a village full of wheat farmers,
01:03:39almost everyone had one.
01:03:42There was no obvious suspects, no witnesses.
01:03:47What did they do?
01:03:49The town's magistrate had all the farmers line up their sickles against the wall
01:03:53and leave them out in the hot sun.
01:03:56By the end of the day,
01:03:58one of the sickles was covered in flies.
01:04:03The blood?
01:04:05The blood.
01:04:08And even though the blade had been wiped off, traces still remained.
01:04:13The owner broke down and confessed.
01:04:16I think they hung him.
01:04:18I'm not sure.
01:04:20That part's fuzzy.
01:04:24My dad told me that.
01:04:27That's a hell of a bedtime story.
01:04:31It always stuck with me.
01:04:35It's a good reminder.
01:04:38Of what?
01:04:40That no matter what you do to fight it,
01:04:42the truth always has a way of coming out.
01:04:48So what do you think?
01:04:50About what?
01:04:52The chapter.
01:04:54Does it work?
01:05:00It's getting there.
01:05:02Here, try these.
01:05:32It's getting there.
01:06:02It's getting there.
01:06:33It's over.
01:06:36I finished.
01:06:39That's great.
01:06:42I can't wait for you to read it.
01:06:46Yeah, me neither.
01:06:49I wasn't sure I could do it, but I did.
01:06:53I'm sorry.
01:06:56I'm sorry.
01:06:58I'm sorry.
01:07:00I wasn't sure I could do it, but then suddenly the last word was on the page.
01:07:04We should celebrate.
01:07:06How about a game of bocce?
01:07:11Isn't it kind of dark out?
01:07:16I have floodlights in the backyard.
01:07:22Come on.
01:07:25Can I be rad?
01:07:29I'll even spot your points.
01:07:33We just need to get the set from the garage.
01:07:37How about a drink first?
01:07:41I thought you were too young.
01:07:43It's a special occasion.
01:07:45I think I've earned it.
01:07:47It's a special occasion.
01:07:49I think I've earned it.
01:07:55That's the best liquor to toast with.
01:08:00You can't go wrong with bourbon.
01:08:04This one has a fun label.
01:08:06Will it work?
01:08:08It's all good in my book.
01:08:18You can fill it up more.
01:08:21You're living dangerously, right?
01:08:41To your first book.
01:08:43To your first book.
01:08:46The Sky Chase.
01:08:49You're the reason this is all happening.
01:09:05Maybe I should have started with something weaker.
01:09:08Just a one, two, three, and down the hatch.
01:09:14Come on, don't overthink it.
01:09:16Not after.
01:09:18I really can't wait any longer.
01:09:21I want to show you what I've done.
01:09:39All right, it's a big moment.
01:09:41You nervous?
01:09:45Not anymore.
01:09:56What is this?
01:09:59The book.
01:10:02Do you think this is funny?
01:10:05No, I don't.
01:10:11Is everything okay?
01:10:13I'm just...
01:10:19What did you...
01:10:38What did you...
01:11:11I didn't think you'd be up this fast.
01:11:14The back of the bottle didn't say how long you'd be out, so I wasn't sure.
01:11:19I wasn't just gonna sit in here with you and wait.
01:11:22That would be weird, right?
01:11:25Found the key to the garage in your purse.
01:11:28Seemed like a good place to talk.
01:11:31Although I suspect you had another use of mine.
01:11:35I found this, too.
01:11:41No screaming, all right?
01:11:51What do you want?
01:11:53Money? I think it's pretty clear I don't have any.
01:11:56I told you at the start of this, I have a few questions.
01:12:01I want you to tell me what happened to Paul Walsh.
01:12:08What does he have to do with anything?
01:12:12How did he die?
01:12:16Is this some sick fantasy of yours you want to know every tiny detail of my life?
01:12:22How did he die?
01:12:24I told you how he died.
01:12:26We'll start from the beginning.
01:12:29Paul Walsh bought that 357 and shot himself.
01:12:36Wrong. You killed Paul Walsh.
01:12:43No, you shot him and you made it look like he was dead.
01:12:51No, you shot him and you made it look like a suicide.
01:12:58You're crazy.
01:13:00No, I'm Maya.
01:13:08Maya's not real.
01:13:11You know that, right?
01:13:14She is real. She's me.
01:13:18She's me.
01:13:41You didn't put the bullets in.
01:13:44I thought they were in there already.
01:13:46You didn't check first.
01:14:16I'm sorry.
01:14:46I'm sorry.
01:15:16I'm sorry.
01:15:46I'm sorry.
01:16:16I'm sorry.
01:16:46I'm sorry.
01:17:04Holly, listen.
01:17:06Maya. My name is Maya.
01:17:09Maya is a character in a book I wrote.
01:17:13She's a character in a book he wrote.
01:17:17But you thought you had it all figured out.
01:17:20Steal a dead man's book. No one would ever know.
01:17:25How could you possibly know that?
01:17:28Because Paul Walsh was my father.
01:17:32He didn't have any children.
01:17:34He had a whole family until he left us.
01:17:39How do you walk out on a seven-year-old girl?
01:17:42What could you possibly have ever done to make you want to leave?
01:17:47At first, he sent postcards.
01:17:50I tore them all up.
01:17:52Eventually, he stopped writing.
01:17:56Until a few years ago, he sent me an email.
01:18:02The very first draft of his very first novel.
01:18:06The one he told me I had inspired him to write.
01:18:11Maya sat at the edge of the dock.
01:18:14Bright blue eyes gazing the night sky.
01:18:19Imagine my surprise when I passed the bookstore six months later.
01:18:24And there on the front display was Maya's fall.
01:18:27Only it had a different author's name on the cover.
01:18:31I thought it had to be a coincidence.
01:18:34But I thought it anyway.
01:18:38Every word was the same.
01:18:59Don't move.
01:19:01There's bullets in it this time.
01:19:04I didn't kill him.
01:19:08I didn't know he was struggling.
01:19:11He never told me.
01:19:13He never said a word.
01:19:15I don't believe you.
01:19:17It's the truth.
01:19:19He killed himself with the gun you're holding.
01:19:22He told me he loved me.
01:19:25Yeah, he told me he loved me too.
01:19:29We had a plan.
01:19:32A future.
01:19:34But he did it anyway.
01:19:36You're a liar.
01:19:38No, wait, please.
01:19:39Just listen to me.
01:19:41When I came home, I found the manuscript.
01:19:45What, so you just took it?
01:19:48That's his.
01:19:50That belongs to him.
01:19:51He left me.
01:19:54And he left you.
01:19:57I don't owe him a damn thing.
01:20:02I was angry.
01:20:05And alone.
01:20:07But I didn't kill him.
01:20:11But you were going to kill me.
01:20:21Sign it.
01:20:24I said sign it.
01:20:27It's a confession.
01:20:30Saying that you didn't write the book.
01:20:32And that Paul Walsh is the author of Maya's Fall.
01:20:37Sign it.
01:20:39This won't bring him back.
01:20:41Shut up.
01:20:46I said sign it!
01:20:54Now get up and go sit by the window.
01:21:01Sign it.
01:21:21What happens now?
01:21:24You shoot me?
01:21:28I'm not like you.
01:21:44Have a wonderful life.
01:21:57Sign it.
01:22:27Sign it.
01:22:57Sign it.
01:23:16Writing is a personal journey.
01:23:19We all have stories within us.
01:23:22And what we get is finding out how to share them with the world in a way that connects.
01:23:29All right?
01:23:31I hope you all have found some inspiration here today.
01:23:45I just wanted to tell you that I've really enjoyed your workshop.
01:23:49Thank you, Beatrice.
01:23:52The Epic Fantasy, right?
01:23:54Yes, that's me.
01:23:56I think your sample is very good.
01:24:01Yeah, I wish you had shared it with the group.
01:24:03Oh, no, I couldn't.
01:24:05I'm not that confident.
01:24:07I haven't shared it with anyone.
01:24:11Well, I hope that changes one day.
01:24:14I know the workshop is over.
01:24:16But I was wondering if you would help me with my book.
01:24:25I don't do private consultations.
01:24:28It's a bad experience.
01:24:31I'm very easy to work with.
01:24:33I'd do anything you say.
01:24:41Well, you've twisted my arm.
01:24:44Do you want to come with me to my car?
01:24:46You can tell me all about it.
01:25:04Do you want to hear a story?
01:25:08It's been a while.
01:25:09I might mix up some of the details.
01:26:15I'm sorry.
01:26:17I'm sorry.
01:26:19I'm sorry.
01:26:21I'm sorry.
01:26:23I'm sorry.
01:26:25I'm sorry.
01:26:27I'm sorry.
01:26:29I'm sorry.
01:26:31I'm sorry.
01:26:33I'm sorry.
01:26:35I'm sorry.
01:26:37I'm sorry.
01:26:39I'm sorry.
01:26:41I'm sorry.
01:26:43I'm sorry.
01:26:45I'm sorry.
01:26:47I'm sorry.
01:26:49I'm sorry.
01:26:51I'm sorry.
01:26:53I'm sorry.
01:26:55I'm sorry.
01:26:57I'm sorry.
01:26:59I'm sorry.
01:27:01I'm sorry.
01:27:03I'm sorry.
01:27:05I'm sorry.
01:27:07I'm sorry.
01:27:09I'm sorry.
01:27:11I'm sorry.
01:27:13I'm sorry.
01:27:15I'm sorry.
01:27:17I'm sorry.
01:27:19I'm sorry.
01:27:21I'm sorry.
01:27:23I'm sorry.
01:27:25I'm sorry.
01:27:27I'm sorry.
01:27:29I'm sorry.
01:27:31I'm sorry.
01:27:33I'm sorry.
01:27:35I'm sorry.
01:27:37I'm sorry.
01:27:39I'm sorry.
01:27:41I'm sorry.
01:27:43I'm sorry.
01:27:45I'm sorry.
01:27:47I'm sorry.
01:27:49I'm sorry.
01:27:51I'm sorry.
01:27:53I'm sorry.
01:27:55I'm sorry.
01:27:57I'm sorry.
01:27:59I'm sorry.
01:28:01I'm sorry.
01:28:03I'm sorry.
01:28:05I'm sorry.