FTS 12:30 30-07: Venezuela: govt. denounces FAR-RIGHT violent acts

  • 3 months ago
FTS 12.30
*Landslides leave at least 49 dead in India
*Palestinian Health Ministry warns of polio outbreak
00:00The Venezuelan government denounced attempts by the far-right opposition to initiate a
00:16violent escalation in the country.
00:20In India, landslides triggered by heavy monsoon rains killed at least 63 people and hundreds
00:26more are feared to be trapped under mud and debris.
00:31In Palestine, the Ministry of Health warned of a polio outbreak in the Gaza Strip.
00:37Hello, welcome to From the South, I'm Luis Alberto Matos from Televisa Studios in Havana,
00:45We begin with the news.
00:46The Venezuelan government denounced attempts by the far-right opposition to initiate a
00:50violent escalation in the country.
00:52The President of the National Assembly, Jorge RodrĂ­guez, reaffirmed that the far-right
00:55plan was never electoral, but violent and homicidal.
00:59He said so after a wave of attacks that left 23 members of the armed forces injured, some
01:03got shot.
01:04Later, President Nicolás Maduro addressed the nation to give an account of the seriousness
01:08of the attacks perpetrated by individuals who had been mostly under the influence of
01:12drugs and armed at the time of their arrest.
01:15Meanwhile, the Attorney General, Tarek William Saab, delivered a report of those arrested,
01:21among them those who set fire to a PSUV headquarters.
01:26For his part, the Minister of Defense, Vladimir Padrino, made a call to those used by the
01:31far-right to generate violence.
01:42The Venezuelan Minister of Defense, Vladimir Padrino LĂłpez, highlighted the conviction
01:46of the people of Venezuela with peace while denouncing the attempts of the far-right to
01:52carry out a coup d'etat against the Constitutional President, Nicolás Maduro.
01:56From the headquarters of the Ministry of Defense, Padrino LĂłpez addressed the nation and emphasized
02:01that the violent acts promoted by the extreme right go against the democratic expression
02:05of the people of Venezuela at the ballot box on Sunday, July 28.
02:09The Minister of Defense denounced the attempted coup d'etat and assured that the President
02:12of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, together with the people and the democratic institutions
02:16are carrying out actions to stop the destabilizing attempts.
02:34A coup d'etat sponsored and supported by these fascist sectors of the far-right, supported
02:44of course by the imperialist factors, the U.S. Empire and its allies and lackeys and
02:53A coup d'etat underway, for which the President of the Bolivarian Armed Forces and President
03:02Nicolás Maduro Moro held it back again, and along him the people of Venezuela who elected
03:11him as President for the next term and along with him the Bolivarian Armed Forces and all
03:17democratic institutions of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
03:21After the National Electoral Council of Venezuela proclaimed and confirmed the re-election of
03:27Nicolás Maduro as President of the South American nation, the head of state denounced
03:31that the far-right is trying to impose a coup d'etat.
03:34After Sunday's victory, President Maduro arrived at the headquarters of the National
03:37Electoral Council to be proclaimed Constitutional President for the 2025-2031 term.
03:42During his speech, the re-elected President of Venezuela warned that the far-right is
03:46trying to impose a coup d'etat in Venezuela and reiterated his calls to respect the Constitution
03:53and not to allow hatred, fascism, lies or manipulation to be imposed in the country.
04:05It is not the first time that we are facing what we are facing today.
04:10They are trying to impose in Venezuela a coup d'etat again, of a fascist and counter-revolutionary
04:16nature, I could call it a kind of Guaido 2.0.
04:22Because history says no.
04:34That it presents as a tragedy and then as a comedy.
04:38It seems that as Hegel said, and then Marx popularized it, history presents itself as
04:44tragedy first and then repeats itself as comedy.
04:48We lived this, we saw this movie, the same movie with a similar script.
05:06The protagonists are the same, on one side the people who want peace, democracy, prosperity,
05:13progress, and on the other side, elites full of hate with a counter-revolutionary and fascist
05:18project tied to the United States empire.
05:22In this context, the President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, affirmed that the pertinent
05:28measures are being taken to counteract the violent acts raised in the territory promoted
05:32by the sectors of the Venezuelan far-right.
05:38We have been following up on all the acts of violence promoted by the extremist right
05:44I can tell the people of Venezuela that if they have done damage, we are acting, and
05:50with the civic military police union, we are acting once again, that is why I said we know
05:56this story, we are acting once again, because we know this modus operandi that has been
06:12used for the coup d'Ă©tat of April 2002, for the first Warimba in February 27, 2004.
06:22For the violent actions called by Capriles one day after the presidential elections of
06:28April 14, and all those subsequent weeks, for the Warimba of 2014 which were called
06:46the exit, for the Warimbas of 2017.
06:51I have said it throughout this pilgrimage in more than 30 cities, they are hate, revenge,
07:00In this context, the President of the National Assembly, Jorge RodrĂ­guez, also denounced
07:04the real violent plans of the far-right that are in full development.
07:08We summoned to all our people to great marches tomorrow at two o'clock from Petare to Miraflores,
07:19from Cate to Miraflores, from Laverias to Miraflores, from El Valle to Miraflores to
07:24celebrate this victory, but also to defend peace of the Republic.
07:29This time we will not allow that, and they will not achieve it, and of course with some,
07:36all the forces of the revolutionary people of Venezuela, for these marches in their cities,
07:43in their states.
07:44In other news, in the midst of a series of official activities for national holidays
07:49and a message to the nation that has been highly criticized, the marches against Dina
07:53Boluarte continue.
07:54And one year and seven months after she was appointed president, the demands for her resignation
07:59continue, as well as the closing of Congress and punishment for those responsible for the
08:04more than 50 people killed during protests.
08:11One of the main announcements made by Dina Boluarte in her long message to the nation
08:15has been the salary increase for police and military.
08:19Despite the repression, the people killed, and the investigations against these institutions.
08:30She has the backing of the Peruvian National Police, and not only of the police, but also
08:35of the entire Joint Command, which is why she will be disbursing large amounts of money,
08:40which protects her, and that makes them continue to repress the population, so that the population
08:45cannot express their rejection of this government and this Congress.
08:54One year and seven months into her administration, Peruvians reject her and continue marching
08:59to demand her resignation, the closure of Parliament, and justice for those killed during
09:12In the case of Puno, where we accompany, out of 20 files there are 4 files that have formalized
09:17the preparatory investigation.
09:18This is very important, why?
09:20Because in these formalized files those responsible have already been identified, in some the
09:25chain of command has been identified and possibly the number of those responsible will increase,
09:29in others besides the chain of command.
09:31The direct authors of the crimes committed by state agents have been identified, for
09:35aggravated homicide, serious injuries, minor injuries.
09:49There has also been criticism that she has announced that she will not privatize water
09:53services when in practice this is what her government is seeking to do as part of the
09:57implementation of a series of neoliberal policies.
10:03She has said that the main objective now is an investment of more than 1.5 billion dollars
10:09to deliver six drinking water companies, one in Chiclayo, my land, two in Trujillo, three
10:14in Chimbote, four in Shanghai, five in Ayacucho, and six in Puerto Maldonado.
10:20We in Lambayeque and all the north are saying that privatizations with the next concession
10:25for 25 years of the public sector to deliver to private companies is really the destruction
10:30not only of the public water sector, but the bankruptcy of sovereignty in water matters
10:35of the country.
10:38The Congress with the lowest approval rating in history is also repudiated and described
10:43as part of a mafia coalition that supports Dina Boloarte.
10:51We all have to be united to confront this Congress of the Republic.
10:55Here are the criminals, here are the criminals and murderers, here are immoral, incapable
11:00people who are trying to govern.
11:03They do not have the support of the people, they are not accepted by the people.
11:07That is what we are rejecting.
11:14Nothing to celebrate in these national holidays, in times in which the rejection of the political
11:19class reigns, and in which issues such as the right to insurgency, to a usurper government,
11:24are being debated.
11:54Welcome back.
11:59Mexico's President-elect, Claudia Sheinbaum, met with the fathers and mothers of the 43
12:02missing students from Ayotzinapa.
12:04She pledged to continue the investigation of the case until justice is obtained.
12:09We are now interrupting our programming.
12:11We are going live to Caracas.
12:12Jorge Rodriguez, the President of the National Assembly, is providing a statement.
12:16Let's listen.
12:17Let's explain the following.
12:23In the governments of the countries that I have mentioned acted in a disrespectful manner,
12:32in an illegal manner, contrary to the international right, contrary to any pacific bilateral co-existence.
12:48Contrary to the principles of the United Nations, contrary to the principles that have been
12:57expressed during the years of relations, it's an act of interference.
13:03Any government can accredit, any foreign government can validate the right of free and sovereign
13:15election of the citizens of our country.
13:18It turns out that if a candidate wins or another one wins, no government, no matter how powerful
13:31it is, could impose Venezuela who wins the elections or not.
13:37Because legitimacy and sovereignty of our country resides in the people who on July
13:4528th attended the polls, went to the polls.
13:55So that's what they are trying to say of the Lima Group 2.0.
14:05We are going to defeat you again.
14:11We are going to defeat you again.
14:30Homeland is, we will defend our homeland.
14:34We won't sell our homeland.
14:38The homeland is defended and not sold.
14:43Okay, you've got the floor, legislator, President of the Parliament.
14:56I just want to end my speech by telling and putting on the scenario of policy that we
15:08have received the support, the backup of our national electoral country, of our elections
15:18and of President Nicolás Maduro's, the support of our friendly countries, because Venezuela
15:29is not alone.
15:31Venezuela counts on the support of the nations of the world.
15:39So we were listening to legislator Roy Daza in this ordinary session in the framework.
15:52Would anyone want to, okay, it's going to be close to the session, and I'm going to
16:04So, Roy Daza has said that Venezuela didn't accept any interference from any government,
16:19and that he considers disrespectful the manner in which some governments have addressed the
16:27elections of not recognizing Maduro as President, and he stressed the support of most of the
16:35countries of the world on the election, on the President electing Nicolás Maduro.
16:41It has been a peaceful session.
16:48Well, so now it's the order of the day has been approved, project of agreement in recognizing
17:01the elections on July 28th, according to what's seen in article 111, this, okay, that's it.
17:17So I've got the floor to legislator Grecia.
17:23Well, we recall that this is the ordinary session of the National Assembly, and there
17:38have been two issues on the day.
17:40Dear legislators, greetings to our dear President of the National Assembly, Jorge
17:50Rodriguez, and our Vice President, and our second Vice President.
17:56Well, undoubtedly, I am honored to be able to present this agreement that speaks about
18:05Venezuelan democracy, that speaks about what we have built with a lot of effort for over
18:14200 years, and we are all aware that in the latest 25 years, it has been thanks to our
18:23Bolivarian constitution in which we addressed participative democracy, in which the people
18:31as Venezuelans, we understood what it implies democracy.
18:37That's why I am honored to present this agreement.
18:40It is not a coincidence that in different times, countries of the world and international
18:47organizations, international entities have been referring to the process, to the electoral
18:55We're watching live from Caracas, the National Assembly of Venezuela was holding a session,
19:05an ordinary session, as they are addressing the recognition of the electoral process held
19:10on July 28th.
19:11We are going to continue with other news.
19:17We are returning.
19:18We are going back to the National Assembly as it holds an ordinary session.
19:21Let's go back to Caracas.
19:24And I want to thank our electoral system for that big effort, to all those members of polling
19:31stations, to all operators of the electoral system, to all, to the Bolivarian Armed Forces,
19:39to the Republic Plan, because undoubtedly this Sunday, on July 28th, it triumphed again,
19:47It triumphed the will of the Venezuelan people to raise their voices through ballots.
19:54And likewise, as democracy triumphs, it has triumphed peace, and it has been elected President
20:02Nicolás Maduro Moros in the 2025-2031st term, guarantee of peace, guarantee of stability,
20:12Nicolás Maduro Moros, President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
20:17As Venezuelan youth, we feel very excited with the guarantee of the future that today
20:25Venezuela has, because these are the open doors for the 2050, our sons, our daughters
20:37continue to talk about democracy, continue to talk about participation, and even from
20:44the communities, from the communes, from all participation spaces, from all education sectors,
20:52so that our youth, our youngsters could raise their voices, because today they are learning
20:57about democracy.
20:58Thank you very much, people of Venezuela, to demonstrate this democratic stance, and
21:07as Venezuelans, we continue being a country, free, sovereign, independent, and in that
21:14here, in 2024, we aspire, we hope for a better country, for a developed country, and continue
21:24generating peaceful actions, and as our greatest liberator said, guaranteeing the most of joy,
21:36most of political stability for all the Venezuelan people.
21:40It has been an election that has shaken the Venezuelan people with joy, and not only,
21:51the whole world has been observing our elections, of what happened on July 28th, and here in
22:00Venezuela, we have over 900 international observers from different countries, from different
22:10organizations and parties, we have come here to watch our electoral process, our electoral
22:18system, our democratic process, that continues to be more steadfast, and more solid, and
22:30we want to thank all those international observers for accompanying us, and for being protagonists
22:37of this key moment for the history of our country.
22:42Unfortunately, today, we have to denounce, as the Venezuelan people, and as youngsters,
22:49the attempt of some media outlets, and especially of social media, of destabilizing, of creating
23:00manipulative information, of creating actions that attempt against the peace and stability
23:09of our country.
23:10As the Venezuelan people, we have to be on alert, we have to be guarantors of that our
23:17information be the truthful information, be the on-time information, and one part of the
23:25opposition, one part of the far-right opposition, that by the way, in 2004 lost, in 2005 lost,
23:32and in 2006 lost, and in 2008 lost, in 2009 lost, so the far-right has been losing all
23:44over these years, and who expected, and they always said that our fraud elections, and
23:57so we, so that's the same movie repeated, as Venezuelan, the Venezuelan people, we continue
24:06supporting with a lot of strength all this process, all this democratic process, and
24:16the will of the people that has been resounding on this July 28th.
24:23Today, we have a president-elect of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro Moros,
24:31and I call your authorization for reading the proposal of agreement on this National
24:39Assembly, and this will be issued today to demonstrate to the whole world the strength
24:50of the Venezuelan people that ahead of any difficulties, we are raising our voices through
24:58ballots. Agreement on recognition of the electoral election, on the elections on July 28th,
25:06on July 28th, 2024, considering that on July 28th, 2024, the National Electoral Council issued its
25:17first bulletin, highlighting that the turnout was 59% of the electorate, resulting as winner,
25:27Nicolás Maduro Moros, who obtained 51.2%, that's why he wins the president, and considering that
25:44voters nationwide and outside have, and likewise, it counted with the accompanying of
25:58international observers, among them the Carter Center and the group of experts of the United
26:07Nations. Taking into account the Venezuelan people preferred peace, tranquility, and the
26:13welfare ahead of... We were watching live images as the National Assembly of Venezuela was holding
26:24an ordinary session, addressing the situation in the country after the electoral day, and how they
26:29vowed to defend democracy in the country and to uphold the results, the will expressed by the
26:34people on the ballot box on Sunday, July 28th. For now, we have come to the end of this newsbrief.
26:39You can find this and many other stories on our website at Tres Sur Inglis. Join us on social media,
26:44Facebook, Instagram, Telegram, and TikTok. For Tres Sur Inglis, I'm Luis Alberto Matos.
26:49Thank you for watching.
