FTS 20:30 09-08: Venezuelan Pres. offers statements after TSJ hearing

  • 2 months ago
FTS 20.30
*Plane crash in Sao Paulo, Brazil, left no survivors.
*UNRWA says malnourished Palestine children rises by 300%.

These and more stories now!
00:00On Friday, in Venezuela, President Nicolás Maduro delivered a public statement after
00:15appearing before the Supreme Court of Justice in the process that looks into the electoral
00:20process in the country.
00:23Brazil government confirms that there were no survivors after a plane crashed in a residential
00:29area of Sao Paulo.
00:33And UNRWA reported that malnourished children rose by over 300% in July compared to May
00:39in this year in Navingaza.
00:45Hello and welcome to From the South, I'm Alejandra GarcĂ­a from Telesur Studios in
00:49Havana, Cuba.
00:50We begin with the news.
00:52On Friday, in Venezuela, concluded the Supreme Court hearings over July 28th election process
00:58where candidates and representatives of political parties were summoned as part of a process
01:03of evaluation of the presidential elections.
01:06In this third and last day of appearances, more than 15 political organizations and three
01:11former presidential candidates and representatives appeared before the electoral court.
01:16In this regard, Frédéric Villegas of the Centrados en la Gente party and the former
01:21opposition candidate BenjamĂ­n Rauzeo for the Conde party already appeared before the
01:26electoral court.
01:28In this sense, President Nicolás Maduro and the Vice President of the United Socialist
01:32Party of Venezuela, Diosdado Cabello, also went to the Supreme Court.
01:40The President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, after he appeared before the Supreme Court's
01:45electoral chamber in the investigation that looks into the electoral process of July 28th,
01:51highlighted that he presented himself before the Supreme Court as a willing participant
01:57in the institutional process, different to other former candidates who are referring
02:02to the far-right candidate Edmundo González.
02:04He also highlighted that the representatives of his party, Diosdado Cabello, presented
02:09all necessary information as asked by the top court and underscored that he continues
02:15to be at the disposal of the court.
02:18The President underscored his willingness to continue to be at the court's disposal,
02:24and highlighted the inconsistencies of the documents presented as supposed evidence by
02:30the far-right while they did not comply with one of the main institutions in the country,
02:35which is the Supreme Court.
02:41The head of state assured that he answered all the questions asked by the country's
02:46highest court.
02:50I am here alone, Nicolás Maduro, an ordinary citizen.
03:07I have answered the questions that have been legally asked to me, I have not shunned any
03:11question from the judges and magistrates.
03:26In this historic contentious appeal abided by this Constitution before the electoral
03:30chamber, nine out of ten candidates have appeared and complied with the law.
03:38In this sense, dozens of workers, students and members of political and social organizations
03:43mobilized to the Supreme Court of Justice to support the victory of President Nicolás
03:48During the mobilization, participants from different parts of the country raised the
03:52flags and banners in support of the victory of the candidate of the great patriotic poll
03:57in the elections of July 28th.
04:00The sympathizers also rejected the actions of the Venezuelan extreme right wing that
04:05seek to promote violence and destabilize peace in the country.
04:12In Venezuela, the re-elected President Nicolás Maduro denounced that 83% of the alleged reports
04:19published by the far right are false, affirming that it is a strategy to stage a coup against
04:24the state.
04:26From the Miraflores Palace, the President stated that after a thorough analysis by experts
04:31who reviewed the webpage created by Edmundo González, it was concluded that most of the
04:37alleged minutes are actually false documents.
04:40The head of state also announced that he signed a document proposed by the National Telecommunications
04:46Commission of Venezuela to suspend the social network X for 10 days on the grounds that
04:51it is inciting a cybernetic coup led by the United States.
04:55Edmundo, traitor to the homeland, launched a website and the groups of experts and specialists
05:13who reviewed the so-called minutes that are not minutes have determined that 83% of what
05:18was published are false documents.
05:28So he does not recognize the Supreme Court.
05:31He does not recognize the Electoral Council.
05:33He does not recognize anyone because this is a coup against the state, against Venezuela.
05:39It is a fascist coup.
05:49And we have to denounce it, face it, and solidify the popular victory against the fascist coup
05:53that is being attempted in Venezuela.
06:03Let's take a short break.
06:04But remember you can join us on TikTok at Tele3 English where you will find news in
06:08different formats, news updates and more.
06:10We'll be right back, stay with us.
06:18Welcome back.
06:19Brazil government confirms that there were no survivors after a plane crashed in a residential
06:24area of Sao Paulo.
06:26This Friday around one o'clock in the afternoon, local time, an aircraft to the Boipas airline
06:32with at least 62 people on board crashed into a residential area in the locality of
06:38The fire brigade deployed an operation, some of them are already at the scene carrying
06:43out rescue works.
06:45Although the number of fatalities is not yet known, authorities say that the incident left
06:50no survivors.
06:59I have to be the bearer of some very bad news.
07:05I wanted everyone to remain in silence for a minute because a plane has just crashed
07:09in the city of Viñedo in Sao Paulo with 58 passengers and four crew members.
07:18And it seems that they all died.
07:20I want to ask for a minute's silence for the victims.
07:27Ecuador's government once again decreed a curfew in 20 localities hit by violence
07:31and insecurity provoked by criminals.
07:34President Daniel Novoa detailed that this measure exempts workers in strategic sectors
07:39such as health, security, communication, the judiciary and other public institutions.
07:44And also contemplates hourly restrictions on vehicle circulation during the established
07:50Novoa added that the government will continue to strengthen the fight against narco-terrorists
07:55and crime on all fronts.
08:02The Government of Colombia compensated over 330,000 victims of the armed conflict in the
08:08last two years.
08:09The Director of the Victims' Unit, Lilia Solano, assured that this was possible thanks
08:15to the allocation of resources and the implementation of specific actions to overcome the vulnerability
08:22of the victims.
08:23Solano added that the institution is working on various processes, including with ethnic
08:29peoples who have historically been the most affected by the violence of armed groups.
08:34On the other hand, the Colombian government included 125 collective subjects in the Unit
08:40for Victims with the objective of facilitating their access to preparation for damages to
08:47the community during the armed conflict.
09:17In Ecuador, firefighters continue to work to suffocate forest fires in the Rucupichincha,
09:34west of Quito.
09:35According to the fire brigade team, at least 62 personal and 17 vehicles are deployed at
09:42five specific points to protect as much vegetation as possible.
09:46They also pointed out that 14 members of the FONAC Water Protection Fund are collaborating
09:52in the incident due to the topographical conditions of the hillside and the winds which complicate
09:58the works.
09:59In this sense, the firemen assure that the location of the fire does not present a risk
10:05for the people and houses nearby.
10:07However, the flora and fauna are the ones that are in danger.
10:16The Government of Honduras reiterated its commitment to safeguarding the planet during
10:20the inauguration of the facilities of the 2nd Battalion of Environmental Protection.
10:25The Honduran President Xiomara Castro pointed out that the past governments carried out
10:29a coup against the environment by destroying at least 36,000 hectares of protected areas.
10:36Castro also recalled that during the government of former President Manuel Zelaya, environmental
10:41issues were prioritized with the involvement of the armed forces in this task.
10:47The facilities of the 2nd Battalion of Environmental Protection consist of three buildings and
10:53one parking lot and had a cost of 1,170,000 US dollars.
11:02In China, vehicles were swept away by constant downpours, disrupting the flood discharge
11:08system in the Shaanxi province.
11:11Social media reported that Shidan County recorded heavy rainfalls for several hours
11:15from Thursday evening to early Friday morning.
11:19Over 200 cars were flooded after downpours blocking roads and affecting the flood discharge
11:26The Ministry of Emergency Management assured that it has a four-level emergency response
11:31to the floods in the most impacted provinces.
11:38We have a second short break coming up, but before we invite you to visit our YouTube
11:42channel at Telesur English, there you'll be able to re-watch our interviews, top stories,
11:47special broadcasting and more.
11:48Hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell to stay up to date on the
11:53world's most recent events.
11:55Final short break, then go away.
12:08Welcome back to From the South.
12:23On Thursday, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees, UNRWA,
12:28reported that malnourished children rose by over 300% in July compared to May this year
12:35in northern Gaza.
12:36Indeed, the Global Nutrition Cluster and the Integrated Food Security Phase classification
12:42unfolded that 96% of the population in Gaza are starving to death.
12:47Meanwhile, UNRWA urged nations for both soaring their humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip and
12:53calling for an immediate ceasefire to defuse the dire crisis there.
13:03Also in Palestine, the Israeli occupation forces simultaneously launched shellings on
13:08the center, north and south of the Gaza Strip, killing civilians.
13:12Palestinian health authorities reported that Israeli airstrikes killed at least five civilians
13:17and left several wounded on the Nusayrat and Magwasi refugee camps in central Gaza.
13:22While in Canjunis and Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip, the occupation forces bombed a
13:27house claiming another three lives.
13:30Authorities claimed that dozens of victims remain under the rubble awaiting rescue teams.
13:38On Friday, United Nations Human Rights Spokesperson Jeremy Lawrence referred to the stance of the
13:44High Commissioner concerning the statements provided by Israeli Finance Minister Smotrych.
13:50The High Commissioner is shocked and appalled by the words of Minister Smotrych, according
13:58to whom letting two million Palestinians in Gaza starve to death could be justified
14:04and moral in order to free hostages.
14:08Such statements, especially by public officials, must cease immediately, they must be investigated,
14:16and if found to amount to a crime, must be prosecuted.
14:22In Syria, authorities report four military personnel wounded and material damage after
14:27a new Israeli attack on an ammunition depot in the province of Homs.
14:32The Syrian Ministry of Defence reported that the aggression was carried out near the Suchu
14:37Jerat airbase after missiles were fired by Israeli fighters flying over Lebanese airspace.
14:43According to military officials, Syrian air defence attempted to repel the attack and
14:47intercepted some shells from the Tel Aviv regime.
14:50The Syrian government claims that these aggressions constitute a violation of its sovereignty
14:55and international law.
15:02The United Nations Organization approved the first treaty against cybercrime after three
15:07years of negotiations.
15:09The text will be submitted for formal adoption to the United Nations General Assembly.
15:14The aim of the treaty is to combat cybercrime and to strengthen international cooperation
15:20in this field, especially in cases such as pedophilia and money laundering.
15:25In 2019, the United Nations General Assembly set up an intergovernmental committee to draft
15:30the legislation, despite opposition from several European countries and the United States.
15:36The United Nations considers cybercrime to be a constantly evolving form of transnational
15:56Russian troops expelled Ukrainian forces from the Kursk region.
16:00The Ministry of Defence reported over 900 KIEV military deaths from the attempted offensive.
16:06The Northern Troops and Reserves frustrated the attempts of the Ukrainian units on the
16:11Russian territory.
16:12According to the lately reports from Moscow, the total Ukrainian losses amounted to 945
16:19Only in the last hours, the Russian troops neutralized 280 servicemen loyal to KIEV.
16:25They further registered that 102 armoured vehicles, including 12 tanks, 17 armoured
16:32personnel carriers and 67 armoured vehicles, were destroyed.
16:37In this regard, during a meeting with members of his cabinet, President Vladimir Putin announced
16:41plans to meet with senior defence and security officials to address the issue.
16:49We will have to start with the events unfolding in the Kursk region.
16:59As you know, the KIEV regime has launched another large-scale provocation.
17:03It is firing indiscriminately with different types of weapons, including rockets at civilian
17:08buildings, residential houses and ambulances.
17:14The President of Kenya, William Ruto, appointed a new cabinet of ministers that includes several
17:19members of opposition parties, but the move fails to dampen protests on the streets nationwide.
17:25The police cordoned off some public roads as a provision for securing the ongoing sworn-in
17:30ceremony of the new cabinet.
17:32Since June, riots have been shaking the country and the executive's measures failed to lower
17:37the tensions on the streets.
17:39The target of protesters have been to abrogate a bill which would raise taxes by up to 16
17:45percent on basic consumer products.
17:47The government did not sign that bill, but popular discontent remained.
17:52And now President Ruto faces the worst crisis in his two years in office.
17:57Rioters shared their criteria on the country's situation.
18:01All we need is good governance.
18:06All we need is good governance.
18:07We've been calling out for good governance ever since.
18:10Right now you cannot go live on TikTok.
18:12You cannot go live on Instagram.
18:13They are all suspended.
18:14If you go live, they cut you off.
18:16If you're showing anything that shows the city, they cut you off.
18:19All my accounts have been suspended, and we are just asking for one simple thing, just
18:23good governance.
18:24We don't want them taking all our money and putting them in our pocket in offshore accounts.
18:28We want the money working for Kenyans.
18:30People are here crying for their rights.
18:32We need governance and accountability.
18:35And also another thing is allow young people to become who they want to be by not stealing
18:41from them, not looting from them, because one thing that I know is that this country
18:47can be run properly without looting of public funds.
18:53The government of Spain blamed the autonomous police of Catalonia for the escape of the
18:57former Catalan president Charles Puigdemont.
19:00Charles Puigdemont appeared this Thursday in Barcelona to give a brief speech in the
19:05context of the investiture of the socialist Salvador Illa as head of the autonomous government.
19:10In that context, the Ministry of Justice expressed that the local police were in charge of supervising
19:16the police operations during the investiture of Salvador Illa, and they failed to comply
19:21with the Supreme Court's order to arrest Puigdemont.
19:24For its part, the Supreme Court asked the Mossos d'Esquadra and the Ministry of the
19:29Interior for details on this failure.
19:49Let's have a look at the updated medal ranking of the Olympic Games in Paris.
19:54The United States leads with 33 gold and a total of 111 medals.
19:59China is now in second place with 33 gold and a total of 83.
20:04And Australia is in third place with 18 gold out of 48 total.
20:09As far as Latin American and Caribbean countries, Brazil continues leading in the 17th spot
20:14with 3 gold and 18 medals in total, followed by Chile with 1 gold in 31st place.
20:25We have come to the end of this news brief, but you can find this and many other stories
20:29on our website at www.telesurenglish.net and join us on social media, Facebook, Instagram,
20:35Instagram, Telegram and TikTok as well.
20:37For TELUS Sur English, I'm Alejandra Garcia, thank you for watching.
