Fire Emblem Three Houses - Leonie and Felix

  • 3 months ago
00:05If you don't have any business here go away you're bothering me
00:12Finally spotted me. Did you what do you want?
00:18They say you're the best I wanted to see your training with my own eyes
00:24Spying on people. Is that a hobby of yours?
00:27I hope you got your fill
00:29Enough to see how to beat you at least
00:32You think you can beat me
00:35That's right see I was trained by gerald yes
00:42So, you know
00:45I heard he was your teacher
00:48Perhaps we should test you see how much of your training sank in i'm ready if you are
00:56Okay, i'll give you a chance
00:59Sounds good. When?
01:02I'll let you know in the meantime practice
01:06I won't go easy on you
01:08Oh, don't worry. I'll be ready
01:12This will be fun
01:28Sorry to keep you waiting
01:31How long did you expect me to stand here
01:34I did just say sorry, but I could say the same to you
01:38You were pretty slow to settle on a time
01:41I can't help having a busy schedule
01:43Plus, I thought you could use the extra time to prepare
01:46We could go back and forth like this all day or we could get started
01:52You were the one who kept me waiting let's begin on my signal
01:58Hurry up
02:03That's better, okay go let's see what you
02:12A pit trap, that's right. How you feeling down there coward?
02:21Say what you want, but captain gerald taught me this one
02:26You're heavier than you look
02:28I'll admit I wasn't expecting that
02:31If this were for real, you'd be dead. Aren't you glad I put straw down there instead of spikes?
02:38I underestimated you
02:40I suppose your lateness was a ploy to distract me
02:44You're not wrong. I did it to rile you up draw you in
02:48You're capable confident. I was counting on that
02:52So what do you think about captain gerald's training now?
02:55His technique worked and you won. What else is there to say?
02:59Winning is all that matters
03:01You drew my attention to a major vulnerability
03:03I'll need to be wary of traps
03:06Thank you leone
03:07Seeing as you're thanking me. Can I ask you a favor?
03:11Will you come watch my next training session? I'd like a few pointers about fighting in close quarters
03:16The loser must pay tribute I suppose
03:19Yes, i'll help you train
03:21You will thanks
03:36And that's how it's done
03:40Good to know there are so many differences between bows and blades
03:45Yes, you're a quick learner leone and quite a good teacher as well
03:50Must be captain gerald's influence
03:52The weather the terrain the enemy's feelings you have to find ways to make it all work for you
03:58I agree a warrior can't stick too closely to predefined tactics
04:03That's quite shrewd you're impressive for a girl
04:07For a girl, come on, you're past that
04:10Looking down on your opponent is a great way to fall into a pit trap, isn't it?
04:14I suppose that's true
04:18Glad you remember
04:21I still have much to learn not only about sword play but also about thinking on my feet
04:27I hope to learn more from you leone
04:30I count on it. We'll come up with plenty of new ideas if we work together. Guess that means we're partners, doesn't it?
04:38We're what
04:41Partners friends who help each other improve
04:45Partners that's not bad
04:48Not at all looking forward to working with you partner
04:51likewise partner
