Fire Emblem Three Houses - Ashe and Ingrid

  • 2 months ago
Book nerds hanging out.
00:00Hi there, Ashe.
00:07Here to do some reading as well, I take it?
00:12Uh, Ashe?
00:15Ah, Ingrit!
00:18You gave me a start.
00:19How long have you been standing there?
00:21Not too long.
00:22Apologies for startling you.
00:25Must be a great book for you to be so deeply engrossed in it.
00:28What has you so captivated?
00:30Oh, uh, it's quite an old book.
00:32One of the really old legends of Fargus.
00:36It must be the Sword of Qython, then, yes?
00:38Oh, so you know it?
00:41Oh, yes.
00:43I know it quite well.
00:44I read it often as a child.
00:47In fact, I read it so much that my personal copy fell apart.
00:50I brought it everywhere with me.
00:52I adore that book.
00:54The Tale of the Warrior Qython.
00:56His devotion and loyalty enabled his best friend, Lugh, to become king.
01:01He went to great lengths to see things through.
01:05I love the image of him charging forward into the fray, ready to take on any obstacle in
01:10the name of his king.
01:13He was the very picture of the perfect knight.
01:15In my opinion, the best chapter is right around the middle of the book.
01:19Ah, the part about the War of the Eagle and Lion?
01:22That's my favorite part!
01:24In a flash, Qython's sword flew from its scabbard.
01:27The knight parried the assassin's blade mere inches from the spine of his king.
01:31Qython's blade hummed like the wind, slashing the enemy's throat.
01:35In mere moments, their forces lay vanquished, decimated by his mighty blows.
01:42I can recite the entirety of it if you like.
01:45I never grow weary of that tale.
01:47The pinnacle of knighthood, with all its struggles and glory.
01:51I know just what you mean.
01:53I never get tired of it.
01:55Some people laugh at me for reading these old tales, but I'll never outgrow them.
01:59I'm glad to find someone who shares my enthusiasm.
02:03I'm glad of it as well.
02:06Tell me, what other books do you enjoy, Ashe?
02:09Well, the first one I ever read was Lugh and the Maiden of Wind.
02:13Ah, you have fantastic taste!
02:16That story is another favorite.
02:18The final chapter makes me tear up every time.
02:22I know!
02:23When I first read it, I just couldn't get that ending out of my head.
02:26It seems we have much in common.
02:29I look forward to chatting again sometime.
02:31I'd love to.
02:32Yes, let's!
02:46Do you know this legend, Ingrid?
02:48It's about the Battle of Fodlan's Throat.
02:51Oh yes!
02:52I know it like the hilt of my sword.
02:55With so many valiant knights appearing in this story, I couldn't help but wonder which
02:59was your favorite.
03:00I really like this one, the one in the middle, the knight who stands in defense of the duke.
03:06Such a wonderful knight.
03:08One of my favorites as well.
03:10That makes sense.
03:11He's so noble and virtuous.
03:13In fact, he kind of reminds me of you.
03:18Thank you.
03:20You remind me of him as well.
03:22You are honest, as is he.
03:24Uh, no, I'm nowhere near as great.
03:28Maybe someday.
03:30Maybe if we work hard together, we can both become knights as glorious as the one in this
03:36Together, yes!
03:37Now wouldn't that be something?
03:41If only we could.
03:47The legends are exactly that.
03:51They're not indicative of real life.
03:53The cards we are dealt are what they are.
03:56We can work with what we have, but we can't change what's in our hand.
04:00What's that supposed to mean?
04:03I long to serve his highness as a knight.
04:06The sort of knight that legends are written about.
04:09But I was born bearing a crest, and with that comes responsibility.
04:14Whether I like it or not, I am the last hope of House Galatea.
04:18I am the only one who can carry on the family bloodline, and restore our lost fortune.
04:24To do that means setting aside my own dreams and ambitions.
04:28You still have the right to pursue your dreams.
04:32Ashe, I must ask something of you.
04:36Yes, of course, anything.
04:39My dream is aligned with your own.
04:43Please, for both of us, promise to see yours through.
04:46That doesn't seem fair.
04:50I'll never be able to see my dream through.
04:52Doing so would mean terrible misfortune for others.
04:57So, I am bound by honor not to follow through on my own dream.
05:02But, I can help you achieve yours.
05:06Come on, this isn't like you at all.
05:09Please, don't smile when your eyes are so sad.
05:25There you are, Ingrid.
05:29Whoa, uh, hi Ashe.
05:31You seem excited.
05:32What's that you're holding?
05:34A book I found in town.
05:36I bought it for you.
05:38For me?
05:39Ashe, this looks very costly.
05:42Antique books like this are never cheap.
05:45Wow, the cover is stunning, and the binding is still in fantastic condition.
05:51I drove a hard bargain.
05:53Still, I'll probably have to cut back on my spending for a while.
05:57Why did you go to so much trouble?
06:00It wasn't easy, but as soon as I came across this legend, I knew you had to read it too.
06:06Well then, I will read it.
06:09Oh, the knight on the cover looks striking.
06:11Fascinating, right?
06:13I was captivated from the moment I laid eyes on the cover.
06:16There's an aura of stoicism intermingled with beauty, even amid a gruesome battle.
06:22Wait, looking closer at the face, this knight is a woman!
06:29Yes, and she was a real historical figure.
06:32She was born into a noble family and bore a crest,
06:36but she was accepted into the king's service as a knight.
06:39She fought in many battles at her king's side, serving him all her life as his right hand.
06:45Oh, sorry, I've said too much.
06:47I didn't mean to spoil the story for you.
06:50I'm just so excited.
06:52I hope you enjoy it too.
06:54Thank you for the encouragement, Ashe.
06:58Living as a knight is certainly not an easy task.
07:01I know it will mean much pain, strife, and heartache.
07:05But I still want to pursue that dream.
07:08Talking to you has reminded me, I'm not the type who gives up easily.
07:14That's the Ingrid I know.
07:17So to start, I'm going to read this book.
07:21When you're finished and freshly inspired, we'll talk about becoming knights.
07:25Not the ones in stories, either.
07:27The real thing!
07:29I look forward to it, Ashe.
07:35I look forward to it, Ashe.
