Wrestle Talk with Arabbidb3aver Welcomes The Notorious Storm!

  • 2 months ago
Today on Wrestle Talk with Arabbidb3aver our esteemed Guest The Notorious Storm is here and talking wrestling, getting booked the Indies how to make more money and so much more! stick around and get slammed, and lets have a good Wrestle Talk with Arabbidb3aver
01:10Ah, good evening and welcome talk to, welcome to WrestleTalk with Rab Beaver.
01:19I'm your host, the elusive Rab Beaver.
01:20Hope you guys are having a wonderful day out there in the world of wrestling.
01:23And today we have a very special guest with us.
01:25The Notorious Storm will be joining us and without further ado, let's
01:30just jump right in with him.
01:32Notorious Storm.
01:33How are you doing today, sir?
01:35Doing all right.
01:35How are you?
01:36I'm doing very, very, very welcome.
01:38I would like to welcome you, my esteemed guest, the Notorious Storm for taking the
01:42time out of your busy schedule to be here with me today.
01:44My fans and myself have some questions for you today.
01:46Are you ready for them?
01:47I'm ready to go whenever you are.
01:49All right.
01:50If it's okay with you, let's talk about how you broke into wrestling.
01:53What drew you to the sport and who was your biggest influence getting involved in it?
01:58So, um, what drew me into the sport was, um, I'm originally from north central
02:04Illinois, a little small town called Amboy.
02:07And, uh, up there we had Windy City Pro Wrestling and during one of the fairs,
02:11they came to the town and, uh, um, put on a show and I was like, man, I was
02:16just so captivated by, by all of that.
02:19Um, and then I grew up with my grandpa's constantly watching AWA and NWA, um,
02:26every Saturday morning and just yelling and screaming at the TV.
02:29So that kind of, uh, that kind of really pushed me into it.
02:32I kind of always knew that, uh, I wanted to be a professional wrestler.
02:37And the day that I turned 18, um, I was still in high school.
02:41Um, but the day I turned 18, I went and I joined Windy City Pro Wrestling.
02:46Uh, I drove two and a half hours to Chicago every Friday, uh, so the
02:49school got done and I would get my teeth kicked in pretty much every, every
02:54weekend, um, by, uh, guys like, uh, Steve Boz and, uh, uh, just a whole bunch.
03:01Um, Christopher Daniels had just graduated, uh, from, from Windy City
03:06Pro Wrestling at the time, but he was still like randomly come back.
03:09Um, a whole slew of guys that were up there, um, set up the ring, train,
03:15get my butt kicked every weekend, and then come back to high school and
03:19turn around and go back to, uh, all over Chicago, Indiana, uh, Southern
03:24Wisconsin, all that stuff.
03:26So that's how I got into the business.
03:28Well, I know you worked in Florida for many years and you took some time off.
03:31What was, uh, your leading desire to get back into the
03:33world of professional wrestling?
03:35So, um, when I, uh, I had, I had a small injury where I, uh, I slightly
03:43tore my, my trap on the right hand side.
03:45Um, that kind of put me out of the business for a little while.
03:48And I needed to, um, uh, while I was healing, I needed a job and I ended up
03:54as a television news reporter, uh, for several years and was traveling
03:58around the country doing that.
03:59Um, every three years, it kind of like just push you to a
04:02different, uh, television news station.
04:04Um, during that time, I, I gained some weight and, uh, just the last several
04:08years, I, uh, got back into shape.
04:10I'm in actually better shape now than when I was, when I was in Florida.
04:13And, uh, one of my buddies saw one of my pictures that's still in wrestling.
04:17It was like, you need to get your butt back in the ring and give it another go.
04:21He's like, you're looking great.
04:22So go ahead and give it another shot.
04:23And, uh, I went down to Orlando, did a, um, kind of like a trial run thing
04:28down there to figure out if I could still do it or not, I did.
04:31Uh, then I went back up North and did a full show, um, where, um, being in
04:38front of an audience again, kind of like really, really gave me that bug.
04:41So that's what, that's what really re-sparked it.
04:44So I had no idea that you worked in news and broadcasting.
04:47So I was a part of a CW syndicate at one point in time, and we did
04:51church shows all around the country.
04:53They would send us every three months, different church syndicates
04:55to record their broadcast, get it set out and do it.
04:58And that's actually what kind of got me into the world of wrestling is
05:01because, uh, one, one of the syndicates that we were in, which was in Nashville,
05:05Tennessee, which was saw USWO, uh, they were looking for a television
05:10station to put themselves on at the time.
05:11And it ended up being a CW syndicate, but it was owned
05:14by Fox at that point in time.
05:16And, um, it just kind of sort of happened.
05:19It was just one of those things like we need television and we're looking
05:23for it and it just bounced in there.
05:25You know, being behind the scenes into the, the production and audio
05:29production and video production side of it, and then also being in front
05:32of the camera when you have to be in front of the camera, say stuff,
05:35it builds character inside of you.
05:37Uh, so, you know, that's really cool.
05:39I didn't, I had no idea that that was a part of your life at that point in time.
05:42And, and thank God, because when you cut promos or anything now, you're
05:46so used to being in front of the camera that it's just natural for you.
05:50So it may be, I will say that my comfortability in front of the
05:53camera, um, really engaged and it was a lot easier.
05:57It was different because I wasn't like the, I didn't cut a whole lot
06:01from what was beforehand, but like, I was always okay being in front of a
06:04crowd because you can hear people at like, yeah, that kind of like the
06:07expectation of hearing something when you're doing it, when you're in a
06:10broadcast studio doing news, it is dead silent and absolutely.
06:16So that is so different because like, you're wanting to like, hear
06:21get some kind of notoriety out of what you're saying, but it's, nobody's
06:24allowed to say anything over the long talk.
06:26So that took some getting used to, but I would say that my being more
06:31comfortable on camera has definitely come out with that.
06:34So it was a blessing in disguise.
06:36And it's a great thing though.
06:38Let's move on a little bit.
06:39Who would you say is your biggest competition currently?
06:42And who would you consider to be your biggest rivalry to date?
06:47Ah, that's, that's a, that's a tough one because I mean, I'm just,
06:52I I'm new to the Tennessee scene, so, um, I haven't really been, I mean,
06:58I've pretty much beaten everybody that I've gone against so far.
07:03So, uh, as far as like rivalry, I don't think I really have it, um, yet.
07:07And honestly, for this, for this go around, I'm, I'm really pushing
07:12myself forward a little bit more this time, but I'm really like looking
07:16out for me a little bit more, um, when it comes to like calling matches
07:20and, and, uh, and how I'm doing things.
07:22Um, before I was just kind of that guy that helped get everybody
07:26over, which is, which is good.
07:28I mean, that's, that's a, that's a reasonable spot to be in.
07:31Um, but I wasn't getting better and this time I'm really, I'm really
07:35challenging myself to get better and really push myself and, uh, to push
07:39myself out of my own comfort zone and do things that I haven't done before.
07:43Well, let's talk about that for a second before we move on.
07:45So you said that you were the guy that was putting a lot of people over.
07:48Do you have any words of wisdom or advice for those that are young
07:51inside the business that they're stuck inside that spot and they don't
07:55know how to move on and move up?
07:56What would you say to them to help them better themselves and educate
08:00themselves to get to the next level?
08:02I think the biggest thing with that is, is definitely challenging yourself
08:06and not getting stuck in the same.
08:09You have your three, four or five move set that you're, you know,
08:13like I have to hit these things.
08:14Like, no, you don't, you don't have to hit anything.
08:17Um, some, some of these guys, you know, they, they come out of a training
08:21school and, and they think that they've got, obviously everybody wants to get
08:25the, once they get that graduation, that, that kiss of blessing and saying
08:29like, oh yeah, you can go out and get your own bookings now, everything.
08:32So they know everything.
08:33And, uh, I, myself was the exact same way, but in reality, it's,
08:38it's all learning point.
08:40And when it comes to these younger guys, I say, I've gone through, I've
08:46gone through like four different, five different trainers, um, not gone
08:50through them, but like spent time with them and really like went through
08:53their, their developmental program.
08:56And like, like there are things because it's, you're always
08:59learning something different.
09:00And get a good, get a good group of guys to ride with.
09:05That's kind of a big thing to guys that are going to rip your badge
09:09apart when you're driving home.
09:11Um, Scott Hall for, so when I was in, when I was in Orlando, I somehow
09:19fell into a house where I was actually able to live with Larry Zabisco
09:22and Scott Hall, um, and Santana Garrett, uh, as well.
09:26So we were kind of like a little, like a, I always call it somewhat
09:30WWE house kind of thing because it was, you know, former legends and stuff.
09:34They were ripped my badge apart.
09:37As soon as we left the building all the way back to Orlando, wherever it was
09:40that we were going, just absolutely tear it apart.
09:42And as soon as we got into the house, um, we would plug in the camera and
09:46we'd, we'd watch it again on TV.
09:48And they, you know, they'd break down.
09:50This is exactly what you did wrong.
09:51Um, so having, having that kind of stuff there now, if you have somebody
09:56that's equally your level and they're ripping you apart, that's kind of like,
10:00all right, like, like he, maybe you don't know what you're
10:03talking about, kind of mentality.
10:05Um, it's good for dad to have a second set of eyes, but ride with people
10:09that you trust and, and can get out there.
10:12And then with that, you'll, you'll be amazed at how many guys will actually
10:16like, just start making those guys in the same car work each other.
10:19Just kind of like how they did in the back in the old days, because they have
10:23more time to talk about what they want to do and certain things with that.
10:27And you just get better matches all around.
10:29And it builds better chemistry inside the ring and outside the ring.
10:32You, you, your chemistry will actually start to show to a fan base and the
10:36fans respond differently when you have that chemistry.
10:39So that's a big, big thing.
10:41Uh, I've noticed that from running the roads with some people too, you know,
10:44is once you start talking and once you actually have that chemistry with
10:48somebody and that person trusts you and you trust them and you know, you're
10:51not going to hurt each other or intentionally hurt each other because
10:54accidents happen, we all know that accidents happen, uh, but you're not
10:57going to intentionally hurt each other.
10:59Your matches just start to flow and they start looking better.
11:02Everything starts zooming better and it starts, uh, moving into what we call
11:07the social media world where your matches will start getting put out
11:10there by people in social media.
11:11And let's talk about that for a little bit.
11:14Uh, you know, so with all the changes coming in the wrestling world, have
11:17you noticed a huge need, uh, for social media presence and a following in order
11:22to get your bookings and everything now?
11:24Um, I think that it's, it's definitely a key factor.
11:27Uh, it's not like it was back in the nineties and early two thousands where
11:32you could throw your match up on YouTube and your match would speak for itself.
11:35And right.
11:36Watch that and go like you, when you look at the WWE website now, um, when
11:41you're trying to fill out their job application, which is basically all
11:43that it is, what I'm like, um, the second or third scroll down, it's
11:48what's your social media presence.
11:49And unless you have that, and it's, it's good for them to, to have that, because
11:52that shows them that you're marketable.
11:55Um, people are already engaging with you.
11:57People are already liking you.
11:58So it's not taking, it's not going to take them, you know, a whole nother eight
12:03months or a year of training you to become this charismatic person to be
12:06able to talk, um, and to get people to like you.
12:09So I think it's key, especially if you want to really move up.
12:13Um, the way that I'm looking at it now is, um, it's, it's, it's, it's
12:17um, the way that I'm looking at it now is, um, as I'm, as my following is
12:24growing, taking it to the other promoters, uh, trying to branch out, you
12:29know, not so much regionally, but even nationally and be like, look, uh, not
12:34only are you booking me, but you know, I'm going to put your stuff on my page.
12:38So now you're, your stuff's going to get seen by X amount of people, depending
12:41on how many of our followers I have on whatever social media brand, right?
12:46So as a professional wrestler nowadays, to be able to move up, I feel like you
12:50have to bring more to the table now than what you used to, um, because your
12:54skill isn't just all they care about anymore.
12:57Well, it's not only not your skill that they care about anymore, but
13:00it's not about who, you know, it's about who you are now versus who, you know.
13:04And that makes a big difference.
13:06I think in my mind, in the business for looking at people and trying to find
13:09people and, you know, we, we, we do, we do wrestle talk with the rabid beaver
13:13all over, we travel all the time.
13:14We try to put videos out of people and get them noticed and get them seen and
13:18try to make sure that they are getting the best footage that they can get with
13:21the best moves that they can get in the best sets that they can get so that they
13:25can get that social presence.
13:27Cause there's a lot of people in the Indies that deserve to move to that next
13:30level, but because they don't have any media presence, any social media
13:34presence, there's nobody following them.
13:37And, uh, I think that's one of the biggest things that needs to be
13:40addressed inside the Indies and thank God, you know, for the national
13:44wrestling Alliance, thank God for SPCW.
13:47Thank God for people that are like that, that are actually trying school of
13:50Morton that are trying to get their people noticed that are trying to get a
13:53presence in the business and trying to move through, uh, speaking of social
13:57media, for those of you out here wanting to follow you and learn more about you
14:01and support you, what's the best way to do so.
14:03Uh, so the quickest way is to find me on Facebook and message me there.
14:08It is just notorious storm, uh, on, on Facebook and then, uh, YouTube, um,
14:14official notorious storm and then, uh, Instagram is a storm.notorious.
14:19So I'm very active on all three.
14:22I'm constantly reengaging with, with content, uh, creators and, uh,
14:27over comments and stuff like that.
14:28I'm, I'm on it pretty quick.
14:30Yeah, I can attest to that.
14:31We've reached out to him several times and he's got back to us immediately or
14:35within a few hours of us messaging him.
14:37Um, on your YouTube, you recently had two videos that really caught my eye.
14:42The first was about how to get booked at shows you're not scheduled for.
14:45And the second is, um, is a catch of your bookings that re uh, that
14:50recent place that you took off at.
14:52So for the first one, how important is it to get somewhere early, help set up,
14:58um, stay late, help tear down and to work the show, even if it's only as a
15:03cameraman, security detail or what have you.
15:07Uh, it's, it's super important because that's where you, um, that's where you
15:11talk, that's where, that's where you get to meet the promoter and that's where
15:15you get to, um, you do lots of, it's, it's, it's so important.
15:20Um, I, I just said this in my last video, when it comes to setting up
15:24the ring, um, especially now that I'm a little bit older and I've, I've
15:27wrestled in everything from the IWA Mid-South ring to crappy 14-foot
15:32rings, to wooden rings, to high spots, rings, to, uh, recently retired WWE
15:37rings, setting up the ring shows you a lot.
15:41Um, so for a safety standpoint, it's, it's kind of a big factor because
15:46you get to see where the boards are at, what kind of padding you're landing
15:49on, if there's different soft spots that are in the padding.
15:53Um, if there's, if there's a shift in the boards where it doesn't go over
15:59top of the ring, sort of things like that, that one, the canvas and everything
16:03is set up and when you just get to the ring and you don't expect that stuff
16:06to be there, you take that step or you can try and take that bump on that
16:10apron, all of a sudden there's steel.
16:12So there's, you know, there's a whole lot of injury and stuff there.
16:14Now, I understand that as a professional, like you're expecting
16:16the ring to be to a certain standard.
16:18That's not how it is on the indies and everybody who is, who is a seasoned
16:22indie, I don't want to say veteran, but an indie wrestler should know
16:26that each ring is different, depending on how it's stored and how well it's
16:31taken care of throughout the years, because rings get torn apart pretty
16:35quick and lots of promoters don't replace padding partially because of
16:39cost or like getting, just getting the parts to be able to do so is
16:42kind of a pain in the butt too.
16:43But, so yeah, it's like the safety standpoint, the being able to network,
16:47to be able to talk to the promoter, to be able to meet the guys, all that.
16:53And then afterwards, I feel like I've been kind of bringing this back here and
16:57here in Tennessee, because it doesn't seem like a whole lot of guys do that,
16:59but like go get dinner with some of the guys after the show, everyone's
17:03always hungry anyway, so I've been very big about like, Hey, talking to some
17:10different people, like, Hey, you gotta go grab some food as we're, as we're
17:13driving home, network that way too.
17:15Several guys have said yes.
17:18Other people have politely said, have politely said no, but wanted to do it,
17:22you know, in the future date.
17:23So it's been, it's kind of a key point there too, because you just never know
17:27where, where some of these guys are working and where they're going to go next.
17:30And you don't know if they're gonna be able to take you to the next, to the
17:33next show and, and all that stuff.
17:35I got SPCW literally just because of networking and just
17:41reaching out and messaging.
17:42Like it was the, that, that episode where I was getting booked on a show.
17:48I wasn't booked on, um, was 100% legit.
17:53I had reached out to the promoter.
17:55I asked him when, uh, when they were setting up the ring and that was pretty
17:59much it, let him know that I was going to be there and help out.
18:02I got there.
18:04I, uh, helped him set up, got to do some stuff the whole time.
18:08I mean, the promoter's in there talking about experiences and
18:11training and like all that stuff.
18:12And the next thing you know, he's like, well, I want to see you kind of in the
18:15ring and then I was talking, sorry, I got in and I ran and I bumped around a
18:21little bit and he's like, okay, did you bring your gear?
18:23I was like, of course I brought my gear.
18:24And he's like, well, go get it.
18:26You'll, you'll be in the rumble.
18:27And I, I, it wasn't a big spot.
18:29I didn't get paid for that, uh, that show.
18:32Um, but what it did do was it led to the following night in Newton, Tennessee,
18:37where I did two more matches and, uh, I got a pretty decent payday
18:43that night, um, for, for doing that.
18:45Well, it's all about making connections and improving to the bookers and the
18:49owners that you're a worker and you'll be willing to do the dirty work in order
18:53to succeed, and it gives you the references in the future, uh, for just
18:57an in-case moment, uh, per the second video, how important is it to market
19:03yourself and get your name out there?
19:05Even with what most consider to be outlaw or indie promotions
19:09to help you in the future.
19:12Uh, it's super important, especially if you're in, if you're on the
19:14independent circuit, I mean, marketing is all you got and pushing
19:17in and you are all you've got.
19:20Unless you're going to spend, you know, $20,000 a year on somewhat of an agent
19:25that might be able to get you like one or two bookings a year, like it's
19:28just, you are all that you have.
19:31So reaching out to everybody is key.
19:34Well, let's, let's hold it there for a second.
19:35Cause there's a lot of people who have managers inside the industry, but a
19:39lot of their managers don't know how to manage, they don't know what they're
19:42doing, they're just kind of throwing it around and getting people $15,
19:45a handshake and a hot dog.
19:47You know what I mean?
19:48So I'm not trying to be hateful or rude, but you want to be in this
19:52business, not only to be the best, to be the champion, to be the one that's
19:56going to succeed, but you're going to be in this business to make money as well.
20:00You don't want to do every show for free.
20:03There are going to be times where you have to, uh, but you don't
20:06want to do every show for free.
20:07Can you speak on that for just a moment?
20:09I mean, it's once again, like if, if WWE calls, are they going to call your
20:15manager, are they going to call you?
20:17And who's going to answer?
20:18Like, and if they call you and all of a sudden your manager is like, well, I
20:22want to work this deal out for them.
20:23They're going to hang up and there goes your shot.
20:25And there goes, you know, everything.
20:27Not even just, not even just, I mean, WWE is kind of outlandish, but if Al
20:35Snow, one of Al Snow's dudes from OVW called and said, Hey, you know, we were
20:40doing a run in such and such town.
20:42Come on up.
20:44They're not going to want to talk to whoever you are.
20:46You, you yourself are an independent contractor and supposed to really push
20:51yourself out there and really do the legwork.
20:56If you're, if you're not willing to do the legwork for yourself, why are we
20:58going to bring you in to, to wrestle for us and try to, you know, put, put more,
21:05put a stable on you and, or even give you a belt and for you to lead us.
21:09And see, this, this isn't a hit to anybody.
21:11That's got a manager out there in the indie world.
21:13Sometimes that's necessary.
21:15You know, um, uh, dr.
21:16Tom talked to us and treated us very well when we were in his classes and in his
21:21school, and he always told us, if you can talk, you're always going to have a job.
21:26If you can wrestle, you're always going to have a job, but if you can do, or if
21:30you wrestle, you'll have a job for a short time, if you can talk, you'll have
21:32a job for a short time, but if you can do both, you're always going to have a job
21:35because there's always a need for it somewhere and being a manager or being
21:39somebody that's in that position of supposed power with another wrestler is,
21:45is kind of a disadvantage in a way, because like you said, if they're talking
21:49for you all the time and you're not known, you don't have the presence.
21:52You don't have anybody.
21:53It's a real turnoff to a lot of industries.
21:55It's a real turnoff to a lot of independent wrestling companies, unless
21:59they're able to book you all together to make it work, go ahead.
22:03I'm sorry.
22:03I didn't mean to cut you off.
22:05And just to add to that point, I mean, we need to be real on some of this stuff.
22:08The indies is it's a cutthroat industry when it comes to that stuff.
22:14So like you have to really put your trust, like your true trust in that
22:19person that they're not screwing you over.
22:20I mean, like, that's just what happens.
22:23Some guys, you know, say, say you, there is a manager out there that, you
22:27know, started to get some notoriety and started, you know, getting guys some
22:32actual money while if I'm getting a hundred dollars, how much is he actually
22:37getting, you know, all of this?
22:39Like, like, where's, where's the truth at all in all of this?
22:42Because, you know, just like anybody else does, it's an envelope with cash.
22:45That's, that's pretty much all that's right.
22:47Handshake envelope with cash and hope to see you some other time.
22:51There's no, there's no contracts.
22:52There's no talking, there's no money, that stuff.
22:54Um, yeah, I just, I personally, not that I thought that it was like my best
23:00friend, you know, I got my trust in it even a little bit, but like, it's just
23:03not, that's not supposed to be how it, how it is, you know, like we should be
23:07working together, like, Hey, if he's my manager or my, my ringside manager of
23:12LA or whatever you want to call it.
23:15Um, I'm going to obviously get him booked because I'm booked.
23:18But like, other than that, you know, he's going to, he's going to do his
23:22own thing to make his own money.
23:24I'm going to do my thing, make my money.
23:26And then we're going to, you know, go off into the sunset together that way.
23:29And there's no problem with working together with someone as your manager
23:33or no problem whatsoever, working together with somebody as a valet at all.
23:37It's just how you present yourself to the bookers, to the promoters, to these
23:42people and how you present yourself as far as what you need in order to survive
23:47for that night, uh, in order to do it.
23:49And we talked about it earlier.
23:50Sometimes you're going to have to take some bookings for free.
23:53You're just going to have to, it's going to happen.
23:55But what eventually happens is you become a good worker in one territory
24:00and that territory, that promoter will put you out to other territories.
24:04Vince McMahon was kind of the master of it.
24:05The original Vince McMahon, Vince McMahon senior was the master of it.
24:09You know, I've heard a lot of stories.
24:10I didn't get a chance to meet him, but, uh, one of the things that he did while
24:14the territory system was actually up and running was he said, Hey, you know,
24:18he would call AWA or NWA and say, Hey, I need chief Jay Strongbow for three
24:22weeks, but in return on the backside, I'm going to give you Andre the giant
24:25for three weeks so that you can have a sellout while we have a sellout, you
24:29know, and working hand in hand with promoters like that goes a long way.
24:33As long as you're willing to tell them yes.
24:34And you're willing to do something.
24:36And even if you've got a manager or a valet, uh, the road
24:39warriors, great example of this.
24:41Precious Paul took them everywhere.
24:43Did everything with them, learned how to book them, learned how to make sure
24:46that he was managing their finances, learned everything to a T to take care
24:50of them, but it was a package deal.
24:52They knew when they brought in Hawk and animal precious, Paul, wasn't far
24:56behind, even if he was just behind the scenes at the show, never got to be
25:00seen, he was always there with them, making sure that they were taken care of.
25:04And I believe in that.
25:05I really do.
25:06Uh, do you have any thoughts on that?
25:08No, I mean, um, I mean, that's all, that's all very, very true.
25:11One of the things that, uh, that kind of popped in my head, especially in the
25:14indies is you also have to understand though, is because of how cutthroat it
25:20is and because of how tight money is in some of these promotions, that just
25:24because you are somebody who's manager, it doesn't mean that you're going to
25:27get to ride that coattails that you do with everything else.
25:32And, and also I've witnessed this with, with some of my friends who
25:35have gone up to the higher levels.
25:38You get left, you get left in the dust, you know, like it doesn't
25:41matter how, how much you guys work together and all this other stuff.
25:45Like, um, they might put in a good word for you and you can, you know, you
25:49can take them on their board for that, but that doesn't mean that they're
25:52going to bring you up with them.
25:54And, and that's kind of something too, that you always have to kind of keep in
25:57your mind, um, not, not as big on anybody or anything like that.
26:01Um, but I've even also heard about managers going up and the rest of us.
26:05Yes, it happens both ways.
26:07It happens both ways.
26:08It's not just a one way street when that happens.
26:10Um, a great example of this was Chris Candido, right?
26:14Well, he didn't know Tammy stitch for a long time.
26:16And then he got involved with Tammy stitch and brought her up to the level
26:19that he was at and made it made her an asset for him.
26:22Uh, but in the same return, whenever Chris Candido died, I hate to say that,
26:27but whenever he had his accident and he died, um, Tammy stitch
26:31went down the opposite way.
26:32She couldn't bring nobody up with her.
26:34She couldn't hold anybody up.
26:35And of course they were involved with one another and that just happens.
26:38And I'm not trying to throw names out there.
26:40Saying in general, there's times where that happens inside the industry and
26:43you have to know when you're at your peak and when to leave sometimes
26:47versus letting it go to become a bad spot for you.
26:51So you don't become one of those people that are on vice or on something like that.
26:56Do you have any thoughts on that?
26:58I mean, the thing is, is with that, it's, it's kind of a double
27:03edged sword about, you know, there's, I'm sure there's times where they
27:09want to give it up, you know, the, the travel, the, the, all that stuff.
27:13But it's in your blood.
27:14But you say, yeah, you have the roar of the crowd, which is a huge thing,
27:18especially when you're working in front of a large audience.
27:21Um, and then the money, obviously when you're on that level, the money is.
27:26Definitely a huge driver going from a certain lifestyle down to, I don't
27:32know when my next, um, to also, you know, contractual issues of like,
27:40oh, can I quit right now?
27:42I can't say another three years on this, on this deal.
27:44Um, or just kind of like, um, dragging it out and like when we see edge did,
27:52you know, I mean, he went, he went out as long as he could now he's broke his
27:57leg, right.
28:00Um, so maybe, maybe he's even thinking, I love edge and I love him as a performer.
28:05Um, but maybe now he's actually thinking that like, okay, I am, you know, upper
28:11fifties, I should definitely, uh, start, start reeling this back in a little bit
28:16and start maybe taking more of a coaching role instead of, uh, instead of a, uh,
28:21working role.
28:23Well, absolutely.
28:24So, um, I want to ask you about your bookings.
28:27I want to know where your next bookings are taking place for all the fans that
28:30are out there who would love to see you in action.
28:32So, um, August is kind of a different month for me.
28:38Um, August 10th, I am doing a, uh, OVW tryout.
28:43Um, and then, um, it is the, the 31st.
28:51I'm actually going to be a backup in Illinois doing a, uh,
28:54recovery union show up there.
28:56It's gonna be, it's gonna be a lot of fun.
28:57And then, uh, I believe the 24th, I'm going to be, uh, in Rocky top.
29:04I still have this weekend open.
29:05So I'm just kind of, I'm going to kind of see how that, how this
29:08goes and see if I can't work something out.
29:10Well, there's lots of stuff going on Friday and Saturday here in Tennessee.
29:13And, uh, I'm pretty sure you can definitely get booked at some place
29:16like SPCW or NWA JCP or somewhere like that.
29:20I'm throwing that out there because I know Austin Swint
29:23is right here inside the chat.
29:25So, uh, I know that you're, you're looking for some extra people and
29:28some people to be on good talent.
29:29I know that the notorious storm is an excellent wrestler, so, uh, he
29:33would be great asset for you guys.
29:35If you guys are available and have the space, he would definitely do it for you.
29:39Uh, do you know what time zone those shows are going to be in and what
29:42they're going to cost for you to be there or anybody to be there?
29:45I know the rocket top one.
29:46That's the cheapest one.
29:48Um, that I believe it's $5 and that's, uh, Eastern time zone.
29:52Everything that I've been doing here recently, it's been Eastern time zone,
29:55except the one up in Illinois.
29:57Uh, that one is central time zone.
29:59Um, I'm also, you can also start seeing me more, uh, with school Morton.
30:04I'm actually making my TV premiere.
30:06We were up there last week or two weekends ago, but my TV
30:09premiere is going to be this week.
30:12And then, uh, Southern States wrestling.
30:13My TV premiere is actually going to be tonight at some point in time.
30:16So we're going to be up there.
30:18And I think he said, he's going to start, um, doing their shows at the end of
30:22each month, last weekend of each month.
30:24So school of Morton is school of Morton.
30:26Five, uh, Oh five is how you can find them.
30:29And on YouTube at Ricky Morton, you can find them directly there.
30:33And if you want to see the notorious storm, that's the best way to do it as of
30:35right now, and then of course your social media, uh, where's your YouTube channel
30:39and how can they get ahold of you there?
30:41Uh, just go to, um, YouTube and then, uh, search up, uh, official notorious storm.
30:47Uh, I have several matches up that are on there that are underneath this character.
30:50I have a plethora of old matches under my, under my, my, under my old character,
30:57um, that I can easily share with you, you guys, if they really wanted to see.
31:04Well, thank you for your time here today at wrestle talk with red beaver.
31:07I appreciate you coming on and being on the show.
31:09Uh, Mr.
31:10Notorious storm.
31:10I'd love to have you back if you want to come back sometime.
31:13Uh, until then you can see him August 10th and then you can see
31:16him at the end of August as well.
31:18August 10th at the OVW tapings, that's going to be happening
31:20to the school of Morton.
31:21You can definitely catch that out at S O M five Oh five on Facebook or at
31:25a youtube.com and you can search for Ricky Morton and it'll be under his name.
31:29Ricky Morton is where it's going to be for the school of Morton five Oh five.
31:32That's going to be available for you guys.
31:34And until then you heard it here first.
31:36Thank you.
31:36Notorious storm for being here.
31:38Bye bye guys.
