NerdyGamingwitharabbidb3av132 presents: Playstion 3 games find on a budget: all under 45 bucks!

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NerdyGamingwitharabbidb3av132 presents: Playstion 3 games find on a budget: all under 45 bucks! come along and see what we found!
00:00Hello and welcome to nerdy gaming with a rabid beaver.
00:04I'm your host, the Arabid beaver.
00:06I hope each and every one of you are having a great day out there in the interwebs
00:09in the world, wherever you guys are at.
00:11Today, we're going to be doing some PlayStation three on a budget,
00:15some game finds on a budget.
00:17So I wanted to keep it under 45 bucks this time.
00:19That's kind of where I'm going to be going with this is anything I can find
00:23for under 45 bucks.
00:24I got a couple of games at a game at a pawn shop, a couple of games at McKay's
00:28got a couple of games at a games game store.
00:31And I just kind of want to show you what I've got, what it's going to be costing,
00:34and then what money that you can be expecting to get out of it,
00:37depending on if it's got all the case candy.
00:39And what I mean by that is the promotional codes and the maps,
00:42different things that came inside the games and also the games that are on it.
00:46Now, for one of these games I've got today, I'm going to have to go off DK Oldies
00:49because Lukey games and also East Starland, which is normally the place that I go to
00:54for all my go to stuff to show you.
00:56They did not have the game available.
00:58They did not have it listed.
01:00It wasn't even listed inside their store as being a game.
01:03So I had to find it on another site.
01:05So we'll be going over that eventually, but let's see what we got today.
01:08Let's start right off with Enemy Front guys.
01:12Now I got this at McKay's for $5.95.
01:16It does not have the promotional codes or the case candy on the inside,
01:19but it does have the user manual with it.
01:22The disc is in excellent condition.
01:24It's been played a little bit, but, you know, what can you expect for a used game?
01:29It's been played.
01:30So let's head over to the live scene over here and see exactly what it's going to be worth.
01:35So as you can see, the PlayStation 3 edition, which is right here, I've got.
01:39Now they're saying it's out of stock, but it's going to sell between $6.97 and $9.95.
01:44Now I paid $5.95 for this.
01:47So that's what we've got in on it right now.
01:49No tax.
01:50There was no tax added, $5.95, because I did straight trade with McKay's on this.
01:55So $5.95 for that bad boy right there.
01:58And it books in the condition that it's in, I would say it's about a $7 game.
02:02So $6.97 is fair, a fair price for me.
02:04I'll take the $6.97, so I'm over a dollar.
02:07I'm a dollar and a penny in the positive right now.
02:11So let's head on back over, and I'll show you our next game that's on the list today.
02:16So our next one is going to be one that I have played the mess out of since I've got it,
02:20is Need for Speed Most Wanted.
02:22Now I paid $11.95 for this no tax trade at McKay as well, is what I got on it, but $11.95 in trade.
02:30This one does have the promotional codes, as you see, which they have been used.
02:34I've already tried to use them more than once.
02:36And then underneath the promotional code is the actual game manual itself.
02:42So take the promotional code out, and you have the game manual itself that's left.
02:46And then the game is in immaculate condition.
02:50It's got a small little spot on the back, which I don't know if you can see down there,
02:53but that will be cleaned today.
02:55I will get that cleaned off today, and we'll get that running.
02:59So this is an awesome game.
03:00Let's head on over to the live scene to see exactly how much it's going to be costing,
03:06and what we have made, or if we've made any money on this game.
03:10So as you see right here, I'm in the hole about $2 on this game.
03:14So I'm back to zero.
03:16I actually owe the bank system right now.
03:18So use no manual is $9.31.
03:22Use no manual, no case is $6.57, and it's $10 total for everything.
03:27And you can get up to a $5 trade for a trade-in value directly off of it.
03:32Now if this was the Vita, I mean, you could be getting boo coodles of money, $17.47 for
03:37the Vita.
03:38It really depends on what you're looking for and what you're finding, but at a $10 game
03:41without it.
03:42So I'm $1.95 in the hole.
03:44I didn't make any money on that one.
03:46So let's head on over back to the next scene.
03:49Let's go to the live you've seen here.
03:52Our next game today is going to be one that came fairly late in the PlayStation 3 life
03:56as soon as the Xbox One really started taking off and the PlayStation 4 started taking off.
04:01And it's going to be Destiny.
04:03So I got this for 45 cents.
04:05Now this one does not have everything in it that it should.
04:08It's got one little case candy piece here and then the extension pass, but it should
04:13have a game manual and the game manual is missing.
04:16So no game manual on this, but I've got everything else with it.
04:19Now I've got this one currently in my PlayStation 3 out front because it has a huge download
04:25on it, but it is downloading really good.
04:27So the original download was 28.5 gigs and then it's got another five gigabyte download
04:36that's going to be happening after the user agreements on it.
04:38So it's got a bunch of stuff.
04:39So it is actually playing and it's pretty good, but I do have the disc in my PlayStation
04:45So let's find out exactly what that's going to cost us or exactly what we've got going
04:50into that one here as we head over to the live scene.
04:53So check it out right here.
04:54PlayStation 3, brand new is $19.95.
04:57Use complete in box is $4.89, $3.16 with no box.
05:03Now I'm only missing a manual, so I'm somewhere between $4.89 and $3.16 on it, but I paid
05:0745 cents for this.
05:10So I have gained all my money back.
05:11So we're back in the positive by about $1.20 right now, $1.30 right now on this game.
05:18So that's a really awesome thing to be.
05:20So our next big game here is one of the PlayStation's most bought and played games of all time,
05:27which is going to be Mafia 2, as you see right here.
05:30Now let me head over back to my chatting scene here, bam, Mafia 2 right there.
05:36Now as you see, I paid $6.95 for it today.
05:41It does not have a manual, it does not have any case candy in it, did not come that way
05:45at all.
05:48The disc is really jacked up on the back.
05:50It's been played, it's been handled, it's got a big old scratch on it in the middle.
05:56The Blu-rays, one thing about them is once they get resurfaced, it can play, everything
06:01can play on it, but it's got to go through a resurfacing process in order to do that.
06:05As you see that huge scratch right there, we'll have to get resurfaced.
06:09That'll cost me about three bucks in resurfacing fee, $3.50, somewhere there in resurfacing
06:14fee for this game.
06:15I'll have about $9 in this game total.
06:18As you saw from the live scene right over here before, the PlayStation 3 version is
06:22selling used complete in-box for $10.37, $9.07 without a manual, which is what I've got.
06:29Use no manual, no case is $6.48, so I still got $9 in on this.
06:34I will bust even by the time that I get it resurfaced and everything, is really where
06:39I'm going to be at.
06:42That's going to be a heartbreaker right there for us, but it is what it is, so what can
06:48you do?
06:49It's what you got with it.
06:50The next game on our list today is one that I was telling you about that I could not find
06:55anywhere other than for DK Oldies.
06:59Nobody seems to have it.
07:00Nobody seems to have information on it.
07:01It was actually kind of a misprint because the first year, first generation, they only
07:05made 5,000 copies of this game worldwide, and the rest of the copies were all digital
07:11copies on it, and that is Farming Simulator.
07:15The original Farming Simulator is what's out there.
07:18Now, I did not pay this.
07:20I got this at a pawn shop.
07:21It says that it's $13.49.
07:23Now, I bought this at a pawn shop used because it had everything with it.
07:28Now, it even came with the DLC that's inside the manual here.
07:32The manual has the DLC on it that you can download for free, but it's Farming Simulator
07:37for PlayStation 3.
07:40The game is in freaking immaculate shape.
07:42It looks like it was only played once or twice, and understandably so because this first year
07:48was really hard.
07:49It was really hard for you to make your attachments, get things involved onto your tractor and
07:54move, and it was a wonderful game.
07:57Don't get me wrong.
07:58Great game to play.
07:59Great game to be in, but it was definitely something that you had to really strive for
08:04to go.
08:05Now, this one, like I said, I had to find it at DK Oldies.
08:07I had to find what was going on with it.
08:10Let's check out the price of what they've got it.
08:12They're selling it complete from $14.99, so complete with everything in the box is $14.99.
08:18They marked it down to $12.99 currently on sale.
08:22You could probably expect about $7 or $8 in the condition with no manual, and no case
08:29I would probably say about $6, $5, $5 to $6 range, somewhere around there with no case,
08:34no manual directly on it, but $12.99 complete.
08:38That being said, I paid $2 for this game and another game, so $1 a piece on both of those
08:44games at a pawn shop, dude.
08:47That's a heck of a fine there.
08:48I'm in the positive so far.
08:50Let's add this into the handy dandy calculament later of Doom here, and we're going to be
08:55moving onto our next game, which our next game is one of those that is not really collectible
09:04unless it's got something that you wanted to do with it.
09:06It's a sports game.
09:08We're going to be going with WWE 12.
09:12That's what we're going to be going in with from THQ.
09:15This one does have all the case candy inside of it, the promotional code for The Rock,
09:19which was already taken, the original manual, which was already taken in the game itself,
09:24which is going for it.
09:26As you see, the back looks immaculate.
09:29I don't know why they wanted to get rid of this game.
09:34We're going to be going over to the live scene to check out what the pricing is.
09:38It varies based on console, whichever console you got it for.
09:41If you had it for the 360, you could have used completing box for $14.20.
09:46No manual, $11.96, and $8.22.
09:50This is for the 360, but down here, out of stock is $4.77 through $7.95.
09:56That's used, no manual, no case, $4.77.
09:59Everything inside of it, $7.95.
10:01I got kind of a dollar over on this when I paid a little bit more money than what I was
10:05supposed to pay for it.
10:07It has an excellent trading value of $3.50 because of the gameplay, the exciting.
10:12I showed my future wife this game just a couple days ago.
10:17She was extremely thrilled about how you could create.
10:20She loved the creation mode of making stories, actually being able to tell what was going
10:26to be going on because you had the ability to put the dialogue together for the characters,
10:31make the scene exactly how you wanted it.
10:33Now, it was limited.
10:34They only gave you certain scenes.
10:36You couldn't download extra scenes in it, but she was extremely thrilled with all the
10:40features that were available on this game.
10:42She really liked it very well.
10:44I like it very well.
10:45That's one of the reasons why we got it.
10:47We're down a little bit here today.
10:49I'm down a dollar right now.
10:51Well, actually, I'm actually plus about $7.14 right now.
10:57Let's get right back to it.
10:59Our next game is one of the ones that was later in the life cycle for the PlayStation
11:023 as well.
11:04It's one of the major shooter competition scenes in Call of Duty Advanced Warfare.
11:09Now, this, as you see, it was $3.95 is what I got it for, right?
11:17We're talking use complete in-box with the manual and with all your crossfire downloads,
11:23everything for it.
11:25The game itself is in great condition for what it is.
11:29It's got a little spackling on it.
11:31We'll rub it out.
11:32It has a little spackling on that side from a bad burn on it, but you can definitely get
11:37that crap out and it will play.
11:39It'll play for a long time.
11:41Let's see exactly what it's worth over here on the live scene, shall we?
11:48Boom, right here we are.
11:52Fully complete in-box with brand new is $19.95.
11:55Use complete in-box is $7.60, which is what I've got right here.
11:59Use with no box, no manual is going to be $5.23.
12:03There is no trading value currently at this time for the game for PlayStation 3 because
12:07everybody and their mama moved to either the one or the PlayStation 4 when this game came
12:13out, guys.
12:14It's definitely something fun to see and something fun to watch, but like I said, it just has
12:20its moments and stuff.
12:22We're in the positive once again on this game, an extra $3 roughly on that game.
12:28Our last game of the night is going to be one of the ones that is fairly good, man.
12:33I have to say, I played through it now.
12:36The case and stuff on this is a little bit rougher.
12:40The artwork and stuff is a little bit rougher.
12:42It looks like it's been moved in several different cases throughout the years because this is
12:45not the original case that it came in and I can tell that by the way it looks, but it's
12:49going to be Sniper Elite V2.
12:52Now this one is really rough.
12:54You can tell, like I said, the paper is really rough.
12:57They really moved it, but I don't have any case candy in it.
13:00I didn't get any of the DLC or any of the manuals with it.
13:04I just got the game by itself.
13:06That's kind of a yeah moment for me because I like to collect everything complete.
13:11I like to make sure it's all complete in box.
13:13You got stuff or at least you have something that represents the original motion besides
13:17just the disc.
13:19So this is going to be one of the ones that is a little bit higher priced on the list,
13:24but it's going to have some stuff that's going to be going on to it.
13:27Let's look right here on the live scene.
13:29As you see right here, the Silver Star Edition is what everybody normally will go by, but
13:34we're going to look right down here to the original V2 listing, which I've got here.
13:39I don't have the Silver Star Edition, unfortunately.
13:43Use complete in box is $7.60 and that's the only thing that they're giving us is $7.60
13:49for use complete in box.
13:50So I would say we're close to what we should be, about $4, between three and $4 with no
13:56manual, no case, and you can get up to $3.50 for trade for trade in value if you are to
14:01trade it in with them.
14:03Now if you do have the Silver Star Edition, which comes with all the downloadable content
14:07and everything that was available for it, use complete in box is going to be $11.95.
14:13Use no manual is going to be $10.16 and you can get $5.50 for the trading value, but that
14:18comes with all the DLC for the Silver Star Edition direct.
14:24So that's one of the things.
14:26What do we have completely in this today?
14:29Well I will tell you guys, according to my live scene here with everything that we have
14:34paid, I have $44.15.
14:40So I am still under my $45 budget for the week on this.
14:44I normally will do $30, but I scheduled a little bit more money this week to do it.
14:48So I'm under $45 this week for all the games that we have picked up.
14:54I do not have complete games this week and that will be coming at a later date.
14:59I've got a friend here in town that runs Blasted Machines tech shop on APD40 and sometimes
15:07he gets the manuals for some of these things in at random people just trade just random
15:11manuals and stuff and I can see if he's got some manuals to put with this.
15:15If so, we will be buying some from him for next to nothing and making some of these complete.
15:20As far as Destiny goes, I am going to be doing my first playthrough on Destiny here within
15:25the next couple days.
15:26I'm going to be trying to do a complete playthrough of Destiny.
15:29I should say if all the servers are up and everything is still up and I can still get
15:33a hold of a lobby that's out there to do some of the online play with it because that was
15:38one of the reasons why I got it because they said the online is still up with it.
15:43But I'll be going through that in a couple days.
15:45We'll be getting that up and thank you guys so much for coming in.
15:48So we have done an excellent job today with the games that we've gotten for PlayStation
15:54I hope to see you guys on the next one.
15:55We're going to be doing Xbox on a budget original Xbox on a budget.
16:00So I was able to pick some stuff up at a pawn shop the other day for next to nothing and
16:05I want to see what type of value I've got out of the games that I'm coming on original
16:10So you all come on with me for the ride and we'll have a good time and we'll see you next
16:15So you guys heard it here first right here on nerdy gaming with rap beef 132 on YouTube.
16:20Also daily motion and all the other good places that you guys are at whenever you see us right
16:26there guys.
16:27So thank you guys so much.
16:28Hit that like hit that follow hit that subscribe.
16:30You guys can catch us right here anytime of the day anytime of the night.
16:34We'd love to have you guys come on out and be with us.
16:37Thank you guys.
16:38Bye bye.
16:45Transcribed by
