The First Harry Potter Day in Bridgnorth is a HUGE Success!

  • 3 months ago
The First Harry Potter Day in Bridgnorth is a HUGE Success!


00:00Hi, I'm Jenny. So yeah, I am part of Shire Folk. We are a not-for-profit that tries to
00:16do fun and good things in Shropshire. Today is a wizard's birthday in Bridge North, so
00:23it is Harry Potter's birthday. We just thought it would be really fun if we got the town
00:27together as a community to have a fun celebratory day where it's about the community coming
00:33together and doing cultural activities. It's about getting involved, using imagination,
00:37being creative and just having fun and it's all just inspired around the wizarding world.
00:42It's been incredible. It's been a huge amount of work. We were all volunteers that pulled
00:45it together and we just did this because we thought it would be fun, but it's been so
00:48lovely to see our town so vibrant and the commitment to costume. Some people have really
00:54gone for it on their costumes, but it's fantastic to see. We've got some great Luna Lovegoods
00:59and some Severus Snapes and Remus Lupins. They've just really gone all out. It's been
01:04brilliant. So yeah, to see everyone coming and just having a good time is just absolutely
01:08lovely. So yeah, thank you everyone to come. For coming.
