"Do you Still Think About It?"

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Greg asks Matt Ryan about SB 51, "Do you still think about it?" Ryan: "It's always the tough ones that you remember." "I'm not sure I'm completely over it."
00:00Which do you think he will regret more, that decision or maybe a premature celebration
00:07on the sideline during a Super Bowl?
00:10Yeah, I think probably the premature celebration.
00:16We all could have used that game to end just a little bit sooner.
00:20Wiggy was saying he thinks that you, I was saying you probably don't think about that
00:25Wiggy says he thinks you think about it every day.
00:26I don't.
00:27Oh yeah.
00:28I mean, I was in Carolina when we lost the Super Bowl, Super Bowl 38 and I think about
00:32that and being up 28 to three, that's completely different.
00:36It's like, oh yeah, this is Oz in hand.
00:38So I know he's...
00:39Do you still think about it?
00:42I mean, I come on anytime I'm in New England, I'm reminded of it.
00:45So I think about it more often when I'm up here for sure.
00:48But it definitely is.
00:50I mean, I think as a player, right, you have all of, you know, these memories and for me,
00:56it's always the tough ones that you remember.
00:59The good times, you know, you kind of celebrate them and move on, but the hard ones are the
01:03ones that last.
01:04And so, you know, it's tough as part of the deal, part of, you know, playing in the most
01:10competitive environment in the world and certainly disappointing.
01:14I'm not sure I'm completely over it, but we'll get there hopefully someday.
01:19Matt, there were rumors that the Falcons were all in on Bill and then the Crafts reached
01:23out to them and maybe blackballed Bill, for lack of a better term.
01:27Do you have any inside scoop on if they were in on him and what may have conspired behind
01:32closed doors?
01:33I don't have anything, you know, more than you guys, right?
01:38You know, I know there was interest.
01:39I know there was multiple interviews and they certainly considered it.
01:45I don't know anything about, you know, the conversations with Mr. Craft or anything like
01:51I think ultimately the decision for the organization, at least how I understand it, is, you know,
01:57that they felt like they wanted to try and create, you know, a sustainable situation
02:02for the next decade, decade plus, and they feel like they've done that with Raheem Morris.
