3 kasmhey lee

  • last month


00:00Huzoor, Nabi Rahmat Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said,
00:06There are three things on which I swear by being Muhammad.
00:11Huzoor said, the first thing is that I swear by saying that
00:18money does not decrease with charity.
00:21The second thing is that when a person oppresses someone
00:25and he is patient with him,
00:28Huzoor said, I swear by saying that
00:31there will be no decrease in his honour,
00:34there will be an increase in his honour.
00:36With the blessing of his patience, Allah will increase his honour.
00:41The third thing, Huzoor said,
00:45if a person opens the door of question,
00:49starts asking,
00:51Huzoor said, I swear by saying that
00:55he has opened the door of need.