Utterly Changed in Babylon-CHARLES LAWSON BIBLE SERMON-AUG 1 2024

  • 2 months ago
00:00Esther chapter 3, Esther chapter 3 and verse number 8, Haman said unto
00:22Ahasuerus, there's a certain people scattered abroad dispersed among the
00:27people in all the provinces of thy kingdom their laws are diverse from all
00:32people. How many times have they been accused of that? Neither keep they the
00:37king's laws therefore it is not for the king's prophet to suffer them. If it
00:41pleased the king let it be written that they may be destroyed and I will pay
00:46ten thousand talents of silver to the hands of those that have the charge of
00:50the business to bring it into the king's treasuries. And the king took his ring
00:55from his hand gave it to Haman the son of Hamadathah the Agagite the Jews
01:01enemy that term shows up over and over again in the book of Esther the Agagite
01:07he's from Agag the king you remember you remember the one that's God said Saul
01:14spare not but he did and it was Samuel that took a sword and hewed Agag to
01:22pieces and the king said to Haman the silver is given to thee the people also
01:27to do with him as it seemeth good to thee father bless your holy word now
01:31thy name I pray amen. They have they have killed one of the
01:38senior leaders of Hamas and they did this in Iran they did it in Iran they
01:47they they they travesty Iran's sovereignty their airspace whatever all
01:52is involved in it and they killed this senior leader of Hamas the Israeli
01:59government has what's called the Mossad the Mossad that's the I guess you might
02:04call them counterpart of the CIA not sure but I do know this I do know that
02:10they are one sterling outfit no question that when it comes to espionage
02:16surveillance spying and so forth I doubt if they have their equal on earth reason
02:22for that is because Israel every day must survive and they live in a tough
02:27neighborhood they've killed one of the senior leaders of Hezbollah now Hezbollah
02:33is a is a terrorist organizations like Hamas in Lebanon Hamas was down in in
02:41Israel down in the in the Golan not the Golan but in the next to the ocean down
02:48Gaza in the Gaza Strip in that area and they have killed a senior leader of
02:53Hezbollah which is a proxy of Iran so now we have we have Iran threatening to
03:01invade Israel and we're getting the point now where it gets going to get
03:06very serious about whether you support Israel or not we have we have so many in
03:12the country here that are demonstrating and they are saying that I am Hamas or I
03:18am this or I'm that and I dare say to you that most of them don't have a clue
03:23what they're talking about not really and you have the homosexual community
03:28the sodomites saying queers for Palestine and that's sad because it
03:33really is it's so ignorant they wouldn't last five seconds under Sharia
03:38law no they wouldn't folks no they wouldn't no they wouldn't and Iran is
03:45under Sharia law Iran is Shiite and the rest of the most of the other rest of
03:51the Arab world Sunni and there's conflict going on with the Houthis
03:56Houthis and these are supported by Iran because they are they are Shiite
04:03Muslims and it's a proxy group to counter Saudi Arabia so they are have
04:09they have their own infighting have had for centuries since Mohammed died and
04:15what's happening now is that's bringing the Western powers into this mess and it
04:21could explode at any time and what happens when something like that happens
04:25is that they see a nation will see that another nation may go under and then
04:31they're not going to let that happen and so that brings them into it and then
04:35of course it can escalate from that point on study just a little bit how
04:39World War one started and Serbian assassinated the Archduke Archduke
04:44Ferdinand of Austria and when he assassinated him that was the domino
04:50effect that started World War one because they had to choose sides who
04:53were going to support and so it went so it may be but that's okay with me
04:58because the Bible says I'll make Jerusalem a stumbling stone a
05:02burdensome stone and keep your eyes on Jerusalem keep your eyes on the Jewish
05:07people and it's there you're going to see the second advent of Christ he's
05:10coming back he's coming back there's no question about it but what I want to
05:14give you tonight is some things to show you how that in the past a pogrom and of
05:19course a pogrom was what Adolf Hitler in Mein Kampf talked about my plan my
05:24struggle he wrote that while he was in jail he got thrown in there this first
05:28push against the government failed and so they threw him in jail while he was
05:33in there he wrote Mein Kampf my plan clearly spelled out that the Jew was the
05:39problem and he was going to establish a final solution and that solution of
05:44course was to wipe the Jew from the face of the earth that's a pogrom and
05:50Auschwitz and Treblinka and Belsen-Belsen and Buchenwald and Sobibor and the rest
05:56of those concentration camps with their with their with their with their ovens
06:01and with their with their with their ropes and all they say they killed over
06:06six million a lot of people like to dispute that today but I've seen a lot
06:11of the photographs of the piles of the bodies there's one in particular where
06:14at that time General Eisenhower standing there and he's looking at all that and I
06:19don't doubt it I'm who's there I wasn't there to count the bodies but I believe
06:23it about millions I do I believe a lot of people died at the hands of Adolf
06:28Hitler his his minister propaganda Rosenberg wrote a book and he did some
06:34research and analysis back in the past on the Jewish people and essentially he
06:38blamed them for all of the problems of Europe and for all the problems of the
06:41world Alfred Rosenberg and he he wound up getting hung at the end of World War
06:48two so there's still a hatred folks this is Agag this is this is Haman he's
06:54an Agagite he's from Esau he's the one who has despised his birthright and this
07:00is an this is an attempt to wipe the Jew from the face of the earth and he got
07:05his he got his charge and his order from King Ahasuerus in the book of Daniel
07:12chapter number one if they can't wipe you from the face of the earth here's
07:15what they'll do they'll change your identity in Daniel chapter number one
07:19verse number six among these were the children of Judah Daniel Hananiah
07:23Mishael and Azariah and what's going on here is that when they took the young
07:29people of Israel and led them off into Babylonian captivity Daniel was one of
07:34the young ones and they say that Daniel was probably a teenager about this time
07:38young man maybe maybe 12 13 14 years old but he had already established
07:44character he had character Daniel's one listen Daniel was one of the finest men
07:50that ever lived in that Old Testament and he along with Job and along with
07:55who's that other one now they mentioned their righteousness I bet you two
07:58thousand times who Noah Noah Job and Daniel they're they're they're called
08:03out because of their righteousness and Daniel's pictures hanging in my office
08:08right now yes sir those lions are happy they're just laying there looking around
08:12looking out the windows and there stands Daniel with his face toward
08:16Jerusalem and he remembers where he came from he knows who he was he knows his
08:21identity and that's everything your identity is everything everything folks
08:27so what forms your identity what creates that what makes you who you are what if
08:31you're born again the Holy Ghost is the first step because the Holy Spirit lives
08:35within you he's written your name in heaven but he's baptized you in the body
08:40of Christ the Holy Spirit has so you have a change that takes place but you
08:46see what they wanted to do was to change them into their gods instead of these
08:51names Hebrew names Hananiah Mishael Azariah and Daniel instead of there is
08:58Hebrew names they changed them into pagan names they changed Hananiah to
09:02Shadrach Mishael to Meshach and Azariah to Abednego and Daniel to Belteshazzar
09:10the reason they did this is because they couldn't stand the idea of Hananiah
09:14Jehovah is gracious they didn't like that or Mishael who is like Elohim or El
09:20which is short for it Azariah Jehovah has helped and then Daniel God will judge
09:28that's what that means they didn't like that they didn't like that so they
09:32changed Hananiah to Shadrach it means at the command of Aku the moon God and
09:39Mishael changed his name to Meshach who is as Aku the moon God and then
09:46Azariah's name was changed to Abednego and this is a good one slave of the god
09:52Nebo they didn't like the idea that Jehovah had helped Azariah and then
09:57Daniel finally which means God is the judge Dan means judge El is short for
10:04Elohim so Elohim judges they changed that to Belteshazzar which means
10:10protect his life in other words he's your subject now and so therefore your
10:14life is in the hands of Belteshazzar folks this world doesn't culture in
10:21America today has reached this point they're not indifferent there was a time
10:26in the transition from American America being a essentially leaning toward
10:32Christian faith you know I don't know if it's ever really a Christian nation but
10:36but they didn't they didn't do anything against you because but today today they
10:42are hostile yes they are yes they are yes they are they're hostile to the name
10:48of Christ and if you haven't seen what happened in Paris I would say if I could
10:53contact the the bigwigs over there I'd say you don't want me watching your
10:58your Olympics you don't want me I don't you don't want me over there you don't
11:01me have any part of that well you offended me you offended the Lord Jesus
11:05Christ you you showed me right off the bat that you have no use for me or my
11:09Savior so forget it you can run all you know all that you want to you can you
11:15can brag and carry on as much as you please and so so how much of Olympics
11:20have I watched and believe me I spent the biggest part of my life as an
11:28athlete I played basketball ran track love it played in the military all that
11:33so I am NOT against sport but I don't like what they did with our Lord Jesus
11:38that bunch needs to stand up and say we're sorry that we offended you in what
11:44we did but you see what they're doing they're attacking your identity these
11:48pressures come to change your identity who are you well the Apostle Paul says I
11:52am who I am or what I am by the grace of God I know whom I have believed and
11:57persuaded he's able to keep that which I've committed to him against that day
12:00the identity is everything folks it's everything and I know that in 1973 I
12:07changed and now there are two of me there's the old man and the new man and
12:11the old man is just as old as he was he hadn't changed a bit he's sorry and low
12:15down and the earth is his home and will never get any higher than that from dust
12:20thou art to dust thou shalt return but there is within me that which lifts its
12:25head toward heaven because I know I'm born of God so when they were sent off
12:31into captivity in Babylon Babylon by the way you know where it came from Babel
12:35building a tower Nimrod remember him and you remember Nimrod they were building a
12:40tower to the heavens and so Babel God changed their language and this is where
12:45the languages came from if a linguist would simply believe the Bible he
12:49wouldn't have any troubles tracing down the source of our languages no question
12:53about it but in any event that's where they were changed they were changed at
12:57Babel so Babylon in its sense in its origins the etymology of the word the
13:02cognates that are associated with it have to do with confusion because when
13:08the languages were confused they could no longer work together and God is not
13:14the author of confusion have you ever known a culture more confused than this
13:19one think about it for a moment think about it so what came out of Babylon
13:25after 70 years there well the Pharisee came out of Babylon you remember him now
13:31every Pharisee wasn't a sorry lowdown dog headed for hell but the Pharisee for
13:37the most part was a very legalistic strict outfit that had broken away from
13:42idolatry they learned their lesson about idolatry but they had a
13:47problem with who the Messiah was all right the second thing that came out of
13:51Babylon was the language Aramaic I mean you remember we talked about that the
13:56book of Zephaniah says I'll restore to you a pure language Bullinger and I have
14:01no reason to disagree with him Bullinger says that Hebrew is the original
14:04language he says that that's what Adam and Eve spoke in the garden that it has
14:09no origin there's nothing there's nothing source to it and so and so they
14:16came out with the Aramaic Aramaic is comes in a lot of different forms but
14:20the Babylonian Aramaic is what is what they came out with their letters how
14:26many how many have ever heard of the Siloam inscription Siloam inscription do
14:33you remember when the water you remember when Israel was was was surrounded and
14:39water is a big deal you can't go without water well what had happened they had
14:42dug a tunnel from the spring of Gihon down to the pool of Siloam where they
14:47could have underground water and therefore even if they were being
14:51under siege they had access to fresh water well you know what they did the
14:56Bible records that that's a wonderful thing but did you know what they did
14:59they took an axe a pickaxe and a chisel and they chiseled into the very wall of
15:06that of that of that tunnel the fact that they had dug it and they could hear
15:13the sound of the picks as they grew closer together and then they opened the
15:17hole and they met and they put that on the wall and when you get home just for
15:23your you know for your own learning look up the letters that are in the in the in
15:30the pool of Siloam and you'll find what's called a proto Hebrew it is old
15:36Hebrew it is the slanted type letters of Hebrew and is the language for example
15:42of Isaiah but when they came out of Babylon the letters of Hebrew were now
15:48squared how many seen modern Hebrew surely you have all right squared type
15:54letters these came from Babylon all right they're new the old Hebrew is on
15:59the wall and it's in the British Museum by the way the actual carving in the
16:06wall is in the British Museum in London I was there and I was
16:14gnashing at the teeth to get into that British Museum I wanted to see the
16:18Rosetta Stone and I wanted to see some other things they had in there and we
16:21had a little mishap with one of our tour one of the people in our tour and got
16:27knocked out of going to the British Museum and I'm still mad amen because
16:33that was the only opportunity that I'd ever had probably ever will have to go
16:37and that's one of the finest museums on the face of this earth but I was also in
16:41the museum in Cairo Egypt and that was quite a thing to believe me it was that
16:46was quite a thing but in any event it's there and the Aramaic that that they
16:52spoke and then the next thing that came out of Babylon was the Babylonian
16:55Talmud and the Talmud as you know I've told you before is based on what's
17:00called the oral law you remember I've mentioned the oral law to you time and
17:04time again that at Sinai Moses came down with the Ten Commandments two tables
17:09written by the finger of God thou shalt not thou shalt not thou shalt not well
17:14that is the written law there along with a Pentateuch that he wrote himself God
17:19said Moses write a book so he wrote the first five books of the Bible all right
17:24but rabbinic Judaism and has for centuries teach that there was an oral
17:30law given at Sinai and the oral law trumps the written law and so therefore
17:36they today the Jews and what I'm giving you now is very important very important
17:41I know it may be a little technical for you but this is the kind of thing that
17:44ought to strengthen your faith that the the the law the oral law became the
17:52basis for what's called the Mishnah the Mishnah is that oral law in written form
17:58the Gemara is the commentary on that oral law and then the Midrash is the
18:04commentary on the commentary of the oral law and then what comes out of that is
18:08what's called Halakha and Halakha is the actual laws written down a Jew can that
18:14he sees these are these are these are brought out of all of the Talmud and he
18:19he's not going to violate these laws if he's going to keep the law and so this
18:24is the way it stands for these people today if you try to witness to a Jew
18:27about our Lord Jesus Christ and never touch a New Testament just take him to
18:33the Tanakh or the Old Testament and you can take him there and you can get him
18:37saved if you'll believe his own Bible but the problem is he won't believe his
18:42own Bible he'll run to the Talmud you see and when he goes there then he gets
18:49into the reason that he rejects the Lord Jesus Christ now if there ever was a
18:55group of people on this earth that you can go to to support the actual
19:03historicity of Christ or the fact that he lived it's the Jew because they have
19:09been in a controversy for 2,000 years about a man that they reject as their
19:15Messiah that's proof in itself that he lived how many has ever heard of the
19:20Toledot Yeshu the Toledot Yeshu all right listen to this this is only a
19:26small part of what it says recent scholarship has drawn attention to the
19:31date of the origin of the Toledot Yeshu the earliest layers are considered to
19:36have been manufactured orally written source material of the Toledot Yeshu is
19:41much older than the work itself as Flannery states most offensive to
19:48Christians were Jewish insults to the person of Christ about which st. Justin
19:54Tertullian Eusebius Hippolytus and origin now these are all what called
19:58church fathers and some so forth some of these names should be familiar to you
20:03these men complained origin for example in his against Celsus which is an
20:11ancient document and he's defending he is an apologist for the faith you can
20:16learn a lot folks from the first one two three hundred years after Christ of
20:21those believers back then as they fought Gnosticism and as they fought Judaism
20:27that was not based on the Bible rabbinic Judaism folks is not based on the Bible
20:33it is based on oral tradition and the Talmud it's not based on the scripture
20:38not at all so here's what happens origin provides an idea in the caliber of the
20:43insults here's what they said they said Jesus is the illegitimate son of Panthera
20:48a Roman legionary he was a charlatan and a magician killed by the Jews after his
20:54death marvels were invented by his disciples concerning him other tales of
20:59still lower grade circulated which Jesus figured as a bandit and one
21:04possessed at a later age these obscenities were compiled in the
21:08infamous Toledot Yeshu this is not the Talmud but it is an ancient document
21:16that supports what the Talmud says it starts giving you literary evidence of
21:21what happened 2,000 years ago so why do they reject the Lord Jesus Christ why
21:29are they so dead set against him they are so dead set against him not because
21:34of their Bible that's the weakest point for a Jew you can take them to the 53rd
21:41chapter of Isaiah and the 22nd Psalm and other passages in the scriptures and
21:47there they can't handle it as a matter of fact some Jews have said they didn't
21:52even know the 53rd chapter of Isaiah was in the Bible because they never deal
21:57with it in the synagogue they don't touch it why don't they touch it well
22:02who is this one who was reading from the 53rd chapter of Isaiah in the book of
22:06Acts when Philip was in the north in Samaria and the Spirit of God carried
22:11him down to the south he spoke to somebody shouldn't shouldn't have to
22:16tell you who did he speak to that's right an Ethiopian eunuch under
22:19Candacy the Queen out of Ethiopia and he was reading from the 53rd chapter of
22:25Isaiah now here's what Philip said to him when he approached him he said
22:28understandeth thou what thou readest and the eunuch said how can I except
22:34except some man guide me all right but what was he reading folks he was reading
22:40the Bible he wasn't reading the Talmud he was reading the Bible you understand
22:47that the Jewish Old Testament the Tanakh is your Bible that's Jewish from cover
22:55to cover see that's not that's not a Gentile product and I know Christians
23:01believe it and certainly I do but we didn't create that the Jews wrote that
23:05and so he took him to the 53rd chapter of Isaiah and explained to him preach
23:10Christ to him he got saved and then he was baptized out there by Philip and
23:16then the Bible says God caught Philip up took him back where he came from back
23:20up in the north where they're having a revival meeting spirit of God was moving
23:23do you see what's going on here do you see how God's Word is a powerful thing
23:29and if Satan can mess up his word he's going to do it when I get up here and I
23:37talk about the King James Bible let me explain something to you I've told you
23:42before I've had three years of Greek grammar two years of Hebrew grammar I
23:46can handle any lexicon on this earth they're not going to flim flam me I know
23:51how to run them down I know how to check it out okay but I don't go on about that
23:55stuff that's not what's important what's important is I believe this book is the
24:01Word of God now why do I do that though why do I not take a cavalier attitude
24:06toward this so what does that mean that means well I get in here and I think
24:10well you know I could I could I could do a little better on that text this
24:13word right here and this lexicon over here has about four or five different
24:16meanings and I mean after all let's let's just change a word or two here and
24:20most of the time it's not done to expound the scripture it's done to
24:27impress the people that's what it's done because you don't really learn anything
24:31from it nothing's improved by it I'm trying my best to teach respect for that
24:38book that's God's Word now I get up here mess around mess up say say the wrong
24:43thing and it's possible good night man I'm capable when I walk into a room full
24:48of sinners there's just one more sinner went in you know I'm capable of error no
24:53question but I don't mess with the text that's the difference you can take this
25:01Bible right here and you can pick it up and you can go from cover to cover and I
25:06do and I believe every word of it and if I get stumped somewhere I've got
25:14what's called an English dictionary that's a big help and by the way if
25:19you're going to get one get an unabridged get an unabridged English
25:23dictionary gives you the etymology the cognates where it came from and all of
25:28that to bring it over into your language all right get an unabridged English
25:32dictionary if you if you if you can handle a little bit of Greek get you a
25:36lexicon and you can get into this and you can start looking at these and
25:40you're going to find out that all of this changing of Scripture better
25:45translations the original say and all of that stuff most of the time is simply
25:52just a lot of hot air to impress people now there are those out there who
25:57genuinely believe that they can do a better job of translation than the 50
26:02men who translated this Bible right here Lancelot Andrews could speak and I don't
26:06have any different languages I forget it seemed like 15 I'm not sure it's been a
26:11while since I've read that information he was brilliant brilliant and let me
26:15tell you something else about it when these men translated this Bible right
26:19here they did not get in one big room and compare their notes they separated
26:25they were totally separate each group did its own work they weren't dependent
26:31dependent upon each other then when they came together they were amazed at how
26:36they so close they were and they gave us this you remember the what's her name
26:44that schoolteacher oh I forget her name now she was at Kent State she was
26:50teaching I've had her here Rick yeah yeah Ripplinger yeah Ripplinger very
26:58sweet fine lady she's a secular professor secular University the kids
27:05would come to her and she tried to counsel with them help them she's a
27:07Christian and I think at the time she was using different translations and
27:12with very limited success and being the kind of woman she was very smart
27:18methodical the kind that looked and dug into things she discovered how that the
27:24King James Bible for some reason or another when she counseled with them out
27:28of that it began to produce fruit in the lives of those people and she wanted to
27:34know why are you following me one thing led to another why does the King James
27:42Bible produce fruit where the others don't see what I mean and of course that
27:48led her into manuscript evidence and the New Age Bible versions I think we've
27:53got some of it back here in the back I've got a copy of it and she's done a
27:57lot of work since then just read what she has to say and pray over it ask
28:02yourself a question are they trying to mess with my mind yes they are trying to
28:07mess with your mind yes they are if you don't have a Bible that you believe if
28:12you don't have one that you believe then what do you believe what do you
28:17believe how many's ever heard of Alfred Edersheim Edersheim the life and times
28:24of Jesus the Messiah published New York Longman's Green and Company London
28:29Bombay 1896 I've told you before that the best stuff comes from the 1800s and
28:38some of it from the 1700s that's where you get your good stuff the life and
28:44times of Jesus the Messiah the Babylonians were pagans they had their
28:51ideas about evil spirits and I'm going to read all of this but I want to show
28:56you what he the summation he comes to it's quite a remarkable thing
29:01Edersheim spent his life he's a converted Jew by the way and converted
29:06to Christ and he did his research and he did it well I highly recommend that
29:11book the life and times of Jesus the Messiah when you get it read it pray
29:18over it now you can get it in I got this off Lagos program Bible program I think
29:24I've also got the hard copy but you can get about anything now on Bible programs
29:28you don't have to you know stuff that's out of print been out of print for
29:32decades but it's still available through a Bible program he talks about
29:37the evil spirits of way that the Jews 2,000 years ago dealt with them now
29:43these are the people who reject my Lord Jesus Christ based on their Talmud now
29:51here's what he says about that listen to Edersheim he says here also as
29:57throughout we mark the presence of Parsee what is the Parsee that's
30:03Zoroastrianism elements of superstition in general the spirits of the Talmud
30:11resemble the gnomes hobgoblins elves and sprites of our fairy tales they are
30:19cunning and malicious and contact with them is dangerous but they can scarcely
30:25be described as absolutely evil indeed they often prove kind and useful and
30:30may at all times be rendered innocuous and even made serviceable is there
30:38anything in the New Testament that tells you that an evil spirit is ever anything
30:42but an evil spirit not one time never all right he talks about he talks about
30:51a Asmodean a huge demon names a number of them he talks about Lilith the queen
30:59of female spirits have he's ever heard of Lilith it's strong Jewish tradition
31:06that Adam had children by Lilith that she was there in the garden 2,000 years
31:11ago the Bible doesn't say that there are people who teach that that that Cain was
31:19of that wicked one and that Adam was not his father well you got to be
31:24careful stuff you know you you may get a hold of something like that but you
31:27better do a lot of praying over it before you jump on it just put it in the
31:32back of your mind somewhere and do a lot of thinking and praying about it but
31:35listen to what he says here now he says this is the summation he comes to he
31:41says but may we not hear once more and confidently appeal to impartial students
31:48whether in view of this sketch of Jewish angelology and Satan ology the
31:55contention can be sustained that the teaching of Christ on this subject has
31:59been derived from Jewish sources no the teaching of the Lord Jesus Christ in the
32:06New Testament when it deals with angels and demons is as high as the heavens are
32:12above the earth in the revelation that it gives and what it doesn't say what
32:19you get from the New Testament is what the New Testament wants you to know
32:23about demons and they are real believe me but it wants you to know it in the
32:27context of the revelation of God about these spirit beings and not from pagan
32:33superstition now think about it if what you read in the New Testament about
32:38demons angels was the same thing the Babylonians taught 2,000 years ago or the
32:45same thing that the Zoroastrianism taught and they're still around with us
32:49today or the Sabian Mandians you remember them who are these Sabian
32:54Mandians you remember I brought them up to you the other day their baptisms big
32:59deal with them their disciples of John the Baptist all right John the Baptist
33:06all of these all of these groups all of this stuff out here and you're getting
33:11it now you're gonna you're gonna you're getting a double dose of it this world
33:15today is absolutely obsessed with spirit beings they have different names for
33:21them but they're still obsessed with it all right but you don't have to think
33:26the way they think take what the Bible says about it this is one of the reasons
33:31that I believe the New Testament is because it does not borrow Jewish
33:36tradition pagan theology or you know whatever's whatever whatever's in vogue
33:43at that at the time it it it limits what it says for a reason but it's consistent
33:50in what it does and what it says so we can take this and I'll take you back to
33:57it what did the Jews in was their trip to Babylon they spent 70 years there all
34:07right 70 years now when the teaching came up about the oral law when nobody
34:13can pinpoint it but of course they teach that it was given by Moses at Sinai it's
34:19like a lot of things they exist but nobody knows exactly when they started
34:24it should encourage you tonight to understand that a Christian is not
34:29somebody that followed pagan teaching pagan doctrine you're following their
34:36Old Testament what you believe about demons and angels and all of that and
34:42God is from the Old Testament now Jew will give you the Shema if you try to
34:47witness to him Deuteronomy chapter number six and verse number four hear
34:52you Oh Israel the Lord your God is one Lord the Jew you understand you
34:59completely rejects the idea of a Trinity of a father a son and a Holy Ghost all
35:06right but what does it say in the book of Genesis let me make man in my image
35:13did I mess up so what does your Bible say said let us make man in our image
35:22right now many times have I told you now somebody said well he's talking to an
35:26angel really how many times have I told you that nowhere in that Bible does it
35:32say that an angel is made in the image of God right but a man is but of course
35:37man was he wasn't talking to a man he was seeking he was speaking in the sense
35:42of the Godhead the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost all three were were
35:48there at the creation of man no question about it they work in unison they work
35:53in unison so there in the very first part of the book of Genesis for me I
35:58have no problem believing that when God said let us make man in our image and so
36:05the Bible said in the image of God he made men he made a man so what's that
36:09mean that means you have a body you live in a body you have a soul and you're a
36:15spirit being and that's the way it was from the beginning have you ever had
36:20anybody tell you well now listen did not God tell them that the day that they
36:24would eat thereof that they would die how come they didn't die how many ever
36:28had that question posed well more than one time thousand times they did die
36:33folks because you're not a body you're not a body you're a spirit that has a
36:42soul and the moment that Adam and Eve ate of that fruit their spirit died it
36:49died the soul was still alive because they had they had emotion they had will
36:55the faculties of a soul but spiritually they were dead and separated from God at
37:02the very moment it never happened before because no man had ever lived
37:07before Adam was the first man there was no other man there was nothing to
37:11compare themselves to the Bible says the first man Adam was of the earth earthy
37:16the last Adams the Lord from heaven so this is something that happened and it
37:21was it was instructive because nothing like that had ever happened again it was
37:26like Noah he's like Noah he had a hundred and twenty years he promised I
37:31don't know how much Noah knew about carpentry but I know I know I know he
37:37knew enough to build a boat that would last over a year believe me if you
37:41haven't been to Williamsburg Kentucky you need to go up there and see that
37:44thing that ark is quite a remarkable thing it really is that ark is something
37:49else and but the bottom line is it had never rained a mist would come up and
37:55watered the earth there there'd been no rain so who in the world what's this
37:58nutball doing building an ark out here on the dry ground and there's no water
38:03out here but the water came down well what's this nutball up here telling us
38:11that this mystery of the rapture that it can just take what are you talking about
38:17well the Lord's going to come back he's gonna put the sheep on the right hand
38:20the goats on the left hand he's going to judge all the nations and that's it
38:24well that's the simple teaching Mary knew all about that or Martha I think
38:29was Martha in John 11 but the Apostle Paul says I show you a mystery we shall
38:36not all sleep but we shall be changed so what is that it is the mystery of the
38:43rapture of the church we're looking for that blessed hope and glorious appearing
38:48of our great God and Savior at any moment we can hear a shout you'd better
38:54believe that that first drop of rain that came out of the heavens Noah looked
38:59at that he looked at that ark he'd built he said our soul yes sir buddy yes sir
39:05yes sir he was obedient he was obedient and the water fell and up rose the ark
39:11amen the judgments the waters of judgment killed some but saved others it
39:18did picked him up took him from the old world into the new world that's a picture
39:23of the rapture he's going to come and get us and take us from this old world
39:26into the new world now I don't know how you feel about it but you're in here
39:31with a wrong man even so come right now right now Lord right now amen I don't
39:41know what you've left undone but we don't have time if I could call him back
39:45right now I'd call him right now even so come Lord Jesus well don't all these
39:51things happen nothing has to happen for the second for the for the rapture of
39:55the Church of God nothing nothing nothing all the signs gospel preached
39:59the ends of the earth and all that has to do with the second advent not the
40:03rapture of the church father bless you word and time we had together tonight
40:08brev said something helpful I know Lord I gave him a lot of stuff some that go
40:14and think about put it together but Lord we have ever reason to believe the Bible
40:19because we see what the Jews have done with all this pagan garbage that's been
40:25dumped on them we pray for them I pray for Israel I pray for the Jews that I'm
40:29not their enemy I'm not their enemy I'm not marching in the street supporting
40:34Hamas I pray for them we owe them a debt they gave us the Bible we owe them a great
40:38debt and I pray for them and I pray even so come Lord Jesus come in your holy
40:44righteous name I pray amen amen folks
40:50all right I guess I'm done
