A Billionaire Kidnapped Me (English)

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00:00Hi! My name is Jody from London. Like and subscribe to MSA.
00:03It was the semi-final hockey game, and the scores were 3-3, with less than a minute on the clock.
00:08As the star player of my school, everyone's eyes were on me, and I felt the pressure.
00:12Time stretched into slow motion as I sliced the ball across the field, sweeping through the gaps in the other team's defense.
00:19From the stands, I could see my school cheering me on, until my eyes fell upon an unfamiliar face blowing me kisses.
00:26Huh? The world suddenly leaped into fast motion, and I nearly lost the ball.
00:30Whoa! Luckily, I performed my signature spin move and smashed that ball into the goal with seconds to spare.
00:36We did it! We won!
00:38After I hit the showers, I was the celebrity of the moment, and everyone was congratulating me.
00:43Incredible final goal, Jody! Thank you!
00:46Can't wait to see you play in next week's finals!
00:48I am super excited!
00:50You are the apple of the tree, the heart shape to dot my eyes.
00:54Thank you. Hey, you were the guy who distracted me by blowing kisses. I nearly lost the ball because of you.
00:59Oh, I am so sorry. My name is Pierrick. I have come to this school from Paris, and you are the greatest hockey player I have ever seen.
01:07Please, join me for dinner tonight.
01:09Uh, sorry, dude. I, um, really have to pee, but maybe I'll catch you later.
01:14I wasn't lying. I did have to pee.
01:16But also, between the hockey final coming up and my schoolwork, I had too much on my mind to be hit on by some boy.
01:21But that didn't stop Pierrick from being persistent.
01:24Your beauty is as radiant as a sunflower. Please, join me for a walk along the beach.
01:30Not today, Frenchie. Gotta go floss. You know how it is.
01:33I have painted this hockey ball red as a symbol of my passion for you.
01:38So creative, but my horoscope said I need to focus on myself today.
01:42Excusez-moi, do you believe in love at first sight?
01:45Come on, that's cheesy. Even for you, Pierrick.
01:48My name is not Pierrick. I am Gabriel.
01:51Whoa, hang on a minute. Who was this good-looking boy?
01:54He was obviously French and looked like Pierrick, but he was much cuter.
01:59A sudden army of butterflies exploded in my tummy, and I totally lost my cool.
02:04Hi, my name is Jody. Pleased to meet you. Are you from France? I love France.
02:08Well, I've never been to France, but I love French fries, and I love French toast.
02:12My name is Jody. Did I mention that? I talk a lot when I get nervous.
02:16You are a silly girl, and I like you. Please, join me for lunch today.
02:21We will be having chestnut soup with a French baguette.
02:24Okay. See you there.
02:27That happened so fast that my cheeks were sizzling red. I was in a daze until...
02:33Why were you talking to my brother?
02:35Your brother? Actually, that makes a lot of sense. I'm going to be having lunch with him today.
02:39Oh, my broken heart. Why do you pain me so? My brother doesn't even like hockey.
02:45Relax, Pierrick. It's only one lunch.
02:47It's never one lunch with him.
02:49Turns out, Pierrick was right. Gabriel had a certain... way about him.
02:53Before I knew it, I'd agreed to go out to dinner with him that night.
02:56He took me to the fanciest restaurant I'd ever seen, and he was a proper gentleman, pulling out my seat and everything.
03:02Waiter, please bring us your finest bottle of soda pop for my lady.
03:06Very good, sir. Thank you kindly.
03:09He was so polite, too. The only problem is that every time I looked at Gabriel's gorgeous face, I'd become a rambling chatterbox machine.
03:18This menu looks fantastic. I love menus. I love food. I eat food every day. Three times a day. I never skip a meal.
03:25In that case, may I recommend the Lobster Thermador?
03:29Oh, no. I can't have that. I'm allergic to seafood.
03:32Did I mention I'm allergic to seafood? That's why I carry an auto-injector with me.
03:36When I eat seafood, I blow up like a pufferfish. And I look like this.
03:39You are a comedy genius.
03:43Dinner was so tasty that my eyes watered. And when the bill came, Gabriel gave the waiter a huge tip.
03:49He must be so rich. Gabriel drove me home. I couldn't believe how someone could be so flawless.
03:54Well, here's your house.
03:56Oh, so it is. Thank you so much for the night, Gabriel. It was perfect.
04:01You know what would make it even more perfect?
04:04A little kissy-kiss?
04:06I didn't like kissing on the first date. But the idea made my heart spin with excitement. How could I say no?
04:12He leaned in. Our lips gently touched. And to be honest, his breath smelled like garlic.
04:17But I didn't mind. It was the sweet exclamation point after the loveliest night.
04:22It didn't take long before Gabriel and I became an item.
04:25We'd chat on the phone for hours. And he'd leave me all sorts of gifts to find.
04:29The only problem was Pierrick.
04:32I often noticed him looking at us with a sour face. But I guess that was to be expected.
04:37I felt bad for rejecting him for his brother, but the heart wants what the heart wants, right?
04:41Yep, everything was going well. Until the morning I sent Gabriel my usual heart emoji and got no reply.
04:47Hmm, strange. That whole day, I couldn't find him at school and he ignored all my messages.
04:52Hmm, double strange.
04:54I tried not to let it bother me, especially at hockey training that afternoon.
04:58The final was coming up the next day and we had to practice to win.
05:01I was taking out my frustration on the field when suddenly a helicopter came down from the sky blowing everything away.
05:08Ugh, what is?
05:10Pierrick? What are you doing?
05:11It's Gabriel. He's very sick and he's in the hospital. You must come quickly.
05:15Oh my gosh, let me just grab my handbag. I jumped right in and we took off.
05:19I've never been in a helicopter before. I couldn't enjoy the moment. I was so worried.
05:23Which hospital is he in?
05:24Our local hospital in Paris.
05:26In Paris? Wait, I can't go to Paris. What about my hockey finals tomorrow?
05:30Don't worry. It'll only take an hour or so. We'll be back before then.
05:33True to his word, an hour later, we touched down on a landing upon the roof of a giant mansion.
05:39This place was crazy. It looked like something out of Harry Potter. It even had a water park in its back garden.
05:44Whoa, where are we?
05:46This is my family's Paris home. Please, come inside and make yourself comfortable.
05:50Would you like some ratatouille, escargot, croissant, imbri?
05:53Um, I'd like to see Gabriel, if we can.
05:56Yes, yes, we will go soon. But we must wait for visiting hours. First, we eat.
06:01Before I knew what was happening, Pierrick had served a full three-course meal. It was delicious.
06:07I had no idea he had such a chef's talent. Plus, he was really funny, too.
06:11You are a lively person, get it?
06:15You're so lame. But every time I brought up Gabriel, he'd say something like...
06:20Yes, it's almost time. But first, taste this quiche, Lorraine.
06:24Mmm, so good.
06:26But I was getting suspicious and decided to sneak off to try calling Gabriel.
06:30And that's when I heard his ringtone from inside the house.
06:33What on earth?
06:34I followed the sound right back to Pierrick.
06:36Wait, why do you have Gabriel's phone?
06:38Judy, I can explain. You are not safe anymore.
06:41Gabriel is a crazy man and he is planning something horrible.
06:45I knew you wouldn't listen to me, so I had to lie to get you as far away from him as possible.
06:51Hang on, so Gabriel is not sick and you've taken me to Paris?
06:55Dude, this is basically kidnapping.
06:57Judy, it's not like that. Please, you have to trust me.
07:00Trust you? I barely even know you, man. You're just jealous. Take me back to London this instant.
07:05I cannot. It's too dark to fly. But I will take you in the morning.
07:09I am not staying here overnight with you.
07:11Here, take these keys. Your bedroom is down the hall. You can lock me out.
07:15And please know I am so sorry. I am only trying to protect you.
07:19I marched down the hall and slammed the door, locking it.
07:22I was furious, but also a little scared.
07:25And as it got darker, I couldn't sleep, listening to the creepy sounds of the night.
07:29A creak here, an owl there, a rustle of keys. Wait, a rustle of keys? What was that?
07:34Oh no, someone was unlocking my door.
07:36Who's there? Pierrick? Stay back. I'm warning you.
07:39Judy, relax. It's me, Gabriel.
07:41Oh, Gabriel. Thank goodness. I was so afraid.
07:46Yes, you are safe now. I have come to take you away from my crazy brother.
07:50He is crazy. He's so crazy that he said you were crazy.
07:54That is something he likes to say, yes.
07:56We tiptoed out of there and were flying away in a small plane before anyone could stop us.
08:00I am so relieved to finally go back to London.
08:03London? We are not going back to London. It's too dangerous.
08:06We must go hide at my family's holiday house in Lyon.
08:08What? But what about my hockey finals?
08:10Who cares about hockey? It's a stupid game.
08:13I couldn't believe he was saying this. I felt so mad.
08:16And I decided it was best to text someone to let them know what was happening.
08:19But before I could type a letter, Gabriel grabbed my phone and threw it out the window.
08:24Gabriel, what are you doing?
08:26Phones are too risky right now. Don't worry. I will buy you a new one.
08:29Everything felt very wrong. This family was not normal.
08:32And now I was stuck in the middle of something.
08:34I kept my mouth shut for the rest of the journey.
08:36And when we landed at another massive mansion, I demanded to be left alone.
08:41I eventually cried myself to sleep in a strange bed.
08:44In the morning, Gabriel was acting even weirder than before.
08:47Morning, beautiful. I've made my special scrambled eggs and coffee for you.
08:51I was starving. But this food was a gooey, unappetizing mess.
08:57Gabriel did not have the same culinary skills as his brother.
09:00Listen, Gabriel, thank you so much for saving me last night, but I want to go home. Right now.
09:06Home? You are home, Jodie.
09:08This is the biggest house in France, and we have more money than you could ever spend.
09:12Here, you can forget about school and hockey, and we will live together happily ever after.
09:18You and me, Jodie. Let's get married. Let's get married today.
09:21I felt like I was going to faint.
09:23What are you even saying?
09:24Just think about it. I love you, Jodie. You are safe with me.
09:28I am going to take a shower, and when I come back, you can give me your answer.
09:31But just say yes, Jodie.
09:33As he was walking away, suddenly everything Pierrick said made sense.
09:37Gabriel was a psycho.
09:39Pierrick was right to try to get me away from him.
09:41I had to get out of here. I quickly wolfed down a few bites of gross eggs.
09:45Blech! What's in these things?
09:47And then ran out the front door.
09:49I didn't know where I was going, but if I could find a payphone...
09:52Why am I choking? My face is swelling up.
09:55Wait, was there seafood in those eggs?
09:57Oh my gosh, this is an allergic reaction.
09:59And I don't have my handbag with my EpiPen.
10:01I couldn't breathe and fell to the floor.
10:03Was this the end? Everything faded to black.
10:06There she is.
10:09Yes, you left your handbag in Paris. I'm glad I followed you.
10:12Me too. You saved my life, but how did you know I'd be here?
10:16Gabriel takes all his girls here. Quick, come to the helicopter.
10:19I'll explain everything on the way to London.
10:22We soared away, and after a long period of silence, Pierrick handed me a box of photos.
10:27Here were images after images of Gabriel with different women.
10:31What the heck?
10:32I told you, Gabriel is a psycho.
10:34He's always going crazy with his girlfriends eventually.
10:37I just could not live with myself if that happened to you.
10:40Thank you, Pierrick.
10:41Look out!
10:43The helicopter shook as a plane zoomed past, just about clipping us.
10:47That was close.
10:48That was on purpose. Looks like he found us.
10:50Come back, shorty. Hang on.
10:52My fingers gripped into the seat in terror as Gabriel kept upon us.
10:56Pierrick was flying like a stuntman, spinning around and performing loops, but it wasn't good enough.
11:01The plane slammed into the back of us, and our tails snapped off, sending us spiraling.
11:05We are going down!
11:08The ground was rushing toward us, and I knew we were goners.
11:11At the last minute, Pierrick pulled up, and we crashed into a cluster of trees.
11:15Oh, my head.
11:17Are you okay?
11:18A few scratches, but I think so. And you?
11:21I'm fine. I think we just landed outside of Greater London. Let me call a car.
11:25I wouldn't do that if I were you.
11:27Look, just come with me, shorty, and nobody gets hurt.
11:31You have to go through me first, brother.
11:33My pleasure.
11:34The two started to wrestle, but Pierrick wasn't strong enough.
11:37I didn't want to know what would happen next, and I decided I didn't want to find out.
11:41I grabbed a branch, ready to fight.
11:44Don't be ridiculous, shorty. You think you can take me on with a twig as your weapon?
11:50You don't understand. With this twig, everything is my weapon.
11:53Like a hockey game, I started bashing rocks like they were balls, and Gabriel's face was a goal.
11:58Ow! Ow! Okay, okay, I get it. I'm leaving.
12:01And don't come back here!
12:03The car pulled up from nowhere and skidded to a stop.
12:05Here's our ride, and by the look of things, if we hurry, we may still make the end of your final game.
12:10What do you mean, we?
12:12I'm sorry, Pierrick, but taking me to Paris was unacceptable, and you need to think about what you've done.
12:17The car left Pierrick in the dust, and I felt a little bad, but hopefully that'd teach him a lesson.
12:22Besides, I had my hockey match to think about, and it was a race against time.
12:26We blasted into London, and pulled up to the field during the last ten minutes of the match.
12:30Jody, you made it! The score is a tie, and we need you!
12:33Hand me a stick!
12:34With so much adrenaline flooding through my veins, nobody could stop me.
12:38I slid through the field like Bucks, and using my signature spin move, I smacked the ball, scoring the final point, and winning the game!
12:45We were the champions! Everyone was cheering!
12:49Suddenly, Pierrick showed up.
12:50You are the apple of the tree, the hardship to dot my eyes.
12:54Pierrick, what are you doing here?
12:56I wanted to say I'm sorry. I was only trying to save you, but I was a fool.
13:00If you would please forgive me, I'd like to make it up to you.
13:03Oh, yeah? And how would you do that?
13:05I have an idea. Here is a Royal Duck, glazed with a Grand Marnier Reduction, with a Treble-infused Prawns Puree, and baby Raymour carrots.
13:13You, my friend, are forgiven.
13:20Thank you.
