Another Womans Husband (2000)

  • 2 months ago
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00:00:00Little circles. Feel those arms. Those are muscles. You're gonna need them to swim laps.
00:00:14Pretend like you're polishing chrome. Harvey?
00:00:18Well, my arms don't want to go that way.
00:00:23Aren't we done yet, you guys?
00:00:28Let's do one of those Esther Williams moves.
00:00:33You've got 15 more minutes.
00:00:38All right, Harvey. Just one.
00:00:58All right, you guys. That's it.
00:01:27I know you have an exciting life with Johnny.
00:01:30Boy, if I was ten years younger, I'd give that husband of yours a run for his money.
00:01:35You haven't run since 1950?
00:01:38Was that Ed Lee Stevenson?
00:01:40Oh, no, honey. We're talking about something else.
00:01:44Okay, you guys. No Esther Williams tomorrow. We've got to get ready for senior day.
00:01:48I've seen the other team, and not a one of them wears water wings.
00:01:54Oh, you can swim the relay race for us. Show us how it's done, and we'll sit on the sidelines and cheer.
00:02:00Is she going to Wilshire? Is that where Johnny's taking her?
00:02:05What makes you think Johnny's taking me anywhere?
00:02:07If I was married to you, you'd be nonstop.
00:02:10Yeah, just you, Susan, and the pacemaker.
00:02:14Uh-oh. Where's my inhaler? I want to thank you.
00:02:20Oh, come on. Tell us. He's going to take you out tonight, right? Some big cocktail party?
00:02:26A movie. I bet it's dinner.
00:02:29Yeah. Harvey, yeah, you're right. It's a cocktail party.
00:02:32I knew it. Five bucks.
00:02:39So DPD, dependent personality disorder, has two key elements.
00:02:44People see the world as a hostile place, and themselves as powerless and desperate.
00:02:48In a world freezing them out, forcing them to spend an eternity alone.
00:02:52They hold on tight to anyone they feel can save them.
00:02:57What is the underlying dynamic?
00:02:59Fear of abandonment. They're so needy that they usually send their loved ones screaming in the other direction.
00:03:05Getting them to believe in their own power, that's a challenge.
00:03:09Any more questions before our seminar ends?
00:03:12Alright, thank you very much.
00:03:18Good job, Laurel.
00:03:21Great presentation, Laurel. Very clear.
00:03:23Thank you.
00:03:24I have a question.
00:03:27Will you have dinner with me?
00:03:32Jake, what are you doing here?
00:03:34Is that a yes?
00:03:35I thought you were going to be in Atlanta this week. That's what your email said.
00:03:39I rearranged my schedule so I could come through San Jose a little sooner and give you some support.
00:03:46So, can we have dinner?
00:03:49You can walk me to my car.
00:03:54How long are you in town?
00:03:56Just until tomorrow. Just to see you triumph with your colleagues.
00:04:00Feels odd seeing you again.
00:04:02Odd, Brad, or just odd?
00:04:05Odd, Brad, or just odd?
00:04:08Three months of emailing, all very charming, I have to admit.
00:04:12But this is only the second time we've seen each other.
00:04:15And calls. We've talked on the phone.
00:04:18Hit or miss. You never left a number where I could call you back.
00:04:22Only because I was on the road.
00:04:25I tell you what, if you say yes to dinner, I promise I will not spill coffee on you like I did the first time that I saw you at Starbucks.
00:04:34I still can't believe I did that.
00:04:36My dry cleaner loves you.
00:04:38I think you helped finance his oldest child's trumpet lessons for a year.
00:04:42That's the least I can do.
00:04:44So what do you say?
00:04:47Okay. Dinner.
00:04:52Excuse me.
00:04:54Oh, before I forget.
00:04:56Dr. Laura MacArthur.
00:04:59Tess, hang on one second.
00:05:05Here you go.
00:05:07What about your number?
00:05:12What's up, Tess?
00:05:33Who is it?
00:05:35It's me, Susan.
00:05:39I thought we had plans.
00:05:41Well, we did, Susan.
00:05:44But things changed suddenly.
00:05:46Now I have company.
00:05:49I brought pie.
00:05:51Please don't make this awkward for me.
00:05:53Who is it, honey?
00:05:56Uh, it's Susan, Al.
00:06:00Um, Susan, this is my new friend, Al.
00:06:04You two old friends?
00:06:06Not exactly.
00:06:08Um, I know you're going to find this hard to believe,
00:06:10and I don't want you to fall over backwards or anything,
00:06:13but she's my daughter.
00:06:33Toyota wagon, right?
00:06:35Excuse me?
00:06:37No frills, low maintenance.
00:06:39Oh, it's the kind of car game.
00:06:41Al is so good at that.
00:06:43I can spot a low-end station wagon a mile away.
00:06:47I drive a Ford Taurus.
00:06:49Oh, well, Al will get it on the next guest, won't you, honey?
00:06:53He gets a low sporty model for me, something pink,
00:06:56with real leather buckets,
00:06:58and if I wasn't driving that, I should be.
00:07:00If life was fair, which of course we all know it isn't.
00:07:04I'll check the stuffing.
00:07:08Susan is very good in the kitchen.
00:07:11I had her when I was 16,
00:07:13and believe me, it cut my childhood too quick.
00:07:16But I never once thought of giving her up.
00:07:19It was my duty, and I was going to have her,
00:07:21even if it killed me.
00:07:23It's done.
00:07:25Oh, Susan, why don't you fry the pork chops?
00:07:28They're in the fridge, and the frying pan's on the counter.
00:07:31I mean, since you're already in there.
00:07:35What are you doing? What are you doing?
00:07:37I'm having fun.
00:07:49I haven't told you,
00:07:51I haven't told you
00:07:53how impressed I was with your lecture.
00:07:56I haven't told you how impressed I was that you showed up.
00:07:59Oh, are you kidding?
00:08:01That was my family you were describing.
00:08:03Now, who told you that stuff, was it Mom?
00:08:05That's what everybody thinks.
00:08:07Actually, my family is stupefyingly normal.
00:08:10Well, that's what you think.
00:08:12Their last therapy session,
00:08:14you should have heard what they said about you.
00:08:18Now, I didn't think psychologists were allowed to be funny.
00:08:21As long as we do it on our own time.
00:08:24And don't reach.
00:08:26Yeah, overreaching can be a problem.
00:08:28Has been for me.
00:08:30I can see that.
00:08:33How about you?
00:08:35Oh, I overreach all the time.
00:08:49It's funny
00:08:51how water looks in different parts of the world.
00:08:55Three weeks ago, I was working for the Indian government,
00:08:58reprogramming 4 million lines of computer code.
00:09:01It's late at night, I'm exhausted.
00:09:03I walk outside,
00:09:05and the Arabians here are just stretched out.
00:09:08It's all silvery, purple, glistening.
00:09:14And I don't usually talk this way out here.
00:09:22I like it.
00:09:27When I was a kid, I just wanted a job that would make a difference, you know?
00:09:31I do know.
00:09:33That's exactly how I feel about being a psychologist.
00:09:36It's absorbing and frustrating.
00:09:40And every once in a while,
00:09:42someone will do something so remarkable that takes such courage.
00:09:48Who do you talk to?
00:09:50Well, that's a good question.
00:09:53I spend all day trying to get people to open up.
00:09:57But I can't talk about what they say or how they feel.
00:10:01So the work part, the part that most people share,
00:10:05I have to just close off.
00:10:07So that must be tough on relationships.
00:10:10I wouldn't know. I haven't had one in three years.
00:10:15How about you?
00:10:19I've always been married.
00:10:22It ended. I mean, it's been over a year.
00:10:27I'm sorry.
00:10:29I was, too.
00:10:40I'm not very good at this,
00:10:42and I'm probably not going to get it right,
00:10:44but I was wondering.
00:10:47I have this trip.
00:10:49I have to take some time in the next month.
00:10:51I want it through a company I contract with.
00:10:53Anyway, it's to the Bahamas.
00:10:58The water's amazing.
00:11:00It's clear blue, 200 feet down.
00:11:03Do you like to swim?
00:11:05You could relax or go snorkeling.
00:11:11I mean, you'd have your own room, of course.
00:11:13I'm not...
00:11:16I'm sorry.
00:11:20I'm suddenly not feeling very well.
00:11:36Jake, I don't need to think.
00:11:38You first.
00:11:42Jake, I had a wonderful time.
00:11:44Me, too.
00:11:46Laura, I want you to know I don't usually make a habit
00:11:48of asking women I barely know to the Bahamas.
00:11:51I want to do this right.
00:11:53However long it takes.
00:11:55I'll call you, and I will e-mail you,
00:11:58and here is my number in Atlanta.
00:12:06Jake, I'll think about what you said about the trip.
00:12:12Good night.
00:12:13Good night.
00:12:35Good night.
00:12:57I'd like the number of the community center, please.
00:13:05The community center will open daily from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m.
00:13:08Please leave us a message.
00:13:10Hi, this is Laura MacArthur.
00:13:16If somebody could please call me back.
00:13:19I'd like to inquire about swimming lessons.
00:13:27I think so.
00:13:29And then he starts looking at me out of the side of his eye.
00:13:32I'm a cop.
00:13:34This thing won't even go 65, and he lets me go.
00:13:37So I stomp on it, get it up to 65,
00:13:40and keep it there, clear into Kingman.
00:13:42Not bad.
00:13:44You know, we got an extra bed in the R.V.
00:13:46It's kind of small, but maybe you and I could squeeze in with it.
00:13:49Come on, see how long you can stay up.
00:13:51That's a wonderful idea.
00:13:53Tony, stop, you're putting me off.
00:13:55You're on.
00:13:57And they've got the cutest little cheerio shop here.
00:14:00Just let him off!
00:14:06You okay?
00:14:08What's going on?
00:14:12Somebody hurt? Anybody hurt?
00:14:23Susan, for Pete's sake,
00:14:25I didn't assume you were looking out for our own grandkids.
00:14:28She was playing, that's all.
00:14:30You certainly know how to cast a paw, I'll give you that.
00:14:33She surely didn't learn this from me.
00:14:36If you'll excuse me, I'm going to walk her to the gate.
00:14:41You didn't say more than two words to my friends tonight.
00:14:44The least you can do is make decent conversation.
00:14:47Where's the movie?
00:14:50The movie I rented.
00:14:52Well, I haven't watched it yet.
00:14:55You're going to need to get out and make your own friends.
00:14:58You can't rely on me for your entire social life.
00:15:01I thought it would be fun. My mistake.
00:15:03We have different ideas about what's fun.
00:15:06That's all, Susan.
00:15:08Hey, we're not done with that yet.
00:15:24Honey, it's so good to have you home.
00:15:52I have you home.
00:15:53Hey, Susan.
00:15:54Oh, you're home early.
00:15:55I didn't expect you till after Chicago.
00:15:58I know.
00:16:07Are you okay?
00:16:09Susan, I...
00:16:11Where's your wedding ring?
00:16:14Somebody stole it.
00:16:15Stole it?
00:16:17Who would do something like that?
00:16:19I was in the hotel room, and I was washing up,
00:16:21and I took it off, and I put it on the sink,
00:16:24and when I came back, it was gone.
00:16:27And I didn't want to tell you over the phone.
00:16:33There's pie in the fridge.
00:16:35I took it to Roxy's.
00:16:37She's got this new guy.
00:16:38I think we should separate.
00:16:40Oh, clumsy of me.
00:16:42Did you hear what I said?
00:16:44What could I have done?
00:16:45Honey, honey, things haven't been so good.
00:16:47Why are you saying that? Stop saying that.
00:16:50Just stop it.
00:16:51Stop it.
00:16:52Stop it and just listen to me.
00:16:55You listen to me.
00:16:57We've been married for ten years, Johnny.
00:17:00We've known each other since we were kids.
00:17:02You can't just come waltzing in here and tell me you're out of here.
00:17:05It's over.
00:17:06I am not the same man that I was ten years ago.
00:17:10How would I know that?
00:17:12You're hardly ever here.
00:17:15Maybe I should get my own place.
00:17:17It might help.
00:17:19Our marriage doesn't need help.
00:17:21It needs you.
00:17:23Not off on longer business trips or closed up in your office when you are home.
00:17:27When I am home, all we do is fight.
00:17:29And whose fault is that?
00:17:42You can't be any happier than I am.
00:17:45We both want very different things.
00:17:49You like to stay at home.
00:17:50I like taking care of you, Johnny.
00:17:52Is there something wrong with that?
00:17:54That's not what I meant.
00:17:55I'm just saying that our lives...
00:17:56Stop it.
00:17:58Stop sorting my stuff.
00:18:01It's my job, Johnny.
00:18:02You want my job?
00:18:05Take it.
00:18:06You can have it.
00:18:08All I'm saying is that maybe
00:18:11if you stop focusing on me for just a minute,
00:18:14you might have a little more time for yourself.
00:18:17That's all.
00:18:20You're trying to help me.
00:18:23You are something.
00:18:26Don't put that away.
00:18:28It's got gravy on it.
00:18:32So tell me something.
00:18:34What do you have?
00:18:36Besides swimming and teaching that little class.
00:18:39Little class?
00:18:40It's important.
00:18:42And not just to me.
00:18:44And you'd see that if you ever came down and watched,
00:18:47like you promised.
00:18:49And as far as the swimming...
00:18:50It's not all you are!
00:18:52It's the best part of me, Johnny.
00:18:54The swimming.
00:18:56You knew that when you married me.
00:18:58You used to love it.
00:19:01Maybe it's the swimming.
00:19:03It's messed up your cycles.
00:19:06That's what this is.
00:19:08I went for testing, Susan.
00:19:14You're trying to force me to get tested?
00:19:16Is that it?
00:19:18I won't do it.
00:19:20I'm not gonna put our sex life on some chart.
00:19:24Not that we have one.
00:19:26You know, I don't think I even want a baby anymore.
00:19:30What are you saying?
00:19:33What are you saying?
00:19:35You always wanted a baby.
00:19:37The first thing you did when we got married was build a cradle, Johnny.
00:19:41Johnny, you're upset.
00:19:44It's okay. It's fine.
00:19:47You want a baby? Great.
00:19:50That's great.
00:19:52We can work on it. We can make that happen.
00:19:55You're only saying that now because I just told you I want to separate.
00:19:59No, no, I am saying that because it's the truth.
00:20:03Susan, some people aren't meant to be together forever.
00:20:08I don't think we are.
00:20:12You made a promise when we got married, Johnny, that we would be.
00:20:18All I'm asking for is a little fairness.
00:20:21A chance to work it out.
00:20:30I still have Chicago tomorrow.
00:20:32And then you'll be back.
00:20:34I can't leave this way.
00:20:38This way.
00:20:39Oh, Susan.
00:20:41No, you said this way.
00:20:43It's late.
00:20:48Can we just go to sleep?
00:20:51I can drive you to the airport.
00:20:55You'll be late for class.
00:20:57Is it the 715 tomorrow?
00:20:59It's open-ended. I don't know how long it could be.
00:21:02Johnny, things can change.
00:21:05People can change.
00:21:08I'll try if you will.
00:21:11Susan, you know I love you.
00:21:15I love you too.
00:21:17Susan, you know I love you.
00:21:24You're just not in love with me. Is that it?
00:21:27You are stronger than you think.
00:21:30Not about you, Johnny.
00:21:33I'll call you from Chicago.
00:21:35Okay, Susan?
00:21:47I love you.
00:22:05Yes, I'd like the number of the Sheridan.
00:22:08Downtown San Jose.
00:22:11Can you connect me, please?
00:22:16I'd like to make a reservation.
00:22:19Jake Miller.
00:22:21No, a single.
00:22:25I'll be checking in in about ten minutes.
00:22:31Oh, he's doing it again.
00:22:41You need to grow up or come back during family swim.
00:22:47What's wrong?
00:22:51I'm fine.
00:22:54I sip chlorine in my eye.
00:22:57If it's something about Johnny, then he's a fool.
00:23:02Okay, beginners.
00:23:04Everybody in.
00:23:16Spread out, spread out.
00:23:19Good, good. Come on, move out a little bit.
00:23:21Move out.
00:23:23Okay, Laurel.
00:23:25Move out.
00:23:27Move out.
00:23:30Okay, Laurel, come on in.
00:23:35A little further, please.
00:23:42Come on, you can do it.
00:23:44One more step.
00:23:49That's it, Laurel.
00:23:51Okay, good.
00:23:53Class, we're gonna start with breathing first.
00:23:55Blow some bubbles underwater.
00:23:59Easy, right?
00:24:01I want everybody to do it together.
00:24:03One, two, three, here we go.
00:24:09Come on, Laurel.
00:24:15Head under. There you go.
00:24:21It's okay. Don't panic.
00:24:25You all right?
00:24:27Hey, Laurel, come back. Come back.
00:24:43I saw what happened.
00:24:45You okay?
00:24:47No, I'm not.
00:24:51Can I get you some water?
00:25:04Here you go.
00:25:08It was a stupid idea, my coming here.
00:25:11Who ever thought I could learn to swim in a couple of weeks so I could go in the ocean?
00:25:18With a guy, okay?
00:25:20Stupid reason, huh?
00:25:22I've heard worse.
00:25:25I could teach you.
00:25:27I don't think so.
00:25:29No, really. It's what I do.
00:25:31Well, the teacher's not the problem.
00:25:35Look, you're afraid.
00:25:39I know what that feels like.
00:25:43You really think you could?
00:25:45I know I could.
00:25:47Susan Miller.
00:25:50Lauren McArthur.
00:26:12Hi. Hey, you all right?
00:26:14I called your office and your assistant said you were sick.
00:26:17Oh, not really. Something happened today I had some trouble with, that's all.
00:26:21Chicken soup. It solves everything.
00:26:23You relax and I will get you a real bowl.
00:26:26I have a rule of never letting anyone take care of me.
00:26:29Well, then you're overdue. Relax. Go. Sit down.
00:26:49Thank you.
00:26:51Thank you.
00:26:53For what?
00:26:54For making things clear.
00:26:56What was unclear?
00:26:58Something very important, but I don't want to talk about it. I just want to handle it.
00:27:03I have things I'm working on that I don't want to burden you with also.
00:27:07You know, that's funny.
00:27:09I look at you and I think none of it's a burden.
00:27:15I don't have little relationships.
00:27:19Neither do I.
00:27:26I'll call you later.
00:28:18It's just like riding a horse or a bicycle.
00:28:21Remember what happened the other day? We're going to get you right back in the saddle.
00:28:26I don't ride horses and I haven't ridden a bike in years.
00:28:30So what do you do for fun?
00:28:32I don't have fun. I'm a psychologist.
00:28:34A psychologist? Who's afraid of the water?
00:28:37Very interesting.
00:28:39Can you come a little further?
00:28:42No, I can't go any farther.
00:28:44You're okay.
00:28:45I'm not going to let anything happen to you.
00:28:47The water's not going to let anything happen to you.
00:28:49The water's going to hold you up.
00:28:53Tell me about this guy.
00:28:56Jake. He lives in Atlanta.
00:29:01That's funny. His last name's Miller. Just curious.
00:29:04They're everywhere.
00:29:06Okay, now we're going to breathe.
00:29:08We're going to lower our chins to the water.
00:29:11Watch me.
00:29:12I'm going to breathe in.
00:29:15And out.
00:29:17Now you.
00:29:23That's great.
00:29:24Now, this time, I'm going to lower not my face, just my lips.
00:29:31Okay? Just my lips.
00:29:34Hey, hey, come on. Come on.
00:29:36Come on, come on, come on.
00:29:48Take me to the pool!
00:29:53Are you okay?
00:29:55I knew someone once drowned.
00:29:59Chlorine stays, doesn't it?
00:30:01You're doing great.
00:30:03Hold my hand, Laurel.
00:30:05Just like we were.
00:30:07Chin to the water.
00:30:09Breathe, Laurel. Breathe.
00:30:14My mom loves orchids.
00:30:18Do you like jazz?
00:30:20I love it.
00:30:21There's this group I like playing on Friday night at the Golden Horn.
00:30:25Would you like to go?
00:30:28Thank you.
00:30:29So what else do you love?
00:30:31Independent films.
00:30:34Running in the park.
00:30:38My mom's mac and cheese.
00:30:40Oh, yeah.
00:30:41Oh, God, I sound like some singles ad.
00:30:43Loves pizza and small children.
00:30:48So do you?
00:30:50Love children?
00:30:54How about you?
00:30:56I'll have the pizza.
00:31:00Oh, and before I forget,
00:31:02I'm moving here.
00:31:04My condo's up for sale.
00:31:06You can do that? Just move?
00:31:08It's the advantage of being a troubleshooter.
00:31:10I can work from anywhere.
00:31:14Jake, I'll come with you to the Bahamas.
00:31:28You do marriage counseling?
00:31:30Yeah, is something wrong?
00:31:32No, not me.
00:31:34A friend.
00:31:36My marriage? Great.
00:31:38Johnny's great.
00:31:40I'm glad you're married to somebody nice, Johnny.
00:31:42Yeah, the best.
00:31:45Okay, let's work on our arms, okay?
00:31:56Circle us like this.
00:31:58So what's great about him?
00:32:00In school,
00:32:02word got out
00:32:04that I didn't have a dad,
00:32:06so I was always getting teased.
00:32:08Johnny was the most popular boy
00:32:10in junior high,
00:32:12and when I was 12,
00:32:14we were in the same gym class.
00:32:17And after he saw me swim,
00:32:20he never let anybody
00:32:22tease me again.
00:32:24He could have had anybody,
00:32:26but he chose me.
00:32:28I'm not surprised.
00:32:32Let's, um,
00:32:34work on putting our faces in the water,
00:32:36like this.
00:32:44That's it. Relax.
00:32:50Of course, it's not all I want to do,
00:32:52be married,
00:32:54but it's kind of a cornerstone.
00:32:56So what else do you want to do?
00:33:02I have a year left on my degree.
00:33:04Johnny graduated
00:33:06a year before I did,
00:33:08and the main thing I wanted to do
00:33:10was make a home for us,
00:33:12so I dropped out.
00:33:14Okay, this time,
00:33:16when you put your face in the water,
00:33:18you let it go.
00:33:20Feel the water hold you up.
00:33:22I'll do it.
00:33:38I'm thinking of going back,
00:33:40but I'm going to be 32 on my next birthday,
00:33:42so I don't know.
00:33:44So what? You're going to be 32 anyway.
00:33:46Susan, I might look like
00:33:48I come from a long line of Ph.D.s,
00:33:50but I was the first one
00:33:52on either side of my family
00:33:54to finish college.
00:33:56Every summer, I worked in the same factory as my dad
00:33:58just to pay my way through.
00:34:00But you did it. You got out.
00:34:04Who would have thought?
00:34:08Someday, I want to write a book.
00:34:10A kid's dream book, I think.
00:34:12An adult voice telling them
00:34:14that there's a place for them in this bigger world
00:34:16and that they can do it.
00:34:18That their dreams count.
00:35:02I'm so glad you're home.
00:35:04I have a surprise for you.
00:35:06What kind of surprise?
00:35:08Come on, I'll show you.
00:35:14I want to get tested, Johnny.
00:35:16I want to have a baby with you.
00:35:20Susan, this isn't going to solve it.
00:35:24I need to move forward
00:35:26and get my own place.
00:35:30You need counseling. Is that it?
00:35:32We could go together.
00:35:34I have a student that does that.
00:35:40I want to sleep on the couch tonight.
00:37:14Sorry I'm late.
00:37:16A session ran long.
00:37:22Oh, my God.
00:37:24Laurel, you did it!
00:37:26You put your whole head underwater.
00:37:28It's because I'm a trained psychologist.
00:37:30Don't try this at home.
00:37:32Are you okay?
00:37:36Two of you, I'm in heaven!
00:37:40You got to watch out.
00:37:42You got to watch out for this one, Harvey.
00:37:44This is my friend, Laurel.
00:37:46Harvey, other end of the pool.
00:37:48Bossier and bossier.
00:37:50Have you noticed that, or is it just me?
00:37:56Today, we're going to work on breathing again.
00:37:58But this time,
00:38:00when we take a breath,
00:38:02we're going to turn our head
00:38:04and blow it into the water.
00:38:18Have you ever been married?
00:38:20Not yet.
00:38:22What about this guy from Atlanta?
00:38:24I don't know.
00:38:26Anything's possible.
00:38:28Is he nice?
00:38:30Yeah, he's great.
00:38:32How long have you been married?
00:38:34Ten years.
00:38:38Susan, what is it?
00:38:42He wants to separate.
00:38:44I think there's somebody else.
00:38:48Susan, I'm so sorry.
00:38:50Dave, he lies.
00:38:52He told me
00:38:54somebody stole his wedding ring.
00:38:56And then I found it.
00:38:58He'd hidden it.
00:39:00Have you told him that you know?
00:39:02I don't want to hear the answer.
00:39:04Maybe it has something to do with work.
00:39:06Well, it could be. What does he do?
00:39:10But I know it's not that.
00:39:12The worst part is,
00:39:14it used to be so easy
00:39:16at home.
00:39:18I never had to think about
00:39:20what I said or did.
00:39:22I just knew he was on my side.
00:39:24No matter what happened out there,
00:39:26at home,
00:39:28it was just us
00:39:30in this little world.
00:39:32And I don't know how to get that back.
00:39:34Johnny doesn't think
00:39:36I have any ambition.
00:39:38I don't want to do anything.
00:39:40But he's wrong.
00:39:44My huge ambition
00:39:46and the big success
00:39:48of my life
00:39:50was always closing off the rest
00:39:52of the world
00:39:54and keeping us inside.
00:39:58I just thought
00:40:00if I stayed close
00:40:02to home
00:40:04and I kept it small
00:40:06that I could get it right.
00:40:10That nothing could hurt me.
00:40:12And now...
00:40:14You know what? I think we need a break.
00:40:16A girls' weekend, maybe.
00:40:18Or, you know what? A spa.
00:40:26he's hardly ever home.
00:40:28I'm not just going to leave him when he is.
00:40:30If it is true,
00:40:32if there's somebody else,
00:40:36I'll take care of you, okay?
00:41:02Thank you.
00:41:06To you and your move.
00:41:12I'm having dinner at my mom's next Wednesday.
00:41:14Want to come?
00:41:16Wednesday? If it's late.
00:41:18I've got a little something to do,
00:41:20but Wednesday will be just fine.
00:41:22Great. Bring an appetite.
00:41:26Oh, my God.
00:41:28I can't believe it.
00:41:30What is it, Betz?
00:41:32Look at that table to the left of the piano.
00:41:34That is him, isn't it?
00:41:36That's Johnny Miller.
00:41:38That's that Susan with him.
00:41:40Maybe it's just a client.
00:41:42Thank you.
00:41:44I'll be back.
00:41:52Betz, stay out of it.
00:41:54It's none of your business.
00:41:56If it was me, I'd want to know.
00:42:00I don't know.
00:42:04I told you.
00:42:06Once you bring the bike,
00:42:08it all comes back to you.
00:42:10This is so good for me.
00:42:12Me, too.
00:42:14I never had any real friends
00:42:16when I was a kid,
00:42:18except Johnny.
00:42:20Until just now.
00:42:22I didn't realize how lonely I was.
00:42:24Yeah, I know all about loneliness.
00:42:26You know what a psychologist is?
00:42:28False intimacy.
00:42:30Laura, you help people.
00:42:32You're being too hard on yourself.
00:42:34I don't know, am I?
00:42:36It lets me get close
00:42:38without ever giving anything back,
00:42:40which is fine for work.
00:42:42I just don't want to do it
00:42:44in my personal life anymore.
00:42:46Things are heating up with you and Jake.
00:42:48There's that.
00:42:50He sounds like how Johnny used to be with me.
00:42:52Concerned, paying attention.
00:42:54Yeah, there's Jake.
00:42:56But there's also you.
00:42:58Our friendship, our talks.
00:43:00I can talk to you about anything.
00:43:02I'm the one who should be saying that.
00:43:04I was never comfortable
00:43:06around women like you.
00:43:08They always seemed to have this gift
00:43:10that they knew everything.
00:43:12You're the one with the gift.
00:43:14Haven't you seen the way Harvey
00:43:16and the others just light up
00:43:18when you're around?
00:43:20You make people feel safe.
00:43:22You make me feel safe.
00:43:24You make me feel safe.
00:43:30Johnny's coming home tonight.
00:43:32I'm meeting him at his
00:43:34folks' house.
00:43:36We have dinner every Wednesday when he's here.
00:43:38Are you close with him?
00:43:40I only see him when he's here.
00:43:42Jake's meeting my mom
00:43:44tonight. Scared?
00:43:52A lot.
00:43:54Could be worse. You could be meeting his parents.
00:44:08I was hoping I'd run into you.
00:44:10I mean, here we live, what, two blocks apart
00:44:12and we don't even see each other.
00:44:14Well, here he is.
00:44:16Hi, Betts.
00:44:18Hi, little guy.
00:44:20Oh, no, no, it's fine.
00:44:22I know you had a lot on your mind. How are you?
00:44:26Really? You okay?
00:44:30Any reason I shouldn't be?
00:44:32No, no, I just didn't know if you and Johnny...
00:44:34Me and Johnny what?
00:44:38He wants out.
00:44:40Come here.
00:44:42You little pumpkin.
00:44:46You want to hold him?
00:44:48I gotta go change.
00:44:50Betts, just say it, okay?
00:44:54We saw Johnny at this club over on Fifth.
00:44:56The Golden Horn.
00:44:58There's this group we love,
00:45:00Andrew's Jazz Ensemble.
00:45:02He was with somebody.
00:45:04A woman.
00:45:08It's just a client, probably.
00:45:12Yeah, it was a client.
00:45:16Your baby's cute, Betts.
00:45:18Oh, thanks.
00:45:20Great seeing you.
00:45:26There is such a chill tonight.
00:45:28This is probably going to be the last night we eat out this year.
00:45:30Thank you, dear.
00:45:32You look a little pale.
00:45:34Are you pushing too hard with your swimming?
00:45:36I'm fine.
00:45:38Johnny's the one who's been busy.
00:45:40It's true.
00:45:42And I'm going to have to go out again tonight, too.
00:45:44I got a call from Richards at Unitech.
00:45:46A virus in their patients' file.
00:45:48Could be a long one.
00:45:50Well, they have to let you eat.
00:45:52I mean, especially after being cooped up
00:45:54on that airplane all day.
00:45:56Long flight?
00:45:58Vlogged in at Boston.
00:46:00I heard the weather was clear.
00:46:04Well, I was there, Susan,
00:46:06and we were on the ground for two hours.
00:46:08Johnny, you want another hamburger or hot dog?
00:46:12It's nice to have a home-cooked meal.
00:46:14Maybe if you were home.
00:46:16I'm just trying
00:46:18to make a living, Susan.
00:46:20Johnny, I ran into your old
00:46:22high school quarterback the other day.
00:46:24Bill Jeffers?
00:46:26I haven't seen him since graduation.
00:46:28How's he doing?
00:46:30Fine. Bald.
00:46:34It's amazing who you can run into
00:46:36when you least expect it.
00:46:38You know Betz?
00:46:40Her baby?
00:46:44She and her husband went to this new club
00:46:46the other night.
00:46:48The Golden Horn.
00:46:50This is great, Dad.
00:46:54Andrews Jazz Ensemble.
00:46:56Isn't that one of your favorite groups, Johnny?
00:47:00You know, speaking of Andrews,
00:47:02guess who just got awarded
00:47:04the contract for reconfiguring
00:47:06the computers at Andrews Air Force Base?
00:47:08Oh, that's wonderful.
00:47:10The downside is
00:47:12I will have to be gone a little bit more.
00:47:16Excuse me.
00:47:18It's all right.
00:47:26What do you think you're doing?
00:47:28Me? You were at that club, Johnny.
00:47:30What are you talking about?
00:47:32You know damn well what I'm talking about.
00:47:34Who is she? What is her name?
00:47:36I don't want to hurt you.
00:47:42Oh, God, it's true.
00:47:44You're not going to believe it
00:47:46when I found this in the garage.
00:47:48Nobody stole it.
00:47:50You took it off and you hid it.
00:47:52I have been trying to tell you.
00:47:54This is not happening.
00:47:56Susan, we have to talk.
00:47:58I am not ready for this to be over.
00:48:00We have to work at it separately.
00:48:02This is not the time, okay?
00:48:04We'll talk later.
00:48:08I'm going to be late.
00:48:16Hi, Mom.
00:48:20Oh, you must be Jake.
00:48:24Oh, my.
00:48:26That's a rare Brazilian orchid.
00:48:28Thank you.
00:48:30Come in.
00:48:34So Laurel tells me
00:48:36she was born in Michigan.
00:48:38Were you too?
00:48:40Third generation.
00:48:42We decided to leave after...
00:48:44well, we moved to Chicago
00:48:46when Laurel was eight.
00:48:48More potatoes.
00:48:50Oh, thank you. It's delicious,
00:48:52but I could need another bite.
00:48:54Oh, you have to save room for dessert.
00:48:56I made peach cobbler from scratch.
00:48:58What do you think?
00:49:00I like him.
00:49:02Me too.
00:49:04All right. That is all of them.
00:49:06Oh, thanks. Just put them over there.
00:49:08Want me to start loading?
00:49:10Oh, it's broken. I'm afraid.
00:49:12Why didn't you tell me it was broken?
00:49:14Let me take a look at this.
00:49:16Could be a piece missing or something.
00:49:18You know, this just needs to be tightened up.
00:49:20Do you have a toolbox?
00:49:22Yeah. Dad's old toolbox is in the hall closet.
00:49:24Do you want to get it, honey?
00:49:26I miss so much of Laurel's dad.
00:49:28He used to be able to fix anything.
00:49:30He was so good with his hands.
00:49:32You must miss him.
00:49:34Every day for the past 12 years.
00:49:36Here we go.
00:49:38Thanks for doing this.
00:49:48You look comfortable.
00:49:50I am. Thank you.
00:49:56So my Atlanta realtor found a buyer.
00:49:58Now all I need is a place here.
00:50:00Want to help me look?
00:50:02Sure, if you want me to.
00:50:06Laurel, I can't get you off my mind.
00:50:08I can't stop thinking about you.
00:50:10You know, I wonder what you're doing
00:50:12when you're not with me,
00:50:14and I want to spend every minute with you,
00:50:16and I hope that doesn't frighten you,
00:50:18and I hope it's not too fast.
00:50:20I just have these feelings.
00:50:50I love you.
00:51:12Need some coffee.
00:51:14I can't believe I slept so late.
00:51:22I told you I wanted to do this right,
00:51:24and I do.
00:51:26Oh, Jake.
00:51:28There's something
00:51:30that I need to tell you.
00:51:34What is it?
00:51:36And, uh...
00:51:40I'm still married.
00:51:46How dare you come in here
00:51:48and say your words and your orchids
00:51:50and your soup when I'm sick?
00:51:52How dare you manipulate me?
00:51:54Is that what you think?
00:51:56Look what it'd help if I talked about her,
00:51:58if I told you why I couldn't just leave?
00:52:00Well, you think by sharing
00:52:02intimate details about her feelings
00:52:04and her weaknesses
00:52:06and what she looks like in the morning
00:52:08and what she's afraid of,
00:52:10that that will somehow make what you did okay?
00:52:12That I'll suddenly go,
00:52:14oh, yeah, now I get it.
00:52:18I'm getting divorced.
00:52:20Does your wife know?
00:52:22She doesn't want to believe it,
00:52:24but she knows there's someone else,
00:52:26and it's over with her.
00:52:28Jake, the truth is, it's not.
00:52:30If it were, you'd be divorced, legally,
00:52:32not just in your mind for a couple of hours
00:52:34while we're together.
00:52:36Laura, I've done a terrible thing,
00:52:38not only to you but to her,
00:52:40and I am just trying to make it right.
00:52:42The only way to make it right
00:52:44is to go back in there and figure out
00:52:46how to kill it, Jake, one way or the other.
00:52:48I meant everything I said to you.
00:52:50Did you mean it to her once, too?
00:52:56He's married.
00:52:58Oh, Laura.
00:53:00In therapy, I hear the same kind of stories
00:53:02all the time. I should have known.
00:53:04Have you ever tried calling him in Atlanta?
00:53:06Yeah. He had a voicemail in his condo.
00:53:08We mostly emailed.
00:53:12Of course I
00:53:14still love Johnny,
00:53:16even though he just told me
00:53:18he really does have somebody else.
00:53:20Do you really want a guy
00:53:22who would treat you like that?
00:53:24Okay, don't answer that.
00:53:32We need a vacation.
00:53:34I'll tell you what.
00:53:36If you let me continue teaching you swimming,
00:53:38the only reason I was taking swimming lessons
00:53:40was because of Jake.
00:53:42I know. I mean, you've come this far.
00:53:44I'll make you a deal.
00:53:46If you stick with your swimming lessons,
00:53:48I'll take you up
00:53:50on that girl's vacation.
00:53:52Okay? Deal.
00:53:54But I don't want us wasting
00:53:56a minute talking about these guys.
00:54:00I know.
00:54:02Five bucks every time one of us brings him up.
00:54:06So I've thought about this,
00:54:08and I do want to try.
00:54:12Being here.
00:54:16What changed your mind?
00:54:18I've had time to think about it, that's all.
00:54:22I want to try it for a month.
00:54:24A month?
00:54:26A month.
00:54:28Give it six months. Six months together.
00:54:30I'll be back on Sunday. I'm from Cincinnati.
00:54:32This time thing is only a month.
00:54:34It's about her, isn't it?
00:54:36Tell me about her.
00:54:40I want to know.
00:54:44It's only fair I know what I'm up against.
00:54:46She's very different than you.
00:54:48I don't know.
00:54:52She's more like me.
00:55:00I'll get dessert.
00:55:04I'm going away for the weekend.
00:55:06Can you get the phone?
00:55:08Did you hear me?
00:55:10Can you get the phone?
00:55:28No, I can't right now.
00:55:30Did you hear what I said?
00:55:32You said you're going away. That's okay.
00:55:34Okay, that's it?
00:55:38No, we're not fighting.
00:55:40What do you want me to say?
00:55:50Are you going to see her?
00:55:54Thank you.
00:55:56Susan, we may not know what the ending is yet.
00:55:58But it means that I know that I have to.
00:56:02Try hard to make it work with you.
00:56:06I'll be trying to.
00:56:10I don't want you to leave.
00:56:12And I will do whatever it takes to keep you.
00:56:24Tell me.
00:56:28Tell me.
00:56:30Forget it.
00:56:32No, I want to know. You're laughing.
00:56:34Okay, fine.
00:56:36It's just, you know how you've always said that you never wanted to be like Roxy?
00:56:38Well, right now, you...
00:56:40You sounded just like her.
00:56:42I'm sorry.
00:56:56You can do the dishes.
00:57:12You're not intimidated by any of this, are you?
00:57:14Should I be?
00:57:18Don't tell me Johnny never takes you on business trips.
00:57:20And yes, I know. I said his name.
00:57:22I owe you five.
00:57:24So does he?
00:57:28Take you on trips.
00:57:30Not the business ones.
00:57:32He wanted me to, but I was always happier staying home.
00:57:34And after a while, he stopped asking.
00:57:38I mean, I'm never comfortable meeting people.
00:57:42I think we're going to work on your confidence level.
00:57:44I need that.
00:57:46Last night, I made Johnny tell me about her.
00:57:48I know. Keep your five bucks.
00:57:50Excuse me.
00:57:52It was awful.
00:57:54I felt so small.
00:57:56I never want to feel like that again.
00:57:58Want some advice?
00:58:00No. Yes.
00:58:02Maybe this isn't the right thing for you.
00:58:06Maybe you should think about getting out.
00:58:18Did you ever know your dad?
00:58:20Are you kidding?
00:58:22Roxy hardly knew him.
00:58:24She was a cheerleader when she got pregnant.
00:58:26She had to drop out her junior year.
00:58:30I lived with my grandparents until they threw her out.
00:58:34I was two.
00:58:36We moved into this apartment.
00:58:38And she's still there.
00:58:42We'd shop for dented cans of spaghetti and pears
00:58:46and eat off paper plates.
00:58:48Nothing permanent.
00:58:50Just half-priced cans
00:58:52and plates we could toss.
00:58:54It was like
00:58:56at any moment
00:58:58she was going to hit the road
00:59:00if the right man came along
00:59:02and leave it all behind,
00:59:04me included.
00:59:06I can't imagine
00:59:08what it would feel like
00:59:10to have a real mother.
00:59:12We could share mine.
00:59:18When did you get so good at this?
00:59:20When did you get so good at swimming?
00:59:22You first.
00:59:24No, I'm the artiste.
00:59:26You don't want an eyebrow across your nose, do you?
00:59:28I won my first
00:59:30regional gold
00:59:32when I was in high school.
00:59:34Regional gold when I was in high school.
00:59:36I've been swimming since I was four.
00:59:40One of Roxy's boyfriends,
00:59:42Skip or Rick or some short name,
00:59:44used to drop me in the deep end
00:59:46over and over again until I thought I'd drown.
00:59:48And then one day
00:59:50I learned to hold my breath and get away.
00:59:52Roxy never stopped him?
00:59:54She was working on her tan
00:59:56or just had her hair done. Important stuff.
00:59:58Have you ever tried
01:00:00to talk to her about any of this?
01:00:02What's the use?
01:00:04Well, it's not going to change her, but it might make you feel better.
01:00:06Like what you did
01:00:08in the water.
01:00:10You took something that terrified you
01:00:12and you made it your best safe place.
01:00:14That's what I'm going to do.
01:00:16I'm going to get to where you are.
01:00:22You like that?
01:00:26Wow, Susan, you're beautiful.
01:00:28Come on. Look for yourself.
01:00:32That's such a great color on you.
01:00:34You have to keep it.
01:00:48They all seem wrong.
01:00:50I mean, look at you.
01:00:52Susan, when's the last time you bought yourself
01:00:54something with color?
01:00:56I don't want to be Roxy.
01:00:58That's Roxy's thing.
01:01:00She's even one of those
01:01:02color consultants.
01:01:04Well, that's a great reason to wear beige
01:01:06for the rest of your life.
01:01:08Come on.
01:01:10Where are you taking me?
01:01:12We are going out.
01:01:14Come on. Let's just go.
01:01:18When I was a kid in Chicago,
01:01:20I used to study the fashion magazines
01:01:22and try to sew dresses to look like the models.
01:01:24My mom and I tried
01:01:26so hard, but they always looked
01:01:28homemade. At least they felt
01:01:30that way.
01:01:32You know, when I got my first paycheck,
01:01:34I went out and bought myself a suit.
01:01:40What do you think?
01:01:42Gorgeous. Oh, here. Try this one.
01:01:44One isn't enough?
01:01:48Okay. Feels like a confessional.
01:01:50Are you Catholic?
01:01:52When Roxy's boyfriends were Catholic,
01:01:54I was Catholic.
01:01:56When my boyfriend was Baptist,
01:01:58I was Baptist.
01:02:00The only thing I've never been
01:02:02was a kid.
01:02:06Johnny really wants kids.
01:02:16I've been trying.
01:02:18I haven't gotten pregnant yet.
01:02:22And the reason is...
01:02:26I'm still on the pill.
01:02:30Johnny thinks my cycles
01:02:32are just messed up.
01:02:36I'm afraid to have kids.
01:02:38But I've seen you with the seniors.
01:02:40You're patient and giving.
01:02:42You'd be a wonderful mother.
01:02:44No. That's just it.
01:02:46I wouldn't.
01:02:50I've done okay.
01:02:52But there's this hollow place
01:02:56inside that never goes away.
01:03:00And sooner or later,
01:03:04the kid would need something
01:03:06that I couldn't give him.
01:03:10And that's when I'd pass that same
01:03:12hollow thing on.
01:03:14I wouldn't mean to,
01:03:16but I would.
01:03:18Susan, if you're gonna stay with him
01:03:20and work things out,
01:03:22you're gonna have to be honest with him.
01:03:26I know.
01:03:52You look great.
01:03:56Did you have a good time?
01:03:58Yeah. It was fun.
01:04:00Did you go with anybody I know?
01:04:02A friend.
01:04:08Did you dress like that for me?
01:04:10What if I did?
01:04:14I just don't want to be
01:04:16the reason you do things.
01:04:18That's all.
01:04:20It's a little late for that.
01:04:22What is that supposed to mean?
01:04:24My high school freestyle medal.
01:04:26Yeah, I'm just
01:04:28cleaning out some of my old stuff.
01:04:30This pile is yours.
01:04:32What did you mean?
01:04:34This pile's yours.
01:04:36This pile's mine.
01:04:38I bet you were trying, Johnny.
01:04:40Susan, I...
01:04:42I am just cleaning out the garage.
01:04:44You won't read any more into it than that.
01:04:50Remember my old high school coach?
01:04:52Went to the University of Florida?
01:04:54Yeah, that same year
01:04:56he took three of his swarms to the Olympics.
01:05:00He offered me a full scholarship.
01:05:02You could have
01:05:04trained for the Olympics and you passed.
01:05:06Why didn't you tell me?
01:05:10I did what I wanted to do.
01:05:12Go to state.
01:05:14With you.
01:05:16So that's why you didn't do it.
01:05:18Because of me.
01:05:20I knew you'd say this.
01:05:22Well, damn right, that's the stupidest thing...
01:05:24Why? Because I chose you?
01:05:26I had choices.
01:05:28That's all I wanted to say.
01:05:30It wasn't weakness
01:05:32that brought me to you.
01:05:34And if we make it,
01:05:36it's not going to be weakness
01:05:38that keeps us together.
01:05:40I am stronger than I thought.
01:06:06Okay, that's it for today.
01:06:08We're almost there.
01:06:10Oh, boy.
01:06:12It's getting harder and harder
01:06:14instead of easier and easier.
01:06:16Hey, that Harvey,
01:06:18he sure is one big kidder.
01:06:20You know him.
01:06:24last night was incredible.
01:06:26It was just like when we were first married.
01:06:28Well, that's great, but...
01:06:30But what?
01:06:32He's back. That's the main thing.
01:06:34Listen, I don't want to say be careful,
01:06:36but be careful, okay?
01:06:38He's not going to leave.
01:06:40Not now.
01:06:42Susan, you can't pretend that the last few weeks never happened.
01:06:44It's amazing
01:06:46how long Harvey can hold his breath.
01:06:56Man down.
01:06:58Going in.
01:07:00Call 911.
01:07:02He's had a heart attack.
01:07:06Susan, I got him.
01:07:08I'm on it.
01:07:10Got it.
01:07:12Come on, you got him?
01:07:34Keep going.
01:07:36Okay, easy.
01:07:38I got his head.
01:07:46Oh, please.
01:07:48He's got no breath.
01:07:50Oh, please.
01:07:56Come on, honey.
01:07:58He's got no pulse.
01:08:00Start the compressions.
01:08:04One and two and three
01:08:06and four and five.
01:08:08One and two and three
01:08:10and four and five.
01:08:14Come on, Susan. Let's go.
01:08:16One and two and three
01:08:18and four and five.
01:08:20I need your help.
01:08:26Come on.
01:08:28Mike, get in here.
01:08:32Step in there.
01:08:34Start compressions.
01:08:36One, two, three,
01:08:38four, five.
01:08:54It was my brother.
01:08:56It was my little brother
01:08:58who drowned.
01:09:00We were on vacation.
01:09:02First time at the beach.
01:09:04Dad and Mom were unloading the car,
01:09:06setting things up.
01:09:08I was supposed to watch him
01:09:10and not let him go in until they were there.
01:09:12He was so fast,
01:09:14he just ran and kept going out
01:09:16into the waves.
01:09:18And he was laughing.
01:09:20This wave came.
01:09:22It was huge.
01:09:26Tim tried to get back,
01:09:28but the riptide grabbed him
01:09:30and pulled him under.
01:09:32And this wave came
01:09:34and he went under.
01:09:36His head came up.
01:09:40He was reaching out to me.
01:09:42And then another wave came
01:09:44and he was gone.
01:09:48How did I let that happen?
01:09:52I was supposed to be watching.
01:09:54I was supposed to be taking care.
01:10:00I was so sorry.
01:10:12It's hard. So hard.
01:10:14Yes. I know.
01:10:16Oh! Oh!
01:10:18It's fine.
01:10:20I'm sorry.
01:10:22I didn't mean to make so much noise.
01:10:26Thank you so much.
01:10:28Thank you so much.
01:10:30Thank you.
01:10:32Thank you.
01:10:34Thank you.
01:10:36Thank you.
01:10:38Thank you.
01:10:40Thank you.
01:10:44I'm glad you came.
01:10:48This is my husband, Johnny.
01:10:50Johnny, this is my friend.
01:10:58Susan, I'm sorry I can't stay.
01:11:00I'm not feeling well.
01:11:06She's a psychologist.
01:11:08Sometimes things just hit her hard.
01:11:20I've been looking for you for an hour.
01:11:22Why didn't you tell me you were taking swimming lessons?
01:11:24I was taking them for you, you son of a bitch.
01:11:26What else have you lied about?
01:11:28Not the important things.
01:11:30Not about falling in love with you.
01:11:32Love? What do you know about love?
01:11:34The only thing you know about is taking care of Jake.
01:11:36Jake, that's it.
01:11:38You're really good at that.
01:11:40The first time we met, you were already lying.
01:11:44When I spilled that coffee on you that day,
01:11:46I'd just gotten off a plane from Atlanta,
01:11:48so when you asked me where I lived,
01:11:50Atlanta just slipped out.
01:11:52I didn't think I was ever going to see you again,
01:11:54so it didn't matter that I had misspoken,
01:11:56because by then, it was too late.
01:11:58Misspoken? It started with a lie.
01:12:00I wasn't trying to start anything.
01:12:02But you did.
01:12:04You sued me.
01:12:06You even had an Atlanta phone number.
01:12:08Not at first.
01:12:10The day I asked you out for the date,
01:12:12the day I showed up at your lecture,
01:12:14that's the day I got the Atlanta number,
01:12:16and that is the day that I decided
01:12:18that I wasn't going to stay with my old life any longer.
01:12:20She said it was like old times.
01:12:22You said yourself I needed to try.
01:12:24Well, maybe I was wrong.
01:12:28Susan's my best friend.
01:12:30Don't you see it's never going to work for us now?
01:12:32You know what?
01:12:34All I wanted was to get out of it
01:12:36with the least amount of harm to her.
01:12:38She never had to know.
01:12:40I never want her to know.
01:12:42You don't know how lucky you are.
01:12:44Susan is a gem, and she deserves better.
01:12:46And frankly, Jake,
01:12:48Johnny, whatever you call yourself,
01:12:50so do I.
01:12:52If you care about me, if you really care,
01:12:54then don't call me,
01:12:56and just leave me alone.
01:13:02I love you.
01:13:32Oh, God.
01:13:34Something fall. Are you all right?
01:13:40Oh, God.
01:13:42We didn't know. Laurel didn't know.
01:13:44I didn't know.
01:13:46Don't touch me.
01:13:48Oh, God.
01:13:50Just leave me alone.
01:13:54Just talk to me.
01:13:56Talk to me.
01:14:02You're scaring me. Stop it.
01:14:04How could you do that with her?
01:14:06She was my only friend, Johnny.
01:14:08You took everything.
01:14:10Must have been fun, huh?
01:14:12What are you talking about?
01:14:14Two of you must have had a couple laughs.
01:14:16We didn't know until the funeral.
01:14:18You expect me to believe that?
01:14:20That's the truth.
01:14:22Just get out.
01:14:24I don't ever want to see you again.
01:14:26Stop it. Stop it.
01:14:28If you want her, just go to her.
01:14:32You're here
01:14:34because things didn't work with her?
01:14:40Don't lie to me. I am sick of your lies.
01:14:44Look, we can start over.
01:14:46You are not the only one that lies.
01:14:48You see this?
01:14:50You want to know why we can't have kids, Johnny?
01:14:52This is why.
01:14:54How can you be on the pill and not kill me?
01:14:56I'm not good
01:14:58mother material, Johnny.
01:15:00You think magically I'd know how to do it
01:15:02by watching your mother once a week
01:15:04or reading a few books?
01:15:06I'd be faking it.
01:15:08And sooner or later you'd start hating me.
01:15:10You and the baby both.
01:15:12This isn't about babies, Johnny.
01:15:14This is about us.
01:15:18You made me wrong.
01:15:20You made me feel wrong.
01:15:22You made me wrong in our marriage
01:15:24and wrong in my choices and wrong in who I am.
01:15:26You accuse me
01:15:28of doing too much for you.
01:15:30But I'll tell you something.
01:15:32What I'm doing now is for myself.
01:15:34No, you can make all the promises
01:15:36in the world and it doesn't matter.
01:15:38This isn't about you.
01:15:40It's about me.
01:15:42About finding out what I want.
01:15:44Susan, I...
01:15:46I want you to get out!
01:15:56Get out.
01:16:12Susan, I'm sorry.
01:16:16Are you?
01:16:20Which part, Laurel?
01:16:26The part where it didn't work out with him?
01:16:28Or the part where you broke my heart?
01:16:34I understand why I fell in love with you.
01:16:38You're everything I'm not.
01:16:40But you were my friend.
01:16:42Didn't that matter to you at all?
01:16:46That's why I ended it when I found out it was you.
01:16:48I might have let it go on
01:16:50if it were someone else.
01:16:52But I ended it because I care more about you.
01:16:54It was the best thing I had!
01:16:56That and my friendship with you
01:16:58and you took them both away!
01:17:00I didn't mean to.
01:17:02What else have you taken that doesn't belong to you?
01:17:06I never want to see you again!
01:17:08Susan, please, listen to me!
01:17:10Please, don't go!
01:17:12Susan, wait!
01:17:24I know it's only been four days since...
01:17:34If you're hoping I can say something
01:17:36that's going to change it,
01:17:38I don't think I can.
01:17:41I can't think of one good thing
01:17:43about Harvey dying.
01:17:47I do know
01:17:50when people leave us,
01:17:52it's hell.
01:17:58I don't know how any of us get through it,
01:18:00how we're expected to.
01:18:03It's over.
01:18:06I don't want it to be,
01:18:08but it is.
01:18:10And that's what we're left to deal with.
01:18:12So maybe
01:18:14all we really got
01:18:16is the memory
01:18:18of the good things they gave us.
01:18:22And there were a lot.
01:18:24A smile.
01:18:30That's a big one.
01:18:32Just being there.
01:18:34Just being there.
01:18:36And maybe
01:18:38if we think about those things,
01:18:42it'll stop hurting.
01:18:48Okay, you guys.
01:18:50Let's get in the pool.
01:19:00In the pool.
01:19:06Little circles.
01:19:08Strength training.
01:19:30My goodness.
01:19:32I want to talk to you.
01:19:34I've got company.
01:19:36You've always got company. You need to go.
01:19:38And who are you?
01:19:40I'm her daughter. Now get out.
01:19:44You never told me you had a daughter.
01:19:52How old are you, anyway?
01:19:54I had her very young. Tell him, Susan.
01:19:56Tell him.
01:19:58See ya.
01:20:00Are you coming back here, Mark?
01:20:06You are something.
01:20:08You know, just blasting in here
01:20:10thinking you can just
01:20:12interrupt my life whenever you want.
01:20:14It's all I've ever been, just one big interruption.
01:20:16I kept you, didn't I?
01:20:18I'm supposed to be grateful?
01:20:20You could have let your folks raise me.
01:20:22They wanted to.
01:20:24You could have adopted me out.
01:20:26To strangers.
01:20:28What do you think you were, Roxy?
01:20:30I didn't have anyone that cared about me.
01:20:32A mother is supposed to care.
01:20:34You know what?
01:20:36I am listening to all this stuff, and it's like you and I
01:20:38had different lives.
01:20:40You never made me important.
01:20:44I never mattered to you.
01:20:46Growing up was all about taking care of Roxy.
01:20:48I was a kid, and I was too young
01:20:50to be sabotaging with you!
01:20:52I was the kid, Roxy!
01:20:54I was the kid!
01:20:56I was supposed to be the mother, Roxy!
01:21:00You know, I don't have to listen to this.
01:21:06You can't hurt me anymore.
01:21:08You know the funny thing?
01:21:10I never wanted to be like you.
01:21:12But I was.
01:21:14I wrapped my whole life around a man.
01:21:16But I am done with that!
01:21:18I have no idea what you're talking about.
01:21:20I grew up being grateful
01:21:22just to get somebody.
01:21:24Because I believed that if my own mother
01:21:26didn't think that I was worth saving,
01:21:28then I must not be worth much.
01:21:30But I am, Roxy!
01:21:32I am!
01:21:34Well, beggars can't be choosers.
01:21:38You should know.
01:21:44Goodbye, Roxy.
01:22:10Thank you.
01:22:12Thanks a lot.
01:22:14Thank you.
01:22:24You look good.
01:22:26How have you been?
01:22:30You got some sun.
01:22:32Bahamas. Alone.
01:22:36I could carry those for you.
01:22:38No, I've got them.
01:22:42The divorce is final
01:22:44at the end of the year.
01:22:46Well, good luck to you.
01:22:48Happy life.
01:22:50Doing my best.
01:22:56I miss her, too.
01:23:02Goodbye, Jake.
01:23:20I can't find my earplugs.
01:23:22Where are my earplugs?
01:23:24I have an extra pair.
01:23:28I can't find my float belt, Annette.
01:23:32You don't need it.
01:23:34You're gonna be fine.
01:23:36Well, I've got stage fright.
01:23:38All champions have stage fright.
01:23:40Oh, they do.
01:23:56Are you okay?
01:23:58Yeah. I'm fine, thanks.
01:24:06Great color on you.
01:24:08Oh, my earplugs.
01:24:14Ladies, in the pool in five minutes.
01:24:16Oh, boy. Let's go.
01:24:18Let's get them.
01:24:20Go, go, go!
01:24:22Go, go, go!
01:24:24Go, go, go!
01:24:26Go, go, go!
01:24:28Go, go, go!
01:24:30Go, go, go!
01:24:32Go, go, go!
01:24:34Go, go, go!
01:24:36Go, go, go!
01:24:38Go, go, go!
01:24:40Go, go, go!
01:24:42Go, go, go!
01:24:44Go, go, go!
01:24:46Come on, Stella! You're almost there!
01:24:48Kick your feet!
01:24:50Go, go, go!
01:24:52Go, go, go!
01:24:54Go, go, go!
01:24:56Go, go, go!
01:24:58Go, go, go!
01:25:00You can do it!
01:25:02Come on!
01:25:04Go, go, go!
01:25:06Go, go, go!
01:25:08Go, go, go!
01:25:10Go, go, go!
01:25:12Go, go, go!
01:25:14We did it, Stella!
01:25:18You won, Jenny!
01:25:20You won!
01:25:22You're a champion!
01:25:24Go, Hardy, go!
01:25:26Go, go, go!
01:25:28Go, go, go!
01:25:30Go, go, go!
01:25:32Harvey! Harvey!
01:25:40I stopped by the house when Harvey left.
01:25:44I had no idea.
01:25:46You're so good at teaching.
01:25:49Thank you.
01:25:53Did you get the sliding screen door for the patio?
01:25:55Yeah, it's in the garage.
01:25:57I could put it in.
01:25:59Let's see.
01:26:01The new owners, they'll do it.
01:26:06I'm going back to school in January.
01:26:09I'm going to finish up and then I'm going after my Master's in Sports Psychology.
01:26:14Oh, that's, that's, that's great.
01:26:20Susan, do you think someday, along the way, we could be friends?
01:26:31I don't know.
01:26:33It's too soon.
01:26:36I do know.
01:26:37I'm not sorry I married you.
01:26:40Neither am I.
01:26:42Neither am I.
01:26:48Goodbye, Johnny.
01:27:06It wasn't such a long goodbye.
01:27:09I'm so happy.
01:27:10I can't believe it.
01:27:11I can't believe it.
01:27:28Why are you here?
01:27:30Susan, if you want me to go, I will.
01:27:32But just listen to me.
01:27:34I've had a lot of time to think and I've been thinking about friendship.
01:27:44Please, it's only going to take a minute.
01:27:47I've been thinking.
01:27:49Maybe the deepest part of who we are is not all the good stuff,
01:27:53but the things that scare us and break our hearts.
01:27:56That's why we don't want to show anybody.
01:27:59But when we do, those are the people that we never want to lose.
01:28:05You're the only friend like that I've ever had.
01:28:08I miss that.
01:28:10I miss you.
01:28:12Is there any way to get us back?
01:28:20How can we pretend that nothing happened?
01:28:23We can't.
01:28:25All we can do is be there for each other when it starts to hurt.
01:28:32I'll try if you will.
01:28:51I stood up to Roxy.
01:28:55It was hard, huh?
01:29:01I still haven't gone in the ocean.
01:29:05It's kind of like riding a bicycle.
01:29:07Or a horse.
01:29:09I don't ride horses.
01:29:11You'd be amazed at what I don't do anymore.
01:29:16Maybe next summer.
01:29:18How about now?
01:29:19A girl's vacation.
01:29:35You okay?
01:29:37I'm right here.
01:29:40It's beautiful.
01:29:42Yeah, it is.
01:29:45Stay right next to me, okay?
01:29:47I'll be right here.
01:29:49I promise.
01:29:54You ready?
01:29:58Hold your breath.
01:30:05Oh God, that was great!
01:30:08Okay, here comes another.
01:30:10I'm right beside you.
01:30:42I love you.
01:30:44I love you.
01:30:46I love you.
01:30:48I love you.
01:30:50I love you.
01:30:52I love you.
01:30:54I love you.
01:30:56I love you.
01:30:58I love you.
01:31:00I love you.
01:31:02I love you.
01:31:04I love you.
01:31:06I love you.
01:31:08I love you.
01:31:10I love you.
01:31:12I love you.
01:31:14I love you.
01:31:16I love you.