FTS 16:30 02-08: Venezuelan CNE reaffirms President Nicolas Maduro victory

  • last month
FTS 16.30
*Murder toll in Gaza rises to 39 480 after Israeli attacks.
*UNRWA denounces that Israeli shellings lead to devastated schools in Gaza.

These and many more stories now!
00:00In Venezuela, nine of the ten former presidential candidates attended the hearing of the Electoral
00:14Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice as part of the beginning of the investigation,
00:18verification and certification of the July 28th elections.
00:25The Ministry of Health in the Gaza Strip reported during the last 24 hours 35 people
00:30killed and 551 wounded as a result of the Israeli occupation attacks.
00:38And the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees, UNRWA, on Friday referred
00:44that constant Israeli shellings led to devastated schools in Gaza.
00:54Hello and welcome to From the South, I'm Alejandra Garcia from Telesur Studios in Havana, Cuba.
00:59We begin with the news.
01:00In Venezuela, the National Electoral Council issued the second bulletin regarding the July
01:0528th presidential elections, reaffirming the victory of President Nicolás Maduro.
01:10On Friday, the President of the National Electoral Council, Elvis Amoroso, informed the results
01:15of the Venezuelan electoral process with 96.87% of transmissions.
01:21The electoral body confirmed the win of constitutional president Nicolás Maduro, candidate of the
01:26Great Patriotic Poll, who achieved 51.95% of the votes after obtaining a total of 6,408,844
01:36votes, while opposition candidate Edmundo González obtained 43.18% with 5,326,104 total votes.
01:52Nine of the ten former presidential candidates attended the hearing of the Electoral Chamber
01:57of the Supreme Court of Justice as part of the beginning of the investigation, verification
02:02and certification of the July 28th elections, the major response to the contentious electoral
02:07appeal presented by the re-elected President Nicolás Maduro in order to preserve the constitutional
02:13order of the country.
02:15Nine out of the ten former presidential candidates headed the call of the highest court and signed
02:20a document in which they commit themselves to appear as many times as this court deems
02:26necessary as part of the investigation of the electoral process.
02:37With the promulgation of the supreme law of the nation was born what we know today as
02:41the Venezuelan electoral justice system, established in its Article 297 whose central
02:53objective is to protect the exercise of the political rights of the population among which
02:57stand out the right to participation, the right to suffrage established in Articles
03:0762, 63 and 64 of the constitutional text hence the electoral chamber acts within the framework
03:14of the constitutional principles of due process and effective judicial protection to guarantee
03:25access to the mentioned electoral justice system with the application of the regulations.
03:32Claudio Fermin, former presidential candidate for the Soluciones Venezuela party, signed
03:37a contentious appeal to investigate, verify and certify the results of the July 28th election.
03:45But I would like to report that the reason for this situation has been the appearance
03:49before the electoral chamber which has taken it upon itself to collect the minutes and
03:58documents for the verification or final validation of the electoral results.
04:03That is what we have witnessed.
04:10It has been a brief act and those present have simply subscribed to our presence and
04:14our information will be aware of the sentence issued by the electoral chamber.
04:20In the meantime, on Thursday from the People's Balcony, President Maduro informed that on
04:24Friday August 2nd the electoral power will be in charge of the review of the tally sheets
04:30thanks to the electoral appeal filed.
04:32During a meeting with the popular force of the local supply and production committees,
04:36the Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro denounced the national and international extreme right
04:41wing for financing criminal groups to create chaos and unrest in the country.
04:46In this sense, the Venezuelan head of state informed that so far 1,200 people have been
04:51captured after the acts of violence registered in the country during the last three days
04:56after the extreme right wing lost the elections.
05:03Constitutional President of Venezuela Nicolás Maduro also denounced the fake news media
05:09campaign against the country generated by the United States.
05:12This whole campaign is fully based on fake news.
05:17We have already seen these fake news in the ongoing conflicts in Syria and Ukraine.
05:22I don't know if you have seen this particular fake news as there are several and they are
05:27being spread all over the world and people see it and believe it because it is a laboratory
05:31that has a script, a laboratory of the terrorist Machado, the coward González Urrutia.
05:36It is a laboratory of lies, so we're facing the most criminal and dirty conspiracy we've
05:41ever seen in a long time in Venezuela.
05:46On Thursday, the Prime Minister of San Vincente and the Grenadines, Ralf Gonsalves, rejected
05:51imperialism's claims on Venezuela's election.
05:54This way, Gonsalves stated that imperialism cannot talk about free and fair elections
05:59and highlighted how the opposition disregarded the results of the elections in Venezuela
06:04before they were revealed.
06:06The San Vincente Prime Minister underscored that the results have been confirmed by international
06:11observers and are in the process of being reviewed by the Venezuelan Supreme Court.
06:15Furthermore, Gonsalves commented he has observed that every election in Venezuela is called
06:21unfair when it doesn't produce the result that the imperialism intends.
06:30On the other hand, the governments of Brazil, Colombia and Mexico extended their solidarity
06:35with Venezuela and urged the nation to follow institutional channels with regard to the
06:40impartial verification of Sunday's election results.
06:43In that sense, Brazil, Colombia and Mexico expressed their absolute respect for the sovereignty
06:49of the will of the Venezuelan people, reaffirming their willingness to provide support in the
06:53dialogues and agreements that benefit the nation.
06:56Thus, they urged the electoral authorities of Venezuela to advance and publish the data
07:01broken down by each polling station, reiterating that they will remain attentive to the process
07:06of ballot counting.
07:13The Foreign Ministry of Venezuela issued an official statement rejecting allegations presumably
07:18made by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken.
07:22According to the statement, Venezuela rejects the serious and even ridiculous accusations
07:26attributed to US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, stating he pretends to assume the
07:32role of the Venezuelan electoral power, showing the US is behind the coup that threatens Venezuela.
07:38In this way, the Foreign Ministry states that Venezuela denounces before the international
07:43community this perverse manoeuvre that uses lies and manipulation through big global communication
07:49towers and tries to impose a false narrative that leads to violence in the streets and
07:54at the hands of criminal groups and fascist organizations.
07:57The office reiterates that Venezuelan institutions have acted preserving the national and popular
08:03sovereignty, considering the Venezuelan democracy as one of the strongest in the world.
08:08The statement closes by declaring that the Venezuelan people have spoken and exercised
08:13the right to vote, reiterating its path towards socialism and will know how to face all challenges
08:19placed by the imperialism.
08:26Let's take a short break, but remember you can join us on Tiktok at TeleCity English
08:30where you'll find news in different formats, news updates and more.
08:33We'll be right back, stay with us.
08:43Welcome back.
09:00The General Secretary of the Lebanese Islamic Resistance Movement, Hezbollah, Sayyed Hassan
09:05Nasrallah, denounced on Thursday that Israel is carrying out an operation of deception
09:10and fraud to blame the Shiite militia for the murder of a dozen people in Masjdal Shams
09:15without evidence.
09:16Nasrallah recalled that the explosion in Druze town in Masjdal Shams was caused by an Israeli
09:22interceptor missile and stated that the occupation does not want to admit it in order to exonerate
09:28its army of such a crime and try to escalate the conflict in the Middle East.
09:32He also stressed that this crime is part of the Israeli-American war in the region, the
09:37aggression of the occupation and the battle being waged to the north of the occupied Palestinian
09:49The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees, UNRWA, on Friday referred
09:54that constant Israeli shelling led to devastated schools in Gaza.
09:58On X, UNRWA noted nearly 85% of schools buildings in the Gaza Strip have been hit or directly
10:05damaged, according to satellite assessments by the Global Education Cluster Organization.
10:10Some of these schools will need complete reconstruction.
10:14The war is destroying the present and future of Palestinian children.
10:25Meanwhile in Palestine, the Israeli occupation army bombed areas of the Gaza Strip on Friday,
10:31leaving several casualties on the day 301 of the genocidal war in the devastated coastal enclave.
10:38Meanwhile, rescue teams searched for survivors after an Israeli airstrike on a residential
10:43building in the city of Gaza killed four people and wounded 12.
10:48On the other hand, the refugee camp of Nusayrat was also hit from the air, as was the southern
10:53town of Kanchanis, which has suffered two grand invasions since October 7.
10:58Precisely, more than 39,000 people were killed and another 91,000 have been injured since
11:04the beginning of the Israeli genocide in October 2023, while thousands remain buried under the rubble.
11:15In Yemen, massive demonstrations in several cities of the country ratified their support
11:20to the struggle of the Palestinian people.
11:23Hundreds of thousands of people gathered on Friday in the city of Saddaq and in other
11:27localities such as Marib, Amran and Taiz, among others.
11:31The rally was held under the slogan loyalty to the blood of Matiz with Gaza until victory
11:37and paid homage to Palestinian leader Ismail Hanije and Lebanese commander Fouad Choukour.
11:42The demonstrators waved Yemeni and Palestinian flags while uttering chants against the crimes
11:47of the Israeli regime and the United States.
11:53In Qatar, on Friday, the funeral ceremonies for Hamas leader Ismail Hanije are being held
12:01while around the world several countries are paying homage to the assassinated figure,
12:06symbol of Palestinian resistance.
12:08Thousands, including Hamas, other Palestinian factions and Hanije's family, gathered at
12:13Doha's Qatar State Mosque for the burial of the chief and his bodyguard Abu Shaban in
12:18Lusail, northern Qatar.
12:20The Palestinian resistance movement Hamas had summoned people to come out of each mosque
12:25and rallied against the leader's assassination and the ongoing genocide in the Gaza Strip.
12:30Meanwhile, Turkey and Pakistan announced a day of mourning to pay tribute to Hanije.
12:35In Iran, said a special committee of experts into inquiry into the assassination.
12:41In a press release, the circuit and microprocessor manufacturer Intel announced that it will
12:52cut some 15,000 jobs as part of a cost-cutting plan.
12:56The layoff move was announced immediately after the release of Intel's second quarter
13:01financial results, which revealed a loss of $1.6 billion.
13:06The announced layoffs amount to 15% of the corporation's workforce, and according to
13:11CEO Pat Gelsinger, in a letter to employees, the measures contained in the restructuring
13:17plan will be implemented until the end of 2024.
13:20The technology corporation expects, with the implementation of this measure, to achieve
13:25$10 billion in savings and increase the company's efficiency and competitiveness.
13:36A New York appeals court on Thursday denied former U.S. President Donald Trump's request
13:42to remove the gag order in the criminal case in which he is accused of paying to conceal
13:47damaging information.
13:48The decision came a day after Trump's lawyers attempted to file papers asking the appeals
13:53court to immediately lift the gag order.
13:56Since the decision was imminent, the court rejected the filing of papers, which called
14:01the restrictions an unconstitutional obstacle interfering with the election to Trump's
14:06freedom of speech.
14:07The court rejected the Republican's argument that his sentence issued in May constituted
14:12a change in circumstances justifying the removal of the restrictions.
14:21We have a final short break coming up before we invite you to join our WhatsApp community
14:26for our English-speaking audience.
14:28You can scan the QR code on screen to join directly and share the link to reach more
14:32You'll find constant news coverage of Latin America and the Caribbean as well as the rest
14:36of the world.
14:37Final short break.
14:38Don't go away.
14:47Welcome back.
14:48On Thursday, Russian President Vladimir Putin, U.S. President Biden and U.S. Vice President
14:54Kamala Harris met with their respective citizens exchanged in a historic prisoner swap.
14:59Moscow and Washington exchanged a total of 26 prisoners in the largest such swap in modern
15:06The Russians landed at Moscow's Knyukovo Airport, where they were greeted with a red carpet
15:11and a guard of honor from the presidential regiment.
15:14Meanwhile, in the United States, President Biden and Vice President Harris greeted journalist
15:21and two other nationals upon arrival on U.S. ground after their release by Russia.
15:26The exchange was successfully carried out under the coordination of the Turkish National
15:31Intelligence Organization.
15:38In this context, in Moscow, the President of Russia Vladimir Putin welcomed and congratulated
15:43the prisoners released as part of the swap deal.
15:46Putin also thanked those who were connected with the army for their loyalty to the military
15:51oath and promised they would be decorated.
15:54The exchange was carried out under the coordination of the National Intelligence Organization
15:59of Turkey, where 26 prisoners from seven countries, including the United States, Slovenia, Poland
16:04and Russia, were swapped.
16:06As a result, eight Russian citizens were returned, according to the Federal Security Service
16:11of the nation.
16:16First of all, I want to congratulate you all on your return to your motherland.
16:25Now I want to address those of you who are directly related to military service.
16:34I want to thank you for your loyalty to your oath, to your duty and to your motherland,
16:41which has never forgotten about you for a minute.
16:45And here you are, home.
16:48In Nigeria, residents of the town of Ubudi held a funeral ceremony for 19 fatal victims
16:54of a bomb attack that occurred last Wednesday night.
16:57The explosion took place in a market in northeastern Nigeria, where the extremist group Boko Haram
17:03and its offshoot, the Islamic State, operate in the West Africa province.
17:08In the attack, 22 people were injured and have been admitted to various government hospitals
17:13in Borno State.
17:14Boko Haram and other extremist groups have killed more than 35,000 people and caused
17:20the internal displacement of some 2.7 million, mostly in Nigeria, but also in neighboring
17:26countries such as Cameroon, Chad and Niger, according to government and United Nations data.
17:43In southeastern China, heavy rainfalls caused by Typhoon Gaemi led to 30 deaths and 35 missing
17:57Preliminary reports registered 118,000 residents affected and some 13,800 hectares of crops
18:05damaged, including 5,000 hectares destroyed in Hunan province.
18:09In this regard, Chinese Premier Li Xian called for a comprehensive investigation of the disaster
18:14to gain a good understanding of the infrastructure to be repaired.
18:18Meanwhile, the Ministry of Water Resources stated that China has recorded 25 major floods
18:23this year, the highest figure since it began keeping statistics in 1998.
18:29On Friday, in India, downpours claimed 13 lives in the Himalayan state as rescue operations
18:42In this regard, authorities confirmed that monsoon rains caused flash floods, claiming
18:46at least 13 lives in the foothills of the Himalayas.
18:50Specialized teams are in the area working on search and rescue efforts.
18:54The Uttarakhand region was ravaged by record rain in 2013, when nearly 6,000 Hindu devotees
19:01on pilgrimage went missing.
19:03During the monsoon season in India, floods and landslides are common.
19:07However, experts underscore that climate change is increasing their frequency and severity.
19:12We have a rescue team stationed in Sunprayag.
19:22Last night, heavy rainfall caused the Mandakini River to overflow, resulting in the road being
19:27washed out.
19:29Following this, we safely began relocating tourists to a safe zone.
19:34From 7 a.m. this morning, we have been exploring an alternate route for the tourists.
19:40We have come to the end of this News Brief, but you can find this and many other stories
19:44on our website at www.telusireenglish.net and join us on social media, Facebook, Instagram,
19:49Instagram, Telegram and TikTok as well.
19:51For Telusire English, I'm Alejandra Garcia.
19:53Thank you for watching.
