Fire Emblem Three Houses - Lorenz and Leonie

  • 2 months ago
00:00Hey Lawrence, got a minute?
00:11I trust you're well?
00:12Doing great.
00:13I found a load of old weapons.
00:15Just got done hauling them out of storage.
00:18Old weapons, you say?
00:19If there are any interesting swords in there, I would love to see them.
00:23They might only be good for training, but with a little care, who knows?
00:26Here, have some oil.
00:28And why exactly are you giving this to me?
00:32Like I said, they need a little care.
00:34With a bit of maintenance, some of these will really shine.
00:37Yes, I heard you.
00:39So why did you give me the oil?
00:42It's for polishing, Lawrence.
00:44Don't tell me you've never polished a weapon before.
00:47That is hardly a task befitting someone of my station.
00:51If you had an exquisite blade, something of real historical significance to compliment
00:55my noble heritage, that would be another matter.
00:59In that case, a praise while you polish, you're bound to find something good working through
01:04This seems as fine an occasion as any to air my grievances.
01:08I am a highborn noble.
01:11As such, it is my sworn duty to protect the common folk.
01:14I have no time for trivialities.
01:16What's more, you seem to be under the misapprehension that you can order me about.
01:20Please think carefully about how you speak to me.
01:24I'm not ordering you around.
01:26And I'm not talking to you as a noble, either.
01:29I'm asking you to help me with this.
01:31As a friend.
01:32I am your friend.
01:33But I am also a noble.
01:35Those two qualities are not mutually exclusive.
01:38Oh, good.
01:39Let's get to it, then, buddy.
01:54Hello, Leone.
01:58Busy as usual, I see.
02:00Lots to do.
02:01Not like you fancy nobles.
02:03Hey, can't you see all this stuff I'm carrying?
02:07Come on, move over already.
02:09Alas, I cannot comply with your request.
02:12Can't even ask a noble to take a step to the side, huh?
02:15That's a joke, right?
02:17You're kidding.
02:18You've injured your foot.
02:19I could tell immediately by the way you are favoring it.
02:25Heavy lifting will only worsen the injury.
02:28Please, permit me to examine it.
02:31Hey, cut that out.
02:33Isn't that improper or something, bowing to a commoner?
02:36I am not bowing to you.
02:37I am tending your wound.
02:39That's not what it'll look like.
02:41Hey, it's fine.
02:42Leave it.
02:43Easing the burdens of the common folk
02:45is a natural obligation of the nobility.
02:47Now hold still and keep quiet for a moment,
02:49if you would be so kind.
02:51That's a real pretty way to talk about
02:53sitting around in castles doing nothing.
02:55Let me tell you, everyone in my village
02:57is so grateful to be taxed up to the eyeballs
03:00for the privilege of, ow!
03:02Oh, it's quite swollen.
03:04And you're feverish.
03:05Fortunately, I do have an ointment here
03:07that should be of use.
03:09What, you just carry that stuff around with you?
03:13It won't do to be unprepared
03:14if I happen across someone in need.
03:17I don't get you, Lawrence.
03:19It seems I've neglected to pack bandages.
03:22I'm afraid this handkerchief will have to suffice.
03:25What, that fancy thing?
03:27Bit of a waste, isn't it?
03:28Hey, no thanks.
03:30I don't need some noble's pity.
03:32What about the help of a friend?
03:35I am as much that as I am a noble, if you recall.
03:38More of your weird logic.
03:42There, that should ease the pain.
03:44And since you are recovering,
03:46allow me to carry the ointment.
03:48And allow me to carry this burden for you as well.
03:51There we are.
03:52Now, farewell.
03:57I really don't understand that guy.
04:00Oh no, I completely forgot to thank him.
04:15Hey, got a minute?
04:18Yoni, are we to sharpen swords again?
04:20No, I came to give you this handkerchief back.
04:23Sorry, I know I held onto it for a while.
04:29You lent me this, remember?
04:32I recall giving it to you.
04:35It is a noble's duty to give to the common folk.
04:38In return, the commoner need only pay respect.
04:41That's nice.
04:42You left out the part where the nobles
04:44take all the stuff the regular folks make?
04:47Yes, the common folk give the fruits of their labor,
04:49willingly, I might add, as a token of that respect.
04:53The head of San village offers his tribute
04:55in exactly that spirit, you know.
04:58That's my village.
05:01You knew?
05:02Of course.
05:03We granted exclusive hunting rights to San
05:05and forbade outsiders from poaching.
05:07In fact, when we received complaints about just that,
05:10we hired mercenaries to deal with the issue.
05:13So that's what brought Geralt.
05:18What was that?
05:21Look, just take the handkerchief.
05:23I'm returning something I borrowed from a friend.
05:25Very well.
05:27As your friend, I will accept it.
05:30You know, I really wish you wouldn't think of nobles
05:32as always giving and commoners as only receiving.
05:35Friends help each other without thinking about status.
05:38And that help goes both ways.
05:41Quite so.
05:42And when I require the aid of a friend,
05:44I assure you I will happily recognize it.
05:47But only with friends.
05:49In the main, I must continue to refuse assistance
05:51from the common folk.
05:53For a noble to accept would be disgraceful.
05:55Ha ha ha ha.
06:00I always thought he was just stuck up.
06:03Turns out he just has this grand idea of nobility
06:06he's trying to live up to.
06:09Oh no.
06:10I didn't even give him the handkerchief.
06:24It's only a scratch, Leone.
06:25I'm all right.
06:27One mistake like that in battle and you're done.
06:30This is your weapon hand, isn't it?
06:32Let me stop the blood.
06:34Apologies for the trouble.
06:37No trouble and no apologies.
06:39Thanks is what you say when a friend helps you out.
06:45What's wrong?
06:49I need a bandage to stop the bleeding,
06:51but this is all I've got.
06:53My handkerchief.
06:56I was only carrying it around to give back to you anyway.
06:59Mind if I use it for this?
07:00Very well.
07:02I suppose that's fitting in a way.
07:04Ha ha ha.
07:05I guess so.
07:06Not that I'm happy you're bleeding.
07:08I'm glad you'll accept it though.
07:10In the past, you might have refused it.
07:14I might have made it an issue of commoners
07:16giving aid to the nobility or some such.
07:18I didn't understand why you were so strict about it,
07:21but I think I kind of get it now.
07:23You know, if every noble were like you,
07:25the world would be a better place.
07:28Perhaps, but you were right.
07:30Many great deeds are accomplished
07:32by friends working together,
07:34especially when those friends are as capable as you.
07:40I hope this is not the first time
07:42I have told you this, Leone,
07:43but you are an exceptional individual.
07:46By insisting on matters of status and dealing with you,
07:48I have done you a terrible disservice.
07:51For that, please accept my apology.
07:54Let us promise to look out for one another
07:56as friends from now on.
07:58No need for vows.
07:59That's how I've always seen it.
08:01You weren't wrong about nobles and commoners
08:03each having their own roles,
08:05but the important thing is we help each other.
08:08That is precisely what being friends with you
08:10has helped me to understand.
08:12In fact, I've begun somewhat to think of you
08:15as rather something more.
08:18Sorry, what did you say?
08:21I said, I hope we'll always give each other support.
