Kiss Me One Last Time Part 5

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Kiss Me One Last Time Part 5


00:00Blake, it's fine. Just let it go.
00:07No, I'm not going to let it go. Apologize.
00:21You know what? No.
00:25I was so scared for so long because I thought I was going to lose you.
00:30I know.
00:34I can't wait to lose you.
00:41Blake? Where are you going?
00:48Blake, you're going to regret this when I give birth to your child.
00:59Adeline. Adeline. What happened?
01:03Adeline. Adeline!
01:08Something's not right.
01:10Adeline never used to be this weak.
01:24Outside. Close the door on your way out.
01:40What did you do to her this time?
01:42I should be asking you. What's wrong with Adeline?
01:46Promise me you won't tell Blake.
01:51Swear it!
01:53You. You're killing her.
01:59I'm transferring hospitals.
02:01Blake, I'm not going to be Adeline's doctor anymore.
02:05So you need to listen to me very carefully.
02:08Adeline's in bad shape. Really bad.
02:12She needs peace.
02:17I don't need you to teach me how to take care of my wife.
02:21Oh, shit.
02:23You don't understand.
02:25If you love her, hell, if you just want to keep owning her,
02:32you're going to have to watch out for her.
02:35Goodbye, Addie. I'm sorry for you and your baby.
02:58Mom, are you there?
03:31Mom, are you there?
03:37My dear daughter.
03:43I'm sorry.
03:46Mom, are you okay?
03:48Did the bad people find you?
03:51Are you safe?
03:56Are you okay?
03:58I just wanted to talk to you.
04:10For being such a terrible mother.
04:14For everything.
04:18Everything through the years.
04:22I don't deserve you.
04:25Mom, you're scaring me.
04:29What happened?
04:32Can you come visit me at the hospital?
04:34I miss you.
04:36Oh, honey.
04:38I never knew.
04:40I never knew you suffered so much in your marriage.
04:44It is my fault.
04:46No, stop apologizing, Mom.
04:48Just come see me.
04:50I need you.
04:53Yeah, let's cut that entire campaign.
04:55I don't want to keep wasting resources.
05:00The police.
05:01Your wife.
05:02Your mother-in-law.
05:03The hell are you saying?
05:05Sir, Paula, she's...
05:08She's dead.
05:33Leave Blake.
05:35Let Rebecca have him.
05:45You did this.
05:49You killed her.
05:51You killed my mother.
05:54I'm sorry, Alan.
05:57I'm so sorry.
05:59It's your fault.
06:01Your fault.
06:03How is it my fault?
06:05She hated you.
06:07She wanted me to leave you.
06:10It was the last thing she...
06:12Before she...
06:15Your mother wasn't well.
06:18She was probably on something.
06:19Don't talk about her like that.
06:21I'm sorry.
06:23I had nothing to do with your mother's suicide.
06:26And I know you're angry and confused.
06:28You don't know anything.
06:31You think you know me, Blake Rhodes, but you don't.
06:35You don't know anything about me.
06:39About my family.
06:41About what I've been through.
06:43About what you put me through.
06:45That's enough.
06:48I hate you.
06:51You took everything from me.
06:55I wish I'd never met you.
06:58You ruined my life.
07:02I wish I'd never met you.
07:05You ruined my life.
07:21No. Her phone was locked out.
07:23We're still trying to figure out who she was with before all this.
07:26Keep at it. I don't care what you do.
07:28I want to know why Paula killed herself and why I'm getting blamed for it.
07:31Yes, sir.
07:41Paula was easier to break than I thought.
07:44The look on her face when she heard about all the abuse was cold.
07:49Now it's just you, Addie.
07:53When are you going to break?
07:56When are you going to break?
08:13Mom, I never knew you were living like this.
08:30I'm so sorry, Mom.
08:33I failed you.
08:43What are you doing here?
08:45What are you doing here?
08:48Came to see if you needed help.
08:52You're the one who was always threatening to leave my mother penniless.
08:57Now that she's dead, you want help?
09:03Try to be nice.
09:05Stop being so difficult.
09:12My mother died.
09:15Sorry I'm not all sunshine and rainbows for you.
09:20I'll take care of the funeral.
09:22Everything's taken care of.
09:25No need.
09:29The insurance money wasn't much, but it was enough.
09:34I don't need your money.
09:37I want a divorce.
09:40I'm going to tell you this one last time, Adeline Rhodes.
09:43Or what?
09:44Are you going to kill me if I divorce you?
09:47Not that.
09:49What else can you do to me, Blake?
09:51You've already taken everything from me.
09:54Except for my baby.
09:56I have to leave you for my baby.
09:58You want to take one last pinch from my wallet?
10:00I'll take nothing.
10:02Read it through.
10:04You keep everything.
10:06I won't call you queen.
10:08You can marry Rebecca.
10:10Or don't.
10:12I don't care.
10:14But you won't have me.
10:17Walk away clean.
10:19You call this walking away clean?
10:21I supported you for three years.
10:23I made you.
10:24Everything you own is mine.
10:35No, not just the ring, Adeline.
10:37So much more.
10:44I mean everything.
10:48Everything on you.
10:51You can't do that to me.
10:53It's what you wanted, isn't it?
10:55Just like marrying me back then is what you wanted?
10:57You want to walk away now?
10:59Fine. Walk.
11:01But with nothing.
11:19You want to leave me?
11:21How dare you?
11:28No, Adeline.
11:30I said nothing.
11:33Nothing matters more than the baby.
11:49I have some news.
11:55Talk outside.
12:03I don't know if this is a coincidence, but
12:05Miss Miller's car was found at the apartment
12:07an hour before the incident.
12:09You mean Adeline?
12:11She's still Mrs. Rhodes.
12:13No, I meant Rebecca.
12:17Rebecca was with Paula, sir.
12:33Blake, I'm so glad you came.
12:35Well, how's Adeline, my poor dear?
12:37Is there anything I can do to help?
12:39What did you say to her mom?
12:42What did you say to Adeline's mom before she killed herself?
12:49Leave Blake.
12:53Let Rebecca have him.
12:57I won't make the same mistakes you made.
13:20She left me.
13:24I heard.
13:27I'm sorry.
13:29I'm leaving him, Harrison.
13:32For good.
13:36You have to help me.
13:39It's the only way to save the baby.
13:44I have no one else now.
13:52Tell me!
13:57I just ran into her and I...
14:01I happened to recognize Paula, so I said hi.
14:07You expect me to believe that you just ran into her?
14:13Blake, you know me.
14:15Don't lie to me.
14:17I'm warning you.
14:21I just bragged.
14:23I just bragged, okay?
14:26I just told her that...
14:28that her daughter has it worse than her
14:30and that it was their karma for stealing other women's husbands.
14:33What else?
14:36She just lost it. It wasn't me.
14:38She just lost it. It was probably the cancer or the guilt or something.
14:41What did you just say?
14:44She just lost it. It wasn't me.
14:46She just lost it. It was probably the cancer or the guilt or something.
14:49What did you just say?
14:51That she just probably felt guilty because of...
14:54No, before that. What did you just say?
14:58No, Blake, I didn't.