Kiss Me One Last Time Part 6

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Kiss Me One Last Time Part 6


00:00Rebecca, where did you get Adeline's medical report?
00:07It was from her doctor.
00:10You got it from Harrison Woods?
00:11You fucking liar.
00:12That man would never tell you anything about Adeline.
00:17Blake, you're hurting me.
00:20Sir, does that mean we've got to get home?
00:25We've got to see Adeline.
00:26No, Blake.
00:27Blake, Blake.
00:28I didn't mean to.
00:29I didn't mean to.
00:44You know I would do anything to help you, but what about us?
00:48I mean, we?
00:52There's no we, Harrison.
00:56I'm sorry.
00:59It's not fair to you or to me, but I love him.
01:06Even now, even as I'm trying to hide away his baby from him, I love him.
01:17I can't help it.
01:20Just like how you can't help saving me.
01:27Will you save us, just one last time?
01:40Sorry, the number you have dialed is temporarily unavailable.
01:48Please try again.
01:49It can't be.
01:50She was lying to you.
01:51She had to be.
01:52You're not dying, Adeline.
01:53Does she ever even love me?
01:54No, I have to tell you something.
02:00You can't be dying, Adeline.
02:28Adeline, it's not true.
02:41We're here.
02:44Thank you for doing this.
02:48I'll always save lives.
02:54There's two now.
02:59I might not be able to see you grow a baby, but I can make sure that you go to someone
03:03full of love.
03:28All good.
03:32You can start if you want.
03:54Come in, I won't hurt you.
03:56Please, just give me the gun.
04:00Come in.
04:19You know, you're really pale.
04:25You used to look a lot more healthy.
04:30You used to smile a lot.
04:34And laugh.
04:36Especially around me.
04:38Blake, I know a lot you want from me.
04:44Tell me you're not leaving me.
04:47Blake, Blake, I'm not.
04:49I'm not, I'm not leaving you.
04:51Please stop, you're scaring me.
04:55Tell me you're not dying.
05:00Tell me you're not dying.
05:05Tell me you're not dying, Alan!
05:07I'm not dying, I'm not dying, I'm not dying, I'm not dying.
05:10Please don't hurt yourself.
05:18Do you have cancer?
05:21No, no, no, I don't have cancer.
05:25Please, you're scaring me.
05:47I'm bringing you to the best hospitals, okay?
05:50I'm gonna get you the best treatment.
05:52The best in the world.
05:54You're gonna be cured, you're gonna be healthy, okay?
05:59You're not leaving me.
06:29Alan, Alan, Alan.
06:39Harrison, get the door.
06:45Go, go, go, go, go, go, go.
07:05I'm sorry, Adeline.
07:07I'm so sorry.
07:09Please don't leave me.
07:16Prepare the gen anesthesia.
07:33Would you cry for me when I'm gone?
07:41Okay, here we go, guys.
07:42Get the scalpel, please.
08:03What are you doing here?
08:04She's been out for a few months.
08:05Put yourself together.
08:12She's awake.
08:14But wait before you go in there.
08:16I have to ask you something because it's my duty.
08:19Since you're the last person that needs to make this decision.
08:25If it comes down to it, is it Adeline or the baby?
08:36The situation's really bad.
08:39The baby's gonna be extremely premature.
08:43Adeline or the baby?
08:44I'm nauseous.
08:46I really don't feel well.
08:48Baby? What baby?
08:50She's pregnant.
08:56She's pregnant.
09:03Look at me.
09:05Choose one.
09:07Tell me it's the baby and we'll get it all over with.
09:15I've never chosen you in my life, Adeline.
09:18Because I never had to.
09:19You were always there.
09:25Save Adeline.
09:49Sir, you can't be in here.
09:52All of you.