Never be afraid, young girl (Just fight the nodes of evil) || Acharya Prashant, at BITS Goa (2023)

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Video Information: 12.01.23, BITS, Goa

~ How to deal with anxiety and insecurity?
~ Why should youth suffer because of mistakes of others?
~ How to rectify the irreversible damages done to the planet?
~ How to fight injustice in society?
~ How did Ram defeat Ravan?
~ How to make a change in the world?

Music Credits: Milind Date


00:00When I read what is happening in the environment about the damages, the irreversible damages
00:09and how it is in the end my generation and the people who are going to come that have
00:12to suffer because of this, there is this kind of anxiety that you know occurs from inside
00:18that you know now I have to do something about it, after all I am the one who is going to
00:22suffer I need to do something about it, but then you know very anxious place I go to this
00:27anxious place but then in the end there is this like you know tiny pinch of feeling that
00:32also comes inside like how does it matter in the end what I do because this is a collective
00:37effort so I mean so my question is that how do I deal with this like what is the cause
00:43of this two sided feeling, this anxious and the laid back behaviour and like how do I
00:48deal with it?
00:50See there are two ways you can respond to that anxious place.
00:56One is you say what can I as a solitary individual do when this is a collective problem?
01:07So you ask the anxiety.
01:10How do you know that individual action won't help?
01:12How are you so sure?
01:15How are you so sure that individual action cannot make a difference?
01:22Because if the problem was caused by multiple actions then how?
01:29No, the problem was not caused by multiple actions.
01:32The problem was caused by root ignorance and that is the one shared thing among a lot of
01:40ignorant people.
01:43So you can count the number of ignorant people and they appear numerous but the thing within
01:50them is just one.
01:53That's called fundamental ignorance, avidya, maya.
01:56That's what drives them.
01:58So it's not a case of too many versus too few.
02:04It's a case of ignorance versus light or clarity.
02:10You don't need to count the numbers.
02:12You just need to know that you are on the right side.
02:15The light side is the right side when the opposing side is of darkness.
02:21You are getting it?
02:24You don't need to count the numbers.
02:26First thing is, because heard of Hitler?
02:29How many people were responsible for starting the Second World War?
02:33And how many lives did it take?
02:36So if all kinds of wretched and horrible things can be done by a few people, how can you be
02:41so sure that a few good people cannot do great things?
02:48Is it not so that ignorance itself is causing this kind of pessimism and demotivation, cynicism
02:59It's telling you, you do not even need to start because you will not reach anywhere.
03:04Ask that cynical one, how do you know I won't reach anywhere?
03:09How do you know?
03:10How are you so sure?
03:12Remember there is something called nodes of evil.
03:19You look at the concept of avatars.
03:24There was this entire army of Ravan, and it is said that the entire army belongs to the
03:37Those were the ones who constituted Ravan's army.
03:41Did Ram have to massacre every single one of them?
03:46Is that what he did?
03:49And the kingdom of Lanka was an all-powerful one.
03:53It was a kingdom of evil.
03:55It is said that Ravan had captured and enslaved even the Gods, the Devatas.
04:02They are all in his prison.
04:05So more powerful than today's America, that's how powerful Ravan's kingdom was.
04:12All the gold was there.
04:13All the weapons were there.
04:15And that's what decides the power, the economy and the military.
04:19And Ravan had both.
04:22It was an entire network of evil.
04:24And Ravan had people everywhere, even in the mainland, the subcontinent.
04:29Even there the Ravan people were there.
04:36How many of them needed to be eliminated to cure the earth of all evil?
04:48Only one.
04:50That's what is called a node of evil.
04:55Not everybody is evil.
04:57Most people are induced to be evil.
05:00Just as in the presence of, let's say, a strong electromagnet, what will happen to
05:06even ordinary pieces of iron?
05:09They get magnetized.
05:11That's what happens in the presence of nodes of evil.
05:14Even ordinary people become evil.
05:19If there can be nodes of evil that can turn ordinary men into demons, why can't there
05:25be nodes of goodness that can turn demons back into human beings?
05:34How many people did Krishna have to eliminate?
05:39How many?
05:43Think of it.
05:44You know of the story of Hiranyakashyap.
05:50He surely had an entire army of evildoers.
05:56We don't even hear of them.
06:02Vishnu came down just to eliminate that one person and that one person was gone.
06:08And things were fine with the earth again.
06:11Same thing is everywhere and at all times.
06:15Even at this moment, on this earth, there are just a few nodes of evil.
06:21When I say just a few, I do not mean just 2 or 3.
06:24Because the population today is 800 crore.
06:28So back then, compared to the population, you had 4 or 5 nodes.
06:32Today you will have 400 or 500 nodes.
06:38If 400 and 500 bad people can turn the earth into hell, why can't just 400 good people
06:46restore the earth, its peace, its glory, its beauty?
06:50I am asking you, please.
06:52The others are not evil.
06:55They are just in the field of a powerful evil electromagnet.
07:05Why can't you have a powerful field of your own?
07:09Why can't you demagnetize the ones who have been magnetized?
07:13Why can't you de-hypnotize the ones who have been hypnotized?
07:19People have been sedated.
07:22Why can't you wake them up?
07:28Why do you believe that you are alone?
07:30There are millions waiting for you.
07:35Because it is our fundamental nature to be awake and we have been anesthetized.
07:46We want to wake up.
07:49But the environment is full of chloroform.
07:56We are all waiting for someone to come and touch us and whisper to us and just shake
08:03us up a little with love.
08:09Why can't you be that person?
08:12I am again asking you, if a handful of people can turn this earth into a veritable hell,
08:21why can't a handful of people wake this earth up into life and joy and love and beauty?
08:30Why is that not possible?
08:32I am asking, please, why this cynicism?
08:38That too, as a young person, please.
08:49And what we have been told by learned people is that goodness can win even with relatively
08:55smaller numbers and fewer resources.
09:01Whose army was bigger, Ram's or Ravan's?
09:06Which army was the better funded one and the better equipped one?
09:11Who had all the gold?
09:15Who had nothing but monkeys and other kinds of animals?
09:21Who won?
09:22Why can't you win then?
09:25They have the gold, they have the weapons, they have the resources.
09:30In fact, they also have the knowledge because Ravan was very, very knowledgeable.
09:36He had knowledge, he had money, he had weapons, he had resources, he had experience, he had
09:43But that does not mean that he won.
09:48Why do you need to assume that the decision has already been made?
10:01Next thing, I said there are two parts to my response.
10:07How does it matter if you do not win?
10:13How does it matter if you do not win?
10:15So we are talking of the avatars.
10:17Krishna never assures Arjuna that Arjuna is going to win.
10:23All that he tells him is, come on, pick up your weapon and fight.
10:29And what happens next does not matter.
10:33First thing is, victory is possible.
10:36That was the first part of my response.
10:37Second part is, even if you cannot win, how does it matter?
10:41At least you will have a life well spent.
10:44At least you will get a death well deserved.
10:49Is that a small thing?
10:50So how does it matter if you cannot win?
10:55At least give them a bloody nose, no?
11:00The huge monster.
11:01It's not a small thing to give them a bloody nose.
11:05Come on.
11:07You can kill me, but you will remember me as someone who really knocked the daylights
11:13out of you, even if for a while.
11:21Does that not energize you?
11:23Yes, that's what.
11:30First of all, never be so disappointed to say victory is not possible.
11:35Victory is possible.
11:38Same thing, even if you cannot win, the battle is worth it.
11:46Some battles need to be fought just because they deserve to be fought, not for the sake
11:53of victory, but for the sake of the fight itself.
12:00And victory is indeed possible.
12:03Remember, it's not that all the people are evil.
12:08Will you remember this?
12:10They are just victims of conditioning.
12:14That's what I'm calling as the powerful electromagnet.
12:19We have been induced to be evil.
12:21We are not fundamentally evil.
12:23We are under a spell.
12:29That evil magician has cast a, come on, a spell.
12:38We are all hypnotized since birth.
12:41That's what is called maya.
12:43The most fundamental hypnosis, maya.
12:47We are hypnotized.
12:48Just as somebody can hypnotize us, somebody can also break the hypnosis.
12:54It is possible.
12:56Never never lose faith.
12:59It's possible.
13:01And even if you perished in the attempt, it's a life well lived.
13:07It's a death well deserved.
13:11There is glory not only in living.
13:15There is glory also in perishing.
13:20What's the problem if one perishes for the right reason?
13:22Or is there a problem?
13:25How long did Bhagat Singh live?
13:29Do you look at him as a loser?
13:31Oh loser, light died just when he was 22 or 23.
13:34Do you say that?
13:37Who in his right mind would call Bhagat Singh a loser just because he lived only 22 years?
13:43What's the problem in perishing at 22?
13:53Fight the right battle, that's it.
13:57And remember, they don't have some kind of a copyright over victory.
14:04Arjun was never guaranteed a victory, but it turned out that Arjun won.
14:10And Krishna never tells Arjun, not a single verse in the entire Bhagavad Gita, Arjun,
14:14I am with you, you will definitely win.
14:16And Krishna could have very easily made that promise, no?
14:20Don't you find it surprising?
14:22Krishna never makes that promise.
14:23All he says is, you have to fight.
14:26You have to fight and I will not assist you.
14:27I will never pick up weapons.
14:30The fight is yours, you will fight it.
14:32And you must fight, fight.
14:35And he does win.
14:36It's possible.
14:38He might not have won, still, the Gita stands its place.
14:43Let's say Arjun was killed, would that undervalue the Gita?
14:48Doesn't matter.
14:49Doesn't matter.
14:50Duryodhana won.
14:51Arjun got killed.
14:52Arjun fought valiantly and was martyred, fine, very fine.
15:03So try and don't think too much of the result.
15:08The attempt is sufficient.
15:10Make it a heartful, honest attempt in love.
15:16Love the fight.
15:18That's real love.
