• 2 months ago
The beginning of August will likely bring back some wintery conditions across the east.
00:00Hello from the Bureau with an update on a cloud band that is pushing into eastern parts
00:04of Australia, and a series of cold fronts that are brushing through southern parts of
00:09the country.
00:12So here it is, that cloud band, and it brought really unseasonal rainfall to northern parts
00:16of WA and Central Australia over the weekend, but it's now drifting into eastern parts
00:21of Australia.
00:24So it's mostly cleared eastern parts of South Australia over the last few hours, but that's
00:28not before delivering really welcomed rainfall, particularly through the southeastern quadrant.
00:34Now it's moving into southwestern parts of Queensland, New South Wales and northern parts
00:39of Victoria, falling as snow about the Alpine area, so that's great news for the resorts
00:44there, with the heaviest rainfall totals expected about the southern interior of Queensland
00:49and the northern interior of New South Wales, with 20-40mm possible and even some lightning
00:56Now we've also got this really weak cold front that's just brushing through the southern
00:59tip of WA, bringing showers there, and as we move through till tomorrow, we see that
01:06rain band contracting to the north-east and clearing the Sydney area during the morning.
01:11Now we have a much stronger front out in the west that's forecast to push through the Perth
01:16area during the afternoon, bringing really gusty winds, showers and even the potential
01:22for severe thunderstorms, bringing damaging wind gusts about the coastal fringe.
01:27Now there's also this secondary front down here, crossing Tasmania with a similar story,
01:32gusty showers, even the potential for severe thunderstorms with damaging wind gusts about
01:36western parts of Tasmania as well.
01:40But as for that rain band, it really starts to weaken, and as we move into Wednesday,
01:44we can see it starts to contract up into central parts of Queensland, while another front out
01:50in the west brushes across, bringing more showers and more wind as well.
01:55In fact, it's this front here that if we move through, it pushes into southeastern parts
02:00of the country during Thursday and Friday, including Adelaide and Melbourne and Tasmania,
02:06with also the potential for more snow about the resorts.
02:10After that, a ridge of high pressure really starts to build through as we approach the
02:16Temperature wise, a really frosty morning tomorrow throughout the southeast, that's
02:20once where that cloud band is cleared, allowing the temperatures to plummet much milder under
02:25the cloud band and out in the west.
02:28Maximum temperatures for Tuesday in the mid teens through the southeast, grading up to
02:33the low 20s as we move further north and to the west as well.
02:38Now Wednesday morning will be particularly mild out in the west, with minimum temperatures
02:43between 4 to 6 degrees above average, while in the east those frosty conditions will start
02:48to push up into southern Queensland.
02:52And Wednesday, starting to warm up a bit throughout the southeast, with temperatures in the mid
02:56to high teens, considerably warmer, 4 to 8 degrees above average, starts pushing into
03:01central parts and western parts of Australia.
03:05So if you're wanting to know more about what's going on in your neck of the woods, then you
03:09can visit the Bureau's website, app or social media.
03:12Otherwise, we'll see you again next time.
03:14Bye for now.
