• 5 months ago
The worst of the rainfall has finally left the east coast, but a cold front is likely to move across southern Tasmania and onto the lower mainland states beginning May 17, 2024.
00:00 Hello it's Angus at the Bureau.
00:02 You might have seen our Monday and Friday weather update videos but I can do you
00:05 one better, how about a midweek update and for the next few days, fine weather for most
00:09 places but we're watching a cold front in the southeast that will bring a burst of
00:13 wintry weather down to this part of the country.
00:16 Now for Wednesday, the key thing is this belt of high pressure and high pressure
00:20 brings settled weather, really exerting its influence almost everywhere, fine conditions
00:24 for most, not a lot of this stuff, not a lot of rain, just a few isolated showers and
00:28 storms for interior WA and some spotty showers along the east coast for northern NSW and
00:33 Queensland and that leads us nicely into Thursday's forecast where again it's going to be
00:37 fine and dry, no sign of much wanted or needed rain across the likes of South Australia.
00:43 In fact the only spots that are going to get any wet weather at all really are the east
00:47 coast of Queensland, just some spotty hit and miss showers, nothing significant, and
00:51 at the end of the day, a front onto southern Tasmania which we will talk about more shortly
00:55 but before we get to that, a quick look at Thursday's temperatures and we do see pretty
00:59 typical stuff actually for this time of year, high single digits or low double digits for
01:03 all southern areas and of course the further north you go, the warmer it is but we're
01:07 still in the mid 20s right at the top of the country.
01:10 For the high temperatures on Thursday, nothing too much jumps out across the east or the
01:14 southeast, 22 Sydney, 18 Canberra, 18 Hobart, 19 Melbourne, 22 Adelaide, all pretty close
01:20 to their averages.
01:21 What does jump out though, 28 degrees in Perth.
01:24 Yesterday 29.4 in Perth, that was a record for this time of year and we've got 28 degrees
01:29 in the forecast for the next several days so we're looking at a run of unprecedented
01:33 warmth there.
01:35 Now to Friday, we'll watch this cold front across Tasmania in the morning, Victoria in
01:38 the afternoon, just into the south of New South Wales to end the day.
01:41 Outside of that, not a lot to point to on the map, settled and sunny conditions again,
01:45 bone dry across South Australia, Northern Territory, WA and most of Queensland, one
01:50 or two light showers again likely to clip the coastline.
01:53 We'll zoom in to the southeast for timing and it's going to be really early in the morning,
01:57 1am, 2am when this front goes through Hobart, bringing a line of showers and a possible
02:01 round of hail down there.
02:03 It's then Friday, about the middle of the day where we'll see the cooler and showery
02:07 conditions move into Victoria and we might just finish off the day, finish off the week
02:11 with a late shower in both Sydney and Canberra.
02:15 Not a lot of rain with this front as it passes perhaps 50mm for western Tas but only 5-15mm
02:20 elsewhere but without the rain we could still see a little bit of snow.
02:25 Snow potentially falling as low as 500m on Friday afternoon across Tasmania, that could
02:31 be the lowest snow of the year so far.
02:33 Not that much snow for mainland Australia but a dusting above about 1200m for the alpine
02:38 areas of Victoria and New South Wales.
02:42 Temperatures on Friday, no big changes here in the morning but we'll start to see the
02:45 cooler air spread across mainland and southern Australia on Friday afternoon.
02:50 Just 14° maximum in Hobart, still really really warm, in the southwest another 28°
02:55 day for Perth.
02:56 It's when we go forward that next day, into the weekend, we see that cooler weather spread
03:00 right across this area, temperatures falling into the teens and paving the way actually
03:04 for a cool run of weather to end this week, through the weekend and into next week as well.
03:09 But if you'd like more on those cooler conditions, find your local forecast at the
03:12 Bureau website and app, or check back in on Friday when we'll have our regular weather update.
03:16 Thanks very much for tuning in.
03:18 [Music]
