How to stop mind's inner chatter? || Acharya Prashant, with MMMUT (2023)

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Video Information: 11.02.23, MMMUT Gorakhpur (Online), Greater Noida

~ How to stop overthinking?
~ How to stop mind's chattering?
~ How to be more focused in life?
~ How to not get easily distracted?
~ Why does mind wander all the time?
~ What's the best use of a human life?

Music Credits: Milind Date


00:00Good evening sir. Sir, there are times when I think a lot and I feel caged in my own mind.
00:11My mind constantly keeps chattering and I can't stop it. So sir, my question is how
00:17to stop the mind's chatter? Thank you sir. The mind chatters only about little and inconsequential
00:31things. First of all, the matter would be a petty one. Secondly, irrespective of how
00:42long the chatter is, the matter can never be brought to an end. So it is inconsequential.
00:56The mind loves to engage itself with itself. The mind loves to roll in its own stuff. It
01:15wants to be a prisoner unto itself. So the mind is doing this that just see that one,
01:25and you have more important stuff to do. The mind has to be busy with something. You did
01:34not give it something important to be busy with. So it started playing with itself. That's what
01:40has happened. The mind is a monkey. It needs something to play with. You gave it nothing.
01:50It started playing with its own body. Now it has its tail in its mouth. It's happy that it has a
02:02toy to play with and is crying because the game is painful. That's how the mind behaves. Give the
02:14monkey something decent to play with. Is your life settled? Have you reached your end? Have
02:28you realized your purpose? Are you at the end of your journey? The mind is the instrument that
02:37helps you along your way. If the car has not yet reached its destination, why is it revving so much
02:51on neutral? The mind talking to itself is like a car accelerating on neutral. What does that do?
03:04That takes the car nowhere. Only heats up the engine and burns the fuel. And that's how most
03:13of us burn down our precious life energy. Right? The car standing on neutral and the RPM is 6000.
03:26Lot of noise and lot of heat and no distance covered. It just appears something is happening.
03:39Nothing really happens. But the car is built to travel. So just change the gear and give it a
03:56destination and all the internal chatter will just stop. In neutral, even at 6000 RPM it was going
04:08nowhere. Pull the right gear and drive it wisely. And even at 2000 RPM it will take you places. The
04:25mind will not be overworked and will still deliver useful results. But when you are talking to
04:33yourself, that internal chitchat, that continuous conversation with the mirror, that's just
04:48dissipation of life energy. That's the worst way to exist. To live in your mind. What's the most
05:09dangerous place to live in? The mind. Horrible is the condition of those who live in their minds. And
05:25the only way to get out of your mind is by giving the mind a purpose. Nothing else will work. That's
05:35a law. All laws apply to Prakriti, nature, right? Just as you have Newton's laws and other laws,
05:46similarly this is the law of the mind, Prakriti, law of nature. If you don't want the mind to go
05:55bonkers playing with itself, then give it a task. And don't let the mind ever run out of tasks. The
06:13mind is just energy. You do not give it a purpose solemn enough, the energy will become destructive.
06:21Just keep the mind constructively involved with something proper and purposeful. And that will
06:32require honesty. We are lazy people, right? When if the mind is to be given a proper purpose,
06:42the mind will work, but the limbs too will have to work. The mind cannot just work on its own
06:49without hands and eyes and nose and legs working. And we don't want that to happen. So we slouch on
06:57the couch, doing nothing. And only the mind is working. Give the mind a proper purpose. Let the
07:09entire body, your entire system, everything in your existence, be focused, be channelized towards
07:17the right purpose in life.
