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1. The Teachings of Abraham: The Master Course CD Program, 11-CD set
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2. The Law of Attraction: The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham
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3. Ask and It Is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires
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4. The Law of Attraction Cards
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5. The Astonishing Power of Emotions: Let Your Feelings Be Your Guide
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6. The Essential Law of Attraction Collection
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7. Getting Into The Vortex: Guided Meditations CD and User Guide
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8. Money, and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Wealth, Health, and Happiness
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9. The Vortex: Where the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships
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10. The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent: Living the Art of Allowing
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11. Manifest Your Desires: 365 Ways to Make Your Dreams a Reality
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12. Sara, Book 1: Sara Learns the Secret about the Law of Attraction
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13. Sara, Book 2: Solomon's Fine Featherless Friends
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14. Sara, Book 3: A Talking Owl Is Worth a Thousand Words!
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00:00What about love, Abraham?
00:07What if I haven't had anyone for a long time and in my life and I want that ideal, perfect
00:18relationship that may or may not really exist on this plane and
00:23There are two things that are hanging you up and we're going to explain to you clearly
00:28what both of them are.
00:29The first is the flawed premise that there is a perfect relationship.
00:36And this is why, because the perfect relationship, you got ready to be ready to be ready.
00:43And now it's perfect.
00:44And all the flavors chewed out of that gum, because a perfect relationship is a relationship
00:48that continues to put more potential into the vortex so that there is steady, new realization.
00:55A perfect relationship has enough contrast within it to keep both asking for more and
01:02each in vibrational alignment so that they realize the new that is coming so that it's
01:09always fresh and always new.
01:11So the flawed premise is that you need to find one already perfect instead of realizing
01:16that you will continue to become it together, you say, not nice to know.
01:21Yeah, that is nice to know.
01:23The other, and we touched on it just a little bit yesterday, as we were reveling in the
01:29magnificence of the whales who came out to play.
01:33And we want you to feel like, because it is true that the seas are a wash in magnificent
01:42beasts that are willing to show themselves to you.
01:45We want you to accept that the world is a wash in money.
01:51That you may become a vibrational match too.
01:54And the world is a wash in partners, eager to find one another.
02:00Don't make it a rare thing that makes you a master in order to see it.
02:07Let it be so plentiful that you can just bumble and stumble your way into joyful manifestation.
02:13Moment after moment, after moment, after moment, let your joyful bliss and your awareness of
02:19the abundance of it, just let it come to you and keep coming to you and keep coming
02:22to you and keep coming to you.
02:24Don't make it rare, which causes you to doubt that was big.
02:35Because every time you've lived something that caused you to ask for a little bit of
02:39this or a little bit of this or a little bit of this, some companionship or a good conversation
02:44or someone to share a meal with or someone to continue a lifetime joke with or, or, or,
02:50or, or there are all of these wonderful things that are part of these relationships.
02:54And as you move through your day and you have been for a while, you've been creating this
02:59relationship, but in the process of it, because so often humans are knowing what they're asking
03:06for and also noticing that it hasn't come yet.
03:09You started to say that and we kind of cut you off.
03:11So you put a desire and an equal resistant thought in there together.
03:17And when you begin to notice the abundance of resistant thoughts, then you understand
03:23why it's taking longer than it needs to.
03:25It's only the resistant thoughts and resistant thoughts start with people saying, Oh, well,
03:31they're hard to come by or perfect relationships are hard to find.
03:34And that is not true.
03:38You have the ability you've created in your vortex.
03:41It is a reality that is real.
03:42It's a done deal.
03:44All you have to do is relax and allow yourself to be led to it and not to demand that the
03:50universe take you right to it, right?
03:52This red hot minute in the same way that the farmer would not stomp on the ground and demand
03:56that the corn come up now and give him some years.
03:59There is an understanding of the process that is very helpful.
04:03Felt like for a while that.
04:05Especially listening to you that I just don't think about that very much at all.
04:13And I wonder if I don't think about it at all because it's a wall.
04:19Maybe walking disappointment or maybe if you don't think about it because it's unpleasant
04:23to think about it.
04:24And if your only choice is to feel unpleasant when you think about it or not think about
04:28it, we would say, don't think about it, right?
04:31But this leads us into a conversation that we really want to have with this room full
04:36of very powerful and deliberate creators, because you got to wonder.
04:40So we say you create your own reality and then we say, just chill and don't think about
04:44that much.
04:45Then we say, get into the receiving mode.
04:47And then we explain to you, you have already created it.
04:50You've already created it.
04:51And there was step one caused you to ask for it.
04:53And step two caused it to become a vibrational reality.
04:57So it is already done.
04:58And you just have to put the finishing touches on by becoming a vibrational match to it.
05:03But there's another piece of this that you've just introduced into the conversation.
05:07That is such an important conversation to have.
05:09And that is.
05:11So I am the creator of my own experience.
05:14And I do accept that this vibrational reality is real and that it exists.
05:19And isn't there some value in my now focusing what's in my vortex.
05:25And we say, if you can feel good while you anticipate the unfolding of what's in your
05:32vortex, then that is such a lovely way to live.
05:35Because when you start letting yourself think about this lovely relationship that is unfolding.
05:43A lot of that thinking, it moves from your wanting to think about it.
05:49Your willingness to think about it and you're receiving the thoughts.
05:54So visualizations begin happening.
05:56You begin having dreams even while you're sleeping.
05:59In other words, all kinds of manifestations, dreams are manifestations too.
06:03All kinds of things begin to occur to you.
06:06But it's such a lovely thing.
06:08Creation gets really, really fun when you know that you are the creator.
06:12When you know that stuff is already created, when you know that all you've got to do is
06:16cue yourself up and be in the vibrational vicinity of the creation.
06:20And then you are joyful in your hearing and adding to and hearing and adding to,
06:26do you know the best life, the very best life.
06:31I have to start in a new place.
06:33So when you're sifting through this contrast, as we've been demonstrating all week long,
06:39that's a strong asking, usually with some resistance involved.
06:44And then there's this vortex with all of these things that you want.
06:48But when you begin meditating, making lists of positive aspects and occasionally,
06:53often frequently getting on rampages of appreciation so that you're feeling good
06:59much of the time, then you can ask and receive, ask and receive, ask and receive,
07:04ask and receive.
07:05You can begin playing this game of wouldn't it be nice if, well, wouldn't it be nice if.
07:10And when the answer to the wouldn't be nice, if.
07:16Is good feeling, not bad.
07:18In other words, if you say, wouldn't it be nice if I had somebody to go to dinner with tonight?
07:25Not what we're talking about.
07:26It's the, wouldn't it be nice if.
07:31When I turned the corner, I have this.
07:34Interaction with something or someone.
07:36In other words, it's that anticipation.
07:39Wouldn't it be nice if, wouldn't it be nice if.
07:42That's just such a lovely vibration to be in.
07:45It's the satisfied with what he is and an eagerness for more.
07:49And that not only brings you what you want so that you are ready to be ready,
07:54to be ready, to be ready, to have this relationship that you're wanting, but.
07:59Every moment is filled with some aspect of that becoming, which can begin to feel so good.
08:07And can begin to.
08:10Satisfy so many intentions.
08:13That you might say.
08:15Hey, I'm happy to always be ready to be ready, to be ready, to be ready, to be ready.
08:21There needs to be no ending point to this.
08:24Ready to be ready, to be ready, to be ready, to be ready, to be ready.
08:29To be ready, to be ready, to be ready, to be ready.
08:33There doesn't ever need to be a, oh, it's now done.
08:36Because really it never is done.
08:38You're not ever going to get it done.
08:40And so what difference does it make?
08:43Whether you're ready to be ready here or whether you're ready to be ready over here.
08:46Readiness to be ready feels good.
08:48And now is fun.
08:49But when you say no, not fun till that happens, then that can happen.
08:53But fun, even though that hasn't happened.
08:56Still fun.
08:56Even though that hasn't happened.
08:57Still really fun.
08:58Even though that hasn't happened.
09:00Really, really fun.
09:01Even though that hasn't happened.
09:02So fun.
09:02That doesn't need to happen.
09:04Happens so fun.
09:08Feeling so good that I don't have any lackful attachment to this condition in order to feel
09:16Now you're living happily ever after.
09:30Um, so that hasn't felt good before.
09:35So I stopped thinking about it, but I don't have to worry about that anymore because I'm
09:39over here.
09:39That was before we had this conversation, right?
09:42That was then.
09:44And that's why we don't want you to go back.
09:46That's old stuff.
09:47Regurgitate explaining.
09:49Well, I feel now because it's like.
09:54Unnecessary and not all that helpful, but wouldn't it be nice if.
09:59That's a whole different vibrational stance, isn't it?
10:03There's a eager, optimistic looking, and there's an asking in that, isn't there?
10:09Wouldn't it be nice if.
10:12Wouldn't it be nice if Esther says, because for a long time, she didn't quite get this
10:18one piece because she believed that she understood that she is the creator of her own reality.
10:24We talked about that for enough years that she believed that she was getting that.
10:28And she began to understand rather clearly what being in the receptive mode is.
10:36But then she began wondering when she would hear us say, and the universe will surprise
10:41and delight you.
10:42And she would think, well, how can it surprise me when I put it all in there?
10:47I know everything I've asked for.
10:49So really how big can this surprise be?
10:53And we say, you have no idea the infinite resources and the infinite ability to tie
11:00these things together and deliver them to you in ways and timing that you least expect it.
11:06When you get into that vibrational place where you're not dictating every detail, but you're
11:12open to the infinite intelligence of this magnificent creating that we were all a part of.
11:18So when we say you create your own reality, hear this.
11:24You create your own reality, but who is the you that we are talking about?
11:29Well, it's the you who came forth into this personality and it's the you from which you
11:34have come.
11:35And it's a you standing here in this personality.
11:37And it's a you who is your inner being.
11:39And it's all of the use that the universe has brought the cooperative components to,
11:43in other words, you create your own reality.
11:46But you, you, you, you, you, you in your physical body can only focus upon what you're
11:54doing with your mental personality thoughts in any moment in time.
11:59And when you accept that you are all of this and that you're now in this moment, part in
12:06all of this is to.
12:09Radiate your joy as far as you can in any moment in time.
12:13And that's what your quest is.
12:14And that's what you become good at.
12:16Step one, you ask step two, source answer step three, you're in the receiving mode.
12:20Step four, you are the master of that.
12:22You're really, really, really, really good at that.
12:25And step five is you're so good at it that when you slip back into step one, you don't
12:29even care because you know that that's what the process is.
12:33Jerry wanted to put on the spine of all the books.
12:37Self-help from your total self, because he wanted you to get the sense that we are really
12:46all in this together.
12:48And so your inner being is playing your inner beings.
12:50Part source is playing the part of source.
12:53All the cooperative components are playing the part of all the cooperative components.
12:56And your part is just to chill as much as you can chill and positively anticipate as
13:01much as you can possibly anticipate and be awake.
13:04Get out of bed.
13:05Get out there where the world is.
13:07Be alive in the world.
13:09Be eager in the world.
13:10Be accessible to source energy, to put you in the right place at the right time with
13:16a never ending stream of inspiration and impulse.
13:22That's a good suggestion.
13:26And don't forget about the fairies of the universe.
13:30I love that part of the service.
13:31Oh, the fairies of the universe, the fairies of the universe.
13:35All of these cooperative components, all these balanced counterparts for every desire
13:39you have.
13:40There is an answer to it out there in the world, and they're already hooked up.
13:43All you got to do is hook up and all that your vortex is already hooked up will then
13:48stream into your experience.
13:51Thank you so much.
13:54Really good.
13:56Really, really good.
13:58Really good.
