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1. The Teachings of Abraham: The Master Course CD Program, 11-CD set
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2. The Law of Attraction: The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham
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3. Ask and It Is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires
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4. The Law of Attraction Cards
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5. The Astonishing Power of Emotions: Let Your Feelings Be Your Guide
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6. The Essential Law of Attraction Collection
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7. Getting Into The Vortex: Guided Meditations CD and User Guide
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8. Money, and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Wealth, Health, and Happiness
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9. The Vortex: Where the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships
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10. The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent: Living the Art of Allowing
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11. Manifest Your Desires: 365 Ways to Make Your Dreams a Reality
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12. Sara, Book 1: Sara Learns the Secret about the Law of Attraction
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13. Sara, Book 2: Solomon's Fine Featherless Friends
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14. Sara, Book 3: A Talking Owl Is Worth a Thousand Words!
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00:00I want to talk to you about things that appear to come out of the blue that are so unexpected.
00:15I should say I've been to your workshops twice before and each time it was manifesting money
00:22was the most important thing and I successfully raised my vibration that I was very comfortable,
00:30quite happy. What I'm asking for now is something that money can't buy because...
00:38We would like to take money completely out of the equation altogether because you have a
00:42vibrational credit limit or credit line that is never-ending. It's the vibration you want to spend
00:51not the money. I had a wonderful lifestyle. I was in a partnership with a man who was
00:5920 years older than me and we had both been widowed around the same time so we had supported
01:07each other very well. We were soul mates and we enjoyed travel and walking on the beaches and
01:14gathering, collecting artworks and food and wine. Beautiful lifestyle. I was very secure,
01:21very happy. It was very loving and just extraordinarily comfortable and easy
01:29and everybody envied it and I had no problems. Anybody feeling the big butt coming up?
01:34Yeah, it was a huge butt. Six months ago he announced one day, I mean we were
01:46walking along one day holding hands and he very loving, really, really loving and
01:53when the next day he informed me that he was leaving and he started packing up his stuff
02:03and left and I mean within a few weeks he was basically saying, oh I don't know what was going
02:09through my head, that kind of stuff, you know, but a lot of damage was done to me in that case.
02:19It's trust and I had no issue with trust before. I never talked about trust. It wasn't my conversation.
02:25It wasn't anything like that and in my vortex is the trusting version of me and I can't line up
02:32with it. People introduce me to, they all have friends that they want to introduce me to and
02:38my first thing is, oh god, I'm never going to trust again here and I'm finding that so difficult
02:46because it just came out of the blue. I have never had any problems with trust before in my life
02:54ever. I was a very trusting person. I never had anything done to me that created
03:00an idea in my head that I was lacking trust and I wasn't having a conversation about trust. I was
03:08well, we want to cut you off here a little bit because what you're basically saying to us and
03:13we certainly understand where you're coming from is so Abraham, you're talking about this law of
03:20attraction thing and something happened to me that I cannot find anything in my vibration that
03:27supports it. Why would something come to me that I had no awareness of? And we say, well, first,
03:37let's just be clear that it happens all the time that things happen that people don't have
03:44awareness of because they're not vibrationally aware of what they're doing in relationship with
03:51what's in their vortex. We said earlier that as you've been living life, you've been putting all
03:57kinds of things into that vortex and that the culmination of them equals something really
04:02extraordinary. And that when you come into vibrational alignment with it, that extraordinary
04:07experience is what you are living. So we want to start at a more general basis place because
04:15there's something that we have to establish first before any conversation that we're going to have
04:21with you is going to make any sense to you at all. And Esther's experienced some of this too,
04:26with Jerry's recent re-emergence into non-physical. She didn't realize, and you didn't realize either
04:34how much of her wellbeing was coming to her as a result of her observation of things that were good.
04:42Now that's not a bad thing. It's lovely to have a nice life that you're observing.
04:47That is the basis for the perpetuating of more of that, but the security that you are looking for,
04:55the freedom that you are looking for does not come from another person who is standing next to you
05:01or standing with you. It comes from one place in one place only. And that is from your conscious,
05:07not your unconscious, your conscious alignment with the source that is within you. And so it's
05:14a very common thing for teachers like you. It's very common thing for people to move around this
05:22planet. In fact, almost everybody is it's the thing that most relationships are built on.
05:28And it goes something like, I stand here in my singularity and I am less than I want to be.
05:34So I'd like to couple up with someone else in order to shore myself up. In fact, I'd like to
05:40partner up in some significant way. It's the reason that humans often gather together in groups. It's
05:46the reason that you believe that you need more numbers in order to battle against things that
05:50are unwanted, but it is a flawed premise of your life experience. And it is not where trust comes
05:56from. If trust is something that you feel that you are now looking for as a result of this,
06:01that you have lived, we want you to feel the awakening of that new desire within you.
06:07And we want you to understand that that trust, that alignment comes from one place in one place
06:12only. And that is alignment with that, which you are. So we know that there are details of your
06:20experience. We know that there are things about it that were wonderful. We know that there are
06:25things about it that can be more. That's always the case, but we also know about you and everyone
06:32else, by the way, that what you're really reaching for in the absolute freedom and trust and stability
06:39and security that what you're reaching for is that definable and accomplish a bowl.
06:47Alignment with the source within you, you see. So anytime you can look to anyone
06:53ever and say to them, because of what you have done, I have lost my sense of wellbeing.
07:00We have to say that there was something more that needed to be established.
07:06And we know people don't want to hear it. And we don't want to say it. In fact, we never do say it
07:11because you are not being assigned lessons because nothing could ever come to you. If there were not
07:16a vortex version of it, nothing could ever come to you. If you had not launched it. In other words,
07:23this is not something that has come to you because of something that you have done wrong.
07:28This is something that is happening with you happening to you as a result of the expansion
07:33that you are reaching for. When you reach for and find a sense of stability that is not based upon
07:44someone else standing next to you. Now you are ready to finally begin creating the life experience
07:51that you've come to live. Now we're not encouraging you to get rid of your partners. That's not what
07:57this conversation is about, but we are strongly encouraging you not to count on them for all of
08:04the things that you count on is part of the reason that relationships are so hard for so many of you.
08:09You say to them, because of this thing that you've done, I feel this way and you need to be
08:14different than you are so that I can feel better. And that is a bondage that you apply to yourself
08:19because not only is it not their responsibility, they cannot be the way you need them to be.
08:25And we know this feels like it's a really big and basic thing. In other words, I'm not asking
08:30for everything. I just asking for him to not to run off. That doesn't seem like so much. It seems
08:35sort of like the agreement that we have, but we want you to understand that in the disappearing,
08:42temporarily disappearing of the trust and the stability that you thought you were accomplishing
08:48by looking for it in another person, you now have the opportunity to look for it and find it where
08:54it really is. And once you do, and only when you do, will you be standing in the place that you've
09:02put into your vortex so many times. In other words, last time you got left in another way.
09:09You launched a powerful rocket to never find yourself standing in that place again. And so
09:16it is something that was active in your vibration. It isn't something that came out of the blue.
09:20It's a void that you were attempting to fill in an unfillable way. You see, and now you have this
09:27opportunity to fill that void with the only thing that will fill it with your true alignment, with
09:34your true connection with source, and then everything else will come back into alignment.
09:40It is our expectation that that relationship will renew itself, but there's something important that
09:46you want to do first. You say that makes sense. Yeah. Thank you. Yes, indeed.
