Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has resigned | Waseem Badami's Analysis

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#Bangladesh #SheikhHasinaWajid #11thhour #waseembadami

Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has resigned | Waseem Badami's Analysis
00:00Before talking about the situation in Pakistan, let's talk about the international scene, where today a very big news has been born and the news has been born in the neighborhood of Pakistan.
00:07It would not be wrong to say that the most powerful woman in the world's recent history, and without exaggeration, the woman who has been the Prime Minister for the longest time in the world in recent history, had to run away from her country today.
00:24The woman whose father was called the father of the nation, i.e. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman is called Baba-e-Qaum in Bangladesh, the daughter of Baba-e-Qaum did not find a safe place to live in her country today and she had to take refuge in another country, she had to run away at night.
00:44So what is this matter? The 75-year-old Sheikh Haseena Wajid, who has been the Prime Minister for the longest time in Bangladesh, has resigned from her office today and has run away.
00:55And what was the matter? For several weeks, there had been protests against the quota system for government employees in Bangladesh, and after this protest, she finally resigned under the pressure of the public and left for India in a government military helicopter.
01:11As I said, her father, the second Prime Minister of Bangladesh, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, is the same Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, who, of course, when Pakistan and Bangladesh were one, when the elections were held, Mr. Bhutto won there, he won there, there was a demand from him that the power should be given to him, after that Bangladesh was formed.
01:28This is a different thing, this is a different story, that in 71, all this happened, Bangladesh was formed, Mujibur Rahman was the hero there, Mujibur Rahman was called Baba-e-Qaum, and it did not take long that in 75, the matter of Mujibur Rahman and the army reached such an extent that Mujibur Rahman, his wife and children were killed by the army, the army people entered the house and killed Mujibur Rahman.
01:54At that time, Haseena Wajid was saved because she was not in Bangladesh at that time, but she was out of Bangladesh, so she was saved, and after that she came back and took over the power, so what happened, Sheikh Haseena Wajid, as a whole, not once, twice or three times, but five times, she was the Prime Minister of Bangladesh and three times she was the opposition leader of Bangladesh.
02:14That is, since Bangladesh has come into force, it is almost said that she has always been in some important position, she came to Bangladesh for 52 years, she had the power for 20 years, Sheikh Haseena Wajid is the woman who ruled the world for a long time, she was on the post of Prime Minister for a continuous 15 years and 212 days, that is, she was the Prime Minister once before, but for the past 15 years, Haseena Wajid was the Prime Minister of Bangladesh.
02:41Her political career had officially started at that time when her entire family was killed, she was saved, her sister was saved because she was in Germany at that time, then what happened was that Sheikh Haseena Wajid spent her life in Jalawatni because Mujib Sahib and Ali Khana were killed there and restrictions were imposed on Haseena Wajid's return home, then after that, on June 23, 1996, she became the Prime Minister of Bangladesh for the first time, on June 23, 1996, she became the Prime Minister of Bangladesh for the first time,
03:10after that, if we fast forward, then in the 2008 elections, her community, the public league, achieved a lot of success with this, she became the Prime Minister for the second time, after that, till date, the Prime Minister has been considered, after that, there was an election in 2014, there was an election in 2019, there was an election in 2024, she somehow somehow won all those elections and remained the Prime Minister.
03:34Now, what was all this recent matter, why was there a crisis in Bangladesh, what was the matter, the matter in Bangladesh is that the government jobs, the government jobs, 56% of it goes to the quota, that is, if there are 100 government jobs, then 56 goes to the quota anyway, and how does that 56 become, 30% of the government jobs in Bangladesh, that in the war of 1971, when the war between Pakistan and Bangladesh took place,
04:02the children of those who are fighting in the war of 1971, go to about 30% government jobs, then the remaining 10% of the jobs go to women, that is, 40%, then 10% of the jobs go to private housing, 50%, and then 6% go to private individuals, this is a total of 56%.
04:23Now, in Bangladesh, the quota system in government jobs, the students protested against it in 2018, and the protest continued for a long time, anyway, after that, the protest ended, then it happened that if we fast forward, then now in June 2024, Dhaka's High Court, the abrogation of this quota system, that is, before that, it happened that by abrogating it illegally, the children of those who fought in the war of 1971, 30% of the quota was abolished,
04:51that is, before that, the court abolished it and made it 5%, then it was made 30% again, so after that, the protests of the students began, and the demand to establish a system of giving government jobs on the basis of the end of the quota system and merit continued, then the Bangladesh Supreme Court, while making the decision of the High Court illegal, gave the order to make the quota 5% instead of 30% for the children of the soldiers fighting in the war of independence, that is, first the High Court said this, then the Supreme Court made it 5%,
05:21but the protest movement of the students turned into civil disobedience, when the protest of the students increased, then the steps of Haseena Wajid increased here, they put curfews all over the country, they said that those who protest are volunteers, what does volunteer mean, this volunteer is a term, which in the term of Bangladesh, the war that took place in 1971, they used it for the Pakistani army, that is, Haseena Wajid tried to declare them as agents or traitors of the Pakistani army,
05:49there was further protest on this point, the students became even more agitated, and then with the demand of Haseena Wajid's resignation, they announced to march towards Dhaka, the police used tear gas to dispel the demonstrators who demanded Haseena Wajid's resignation,
06:06about 300 people were killed, and during this time, what the government of Bangladesh has done is that all the social media platforms, Facebook, Messenger, WhatsApp, Instagram have been shut down, 4G mobile has been shut down, the internet has also been banned, 4G has been made 2G, and this whole thing happened, then a big series of arrests began, and during this week alone, 11,000 people have been arrested,
06:32what happened today, today, according to some sources, they were given the ultimatum to resign in 45 minutes, after that, through a military helicopter, they went to the neighboring country, India, and they wanted to record a speech before fleeing from Bangladesh, but they were not given a chance to record a speech, because the people present there say that the force for the security of their Prime Minister said that the situation is such that if you stay here for some more time,
07:01then it is not surprising that this crowd will come inside, and this will be a threat to life, that is why there is no opportunity to record a speech, and now they left from here, and when they left, after a while, people entered the government residence of Haseena Wajid, they broke it, they took her luggage, you see, after a while of Haseena Wajid's escape, what was the situation of the Prime Minister's house where Haseena Wajid lives,
07:31The Prime Minister of Bangladesh, Haseena Wajid, was arrested and taken to the police station, where she was arrested and taken to the police station, where she was arrested and taken to the police station, where she was arrested and taken to the police station, where she was arrested and taken to the police station, where she was arrested and taken to the police station, where she was arrested and taken to the police station, where she was arrested and taken to the police station, where she was arrested and taken to the police station, where she was arrested and taken to the police station, where she was arrested and taken to the police station, where she was arrested and taken to the police station, where she was arrested and taken to the police station, where she was arrested and taken to the police station, where she was arrested and taken to the police station, where she was arrested and taken to the police station, where she was arrested and taken to the police station, where she was arrested and taken to the police station, where she was arrested and taken to the police station, where
08:01she was arrested and taken to the police station, where she was arrested and taken to the police station,
08:08where she was arrested and taken to the police station, where she was arrested and taken to the police station,
08:15where she was arrested and taken to the police station, where she was arrested and taken to the police station,
08:20where she was arrested and taken to the police station,
08:24but then everyone saw that the army chief of Bangladesh, Waqar-Uz-Zama came,
08:29and he told the people that Haseena Wajid has left, and he said that the people stood with the army,
08:35and in the future too, the people will do the same.
08:38During the address on the state television, the army chief of Bangladesh said that we are making a transitional government,
08:43but it has not been told yet, who will be the head of the transitional government.
08:48See a glimpse of what the army chief said during his address.
09:19The situation is that after that, he met the president of Bangladesh,
09:23who is also handpicked by Haseena Wajid Sahiba,
09:27where the role of the president is also ceremonial,
09:29but a while ago, the opposition leader of the country, Khalda Zia, has given the order to release him.
09:36Since 2018, Khalda Zia has also been accused of corruption in jail.
09:40In many ways, you can see from Pakistan that there was also an election there,
09:45there were a lot of questions in that election,
09:47there was an election in January, there was an election in February,
09:49the opposition leader is in jail, but the president has just given the order to release the opposition leader.
09:55There was an election there in January,
09:57and it was not difficult to predict that Haseena Wajid will win even before the election,
10:03because the opposition party was completely crushed,
10:06and many independent candidates were also there,
10:09who were actually of their own party and were in support of them.
10:12So the journalists there also said that the election that took place in January
10:16was the Awami League versus the Awami League,
10:18because there were a lot of people from the Awami League,
10:20and a lot of independent people also won the vote of the Awami League,
10:22and then they formed a government.
10:24This is the situation of all of them.
10:26Even now, the principle of information there is very difficult through social media,
10:29even though the situation is getting better rapidly.
10:32And now the army has also announced that from tomorrow, life will be better,
10:37the curfew is over from tomorrow morning,
10:39schools will open, businesses will open,
10:41and business as usual, they say, will be done from tomorrow.
